IRC log for #brlcad on 20070802

00:14.59 poolio brlcad: ah crud. I thought I committed fstate, I didn't, d'oh. one sec.
00:15.15 poolio forgot to put in password. d'oh.
00:15.53 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c fitness.c population.c fitness.h): fixed some bugs recently introduced. fstate no longer malloc'd
00:17.35 poolio brlcad: hmm. I think I'm actually compiled optimized. I'm guessing that's bad?
00:34.11 brlcad yeah, makes debugging a lot harder
00:34.19 brlcad particularly because of inlining
00:34.37 brlcad otherwise valgrind is saying you've got stack corruption
00:35.09 poolio alright, so enable debugging when I build?
00:39.53 poolio brlcad: when I enabled debug nothing changed... I guess it was already enabled?
00:41.39 brlcad debug is enabled by default
00:41.49 brlcad there is that summary at the end, it tells you what you have :)
00:41.56 poolio yeah yeah :P
00:42.00 brlcad it's also in your config.log near the end
00:42.10 poolio So debug is enabled, as well as optimized
00:42.32 brlcad so disable-optimized
00:42.58 brlcad or keep a separate tree
00:43.07 brlcad since it takes your box a while to recompile
00:43.18 brlcad and you probably want optimized for the test runs
00:44.51 poolio ugh :\
00:45.44 poolio brlcad: k, ill copy the directory and build without optimized, then get back to you when that's done.
00:46.24 brlcad see ya in an hour :)
00:53.36 louipc hmm
00:57.04 louipc when I try to display spkr.s from radio.g mged exits
00:58.25 brlcad your radio.g that you made presumably?
00:59.44 louipc oh yeah I guess I must have made it long ago from the tutorial
01:00.01 louipc actually it's not specific to that file I tried something else
01:02.08 poolio brlcad: my laptop is melting. :(
01:02.44 brlcad louipc: can you display anything?
01:02.51 brlcad poolio: how about a fan? :)
01:03.18 brlcad my old laptop used to get so hot, I kept a small fan blowing on it all the time
01:03.58 poolio brlcad: hmm. where? the underside?
01:04.22 louipc brlcad: yeah I was able to display the antenna and then I tried the spkr then it exited I will try in classic mode
01:05.42 brlcad poolio: no, just blowing across the keys is often enough to strip away the heat
01:06.00 brlcad takes a few minutes of course, but it does the trick
01:06.32 brlcad louipc: cool, I suspect it's crashing for some reason -- if you can reproduce it in classic, try doing it through gdb in classic
01:06.57 poolio brlcad: not bad. 13 minutes to compile.
01:10.28 poolio brlcad:
01:10.56 louipc yep same stuff. classic at least tells me 'Illegal Instruction' before quitting
01:11.20 brlcad poolio: did you leave off all the preceeding or was that everything?
01:11.48 poolio brlcad: I left off preceeding
01:11.54 poolio brlcad: here's with --show-reachable also
01:12.10 poolio Note: all the previous errors happen before the main generation loop
01:12.28 brlcad i mean like the printf stuff
01:12.36 poolio yeah one sec
01:12.39 poolio that shows up before the program output
01:12.50 brlcad that's okay, it's still saying there's a potential problem
01:13.06 poolio lemme just copy it all :)
01:13.07 brlcad it's like compilation errors/warnings, should take care of them in order
01:13.11 brlcad as many cascade
01:13.28 poolio would you like --show-reachable or no?
01:15.04 brlcad doesn't matter yet
01:15.08 brlcad default output is fine
01:15.13 poolio k
01:15.21 poolio so you dont even want --leak-check?
01:16.05 brlcad leave them both in
01:16.14 brlcad shouldn't matter, there's plenty to work with :)
01:16.28 brlcad each one of those could take an hour or 30 seconds
01:16.34 brlcad or longer
01:16.41 poolio eeeek.
