IRC log for #brlcad on 20070817

00:04.38 poolio brlcad: No music? Lame.
00:04.54 dtidrow heh
00:50.28 yukonbob brlcad: cool
00:57.07 brlcad unfortunately it's entirely unoptimized to shoot high numbers of shadow rays, but it at least will let you now
00:58.01 brlcad I should render something like m35 or havoc with that many shadow rays to see the difference
01:03.09 poolio eek. how long would that take?
01:03.55 brlcad dunno, depends how many shadow rays, how big a picture, etc
01:07.20 yukonbob brlcad: how was siggraph, btw?
01:08.16 brlcad it was great, loads of great papers
01:08.30 brlcad one in particular for generating cutaway diagrams that I liked
01:08.35 yukonbob lots of new ideas for optimizations and new features?
01:09.48 brlcad heh, yeah.. loads
01:10.23 brlcad most of the stuff that we can directly use and benefit from outright we've known about for years -- just a matter of folks and doing the work
01:10.54 brlcad most of our biggest "win" ideas aren't even that technical though
01:11.09 brlcad like a better (i.e. easier to learn/use) modeling interface
01:11.40 brlcad real-time shaded displays, consistent graphical interface
01:12.41 yukonbob indeed.
01:12.46 yukonbob hey, q: re usage
01:13.39 yukonbob when you say "shoot a ray" -- what does that mean -- it detects where it collides with "something" in the model?
01:13.49 brlcad yes
01:14.12 yukonbob ?is "shot" like a vector start x,y,z, deltas x,y,z
01:14.49 brlcad hm? deltas?
01:15.05 brlcad a ray basically is a vector with a position and a direction
01:15.32 brlcad shooting it basically asks/answers the question of what lies along that vector
01:15.33 yukonbob right --- the directions are what I mean w/ deltas (change)
01:15.54 yukonbob can things be traced with reflection/refraction as well?
01:15.58 brlcad so you can talk about the first hit, segments, what objects are on a given shotline
01:16.56 brlcad yes, that's what the ray-tracer does
01:17.16 brlcad when it hits a surface with a given ray, it looks at the properties of what it hit
01:17.25 yukonbob so you've got all the typical ray-tracer facilities available in your single ray that you can query.
01:18.20 brlcad if the ray being first is for rendering an image, for example, and it hit something reflective, it'll then shoot a reflected ray to compute the light contribution from the reflected source
01:20.27 brlcad a couple of the distinctions of BRL-CAD's ray-tracers and the librt ray-tracing library is that it'll 1) handle *everything* along a given shot line (not just the first hit) and 2) it handles implicit geometry along with CSG (instead of just explicit models (e.g. polygonal meshes))
01:22.28 brlcad there are other particular details, like brl-cad's multispecral library for dealing with non-visible light spectrums, but that's a differenent subject altogether
01:22.43 brlcad rays themselves are pretty simple, as is shooting a ray
01:23.09 yukonbob so much to learn ;)
01:23.10 brlcad it's rather mathematical/simple in that it just answers the question, what does this ray encounter
01:23.25 brlcad what happens when it does encounter something is entirely up to the given application
01:24.02 yukonbob brlcad: could the ray say: once I encounter this, how much material would I go through if I kept on going, not stopped, reflected or refracted?
01:24.12 brlcad for 'rt', it's trying to make a picture, so it works with our optics library and deals with reflections, diffusion, refraction, etc and simulates light transport (i.e. traditional image rendering ray-tracing)
01:24.53 brlcad for analysis codes, the rays might be infrared energy (which has entirely different behaviors), or might even be something like a bullet or a fragment being simulated
01:25.46 brlcad yes, the ray can say that -- and almost that exact question is what is performed in the MUVES-S2 analysis simulation that directly ties to BRL-CAD for V/L analyses
01:27.04 yukonbob v/l?
01:27.11 brlcad vulnerability/lethality
01:27.18 yukonbob ah.
01:28.23 yukonbob so awesome... thanks mike muuss, and sean (and everybody)... amazing piece of work.
01:29.02 brlcad more simply, though, that's even the same question that's effectively answered if you wanted to simulate an xray machine .. how far the xrays can penetration depend on the types of materials, how thick they are, etc
01:29.29 brlcad s/penetration/penetrate/
01:30.00 yukonbob apps like that would be custom-linked into libs though, right?
01:30.12 yukonbob *custom-built and linked
01:30.13 brlcad what do you mean?
01:31.13 yukonbob with a bog-standard distro, can I come up w/ an xray model for a material w/o writing more software? Obviously I'll need to do my materials analysis, and waveform anaylsis, but otherwise, how tough?
