IRC log for #brlcad on 20070907

00:26.00 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:18.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c:
02:18.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: dbconcat command was not insuring unique names if neither the -s nor the -p
02:18.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: options were used. Now adds suffix as needed (-s) by default. This fixes
02:18.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: bug #1708349 "database corruption in mged 7.8.4".
04:06.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
04:06.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: john fixed a database corruption bug caused during dbconcat. dbconcat command
04:06.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: was not insuring unique names if neither the -s nor the -p options were used.
04:06.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: Now adds suffix as needed (-s) by default. This fixed bug #1708349 'database
04:06.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: corruption in mged 7.8.4'. shibby sweet.
07:32.28 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
09:37.00 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
09:48.57 *** join/#brlcad cad92 (
10:13.41 *** join/#brlcad cad67 (
12:48.54 *** join/#brlcad fleeky (
12:48.57 fleeky hello
12:49.21 fleeky ive recently become interested in csg modelling techniques and was wondering if brlcad is the best choice or not
12:49.39 fleeky basically im looking for something that acts much like a normal modelling program but for csg objects instead of vertice
12:49.59 fleeky so you can select a group of csg objects .. duplicate them rotate / scale / move them
12:50.11 fleeky change there csg ops
12:50.13 fleeky etc
12:50.29 fleeky i kindof momentarily checked out brl but was a bit daunted at first
12:52.05 clock_ fleeky: yes then brl-cad is suitable
12:52.07 fleeky also the reason im interested is i am currently developing for a game engine and need a good way to create level geometry .. the game supports obj files as models so basically everything is a model this is nice but creating buildings and such in modelling programs is just not a good idea.. so ive come in search of csg stuff
12:52.16 brlcad heh, brl-cad is one of the original CSG modeling systems, it doesn't get much more fundamental
12:52.27 fleeky yeah there also really isnt much out there
12:52.53 fleeky and things like unrealed , hammer, gtk-radiant are Horribly limiting in terms of the csg modelling you can do
12:53.15 fleeky do you guys have link that can explain the general workflow of how to model in brl-cad?
12:53.44 fleeky i can atleast create a new database document thingy but for instance can it render things in a solid shaded phong lighting type mode?
12:53.46 brlcad fleeky: there are a slew of introductory documents on the website, I'd suggest browsing through them one at a time
12:53.54 fleeky ah ok thanks
12:53.56 brlcad i.e. Documents section on
12:54.00 fleeky yeah
12:54.01 brlcad just go down the list
12:54.06 fleeky alrighty then
12:54.10 clock_ fleeky: it has even more advanced lighting modes
12:54.13 brlcad you'll even get to some of the intro programming aspects
12:54.18 fleeky but realtime clock?
12:54.32 clock_ you can press "raytrace" and wait a few seconds
12:54.36 fleeky nah
12:54.37 clock_ not realtime though
12:54.54 fleeky so no realtime solid shaded views?
12:55.05 clock_ brlcad: I found myself unable to rotate an object - I ended up with typing numerical coordinates into a matrix
12:55.45 clock_ brlcad: the help is so unsatisfactory...
12:55.45 brlcad there is a high-performance triangle-based ray-trace engine in adrt that would suffice as "realtime", but you're going to be writing the lighting model if you want anything other than basic phong
12:55.45 fleeky i just want phong
12:55.46 fleeky i dont want to be looking at wireframes all the time
12:56.15 fleeky well it helps me to get a better sense of things is all
12:56.25 clock_ BRLCAD != doom. It has higher quality of picture.
12:56.35 fleeky haha
12:56.37 fleeky ofcourse it doesnt
12:56.38 clock_ therefore realtime rendering is difficult
12:56.51 brlcad depends when/where you're talking about -- the mged tool is the predominant modeling system in brl-cad and that doesn't have an interactive shaded mode -- you primarily visualize via wireframe or ray-tracing
12:56.58 fleeky there are realtime csg editors that do solid shading .. too bad they have horrible functionality
12:57.39 fleeky is there another tool that will atleast let me see a realtime preview in any kindof solid shaded mode ?
12:57.43 brlcad brl-cad's mathematical foundations are also way more extensive than any one of those realtime csg editors
12:57.52 clock_ brlcad: means better picture?
12:58.02 fleeky yes im sure
12:58.23 brlcad if you understand the difference between explicit and implicit geometric representations, it's fairly clear as to why -- there is no interaction surface to display for the evaluated CSG interfaces
12:58.36 clock_ brlcad: there was some rotobj primitive where the help said it rotates the object being edited - but it didn't. It rotated everything on the screen.
