IRC log for #brlcad on 20070830

00:40.20 PrezKennedy its good
04:25.16 brlcad not sure it's worth it to do anything about it, but maybe :)
04:35.26 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
05:17.38 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/tedit.c: check for vim before looking for vi, add comments on order preference, and don't invoke xterm if we're IF_TK. this fixes sf feature request 1219084 (default editor vim instead of vi suggested)
05:20.54 yukonbob brlcad: you in?
05:21.42 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: Mged now tests for vim before vi for text editing, this implements sf feature request 1219084 (default editor vim instead of vi suggested)
05:28.25 yukonbob ^--- bad idea, brlcad :P
05:29.33 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: reword for consistency
05:29.38 brlcad what's up?
05:30.18 yukonbob hey :)
05:30.25 brlcad there's a list of editors it checks in order, you can override to anything (and should if you really want anything other than jove or ed)
05:31.08 yukonbob shouldn't it just use "vi" as standard (like most *nix tools), if it can't find EDITOR environment variable?
05:31.37 yukonbob (or perhaps check the OS, and use notepad for Windows, [whatever] for MacOS, and vi for other *nix)
05:31.56 brlcad that's what it effectively does, per os
05:32.20 brlcad and 'ed' is the actual default if you go back far enough
05:32.33 yukonbob EDITOR is the "correct" way, imo. If somebody wants to use vim, nvi, elvis, joe, nano, pico, emacs, xemacs, gedit, gvim, [whatever], setup EDITOR
05:32.51 yukonbob ;)
05:32.57 brlcad exactly, it respects editor
05:32.59 yukonbob the one true editor, ed :)
05:33.10 yukonbob so why make allowances for vim?
05:33.32 brlcad because there were (necessarily) already allowances for other platforms
05:33.55 yukonbob slippery slope... /me disagrees, but...
05:34.09 yukonbob anyway, before I saw those commits, I had another q: :)
05:34.17 yukonbob see:
05:35.58 brlcad the software is molded by its users too .. he has bothered to make several substantial contributions, so it's a minor deal to have it check
05:36.55 brlcad not so slippery since it's really "up to the app" if EDITOR isn't set, so it could just as well make them tap out in morse code
05:37.00 yukonbob but the answer to his question is not recompiling brlcad, it's "set EDITOR=vim" ...
05:37.20 brlcad btw, the default before all of this really was 'ed'
05:37.33 brlcad (in brl-cad)
05:37.37 yukonbob heh -- I guess, considering the age ;)
05:38.48 brlcad another contentious thing it does now is that it tries non-modal editors before the modal ones too, just think of the editor flame wars!
05:39.29 brlcad anyways, I digress.. what's the question :)
05:39.59 yukonbob gah --- strip that stuff out ;) -- the users environment belongs in environment variables.. I use xemacs, and that's what I do -- and I'd never send a bug report to get xemacs into the list of editors to check for...
05:40.08 yukonbob do you see the pic in that link?
05:40.14 brlcad yep
05:40.27 yukonbob OK -- that's a 32-hole 3x bicycle wheel...
05:40.45 brlcad if you say so :)
05:40.47 yukonbob the spokes are composite objects, but the long part is obviously just a cylinder
05:41.19 brlcad nice model
05:41.46 yukonbob 32-hole == 16 holes per side of the hub, and 3x is read as "3 cross", because if you look carefully at any spoke, you'll see on it's tangental exit from the hub hole to the rim hole, it crosses 3 other spokes...
05:41.50 yukonbob thx :)
05:42.09 brlcad reminds me of but with better spokes
05:43.30 yukonbob I was wondering: is it academic to "fix" the collision of the spokes at their crosses? In a real-world build, the spokes bend a bit on their path from the hub to the wheel, going over or under spokes they cross... now there's a "wire" element (experimental?) that does this... would it be applicable in this case?
