IRC log for #brlcad on 20070719

00:24.50 brlcad yeah, need to specify the -w WIDTH -n HEIGTH of the input, and use redirectors < > for input/output
02:36.48 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
02:54.42 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:56.11 IriX64 poolio: archer.png (proving once and for all windows is fun:))
03:20.11 *** part/#brlcad thing0 (
03:21.18 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
03:51.20 poolio brlcad: a bit late, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions on the series of ae's to take the raytraces at?
04:09.30 brlcad poolio, sure .. front, left, top and 3525
04:09.44 poolio k, thanks
04:10.00 brlcad i.e. 0 0 90 0 270 90 and 35 25
04:10.38 poolio Yeah I got that, just fixing up the perl script :)
04:35.38 *** join/#brlcad thing1 (
04:54.55 poolio brlcad: if you have a minute and some bandwidth here's a 1.2M image, showing the most fit individual from each generation
04:55.05 poolio
04:56.27 poolio Just uses crossover and reproduction, 50% chance of either, crossover is done by selecting a random node on each of the two parent trees and swapping the sub trees at those nodes.
04:56.38 poolio reproduction is just duplicating the individual into the newer populaiton
04:57.54 poolio Testing whether the GA is working is becoming painfully slow :\
05:06.17 brlcad MinuteElectron: very curious.. is that svn cron task a safe thing to do? chances that the svn sources will update to something unstable or is that a stable branch the sources come from?
05:08.43 brlcad poolio: interesting, and progress :)
05:08.57 brlcad and a pretty reasonable test case
05:09.00 poolio well, not necessarily progress :\
05:09.10 brlcad well it's actually iterating and doing something
05:09.10 poolio Let me try again with the two spheres
05:09.27 poolio Well it has been at that stage for teh entire day, I was hoping to have some sort of visible convergence
05:09.46 brlcad note that with the evolutionary criteria you selected.. i really wouldn't expect it to converge for several hundred iterations at least
05:10.45 brlcad is the fitness value that your fitness function computes normalized?
05:10.48 poolio alright, maybe I'm being too impatient. But the fact that it's jumping around so much for so long...I thought I would be able to see noticeable improvement after a not so significant amount of generations
05:11.23 brlcad after 100 iterations, you should see some difference, but it won't necessarily be visible
05:11.26 poolio brlcad: Normalized from 0 to 1, represents the %different from the source
05:11.26 brlcad you need the value
05:11.36 poolio well the value tends to go down
05:11.41 poolio it seems the first generation has the highest fitness
05:11.43 brlcad yeah, what's the graph of that mean fitness look like?
05:11.58 poolio that's next on the list :)
05:12.17 brlcad i'd also suggest starting with an even simpler test case
05:12.27 poolio I did, I just tried out something more advanced
05:12.44 poolio I'll go back and test a simpler one now
05:12.45 brlcad I presume from what you said earlier that one sphere is pretty much going to match just from how sample candidates are tested
05:12.56 brlcad with thier boxes set to "match"
05:12.59 poolio Yes, one sphere is trivial in the sense every single individual will be the same
05:13.15 brlcad okay, so then next step is two spheres, not overlapping
05:13.33 brlcad then two spheres overlapping
05:13.53 brlcad but only after you find a convergence on the first
05:13.59 poolio yeah, I tried two spheres not overlapping, no good results, I'm going to try to run it longer though
05:14.05 brlcad you should definitely be able to get a semi-quick convergence on the first
05:15.07 brlcad i mean, that's only a four-value function if you think of one of the spheres as fixed, and still only 8 valued if you don't
05:15.46 brlcad it's only when it gets into the hundreds that I'd question it's ability to ever converge
05:16.34 brlcad can you make more than a sphere or is that the only primitive supported?
