IRC log for #brlcad on 20070819

01:42.15 *** join/#brlcad poolio (n=poolio@
02:22.07 poolio brlcad: I'm in Pittsburgh :)
02:27.01 *** join/#brlcad poolio (n=poolio@
04:38.39 brlcad :)
06:31.38 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
07:31.30 *** join/#brlcad ertugerata (n=Ertugrul@
07:31.35 ertugerata salut
07:58.08 brlcad salut!
07:59.24 ertugerata brlcad configure ne trouve pas TK library
07:59.50 brlcad ertugerata: can you pastebin the configure output?
08:00.08 ertugerata one minute
08:00.11 brlcad thx
08:02.02 ertugerata brlcad
08:02.38 brlcad eep
08:02.41 brlcad /usr/bin/libtoolize: line 93: echo: write error: Broken pipe
08:02.43 brlcad ?
08:03.20 brlcad also, 7.10.2. is posted :)
08:04.07 ertugerata 7.10.2 stable ?
08:05.58 brlcad or just cvs update
08:06.15 ertugerata in my system TCLTK existe /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/tk8.5
08:06.19 brlcad yes, it should be stable, though it probably won't change your cofigure test results
08:06.27 brlcad paste your config.log please?
08:06.35 ertugerata thanks
08:06.52 brlcad i see it correctly found libtk8.5 and found the header
08:07.05 brlcad it later failed a test of whether it works
08:07.14 ertugerata yes
08:07.25 brlcad the config.log should have the reason why
08:07.30 ertugerata 9 of 9 a problem
08:07.40 ertugerata 8 of 9
08:07.43 brlcad :)
08:08.14 brlcad config.log please?
08:10.11 brlcad I just need like the last 200 lines in the file if it makes a difference
08:10.35 brlcad also would be good to know exactly what your configure line is ./configure ....something...
08:13.11 ertugerata brlcad :
08:16.06 brlcad good lord!
08:16.18 brlcad you can simplify that :)
08:16.56 ertugerata why
08:17.29 brlcad all of the enable/disables turn into: --disable-almost-everything --enable-iwidgets-build=yes --disable-static --disable-debug --enable-optimized
08:17.50 brlcad no harm doing them all, but the --disable-almost everything turns everything off
08:17.58 ertugerata hmm
08:18.01 brlcad all of the *-build options
08:18.16 ertugerata opennurbs ?
08:18.47 brlcad opennurbs isn't used yet
08:18.55 brlcad it builds, but it's exposed by a tool
08:19.07 ertugerata disabled
08:19.08 brlcad 7.10.2 forces it off
08:19.52 ertugerata refresh
08:20.29 brlcad no change
08:20.52 brlcad also.. you set --prefix=/usr/brlcad, yet install docs into /usr/share ?
08:20.56 ertugerata -ltk8.5 and -ltcl8.5 ?
08:21.10 ertugerata docs in /usr/share ?
08:21.39 brlcad ah, interesting you manually added -ltk8.5 .. did it need that?
08:21.44 ertugerata db , simple_applications too
08:22.01 ertugerata dont needed ?
08:22.30 brlcad not a problem, just why different? /usr/share != /usr/brlcad
08:22.50 brlcad anyways.. that's not the problem
08:22.52 brlcad config.log?
08:23.18 ertugerata wait je vais compiler
08:23.32 brlcad config.log is generated after configure fails
08:25.01 ertugerata in misc/enigma config.guess and config.sub needed ?
08:25.35 brlcad during sub-configure, but not after
08:25.58 brlcad step 9 of 9 :)
08:29.20 brlcad takes that long to get the config.log?
08:29.22 brlcad slow machine?
08:29.43 brlcad config.log is in top dir, same dir as configure
08:29.54 brlcad unless you build outside dir
08:30.28 ertugerata p4 2.66 512 RAM
08:30.36 ertugerata laptop
08:31.12 brlcad configure should only take two or three minutes then..
08:31.25 ertugerata ?
