IRC log for #brlcad on 20070726

00:00.43 dtidrow haven't had a problem with that here, and the lib we load sucks in a lot of .so's
00:02.20 dtidrow you're not trying to pass in the full name of the lib, are you?
00:03.20 dtidrow iiuc, System.loadLibrary() expands the name given to it, eg. 'vis' expands to
00:03.55 dtidrow at least on Linux - all bets are off on OSX ;-)
00:03.58 brlcad I'll dig to make sure, but I'm pretty sure it's just the short name
00:04.25 dtidrow OSX has some weird packaging schemes
00:04.31 brlcad like I said, it works just fine if the .so is resolved, it's only when it's not
00:05.02 dtidrow resolved meaning it can find it in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
00:05.32 brlcad no, meaning that it doesn't have to -- all symbols in the .so are resolved (none undefined if you do an nm)
00:05.40 dtidrow ah
00:05.47 dtidrow odd
00:07.00 brlcad yeah, it's just: System.loadLibrary ("rtserver");
00:07.09 brlcad we have a librtserver in brl-cad
00:07.14 brlcad pretty straightforward
00:07.35 dtidrow
00:07.49 brlcad on non-mac, yes :)
00:08.15 dtidrow it works on non-macs?
00:08.23 dtidrow or n ot at all?
00:08.29 brlcad iirc, no -- not at all
00:09.36 dtidrow gotta be an libpath issue, then - any chance that LD_LIBRARY_PATH was getting reset/changed before java ran?
00:09.53 dtidrow like in a script, perhaps?
00:10.02 dtidrow jsut brainstorming here...
00:10.36 brlcad the ld path is set, it's set to a mass of paths that are otherwise required for other javanessy things it needs (and one of the paths includes the dir that has the .so's in question)
00:11.07 brlcad otherwise even System.loadLibrary ("rtserver"); wouldn't work on the fully resolved library
00:11.13 dtidrow very odd, then - it _ought_ to work
00:11.44 dtidrow and 'ldd' finds all the deps?
00:12.14 brlcad yeah, it does
00:12.50 dtidrow makes no sense at all then
00:15.11 dtidrow anyway, gotta head home - 'nite all...
01:14.34 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (407 files in 39 dirs): remove ephemeral data like phone numbers and addresses, including the misleading 'source' statements on code that is continually evolving and receiving contributions from many many sources
02:08.35 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:09.39 IriX64 <---- got my ogl issues sorted out :)
02:15.16 brlcad can you quantify exactly what you needed to do?
02:16.04 IriX64 for some reason my glx header wasn't being detected im still trying to get configure to find it
02:17.13 IriX64 i don't speak configure very well :(
02:18.17 IriX64 didint have to touch the code if thats what you're after
02:18.43 brlcad i didn't think you would have had to
02:18.50 IriX64 aren't build issues fun sigh
02:37.45 Twingy <-- with my 30 degree conical
02:38.41 louipc hm?
02:39.10 IriX64 cant find page
02:39.34 brlcad
02:39.59 brlcad with a $10 flat iron ;)
02:40.13 IriX64 found it :)
02:41.43 IriX64 i used to do things like that then programming lured me :)
02:43.26 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
03:06.48 Twingy brlcad, I use a $20 griddle
03:11.53 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:25.19 IriX64
03:25.39 louipc 404
03:25.46 yukonbob The requested URL /mario.dulisse2/Singular.jpg was not found on this server.
03:25.47 yukonbob Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
03:25.54 yukonbob heh
03:26.48 Twingy brlcad, you can't do 10 mil traces with ferric chloride either
03:26.48 IriX64 (blush)
03:27.02 Twingy I have a quart of it left from projects from years ago
05:28.38 *** part/#brlcad poolio (
07:01.16 *** part/#brlcad akreal (
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13:26.18 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
13:33.09 ``Erik *yawn*
13:33.51 poolio wow. I actually just yawned when I read that
13:35.46 ``Erik dork :)
14:36.44 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/misc/Makefile.defs: pass make flags in depends targets
15:49.04 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
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16:55.47 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (i=tlstn6ce@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:00.44 *** join/#brlcad LinuxMafia (
17:09.58 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
17:10.11 poolio grargh.