05:46.09 brlcad not sure what you're referring to by "wire" but there is a pipe primitive that might be ideal as it can be fed through arbitrary paths
05:46.15 yukonbob the rim in the sourceforge screenshot is also not accurate -- typically spoke holes are offset to the side the spokes are coming from (ie: not right down the center of the rim, but alternate slightly right, slightly left).
05:46.40 yukonbob ah -- pipe. that sounds right
05:46.44 brlcad to 'fix' the collision would probably be wrong, they're either connected material or they're not
05:47.15 brlcad if they're not, they should account for it, otherwise various analysis methods would readily fail (e.g. FEA)
05:47.36 brlcad pipe is covered in the "principles of effective modeling" iirc
05:47.57 brlcad hmm
05:48.21 yukonbob ok -- the same "issue" I'm having (in my head) with the spokes can be imagined as such:
05:48.53 yukonbob a box, with a string joining kitty-corners, and another string on the same plane joining the other corners.
05:49.00 brlcad hm, mine are perfectly in the center :)
05:49.10 brlcad that's not mine in the pic, but similar tire
05:49.35 yukonbob ah -- mine aren't... high-end or not?
05:50.23 yukonbob anyway, back to the spokes :)
05:50.27 brlcad ahh, these are moderately high end road tires
05:50.37 brlcad probably road vs off-road
05:51.15 yukonbob do you see how the spokes would behave in the physical world?
05:51.59 brlcad yes, those even with your string example, they just come really close -- tangent even, and you could model that if you want
05:52.33 yukonbob the spokes really are woven though... in a real 3x build, it'd be over 2, under 1, and to the rim.
05:52.51 yukonbob so they "brace" against ea. other
05:53.00 brlcad there's a ever so slight bend that is basically the sine angle
05:53.25 brlcad sure, they touch, have a tension against them
05:53.40 brlcad but there is a find bend there too
05:54.03 brlcad about half the radius.. so it'sbarely imperceptible for such a tiny wire
05:54.31 yukonbob right --- so pipe would be suitable better primitive?
05:55.13 brlcad probably, though it's still going to be tricky if you want to get the math really accurate, you're going to have to pull out some trig, compute some angles
05:55.25 yukonbob or would there be some other "fudge" method, or ignore it? (I guess it'd really depend on the intended use, but I'm being academic to try to learn here ;)
05:55.34 brlcad pipe are described as sequences of straight sections and bends
05:55.54 brlcad you could ignore it, depends what purpose you're modeling for
05:56.34 yukonbob right -- if it's just a pretty picture, what I've got will do... but I'm not averse to learning skills, esp. if it's more "correct" and might serve me in the future...
05:57.22 brlcad if I were modeling it, I'd probably pick a pipe, model half the distance to the "touch point" as a straight section, then a big bend that has a bend radius just half the thickness radius that takes it past the point of intersection
05:57.45 brlcad do that for all of the spokes and you should end up with spokes that perfectly touch tangent in the middle of that bend
05:58.51 yukonbob right on ... I'll give it a go :)
05:58.54 brlcad pipes are really tricky to grasp at first, but probably one of brl-cad's most powerful primitives (and generally better than most commercial cad system piping tools)
05:59.19 yukonbob well, I know where to come when I have issues...
05:59.31 brlcad heh
05:59.35 yukonbob when I'm done, I'll render a picture for the new website.
05:59.47 yukonbob we need a user gallery
05:59.57 brlcad it's already stbbed out
06:00.12 brlcad i.e., planned :)
06:00.29 brlcad part of the new site that's coming together bit by bit
06:00.32 yukonbob nice
06:01.18 yukonbob hey, have you already seen "Spirited Away" and "Princess Mononoke"?
06:01.29 brlcad i've seen spirited away
06:01.37 brlcad don't recal if i've seen pm
06:01.47 yukonbob you might like like PM, then
06:02.03 brlcad tend to like them kinda dark and techy though
06:02.12 yukonbob ah...