05:17.01 brlcad that's another hard problem -- with even just one primitive, but N possible creation primitives
05:18.54 poolio so far i'm keeping it just a sphere
05:19.02 brlcad another thing I think might actually be messing you up is matching the bounding grid to make it scaling independent -- it takes care of scaling (which is just one parameter of course), but screws with translations and position values (6 parameters) .. such that crossover is effectively randomized between different scalings
05:19.05 poolio I can spawn a population with anything
05:19.14 brlcad okay, just wondering - that's good
05:19.29 poolio It'd take a few minutes to spawn other things, but the crossover and reproduction are independent of the shape and it's specific properites
05:19.51 brlcad nah, don't worry about other shapes, spheres are good
05:20.05 poolio yeah crap, translations and positions would throw it all off
05:20.27 poolio well, translations and positions would be covered by orientation
05:20.33 poolio which is inherently part of the primitive shapes
05:21.24 brlcad the magnitude of their values doesn't mean the same thing after a crossover any more though
05:22.23 poolio true
05:22.47 brlcad which just makes it that much harder for the GA (and really hurts crossover)
05:23.37 poolio hmm
05:23.42 poolio but I don't think there's really anything I can do about that
05:23.44 brlcad one of the crossover criteria is supposed to be taking your top n% of the population only, for example, like only your best 50% with a given fitness get to cross ..
05:23.52 poolio well
05:23.57 poolio I have a weighted random selection
05:24.07 poolio so the most fit are more likely to be selected, but not guaranteed
05:24.11 brlcad but with normalized scaling, that means the fitness is scale dependent which crossover knows nothing about
05:24.16 poolio tournament selection might be what it's called
05:25.29 poolio I don't see any way around the crossover issue though, unless you wanted crossover to modify the shapes themselves to normalize them to the current shapes in the other tree, but I don't think that makes much sense
05:25.29 brlcad with usual fitness values, crossover tends to work well because crossing something with fitness .7 and .8 tend to give something that is .7 or better on average
05:25.42 brlcad with the scaled values, though, you could pretty much get anything though
05:26.50 poolio ah crap
05:26.56 poolio I never thought of that...
05:27.04 brlcad what you can do is take the bounding box of your input geometry, make that your grid -- and only create geometry within those bounds
05:27.29 brlcad so position becomes a parameter, but it makes the fitness work
05:27.29 poolio
05:27.55 poolio wait
05:28.12 poolio so setting up the raytracing of the indviduals would use the a fixed frustrum?
05:28.16 poolio for every individual
05:28.51 brlcad yeah, those results seem fairly random.. cept for the times it gets stuck on a mildly bad answer
05:29.09 brlcad yeah, fixed bounds
05:29.13 brlcad based on your input
05:29.23 brlcad absolute world coordinate space
05:29.56 brlcad if input model is 100,100:-100,-100 then that is what you shoot in and create sample geometry in
05:30.26 brlcad you'll have to rework a few pieces of your code undoubtedly
05:30.30 brlcad but I think you really will have to
05:30.45 brlcad and sorry, I should have thought about that scaling issue earlier better myself :/
05:31.38 poolio no man, it's my project and my failure to think of this sooner
05:33.10 brlcad you have a mentor for a reason :)
05:33.23 poolio I think having crossover meaningful and working is a lot more important than the scale and global position invariance
05:33.30 brlcad either way, it's still looking good, just the fact that you have crossover working on trees!
05:34.15 poolio it was so easy to code, it was such a trivial thing that took so long
05:34.18 brlcad and all being done through the librt geometry api, native hooks, calling into the ray tracer, awesomeness
05:34.22 poolio crossover on trees is as easy as swapping pointers
05:34.36 poolio well I'm happy if you're happy :)
05:37.10 brlcad i'll of course be happier as it gets better too ;)
05:37.52 poolio yeah yeah. next couple of days should be good. now that I can see some progress I'll probably make more
06:11.42 MinuteElectron brlcad: I will adjust the cron thing.
06:12.02 brlcad MinuteElectron: it's not a problem per se, just wondering
06:12.46 brlcad kinda cool that it'd stay up to date, but if they're like most web apps, they'll eventually break compatibility and require upgrade scripts to run on the db, or other actions to be taken, etc
06:13.17 MinuteElectron brlcad: An upgrade script was already running.
