IRC log for #brlcad on 20070910

01:45.35 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
02:49.31 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:50.22 IriX64 louipc:
02:50.35 IriX64 err http:// :)
03:04.57 louipc what's that?
03:35.37 IriX64 a photon mapped havoc
06:11.23 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
06:27.12 MinuteElectron brlcad: What do you mean by 'login panel' - I thought I did do that already. Replaced the box with a link.
06:29.55 MinuteElectron louipc: It seams like you are missing a large part of the CSS, the tabs are in the wrong place. The sidebar shouldn't have borders etc. Can you try doing a forced clear of your Firefox cache Ctrl+Shift+R?
06:30.42 MinuteElectron To me it looks as if the HTML modifications have come to your browser, but the CSS ones haven't - a sure sign of caching.
06:41.09 MinuteElectron Later all.
10:11.02 louipc cool it works now
11:16.03 *** join/#brlcad fleeky (
11:16.04 fleeky hi
11:49.12 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:39.35 fleeky is the bulk of the new interface work being done on archer or mged or both ? or neither ? if neither whats it being done on ?
13:03.42 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:31.51 *** join/#brlcad fleeky (
14:34.16 fleeky hi hi
14:40.05 brlcad neither, new tool will leverage a ton of stuff that mged has/does, but the code is fresh (mged is a c/tcl hybrid, archer is a pure tcl/itcl rewrite)
14:40.24 fleeky ah ok so it will be a whole new thing
14:40.42 fleeky good to know .. and its still in the planning stage right ?
14:41.17 MinuteElectron 07:27 < MinuteElectron> brlcad: What do you mean by 'login panel' - I thought I did do that already. Replaced the box with a link.
14:43.25 brlcad fleeky: it's a constant and evolving planning stage .. lots of code has been written that support it but almost entirely on the backend/engine side of things
14:44.20 brlcad MinuteElectron: i know, it's better .. something about the panel still bothers me on the main page, though
14:44.24 MinuteElectron ok
14:44.50 brlcad certainly a minor issue, and maybe a "after moved" issue instead of before
14:44.55 MinuteElectron ok
14:45.00 fleeky ahk
14:49.29 brlcad so that was entirely a cache issue with louipc? great
14:50.10 MinuteElectron Yep, and I fixed the header in IE!
14:50.24 MinuteElectron Simply needed a width: so it didn't deault to 100%.
14:51.05 brlcad backups are running smoothly (again), both full server sync and database dumps, and now with better rotations on db and user logs too so backups won't take so long
14:51.14 brlcad cool
14:51.19 MinuteElectron nice
14:51.38 fleeky brlcad do you have that link to any info on documentation for writing an interface?
14:51.49 brlcad wonder how much we care about IE5Mac :)
14:51.53 MinuteElectron hehe
14:51.55 brlcad it's totally hosed there
14:51.59 MinuteElectron ouch
14:52.25 fleeky test what ?
14:52.31 MinuteElectron The website.
14:52.36 fleeky link pls :)
14:52.37 brlcad basically none of the pngs, and the layout is jacked
14:52.46 MinuteElectron eee
14:52.52 MinuteElectron fleeky:
14:52.58 MinuteElectron Not done yet mind you.
14:53.13 fleeky ofcourse
14:53.19 MinuteElectron brlcad: What is this 'Heavy load response' you are talking about?
14:53.28 MinuteElectron I can't find any info on the drupal website regarding it.
14:53.42 brlcad
14:54.06 brlcad notice the various scrollbars too :)
14:54.12 fleeky man i cant wait till brl has a decent modeller friendly interface you guys will cry with happiness at the stuff i make :)
14:54.15 ``Erik brlcad: is there a working NX install anywhere handy?
14:54.40 MinuteElectron brlcad: Ouch, that is bad.
14:54.48 brlcad ``Erik: an old one on CAD
14:54.49 ``Erik (ie on mac has always been a bit iFruity O.o)
14:54.55 MinuteElectron indeed
14:55.02 brlcad before it was NX of course
14:55.12 ``Erik do you know if there're any big changes with library names, header names, etc?
14:55.28 brlcad MinuteElectron: yeah, i'm not concerned about ie5mac, but it's good to know it doesn't work there
14:55.31 ``Erik if I were to wire the ug-g converter in on that box, would it apply up to nx 5? (do ya'z know?)
14:55.35 MinuteElectron brlcad: ok
14:55.44 brlcad probably doesn't work on netscape either
14:56.05 MinuteElectron Currently netscape uses the Mozilla engine IIRC.
14:56.07 brlcad ideally, there'd be some simplified site for the older browsers .. hmm, maybe the pages made for the heavy load response
14:56.26 MinuteElectron It is basically just Firefox wrapped in Netscape rubbish.
14:56.30 fleeky the site looks really nice in firefox :)
14:56.35 MinuteElectron brlcad: What is the heavy load response?
14:56.35 brlcad i mean like netscape 3 on irix kind of old :) less than 1% audience
14:56.46 brlcad it's when the site gets hit really hard
14:56.49 ``Erik heh, ns4 gold might still be stumbled across, though
14:57.07 brlcad like during a /. reference, hundreds of visitors all of the sudden
14:57.12 MinuteElectron brlcad: How to set it up?
14:57.22 brlcad the site falls back (automatically) to a light version so it can keep responding
14:59.14 ``Erik the db and httpd's always seem to chew a nontrivial amount of cpu, and there're one or two unrelated processes doing the same on that poor old box O.o
15:00.02 brlcad hmm, MinuteElectron -- the statement on the Site Configuration panel, "The following enabled modules are incompatible with aggressive mode caching and will not function properly: logintoboggan, throttle.
15:00.27 MinuteElectron Hmm, ok...
15:00.53 MinuteElectron loggintoboggan was to remove the login panel.
15:00.59 MinuteElectron Not sure if you still want that or not.
15:01.15 MinuteElectron throttle is probably insignificant with a captcha installed so could be removed also
15:01.38 MinuteElectron s/remove/rpalce
15:01.53 brlcad heh, it's saying logintoboggan is incompatible (meaning it's not working, or at least not fully working)
15:02.05 brlcad there should have been a "content-means" to disable the login menu
15:02.17 MinuteElectron ok...
15:02.19 brlcad the way it lets you add/remove content and blocks to various pages
15:02.29 MinuteElectron Oh..
15:02.58 brlcad not that I know specifically where that option is at the moment, this is all slowly coming back to me
15:03.49 brlcad aha,
15:03.55 brlcad there's the throttle settings
15:04.34 brlcad not sure what that other message means specifically other than obviously saying that the site will either return a cached page or a throttle one
15:05.25 brlcad that throttle module just turns off portions of the site too, which might be good enough
15:05.36 fleeky has anyone ever made something that could just scale / rotate / move / duplicate / delete primitives and editing of the binary tree mini app?
15:06.26 fleeky with just simple hotkeys ..