06:02.14 brlcad GITM was my cup of tea
06:02.49 brlcad i've *still* not seen it yet
06:02.57 yukonbob awesome animation
06:03.08 yukonbob have you seen Vampire Hunter D?
06:03.26 brlcad yeah, I drooled over all the previous I saw .. and they were at the siggraph electronic theater last year iirc
06:03.34 brlcad nope
06:04.40 yukonbob there's stuff that looks photo-realistic, but animated or processed, so it's kind of tough to tell _what_ it is, but it's a great effect...
06:06.12 brlcad for vampire?
06:06.44 yukonbob both -- they have the same thing... in Vampire, it's especially noticeable in a subway scene... and in GITS, in a corner store
06:07.48 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:10.55 brlcad heh
06:11.13 brlcad they're in there because the alternative (which is what we had) was too much of a support burden
06:11.39 brlcad a vast majority seemingly no nothing about EDITOR
06:11.44 yukonbob <PROTECTED>
06:11.51 brlcad i know, but it's true
06:11.56 brlcad i'd rather not set anything
06:12.14 brlcad but then I invariably end up answering that exact question about once a month
06:12.38 yukonbob we need an FAQ section that's maintained in the site too.
06:12.44 brlcad i'm a bit of a cheerleader for things "just working" by default, so if that's what it takes, so be it :)
06:12.46 yukonbob MinuteElectron ^^^
06:13.38 yukonbob I'll be the advocate for "Good Form" then, and take you to task where warranted :)
06:13.48 yukonbob anyway -- happy coding, chat soon brlcad :)
06:19.47 brlcad :) cya
07:06.30 MinuteElectron yes?
07:06.38 MinuteElectron I wasn't here, I will read.
07:06.46 MinuteElectron Oh, FAQ
07:07.42 MinuteElectron It can go in the Documentation section.
07:07.45 MinuteElectron Or support.
07:07.49 MinuteElectron *shrug&
07:08.13 MinuteElectron brlcad: Yeah transparency pngs.
07:08.16 MinuteElectron THey suck.
07:08.33 MinuteElectron I have to work out how to fix it, there is some javascript hacks.
07:08.40 MinuteElectron But not sure where to get them from.
07:33.02 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
07:40.49 MinuteElectron brlcad: Are you busy, it would be nice to discuss colors.
07:41.31 yukonbob ciao MinuteElectron :)
07:41.36 MinuteElectron night
07:50.24 MinuteElectron This si why I gave up with pngfix last time - it doesn't work.
09:08.17 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
10:46.02 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
13:11.35 *** join/#brlcad kwizart (n=kwizart@fedora/kwizart)
13:31.17 kwizart hello! I have a tk85 missdetection at configure whereas running the conf.c return 0 from my system...
13:31.36 kwizart at configure, it show:
13:31.36 kwizart checking for Tk library functionality... no
13:32.04 kwizart config.log returns: Tk_Init returned error
13:32.23 kwizart whereas using
13:33.05 kwizart from a terminal with gcc gcc -I/usr/include -ltcl8.5 -ltk8.5 test.c
13:33.12 kwizart ./a.out
13:33.19 kwizart echo $?
13:33.24 kwizart this return 0 !
13:51.09 brlcad kwizart: that test should now be changed/fixed in CVS head
13:51.32 brlcad basically, Tk_Init is failing because it cannot attach to the X11 server
13:52.16 kwizart nice i will have a look, (might be right ?)
13:52.16 brlcad probably because of DISPLAY being set or unset, usually -- so you can either manually disable the test, or use the latest sources and see if that fixes the problem for you
13:52.30 brlcad the test is defined in
13:53.39 brlcad search on "Tk_Init returned error" to disable it (just have it return 0) or you can update the test to the same one on head which doesn't require display to be set
13:53.47 brlcad or set your display before running configure :)
13:56.39 kwizart brlcad, yes it is building with return 0 ..