06:14.27 MinuteElectron I will remove the cron thing an from time to time update it to the revision currently running on Wikipedia. All of the commits havbe been reviewed by the CTO of Wikimedia\Head developer of MediaWiki before they go onto Wikipedia.,
06:15.36 brlcad sure, review is great .. but eventually compatibility is (intentionally) broken so code can advance -- is this a stable branch or head?
06:16.06 MinuteElectron head, what do you mean by compatability?
06:16.49 brlcad i mean they add some great new feature X or change how feature Y works, and that might, for example, require a new field be added to the database
06:17.22 brlcad maybe requires whole new tables, or even simply reworks how they behave in a manner that's not the same as it was
06:17.35 brlcad that happens to all code eventually
06:17.35 MinuteElectron Ok, I will switch to a stable branch, although I have had much experience with MediaWiki - and the upgrade script automatically does all of the SQL updates.
06:18.05 brlcad ah, so that's what you meant by an upgrade script was already running
06:18.11 MinuteElectron yeah
06:18.11 brlcad I just noticed the svn update
06:18.29 MinuteElectron That is how they do it on Wikipedia - if they broke things then the entire of Wikipedia would break.
06:18.37 MinuteElectron So svn up, php update.php
06:19.21 brlcad which might imply that they are either working on a deployment branch, or they treat head like a stable branch
06:19.29 brlcad and perform active work on a branch then
06:20.03 brlcad if it'll work that's fine, just good to understand what is what :)
06:20.41 MinuteElectron Ahh, okay. I will update it peridoically to the latest revision live on Wikipedia.
06:23.05 MinuteElectron brlcad: How is LDAP setup going?
06:26.42 brlcad it's installed and running, but no config exists for it yet
06:27.10 MinuteElectron ok, I will have to read up on that this afternoon.
06:27.18 MinuteElectron if I am getting the right end of the stick
06:27.29 brlcad yeah, i'm trailblazing new territory myself as I've mostly dealt with existing configs
06:28.15 brlcad I'll work on it some more tomorrow and see what I can get going
06:28.33 brlcad was there anything you needed for the rewrites or you have that all under control now? :)
06:28.42 MinuteElectron It is still broekn.
06:28.59 MinuteElectron I added the aliases to httpd.conf and reset apache.
06:29.04 MinuteElectron But it still doesn't work.
06:30.23 MinuteElectron I am very confused.
06:34.48 brlcad I can play with it, I remember the internal redirect rules in media causing all sorts of issues
06:35.16 MinuteElectron they are?
06:35.19 brlcad took a while to get it to work with their latest (set up last winter)
06:36.00 MinuteElectron I removed the settings from MediaWiki so if the aliases work it MediaWiki will just redirect to /w/index.php/page
06:37.05 MinuteElectron Hmm, I will work on all this later. School for me now.
06:38.27 brlcad you know, something like the drupal header, but inverted (both vertically and color) would work pretty well for the footer
06:38.41 brlcad er, I mean the default theme
07:15.58 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
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10:56.07 poolio mornin'
11:10.55 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
12:21.51 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:18.56 ``Erik *stretch* *yawn*
13:22.39 Laniakea Can someone help me with the mged that has the itcl problem?
13:32.37 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
13:33.24 ``Erik the . issue from yesterday?
13:36.23 ``Erik I assume you're using 4.1?
13:37.33 Laniakea 4.09
13:37.34 Laniakea 4.0
13:37.37 Laniakea not 4.09
13:40.15 ``Erik hum, tell ya what, once I get this thing slapped together, I'll see if I can reproduce it on 4.1. If I cannot, I'll make a 4.0 image :)
13:40.31 ``Erik will take a while, though, building the emulator, then installing into an emulator...
14:25.17 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
14:33.23 ``Erik neat, bus error on install
14:34.54 dtidrow binary install?
14:36.42 Laniakea ``Erik: you need to fix your bus
14:36.48 ``Erik install of obsd41 in qemu, to track a bug Laniakea is seeing
14:36.52 Laniakea pull out an oscilloscope and measure the eye patterns!