17:12.04 MinuteElectron ?
17:15.24 poolio internet went down
17:15.34 poolio and i really needed to figure out what i broke in my local cvs
17:22.56 ``Erik why'd you break the intarweb?
17:23.35 poolio my modem went down
17:23.38 poolio and comcast doesn't respond to me
17:23.58 poolio because there are only 3 houses in our neighborhood, so if internet goes downt hey don't give a shit
17:25.50 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon_ (
17:26.43 ``Erik sucky
17:28.59 poolio luckily it came back on
17:29.02 poolio i was gonna go to an internet cafe
17:29.11 poolio well, a cafe with wifi internet
17:32.23 poolio so I tried to have one generic tree traversal function with lots of switch statements in it, but I feel like that may have been a bad decision...getting segfaults and debuggin it is a pain
17:32.39 poolio and the code's probably clearer if I just seperate out the routines
17:33.26 ``Erik probably
17:33.40 ``Erik I assume you have gdb style stabs compiled in and are using the debugger? :)
17:33.50 poolio no
17:33.55 ``Erik ...
17:33.58 poolio I nver learned the right way to debug
17:34.04 poolio well gdb picks up the source code
17:34.06 ``Erik might be a good time?
17:34.08 poolio and tells me where it is
17:34.31 poolio I just fail at figuring out why certain things are happening. Lik ewhere these null pointers keep popping up from
17:34.36 ``Erik 'backtrace' and 'print' are good commands
17:34.57 ``Erik and you can navigate the frames, too
17:35.01 poolio yeah I know the basics, I should really take the time to learn more though, it'd help quite a bit
17:36.16 ``Erik 'xxgdb' and 'ddd' provide gui frontends, might be easier than figuring out the syntax
17:36.33 poolio maybe, although I've never been a big fan of GUIs
17:36.42 ``Erik *shrug* me either :)
17:37.07 ``Erik um, efence, dmalloc, ccmalloc, valgrind, ...
17:38.02 poolio yeah valgrind doesnt play too nicely with multithreaded stuff though
17:39.20 ``Erik choke it back to 1 thread? (or does it go heisenbug when you do that?)
17:39.28 poolio heh no
17:39.29 poolio I could do that
18:01.06 ``Erik ah HAAAAAAA
18:01.40 ``Erik he disabled the tclcad bezier canvas
18:17.57 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:18.28 LinuxMafia i can not run mged
18:18.59 LinuxMafia it complains about itcltk/itk
18:19.30 IriX64 did you build it yourself or are you using binaries?
18:19.59 LinuxMafia i emerged it i used gentoo
18:20.28 IriX64 any compile time errors or link errors
18:20.33 IriX64 or warnings
18:20.54 LinuxMafia Can't find a usable itk.tcl in the following directories:
18:21.06 IriX64 the question was ...
18:21.15 LinuxMafia no
18:21.30 LinuxMafia it would not installed otherwise
18:21.34 IriX64 did you add /usr/brlcad/bin to your path?
18:21.46 LinuxMafia no
18:21.50 IriX64 try
18:22.05 IriX64 as make install tells you at end of run
18:23.41 LinuxMafia i did
18:23.46 LinuxMafia let me uptdate
18:23.51 IriX64 can also try setting the environment variable to point to itk lib (forget the name at the moment though, anybody)
18:25.04 LinuxMafia hum
18:25.34 LinuxMafia <PROTECTED>
18:25.58 IriX64 theres an envronment variable you can set to pint to that
18:26.04 IriX64 point too
18:26.18 LinuxMafia so i put this
18:26.53 LinuxMafia export ITK_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/itk3.3/
18:27.11 IriX64 and
18:27.33 IriX64 btw what version we talking about here?