12:58.51 brlcad ray-tracing performs that evaluation efficiently, and preserves the solidity of the object
12:59.00 fleeky so basically no there is no tool to do that
12:59.07 clock_ brlcad: couldn't this useability be somehow fixed? It's quite slowing down
12:59.12 brlcad clock_: means more accurate picture at least, depends what you care about as to whether it's "better"
12:59.39 brlcad fleeky: to do what?
12:59.40 clock_ brlcad: yes more accurate that's what I mean
13:00.17 fleeky basically all i want to do is use a csg editor to create obj geometry .. but with the full functionality of a real csg editor not the limited functionality of bsp style editors
13:00.47 brlcad brl-cad's CSG evaluation underpinnings drive actual scientific analyses so it's more important for it to be accurate than have a modeler that looked pretty .. that said, making the editor be more usable is something being worked :)
13:00.54 clock_ brlcad: the worst is I do modelling tasks in bursts - say 3 months develop amplifiers, and then I have to make another console for ronja. But I forget all that stuff I learnt before and have to learn a lot of stuff again - because brl-cad is so user-unfriendly
13:01.04 clock_ I just need more hints
13:01.47 fleeky brlcad what current work is being done ?
13:01.49 clock_ help saying instead "rotates object" at least what object it rotates, whether a matrix is considered an object, group an object, in which modes it works and in which not, and what meaning the numbers I type have
13:01.50 brlcad fleeky: I'd suggest you at least give it a try as you certainly can certainly get through many of the basics (i.e. go through a few of the exercises in the intro to mged)
13:01.58 fleeky cause i ahve a few suggestions in terms of useability ..
13:02.09 fleeky yes i will definately do that
13:02.21 brlcad clock_: because mged is so user unfriendly, I agree
13:02.24 fleeky atleast if nothing better than to get a better understanding of csg editing and what can be improved
13:02.33 fleeky thanks again for the help
13:02.40 clock_ brlcad: I guess brl-cad was used by specialized professionals who did modeling all the time so they could remember all the details
13:02.42 fleeky ill idle here a bit i have to work a bit now though :)
13:02.44 brlcad it's meant for use by folks that use it day in and day out, for the most part (for better or worse)
13:02.57 clock_ but now since it's out on general public, general public needs more hints to stay in the picture
13:03.09 clock_ needs to be more ocassional-user-compliant
13:03.11 brlcad of course
13:03.24 clock_ which doesn't mean it has to be more annoying for the fulltime specialist
13:03.37 brlcad this is all really old topic ;) "fixing" the problem is way more involved than it seems on the surface
13:03.38 clock_ I even think it will then help the fulltime specialist make less errors during his work
13:03.52 clock_ because he'll notice from the hints if he's going to do an error in his thinking
13:03.57 brlcad just to simply "display" an implicit sphere intesected with another sphere..
13:04.40 clock_ brlcad: but I think for the beginning the text files could be ammended - if somewhere is a string saying "rotates the object" it can be changed to "rotates the object, angles given in coordinates (counter-)clockwise"
13:05.03 clock_ There's also an issue if the angles are given in the view or in the object coordinate system
13:05.06 brlcad it's not a matter of will, desire, or even planning (there is a rather detailed plan forward for fixing the usability problems) .. it's a matter of resources
13:05.12 brlcad particularly developer resources
13:05.17 clock_ brlcad: aha
13:05.34 clock_ brlcad: Bush should cut his Iraq program and assign the resulting money on BRL-CAD
13:06.20 brlcad clock_: if you want to fix the documents so that strings such as that are fixed, I'd give you commit access to do so - just let me know :)
13:06.46 clock_ brlcad: and do you mind if I ask first which way it is in reality?
13:07.03 brlcad which way what is?
13:07.12 clock_ well all these ambiguous things
13:07.23 brlcad like that statement :)
13:07.31 brlcad all these what?
13:08.06 clock_ brlcad: all the stuff like whether X Y Z means X Y Z axes or X Y Z planes, if it turns counter- or clockwise, if it's in the view or object coord system...
13:08.39 brlcad ah, the consistency of items in mged
13:09.01 clock_ brlcad: and is it allowed to make the help items larger?
13:09.07 clock_ or do they have to be terse?
13:09.45 brlcad well, that's partly because mged is as mged does .. it's a tool that has been developed over the years by several different folks with different skills with respect to usability and consistency but more importantly, it's been developed very minimal fashion ...