15:06.31 MinuteElectron brlcad: So you don't want logintoboggan and you want the login panel to appear on every page except the main page?
15:06.39 fleeky or is it possible to script this into archer or mged ?
15:07.27 brlcad fleeky: a few little test/prototype apps have been written over the years that have done pieces of that, though mged does do all of that (and is fully scriptable)
15:07.47 brlcad MinuteElectron: what is logintoboggan?
15:08.13 MinuteElectron The thing that replaces the login panel with just a link.
15:10.05 brlcad nah, keep it .. it has several other nice features (like returning users to the pages they logged in from)
15:10.18 fleeky whats the scripting language brlcad
15:10.29 brlcad tcl
15:10.31 brlcad or shell
15:10.33 brlcad or both
15:10.40 fleeky so you can do it in the shell ?
15:11.05 brlcad mged has a "command mode" where it will run just one command for you, you can wrap that in pretty much any other scripting language
15:11.23 brlcad try this, for example: mged -c file.g tops
15:12.18 fleeky im in the crappy windows version ..
15:12.23 brlcad ah
15:12.24 fleeky it just starts
15:12.37 brlcad yeah, that's nfg
15:12.42 fleeky i would run linux but this macbook pro has some weird formatting crap
15:12.48 fleeky nfg ?
15:12.52 brlcad that 7.8.4 is "incomplete" in many respsects
15:12.53 brlcad ~nfg
15:12.56 fleeky ahhh
15:13.04 fleeky can i do builds with dev-cpp?
15:13.19 brlcad should be able to, but I haven't tried myself
15:13.36 fleeky i would have but im not experienced enough with it to make my own .dev file
15:13.44 brlcad full compiles via cygwin are a little easier, but may require some option tweaking
15:13.44 fleeky which is basically its version of makefiles
15:13.59 fleeky damn
15:14.36 brlcad there's no full-time windows dev, so the platform doesn't get the love and attention it needs
15:14.47 fleeky ah
15:15.01 brlcad that windows port was made .. three years ago?
15:15.07 fleeky lol
15:15.24 fleeky i would attempt to build it .. but it sounds like a headache waiting to happen
15:15.35 fleeky also im not very experienced with doing builds in windows
15:16.05 brlcad I really should compile up a full rev under msys and replace the installer (as I can get a *complete* build with msys/mingw) .. but I've just been not motivated and way too busy with other tasks
15:16.42 brlcad I had a full compile under cygwin before the windows build was ever made in less than a half-hour
15:16.44 fleeky so question how hard would it be to make hotkeys that do the following in mged scale/rotate/move/duplicate objects
15:16.56 brlcad but then I know what options to feed it and the two or so files I had to edit
15:17.00 fleeky and then hotkeys for changing the operation on a given leaf in a tree
15:18.34 brlcad mged has a slew of hotkeys already, the issue is more that it's designed to be a modal editor (ala vi/vim/whatever) so you explicitly enter edit mode beforehand and then close with accept/reject actions
15:18.57 brlcad so the hotkey would either only work in certain modes, or you'd have to auto enter/exit the mode
15:19.10 brlcad probably the prior
15:19.17 fleeky what about a hotkey for entering edit mode
15:19.18 fleeky ala blender
15:19.36 brlcad mm, that already exists, iirc
15:19.57 fleeky maybe not in the windows build then hehe
15:20.00 brlcad maybe l or i
15:20.46 fleeky and there are hotkeys for scale/rotate / move / duplicate ?
15:20.49 brlcad it's not just "edit mode" it's edit mode on a particular object
15:21.01 brlcad so it starts with object selection in an illumination mode
15:21.06 fleeky how much editing can you do on each primitive ?
15:21.35 fleeky ur
15:21.40 fleeky i guess it depends on the primitive forget it
15:21.59 fleeky brl-cad can have mesh objects as leafs in a tree right?
15:22.37 brlcad ahh, the hotkeys are o and s for object-edit and solid-edit mode respectively
15:22.49 brlcad yes, you can
15:22.49 ``Erik technically, but a slew of tools would freak out about them not being solids
15:22.56 fleeky ahh
15:23.13 fleeky so object edit is editing of the tree and solid edit is of the solid prmitives?
15:23.19 brlcad they're called BoTs (bag of triangles) or NMGs for completely generic polygonal surfaces
15:23.31 ``Erik all the nmg stuff attempts to verify triangular crap to be completely closed
15:23.37 brlcad object edit is applying matrix transforms
15:23.45 fleeky oh
15:23.45 ``Erik thus the obnoxious runtime of the nmg funcs :D *duck*
15:23.58 fleeky so which edit mode actually edits the tree
15:24.08 brlcad solid edit is changing primitive values (like making an torus have a bigger inner diameter)
15:24.12 fleeky yeah
15:25.02 fleeky so there isnt an edit mode for editing the tree then ?
15:25.18 fleeky i guess for tree editing you really need some kindof database menu though
15:25.21 brlcad yeah, meshes are a royal pita when it comes to verifying and preserving solid geometry, all sorts of bad things can and do happen
15:25.38 fleeky so you can see the heirarchy and such and be able to change the operation of each leaf etc..
15:25.41 brlcad what do you mean by editing the tree?
15:25.51 brlcad matrix transforms are object edit
15:26.14 fleeky i mean changing the tree of csg ops on all the different primitives
15:26.17 brlcad that encompasses rotation, scale, moves
15:26.20 fleeky i guess thats a comb ?
15:26.42 brlcad ah, changing the csg itself ..
15:27.04 fleeky btw i really spent a good hour reading through the Dense documentation
15:27.14 fleeky but i must admit i was quite daunted :)
15:27.52 fleeky it seems like so many things could be made a million times easier with simple things like hotkeys , a solid-shaded visualizer , and a few menus
15:28.06 brlcad there's a massive amount of material to cover, it is daunting .. even with a good interface, learning the modeling environment would be daunting
15:28.14 fleeky like a database menu that shows the whole csg tree and lets you play with that
15:28.27 fleeky nah the modelling philosophy is not that bad
15:28.33 fleeky i rather enjoy it actually
15:28.51 fleeky but just getting things intoa fluid workflow is completely impossible at this point
15:28.56 brlcad it's a good and bad thing .. the engine is all there for the "most" part .. it's fully operational and there's quite a breadth of functionality under that hood, but the interface is noticably jacked for helping you learn/use it
15:29.06 fleeky yeah
15:29.07 fleeky hehe
15:29.16 brlcad it's not fluid until you've basically memorized a lot of stuff
15:29.23 fleeky is there any possibility of getting a current build of brlcad for windows btw ?
