IRC log for #brlcad on 20070806

00:00.27 ewilhelm
00:03.06 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
00:03.54 siggraph ~IAI is the International Alliance for Interoperability, a global standards-setting organization representing widely diverse constituencies from architects and engineers, to research scientists, to commercial building owners and contractors, to government officials and academia, to facility managers, and to software companies and building product manufacturers. See for details.
00:03.55 ibot siggraph: okay
00:15.16 siggraph ewilhelm: are you interested at all in working on a STEP processing library? if you are, I'm sure there's a lot we could do
00:20.56 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
00:44.48 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
01:00.55 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
01:35.16 *** join/#brlcad LinuxMafia (
01:35.20 LinuxMafia hi all
01:35.56 LinuxMafia is there a command to say rotate 45 degree in x direction
01:36.30 LinuxMafia any one here?
01:42.33 yukonbob LinuxMafia: rot
01:42.48 LinuxMafia yukonbob, tthanks so much
01:43.31 yukonbob that'll rotate, or "ae" for absolute values
01:43.35 yukonbob ie: ae 0 0 0
01:43.38 yukonbob ae 30 0 0
01:44.25 yukonbob i think ae only adjusts view though, not actual object.
01:44.43 LinuxMafia ae is not rotate
01:45.03 LinuxMafia yeah ae is vie
02:27.44 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:31.13 IriX64 and photon.png who says windows blows :)
03:32.49 louipc siggraph: nope the patch didn't fix the problem :/ I still have gdb yep
03:36.13 louipc I was going to try to step through it but it goes through a lot of code!
04:29.42 IriX64 (unix code on windows)
04:42.23 poolio siggraph: are you still at siggraph?
05:02.05 ewilhelm siggraph: atm, just seeing what's out there
05:02.20 ewilhelm I'm definitely going to have to do some data-mining from IFC at some point
05:02.52 ewilhelm if I understand it correctly, the SCL is something like "generate C++ classes from an EXPRESS schema"
05:03.34 ewilhelm though I have my doubts about how pretty that will be in C++
05:04.37 ewilhelm ultimately, I would probably aim for a Perl binding with Inline or something
05:04.54 ewilhelm but need to get a good handle on what that will entail
07:09.14 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
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14:11.44 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
14:12.15 poolio damn time zones...
15:35.09 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
15:59.50 poolio is there a way to copy an object form one database to another?
16:06.50 archivist I have to restrain myself from answering that as a mysql question where its easy
16:08.03 poolio I guess I'll just write a simple program to do it myself
16:08.25 poolio it's not too hard, I'm just not sure as to the command and am too lazy to research it heh
16:20.43 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
16:22.00 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/ (beset.c fitness.c population.c beset.h population.h): pre-generate and store identifiers. more cleanup
16:28.51 *** join/#brlcad ertugerata (n=Ertugrul@
16:29.04 ertugerata salut
16:30.10 ertugerata tarzeau: selam
16:52.26 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
17:08.31 ertugerata ilya quelqu'un peut m'aider pour les dependencies just de brlcad ?
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17:33.45 siggraph poolio: yes, all week
17:42.34 siggraph ertugerata: salut
17:42.42 poolio siggraph: ayeeeee :)
17:42.53 poolio siggraph: enjoy
17:43.13 ertugerata siggraph: tu parle français ? ou no ?
17:43.22 siggraph Eu não falo o português, mas eu posso tentar ajudar-lhe
17:43.31 poolio je parle un peu de francais
17:43.45 poolio c'est possible que je peut t'aider
17:43.46 ertugerata poolio: moi aussi
17:44.00 siggraph there are no "required" dependencies -- everything you need is in the tarball
17:44.25 ertugerata siggraph: opennubs a problems
17:44.26 siggraph at least other than a compiler, a shell, perhaps curses, and x11
17:44.46 siggraph ertugerata: what kind of problems?
17:44.55 poolio ertugerata: quels problemes?