01:17.12 poolio brlcad:
01:17.14 brlcad the ptbl one is surprising -- it should leave a few bytes, but certainly not accummulate like that
01:17.34 poolio well remember how many times I'm calling everything...a whole hell of a lot
01:18.08 poolio note: that's the output from a run with pop size of 20, 50 generations, and 10x10 rays
01:18.47 brlcad I know, but when I said it was a "known issue", it's only known that there is a final allocation that is not freed until exit
01:18.55 poolio ah I see
01:19.00 brlcad even subsequent calls to init should clear out the previous
01:19.10 brlcad so either there is a call missing or a leak in the library
01:19.24 brlcad i'd still start from the top of that list, though
01:20.09 brlcad are you up to date and commited?
01:20.36 poolio yep.
01:21.58 louipc in spkr.s tor 16 16 16 1 0 0 12 1
01:22.10 louipc that causes mged to quit with "Illegal Instruction"
01:22.56 brlcad louipc: that's working fine for me here
01:23.18 brlcad what version are you on?
01:23.26 brlcad cvs head?
01:23.38 louipc yea
01:23.52 brlcad stack trace?
01:24.13 brlcad gdb --args mged -c test.g in spkr.s tor 16 16 16 1 0 0 12 1
01:24.18 brlcad run
01:24.19 brlcad bt
01:24.26 brlcad pastebin :)
01:25.49 louipc ahh I was trying to figure that out
01:32.31 louipc hopefully that's useful :)
01:33.29 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
01:33.29 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: remove the 'automatic flags' configure option (royal pita to keep track of
01:33.29 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: cleanly in the configure logic for trivial gain) for now; rename the aquatk
01:33.29 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: configure option to be consistent with the others and make it actually pass that
01:33.29 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: on to tk's configure; and add a proper JavaVM framework check, using it instead
01:33.31 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: of a platform test.
01:36.50 brlcad hm, interesting trace .. it's trying to draw the tor so it did make it
01:37.43 poolio brlcad: do you have time now to go over the valgrind output or would you rather do it later? (I have some other things to do that are flexible but I'd rather not just sit around :))
01:37.47 brlcad poolio: if you add this to main, is there still the qsort in the output:
01:37.47 brlcad <PROTECTED>
01:37.53 poolio ah k, one sec.
01:38.43 brlcad it's really odd that it's whining about uninitialized values -- there's only three params
01:38.49 brlcad pop and the function
01:39.03 brlcad so I'm thinking it's pop
01:39.25 brlcad and the conditional is the fact that pop_init() could conceivably be overridden at run-time
01:39.39 brlcad that would then explain printf as well
01:40.46 poolio brlcad: err nope.
01:40.56 brlcad seriously? damn.
01:41.10 poolio unless I'm executin the wrong binary
01:41.28 brlcad how are you running it?
01:41.36 poolio valgrind .libs/beset
01:41.52 brlcad eepish
01:42.04 brlcad ldd .libs/beset
01:42.23 poolio you desire that output
01:42.23 poolio ?
01:42.38 brlcad you have to wrap (so either adding valgrind to the wrapper script or setting ld_lib manually
01:42.50 brlcad I suspect it says /usr/brlcad/...
01:42.57 poolio nope
01:43.05 poolio I have them in /usr/lib
01:43.10 poolio --prefix=/usr
01:43.11 poolio I'm lazy like that.
01:43.14 brlcad okay, whatever your prefix is
01:43.29 brlcad you know that will clobber some of your system libs on most linux systems
01:43.40 louipc :D
01:43.42 poolio Probalby, but I'm reinstalling the distro when I'm done working
01:43.49 poolio So it doesn't really matter much
01:43.57 poolio good to knwo though :)
01:44.18 brlcad the most common is usually librt
01:44.43 brlcad which is a deprecated "real time compatibility" library that they've been planning to ditch for many years
01:44.56 brlcad our librt predates them by about a decade too, but that's just the way things are
01:45.31 brlcad similarly libbu and libbn conflict with some packages like curl also has a (private yet installed) "big number" library named the same
01:45.53 brlcad er, not curl .. maybe openssl, one of those guys
01:46.03 poolio fight it out for rights to library names
01:46.03 brlcad and a handful of others
01:46.29 brlcad oh, we've stood our ground to date, though it does make integration with package management systems complicated
01:47.41 brlcad plus we really can't for the core libraries for many many reasons (and that includes the most often conflicting, libbu, libbn, librt)
01:49.32 brlcad louipc: did you compile with -ffast-math?
