IRC log for #brlcad on 20070706

03:20.36 poolio back.
05:15.29 poolio mornin ;)
05:18.12 brlcad howdy howdy
05:18.22 brlcad get that brain washed off and ready for some more bunishment?
05:21.28 poolio brlcad: yes. I saw Sicko and went out for crepes, was a good evening. And I've already started the brain squeez.e
05:21.46 brlcad mm crepes
05:22.36 poolio jah. was tasty.
05:22.46 poolio now I'm surfing ebay, looking to get a lenovo x40t or x60 or x61
05:24.27 poolio brlcad:
05:24.32 poolio looks too good to be true, must be :'(
05:26.13 brlcad there's still a day to go
05:26.39 poolio brlcad: yeah, but I think it's a fake auction. There's discrepancies between the title listing and the specs.
05:26.53 poolio But yeah, price will skyrocket in a couple hours
05:27.42 brlcad er, what discrepancies?
05:27.51 brlcad other than being lazy on a few fields
05:28.21 brlcad not likely to be fake from a seller with 500 positive sells
05:28.28 poolio 60G hd vs 40G actual
05:28.32 poolio Yeah true...
05:28.44 poolio Just seems too good to be true, but I guess that's due to the fact there's still a day left
05:28.48 poolio I might just have to bid on it
05:28.48 brlcad where do you see it say 40?
05:29.01 poolio In the specs description, the HTML formatted crap
05:29.45 poolio Ah I see, 40G internal + 20G, I guess you're right. I'm too skeptical about eBay in general, I've only ordered one thing off it ever. You ever use it?
05:30.13 brlcad i've used it quite a bit over the years
05:30.23 poolio cool cool.
05:30.26 brlcad good for buying random crap
05:30.47 brlcad (and I mean that in a good yard-sale kind of way)
05:31.16 brlcad it's probably only cheap because it's so far from the deadline
05:31.18 poolio yeah, I'm kind of weary to buy things as expensive as say, a laptop. I'm worried about being scammed and all
05:31.28 poolio brlcad: True true. I shall wait and see
05:31.39 brlcad If you want to win it, you probably wouldn't bid this early
05:31.48 brlcad i don't bid usually until the last 10 minutes
05:31.57 brlcad if not the last 2
05:32.06 poolio I'd imagine you get tens to hundreds of bids in the last minutes/seconds
05:32.41 brlcad depends on the product of course, how many people are watching
05:33.02 brlcad those that bid early usually tip their hand a bit and you have at least some idea of how many will be watching near the end
05:33.21 poolio i'm also curious about the automatic bidding system
05:33.29 poolio if you had two people set a pretty high max that was the same, who gets it?
05:33.35 brlcad some don't change at all in the last few minutes and you can get away with a steal
05:33.41 poolio
05:33.44 poolio watching that one :
05:33.49 brlcad others you'll be outbid by whomever simply wanted it most
05:33.58 poolio brlcad: yeah, assuming you meet the buyer's reserve right? is there a way to know if you have?
05:34.28 brlcad e.g. if it's something I *really* want, you're not likely going to outbid me even if you're watching the last few minutes as my upper limit will be more than it's worth
05:34.42 poolio hehe
05:34.44 brlcad it was say if the reserve is met
05:34.48 poolio you and your toys... :)
05:35.04 brlcad gotta have the toys
05:36.06 poolio it'd be fun if you could coordinate the whole ebay community ;)
05:36.52 brlcad there are "ebay apps" out there now that will show you what others are bidding on, folks looking at things similar to yours, etc
05:37.12 poolio geez. crazy business
05:37.31 poolio Oh man, this is like some twisted game. Buyer 14 just got topped by Buyer 15!! what's gonna happen?!!
05:37.44 poolio 50 seconds!
05:37.50 brlcad heh
05:37.52 poolio It'd suck if you were offline...