14:01.39 kwizart nice! i'm at the install step ! there will be a fedora build !
14:01.44 brlcad :)
14:01.48 kwizart probably !
14:01.55 brlcad if you make an RPM, send it my way and I'll post it up ;)
14:03.02 kwizart nice! but fow now i need to figure out how to have tcl85/tk85 build staticaly unless you can add also tcl85 and tk85 shared...
14:06.18 kwizart arf, there is rpaths...
14:06.54 kwizart ERROR 0002: file '/usr/bin/isst_slave' contains an invalid rpath '/home/builder/rpmbuild/BUILD/brlcad-7.10.2/src/adrt/libtienet/.libs' in [/home/builder/rpmbuild/BUILD/brlcad-7.10.2/src/adrt/libtienet/.libs:/home/builder/rpmbuild/BUILD/brlcad-7.10.2/src/adrt/libtie/.libs]
14:07.12 kwizart i can need to disable them...
14:22.24 brlcad eep, yeah, disable adrt
14:22.28 brlcad --disable-adrt
14:23.04 brlcad you can get tcl/tk to build static by adding --disable-shared to their configure args (near the end of
14:23.28 brlcad look for ac_configure_args
14:23.40 brlcad though I'd question why you want them static
14:27.29 kwizart tcl85 and tk85 are not into fedora yet... so i'm using tcl85-devel from another repository...
14:27.54 kwizart using static version will make them more portable as i expect...
14:28.51 kwizart or i can submit tcl85/tk85 to fedora so they can be ship within (in parallele with tcl/tk 8.4)
14:38.31 brlcad yeah, final isn't out yet so they'd probably not be too interested just yet
15:04.38 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
15:13.39 *** mode/#brlcad [+o minute] by ChanServ
15:16.42 brlcad minute: I believe I fixed the footer alignment issue, it now wraps cleanly and keeps the search up top
15:17.14 brlcad had to put the search box after the quote so it could float right
15:17.58 poolio Website is cool, but there's something about the tan/cyan color scheme that doesn't look quite right
15:48.40 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
15:51.49 ``Erik vim might be in /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, /opt/local/bin, /opt/bin, /sw/bin, ... gonna search all the various possible paths? (same with emacs)... better to have a faq entry imho :)
16:07.09 kwizart i have this error when i have --disable-shared and --enable-static (whereas the contrary seems to work)
16:07.09 kwizart
16:21.26 kwizart well no, using mock chrooted buildsys it fails with:
16:21.26 kwizart *** buffer overflow detected ***: /builddir/build/BUILD/brlcad-7.10.2/src/bwish/.libs/lt-btclsh terminated
16:22.08 kwizart whereas it seems to work using rpmbuild...on non-chrooted system...
16:22.20 kwizart maybe some missing BuildRequires or alse...
16:22.21 kwizart else
16:32.26 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: dbconcat hangs on empty tree nodes
16:43.50 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
16:53.29 *** join/#brlcad FireBird2003 (
16:53.33 FireBird2003 hi
16:53.42 kwizart the problem i have seems related to # --datadir=%{_datadir}/%{name} \
16:53.59 kwizart (backtrace)
16:54.34 kwizart testing...
16:55.38 FireBird2003 I try to compile the newest src-tarball and got an error in dm_xvars.h saying that a specifier-qualifier list is expected in line 55 XVisualinfo *
16:56.57 FireBird2003 Im using Ubuntu 7.04
17:00.28 FireBird2003 any ideas?
17:02.04 ``Erik broken X? do you have all the X developer packages installed?
17:02.50 FireBird2003 hm, I marked the #ifdef out and got this file compiled
17:03.03 FireBird2003 so, it might be the config?