01:49.50 brlcad I see that it's optimized, I'm wondering if it's bad math juju
01:52.38 poolio brlcad: pardon my lack of bash scripting, but what exactly does ${1+"$@"} do? an array of
01:52.49 poolio $@ is arguments?
01:57.27 poolio ah I see
01:58.37 brlcad it's just a quirky way of expanding the arguments
01:58.49 brlcad "$@" expands to the command line arguments
02:00.50 brlcad it makes more since if it includes the :
02:01.02 brlcad i.e. ${1:+"$@"}
02:01.08 poolio brlcad: no change
02:01.25 brlcad which means .. "if it has $1 set, then substitute $@"
02:01.50 poolio yeah, I got the clue when I changed it and it sad bad substitution
02:01.53 poolio s/sad/said
02:02.03 brlcad $@ is basically $1 $2 $3 $4 ...
02:02.33 brlcad so it's kinda fruity to do it that way, but it probably matters for some old system if someone did it that way
02:02.37 poolio brlcad:
02:03.08 brlcad ooh, i don't think i noticed cmd_ind before
02:03.25 poolio cmp_ind?
02:03.35 poolio it was there. same output :)
02:04.27 brlcad yeah, I see it now
02:05.04 brlcad so it's basically saying either the pop element is potentially uninitialized for some reason, or fitness specificially is
02:05.16 brlcad that's..
02:05.19 brlcad odd
02:06.15 brlcad er, not pop.. pop.parent
02:06.21 poolio well it's potentially true if pop_spawn() wasn't called
02:06.37 poolio pop.parent is alloc'ed but none of the variables are intiialized until pop_spawn() is called
02:17.16 poolio brlcad: you might want to try running valgrind locally....I may have just royally fscked something on my end
02:19.56 brlcad i was about to actually, to see if I can reproduce it
02:20.02 brlcad what's your inputs look like?
02:20.09 poolio ./beset source.g test.r
02:20.30 poolio source.g is the database that contains test.r
02:20.41 poolio test.r is just a region with two spheres unioned together
02:20.54 brlcad louipc: looking at that function, the only thing I can see *might* be a problem is if you had non-ieee floating point -- do you have your config.log from the compile on hand somewhere?
02:21.18 poolio Any region should do
02:21.18 poolio in any database
02:21.18 brlcad okay
02:21.18 brlcad so no population sizes or iteration counts
02:21.52 poolio it defaults to 50 pop size, i think 20 generations, and a resolution of 10x10, (doesnt kill/keep any lower/upper)
02:22.00 poolio hmm
02:22.10 poolio lemme update options documentation, forget the -u -l
02:27.28 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/beset.c: documented -u and -l options
02:45.29 poolio brlcad: no luck?
02:45.49 poolio ah alright :)
02:46.27 brlcad (whilst shaiking fist at louipc..)
02:48.05 brlcad he either uncovered something rather surprising that hasn't come up in at least a decade, or something entirely different is going on with that crash
02:48.58 brlcad either way, I have to rebuild now cause of core changes
02:58.21 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
03:44.41 poolio brlcad: sorry to keep bugging you, I'm just kind of clueless as to what to do from here... it seems like there is some sort of overflow somewhere but it doesn't make much sense and I feel like it'd be segfaulting if that was the case
03:45.17 louipc brlcad: I rebuilt with debugging symbols and made a more detailed trace
03:57.02 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
04:30.22 poolio tis not possible! brlcad left :o
06:15.10 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
07:16.06 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
09:14.45 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
12:25.32 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
13:10.50 ``Erik heh
13:10.55 ``Erik all your connection are belong to me
13:26.13 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
15:13.05 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
16:10.43 poolio brlcad: anything?