15:29.26 brlcad it does get fluid, but it's a pretty steep learning curve
15:29.32 fleeky even if it was just a .dev file i
15:29.35 fleeky could compile it myself
15:29.38 ``Erik amusingly enough
15:29.52 ``Erik I'm updating the cvs tree my winderz box can see with the intent of trying a cyggy b uild
15:29.58 brlcad most of the expert brl-cad modelers are just as fluid in brl-cad as they are in other CAD systems for most operations, it's just painful to get to that point
15:30.02 fleeky thanks erik ..
15:30.13 ``Erik whether or not it'll work is a different dealie
15:30.22 brlcad even after you go through ALL of the posted online docs, you're still considered a newbie .. that's just the basics
15:30.27 fleeky brlcad well if i can figure out how to script in bash i might do that
15:30.32 fleeky yeah
15:30.35 fleeky i quickly realized that
15:30.40 fleeky as the docs explain ultra simple tasks
15:30.52 fleeky i would also like to see what the pros have made with brl-cad
15:31.04 ``Erik 'havoc' is a kinda neat model
15:31.06 fleeky cause it seems that even if you become fluid in the current app you still wont be able to make anything very complicated very fast
15:31.13 ``Erik there's a truck we're trying to get permission to put in the repo
15:31.24 fleeky although the possibilities of procedural csg stuff really really interests me
15:31.43 fleeky erik if you guys help me out with the interface i will make you some really crazy stuff
15:32.17 fleeky
15:32.22 fleeky i am atleast not a noob at modelling
15:32.25 fleeky well poly modelling
15:32.36 ``Erik heh, the interface is "expert friendly" and those of us being paid to hack the software aren't allowed to really engage in any big revamping activities on the gui... at least not on paid time :)
15:33.00 brlcad fleeky: you have this one in your example geometry folder<
15:33.37 ``Erik fleeky: cool, how many triangles and how much is bumpmapping?
15:33.47 fleeky thats all zbrush triangles
15:33.49 ``Erik (looks like bumpmapping, not displacementmapping)
15:33.51 fleeky its about 12 million
15:34.03 fleeky give or take
15:34.20 ``Erik I assume it was decimated for the gmae?
15:34.21 ``Erik game
15:34.22 fleeky although in zbrush's hd geometry mode you typically paint on a one billion poly surface
15:34.29 fleeky i will get you the ingame shots..
15:34.37 fleeky
15:34.38 fleeky ur
15:34.50 fleeky
15:34.53 fleeky there you go
15:34.54 ``Erik <-- is stumbling around the wiki
15:34.59 brlcad fleeky: another,
15:35.20 fleeky the tank is pretty nice
15:35.22 ``Erik early stage tech demo, I see
15:35.23 brlcad every wire/bolt/nut on the inside and outside are modeled there, it's not just a skin
15:35.31 fleeky but with a proper interface i could make that *right* now
15:35.51 brlcad doubtful with the interior :)
15:36.42 fleeky if you just give me something that will let me do move / scale / rotate / duplicate .. and then union / difference / subtract with nice hotkeys then its not doubtful
15:36.53 fleeky maybe move along axis also *shrug*
15:37.02 brlcad the other difference is that it's an engineering model, it's accurate down the the last detail, nothing is eyeballed
15:37.03 fleeky like press move + axis letter
15:37.21 fleeky well im less about that and more about detail
15:37.33 brlcad it's doubtful in the sense that you don't know what the interior of the vehicle looks like :)
15:37.34 fleeky im just looking at it in terms of level of detail
15:37.39 fleeky this is true !
15:38.28 fleeky i am not an engineer .. im actually a circus performer
15:38.37 ``Erik there're loads and loads of pictures of t62 interiors
15:42.46 brlcad ah, here's one
15:43.35 brlcad running all of those pipes and cables accurately is hell in most systems
15:44.31 brlcad our best guys often say that is one area where mged is actually better than most, the ease at which they can route pipes exactly
15:45.04 brlcad it can still be better, though, it can always be better :)
15:46.33 ``Erik teh fux
15:46.37 ``Erik they didn't install all of cygwin
15:46.58 ``Erik and it's blocked, bah
15:50.03 fleeky erik
15:50.12 fleeky if you walk me through it i could try building it for you
15:51.02 fleeky ive never used cygwin before heh
15:51.02 ``Erik do you have a full up cygwin install with a compiler and everything?
15:51.11 fleeky no but i could go and get it
15:51.15 fleeky just tell me what i need to install
15:51.55 ``Erik hm, cygwin, um, with gcc installed (don't need g77, gobjc, or g++) ummmm, shouldn't need perl
15:52.06 brlcad the only trick will be getting tcl mged to come up, classic mode is a breeze but the display manager is erksome with tcl mged
15:52.09 ``Erik dunno if you'd need the X stuff
15:52.13 brlcad you will have to turn off opengl, iirc
15:52.31 ``Erik <-- was hoping to muddle through all that and 'fix' it in the config scripts :)
15:52.39 fleeky hrm
15:52.44 brlcad if you want wgl to build by default, you'll have to edit several things, it's going to try/prefer x11 by default
15:52.46 fleeky no opengl makes me a sad monkey
15:53.01 ``Erik ogl won't buy you anything, it's all wireframe
15:53.02 brlcad that doesn't mean what you think it means
15:53.09 fleeky ah doh
15:53.22 fleeky you guys really need a solid shaded mode :)
15:53.33 ``Erik yes, we do, and if mgmt would let us, we'd work on it
15:53.34 ``Erik :)
15:53.39 fleeky or atleast have it so you can set the raytracer to render every few milliseconds
15:53.48 fleeky what who is mgmt
15:53.51 brlcad it's just whether it's talking to the display via opengl protocol, or X11 protocol, or Win32 protocol, etc .. they're all interchangable and fully functional
15:53.52 ``Erik the raytrace isn't quite that fast
15:53.53 fleeky ur management ?
15:54.21 brlcad fleeky: that list that I mentioned yesterday is needed for solid shaded mode
15:54.29 ``Erik <-- paid to work on BRL-CAD, kinda has to respect their priorities a tiny little bit... :)
15:54.35 brlcad that's why it's fundamental for working on the new modeler
15:55.02 ``Erik heh, awesome
15:55.03 fleeky brlcad i missed that link
15:55.11 brlcad which link?
15:55.14 ``Erik one tiny little storm cell started up... over dundalk
15:55.14 ``Erik :D
15:55.16 brlcad ?
15:55.40 fleeky i remember you mentioning that solid shading was a fundamental problem thogh
15:55.53 brlcad it is
15:55.58 ``Erik yes, we deal in implicit solids all CSG'd together
15:56.12 brlcad mathematical differences between working with implicit and explicit geometric representations
15:56.13 ``Erik solid shading expects reduced triangle (or polygon) information
15:56.53 ``Erik almost every modern opengl card only understands triangles lines and dots... quads are converted to a trifan or tristrip on the fly
15:57.30 fleeky why cant you just convert the csg to a model on the fly
15:57.40 fleeky eg to quads/triangels
15:57.53 fleeky ur im sure its much easier than waving the magic feature wand.. but just curious
15:58.12 brlcad going from implicit to explicit is usually a royal pita, going from explicit to implicit is pretty much impossible without just guessing
15:58.13 ``Erik it takes a whole lot of computation to figure out where the boundries are
15:58.21 fleeky really?