17:03.27 ``Erik look in, um, include/brlcad_config.h for HAVE_X11_XLIB_H
17:03.36 ``Erik should be defined to '1'
17:03.40 FireBird2003 ok
17:04.00 ``Erik if it's #undef, then you either don't have the X headers or the config script is broken
17:05.14 FireBird2003 2nd
17:05.20 FireBird2003 I have the header
17:05.48 ``Erik Xlib.h ?
17:05.55 ``Erik or just X.h ?
17:06.33 FireBird2003 Xlib.h
17:07.18 ``Erik hum, when you ran ./configure, did the end report "X11 support ....: yes" ?
17:07.31 FireBird2003 I'll try again
17:07.53 ``Erik you can look in config.log
17:08.52 FireBird2003 too late...
17:09.26 FireBird2003 X11 support is yes
17:09.32 ``Erik <-- likes to do "./configure --enable-optimized 2>&1 | tee configure.out" to refer back to those
17:09.54 ``Erik ok, check your include/brlcad_config.h file again? HAVE_X11_XLIB_H is still
17:09.55 ``Erik ...
17:10.32 *** join/#brlcad FireBird2003 (
17:10.47 FireBird2003 sry, accidently closed xchar
17:10.50 FireBird2003 -r+t
17:11.33 ``Erik heh
17:11.43 FireBird2003 the config-script is broken
17:11.57 ``Erik is HAVE_X11_XLIB_H still an #undef in include/brlcad_config.h ?
17:12.02 FireBird2003 it says X11 to yes
17:12.04 FireBird2003 yes
17:12.24 FireBird2003 i changed it to a #define
17:12.35 FireBird2003 and started compiling again
17:12.46 ``Erik where is your Xlib.h ?
17:12.56 FireBird2003 /usr/include/X11
17:13.10 ``Erik huh, that's an odd place to put X headers
17:13.24 FireBird2003 this is the Ubuntu way
17:13.28 FireBird2003 why odd?
17:14.02 FireBird2003 ahh, normaly should be /usr/X11/include, isn't it?
17:14.21 ``Erik /usr/X11R6/include/X11
17:14.42 FireBird2003 ok
17:14.53 ``Erik if you do ./configure --with-x-includes=/usr/include/X11 it should 'just work'
17:15.49 FireBird2003 i will first try it with my changed config
17:16.14 FireBird2003 I'll try that later, ok?
17:16.20 ``Erik aight
17:16.25 ``Erik *shrug* up to you :)
17:16.26 FireBird2003 I don't want to restart compilation again
17:18.59 FireBird2003 hmm, some odd warnings in the compilation process, I wonder what a lint would say to them ;)
17:20.12 ``Erik if it's in src/other/ we don't care *shrug* splint is brutal... and we have some other tools that report slews we need to fix :/
17:21.18 FireBird2003 ok, it was just a joke
17:22.17 ``Erik well, it's legitimate *shrug* and 'flawfinder' has been run on an older version...
17:22.58 ``Erik (dwheeler, huh, same guy who does sloccount... neat)
18:09.17 FireBird2003 ok, the headers were found by configure, now
18:09.59 FireBird2003 trying to compile,,,
18:13.33 FireBird2003 urgs
18:14.22 FireBird2003 undefined reference to XFreeDevicesList in
18:16.42 FireBird2003 seems again like a wrong X Configuration
18:20.36 FireBird2003 in /src/bwish
18:21.47 minute brlcad: Hi, cool. Sorry about the lag, I was shopping. Can't see your changes because all my connections to the server are timing out.
18:21.59 brlcad np
18:22.30 minute Same problem as yesterday, must be an ISP problem or something.
18:23.07 minute I'll just go fit a few screws into my PC...
18:24.07 brlcad minute: try,
18:25.11 minute Also times out.
18:25.37 brlcad ?
18:26.37 minute times out
18:29.38 minute dw about it
18:29.46 minute it will clear up eventually like yesterday
18:45.11 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ (9 files in 2 dirs): various minor fixes from "flawfinder" and compiler warnings
19:17.11 FireBird2003 giving up the try to compile the sources...