17:14.29 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
17:31.41 ``Erik BRL-CAD runs on solaris 5.8 with the gnu build chain, just ran mged and did a few traces of sphflake
17:41.09 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (i=Matt@
17:42.39 PrezKennedy shazaam!
17:44.46 poolio ``Erik: you know where brlcad has disappeared to?
17:45.30 PrezKennedy he is among us! a commoner :-O
17:47.47 ``Erik ummmm
17:49.29 ``Erik lets see, on saturday he's flying, which means today he's holed up and out of site tying to push 7.10.2 out the door
17:49.37 ``Erik out of sight
17:49.46 poolio crap.
17:49.57 ``Erik anything I can do for ya?
17:50.26 poolio ``Erik: if you have the time, I've got some odd leaks...The issue is that I'm trying to do larger test runs...and it leaks so much that it locks my system up (uses up all memory and swap)
17:50.29 ``Erik <-- not as versed in the finer guts of the package, but likes to pretend he's not a complete retard once in a while
17:50.47 poolio ``Erik: eh, you know much more than I do, any help would be appreciated, I'm pretty stuck
17:50.49 ``Erik is valgrind reporting it as reachable memory?
17:50.59 poolio ``Erik: valgrind output is here:
17:51.09 poolio ``Erik: some of it, a lot of it is lost
17:52.13 ``Erik 10-13m lost, 5 reachable
17:52.15 ``Erik um
17:52.32 ``Erik what if you do what it says on the last line and run i with --leak-check=full ? :D
17:52.40 poolio yeah sure
17:53.32 poolio maybe? not sure. changes from run to run so it's probably pid
17:53.53 ``Erik <-- generally only touches linux when porting, so is not that familiar with valgrind
17:54.00 ``Erik as my rant yesterday may've indicated :)
17:54.11 poolio :) if you want you could use whatever you use on it locally
17:54.45 poolio it's in cvs src/gtools/beset
17:55.05 ``Erik <-- has no source data or clue of how to use it :)
17:55.15 ``Erik also; when I try compiling it with my happy flags, it breaks like a mofo
17:55.49 poolio source data is simple
17:55.53 poolio a database, with a region in it
17:55.55 poolio that's all it needs
17:56.23 poolio ``Erik: oh yeah. I can probably fix that. What flags are you using again? (relevant pedantic/warnings etc..)
17:56.27 ``Erik so I could make a sphere or metaball and just use that? your code voxelizes and then tries to regenerate the initail data from the voxelized set?
17:58.12 ``Erik -W -Wall -Werror -ansi -pedantic -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fexceptions -O3 -march=opteron
17:58.15 ``Erik or so
17:58.40 poolio Jah :) Not exactly voxelized but close enough. It stores the rays
17:59.17 ``Erik well, that's one mechanism for voxelizing
17:59.49 ``Erik no one said it has to be a regular grid... indeed, many have moved to irregular tetrahedral grids
17:59.59 poolio ah alright, then yes.
18:00.34 poolio ``Erik: oh, the issue is my use of // ... that's not in C89 I think
18:00.53 ``Erik no, // was introduced in c99
18:01.02 ``Erik and we're still c89 ansi for the most part
18:01.27 ``Erik I did a sed -i.bak 's,//.*,,' *.[ch] the other day and still got build errors, iirc
18:01.28 poolio Alright, brlcad said it was fine though, and I'm too lazy to change thar gith now. Most of the // comments are ones that are temporary while it's in active development.
18:01.36 ``Erik using gcc42
18:01.59 poolio well I might have some weird comments that are in odd forms
18:02.18 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
18:02.30 ``Erik initially, I did something like s,//\(.*\),/* \1 */,
18:02.42 ``Erik but was foiled by things that looked like // blah /* something */
18:02.55 poolio yeah
18:04.04 poolio ``Erik: if you kill ansi and pedantic because of comments, and just use -W -Wall it works fine (there's some unused variable warnings that don't make sense to change)
18:04.08 poolio well unused parameter
18:07.58 ``Erik I can do it without the gooby flags, I mostly said that to piss ya off ;)
18:08.27 poolio well, it's a good point. It will be cleaned up at some time. But it'd be great if you killed off your handy dandy flags and just let it build for now.