15:58.27 fleeky ive seen a few implementations that do it
15:58.27 brlcad that's the whole task "just convert the csg to a polygonal model on the fly"
15:58.32 brlcad that "just" is quite complex
15:58.32 fleeky hehe
15:58.41 fleeky yes i realize that i didnt mean to trivialize it
15:59.02 brlcad there aren't many implementations other than commercial cad systems that do this
15:59.16 brlcad I know of only two open source projects that "do this" and they have no user interface
15:59.21 ``Erik and qradiant/gtk-radiant's version is really crude and hackish
15:59.23 ``Erik *cough*
15:59.27 fleeky qwemodeller does it
15:59.42 brlcad it doesn not
15:59.51 brlcad it deals with explicit models under the hood
15:59.57 brlcad once you have explicit, it's trivial
16:00.07 fleeky
16:00.11 fleeky oh
16:00.30 fleeky im confused whats the difference between what you have and explicit models ?
16:00.50 ``Erik to do, say, a sphere
16:00.51 brlcad yep, it's doing CSG on something that's already turned into a parametric or otherwise explicit surface representation that can be directly evaluated
16:00.56 ``Erik we have a point and a radius, that's it
16:01.00 ``Erik they have a slew of triangles
16:01.40 ``Erik what that sphere means depends... it could be a cutting tool, an adding tool, ... their triangles are always the final surface representation
16:01.42 fleeky ah i see
16:01.57 brlcad with an implicit surface .. there is no surface (there is no spoon), at least until you _evaluate_ it .. which is done in several ways, but often expensive
16:02.00 brlcad or complicated
16:02.06 fleeky hehe there is no spoon
16:02.23 fleeky so underneath there not converting from implicit to explicit ?
16:02.30 brlcad nope
16:02.30 ``Erik nope
16:02.35 ``Erik we raytrace implicites
16:02.40 brlcad just doing csg on explicit (which was in that list I mentioned) ;)
16:02.49 fleeky ah ok
16:02.55 fleeky i think my brain is up to speed now
16:03.12 fleeky i just need to find a coder who can work on an explicit model implementation for brl-cad then
16:03.21 brlcad but csg on explicits are a _lot_ easier .. and they're cheating with the video card (a neat trick, but falls apart on large models)
16:03.37 fleeky large models means what ?
16:03.38 brlcad pretty much :)
16:03.46 ``Erik a couple billion triangles?
16:03.48 brlcad models that can't be evaluated on the video card ;)
16:03.48 ``Erik worth?
16:03.58 fleeky ah ok
16:04.01 fleeky thats not a problem for me though
16:04.11 brlcad nah, that video card CSG evaluation trick falls apart *way* before a billion
16:04.15 fleeky as i am interested in using this to make level geometry for a game
16:04.30 fleeky whats the reason that it breaks down ?
16:04.37 ``Erik lack of video memory?
16:04.41 brlcad it's more depth-limited, as there are several passes per depth of the csg hierarchy
16:04.49 fleeky what about paging
16:05.20 ``Erik <-- doesn't know the technique they use, kinda guessing :)
16:05.20 brlcad after about 7-10 levels, the rendering is entirely non-interactive -- a "real" model might be dozens of levels deep
16:05.25 fleeky ok you have to explain the depth-limiting a bit more .. does this mean how far into the tree heirarchy you can go ?
16:05.56 brlcad and it's non-linear, you'd hose it up after just a few levels, and you can't get the "resultant set" out of the card -- it's just for display purposes
16:06.25 brlcad i looked into it for doing mged rendering .. it'd actually kinda work for small models, certainly for most "parts/regions"
16:06.31 fleeky well if it can just display the model thats all i need .. we can later compute export to a model format
16:06.40 brlcad could have it even fall back to wire at a known depth that will hose it, but I don't want to work on mged
16:07.30 brlcad the problem is that computing export is the "bigger problem" .. that's harder than just displaying it and none of the work put into displaying it gets you any closer
16:08.22 fleeky whats the problem with that ?
16:09.27 brlcad that's where brep spline surfaces come to the rescue -- you can convert almost all of our primitives to a brep spline surface representation *faithfully* and instantly .. doing CSG on just brep spline surfaces is hard but tractable .. going from evaluated CSG brep spline surfaces to polygonal is .. trivial
16:11.26 fleeky i assume thats something like nurbs?
16:11.41 brlcad yep
16:12.10 fleeky ahk as that is what i had imagined would be the middle man
16:12.16 fleeky whats the dif between brep spline and nurbs
16:12.41 brlcad nurbs is a spline surface representation, just one of several types
16:12.46 fleeky ah ok
16:12.55 brlcad brep spline surface is just the "generalized" form
16:12.57 ``Erik and the result would look a hell of a lot better than, say, shooting a ray every 5 pixels across and five pixels down and doing hacky gouraud shading between :D
16:13.09 brlcad and faster
16:13.23 fleeky lol
16:13.27 ``Erik NURBS is non-uniform rational b-spline
16:13.55 brlcad although I've been motivated to give that a try sometime too .. something like what lee did with the point sampling, but make it adaptive
16:14.36 ``Erik for 'flat' areas, you could sample a lot less frequently, then increase sample at the edges, kinda like ummmm, how marching cubes focuses in
16:14.45 fleeky hehe
16:14.47 fleeky neato
16:14.57 ``Erik now
16:15.03 brlcad basically adaptive real-time rendering when the rays themselves get too expensive to keep it doing fast enough
16:15.18 fleeky basically marching cubes but for raytracing ?
16:15.22 brlcad i bet you could even display something complex reasonably well enough
16:15.39 ``Erik in theory, it'd be a reasonably easy hack, if you can suffer the rtprep
16:15.50 fleeky trprep?
16:16.04 brlcad maybe as one of several "visualization mode" plugins in the new modeler
16:16.19 ``Erik preparing the geometry for raytracing... building the acceleration sturctures and stuff
16:16.20 brlcad maybe one of the first ones if breps aren't finished this year
16:16.23 fleeky so what is the interface plan for the new modeller ?
16:16.56 brlcad it's gonna be a big curses-only gui
16:17.26 brlcad ba-dum *ching*
16:17.29 fleeky hehe
16:17.59 brlcad thank you, thank you, I'm here all week
16:18.03 brlcad try the lobster bisque
16:18.06 fleeky all year even :)
16:18.52 fleeky well i hope you guys get working on this magic app
16:19.00 fleeky ill try and find some interested coders
16:19.11 brlcad working every day, just a problem of manpower and time :)
16:19.19 ``Erik curses??? damn, I was hoping for line feed :(
16:19.26 ``Erik the "ed" of modelling
16:19.44 brlcad website is getting my attention these days as MinuteElectron's been the first of many to actually "step up" and make excellent progress
16:20.31 ``Erik fleeky: have you gone through any of the tutorials yet?