18:28.26 LinuxMafia 3.3-r1
18:28.38 IriX64 of brlcad
18:28.46 LinuxMafia 7.10
18:29.23 LinuxMafia wow
18:29.27 LinuxMafia it worked now
18:29.30 LinuxMafia i think i need
18:29.32 IriX64 heh good
18:29.32 LinuxMafia also
18:29.44 LinuxMafia do the same for TCL
18:32.17 LinuxMafia thanks alot IriX64
18:33.24 IriX64 welcome
18:34.54 IriX64 mc
19:29.25 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
20:05.19 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
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20:47.23 IriX64 system issues, such fun... bleah
20:52.26 IriX64 <--- on the bright side your overlap tool works
20:57.27 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
21:30.05 Maloeran Woah, 1USD = 1.038CAD now. It's peculiar to lose 15% of one's income in an year due to the change rate
21:39.03 poolio well there isn't too much inflation internally so it's not that big of a deal
21:39.06 poolio as long as you remain in the US
21:42.32 Maloeran I'm not in the US! :) I'm in Canada and get paid in USDs
21:44.22 poolio eek
21:44.23 poolio that sucks :)
21:50.01 poolio brlcad: is there a way to clip the depth of a raytrace? like limit the z-axis to some defined max?
21:53.02 poolio brlcad: I remember in the past you told me not to modify the rt_i, (when it was clamping the bounding box) but if I need to shoot the same grid for each shape, won't I have to modify the variables inside of the application?
21:53.16 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
21:53.48 poolio it looks like I missed that and that could have been why it wasn't working well. the fitness seems pretty arbitrary
21:55.18 poolio well actually it was fine before, but that was because they were normalized to the z-depth, so scale was invariant along the z-axis, but I changed it assuming z-depth would be constant and that's where I ran into some problems. So I'm wondering if there's a way to clamp that value basically?
21:57.09 poolio although it does eliminate a dimension at the cost of having a distorted object
22:16.59 brlcad poolio: there is a_ray_length that will specify at what length the ray should terminate
22:17.04 brlcad in the rti
22:17.05 poolio brlcad: alright thanks
22:17.08 poolio I actually went back to scaling
22:17.11 poolio results seem slightly better
22:17.17 poolio I now have the fixed-depth crossover working
22:17.17 brlcad similar to a_onehit
22:17.26 poolio yeah alright, thanks
22:17.31 poolio the issue those is if it's offset, I'm screwed
22:17.42 poolio Oh wait nevermind..I control where the ray is shot from
22:17.44 poolio thanks :)
22:18.54 brlcad how do you figure "results seem slightly better" ...
22:19.23 brlcad it simply introduces more variability, so it won't necessarily get stuck on a bad answer .. that doesn't mean it's better though
22:19.51 poolio slightly better with the crossover that makes sense (for now)
22:20.03 poolio and something is up with fitness, give me a minute and Ill have some data to show you
22:20.14 brlcad it shouldn't have anything to do with crossover
22:20.23 poolio the results shouldn't?
22:21.13 brlcad using a scaled size in your fitness function shouldn't have anything to do with crossover
22:21.25 brlcad so yeah, the results shouldn't
22:21.36 poolio Correct, yes.