17:45.13 poolio ertugerata: est-ce que vous pouvez mettre les erreurs ici:
17:45.29 ertugerata une minute je vais reconstrure une fois
17:45.33 poolio merci
17:45.43 siggraph ~tr en fr you can try to use --disable-opennurbs with 'configure'
17:46.24 ertugerata --enable-buildopennubs=no marche bien
17:46.38 tarzeau ertugerata: saleykuem
17:46.55 ertugerata tarzeau: türkçe anlıyor musun
17:47.01 siggraph ~x en fr you can try to use --disable-opennurbs with 'configure'
17:47.07 siggraph there we go
17:47.14 siggraph heh, not very good :)
17:47.25 tarzeau ertugerata: anliyorum biraz evet
17:47.38 louipc there's a ./configurent script?
17:47.41 louipc hehehe
17:48.04 siggraph use --disable-opennurbs or --enable-opennurbs-build=no, but not --enable-buildopennubs=no
17:48.09 ertugerata tarzeau: brlcad ı derlemeye çalışıyorum
17:48.27 ertugerata opennubs u derleyince hata çıktı
17:48.34 ertugerata bende disable ettim
17:48.35 tarzeau ertugerata: valla tuerkcem cok sayif.. arti tuerk harfleri ?? isaret olarak gosteriyor
17:48.42 ertugerata tmm
17:49.00 louipc czech?
17:49.03 ertugerata brlcad ı derlemeye calisiyorum
17:49.29 ertugerata opennubs nedir
17:49.56 ertugerata neden gereken her sey source da var onu soracam
17:50.55 siggraph puedes escribir en español?
17:51.57 siggraph quel es la problemes .. exact?
17:52.21 louipc turkish maybe
17:52.53 siggraph he started in french
17:53.25 ertugerata siggraph: je vais reproduire bugs dans quelque minute
17:53.32 siggraph k
17:54.09 *** join/#brlcad ert76-pardus (n=ert76-pa@
17:54.10 siggraph and they're not bugs.. just build issues :)
17:54.27 ert76-pardus ertugerata: ordamısın
17:58.03 ertugerata siggraph:
17:59.00 siggraph ahh, that's an easy one
17:59.09 siggraph those are libz symbols
17:59.41 siggraph cd src/other/opennurbs && make LIBS="-lz" && cd ../../.. && make
18:00.13 poolio siggraph: wOOt. fixed the biggest memory issue :)
18:00.40 poolio wait no...
18:00.43 poolio well one of them ...
18:01.27 siggraph ertugerata: you need to add -lz to your LIBS -- so either during configure (./configure LIBS=-lz) or during top-level make (make LIBS=-lz) or in a specific directory
18:01.38 siggraph poolio: coolio
18:01.40 siggraph what was it?
18:01.52 poolio hmm well I thought I fixed it, but now I'm not sure
18:01.59 siggraph heh
18:02.04 poolio I thought it was that some hist structs weren't being freed
18:02.14 poolio so I added bu_hist_free() stuff to rt_cut_clean
18:02.26 poolio but the lost memory is still there
18:02.30 ertugerata siggraph:comme "./configure LIBS=lz" N'est pas
18:03.17 louipc LIBS=-lz
18:03.37 ertugerata thanks
18:03.40 louipc moins
18:06.13 poolio siggraph: did you ever figure out something with the bu_ptbl_init leaks?
18:06.20 poolio I remember you were looking at them a couple days ago
18:06.52 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:06.59 ertugerata 2 eme problem: "prefix=/usr/brlcad" just ?
18:09.18 louipc /usr/brlcad c'est le défault
18:10.57 ertugerata merci bien
18:13.23 poolio siggraph: is it possible valgrind is wrong? I mean...I mean I'm 99% sure that it is being free'd, but valgrind is still saying that the blocks are definitely lost
18:13.36 siggraph poolio: I was looking at it, but I'd not finished -- I'd then moved to top of the list (which I still think is a problem too)
18:13.51 poolio what's the top of the list?
18:13.59 poolio the printf's?