18:08.37 ``Erik running an update now, but it'ts going vvvveeeerrrrryyyy slow. for some reason, my mac doesn't like tlaking nfs to my nfs server so much the last couple days
18:08.54 poolio sorry
18:09.37 ``Erik and the boy changed, so I'll have to sit around waiting for autoregen after the update *sigh*
18:09.46 poolio oh geez
18:09.51 poolio cya in a couple days ;)
18:10.53 ``Erik won't take QUITE that long
18:10.57 ``Erik but won't exactly be instance :/
18:11.26 ``Erik instant
18:11.33 ``Erik too much wow :( I suck
18:11.44 poolio You play WoW?
18:12.25 ``Erik yes :(
18:12.29 ``Erik gf made me, now I'm hooked
18:12.43 ``Erik ffs, 3 instances of 'scrub' running on the same fs at the same time, wtf
18:13.01 poolio Wait wait. Your girlfriend made you play WoW? That's awful. Quit while you still can
18:13.53 ``Erik hah
18:14.07 ``Erik she was pissed at me yesterday cuz I kept playing wow
18:14.23 ``Erik and my lower level char is higher than her high level one
18:14.52 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
18:15.45 poolio Quit.
18:17.01 PrezKennedy wow sucks...
18:17.21 PrezKennedy just had to get that out there ;-)
18:17.22 ``Erik you suck
18:17.31 ``Erik I'd say your mom sucks, but she's cool :/ so I can't do that
18:17.47 ``Erik :D
18:17.58 PrezKennedy haha
18:18.46 ``Erik (also; ben, my big tool for finding and fixing major leaks is "don't put them in there in thte first place" :D )
18:18.54 ``Erik debugging is a pain, so don't put the bugs in
18:19.19 poolio Thanks ``Erik, maybe some day I'll be a better coder.
18:19.44 ``Erik what's a good object to get your freaky behavior? is a sphere sufficient?
18:19.53 poolio yeah
18:20.00 poolio it's not caused by the input data
18:20.10 ``Erik <-- has been coding for 24 years, is still trying to be a better coder
18:21.24 Laniakea ``Erik: how old are you?
18:22.41 poolio Run it like ./beset db.g region.r
18:23.11 ``Erik ancient :(
18:23.43 ``Erik not as old as john, though
18:23.49 ``Erik <-- about to turn 31
18:29.06 ``Erik hum, ok
18:29.12 ``Erik it ran in .25 seconds O.o
18:29.21 poolio ``Erik: oh yeah, so if you want it to run longer
18:29.27 poolio specificy some options to do so
18:29.28 poolio so
18:29.38 poolio ./beset -p 300 -g 100 -r 32 db.g region.r
18:29.45 ``Erik heh
18:29.47 poolio ./beset for documentation
18:29.49 ``Erik I did -p 1000 -g 1000
18:29.53 poolio errr
18:30.03 poolio i mean, I have a slow laptop, so you might be able to take that
18:30.03 ``Erik tat slows it down enough to watch it grow
18:30.12 ``Erik quad opteron 2.0ghz with 8g ram
18:30.20 ``Erik I figured I wanted a slower machine to do it on
18:30.21 ``Erik :D
18:30.23 poolio yeah fair enough, I'm just not sure how to exit gracefully and have valgrind catch it?
18:30.31 ``Erik no valgrind, not linux
18:30.31 poolio ...that's slow? rawr.
18:30.41 ``Erik the linux boxes are 8 core
18:30.43 ``Erik is this threaded?
18:30.50 ``Erik doesn't look like it
18:30.51 poolio it was, I disabled the threading for testing
18:31.10 poolio the codes in there, just commented out for now while I try to fix these leaks
18:31.47 ``Erik ok, -p 1000 -g 10 takes 3sec, that should be sufficient
18:32.00 poolio k :)
18:32.24 poolio 3 seconds? geez man.