16:20.39 brlcad code-wise, spent most of the last 8 months working on nurbs support (albeit indirectly, but it sure still took up a lot of time)
16:20.53 fleeky erik yeah
16:21.03 brlcad jason made great progress, wish someone hadn't blown it for keeping him on board
16:21.12 ``Erik heh
16:21.23 fleeky i read through enough of it to really hate the interface :)
16:21.33 brlcad you learn to love it ;)
16:21.36 brlcad and hate it
16:21.41 fleeky nooo its not what i need though
16:21.46 brlcad it really is powerful, just not very friendly
16:21.55 fleeky powerful yes in the command line sense
16:22.05 ``Erik it's kinda designed for absolute precision, not visual ease
16:22.12 fleeky yes this is the problem
16:22.19 ``Erik depends on what your purpose is
16:22.21 fleeky im looking to make level geometry with it .. for a game :(
16:22.33 brlcad like a old guru that will answer just about any question you have for it, and send you on your way home magically
16:22.34 fleeky quite complex and vast level geometry
16:22.38 fleeky but level geometry nontheless
16:22.40 brlcad but kick your ass in the process
16:22.41 ``Erik if you're trying to represent an existing thing faithfully, it's great, if you're trying to slap out eye candy, not so much
16:22.49 fleeky yep
16:22.54 fleeky im trying to slap
16:23.40 brlcad hmm.. speaking of magic .. I should be playing a game today
16:23.50 fleeky but it being powerfull for its intended purpose is a good sign
16:23.57 fleeky what game /
16:24.10 ``Erik and it's kinda designed to represent military vehicles (big things, simple shapes, flat surfaces, not many curves) more than anything else
16:24.25 brlcad fleeky: in the big picture, even mged doesn't expose more than about 50% of what brl-cad on the whole is capable of
16:24.35 brlcad it wraps a lot of functionality, but missed much too
16:25.04 brlcad the new system should do much much better at that wrapping, being extensively more modular and working with the existing tools more readily/automatically
16:25.10 fleeky if you had nurbs support with it you could all the curves you want ?
16:25.37 brlcad sure, nurbs are the best at curvature
16:25.54 brlcad but you have to expose that via the editor too, which is tricky in itself
16:26.04 fleeky what do you mean expose ?
16:26.14 ``Erik make accessable
16:26.32 brlcad when we talk about implementing nurbs support, i'm talking (at this point) about just fundamental representation, just being able to *have* a nurbs object, able to render and evaluate it
16:26.33 fleeky i see
16:26.58 brlcad being able to actually manipulate and edit that surface is an entirely separate issue and is mostly gui issues
16:27.03 ``Erik we have primitives that can exist, be imported, exported, raytraced, converted... but cannot be edited in mged
16:27.11 fleeky hehe
16:27.22 fleeky thats highly funny
16:27.32 brlcad that said, if it's implicit primitives that are just using nurbs for visualization, you wouldn't need to know .. you'd just see the objects and edit their implicit paramters
16:27.51 fleeky its like i have this hamburger i can make it for you but you cant eat it
16:28.17 ``Erik not that funny *shrug* the need was to import the geometry and raytrace it... the need wasn't to edit it... *shrug* so people were told to do that much and then go on to the next task
16:28.29 fleeky ah
16:28.38 brlcad there's representation, visualization, and manipulation .. and various levels of each .. all independent problems
16:28.51 ``Erik and editing got put on the 'todo' list
16:30.06 brlcad representation is the basic structure(s) in memory; visualization is wireframe, ray-tracing, and eventually opengl shaded displays; manipulation is gui editing support (picking points/curves, editing parameters)
16:31.06 fleeky yeah quite a lot of work
16:32.16 ``Erik one of the neat aspects of having things broken out all nifty like that is if someone wanted to make a modeller, they could build it ontop of the representation using our libraries and be interoperable...
16:32.23 ``Erik 'archer' is kinda an example of that
16:32.57 fleeky speaking of archer
16:33.00 fleeky is there any docs for it ?
16:33.03 fleeky i didnt see any
16:33.09 fleeky when i went to
16:33.16 fleeky or whatever the url is hehe
16:34.20 fleeky ahk hehe
16:34.28 fleeky cause at first i thought archer would be what i needed
16:34.45 ``Erik I think it's kinda more of a prototype
16:34.47 fleeky and then i got stuck trying to figure out how it worked and then i didnt find the docs
16:34.49 fleeky ah ok
16:35.02 fleeky do you know how to make csg stuff from it ?
16:35.21 fleeky the farthest i got was just making primitives and the combs were confusing me as to how the worked exactly
16:35.41 ``Erik heh, no? I saw a demo where they slapped together a basic tank really fast... but I haven't used it... I started it up, saw there was a gui there and quit it... (testing on fbsd)
16:35.58 fleeky lol
16:40.35 brlcad you sort of have to know mged before archer can be useful, but it was designed as an eventual replacement
16:40.54 brlcad it does "clean up" most of the things that mged leaves to be desired
16:41.20 brlcad giving you gui panels and command line for most things that you'd want:
16:41.31 fleeky yeah
16:41.36 fleeky i like the interface for it
16:42.07 fleeky i just dont understand combs really and when i try to edit things once ive combined them in a comb things start messing up very nicely
16:42.35 brlcad it's actually using an "embedded mged" in there, just to show you some of that reusability
16:42.53 fleeky ah .. i like how i can see a shaded preview in it also :)
16:43.14 brlcad ah, see you'd have that issue regardless, as understanding combs is pretty fundamental/basic -- you'd have an understanding of combs after the tutorial series
16:43.49 brlcad though it basically amounts to "it's a single node in the hierarchy"
16:43.54 fleeky well i know enough to union
16:44.16 fleeky and i assume you can have multiple combs doing different stuff
16:44.32 brlcad a whole hierarchy of them doing different things :)
16:44.33 fleeky i just forget the subtraction command
16:44.36 fleeky there is u - and ?
16:44.41 brlcad +
16:44.43 fleeky ah thats it
16:45.12 brlcad which I don't like frankly.. I'd probably use + for union, - for subtraction, and x for intersection myself
16:45.28 brlcad but that predates me by over a decade
16:45.40 fleeky the only confusing thing is when i make the comb its as if the graphics buffer isnt cleared and if i try moving stuff around it doesnt move.. but then if i change the shading to wireframe again it moves .. but as if it created a new version of the comb that is overtop and if i change it back its like there are two instances of the comb in the viewer
16:46.13 fleeky i use the term graphics buffer very loosely
16:46.19 fleeky just trying to explain what i see
16:46.31 brlcad in archer yes?