05:38.02 brlcad yup, i've lost a few that way
05:38.22 poolio Oh woah
05:38.25 brlcad forgot that I was watching a bid, the other guy gets a steal
05:38.39 poolio OH NO WAY
05:38.45 poolio Buyer 16 came out of nowhere
05:38.47 poolio are you kiddin gme
05:38.51 brlcad see? :)
05:38.55 poolio I refereshed at 5 seconds and WHAM
05:39.06 brlcad that's the way to play it if you really want it
05:39.18 poolio Wait til last second and up the current bid by enough to know you'll top them?
05:39.32 brlcad you put just one bid in that is at your max, most people just keep nudging it up
05:39.36 poolio If you submit at say, 1 second, will autobid still get you?
05:40.10 poolio So you submit as late as possible a fairly high bid? will it automatically try to ge tyou the lowest or is it whatever you bid you get it for?
05:40.22 brlcad autobid is just a way of saying that the next bid amount is just over whatever the next max was
05:41.15 poolio hmm, I don't quite understand. I thought it was like if someone bids higher than you while you're away, it will bid higher than that other person, but only up to a certain point that you set
05:41.31 brlcad so if A bids 100 with it at 50, they get it at 51 .. then B bids at 150, the'll get it via autobid at 101
05:42.13 brlcad if A rebids at 140, B still keeps it, but the amount is then 141
05:42.13 poolio wow. my brain must be fried, i still don't get it... :P
05:42.33 poolio oh I see
05:42.52 poolio So You bid a certain amount, and if your bid is over the previous bid (assuming you're using autobid) it will just add a dollar to the previous high?
05:42.54 brlcad it's only if/when A goes over 150 that they'd get it
05:43.22 poolio So is it automatically set to "autobid" ?
05:43.25 brlcad so 16 just had a bid amount that was higher than 15's max bid (which "usually" isn't hard for most bids)
05:43.57 brlcad because again, most people don't put their real "max", else they would be easily out-bid by someone else that simply wants it more
05:44.18 brlcad just a little more too, doesn't take much to think "hm, I'd pay a buck more than them"
05:44.33 poolio But is there a way to know if it was higher than 15's max bid? Could it just be that they submitted a bid and that was the high before the system got around to computing 15's autobid?
05:45.16 brlcad so you just wait until the last minute and put what you would really pay for it -- not want you want, you put your real max .. that way you either max out and get it, max out and someone else gets it, or get it for something far less (the usual, if your bid was reasonable)
05:46.00 poolio oh I see, sweet :)
05:46.05 brlcad well, if you're really quick on a fast connection, you can put in your bid and you'll know within 10 seconds if you're over or need to up your bid
05:46.23 brlcad but then you still risk loosing if you don't put your real max
05:46.29 poolio Yeah
05:46.43 poolio so a strategy might be bid at 15, watch and see if it jumps, than rebid
05:46.53 poolio (15 seconds)
05:47.34 brlcad i usually bid in the last two minutes just to see if someone else is "watching", since most will panic and rebid
05:47.41 poolio So if you bid at your max, and another guy has a max higher than yours, the price is automatically climbed to 1 dollar greater than your max?
05:47.41 brlcad then I put in my real max
05:47.48 brlcad right
05:48.12 brlcad and that's just the nature of the bid -- if they truely are willing to pay more than you, then you have to back off
05:48.14 poolio Heh cool, thanks for the ebay advice :)
05:48.16 brlcad at least you should
05:49.19 brlcad the items flow through ebay, even obscure stuff, so even if you lose the first three bids, you just keep at it with your max and so long as it's not a hail mary max, you'll eventually get it when the competition isn't so attentive
05:49.44 brlcad time of day matters too, bids that close at night-time US vs afternoon vs daytime, etc
05:50.06 poolio hmmm, cool
05:50.28 brlcad bids that close at night are generally *way* easier to win on, your only competition is folks like #16 that know the game and will bid what they're willing
05:51.19 poolio So the idea is never really to bid, see if someone outbids you, bid higher, etc... it's to bid your max and leave it at that? (well, in general)
05:51.38 brlcad right
05:52.13 brlcad otherwise, you're just pushing against other folks trying to find their limit, fighting everyone's urge to go "just a few more bucks"
05:52.40 brlcad it's much easier to just take human nature into account, most won't watch the absolute last minute
05:53.01 brlcad or even if they do, can't get a new bid in before it expires
05:53.41 poolio Lets say the bid is at 400, your max is at 500, with 5 seconds left someone bids 401. Will you get it? I mean will the system go through and get the highest bidder based on max bids or will it stop with the clock?