08:33.54 ertugerata same problem
08:34.09 brlcad i'm sure.. that was not a fix
08:34.13 brlcad I need the config.log :)
08:34.32 brlcad not a fix, just a simplification
08:34.52 ertugerata tous ?
08:35.19 brlcad ~x fr en tous
08:35.40 brlcad yes, all of config.log .. or last 500 lines
08:36.06 brlcad ~x en fr whatever is easier, I just need to see the error in the config.log file
08:37.10 ertugerata
08:37.28 ertugerata last lines
08:37.46 brlcad need more
08:37.55 ertugerata all
08:38.02 brlcad sorry, I thought 500 would be enough
08:38.05 brlcad yeah, all
08:38.09 ertugerata tanks
08:38.13 ertugerata thanks
08:39.48 ertugerata
08:40.00 brlcad thx
08:41.35 brlcad wow
08:41.59 brlcad
08:42.17 brlcad it actually did fail
08:44.12 ertugerata why ?
08:50.00 ertugerata where conftest ?
08:50.03 brlcad i'm looking
08:50.24 brlcad i get the same error on a different box, testing
08:51.10 brlcad ahhhhh
08:51.17 brlcad hrm
08:51.27 brlcad fg
08:52.17 brlcad compile this:
08:52.34 *** join/#brlcad Eren (n=eren@unaffiliated/erenturkay)
08:52.37 Eren hi
08:53.11 ertugerata gcc -ltk8.5 ?
08:53.51 brlcad something like: g++ tktest.c -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ltcl8.5 -ltk8.5 -lX11 -lXss
08:55.12 brlcad I basically get a DISPLAY error
08:55.33 brlcad which makes sense.. the machine I was testing was a remote server with no X11 display
08:55.46 Eren brb
08:55.50 ertugerata in root console a display error
08:55.59 brlcad that's why configure is failing
08:57.33 brlcad edit -- change the return 1 to a return 0 after "Tk_Init returned error" line
08:57.33 ertugerata in root console X dont work
08:57.45 brlcad yeah, the check isn't good
08:58.37 brlcad it's there because there are lots of systems where tk_init fails for other reasons.. that test tries to make sure the library works, not test X11
09:02.02 Eren brlcad: so, you say "hack it!"
09:02.03 Eren :)
09:03.21 brlcad unless you want to help me make a better test :)
09:03.38 brlcad i'm trying to find a better function call to make for libtk instead of Tk_Init
09:11.54 ertugerata brlcad: fixed in CVS ?
09:13.40 Eren brlcad: we don't want to package it immediately, we can wait for your solution
09:22.17 yukonbob brlcad: are you not using and
09:23.07 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/
09:23.07 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: improve the libtk functionality test with the help of ertugerata (thx!) so that
09:23.07 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: it no longer uses Tk_Init() (which had the unfortunate side-effect of attempting
09:23.07 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: to talk to an X11 server and wanting DISPLAY to be set). instead, it now uses
09:23.07 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: Tk_GetScrollInfo which basically just parses a number out of a string.
09:23.37 brlcad yukonbob: what for?
09:23.59 brlcad ertugerata | Eren: there that should fix it
09:24.03 yukonbob you're testing for installed Tk?
09:24.21 brlcad yes, testing that it actually can call a symbol
09:25.05 brlcad at this point, it's already tested that the lib links and that the headers link -- the third/last test is an actual functionality test where it runs a program that calls a symbol in that lib
09:25.25 brlcad this is done for pretty much all external dependencies as part of determining whether we need to compile them or not
09:25.26 Eren brlcad: okay, is CVS version stable?
09:25.32 Eren brlcad: could you please backport the patch :(
09:25.38 Eren I'm autoconf newbie
09:25.46 yukonbob brlcad: extensive ;)
09:26.22 yukonbob ~lart brlcad
09:26.22 ibot takes a rusty axe and swings it violently, taking brlcad's head off
09:26.27 yukonbob !
