IRC log for #brlcad on 20070905

00:06.09 starseeker Huh - it got the compilation time right this time.
00:20.48 starseeker GOT IT
00:20.54 starseeker I know why it's messing up.
00:21.44 starseeker In the portage ebuild sytem, ${S} is set to the source directory - in this case, /var/tmp/portage/sci-misc/brlcad-7.10.2/work/brlcad-7.10.2
00:22.57 starseeker Unfortunately, src/other/tcl/unix/installManPage is also using $S
00:23.28 starseeker test -z "$S" && S="$DIR/"
00:24.00 starseeker MANPAGE=$1
00:24.00 starseeker echo $MANPAGE
00:24.00 starseeker DIR=$2
00:24.00 starseeker echo $DIR
00:24.00 starseeker test -z "$S" && S="$DIR/"
00:24.00 starseeker echo $S
00:24.11 starseeker /var/tmp/portage/sci-misc/brlcad-7.10.2/work/brlcad-7.10.2/src/other/tcl/unix/../doc/CrtCommand.3
00:24.11 starseeker /var/tmp/portage/sci-misc/brlcad-7.10.2/image//usr/share/man/man3
00:24.11 starseeker /var/tmp/portage/sci-misc/brlcad-7.10.2/work/brlcad-7.10.2
00:25.00 starseeker Because we didn't supply an -s option to the script, $S should be empty and $DIR/ should be in $S. Thanks to portage however, $S is not empty.
00:34.05 starseeker DOH - I should have checked the patches in the latest ebuild. Nice to know I had the right idea, but someone already found it.
00:35.22 brlcad yeah, that's how auto works -- and the --enable-all option effectively says "just use only internal versions"
00:36.02 brlcad for the ebuild, you'd probably want to --disable-[insert various here] or even --disable all and make them all ebuild deps
00:37.04 starseeker That's the "purist" approach that people have favored, but in a case where brlcad would succeed if it used its internal versions it would be a shame to have it die
00:37.09 brlcad otherwise it should also work if you make them all deps, and just let auto do what it does, it should turn them all off if it detects the installed deps correctly, which it really should
00:38.13 starseeker That's an idea. I just hate to compile tk8.4 when I know it won't do it ;-)
00:40.02 brlcad the build is consistent, if it compiles a dep then it's going to link against it and install it
00:40.34 starseeker OK. So the presence of an 8.4 version won't bother it if the deps have gentoo install it?
00:41.34 brlcad well tk8.4 as a dep would be wrong :)
00:42.06 starseeker If I tell it 8.5 it will die complaining about masked packages
00:42.11 starseeker or unfound deps
00:42.12 brlcad and no, it wouldn't bother it -- it'd just fail the tk usability test and build the 8.5a6 version
00:42.22 starseeker which would be correct. OK.
00:42.39 brlcad yeah, like I said .. 8.5 is a pita until it goes final
00:42.45 brlcad which is "any day now"
00:42.51 starseeker hehe
00:42.52 brlcad though it's been that way for weeks
00:42.56 brlcad s/weeks/months/
00:43.03 starseeker Like watching the stix fonts
00:43.17 starseeker They were "almost done" back in April, if memory serves
00:44.34 brlcad yeah, issues came up in a5 though, so now a6
00:44.42 brlcad haven't heard if a6 had any major issues
00:46.05 starseeker Collision with portage ;-)
00:48.26 ``Erik :D
00:49.29 brlcad not entirely fair as they overlapped .5 releases with new .4 releases for several of those years :)
00:50.16 ``Erik hehehe true... :D
00:50.27 brlcad more akin to 2.1 kernel and 2.0 development, by that same metric kernel is horribly slow cycles
00:50.59 ``Erik leenewx kernel development is awfully disorganized
00:51.30 ``Erik fbsd runs 3 release trees right now with a pretty decent cycle *shrug*
00:52.10 starseeker I guess the next step for ebuild development is to convince the devs to allow the "auto" setting to optionally build the internal versions, and let brlcad have the /usr/brlcad directory with symlinks for some of the key binaries.
02:05.50 louipc yeah it's a tough case to get all src/other/ pkgs seperate from brlcad, well I've had trouble with the itcl/itk, iwidgets
02:06.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: improved photon map irradiance progress reporting
02:42.34 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
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07:49.44 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
08:48.30 brlcad heh, speaking of tcl/tk release schedules, it looks like they're finally leaving alpha
08:48.52 brlcad they just tagged 8.5b1
08:49.11 brlcad not yet posted
08:49.18 Laniakea brlcad: do you think it would be possible to adjust the 10.0 brlcad to work also on OpenBSD 4.0? (4.1 is the latest)
08:49.25 Laniakea there's some problem with the tcl/tk
08:49.31 Laniakea or itcl or something like that
08:50.23 brlcad Laniakea: if you give me a shell, I can see if I can sort that build out -- otherwise I can't reproduce it and from what I read between you and erik, he couldn't either
08:50.55 Laniakea brlcad: do you need a rootshell?