01:31.19 brlcad you'd have to write the driving application that encodes the physics of whatever you're trying to simulate (an xray simulation isn't the same as a radar simulation nor the same as simulating a v/l analysis, etc)
01:32.26 brlcad well, in this case, brl-cad does already have an x-ray simulating renderer
01:32.37 brlcad rtxray
01:32.49 brlcad as well as thermal and a handful of others
01:33.13 yukonbob so, based on the rtxray code, I could write an rt-alien-laser app, if I knew how alian lasers worked
01:33.17 yukonbob *alien
01:33.27 brlcad they become much easier to write once you have a simple/good ray-tracing interface that you can write to (which is the point of librt)
01:33.34 brlcad yes
01:33.45 yukonbob good to know when "they" come....
01:34.16 brlcad it's actually not too complicated at all if you know C
01:34.31 yukonbob WE'RE READY FOR YOU... no wait a bit... we're compiling... OK.. NOW WE'RE READY FOR YOU!!
01:34.54 brlcad there's some basic info at for example, the second link just opens a .g geometry file and shoots a ray at the model
01:36.23 poolio Checkout beset for similar examples :)
01:36.42 poolio g_qa.c in src/gtools/ is also good
01:37.05 brlcad beset does considerably more :)
01:37.29 yukonbob beset == the GA that's being worked on here, right?
01:37.42 poolio yeah. but it initally fires rays at a model and stores them.
01:37.55 yukonbob ?so can the rays physically affect the models
01:37.59 poolio Probably not the best thing to look at, I just like selling crappy code.
01:38.03 poolio No.
01:38.10 poolio Well, you could code them so that they would
01:38.42 poolio But shooting a ray at an object will not modify the database object
01:45.20 brlcad you could easily write an application that fired rays and modeified the geometry as part of the process (so you could have a FPS shooter game, for example, where you shoot at things and it actually leaves holes or blows things up or chips away at them, etc)
01:48.22 yukonbob didn't even realize that those words were coming from you at first ;)
01:55.52 poolio hi yukonbob. I'd ignore my words and go for brlcad. he knows ... a tad bit more :)
01:56.56 poolio There was some real-time raytracing FPS thingy sometime recently
01:57.02 yukonbob w/ brlcad?
01:57.38 yukonbob btw, I wasn't ignoring your words -- just wasn't looking at < poolio> versus <@brlcad> :)
01:59.14 brlcad ray-tracing's being used in several games now, and will probably dominate before too long
01:59.49 brlcad even the video card makers have started to provide the hooks so that you can perform ray-tracing on the GPU now easily enough for most rendering purposes
02:00.42 yukonbob are you talking about GL?
02:11.35 brlcad nope
02:11.36 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: nirt/query_ray reports intersection messages in triplicate if the shot routines miss but still print out messages
02:11.54 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/nirt/parse_fmt.c: comments and curlies
02:11.59 brlcad talking about video cards actually doing ray-tracing to generate the display image
03:12.16 *** join/#brlcad npcdoom (n=npcdoom@gugve/developer/npcdoom)
03:58.05 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
05:30.49 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
05:32.12 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
07:23.26 brlcad ah yeah, there he is just earlier today
07:23.36 brlcad ~ww
07:23.37 ibot Wrong Window.
07:23.43 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
09:06.24 yukonbob ~wtf
09:06.31 yukonbob ~botsnack
09:06.31 ibot thanks, yukonbob
09:06.37 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS src/librt/g_rec.c):
09:06.37 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: fixed a bug encountered when ray-tracing really tiny TGC objects (sub-millimeter
09:06.37 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: size) caused by the REC prep routine thinking it was a valid right elliptical
09:06.37 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: cone (when it wasn't). the problem was due to a bad magnitude check and an
09:06.37 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: insufficient hard-coded 'smallness' constant. the result was rays that would
09:06.40 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: miss portions of the tgc entirely, only counting the 'middle' portion that would
09:06.42 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: have corresponded with an REC.
09:07.20 yukonbob ~wtf ath
09:07.29 yukonbob ~wtf ls
09:07.59 brlcad ~ath
09:08.11 yukonbob hey brlcad
09:08.14 brlcad howdy yukonbob
09:08.37 yukonbob I made a bot that interfaced to wtf as well, but notice that they interface to their own db, as well as manpages, etc.
09:08.43 yukonbob ~wtf dd
09:09.10 yukonbob ~wtf SMP
09:09.23 brlcad yeah, to an extent
09:09.35 brlcad ~smp
09:09.35 ibot it has been said that smp is (Symmetric Multi Processing) This refers to a technology where a computer uses multiple processors to process different instructions at the same time, in separate processing units. It is a form of parallel computing.. A feature of an SMP system is that it uses shared memory between all the processors, rather than each processor having ...