18:14.27 siggraph poolio: I've *yet* to see valgrind be wrong (through hundreds of runs on many many systems) .. even when I've thought it was wrong and keep looking.. it was eventually right
18:14.47 poolio ok
18:14.57 siggraph i mean theoretically it could possibly be wrong, but to date I've not seen even one instance
18:15.16 poolio so most likely it is not wrong
18:15.25 siggraph most likely
18:20.12 ertugerata je vais packager brlcad pour pardus distro turc
18:36.02 ertugerata 3 eme problem :comment je marche brlcad , est-ce que je peux faire .destop pour quelle executable ?
18:36.48 louipc ertugerata: mged
18:37.05 ertugerata hmm
18:37.31 ertugerata si mged marche bien c'est fini ?
18:37.40 louipc tu peut faire une .desktop si tu veut
18:38.02 ertugerata pour mged ?
18:38.23 louipc oui
18:38.28 louipc et oui
18:39.02 ertugerata une minute
18:40.38 poolio siggraph: I'm a bit confused with some code...re_directory_blocks, memory for directories stored in the resource pointer... it seems it's nto being freed anywhere? where is the appropriate time to do so? It's commented out of rt_clean_resource but I can't see where it was moved to or if it was moved anywhere
18:41.41 poolio (line 187 of prep.c)
18:41.45 poolio src/librt
18:42.46 ertugerata j'ai urt , iwidgets, itk and itcl separee , command va ajouter parametre configure ?
18:43.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03poolio * 10brlcad/src/librt/prep.c: free rti_hist_cell_pieces
18:43.44 poolio :q
18:44.49 poolio err
18:44.57 louipc ./configure va détecté si tu l'as intallé automatiquement
18:45.38 ertugerata si il ne trouve pas justement je peux aider comment ?
18:45.57 siggraph ~louipc++
18:47.53 louipc je pense qu'il n'y a pas un fa
18:48.04 louipc un façon de le faire
18:48.53 louipc siggraph: you do you help ./configure find those installed dependencies if it can't?
18:49.11 siggraph poolio: that could be why it's leaking .. I don't remember why it would be commented out other than some other situation where that was potentially causing some other issue -- guessing, have to look at the commit log or otherwise think about where it "should" be released (and rt_clean_resource sounds like 'the place' to me)
18:49.26 siggraph louipc: what do you mean?
18:49.32 poolio siggraph: well I kind of see why it shouldn't be released there
18:49.49 siggraph you 'can' always help configure find things, but don't have to (at least you're not supposed to need to)
18:50.12 louipc ertugerata asks if configure can't find them how can he help it?
18:50.13 siggraph there are a few situations where you may need a cflag or an ldflag or a lib though
18:50.23 poolio siggraph: I'm raytracing multiple objects from the same databse, leaving the database open the whole time. It looks like the resouce pointers link into the directory stucture, and freeing those blocks would mess up future iterations using the database
18:51.10 siggraph have to find out why it didn't find them (and does he have a specific example of one) -- a common one for 7.10 is folks expecting it to find tcl/tk where we do specifically check for 8.5+
18:51.12 poolio siggraph: the reasoning the files gives is " 182 /* XXX These can't be freed here either, because we allocated
18:51.15 poolio <PROTECTED>
18:51.18 poolio <PROTECTED>
18:51.20 poolio "
18:52.04 poolio I'm not quite sure I understand what that means, but it seems like we can't free the re_directory_blocks until we're done with the db_i?
18:52.32 siggraph louipc: it could be a simple matter of the configure test just needing a -lz or some other flag, or it could be something more lower level -- details in config.log as to why it failed to find/use whatever feature/header/library/etc
18:54.21 poolio carnegie mellon?
18:54.28 siggraph yep
18:54.29 dtidrow_work probably
18:54.34 poolio put in a good word for me ;)
18:54.38 siggraph heh
18:54.41 yukonbob apparently there's a Spore (the game) talk too
18:55.00 poolio sweet. can't wait for it to come out, sounds awesome
18:55.02 dtidrow_work siggraph: color me green :-\
18:55.06 siggraph this paper is on really need plastic deformations
18:55.12 siggraph s/need/neat/
18:55.19 siggraph dtidrow_work: hm?
18:55.32 dtidrow_work green as in envious
18:55.47 siggraph dtidrow_work: oh, you're not here this year??