08:51.01 brlcad nope
08:51.21 Laniakea But you need X Server connection?
08:51.52 brlcad not really
08:51.56 Laniakea I am currently behind a NAT
08:52.09 Laniakea but I could give you shell when I get my cable modem delivered
08:52.16 brlcad i just need a shell connection, presuming you already have compilation tools installed
08:52.32 Laniakea yes already installed
08:52.40 brlcad i can do everything I need over ssh
08:52.42 Laniakea we made it to compile, but mged didn't start up
08:52.50 Laniakea you can use ssh -Y if you need X connection
08:53.03 Laniakea do you have IPv6?
08:53.08 brlcad which is why I said I can do everything I need over ssh ;)
08:53.25 Laniakea that's what I meant so I make sure it's allowed in sshd config
08:53.42 brlcad yeah
08:53.54 Laniakea I should just make sure my gay porn collections are not visible so you cannot figure out I am gay and then threaten me to tell my mother, lol :)
08:54.01 brlcad cvs client would help too
08:54.07 Laniakea I have both cvs and svn
08:54.18 Laniakea Do you have IPv6?
08:54.21 brlcad i don't have time to care about your pr0n collections
08:54.23 brlcad yeah
08:54.32 Laniakea which broker?
08:54.37 Laniakea Or do you have real ipv6?
08:54.44 brlcad real
08:55.28 brlcad not sure it's configured end to end appropriately, but it's good on my end
08:55.50 brlcad though not sure why that should matter ..
08:56.08 Laniakea Cause I could try to figure out ipv6 connection then you could connect already today
08:56.15 Laniakea since I don't have Internet at home only at work
08:56.26 Laniakea and I cannot ask for a tunnel since that's not for work
09:02.28 brlcad well, whatever works for you -- if you get it to the point that I can "ssh -v user@somehostofyours" I can take it from there, otherwise I'll look at the build log but it really is hard (i.e. exceptionally time consuming) to go back and forth on build failures, tweak settings, rebuild, test, repeat, etc
09:02.56 Laniakea yes ssh is better
09:03.00 Laniakea I don't have problem with ssh
09:03.02 brlcad i'll also do the latter, but i get impatient
10:05.09 Laniakea Do you think it would be possible to use fluid bearings in skateboard instead of ball bearings?
13:34.40 ``Erik itcl/itk and iwidgets work with tcl85, but don't officially support it (e.g. 'make test' fails due to changes in error message phrasing)
13:39.34 ``Erik shoot, that upgrade broke my parallels install and I left the cd at home :/
14:01.40 ``Erik
14:01.41 ``Erik heh
14:42.47 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:49.47 brlcad hm, what init.d item handles rpc under linux?
14:51.49 brlcad getting "Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused"
14:55.07 ``Erik ummmmm portmap?
14:55.08 brlcad there it be, portmapper
14:55.21 brlcad never can remember that thing
14:55.26 ``Erik and different linux breeds use different names :(
14:55.32 brlcad that's why
14:56.57 ``Erik
14:56.59 ``Erik O.o
14:57.04 ``Erik java, but an amusing notion
15:54.51 minute Basic MediaWiki brlcad skin up, but the site doesn't actually do anything when it is switched on. I have a headache and need to get away from this for a couple of hours. Be back then with more ideas etc.
16:07.59 Maloeran So Erik, you really deserted us the Efnet #opengl old timers in #siggraph? :)
16:09.17 Maloeran Even if we probably should have stayed in #opengl with our off-topic discussions long ago
16:23.10 ``Erik um
16:23.18 ``Erik I've been banned from siggraph for quite a while
16:23.24 ``Erik and have tried to get people to unban me O.o
16:24.28 ``Erik pre-marraige celebration? woohoo, body shots off of strippers!
16:42.22 Maloeran No, not that kind of celebration :). It would have been the real marriage but we under-estimated the delays involved in the paperwork and bureaucracy
16:47.46 Maloeran There doesn't seem to be any ban in #siggraph, I think it's unlikely that any bot would have got you on auto-ban
18:03.49 ``Erik :D
21:45.43 ``Erik wow debs are a royal pain to make.
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22:39.42 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (n=yukonbob@

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