22:21.40 brlcad if they do, I'd think something else is suspect
22:21.51 poolio The issue was that I had undid the scaling, taken the final difference, and divided that by the # of rays
22:22.02 poolio the issue was that the rays fired at different lengths so I was getting odd answers
22:22.31 brlcad yes, that's a problem confined to the fitness function :)
22:22.56 brlcad scaling might make the math work out easier, but I don't think it's right
22:23.18 poolio well, I was moving the scaling out, because I was scaling each bit
22:23.20 poolio so I had like
22:23.35 poolio <PROTECTED>
22:23.51 poolio so i was moving it so I stored the non-scaled rays, and then when I had calculated the comparison, then dividing that
22:23.53 brlcad take the union of both bounding boxes, that's your absolute length, then compare % matching
22:24.11 poolio I could do that too
22:27.01 poolio alright I'm doing a larger run and then I'll show you the results. Hopefully it will be better :P
22:30.26 poolio brlcad: yeah something is wrong here. fitness is ... decreasing
22:35.45 brlcad hehe
22:37.07 poolio what a fugly graph
22:38.31 poolio brlcad:
22:40.19 poolio brlcad: although wait, something has to be wrong with the fitness function. Look at the best individuals...they're different ...
22:40.47 poolio Oh that was the other thing, can I raytrace those objects using 'rt' with a specified bounding box instead of an auto-generated one?
22:44.16 brlcad what are the three lines in the graph?
22:44.33 poolio wrost/average/best individuals for each generation
22:44.38 poolio read the description :P
22:45.29 brlcad yeah ... that's not at all what it should look like :)
22:45.35 poolio yeah I know
22:45.40 poolio I'm guessing my fitness function is broken
22:45.47 poolio juding from the output of the visual and the output of the graph
22:46.18 poolio It was the first thing I did and I trusted it was right but maybe not
22:47.04 poolio the questionable code resides in compare_hit() in fitness.c
22:47.12 brlcad you can almost ignore the visual for the time being .. average and best won't likely get that close that fast
22:47.50 brlcad also, did you implement the "bring best N forward" yet?
22:47.56 poolio no
22:47.59 brlcad if so, that 70% shouldn't have disappeartd
22:48.00 poolio I can whip that up in a minute though
22:48.01 brlcad ahh, k
22:48.30 brlcad i think you're right, though -- fitness function seems wrong
22:48.51 brlcad or some twisted crossover bug is killing off your population
22:49.01 poolio I have a family dinner to get to but I'll be back around 9. I'm guessing the isuse has to do with the compare_hit routine I've been trusting
22:49.16 poolio I might take that out and run some test cases to make sure it's working right
22:50.00 brlcad have a good dinner ;)
22:50.17 poolio thanks for the help, hopefully I'll have something good to show you soon
22:52.06 poolio :\
22:52.11 brlcad :)
22:52.20 brlcad you're not far off
22:52.27 poolio in the timeline I am :)
22:52.31 brlcad once it starts working, I think it'll be a lot more encouraging ;)
22:52.42 brlcad yeah, timeline is the only crunch
22:52.51 poolio I _need_ something working
22:53.05 poolio Not just for you to show, but also to know I didn't waste away my summer on a broken hunk of code
22:53.16 brlcad likewise
22:53.48 poolio wow. pretty embarassing how little code there is too
22:53.49 brlcad being able to demo your program to dozens of people you've never met ...
22:53.50 poolio <2k
22:53.54 brlcad that control lots of money :)
22:54.10 poolio even if it only works on simple test cases?
22:54.15 brlcad yes
22:54.27 brlcad the technical aspects are pretty deep
22:54.48 poolio but the code and implementation isn't that difficult
22:54.49 brlcad probably a little more deep that you know yet, which is part why it's been a lil tricky to implement aside from the coding issues
22:54.56 poolio If you had 5 days to spare you could have done it by now
22:55.08 brlcad i don't have 5 days to spare :)
22:55.14 brlcad contrary to the time I spend on IRC
22:55.32 poolio just don't sleep. you'll do fine.
22:55.56 poolio your time is also much more valuable
22:56.10 poolio but seriously, if you took the time you've spent helping me out / trying to get me the job, it could've been done by now
22:56.22 poolio (i'm just slightly pessimistic :))
22:58.01 brlcad getting good people is often way more important than getting the work done
22:58.19 brlcad if the work was the #1 priority in your case, you wouldn't be working on this pariticular project
22:58.35 brlcad it would have been one of the other tasks .. or worse ;)

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