IRC log for #brlcad on 20070908

03:09.58 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
08:37.05 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
09:03.17 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
13:30.28 MinuteElectron brlcad: Do you have a poll I can put on the website, I am adding a proper one as the poll that was originally there was temporary.
14:00.34 fleeky-circus is it possible to do union / difference / intersection stuff in archer?
14:35.22 MinuteElectron brlcad: Are you wanting all the PDFs to be converted to wiki.
14:35.29 MinuteElectron s/./?
17:50.19 brlcad MinuteElectron: i added a better poll
17:50.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/description.txt: update the full description section so it reads better, shorten the first paragraph, include history, and mention mike. add a 2000-char long description section too.
17:50.35 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/ update the long description
17:51.07 brlcad er, not better .. just "a poll", since there wasn't one :)
17:52.05 brlcad i wouldn't work on converting the pdf's just yet -- I'd just link to them and refer to them as "books" that folks can download
17:52.12 brlcad (not drupal books, just "books")
17:52.25 brlcad as they were actually published books
17:53.08 brlcad i mean if you want to convert them, that'd be great, but it's a project all in itself as I'm wanting to get them to docbook format so that html and pdf forms can be auto-generated
17:53.58 brlcad as for the license, some of the docs are public domain, some are bsd documentation licensed
17:54.56 brlcad fleeky: i believe so, but it expects you to already know the mged interface -- if you turn on the advanced interface so you can get the console, I know you can type the mged editing commands that let you perform the CSG -- not sure about the gui
17:56.37 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
18:01.34 MinuteElectron brlcad: Cool.
18:04.16 MinuteElectron Funnily some things on the site fix themselves and others destory them.
18:04.59 brlcad howso?
18:05.35 brlcad fyi, i fixed the poll preview background .. it was white, added a #content .content that fixed it
18:05.54 MinuteElectron The footer didn't work properly yesterday, now it does. The navigation bar didn't stretch all the way across the screen the other day now, for some reason, it does.
18:06.04 MinuteElectron in IE that is (the stretching)
18:06.13 brlcad i noticed that the footer in IE didn't work for me
18:06.27 brlcad unless you manually grab the window
18:06.42 brlcad you could see the 1px flutter, but it didn't move the footer
18:06.51 MinuteElectron It seams to work now.
18:06.56 brlcad heh
18:07.37 brlcad what's wierd is that it really shouldn't be needed I'd think .. it "should" work just as the last content item with a 100% width
18:08.06 brlcad instead of being basically "early" content that is placed at the end
18:08.36 brlcad good for now at least, though it would be nice to remove that hack
18:08.41 MinuteElectron yeah
18:09.46 brlcad i deleted that other user .. hopefully not someone in here
18:10.10 brlcad bah, HD is full, can't allocate enough for the VM at the moment to check IE
18:10.18 MinuteElectron ouch
18:12.31 MinuteElectron Would it be an idea to upload the pdf's to the wiki as a temporary measure then link from the wiki to the pdfs uplaoded to the wiki instead of it being an external link. The current locations could be redirected to the locations on the wiki.
18:13.40 brlcad sounds like a great idea
18:13.44 MinuteElectron :)
18:14.35 brlcad the Doc link could probably go straight to a wiki page that lists all the docs
18:14.45 brlcad with a page per doc or something
18:14.57 MinuteElectron It currently does if I am understanding you correctly.
18:15.08 brlcad ah, so it does
18:16.10 brlcad i'm working on the drupal upgrade now, then i'll try to unify drupal/mediawiki user db's
18:16.32 MinuteElectron No LDAP?
18:16.48 brlcad that's one way to unify them ;)
18:16.58 MinuteElectron Oh, right. I see.
18:16.59 brlcad i'm going to try
18:23.45 MinuteElectron cool
18:24.38 brlcad eep, You don't have permission to access /d/admin/logs/updates/settings on this server.
18:26.09 MinuteElectron Oh, you can only do that with the root account afaik.
18:26.23 MinuteElectron Which is my account unfourtunatley, and there is only one root account.
18:26.43 MinuteElectron s/is only/can only be/
18:28.34 MinuteElectron What needs doing?
18:28.35 brlcad that's fairly odd, drupal would normally say that in the result
18:28.39 MinuteElectron oh
18:28.44 MinuteElectron *shrug*
18:28.47 MinuteElectron are you logged in?