16:46.34 fleeky yes
16:46.54 brlcad it would be just a simple matter of it actually being a bug (remember that archer is also 3 years old there)
16:47.00 fleeky omg
16:47.03 fleeky blah
16:47.08 fleeky makes using it basically impossible ;)
16:47.09 brlcad i'm not saying it is, I have no idea
16:47.19 brlcad could be the way you're using it
16:47.29 brlcad but you're working with alpha software there, not even beta
16:48.14 fleeky yeah
16:48.16 fleeky sig
16:48.17 brlcad it was added to help inspire some devs to improve upon it, show what's possible with a new interface, etc
16:48.17 fleeky sigh
16:49.08 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/external/ include the sources in the dist, even if not built
16:49.11 fleeky well they atleast succeeded in making a prettyy nice interface
16:49.37 ``Erik hrm, I may've done that backwards
16:50.15 fleeky one thing that would be nice though is if it would just make a default comb for you .. and whenever you clicked on a primitive it would be automatically added to that comb unless you deselected the comb
16:50.16 brlcad someone interested could rather quickly make archer into a usable interface .. faster even than it'll take to come up with the new interface
16:50.26 brlcad it's just not in the direction I'd like to go for the long-term
16:50.35 fleeky what dont you like about it
16:50.39 ``Erik someone interested who is a tcl guru... archer is all tcl iirc
16:51.05 fleeky lol
16:51.11 brlcad it's predominantly in incrTcl aside from the plugged-in mged portions from C
16:51.43 fleeky ah ok
16:51.52 fleeky yeah it would be better if it was code rather than script
16:51.57 brlcad ``Erik: did you test that massive library changeover on several platforms first (at least bsd, mac, linux?)
16:51.58 ``Erik <-- likes the notion of having several different gui modelers, just pick the gui closest to your task at hand... doesn't like the notion of maintaining a bunch of guis :D
16:52.11 fleeky although for me i would rather have something now that doesnt work as good then something good that works in 2 years :)
16:52.17 ``Erik erm, what massive library changeover?
16:52.41 brlcad it was nasty repetition, but it 'worked' on all the platforms .. i'm highly suspicious that you broke the build somewhere
16:52.48 brlcad the one from thurs/friday
16:53.01 ``Erik oh, I hit it on bsd, mac, linux, irix and solaris
16:53.09 brlcad okay, cool
16:53.19 brlcad so then the only thing that broke was M3 :)
16:53.51 ``Erik ok, so I brought the BRL-CAD component of M3 into complience with the rest of M3's state.
16:53.57 ``Erik *cough*
16:54.06 brlcad they *have* to be nil libraries because M3 isn't setting an LD_LIB_PATH to anything
16:54.52 brlcad tcl is still going to come up unresolved now that they're not static, but I'll probably just have them manually install it or something
16:54.54 ``Erik in theory, libtool SHOULD add an rpath to the ELF header for dependant libraries...
16:55.23 ``Erik hrm, I don't think I un-staticked tcl
16:55.54 ``Erik my bigarsed commit was to fix breakage for certain breeds of leenewx O.o
16:56.01 ``Erik and to clean things up a bit :)
16:57.19 brlcad i un-static'd it a few months ago iirc
16:57.57 brlcad oh, I don't mind .. i hated the duplication -- it was a hack that was just guaranteed to work at the time
16:58.23 brlcad it's more whether it actually fixed anything or if it was cosmetic and likely to break the build elsewhere
16:58.33 brlcad finiky versions of libtool notwithstanding
16:58.52 ``Erik the missing X stuff that was reported on ubuntu
16:58.55 ``Erik I saw that on debian
16:59.16 ``Erik so that's what tripped me off on that
16:59.24 ``Erik thursday, I wasn't in on friday
16:59.36 ``Erik er, wait, yeah I was, it musta been friday
17:00.32 brlcad MinuteElectron: we do have (or at least did in the past) have permission to use the Mac OS X logo, and of course the Linux penguin 'logo'
17:00.32 brlcad not sure about the windows logo, would have to check or make something new
17:00.49 brlcad bsd needs to be in the list with the little demon dude
17:01.30 brlcad 4 bsd logos is overkill unless it's going to be a bsd-specific download page
17:01.42 MinuteElectron brlcad: Can we not just use the Windows Logo under fair-use?
17:02.01 ``Erik *shrug* they may've forked from the same tree, but hey, solaris hpux and aix forked from that same tree
17:02.02 brlcad it's not clear how fair use applies in that case
17:02.08 MinuteElectron ok...
17:02.50 ``Erik beastie represents original bsd, bsdlite, and freebsd, but openbsd is puffer, netbsd is who the fuck knows what, dragonfly is a dragonfly ... :)
17:03.19 brlcad "Do not use the Windows logo on or in connection with products, packaging, manuals, promotional and advertising materials, or Web sites for any purpose except pursuant to an express written trademark license from Microsoft. See the Logo Programs page for more details."
17:03.34 ``Erik ok
17:03.43 ``Erik lets get a picture of a bsod, scale it down, and use that.
17:03.47 ``Erik everyone will know we mean windows
17:03.47 ``Erik :D
17:03.49 brlcad
17:04.33 brlcad the new freebsd logo is slick enough to represent,
17:04.44 ``Erik meh
17:05.20 ``Erik looks like some tard sucked apples corporate wang and that's what shot out, lacks the charm of the cartoon character :D *duck*
17:06.21 brlcad meh, the cartoon had no polish appeal, made it really hard to take it serious at least perception-wise
17:06.35 ``Erik who cares about poland? :D
17:06.36 ``Erik *duck*
17:06.59 ``Erik I mean, um, just as polished as tux? :D
17:07.28 brlcad tux has the same problem, that's why most commercial distros hide the fat bastard
17:09.08 brlcad and even for those that don't.. it's slightly easy to swallow than a little devil with a pitchfork for most folks
17:09.29 ``Erik heh, true
17:09.57 ``Erik used to be around once a month some troll would hit the fbsd mailing lists asking why we were all devil worshippers and satanists and god will throw us all to hell blah blah blah
17:11.17 brlcad exactly, that's just distracting no matter what your religious inclination is
17:11.58 ``Erik <-- just being antagonistic today :) just like every day
17:15.07 ``Erik *ponder*
17:15.24 ``Erik should we have an 8 branch, or should we have a 7 branch and call head the new 8?
17:29.53 MinuteElectron ``Erik: Just my opinion, completely unwarrented probably, but on a programming projects I am relatively active on we use head for non-released stuff (e.g. your version 8) and branches for versions that have been released. Quite effective I find, although the project I am refering to works by adding features to head and only adding security\major bug fixes to release branches.
17:31.08 MinuteElectron s/projects/project
17:31.27 MinuteElectron We probably use a different release structure anyway so maybe irrelevant.