13:10.29 brlcad someone needed a command that does *blah* and that command is worked with the modeling experts that know mged in and out .. so to them, they just need to know x y z and they already know what that means given the context
13:11.09 brlcad because often/generally they asked for it to be that way, and whether what they asked for made it to a label or not was pretty irrelevant for them and the dev that wrote the feature at the time
13:11.35 brlcad clock_: they can be larger, terse and clear is good but informative is best
13:12.03 brlcad i'd ideally think most of those commands as unix command-line commands deserving of entire manual pages that describe their use in some cases
13:12.22 brlcad in the new modeling system, they will have full pages per commands (and be actual stand-alone commands)
13:13.25 brlcad for now, I gotta run .. big presentation, brl-cad goodness to report
13:14.26 clock_ brlcad: man is OK that's easy to show on the screen
14:11.57 *** join/#brlcad cad83 (
15:16.27 ``Erik O.o
15:17.27 F_squirty o.O
15:23.10 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
15:48.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/librt/wdb_obj.c:
15:48.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: Oops! lost the prefix on the last commit. Now adds the optional prefix before
15:48.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: building a unique name for the dbconcat command.
15:54.06 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/misc/debian/ (11 files): more debianage
16:00.14 MinuteElectron brlcad: Will the site ever expand to have multiple copies in each language?
16:05.34 MinuteElectron Doesn't matter, I have future proofed it anyway.
16:06.16 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
16:23.21 MinuteElectron brlcad: The wiki and Drupal is officially good to go!
16:23.34 MinuteElectron Just minor modifications left, but it is now in a usable state.
16:23.44 MinuteElectron Well, more usable than before at least.
16:54.05 brlcad MinuteElectron: I'd like to think that it will/should
16:54.26 MinuteElectron will/should what?
16:54.30 brlcad MinuteElectron: have you looked at the site under IE with javascript disabled yet? :)
16:54.38 MinuteElectron Not yet...
16:54.43 MinuteElectron Maybe later, I gotta run now.
16:54.59 MinuteElectron Bye.
16:55.03 brlcad that's unfortunately a pretty common configuration for our audience (i.e. just about anyone on a govt machine)
16:55.17 brlcad will/should wrt multiple languages
16:55.34 MinuteElectron ok
16:55.37 MinuteElectron will do later
16:55.39 MinuteElectron bye for now
16:55.40 brlcad i'd hope we get to the point of having multiple
16:55.42 brlcad cya MinuteElectron
16:55.44 brlcad thanks again
16:55.47 brlcad great work1
17:00.43 *** join/#brlcad Laniakea (
18:18.17 brlcad you gpl'd debian build files?? :)
18:24.53 ``Erik heh, that's how they come out of debmake
18:25.48 ``Erik and there's some serious breakage on debian that looks just like what was reported on ubuntu due to libtool abuse, so I'm busy fixing that shtuff...
18:25.52 ``Erik feels like I fixed it before :/
18:26.16 brlcad so does COPYING out of automake, but that don't make it good :)
18:27.47 ``Erik since debmake is gpl'd and it put the gpl stamp on the files, they may've already been under the gpl *shrug* and it doesn't negatively influence us, I don't think?
19:43.04 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (n=yukonbob@
19:48.48 yukonbob afternoon, cadders
19:53.40 MinuteElectron hey
19:53.42 MinuteElectron my parents suck
19:54.58 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/ (46 files in 46 dirs): add link dependancy information to shared libraries and reduce redundancy
19:57.17 ``Erik now to start the trek to see if that fixes all the issues on debian/ubuntu *sigh*
19:57.26 MinuteElectron brlcad: Any ideas where I can start regarding transfering content to the wiki\Drupal? Or should I wait till tomorrow to do that, or should I do it at all?
20:07.42 yukonbob Reduction of Redundancy Reducer
20:13.32 brlcad MinuteElectron: I'd just wait till tomorrow
20:13.34 MinuteElectron ok
20:14.08 brlcad the place to start will probably be just pulling from docs already included in the source distribution and on the old/current website
20:14.14 brlcad and go from there
20:14.24 MinuteElectron ok
20:17.13 brlcad tomorrow for you, of course ;)
20:17.23 MinuteElectron heh
20:34.01 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libfft/ (6 files): eliminate complex.h
20:42.39 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/sig/ (7 files): eliminate complex.h
21:05.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ (7 files in 3 dirs): migrated the contents of src/librt/plane.r to include/bn.h
21:05.40 MinuteElectron brlcad: What license is the documentation in CVS under?
21:06.20 MinuteElectron Can I just copy and paste it, or do I need to give attribution?
21:07.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/TODO: complex.h's have been eliminated and plane.h has been assimilated into bn.h
21:13.39 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
22:53.49 *** join/#brlcad poolio (

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