18:29.38 brlcad yep
18:29.58 MinuteElectron hmm
18:30.00 MinuteElectron odd
18:31.11 MinuteElectron brb
18:39.37 MinuteElectron backlk
18:55.50 *** join/#brlcad cad94 (
18:57.06 louipc .hiub /3\
19:44.32 fleeky question : i heard that it was planned to make a more user-friendly (idiot proof) ui for brl-cad is anyone working/planning on that in here ?
19:49.54 brlcad there has been quite a bit of work in that area, but mostly on the low-level areas that need to change for supporting a new ui
19:50.15 MinuteElectron brlcad: PDF indication: icon or text?
19:50.28 brlcad icon
19:50.32 MinuteElectron :)
19:50.40 brlcad :)
19:51.52 brlcad fleeky: if you're a dev, you're more than welcome to jump in on the fun ;) it's pretty well understood the limitations of mged and even the improved archer interface
19:52.57 brlcad it's more a matter of having enough developer manpower going into the (various) efforts needed, else just waiting for it to happen as it gets worked
21:02.17 MinuteElectron ouch, an 18.6MB pdf being uploaded by http.
21:04.11 MinuteElectron brlcad: Should I upload the example program to the wiki, install a syntax highlighter and paste the source code to a page, or just link to the curent location. Or a combination of the three, personally I would do 1 and 2 - but that is just me.
21:31.43 brlcad wouldn't think we'd want to link to anything in the current location if we can get away with it
21:32.00 MinuteElectron Ok, makes sense.
21:32.09 brlcad importing into the wiki with syntax highlighting would probably look the best
21:32.42 MinuteElectron What about the newdb documentation, would be very tedious to import in the wiki (if you want that) and is also very big.
21:37.22 brlcad I'll deal with that one, it needs other work
21:42.45 poolio allo
21:43.30 MinuteElectron brlcad: ok
21:47.29 brlcad howdy poolio, how's it going?
21:51.33 MinuteElectron brlcad: Once it is ready to go 'live' will the site be moved to or will it forever remain as If the former then something must be done regarding doxygen I think.
21:59.02 poolio brlcad: ok except the death of my laptop. i'm thinking of starting up a robotics / genetic algorithms project here :)
22:14.58 brlcad <PROTECTED>
22:15.22 brlcad doxygen stuff will completey chane
22:15.40 brlcad s/chane/change/
22:15.43 MinuteElectron ok
22:18.21 brlcad poolio: cool, sounds like fun :)
22:19.27 louipc ooh robotics
22:21.33 MinuteElectron brlcad: What about the ARL reports?
22:24.40 poolio Yeah, I'm thinking applying GAs to evolution of a proper / speedy gait. Maybe having robots develop a new gate when they're injured/modified/placed in certain circumstances.
22:25.50 brlcad MinuteElectron: what about them?
22:26.04 MinuteElectron where will they be moved?
22:26.31 brlcad I have probably 30-50 reports that relate to brl-cad that are going to go into a publications section somewhere on the site
22:26.39 MinuteElectron ok.
22:26.44 MinuteElectron sounds good
22:27.08 brlcad the three that are up there were just three that a few folks specifically asked for
22:27.22 MinuteElectron Oh, right.
22:28.13 brlcad drupal's probably more appropriate for them as they're fixed published documents, but the formats vary wildly and I'll need to clean them up some
22:28.56 MinuteElectron ok
22:29.10 MinuteElectron crickey, a 20MB pdf.
22:34.46 brlcad should be
22:35.13 brlcad php upload max is set at 128MB
22:35.31 MinuteElectron Cool.
22:36.14 brlcad don't see a mediawiki limit in the settings file, so whatever the default is
22:37.04 minute There is no limit IIRC, we once had a discussion regarding it I think (in one of the mediawiki forums\malinglists\irc channls.
22:38.42 brlcad which 20MB pdf are you referring to? don't do anything with the An_Overview one..
22:39.13 minute user group presentations
22:39.21 brlcad aah
22:39.22 brlcad heh, yeah
22:40.36 minute Everything downloaded, now for upload.
22:59.45 minute I am too tired to upload these files. Once this one uploads /me is going to sleep.
23:22.34 brlcad :)
23:23.28 brlcad nice progress, though ..
23:23.58 brlcad as soon as the user db's are unified, it could probably go live at this point, even as new data gets added
23:25.43 minute cool, thanks.
23:26.48 minute Goodnight.
23:34.52 brlcad cya minute

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