14:37.36 poolio brlcad: should I normalize the shot rays [0,1] now or just leave the depth of the ray as is? I don't have to normalize because they're all going to have the same depth (z of the bounding box is the same for all individuals)
14:38.15 Laniakea brlcad: I am thinking (not very seriously) about making an opening logo animation for Twibright Labs movies
14:38.36 Laniakea taking a wave equation solver, put Twibright Labs logo into the wave, run the simulation and then record it backwards.
14:39.01 Laniakea Is it a good idea to use the resulting height map and feed it into brl-cad with some water parameters and sun at the horizon to get a realistic looking raytraced scene?
14:39.11 Laniakea Can you have a real height field in brl-cad?
14:43.03 *** join/#brlcad iday (
14:44.24 ``Erik um, the 'dsp' primitive might be what you're looking for
14:44.30 ``Erik (yes, the name is stupid.)
14:48.38 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:49.13 poolio brlcad: -- with fixed bounding box
15:17.09 *** join/#brlcad poolio_ (
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15:23.27 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || || 7.10 is now released! .. e-mail announcements will follow posting of binary distributions
15:26.08 brlcad poolio: you can either normalize the rays or not, shouldn't really matter except that your fitness function will probably want to normalize at least from the perspective of getting the ratio of right/wrong so it can determine the overall fitness value
15:27.36 brlcad I actually think that looks a little better, but it either converged on a local minima or there's some other bug at play
15:32.36 MinuteElectron brlcad: Is the LDAP ready for configuration?
15:34.32 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
15:36.58 brlcad MinuteElectron: in what sense? :)
15:37.09 MinuteElectron brlcad: Making it work.
15:37.15 brlcad it's installed and ready like I said yesterday .. but has no configuration file :)
15:37.23 MinuteElectron brlcad: Am I able to make one?
15:37.30 MinuteElectron Or do you need to?
15:37.30 brlcad you should be able to, yeah
15:37.37 MinuteElectron cool
15:42.33 brlcad there's an ldap user just like the www user that you should be able to sudo as
15:43.09 MinuteElectron ok
15:43.12 brlcad config would go in /var/db/openldap-data
15:43.13 brlcad iirc
15:43.29 MinuteElectron ok
15:43.57 brlcad the restart script is in /usr/local/etc/rc.d for slapd (which you can run as just sudo without -u ldap)
15:46.28 MinuteElectron brlcad: Would the LDAP server be located at localhost?
15:46.37 brlcad yes
15:46.56 brlcad and should only be accessible locally, no remote access
15:47.00 MinuteElectron brlcad: Which port?
15:47.30 brlcad should be on the default, 389
15:47.39 MinuteElectron ok
15:47.48 brlcad yep, it is
15:51.12 brlcad it really does need a configuration file, though .. default is going to be wrong
15:52.21 poolio brlcad: there's something f-ed with my debian install, I put it under heavy load trying to test out more generations/larger populations and I hard lock :\
15:53.39 ``Erik nifty
15:59.14 brlcad hehe
16:00.58 ``Erik sure it's not a hw issue?
16:05.00 poolio not entirely sure
16:05.05 poolio but if it is I'm going to be very angry
16:08.35 poolio alright
16:08.37 poolio lets try this again
16:09.33 poolio Hmm, my lap is burning.
16:10.02 MinuteElectron brlcad: sudo: /usr/local/etc/rc.d: command not found
16:11.06 poolio brlcad: oh d'oh, that's the issue
16:11.13 poolio I only have 512 mb of swap and 1gb of ram, and it's all full
16:11.23 poolio I'm guessing I should fix my memory leaks
16:11.54 ``Erik um, shouldn't be a hard lock, linux should start throwing OOM messages and killing processes left and right
16:12.34 ``Erik (now, it may LOOK like a hard lock as it tries to clean up swap space tables in kernel... but evnetually it should come back)
16:12.37 poolio well, it's not actually a hard lock, it's a: it's so slow I can't move the mouse or type or do anything
16:12.55 poolio and I give up trying to attempt to kill it and just power down
16:13.06 ``Erik heh
16:13.15 ``Erik X can be a memory pig :)
16:13.33 poolio Well, not really, X isn't the issue
16:14.04 ``Erik your leaks are, but with your app and X fighting over memory and beating up swap, it bet it got ugly... console would've probably been a lot more responsive :)
16:14.24 poolio Well, my X and everything else running is minimal
16:14.35 poolio Idling right now I"m using a total of 84M
16:14.55 ``Erik X tends to be aggressive about image caching
16:15.47 ``Erik freshly started, it's tiny, but it grows, and gets thrashy if you get towards oom and it tries to clear out some cache
16:16.03 poolio hmm, valgrind is being of no help
16:16.06 poolio I might have to use my brain
16:16.28 ``Erik <-- likes to sit at an X server and do dev work and big runs on other machines
16:16.48 ``Erik um, boehm?