19:18.16 brlcad FireBird2003: what's the problem?
19:18.28 brlcad CIA-21: wake up
19:18.32 FireBird2003 undefined reference to XFreeDevicesList
19:18.47 FireBird2003 iin
19:19.24 FireBird2003 I don't know what library is missing
19:19.44 brlcad run this: nm -o /usr/X11R6/lib/lib*.a | grep -i XFreeDevicesList
19:20.56 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libbu/parallel.c: added missing header for fbsd. changed chmod() to fchmod() (flawfinder).
19:21.01 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: ADRT libtie bug fixes and performance enhancements
19:21.05 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libbu/backtrace.c: fixed signed/unsigned comparison
19:21.07 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libbu/bomb.c: typos.
19:21.21 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libbu/malloc.c: minor casting and default value (-Wall)
19:21.32 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libbu/bomb.c: change fprintf to fputs/fputc to further reduce allocation possibilities
19:22.38 FireBird2003 found it in /usr/lib
19:22.55 FireBird2003 in libXi.a
19:23.30 brlcad there ya go, -lXi
19:23.39 brlcad make LIBS="-lXi"
19:23.53 brlcad in whatever dir is failing
19:24.10 FireBird2003 trying
19:25.38 FireBird2003 seems to compile now...
19:26.45 FireBird2003 I hope, that it will reach an end then
19:29.30 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/librt/table.c: trimmed down oversized string
19:38.57 minute This is just silly.
19:39.06 minute My SSH connections are just being picked off one by one.
19:39.29 brlcad could be intentional
19:39.38 brlcad maybe they don't want you on ssh :)
19:39.41 minute First my connection to dies - then I loose - now I am using
19:40.06 minute brlcad: they? :D
19:40.14 brlcad they.
19:40.19 brlcad as in .. the people out to get you
19:40.24 ``Erik read the irregular striped bucket.
19:40.26 minute hehe
19:40.42 ``Erik er, striped irregular bucket, rather
19:40.56 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/liboptical/photonmap.c: try not to bu_malloc() 0 bytes. Caused the lighting model to bomb...
19:41.12 ``Erik
19:41.38 brlcad is that the cache bug?
19:41.39 minute But odly I can still use Minefield to visit the excalibur web page, but not the one.
19:41.43 minute It is so tedious sshing using ssh.
19:41.59 ``Erik I dunno, it was causing failures without a cache...
19:42.13 ``Erik I'm guessing when it was written, bu_malloc() did NOT bomb when given 0 bytes...
19:43.40 brlcad maybe
19:43.59 brlcad was added a couple years ago since code really shouldn't ever be doing that
19:48.47 FireBird2003 finally, it compiled
19:48.55 FireBird2003 thx, guys
19:51.29 ``Erik and with only half the ritual needed for a linux kernel compile? :D
19:52.25 brlcad FireBird2003: np, glad it worked out
19:53.10 FireBird2003 I had shorter kernel compile affords ;)
19:54.13 minute I can't stand how slow this is. Me is going to reinstall windows while I wait and see if the problem resolves.
19:54.16 ``Erik once familiar, sure :) (personally, I'm kinda groovin' to fbsd kernel and system stuff.... "cd /usr/src ; make buildworld kernel world && reboot")
19:54.46 brlcad minute: ahh, maybe you're part of a fun botnet
19:54.54 brlcad compromised host et al
19:55.07 brlcad need some tcpdump goodness to see what's going on
19:55.56 ``Erik never peer into a tcpdump without protection, it'll consume your soul O.o
19:58.58 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: erik fixed a photon-mapping lighting model crash where it was trying to allocate zero bytes (which cases an intentional bomb)
19:59.24 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ ( adrt/ since it's now integrated with the big M, always compile adrt's libtie regardless of adrt being disabled/enabled because of python/sdl (since libtie is generic).
