IRC log for #brlcad on 20070720

00:04.26 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
00:34.50 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
00:35.13 poolio brlcad: UGHHHHHH
01:32.00 louipc poolio: cmon I don't think he's that bad looking
01:33.27 poolio louipc: Oh, I was actually referencing the pic brlcad sent me of you ;)
01:35.31 louipc ouch
02:16.37 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:33.04 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
02:48.37 *** join/#brlcad poolio_ (
02:59.26 brlcad heh
02:59.33 brlcad poolio: no luck?
03:01.23 poolio brlcad: yes luck, went to 4 stores, dealing with people that were no help and were in fact hurtful
03:01.30 poolio at compusa the guy tried to convince me _not_ to buy it
03:01.41 poolio but I bought it and it worked, I plugged it in at the store just to makre sure
03:01.52 poolio Cost an arm and a leg though, $110 :\
03:02.08 poolio Need my laptop to work though, didn't really have a choice
03:04.50 *** join/#brlcad jaymz (n=jaymz@unaffiliated/jaymz)
03:04.54 *** part/#brlcad jaymz (n=jaymz@unaffiliated/jaymz)
03:05.03 brlcad the shack didn't have the plug?
03:05.13 brlcad or didn't have their usual kit at all?
03:05.52 poolio brlcad: they did, it was more expesnive
03:05.58 poolio $80 for initial + tip
03:06.02 poolio and they wouldnt let me open the tips
03:06.08 poolio so I would have had to buy each tip and check them
03:06.20 poolio actually no, for the 90W it was $95 for initial
03:06.33 poolio it was more exepsnive than the targus
03:06.40 poolio and the shack had the tip thing, but no tips even close to the right size
03:06.43 brlcad ahhh
03:06.49 poolio and the iGo things they had only outputted max like 6 something volts
03:06.58 brlcad shame, it was only 60-something iirc when I last got one a couple years ago
03:07.18 poolio My plan is to buy it online for the price of $50, and return this one
03:07.24 poolio (buy an actual replacement part)
03:07.31 brlcad sounds like a good plan
03:07.32 poolio I'm also seeing if I can RMA it but I think I'm out of my warranty
05:18.23 poolio sleeeep
06:12.43 *** join/#brlcad CIA-29 (n=CIA@
06:17.05 *** join/#brlcad CIA-29 (n=CIA@
06:18.17 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
06:27.51 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
06:40.09 *** join/#brlcad CIA-29 (n=CIA@
06:53.15 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
07:00.31 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
08:35.15 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
12:04.38 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
12:05.31 IriX64 <---- is this normal behaviour for mged?
12:25.15 IriX64 hmmm classic mode exhibits the same behaviour
12:53.12 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
12:57.20 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
13:43.13 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
14:39.06 *** join/#brlcad cad06 (
14:40.09 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
14:45.54 IriX64 <---- poolio
14:48.10 poolio ah oops
14:48.14 poolio forgot to cvs up another part
14:48.16 poolio one sec
14:48.38 IriX64 sure
14:48.58 IriX64 was just wondering how to fix it :)
14:49.03 poolio k, give it a minute and then re-cvs
14:49.08 IriX64 sure
14:49.21 Laniakea no erik today?
14:49.38 IriX64 who do you ask
14:49.54 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c fitness.c population.c beset.h): more cosmetics and options updates
14:50.02 IriX64 :)
14:51.14 poolio IriX64: should be good now. thanks for testing :)
14:51.17 Laniakea fitness.c more cosmetics? Sounds like brl-cad for women
14:51.27 IriX64 welcome, will let you know
14:51.51 poolio I spiced up fitness.c
14:52.15 poolio Laniakea: He might be taking today off, I'd guess he is as it's already 11 and he's not here
14:52.55 Laniakea +/- a lot
14:53.13 IriX64 i'm gmt-5
14:53.25 Laniakea Who's doing gym in the spare time?
14:53.41 IriX64 :)
14:53.50 Laniakea you, IriX64 ?
14:54.00 IriX64 smiled at the thought
14:54.12 Laniakea someone did indeed - brlcad?