05:54.03 brlcad max bids
05:54.15 poolio good good
05:54.37 brlcad again the "autobid" is a bit misleading -- it's instant to whatever the next increment over the next max
05:55.06 poolio yeah. makes sense.
05:55.15 brlcad so with a bid of 401, that becomes the "next max" and the price goes to 402
05:55.25 poolio It's a bit deceptive but it prevents stuff like hundres of people overloading a bid at the last second
05:55.36 poolio And if people has tthe same bid? the people who bid first gets it?
05:55.38 brlcad they'll usually poke that max a few times if there's plenty of time left
05:56.29 brlcad yeah, because if A bids 100 and gets it at 80, then B bids 100 -- that will push the price up to 100, but A still keeps it
05:57.06 poolio hurray, i think that all penetrated my thick skull, thanks
05:57.28 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
05:57.32 brlcad which is another tip, don't bid whole dollar amounts, or even just a penny over -- tons of people try to pull a "price-is-right" one or two or three pennies over max bid
05:58.05 brlcad bid your actual and a few dimes and avoid the fuss, make them go to the next dollar
09:23.02 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
10:10.43 *** join/#brlcad cad71 (
11:27.46 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
11:37.52 Laniakea brlcad: do you have some mailing lists?
11:39.42 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
11:44.19 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
12:31.02 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:38.58 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:46.50 brlcad Laniakea: there are several
12:47.39 clock_ brlcad: could you please also host my Ronja mailing list?
13:01.15 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
13:05.48 poolio mornin brlcad
14:09.37 brlcad howdy
14:20.43 poolio I think I'm done all the paperwork, back to coding :)
17:29.35 poolio brlcad: hrmph. I just rewrote code that I already implemented and had saved in CVS. oops.
17:35.38 clock_ brlcad: can you host mailing lists from other projects?
18:56.43 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:59.06 IriX64 7.8.4cygwinbuild.png :)
19:00.12 IriX64 ogl though givesd me a bad FB_CK_MAG number :(
19:01.26 IriX64 when trying to attach to ogl i mean
19:01.53 IriX64 on the bright side nu works :)
19:04.36 IriX64 it calls out line 199 in if_ogl.c but that line just calls the check
19:05.17 brlcad clock_: hmm
19:05.52 brlcad clock_: i suppose that depends, though there are a few aspects outside my control (like the list prefix)
19:07.33 IriX64 <--- anybody have any ideas
19:08.15 brlcad IriX64: looks like opengl was only half-enabled
19:08.22 brlcad so it crashes
19:08.35 IriX64 you mean at configure time?
19:08.40 brlcad that's really hard to do anything about without stepping through the initialization in a debugger
19:08.59 IriX64 mmm i have no debugger :)
19:09.24 brlcad configure/compilation time .. it could be a preprocessor symbol not being set right because of configure checks or an outright opengl bug (though really doubtful)
19:09.24 IriX64 i'll play with X then :)
19:09.36 brlcad you have a debugger, or can easily get one.. gdb :)
19:09.44 IriX64 thanks
19:10.07 IriX64 i doubt its ogl
19:12.24 brlcad you doubt what is opengl?
19:13.21 IriX64 the problem
19:13.35 brlcad speculating on the problem isn't likely going to get you anywhere, it could really be at least a *hundred* different things
19:14.27 brlcad if you don't have a debugger and the ability to step through the code line by line, it's pretty much a dead end without wasted effort
19:16.21 IriX64 agreed, think i'll stick to X for now
19:17.21 *** join/#brlcad topografos (
19:23.00 IriX64 now what havie built and what can it do :)
23:04.17 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (

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