16:17.20 poolio what's boehm?
16:17.23 ``Erik boehm-gc
16:17.47 ``Erik hans boehm wrote a GC that works with c/c++ programs, it can be used to find dangling allocs and stuff
16:18.15 ``Erik I d'no if valgrind can do the same thing as well
16:18.46 ``Erik if neither show it, that means the chain is still live
16:23.55 poolio ``Erik: It looks like it's a library, not a program
16:24.16 ``Erik it is
16:24.39 ``Erik ./myprog
16:24.44 ``Erik or link against it
16:24.49 poolio oh alright
16:24.51 ``Erik it over-rides the alloc family
16:25.33 ``Erik I think you have to do something funky to get it to report collects and stuff
16:25.37 ``Erik been a while
16:25.40 ``Erik and a long time, too
16:33.29 poolio yeah I don't get any output
16:35.03 ``Erik is the app growing at the same rate?
16:37.20 poolio haven't tested yet, I've been doing some other tweaking
16:38.54 poolio alright
16:38.59 poolio lets see if it works better :)
16:39.40 poolio ``Erik: Yeah, just as bad
16:39.53 poolio After ~30 seconds I'm up to 80%
16:40.12 poolio and we are full :\
16:44.21 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
16:44.32 poolio ``Erik: :\
16:46.31 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
16:46.49 poolio well, it looks like it wasn't going good anyway
16:48.45 poolio brlcad: same issue: -- converges on a sphere
16:51.18 MinuteElectron brlcad: I am not going to be able to get LDAP set up by tonight.
16:51.25 MinuteElectron brlcad: There is not enough time.
17:02.46 MinuteElectron brlcad: I have to go, I will be back on Saturday next week. And will finish work on the site over that week (I think). If you want you may edit the wiki and Drupal, since they both function you could put something in the topic saying they are open to editing maybe. If you make an account on either I will check back in ~2 hours and make you an admin on both.
17:05.25 brlcad ~MinuteElectron++
17:38.28 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
17:39.23 poolio brlcad: is there some sort of safe atoi() anywhere in brlcad? reading an unsigned int passed as an argument
17:45.36 ``Erik atoi() isn't safe?
17:46.08 ``Erik src/librt and src/rt make heavy use of regular old atoi()
17:49.07 poolio oh alright :)
17:49.12 poolio well I just have to error check it
18:05.01 IriX64 there's a young atoi()? o of course ateentoi() ;)
18:05.21 poolio yuck yuck
18:05.31 IriX64 snarkle :)
18:08.11 IriX64 somebody wanted to know what i was the other day, I responded "cute and adorable" what are you? (snort)
18:11.05 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
18:20.35 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/beset.c: cosmetics, comments, and working options
18:20.53 poolio and the memory leak isn't there
19:12.24 *** join/#brlcad thing1 (
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19:48.37 poolio where's the fookin leak. :\
19:53.13 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
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21:49.18 brlcad poolio: did you run valgrind?