09:26.31 yukonbob violent
09:27.53 brlcad Eren: backport? the tarball's already posted, I can't pull it .. but yes, cvs is pretty stable most of the time -- there is a STABLE branch, but it's not been synchronized with latest release just yet
09:28.11 brlcad Eren: I can provide a patch, would that help?
09:28.31 brlcad yukonbob: necessary
09:28.40 Eren brlcad: if cvs is stable, we can package cvs version
09:29.18 brlcad Eren: what are you packaging on?
09:29.30 Eren brlcad: hm?
09:29.37 Eren sorry, I don't get ti
09:29.39 Eren it*
09:29.45 ertugerata brlcad: me packaging
09:29.46 brlcad i saw the python build file -- what package system is that?
09:30.26 brlcad mm, i should too
09:30.27 brlcad cya yukonbob
09:30.55 Eren brlcad: ahh :) it's "pisi"
09:31.09 Eren Pardus uses pisi for package management
09:31.51 Eren brlcad: pisi uses python scripts and xml schemas
09:31.58 brlcad there's one I've not heard of yet :)
09:32.00 Eren it's great, and easy-to-understand spec files
09:32.02 ertugerata Eren: in misc/enigma needed config.sub and config.guess ?
09:33.24 brlcad I presume enigma's config files are called during enigma's sub-configure (which should occur now that the libtk test is fixed), but I can't say for sure
09:33.51 brlcad they're certainly not critical files -- enigma is not important (at all)
09:34.51 brlcad Eren: if you'd like access to keep your spec files in cvs, just let me know -- glad to have folks working on package system integration
09:35.11 Eren brlcad: thank you,
09:35.18 Eren when we ok, I'll let you know
09:35.37 brlcad there's already a handful in misc/ for archlinux and a few others in the works
09:36.05 brlcad it's only really recently that integration has been more reasonably possible now that we've finally gotten away from a customized tk
09:36.54 brlcad okay, time to sleep .. cya!
09:37.07 brlcad leave me a note here if you need anything, I read the backlog
09:37.26 Eren brlcad: enjoy
09:38.05 brlcad oh, and if you do get it working and what to be included in release notifications, let me know and I'll add you to our list in the HACKING file
09:39.02 Eren brlcad: ah, just one question
09:39.13 Eren brlcad: the last change (last commit) is in the tarball?
09:39.40 brlcad no, the tarball was posted a couple days ago
09:39.54 Eren I mean, the tk problem
09:39.57 brlcad next release won't be for a three or four weeks
09:40.12 Eren hmm, ok, so we should checkout cvs repository
09:40.13 brlcad the last change is in cvs
09:40.32 brlcad I can make a patch that you can apply to the tarball, but I can't change the posted tarball
09:41.09 brlcad if you want to wait, there will be another release in just a couple weeks that will have the fix too
09:41.25 Eren brlcad: ahh, patching release tarball is more common, maybe you can release a patch in your home page?
09:41.42 Eren and users who don't want to get cvs checkout will be able to build it
09:42.06 brlcad we try to make monthly releases
09:42.12 Eren okay
09:42.22 brlcad avoids the headaches of dealing with patches
09:42.28 brlcad and keeps things rolling
09:42.59 Eren brlcad: hey, tk problem is fixed, but my friend (ertugerata who don't know English well) says there is an error in "mics/enigma"
09:43.09 Eren config.sub and config.guess files are missing he says
09:43.21 brlcad hrm, that's odd
09:43.35 brlcad he was asking if those files were needed
09:43.46 brlcad was that because of the error or because he wanted to remove them? :)
09:44.19 Eren brlcad: I think, because of the error
09:44.29 ertugerata config.sub and config.guess in misc/enigma
09:44.32 brlcad more importantly, what exactly is that error?