18:32.27 poolio well I'm not running optimized
18:33.32 ``Erik hum
18:33.36 ``Erik beset in free(): warning: junk pointer, too high to make sense
18:33.48 poolio where in beset?
18:34.15 ``Erik heh, doesn't say, gonna add some stuf fin... happens at the very beginning
18:34.39 poolio hmm alright
18:34.46 poolio (no frees are directly called by beset.c)
18:35.07 ``Erik no bound overwrites
18:35.26 poolio that's good. does that mean there can't be any stack overflow?
18:35.32 poolio well stack corruption
18:35.58 ``Erik I'd assume
18:36.35 ``Erik boehm seems to crash
18:36.44 ``Erik probably from that pointer error
18:37.03 poolio the free() one?
18:37.22 ``Erik yeah
18:37.44 poolio can you specify more t han free() in beset? there aren't any direct free()s called in beset.c is there a backtrace for it or something?
18:38.04 ``Erik no backtrace, unfortunately
18:38.26 poolio so the only thing youc an say is there's some bogus pointer being free()'d somewhere near the beginning of the program?
18:39.09 poolio Could I narrow that down by adding some printf debugging output at certain intervals in between routines?
18:39.31 ``Erik I can add those, just sit tight a few, I'm getting some environments rigged up
18:39.32 ``Erik :)
18:39.37 poolio Alright thanks
18:39.51 poolio Oh's a big idea. Do I need to free the partition and segments list passed to the a_hit routine?
18:42.34 ``Erik the junk pointer stuff is at _init() time :/
18:43.24 ``Erik uhmmmm, hrm, I'm not sure :)
18:44.09 ``Erik I don't THINK so, but I'm not sure
18:44.11 poolio So I really have no control over the junk pointer you're talking about right?
18:44.56 ``Erik right
18:45.11 poolio It doesn't look like I need to clean up the partitions/segments. g_qa doesn't
18:45.26 poolio That's what I based the raytracing section of beset off of
18:46.14 ``Erik heh
19:11.55 poolio hmm
19:12.11 poolio I have some ideas for optimizations, but none for fixing the leaky software :P
19:12.44 ``Erik how irritating, valgrind doesn't lilke amd64
19:12.50 ``Erik it seems it's JUST for i386 linux
19:13.33 ``Erik and opennurbs sucks big hairy goat balls and has my mac build all plugged up
19:13.44 poolio sorry
19:16.52 ``Erik what if;
19:17.15 ``Erik add externs in beset.c, then at the beginning of the loop in beset.c, null them out... and see if valgrind hleps there?
19:17.20 ``Erik or did you try that already?
19:17.41 poolio well, I null them at the beginning of pop_gop
19:17.46 poolio so they are nulled each iteration
19:17.53 poolio (before they are used)
19:19.49 ``Erik hrmmmm
19:24.04 poolio ``Erik: I just updated CVS if you want to try it
19:24.13 poolio also now you fun flags will work (except -Werror)
19:24.28 CIA-29 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (6 files): now conforms to C89
19:52.36 ``Erik hrmmmm
19:52.50 ``Erik it doesn't look like the allocs that are leaking are in src/gtools/beset
19:58.44 ``Erik hummmmm
19:58.53 ``Erik iiiinteresting,
19:59.07 ``Erik are any of these numbers magic? 36 4.5 2.25
20:07.52 poolio ``Erik: errr, not as far as I know
20:08.55 poolio ``Erik: I remember brlcad saying something about bu_ptbl_init...maybe there?
20:09.26 ``Erik hrm
20:09.40 ``Erik there're 36 retained records for -p 1 -g 1
20:10.09 ``Erik when I bump it to -p 10 -g 1, it's 2.25x, and -p 1 -g 10 is 4.5x
20:10.25 poolio weird
20:11.05 ``Erik (and obviously, 2.25*2=4.5
20:11.06 ``Erik )
20:11.33 ``Erik (also; I wouldn't rule out g_qa leaking like a seive)
20:11.39 poolio heh alright]
20:12.22 poolio Something to note, -p 1 - g 1 doesn't do anything in terms of the GA. It spawns a population, saves that to a database, and exits.