17:32.35 ``Erik that's kinda the approach I'm used to and like, minute... (freebsd is a good model)
17:32.48 MinuteElectron heh
17:33.09 ``Erik but there's a line in the TODO that suggests making an 8 branch for 'cutting edge' and making head the front line of 7... which is what I'm contesting here :D
17:33.57 brlcad the problem is that I don't expect 8 for probably two years *at best*, with many releases in between with major efforts
17:34.38 brlcad 8 is more experimental at this point, hence branch instead of head -- otherwise it would be just done
17:34.40 ``Erik fbsd has HEAD as total bleeding edge, each major has a branch, each minor has a branch off of its major, and patches are tagged, with lots of MFC activity
17:35.07 brlcad bsd has/had an EXPERIMENTAL branch too
17:35.28 ``Erik it's had many, but most of that has been moved to private CVS and perforce
17:35.32 brlcad that's effectively what 8 is, just naming it for that feature
17:36.20 ``Erik mebbe the branch should be BREAKS_DB so it can be re-used for the next major O.o
17:36.33 brlcad regardless, what they did isn't necessarily the god model either, just to be noted .. head imo should be where most of the effort is going
17:36.49 brlcad at that is 7 right now, and will be 7 for a long time still
17:36.57 ``Erik how many things are going to break the db format?
17:37.07 brlcad yet I'd like to start on a few 8 things in the meantime, so .. a branch
17:37.31 ``Erik <-- just doesn't like the notion of using a version number in an experimental branch *shrug*
17:38.21 brlcad that sounds like an entirely personal issue :)
17:38.32 brlcad it's not like it'd be just called "8"
17:38.38 brlcad though that would be kind of funny
17:39.47 brlcad it'd follow the branch naming guidelines, probably rel-8-branch or even something generic like EXPERIMENTAL
17:40.04 ``Erik (of course, I also think tags should be entirely [A-Z0-9_])
17:40.07 MinuteElectron Do you even hav any branches yet?
17:40.43 ``Erik yup
17:42.27 ``Erik 9 so far
17:42.55 brlcad that's just because you have lots of personal bias/religion that have little technical foundation :P
17:42.55 brlcad about as useful as arguing over 2 space indents vs 4
17:42.55 brlcad it doesn't matter so long as it's consistent
17:42.55 brlcad which is why there's a naming convention in place and it is pretty much consistent now
17:42.55 brlcad MinuteElectron: the windows port was a relatively major branch effort
17:42.57 brlcad as was the upgrade to ansi C syntax
17:43.40 MinuteElectron Is there a secret subversion\cvs server somewhere?
17:43.44 MinuteElectron I don't see any branches.
17:44.28 brlcad cvs status -v README | grep branch
17:44.33 ``Erik any tag that has 4 numbers instead of 2 is a branch
17:44.58 MinuteElectron I haven't got it checked out anywhere at the moment.
17:45.29 ``Erik
17:45.34 ``Erik look at the sticky tag dropdown
17:45.37 brlcad
17:45.38 MinuteElectron I know.
17:45.42 MinuteElectron But I can't grep.
17:45.47 ``Erik huh, there were branches that wasn't in
17:45.51 *** join/#brlcad |jenda| (
17:46.04 MinuteElectron Oh, I see.
17:46.09 ``Erik if you do the sticky branch dropdown, it'll say "Branches" with a list, then "Non-brnach tags" with a list
17:46.12 MinuteElectron It is me getting too used to subversion.
17:46.29 MinuteElectron I have never even used cvs so don't know the ins and outs.
17:46.44 brlcad that's probably a good thing
17:47.09 brlcad less than four months remaining!
17:47.13 MinuteElectron I would never use cvs if I had the choice.
17:47.17 MinuteElectron 4 months till what?
17:47.39 MinuteElectron christmas?
17:47.48 MinuteElectron lol - I have to go, dinner.
17:47.53 brlcad I've had the conversion to Subversion planned for quite a while .. "before the end of the year"
17:48.10 brlcad which is this year, so within four months we'll be on svn
17:48.58 brlcad probably month after next as soon as this next release is rolled out
17:50.40 ``Erik heh, I had some bad experiences with svn a while back, but it does have some nice features... *shrug*
18:04.12 MinuteElectron svn>cvs
18:04.18 MinuteElectron any day
18:04.55 ``Erik hehehe, if you've never used cvs, how do ya know? :D
18:05.10 MinuteElectron because cvs is a hore to use
18:05.33 ``Erik erm, svn is made so all the commands are almost identical?
18:05.48 MinuteElectron I have checked out brlcad before. But I haven't really "used it".
18:06.32 MinuteElectron It has benefits, the thing I hate about cvs is it doesn't use plain and simple directory structure.
18:06.46 ``Erik howso?
18:07.01 MinuteElectron modules
18:07.04 MinuteElectron stickies
18:07.24 ``Erik ah, those're tags, that's one thing that drives me up the wall with svn
18:07.46 ``Erik having to remember to append /trunk if I want the latest, sheesh
18:07.51 ``Erik :D
18:15.32 MinuteElectron And is that 1 million lines of source code thing real?
18:15.42 MinuteElectron s/1 million/over a million
18:15.56 ``Erik ?
18:16.05 MinuteElectron
18:18.38 MinuteElectron So I have 5 out of 6 logos ready. Not sure where I can get a decent copy of the IRIX cube from though. Appears IRIX is EOP.
18:19.44 MinuteElectron The only ones I can find are tiny, and it is a bit silly having a tiny logo in the middle of a box.
18:21.30 MinuteElectron I am glad I have done this, will be quite useful for this and in the future on projects I am doing at the moment.
18:21.58 MinuteElectron I have to go, but I will add transparency and upload when I get back in an hour.
18:24.33 ``Erik how big?
18:25.25 ``Erik something like ?
18:33.58 *** join/#brlcad fleeky (
18:43.24 brlcad MinuteElectron: yes, it's quite true .. more than a million
18:45.42 brlcad the biggest win for svn is that it actually operates with changesets instead of per-dir actions, tracks file moves and renames, and actually tracks directories
18:46.34 brlcad those are three things you simply cannot do in cvs without resorting to various usage conventions, conventions which are particularly error-prone
18:47.22 brlcad the rest is gravy (http access, better user auth, mime types, eol-tracking, better binary diff management, etc)
18:48.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ ( tie.c tie_kdtree.c): move to old C comments so we can remove the -std=c99 cflag
18:51.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ (tie.c tie_kdtree.c): wrap stdint.h (fix for solaris)
18:55.18 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/sig/ (dfft.c syn.c): remove the "complex.h" include
19:03.29 brlcad woot
19:03.41 ``Erik ?
19:03.41 brlcad ~``Erik++
19:04.01 brlcad fixing the libtie build flag sillyness
19:04.14 ``Erik the only issue was c++ style comments
19:04.35 brlcad heh
19:04.42 ``Erik sed -i.bak 's,//\(.*\),/*& */,' *.[ch]
19:04.42 brlcad why doesn't that surprise me
19:04.46 ``Erik where's my cake and medal?