09:09.54 yukonbob ~tuning
09:10.03 yukonbob ~wtf tuning
09:10.24 brlcad there's a different command to ask it more general terms..
09:10.25 yukonbob ~wtf security
09:10.38 brlcad forget the name atm, though
09:10.54 brlcad ibot: literal wtf
09:10.55 ibot "where" is "<reply> who?"
09:11.13 yukonbob ~wtf rmmod
09:11.24 yukonbob now I know it's running on a linux box...
09:11.39 yukonbob ~wtf deb
09:11.40 brlcad yeah, tim's a debian nut
09:11.45 yukonbob ;)
09:13.18 yukonbob I've got a bot interface silc->wtf, and noticed that it grabs info from the manpages as well... might be able to constrain w/ 'wtf -f <database>', but I'm not sure if it constrains or not...
09:13.46 yukonbob ~wtf bind
09:13.53 yukonbob ~wtf named
09:14.00 yukonbob ~wtf php
09:14.04 yukonbob ~wtf php5
09:14.11 yukonbob ~wtf php4
09:14.55 brlcad ~whatis named
09:15.10 brlcad ~apropos php
09:15.10 ibot php: nothing appropriate
09:15.56 yukonbob ~apropos http
09:15.57 ibot http: nothing appropriate
09:16.04 yukonbob ~apropos perl
09:16.05 ibot perl: nothing appropriate
09:16.10 brlcad ~apropos list
09:16.10 ibot list: nothing appropriate
09:16.13 yukonbob ~apropos python
09:16.14 ibot python: nothing appropriate
09:16.15 brlcad *shrug*
09:16.19 yukonbob ;)
09:18.34 brlcad (speaking of perl, blootbot is written in perl)
09:18.47 yukonbob is ibot a blootbot?
09:18.58 brlcad ~ibot
09:18.59 ibot methinks ibot is a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
09:19.21 yukonbob ~wtf tcl
09:19.24 yukonbob ~wtf tclsh
09:19.33 yukonbob ~apropos tcl
09:19.34 ibot tcl: nothing appropriate
09:19.38 brlcad i don't think wtf does what you think it does :)
09:19.39 yukonbob ~apropos sqlite
09:19.40 ibot sqlite: nothing appropriate
09:19.56 yukonbob ~wtf iptables
09:20.03 brlcad other than that
09:20.12 brlcad :)
09:20.19 brlcad factinfo wtf
09:20.22 brlcad ~factinfo wtf
09:20.22 ibot there's no such factoid as wtf, brlcad
09:20.45 brlcad ~kernel
09:20.53 yukonbob !
09:20.56 yukonbob ~rootpass
09:20.59 brlcad heh
09:21.24 brlcad that's just saying which are available/current
09:21.59 brlcad ~nickometer yukonbob
09:22.11 brlcad ~nullski
09:22.17 yukonbob I guess thats good...
09:22.23 brlcad :)
09:22.32 brlcad it does more interesting things on folks with lame nicks ;)
09:22.56 brlcad doesn't take to kindly to use of punctuation and certain styles of case
09:23.02 yukonbob ~nickmeter brlcad
09:23.03 ibot brlcad is 100% lame with a cherry on top!
09:23.18 yukonbob heh -- that's gotta be hardcoded
09:23.23 brlcad heh
09:23.26 yukonbob ~nickmeter poolio
09:23.26 ibot poolio is 100% lame with a cherry on top!
09:23.33 yukonbob ~nickmeter joe
09:23.33 ibot joe is 100% lame with a cherry on top!
09:23.44 yukonbob ~nickmeter l33td00d
09:23.45 ibot l33td00d is 100% lame with a cherry on top!