20:12.40 poolio well -p 1 means it'll just spawn one individual and save it to a database and exit
20:12.41 ``Erik ok, right, because g-1
20:12.50 ``Erik so -g 10 does 0-8
20:12.57 ``Erik which seems... odd
20:12.58 ``Erik :)
20:13.00 poolio well
20:13.04 poolio it does 0-9
20:13.06 poolio (geenrates the population)
20:13.11 poolio but we dont evaluate the fitness for the last generation
20:13.19 ``Erik okie
20:13.22 ``Erik well
20:13.31 ``Erik hm
20:13.36 poolio It has to do with the way the loop is worked
20:13.45 ``Erik if -p 10 -g 1 shows growth
20:13.59 ``Erik I'd assume that might mean your leak might possibly be in your population generation
20:14.11 ``Erik maybe
20:14.26 poolio spawn_first_generation(); for(each_generation){evaluate fitness of previous and spawn new generation}
20:14.46 poolio Seems so, let me check.
20:15.16 poolio ah d'oh. there is leakage there
20:15.19 poolio let me fix that up
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20:15.47 poolio I don't think mk_sph would (I think cleanup of the db ointer would do that)
20:16.01 poolio mk_addmember might
20:16.11 poolio well that'd be part of the wm_hd list cleanup I'm about to write
20:17.47 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
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20:18.18 IriX64 testing found this --->
20:18.58 ``Erik yeah, it's in src/other so it's someone elses problem... there're a fistful of those in our code, too, I think
20:19.24 IriX64 thankyou
20:19.35 IriX64 i'll fix my copy :)
20:20.02 poolio ``Erik: none of the code in proc_db cleans up the wm_hd lists
20:20.22 poolio I don't think it needs to be actually... but I'll try anyway
20:20.40 IriX64 invoke mr_clean() :)
20:21.55 IriX64 ahem, i return to my own trials and tribulations, sorry poolio :)
20:22.04 poolio :(
20:23.14 ``Erik poolio, it's highly possible that a lot of this stuff expects only one run and does not clean up, assuming the OS will clean up at exit... :/ you're presenting a unique challenge to the framework :)
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20:24.54 poolio ``Erik: argh. Also: there's no de-init needed in pop_spawn() with the wm_hd...all of it should clean itself up at the end of the routine
20:25.17 ``Erik once I have a re-done build
20:25.23 ``Erik I'm going to commit grave fugliness
20:25.29 poolio ah. which is?
20:25.40 ``Erik and tap it with a debugger to see if I can get a stack trace on one of those leak points
20:25.53 poolio alright, you're over my head. thanks a ton for the help
20:26.00 ``Erik heh
20:26.19 ``Erik I have the addresses of the un-freed things
20:26.38 ``Erik I'm going to put something in bu_malloc() that searches for some of those addresses
20:26.53 ``Erik "if the pointer happens to be 0x080c2351, break to debugger"
20:26.54 ``Erik :)
20:26.57 ``Erik hopefully it works
20:26.58 poolio wow
20:27.01 poolio that is really friggin fugly.
20:27.11 ``Erik <-- king of ugly
20:27.22 ``Erik but sometimes it works, then I look godlike :D
20:27.34 poolio hehe
20:28.03 poolio so you don't think the leaks have to do with anything I could fix in beset?
20:28.08 ``Erik well
20:28.12 ``Erik they're not actually leaks
20:28.28 ``Erik just not freed when they should be... there's still a path to them
20:28.44 poolio wait
20:29.06 poolio so most of the memory leaks are reachable things that were allocated in the stack and weren't properly freed when their respective routines exited?