20:04.19 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (i=yesxpqug@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
20:15.05 *** join/#brlcad MinuteEl1ctron (
20:53.21 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
21:14.14 minute brlcad: My computer is directctly protected from the internet by a router.
21:14.38 minute I am not afraid, although the house administrator with his direct connection should be.
21:14.41 minute (I am on wi-fi).
21:20.50 kwizart ok so Fedora's %configure macro set datadir in %{_datadir} which is what it should use, but if it is set to /usr/local/share/brlcad/ whihc seems the default , I have a backtrace at build step...
21:20.58 kwizart also version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.5a5, need 8.5a6-8.5a7
21:21.16 kwizart does 7.10.2 need tcl 8.5a6 or sooner ?
21:21.26 kwizart i only have 8.5a5
21:21.46 ``Erik it should be ok with 8.5a5
21:21.58 ``Erik 8.4 won't work, though
21:25.39 kwizart so i expect the tcl package i use export LD_PATH_TCL badly...
21:26.01 kwizart then when it try to compile tcl script it fails to find the system tcl...
21:26.50 kwizart so this answear why it may work with rpmbuild and not with the chrooter buildsys
21:26.55 kwizart chrooted
21:30.38 ``Erik huh?
21:31.08 ``Erik <-- has never had to use LD_PATH_TCL O.o
21:31.59 ``Erik I do have to pass some variables to get it to grab the system tcl on the boxen I care about (mostly fbsd), like CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/tcl8.5 and LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib
21:34.21 brlcad there is no a7 yet
21:35.11 kwizart ``Erik, so you don't need some ?
21:39.44 *** join/#brlcad Apathy (i=Matt@
21:45.41 ``Erik shouldn't need it, kwiz, the script looks for the headers and libraries and assumes the location of the .tcl files I think...
21:46.33 ``Erik (I assume brlcad will correct me if I'm wrong... )
21:47.01 ``Erik brlcad: libtie proper is still not upgraded?
21:47.04 ``Erik in the repo?
21:52.08 kwizart here is the "warning" i have at %install step:
21:52.09 kwizart
21:52.50 kwizart that make me think while installing tclscript it search in brlcad contrib paths instead of system path...
21:54.28 ``Erik why do you have dyld stuff?
21:54.39 ``Erik or is that in the makefiles? heh
21:55.37 kwizart actually i have /usr/share/tcl8.5/init.tcl which is not found at %install step...
21:56.14 kwizart instead it search for /home/builder/rpmbuild/BUILD/brlcad-7.10.2/src/other/tcl/library/init.tcl
21:56.27 ``Erik that's a funny place
21:56.29 kwizart which is wrong since i would prefer to use system tcl
21:56.32 ``Erik it should be in /usr/lib/tcl8.5/
21:56.53 kwizart yes but it is arch independant ?!
21:57.22 ``Erik yes... but we kinda work off the defaults
21:57.26 ``Erik and what, y'know, most os's use
21:57.34 ``Erik ubuntu seems to be all kinds of weird :)
21:58.11 ``Erik there MIGHT be a variable to fix it, but I don't know it off the top of my head
21:58.35 ``Erik and I just started my nice long weekend, so I'm not terribly apt to dig it up :D sharpen up a stick and poke brlcad with it
22:01.26 kwizart well for knwo i will tweak tclscript to use system by default...
22:02.49 kwizart src/tclscripts/ shows TCL_LIBRARY=$(top_srcdir)/src/other/tcl/library \
22:03.05 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
22:04.39 kwizart Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:
22:04.39 kwizart <PROTECTED>
22:04.51 kwizart only the internal one is listed here ?!
22:05.59 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
22:15.17 CIA-21 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: protect the vararg func decl
22:33.41 minute This sucks.
22:33.59 minute I am gonna get onto the ISP if this isn't resolved by the morning.
22:34.19 minute Routhing throgh was slow, but routing through silentflame is even slower.

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