14:56.35 IriX64 poolio, good good
14:56.41 poolio IriX64: cheers.
14:56.51 IriX64 wine please :)
14:57.31 Laniakea wine, women, songs!
14:57.51 IriX64 minstrel gypsies :)
14:58.37 Laniakea I made a machine for hackers where they can improve their fitness while sitting at a computer without spending a single additional second of time
14:58.42 Laniakea
15:11.45 IriX64 grouses too
15:17.45 IriX64 wanna hear something hilarious, windows ntvdm prompt is doing a make distclean
15:20.30 IriX64 soons its done, i'll pastebin the final output
15:23.40 IriX64 <--- i'll play with that some more later right now i've got an install to do
15:36.11 IriX64 heh to configure brlcad = bash ./configure :)
15:38.02 IriX64 rotflmao
15:38.38 IriX64 prompt line was the problem before
15:44.40 IriX64 <--- not a bad exercise, but you still need all the support files in the path so why bother, why not just run it in the cygwin environment, or is there a use for gcc that'll run on windows?
16:10.28 poolio brlcad: Is there any way to find out which data structure is taking up the memory?
16:20.47 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
16:22.53 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
16:24.05 IriX64_ << this things hilarious
16:24.53 ``Erik um, ok...and?
16:25.10 IriX64_ im gonna try to build it
16:27.47 IriX64_ maybe it'll run better on windows if it's built under windows :)
16:34.30 poolio I lied, ``Erik is here apparently :P
16:34.44 ``Erik no I'm not
16:35.24 IriX64 heh sometimes i'm knot sometimes I yam :)
16:37.52 IriX64 sigh.... thereis something to be said for pointless fun :)
16:40.49 IriX64 btw this gcc doesn't require the shell, just a sprinkling of cygwin dll's
16:41.23 poolio brlcad: I've isolated the memory leak. If all I have is rtip = rt_new_rti(db); rt_clean(rtip); the memory shoots up...
16:42.23 poolio brlcad: oh, it looks like I need to close and reopen the database after calling rt_new_rti?
16:44.47 IriX64 <--- ill stop pasting these now, (but it's so much fun)
16:47.20 IriX64 *poof* WininX is born :)
16:48.47 poolio Hoorah! Fixed due to my stupidity. I copied incorrect code from g_qa and ... needs to be rt_clean_rti() not rt_clean()
16:57.25 IriX64 make is happy as long as it finds the shell hehehe
17:02.03 IriX64
17:03.37 poolio Woah! It runs so much faster without memory leaks :)
17:21.33 poolio 2.7M Image, current status: doesn't look like it's converging but memory leaks are fixed and it runs much faster: [#cslounge]
17:21.36 poolio oops
17:21.40 poolio
17:21.41 poolio there we go
17:34.21 IriX64 << missed this one last time
17:34.32 IriX64 opennurbs
17:41.14 poolio brlcad: ahhhh! I'm getting 1GB of just database files :\
17:48.18 poolio brlcad: I think I have some success though! :D check it out:
17:48.31 poolio all that changed was some tweaking of the fitness function and damn.... that looks like progress
17:56.35 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c fitness.c population.c fitness.h): memory leak finally fixed. updated fitness function, much better results.
18:19.51 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
18:49.31 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
19:09.05 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
19:56.36 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
20:20.57 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
20:23.28 IriX64 heh i'm checking out brlcad into the windows environment /me is happy :)
20:24.23 IriX64 anyone want a windows (+ cygwin dll's) cvs proggie?
20:31.46 IriX64 <--- once the associations are made it's all falling into place
20:38.21 IriX64 i'll stop now again :)
20:38.27 IriX64 whoop
20:39.28 IriX64 forgot to submit it :)
20:40.16 poolio i'm out for a bit. ta ta.
20:40.23 IriX64 cya man
20:55.17 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
20:55.22 thing0 morning yall
21:00.46 louipc afternoon
21:02.49 thing0 just got in from clubbing ;)
21:04.48 louipc sweet
21:04.54 louipc I might go clubbing tonight
21:06.40 louipc Laniakea: nice machine hah. maybe you should make a portable 'thigh-master' version
21:09.07 Laniakea what's thigh-master?