19:04.46 ``Erik O.o
19:04.47 ``Erik heh
19:05.46 ``Erik -std=c99 was breaking the build on slowaris, sys/int_types.h refused to define uint64_t if any stdc was defined...
19:06.51 ``Erik weird way of doing it, too... #if __STDC__ - 0 || !defined(_LONGLONG)
19:06.54 ``Erik something of that nature
19:07.33 ``Erik aaanyways, got a full build on solaris, installing now, then will beat on mged a little and run bench there just to verify.... heh
19:09.16 brlcad cool, maybe we can finally update that version number :)
19:09.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/
19:09.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: librtserver needs to be able to have all brl-cad symbols resolved, must use the
19:09.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: not-installed-libraries for the LIBADD. tcl will still fail if a suitable
19:09.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: libtcl is not installed in a standard system search path (and it's too much of
19:09.38 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: an unmaintainable pita to make a libtcl_nil).
19:10.08 ``Erik irix and debian are both still giving me issues :/
19:13.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/gtools/beset/fitness.c: silly coder, this is C! you can't declare variables mid-scope
19:15.09 ``Erik pheer the awesome might of TWO 180mhz r10k's O.o
19:15.38 brlcad care of irix, it has a few false-positive failures that are compiler bugs
19:16.05 brlcad one being long rpaths if it's a lib probablem
19:16.14 ``Erik I may be running into that right now
19:16.28 ``Erik missing X symbols was one thing that scrolled by
19:17.30 ``Erik speaking of, I have a similar bug in fbsd to fix, the /etc/group parser is hardcoded [512], and silently truncates :/
19:17.46 ``Erik here on our darkside, we have group lists lmore than 512 characters
19:24.31 brlcad which parser?
19:24.45 brlcad a cad tool that actually reads /etc/group?
19:24.50 ``Erik nooo, in freebsd
19:24.54 ``Erik in libc I think
19:24.56 brlcad ooh
19:25.18 ``Erik btw, made /p/tmp on 'that old irix machine'
19:25.20 brlcad aah, gotcha .. mistook what you read
19:26.37 ``Erik those didn't look like there was much space available, /p has plenty of unused space
19:27.12 ``Erik otherwise, I usually use something like /usr/tmp/erik/brlcadbuild (or /usr/tmp/erik/brlcadbuildall)
19:27.57 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:28.16 brlcad either way, what you picked was good too
19:28.40 ``Erik ~375 megs?
19:28.44 ``Erik *shrug*
19:29.11 ``Erik just in case you're surprised to see the existance of /p/tmp mode 1777
19:29.15 ``Erik :)
19:29.58 brlcad that's because it's got a full cad build in there from the last time i'd tested
19:33.22 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (util/pixdsplit.c liboptical/photonmap.c): should only be using common.h, not brlcad_config.h
19:39.08 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (19 files in 11 dirs): should only be using common.h, not brlcad_config.h
19:39.32 MinuteElectron ``Erik: Wow, where'd you find that?
19:39.44 ``Erik google images?
19:40.03 MinuteElectron what did you search for?
19:40.11 ``Erik "irix logo"
19:40.12 MinuteElectron I only found bad resolution ones on google.
19:40.28 ``Erik then filtered on size (large had nothing, but medium had that a couple pages in)
19:40.28 MinuteElectron interesting
19:40.29 brlcad someone modeled that in brl-cad once
19:40.40 ``Erik heh, g_pipe yo
19:41.06 MinuteElectron Wow, and it is almost perfect size.
19:41.13 MinuteElectron 128x125 and I wanted 128x128
19:41.24 brlcad heh, yeah, though it's a near-zero-radius turn
19:42.49 ``Erik bench on slowaris looks like the results are correct... the expected 74 off by one on m35
19:42.54 ``Erik (using gcc)
19:46.08 brlcad nifty,
19:49.41 ``Erik model looks about right, but the angle is wrong :)
19:49.50 *** join/#brlcad fleeky (
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20:32.52 ``Erik oh... now that's fucking lovely
20:36.36 ``Erik debian (and I'd guess ubuntu by extension) patch and ugly break into their libtool.
20:37.14 poolio mmm debian packages.
20:37.35 ``Erik s/d u/ u/
20:48.31 ``Erik if I autogen on a nondebian machine, it builds ok... if I autogen on the dbeian machine, I get unresolved symbols. those assclowns. *fume*
20:52.27 brlcad woot,
20:53.33 brlcad not too surprising, and explains some of the debian errors i've seen
20:53.37 MinuteElectron nice
20:54.20 MinuteElectron I hate magic wand transparency, it never works.
20:55.07 brlcad heh, it works.. it just doesn't work the way you think it works :)
20:55.18 MinuteElectron what?
20:55.26 brlcad magic wand
20:55.29 MinuteElectron Oh, I see.
20:55.30 MinuteElectron lol
20:56.19 brlcad for that, though -- just cheat
20:56.26 MinuteElectron brlcad: text-align, left or center.
20:56.34 brlcad put them in a white/grey box
20:56.38 MinuteElectron ok.
20:58.30 MinuteElectron brlcad: the logos and the text, or just the text?
20:58.54 MinuteElectron oh, I see.
21:16.54 MinuteElectron :)
21:18.18 MinuteElectron brlcad: :)
21:19.07 brlcad hehe, much better :)
21:19.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/ (libfb/ libdm/ the opengl knobs assume X is handy (wgl knob is used for windows)
21:20.01 poolio make 'em transparent :)
21:20.10 MinuteElectron They arem just not properly.
21:20.14 MinuteElectron s/m/,
21:21.57 brlcad ``Erik: hm .. the direction there is to make just one symbol per interface so only one configure option per interface is needed as well
21:22.15 brlcad it could just as readily be named x11opengl but it's just a label
21:22.50 ``Erik meh, I'm tired and about to leave, just fixing an irix link error (cropped up in rttherm)
21:23.03 ``Erik I'll try to remember to clean it up tomorrow O.o but it works now and didn't before, so *shrug*
21:24.04 brlcad i realized that, just letting you know the direction ..
21:24.10 ``Erik aight
21:24.24 brlcad the problem right now is tying them to with/enable features
21:24.51 ``Erik bbi45 or so
21:25.21 brlcad there really should probably be just an --enable-libfb="ogl x11" or similar and the --with-x11 and --with-opengl options just help find stuff
21:25.59 brlcad same for --enable-libdm
21:26.17 brlcad or collapse them into one --enable-interface
21:31.33 brlcad woot2,
21:31.58 brlcad didn't add light sources yet, but close enough .. that was a fun lil script
21:46.44 MinuteElectron Ok, site nearly finished. But is in a bit of a bad state. Will finish tomorrow.
21:53.14 |jenda| nkj
23:26.51 brlcad my feelings exactly |jenda|
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