IRC log for #brlcad on 20070810

06:07.07 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob_ (
07:00.11 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
10:01.53 *** join/#brlcad louipc ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:01.53 *** join/#brlcad tarzeau ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:08.45 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
13:53.30 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
16:37.48 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
16:52.57 *** join/#brlcad LinuxMafia (
16:53.03 LinuxMafia hi
16:53.13 LinuxMafia any one in here
16:54.28 poolio allo
16:54.38 LinuxMafia how can i see the axis with size on them
16:54.42 poolio It's my last day of work :)
16:54.42 LinuxMafia poolio, hi
16:54.49 LinuxMafia oh
16:54.57 LinuxMafia are you happy?
16:55.42 LinuxMafia i want something that helps me positioning the shapes
16:55.42 poolio Yes, there's tons more to be done though...
16:55.47 dtidrow_work poolio: where are you headed next?
16:55.51 poolio You can enable the grid?
16:55.53 poolio dtidrow_work: school :)
16:56.16 LinuxMafia poolio, i did click show grid , but it does not show it
16:56.23 poolio no? it works fine here
16:56.28 poolio maybe you're zoomed in too far
16:56.37 poolio (the grid size is too large?)
16:57.30 poolio dtidrow_work: I'll probalby try to finish up the project that I'm working on sometime in the future when I have free time
16:57.30 LinuxMafia poolio, i set the grid spacing to 1mm
16:58.08 poolio Modes -> Draw grid?
16:58.51 LinuxMafia poolio, yeah i have it ticked
16:59.19 poolio hmm not sure
16:59.28 poolio I may be a developer but I know less about mged than most users
16:59.30 LinuxMafia poolio, oh i got it now
16:59.49 LinuxMafia poolio, it was because of grid spacing
16:59.57 LinuxMafia i set it to auto spacing
17:00.03 poolio yep yep :)
17:00.39 LinuxMafia poolio, but it is 2d
17:01.00 LinuxMafia it wont help you to position any thing
17:03.41 LinuxMafia that sux
17:04.16 LinuxMafia and there is no grid on other windows when i choose multiple mode
17:06.10 LinuxMafia hum
17:09.42 poolio sorry
17:10.16 LinuxMafia that is ok
17:10.28 LinuxMafia i think i have to move from view to view
17:13.33 LinuxMafia is there any way to attach command window
17:13.41 LinuxMafia to graphic window?
17:13.54 LinuxMafia like command window apper at bottom
17:14.03 LinuxMafia ?
17:14.04 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
17:14.24 LinuxMafia wb dtidrow
17:14.31 LinuxMafia ready to answer?
17:15.54 poolio LinuxMafia: have you read the tutorials?
17:16.03 dtidrow_work actualy I just set up my laptop
17:16.14 LinuxMafia poolio, i am reading it
17:16.19 LinuxMafia volume III
17:16.35 LinuxMafia dtidrow, congras
17:16.42 dtidrow heh
17:16.47 LinuxMafia poolio, i am reading the pipe thing
17:17.01 LinuxMafia dtidrow, congrajs
17:17.25 LinuxMafia poolio, is there other tutorials?
17:23.46 poolio eh not sure
17:28.18 LinuxMafia poolio, what is the C code is doing there
17:28.32 poolio where?
17:28.43 LinuxMafia in tutorial
17:28.51 poolio I have no clue, I'm not reading a tutorial
17:28.57 poolio and no offense, but I don't really have time at the moment
17:29.06 poolio I'd wait for someone who knows what they're talking about to return to IRC
17:29.17 LinuxMafia oh cool
17:29.22 LinuxMafia i will just practice
17:29.29 LinuxMafia thanks alot do
17:45.21 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
18:29.53 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
19:59.56 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
20:02.33 MinuteElectron brlcad: Are you there?
20:04.06 dtidrow_work he's probably flying back from SIGGRAPH
20:04.25 MinuteElectron oh, ok
20:04.26 poolio I felt like he was home :P
20:04.37 dtidrow_work is he already?
20:04.46 poolio 20 minutes ago he changed his nick back to brlcad...
20:04.53 dtidrow_work heh
20:05.03 dtidrow_work guess so, the :-)
20:05.06 dtidrow_work then
20:05.15 dtidrow_work wasn't paying attention
20:08.08 ``Erik my mac broke :(
20:09.44 MinuteElectron brlcad: When you see this message could you give me some advice to the current state of LDAP and how you are getting on with integrating it with your other projects. That would be useful as I have a few days before I go on holiday again (for two weeks) and I might be able to get some work done. Right now I am going to do something else, since I only just got back.
20:23.23 poolio ``Erik: stinks. My friend's brand new macbook pro died yesterday :\
20:23.50 poolio ``Erik: "arb(shape): only 3 faces present
20:24.33 dtidrow poolio: ough!
20:24.37 dtidrow puch!
20:24.51 dtidrow heh - fingers aren't working today...
20:24.55 poolio that doesn't make sense to me as to how that can occur? I'm mutating an RPP and I can only see how it could have 1 face or no faces...but not 3
20:25.10 poolio dtidrow: heh, s'alright it's a friday :)
21:27.49 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@

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