21:12.10 louipc
21:13.53 louipc sweet I found a vid
21:59.01 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
22:04.42 brlcad poolio: if you copied incorrect code, then it's not really your stupidity :)
22:04.48 brlcad great for finding that, btw :)
22:05.27 brlcad sounds like the bug, though, is in g_qa .. which should probably be fixed too :)
22:17.30 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon_ (
22:26.12 *** join/#brlcad zapp (
22:43.23 *** join/#brlcad cad48 (
22:48.04 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
22:53.37 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
23:27.12 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
23:28.47 IriX64 <--- making progress, look closely at the last two lines.
23:31.15 ``Erik rm with the -f flag never reports anything.
23:31.35 IriX64 thought that was force no ?
23:31.41 ``Erik it is
23:31.53 IriX64 toasted a whole dos tree :)
23:32.06 ``Erik deltree /y C:\ <-- does it, too
23:32.07 ``Erik :)
23:32.17 ``Erik or at least, it USED to, I d'no about modern winderz
23:32.23 IriX64 yeah and easier to implement :)
23:32.49 IriX64 del has switches i think thesze days
23:33.20 IriX64 just rebuilt that dos tree with cvs heh
23:33.39 IriX64 why dual boot, use one on top of another
23:33.45 ``Erik hum
23:33.59 ``Erik the usual argument for using a *nix is improved stability, reliability, performance, etc
23:34.09 ``Erik why would you put that ontop of windows?
23:34.13 IriX64 wonder how hard it'll be to get kde up
23:34.27 ``Erik a fortress with a balsa foundation? :)
23:34.28 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
23:34.34 ``Erik j0, twingy
23:34.39 IriX64 for sots like me who are to lazy to learn all the moves of *nix
23:35.46 ``Erik you seem to be confident in basic command line usage *shrug* plus, kde and gnome pander to the winderz folk for default config, so you'd theoretically feel more or less at home out of the box
23:35.59 Twingy howdy
23:36.51 ``Erik neat, what ic?
23:36.59 Twingy 18F67J11
23:37.05 ``Erik and has jason tricked/coerced you into a micro-t or micro-baja yet?
23:37.10 Twingy 128kB Flash, 4kB RAM, 2 USARTs
23:37.17 Twingy no money
23:37.27 ``Erik nah, the great big superbehometh of the PIC family?
23:37.28 Twingy spending it all on electronics
23:37.37 ``Erik I've been half eyeing my 16f88's here lately
23:37.49 Twingy kinda... microchip has a 16-bit line now that has some DSP stuff and has 8 registers instead of just 1
23:37.57 Twingy in theory you could put a light weight operating system on it
23:38.10 ``Erik I've also been thinking about busting out my hammer, box of nails, and buying some wood
23:38.29 IriX64 <--- heh the associations held thru a power off/on cycle (hello twingy)
23:38.33 Twingy I will probably move onto an ARM7S with math coprocessor though
23:38.34 dtidrow is that an adapter from a surface-mount format to a DIP-style one?
23:38.41 ``Erik um, in practice, primitive operating systems have been put on machines less powerful than the 16f88 in teh past :D (I'm such a computer history dork *sigh*)
23:38.44 Twingy dtidrow, yes
23:38.55 Twingy QFP64 made on my cnc mill
23:39.13 dtidrow ah - figured it was etched
23:39.15 ``Erik are you going to solder it to the final pcb, or use a socket?
23:39.16 Twingy the stuff I'm doing is interrupt driven, so an OS isn't required
23:39.26 Twingy everything is soldered
23:39.29 Twingy no sockets
23:39.30 IriX64 whoa
23:39.33 ``Erik (and that's some awesome granularity work at that size)
23:39.35 IriX64 no os
23:39.42 Twingy took about 3.5 hours to make that
23:39.52 Twingy ~45 minutes to solder...
23:39.54 ``Erik hand constructed, no trace compiler?
23:40.19 Twingy I used eagle with autorouting, made a schematic then converted to a board
23:40.28 ``Erik ah, coo'
23:40.36 ``Erik is the big flash area ground, or dead?