21:57.26 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
21:57.34 poolio errr
21:57.36 poolio brlcad: big problem
21:59.18 poolio brlcad: My mom tripped over my AC adapter and kicked the brick into the wall, and now the charging brick isn't working. I didn't notice at the time and so I drained my battery to nothing, and then it died. It's an Asus so it's not carried in stores but I'm trying to get one ASAP
22:01.07 brlcad poolio: ah, that sucks
22:01.13 brlcad thanks mom :)
22:01.42 poolio ....tell me about t
22:01.44 poolio *it
22:02.08 brlcad radio shack has the components to make a custom fitted adapter, I've used them for a few laptops
22:02.19 brlcad just in case you're looking
22:07.08 poolio "custom fitted" ? a in hacked together? :P
22:07.26 brlcad no, they have sort of a universal power adapter kit
22:07.38 brlcad you identify the tip, and the power requirements
22:07.47 poolio Oh, like the Targus universal adapter thing?
22:07.48 brlcad they have a standard brick for various amperages
22:08.04 brlcad kinda, except that they have bigger/smaller bricks
22:08.16 brlcad and you usually just buy the tip you need
22:08.17 poolio alright, and they have all the tips?
22:08.27 poolio the main issue is it's an Asus and it's not really carried ... anywhere
22:08.31 brlcad only way to know is to take in your adapter to see
22:08.39 brlcad usually about 20-40 if they have the tip
22:08.46 brlcad or maybe remembering low
22:08.52 brlcad maybe 40-80
22:08.58 poolio yeah, I live really near one, Ill try to run up and get one tonight, if not I talked with the reseller I bought the laptop from and they can ship it tomorrow and get it to me Monday
22:09.27 brlcad what's your brick say for power?
22:09.43 poolio output is 19v
22:09.50 brlcad ah yeah, they should have that
22:10.19 brlcad might not even need the universal for that if you get lucky
22:10.29 brlcad as they have various sizes prefit
22:10.34 poolio well what i'm concerned about is the tip
22:10.48 poolio the radio shacks here are really small, you sure they carry this stuff?
22:10.49 brlcad yeah, just take in the laptop and adapter, test it
22:11.16 brlcad i've yet to see one that didn't, but dunno for your area ;)
22:11.47 brlcad it's usually in the back with the eletronic components .. where you *used* to be able to find cool stuff like resistors and capacitors :)
22:11.56 poolio hehe
22:12.04 poolio alright I'm going to head up there now, wish me luck :)
22:12.09 brlcad good luck :)
22:13.12 poolio it's covered under warranty but by the time it ships to taiwan and I get it back it'll be way too late
22:13.19 poolio alright, off I go
22:14.27 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
22:14.51 IriX64 <---- remeber fbserv, this one is bwish.
22:15.38 IriX64 something weird, stuff is in there 3 times for the link
22:16.08 brlcad there's nothing wrong with listing link items multiple times
22:16.16 IriX64 ok
22:16.57 brlcad the problem is still the same, there is some X library missing from the link line
22:17.07 IriX64 this off cvs as of yesterday btw
22:17.12 brlcad you have -lX11 -lX11 -lXext -lXi
22:17.18 brlcad there is another Xsomething missing
22:17.32 IriX64 well you fixed fbserv please fix this one :)
22:17.48 brlcad it's not something to "fix", it's based on configure options
22:17.52 brlcad and configure tests
22:18.05 IriX64 where should i look
22:18.42 brlcad it's using a standard set of X11 library tests, we didn't even write them, so probably something is wrong in those tests for cygwin
22:18.49 brlcad and the library has to be manually tested
22:19.08 IriX64 do you know which lib?
22:19.26 brlcad search the web, sett which library has XParseColor, XVisualIDFromVisual, XClipBox, etc .. all those undefined reference symbols are in some library -- need to find out which one
22:19.46 IriX64 thanks, ill search
22:19.47 brlcad s/sett/search for/
22:20.59 IriX64 i'll use ignore for now, don't reallly need bwish to play around
22:21.59 brlcad it would help if you searched/found the issue, otherwise you're just going to bring it up again in a couple days and it will still be unresolved :P
22:22.23 IriX64 lets hope there are none past that point ;)
22:25.52 IriX64 why am i building this for an opteron, I had hopes of sharing it :)
22:33.44 IriX64 <--- hate to keep bothering you but this one's mged, and i *need mged, guess i really better start searching.
22:37.15 IriX64 i'll keep it churning but if it's specific to my system, there really no point bothering you with it

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