09:44.55 Eren brlcad: 1 min pls
09:47.01 brlcad my guess would be an autoreconf bug -- it has all sorts of issues with recursive configures, depending on the specific version being used -- I don't recommend calling it directly, we provide an script that takes care of many autotools issues
09:47.54 Eren shelltools.system("sh")
09:48.00 brlcad sure
09:48.03 Eren brlcad: calls
09:48.07 Eren not calls directly
09:48.47 brlcad I saw an autoreconf line in there originally, with options -fi or somesuch
09:49.02 brlcad (in the .py file)
09:49.08 Eren brlcad: it was fixed
09:49.28 Eren I mean, "-fi" option
09:50.02 brlcad i mean you call instead of autoreconf
09:50.06 brlcad not together
09:50.16 Eren ok, that's what I do
09:50.22 brlcad okay
09:52.25 brlcad alright, have to pick this up later -- it's pretty early/late here.. cya guys
09:52.51 Eren brlcad: cya
09:53.07 Eren brlcad: thanks for you help
10:12.18 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
11:09.32 *** part/#brlcad thing0 (
12:48.27 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
13:38.30 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran (
17:28.46 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:12.30 louipc from 7.10.2 @PATCH_VERSION@ is 2 yeah?
18:19.03 brlcad yes
18:19.10 brlcad major.minor.patch
18:19.26 ``Erik just like leenewx
19:25.48 yukonbob heh -- My name is linux, and the proper way to say "linux", is "linux". :)
19:26.01 yukonbob uh
19:26.06 yukonbob *my name is linus
19:26.13 yukonbob (finger memory)
19:26.40 yukonbob ~lart yukonbob's fingers
19:26.40 ibot beats yukonbob's fingers severely about the head and shoulders with a rubber chicken
19:27.44 louipc hahah
19:27.56 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * 10brlcad/misc/archlinux/ Some tweaks
19:29.09 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * 10brlcad/misc/archlinux/ ditto
19:31.38 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * 10brlcad/misc/archlinux/PKGBUILD.static: just in case.
19:32.58 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * 10brlcad/misc/archlinux/ (brlcad.install
19:53.56 brlcad just in case? :)
19:58.42 louipc yeah the static one can be used as a reference at least anyways heh. the whole package should be installed in /opt for archlinux though
20:36.45 brlcad is /opt required, or just the default?
20:37.03 brlcad that was the only reason for making it configurable, so that it would respond to ./configure --prefix=/opt
20:37.28 brlcad presumably folks that don't want it in opt might have it elsewhere, so it was templatized
20:39.16 brlcad either way, shouldn't have both .in and files as it'll cause cvs to always show one of them modified everytime someone builds
20:46.58 louipc brlcad: it's an archlinux packaging standard to put large self-contained pkgs in /opt
20:47.34 louipc hmm
20:51.33 brlcad yes, but one that can be changed or required? :)
20:51.57 brlcad not a big deal in the least, just a consideration
20:52.19 brlcad either way, both versions shouldn't stay too :)
20:52.25 louipc yeah well if BRL-CAD ever gets added to offical repos it'll be in /opt
20:53.45 brlcad for sake of argument though, that's also the case with the freebsd ports system, but users can still use the official ports system and configure a different root if they are so inclined
20:54.14 louipc so maybe it should go configurable
20:54.15 brlcad most don't of course, so if you didn't know, you could think that it was the only way
20:54.56 brlcad dunno, like I said -- is it really required for arch or just exceptionally common to use opt?
20:59.31 yukonbob pwd
20:59.34 yukonbob ww
20:59.44 louipc I'd say it is required. but if someone wants to make a modified pkgbuild that's fine. I wouldn't expect them to go into the brlcad source for them though, rather from the archlinux servers.
21:05.24 *** join/#brlcad iday (
21:35.41 louipc hmm different distros have different ways of doing things too :/ if you want to automate building pkgs for various distros maybe they should have separate @DISTRO_ROOT@ or something..
21:35.56 louipc I'm not really sure how to go about it
21:53.37 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * 10brlcad/misc/archlinux/ (7 files): OK. Make more configurable. I'll keep PKGBUILD.static to demonstrate Arch Linux packaging standards and defaults.
22:18.44 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
23:03.28 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
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23:26.01 *** join/#brlcad poolio_ (

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