23:40.41 Twingy even though gcam can conver gerber files to g-code now
23:40.47 Twingy dead
23:40.54 dtidrow soldering surface-mount stuff is tricky without the right tools
23:41.15 Twingy I used solder paste and a $20 griddle from walmart
23:41.24 ``Erik heh
23:41.31 dtidrow cheater ;-)
23:41.34 ``Erik hillbilly sme oven? :D
23:41.44 Twingy it works.. 400F, paste melts at 380F
23:41.50 Twingy got the idea from Nathan
23:41.58 ``Erik you could do that in your kitchen oven, too
23:42.08 ``Erik bake up a batch of surface mounts along with your cookies
23:42.29 Twingy probably don't want to put food on it after it's been baking boards
23:42.42 Twingy even though the solder paste is RoHS I think
23:43.02 Twingy soldering QFP64's is a pita with no solder mask
23:43.04 IriX64 RoHS=?
23:43.35 Twingy Restriction of Hazardous Substances
23:43.41 Twingy i.e. no lead
23:44.01 IriX64 thankyou
23:44.27 Twingy I've been using clear coat to prevent the copper from oxidation one the board is done
23:44.30 ``Erik hummmm, that back to the future car, that's at, uh, universal studios out in la? looks awful familiar
23:44.51 ``Erik if that's the same, they haven't changed the exhibit in over 10 years
23:45.40 IriX64 Train or car :)
23:45.49 Twingy car
23:48.16 Twingy the 2 students I'm mentoring have a working autopilot for an emaxx now
23:48.24 Twingy running off an 18F2420
23:48.53 Twingy I have a little report on how I was able to put GPS, Servo PWM, Control, and Comms on a single PIC chip
23:49.13 Twingy they are using the base code and filled in the control function to navigate waypoints
23:49.29 ``Erik already out?
23:49.34 Twingy not yet
23:49.38 Twingy finishing it up
23:49.42 ``Erik <-- wouldn't mind being on the dist list
23:49.48 Twingy it's all interrupt driven
23:49.59 Twingy pwm is tuned perfectly on an o-scope
23:50.19 IriX64 if theres no os shouldn't it be event driven :)
23:50.32 ``Erik erm, interrupts are events, yo
23:50.43 IriX64 depends who you talk to
23:50.54 dtidrow where do you think the events come from? ;-)
23:51.08 IriX64 :)
23:51.15 IriX64 you mean interrupts
23:51.35 ``Erik interrupts happen, some os's decide to throw an event if it sees one
23:51.48 IriX64 semantics
23:51.52 ``Erik if you consider interrupts and events different, that is...
23:52.18 IriX64 are they reentrant
23:52.39 ``Erik interrupts themselves are atomic
23:52.54 Twingy PWM and RS-232 is a real-time process and must be serviced by interrupts
23:52.56 ``Erik what happens at high levels, where re-entrant and 'events' live depends on the developer
23:53.22 Twingy control is something that does not need to be real-time and can occur between interrupts
23:53.49 IriX64 an event can occur numerous times per second, the interrupt handler must be able to handle this
23:53.53 dtidrow time to head home....
23:53.54 Twingy hardware buffered UARTs are very critical in a real-time environment
23:54.10 ``Erik on the x86, for example, when an unmasked interrupt occurs, the interrupt handler will generally call 'cli', set up the appropriate event propogation, and once that's completed (atomically), call sti to allow the next interrupt
23:54.20 ``Erik which, of course, happens in a scale of microseconds, if not nanoseconds
23:54.37 Twingy on the PIC chip an interrupt eats about 6 instructions
23:55.06 IriX64 bear in mind i only type with two fingers here
23:55.30 ``Erik very slowly
23:55.42 IriX64 heh doubled up did you
23:55.49 IriX64 ;)
23:57.51 IriX64 have two here need a third
23:58.07 ``Erik I have two premade sockets, one in my bedroom and one downstairs, so installation should be trivial
23:58.20 IriX64 true most are anyway
23:59.42 IriX64 <-- this isn't rocket science but i'm proud anyway :)

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