09:23.47 brlcad ~literal nickmeter
09:24.04 brlcad ~nickometer l33td00d
09:24.16 brlcad nickOmeter ;)
09:24.30 brlcad ~factinfo nickmeter
09:24.30 ibot there's no such factoid as nickmeter, brlcad
09:24.38 yukonbob ~nickometer brlcad
09:24.44 yukonbob better
09:24.51 yukonbob ~nickometer poolio
09:24.59 yukonbob ~nickometer joe
09:25.14 brlcad he does have me hard coded for a few things
09:25.33 brlcad probably because we don't see eye to eye on lots of issues, but probably half joke too
09:25.48 brlcad ooh
09:25.55 brlcad ~piglatin hello, how are you
09:26.19 brlcad ~slashdot
09:26.39 brlcad ~uptime
09:26.51 yukonbob ^-- that's what I need to get my silcbot to do --
09:26.56 yukonbob (slashdot)
09:27.06 brlcad ~zippy hello
09:27.21 brlcad ~zippy
09:27.32 brlcad ~zsi
09:27.58 brlcad ~insult yukonbob
09:28.14 yukonbob !nice
09:28.35 brlcad ~lart yukonbob
09:28.35 ibot takes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in yukonbob's direction, hitting yukonbob and sending yukonbob flying into the closet
09:28.36 yukonbob bottricks ;)
09:28.48 brlcad ~botsnack
09:28.48 ibot :), brlcad
09:30.26 yukonbob ~lart laniakea
09:30.27 ibot slaps laniakea upside the head with a wet fish
09:31.03 brlcad some of the best features are bzflag-specific as well as just ibot's pretty extensive factoid database
09:31.13 brlcad probably one of the biggest if not the biggest around
09:31.35 brlcad as it's been up and running in dozens of highly popular channels for nearly a decade now
09:31.42 yukonbob ?bzflag, as in my favourite tank game
09:31.49 yukonbob ~bzflag
09:31.50 ibot from memory, bzflag is a 3D internet multiplayer multiplatform (win32, linux, mac, etc) opensource opengl Battlezone capture the flag game of the same name that you must try at or a continual development project with periodic gaming interuptions. See also TimRiker
09:32.00 brlcad ~bzflist
09:32.24 brlcad wow, that's low, but I suppose it is late
09:32.31 brlcad that's a live query
09:32.38 brlcad there are 81 people playing right now
09:32.56 brlcad usually it's around 200 24/7
09:33.50 brlcad bzflag is where I spend the rest of my time on-line, leading up development efforts there
09:34.39 brlcad ~x en es it is almost time to sleep
09:35.27 yukonbob well -- I used to spend more time w/ BZFlag, but not in a while... NetBSD is just getting DRM/DRI that will hopefully "stick" this time...
09:36.42 yukonbob ?is tim involved with ARL, or just BRLCAD, or neither (or both)?
09:36.57 brlcad none
09:37.08 brlcad tim's not even really involved with bzflag any more
09:37.22 brlcad he's not been involved in development for several years now
09:38.22 brlcad
09:38.56 yukonbob you're winning ;)
09:38.58 brlcad a little misleading as our ohloh stats have been offline for the past five/six months
09:39.22 brlcad he's still flat-lined though (just others have had plenty, mine picked up substantially for example)
09:39.36 brlcad ah, I had him passed up a couple years ago
09:40.42 brlcad reminds me that I need to figure out why our svn repo won't process
09:50.21 yukonbob :)
09:50.33 yukonbob anwyay -- I think I'm off to bed...
09:50.40 brlcad yeah, me too
09:50.40 yukonbob talk later brlcad :)
09:50.44 brlcad cya bob
10:59.15 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
14:05.33 *** join/#brlcad ertugerata (n=Ertugrul@
14:06.09 ertugerata salut
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14:46.36 ertugerata salut poolio
16:59.51 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
17:21.44 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/shoot.c: make sure there is a hit routine to call, otherwise it's a miss
18:42.22 *** join/#brlcad ertugerata (n=Ertugrul@
18:42.31 ertugerata salut
19:29.11 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
19:54.38 ``Erik brlcad, do you exist?
20:00.34 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbn/poly.c:
20:00.34 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: rework the quadratic root solver to handle some additional exceptional cases
20:00.34 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: where either the coefficients or the discriminate are zero. ideally we could
20:00.34 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: presume we're solving equations that don't have floating point fuzz, and could
20:00.34 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: check for for ieee zero equivalence but alas we cannot without causing
20:00.37 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: additional instability.
20:00.54 brlcad ``Erik: sometimes
20:06.25 ``Erik gonna be in on monday?
20:07.39 ``Erik I surspect ed is walking to his office to call you to see if you'll be in on monday morning, heh
20:09.08 brlcad yes, I wil
20:09.56 ``Erik ok, I'll let him know so he doesn't call ya :)
20:13.09 ``Erik he sent you an email saying why and when
20:18.02 brlcad i'd just e-mailed him as well
20:56.16 PrezKennedy i hate printers
21:22.57 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
22:26.00 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
22:26.10 dtidrow evening all
22:26.46 dtidrow what's a good starter book for Tcl/Tk?
22:38.33 yukonbob dtidrow: Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk is good.
22:39.09 yukonbob as is the wiki...
22:39.13 yukonbob and #tcl on freenode
23:40.10 *** join/#brlcad archivist (

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