20:30.07 ``Erik no
20:30.30 ``Erik only active frames of the stack are considered
20:30.48 ``Erik otherwise, valgrind SHOULD see it as an omfg leak
20:30.54 poolio heh alright
20:37.47 IriX64 mc
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20:51.26 ``Erik iiiinteresting
20:51.46 ``Erik oi, lee
20:53.03 iraytrace Evenin
20:53.13 ``Erik the first one is in rt_gettree()
20:55.52 poolio maybe lee can fix all the bugs. :)
20:56.12 poolio is this big boss man lee?
20:56.36 ``Erik no, this is whipping boy expatiate lee :)
20:57.08 iraytrace He's got *that* right.
20:57.32 poolio ouch.
20:57.34 iraytrace poolio: It's great too see what you've been doing
20:57.39 ``Erik so your report was sat on past the deadline?
20:57.50 iraytrace :-(
20:58.00 iraytrace There's more to it than just that
20:58.24 poolio iraytrace: thanks. It's been quite slow and frustrating though. I expected to be so much further so much faster.
20:58.53 ``Erik poolio, this is what I'm looking at now, as the 'first possible culprit':
20:59.13 poolio valgrind picked that up
20:59.26 poolio let me find the valgrind snippet
20:59.31 poolio (not in that much detail of course)
21:02.15 poolio ``Erik: <-- valgrind gets it too
21:04.07 ``Erik hum
21:05.03 poolio hmm
21:05.57 poolio so another possibility, I remember brlcad talking about offsets in the internal objects. I currently write the same internal object from one database into the next database without modifying the internal object in any way (just creating a new directory in the new database). Is there something i need to do to the rt_db_internal structure before I write it out to the new database?
21:06.20 ``Erik <-- has no idea
21:07.01 poolio hmm. I think it's not that. I feel like that would manifest itself as collisions between to rt_db_internal structs with the same offset and blow up. But it appears that the code works fine aside from the leaks.
21:08.01 poolio (and the databases aren't corrupt or anything)
21:08.29 poolio Also, that whole situation of copying internal objects doesn't occur with a generation size of one
21:16.13 poolio Oh. That's a pain.
21:17.18 poolio It looks like it is rt_gettree(). It does happen with g=1 because I raytrace the region that is passed as an argument and rt_gettree() is called on that
21:20.58 ``Erik based on how it's used elsewhere
21:21.21 ``Erik hum, I was looking at this line before, heh
21:21.44 ``Erik wait, you don't prep, do you?
21:21.53 poolio rt_prep()? I do
21:22.01 poolio ah does that call gettree?
21:22.35 ``Erik no, that's what cleans up gettree
21:22.43 poolio oh
21:23.50 poolio look at fit_rt() in fitness: rtip = rt_new_rti(db); rt_gettree(rtip); rt_prep(rtip); ...shoot rays...
21:24.00 poolio and finally rt_clean(rtip)
21:25.01 ``Erik not rt_free_rti() ?
21:25.19 poolio no
21:25.31 poolio I previously had rt_free_rti() but siwtched to rt_clean(). Do I need to do both?
21:25.51 ``Erik rt_free_rti() calls rt_clean() and does some other stuff
21:26.01 poolio hmm ok
21:26.33 poolio rawr.
21:26.42 poolio Why did I change it to rt_clean()?????????
21:27.51 poolio err still get the rt_gettree leak
21:31.23 ``Erik hum, actually, I think we found different things O.o
21:32.36 poolio hmm?
21:32.52 poolio I have a feeling I'm not properly comprehending what is allocated and unallocated in the rtip
21:33.10 ``Erik heh, same here
21:33.50 poolio <PROTECTED>
21:34.09 poolio is that different than rt_uniresource?
21:40.45 poolio ``Erik: argh I have to go, but I'll be around later. If you come across anything just write it in here or send me an e-mail and I'll see it in a couple hours. Thanks again for all the help
21:42.15 ``Erik np
21:47.55 ``Erik
22:00.29 iraytrace The rt_uniresource is a single resource allocated by the library
22:00.43 iraytrace For multiple, the application has to alloc/dealloc
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