18:56.00 dtidrow_work nope, wasn't in the budget
18:56.09 siggraph ahh
18:56.22 dtidrow_work so I'm stuck in my office this year :-(
18:56.27 siggraph that's a shame
18:56.38 dtidrow_work indeed
18:56.49 poolio siggraph: maybe free re_directory_blocks in db_close?
18:56.54 siggraph coulda gone.. had it not been for 'other' factors ;-)
18:57.15 siggraph poolio: perhaps, though I'm not sure I believe that comment by itself
18:57.42 poolio k. well I'm going to throw it in db_close() and see how it does. I won't commit it but I'll fool around with my local build
18:57.48 siggraph heck, I might have even written that comment, seems familiar to an old issue
18:57.49 dtidrow_work siggraph: <- check out this while you're there
18:58.16 poolio aren't comments supposed to explain things ;)
18:58.26 siggraph poolio: dbclose does sound like a great place for it since it's allocated during lookups
18:59.54 poolio is it Ok to reference rt_uniresource from within db_close() I feel like it isn't
19:00.02 siggraph dtidrow_work: hehe, okay
19:00.16 siggraph what do you mean by reference?
19:00.30 siggraph it's okay for routines to check if the resource being processed is the uniresource
19:00.44 siggraph since it's memory is handled special (it's not malloced)
19:01.44 poolio well can't you open/close databases without ever initializing rt_uniresource? or is it a global that's initialized with any program that links against librt?
19:03.11 siggraph rt_uniresource is auto-initialized on first access (or can be manually initialized)
19:03.36 poolio siggraph: note: that commented out freeing of re_directory_blocks exists in rt_free_rti() and rt_clean_resource()
19:03.46 poolio rt_free_rti() calls db_close()
19:03.48 siggraph if you do an rt_dirbuild() for example, the uniresource is initialized automatically if it's not been yet
19:04.13 poolio so if there was a problem freeing re_directory_blocks in rt_free_rti I bet that same problem will be exhibited if I add it to db_close()
19:04.30 poolio (as rt_free_rti() calls db_close_client() which calls db_close())
19:04.43 poolio and thanks for the uniresource clarification
19:05.04 siggraph did the log have anything useful to say?
19:05.09 siggraph regarding those comments
19:05.11 poolio which one?
19:05.30 poolio the changelog? haven't looked at it, should though :)
19:05.56 siggraph the commit log often has additional detail, particularly if it was temporary
19:06.51 poolio "if a raytrace instance isn't being provided, we can/could presume that cleaning up after the directories is okay. all of these issues stem from the two bu_ptbl_init() calls that do actually allocate memory (for the table). leave the freeing uncommited for now, just with comments"
19:07.44 poolio hmm, I'm still confused
19:08.37 siggraph who wrote that?
19:08.50 siggraph (and when)
19:08.51 poolio you :)
19:08.58 poolio Sat May 19 07:00:15 2007 UTC (2 months, 2 weeks ago) by brlcad
19:09.04 siggraph you should go talk to that person and see what they meant
19:09.14 poolio shouldn't I? :)
19:09.33 siggraph wow, two months ago.. huh
19:09.56 siggraph i'll poke and look .. gotta run for a bit
19:10.02 poolio k
19:11.58 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ turn off opennurbs for now by default until work is more active again. opennurbs needs libz apparently, so include that as well as a dep.
19:15.35 poolio somehow or another I still had rt_free_rti instead of rt_clean...I don't understand. I could have sworn I've changed that a billion times...
19:15.52 louipc it keeps changing back?
19:16.03 poolio or more likely, I've lost my mind
19:16.12 poolio ah crap. I see...I was editing in the wrong build tree. d'oh.
19:21.46 *** part/#brlcad ert76-pardus (n=ert76-pa@
19:51.43 ertugerata <PROTECTED>
19:51.43 ertugerata Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...Detached
19:52.08 ertugerata ?
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21:19.44 poolio siggraph: there's some sort of weird leak where the databases aren't being close because "others are still using this database" and I think that might have to do with the whole directory blocks thing
21:23.29 poolio err nevermind.
21:41.26 poolio siggraph: is there a reason there is no bu_semaphore_free?
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