IRC log for #brlcad on 20070917

00:16.36 starseeker yukonbob: You're a tcl/tk fan?
00:42.48 louipc they just need to fix the build environment
00:43.13 louipc or something
00:48.45 starseeker it's the stupid tcl/tk man page install
01:03.55 brlcad Maloeran: hm, that is a pretty interesting test
01:04.18 brlcad fun too.. a couple I wasn't so sure about though
01:05.19 brlcad that last one is pretty damn hard, not sure my reasoning on the pattern was sound, but I eventually found something that seemed to fit
01:07.14 brlcad arbitrarily limiting the time seems a bit contrary to mensa-criteria, though .. most of their official tests have rather generous time
01:07.57 poolio_ The whole test is bogus...but possibly fun
01:09.22 brlcad yeah, I've seen considerably harder mensa tests, but it does have a few with some pretty complex patterns that took a few minutes to be sure of
01:11.36 poolio_ yeah but it's also only testing a small part of what an actual IQ test would cover
01:12.27 brlcad would be fun to use that test on some coworkers.. see how they do
01:13.47 brlcad damnit, I really want to know what I missed :)
01:19.45 starseeker brlcad: what version of autoconf does BRL-CAD need?
01:23.55 brlcad lists the minimums
01:24.45 brlcad shouldn't matter so long as it meets the minimum, don't know if you can specify "just use the latest"
01:24.54 brlcad or 2.50+
01:24.58 starseeker It seems the "correct" place to patch for the man page install is in the, but when I try I get...
01:25.09 starseeker hang on, pastebin coming up...
01:25.28 Maloeran brlcad, I really couldn't figure out the last question, as well as a couple more in the last 10
01:26.19 brlcad yeah, 33 was a bitch
01:26.26 brlcad i got stuck on that one for several minutes
01:26.35 Maloeran Although I lost time helping people in efnet's #c while doing the test
01:26.39 starseeker
01:27.21 brlcad 127's not bad at all .. with the rough estimates, that's probably "close enough" to at least test for mensa ;)
01:27.33 starseeker <PROTECTED>
01:27.33 brlcad since that's clearly not a spot-on test
01:27.49 brlcad hm, BC_BOLD is defined by macros in the m4/ dir
01:28.18 starseeker maybe that's the m4 patch in portage
01:28.23 brlcad same as BC_CONFIG_CACHE .. seems that it's ignoring our -Im4 directive from ... does it run our
01:28.23 starseeker grr, let me add that too...
01:29.01 brlcad otherwise it needs to .. autoreconf needs it if that's what you're running
01:35.23 brlcad Maloeran: you should "try again" when you have time to think through uninterrupted ;)
01:36.45 brlcad the test is a bit biased towards geometric patterns, but still pretty fun -- thanks for the link
01:38.26 brlcad starseeker: I see from your pastebin that it is running the autotools prep steps directly .. what does that? the eautoreconf and other steps
01:38.27 Maloeran *nods* Yes, it's fun stuff
01:38.49 Maloeran I'm afraid my results will be biased if I take the test again, I'll remember the hard patterns I already figured out
01:39.08 Maloeran Would it be inappropriate to ask how much you got?
01:39.19 brlcad Maloeran: but like I said .. in a true mensa test, time is irrelevant
01:39.24 starseeker yes, eautoreconf is what's running autoconf
01:39.31 brlcad nah, I got a 138
01:39.49 Maloeran Neat
01:40.45 brlcad theoretically, you keep taking it and you'll only know what you know and given any reasonable amount of time, you're not really going to get any better without cheating
01:41.26 Maloeran I guess I should take it again some day. At the moment, the result implies that I got dumber since the real test I took during high school years :)
01:41.38 brlcad heh
01:41.45 brlcad i doubt it correllates
01:41.58 brlcad there's only what .. 39 questions or something
01:42.08 louipc what perks do you get if you're in mensa?
01:42.41 brlcad geeky bragging rights
01:42.47 brlcad pretty pointless chest pounding
01:43.08 louipc is it good to use for picking up chicks?
01:43.12 brlcad hah, riiight
01:43.26 louipc :D
01:43.43 brlcad it would likely make for decent resume material
01:43.49 brlcad for bean counters that cared
01:44.09 louipc hehe
01:46.40 brlcad but same reason I wouldn't apply when I was a teenager still holds today ... there's just no point other than self-gratification bragging rights
01:46.54 louipc there's a few AIM clients on linux
01:47.29 Maloeran The last time I tried Gaim, it would segfault when trying to send a message
01:47.42 Maloeran Ah by the way Sean, just in case you could be interested ; I'm getting married on October 13th... to a girl with american citizenship
01:47.48 brlcad i'm more impressed by someone that makes it to the olympics or works on a code for years on end to improve it, or can work through tricky algorithmic problems with regard to practical limitations, etc
01:47.57 brlcad Maloeran: hehehe, I heard
01:48.01 brlcad congratulations
01:48.02 louipc yeah it was pretty bad, it's gotten better though
01:48.10 louipc called 'pidgin' now
01:48.32 brlcad Maloeran: so you plan on getting naturalized afterwards? :)
01:48.43 brlcad where is she at?
01:48.48 Maloeran Sure, I'm thinking about moving to San Diego at the moment, I really enjoyed my time there
01:48.52 louipc cool
01:48.53 Maloeran Technically, she's in Montreal
01:49.13 louipc and practically?
01:49.20 brlcad hehe
01:49.31 brlcad virtually?
01:49.33 starseeker sorry guys, gotta run - brlcad, I'll see if I can dig up more on what's going on with the config step here
01:49.36 starseeker thanks all!
01:49.38 brlcad see ya
01:49.40 louipc cheers
01:50.06 Maloeran Hrm. Let me clarify : she has been living in Montreal for the last 8 years, but she has american citizenship
01:50.41 Maloeran Apparently, we could live in both places at the same time, having an address both in Canada and the U.S.
01:50.59 louipc yeah
01:51.12 louipc it makes taxes a bit messy I think though
01:52.19 Maloeran Yes, it's rather messy already, perhaps partly because her parents don't know about the marriage
01:53.13 louipc indeed
01:55.07 Maloeran San Diego was fantastic, it's just such a long way from Montreal if I want to come back see friends ( or my future wife ) on a regular basis
01:55.20 Maloeran But I just couldn't imagine myself living in Belcamp or Edgewood
01:56.34 brlcad ah, just elope, show up at their door one day and go "hi mom! dad!" and hug them
01:57.08 brlcad Maloeran: live in the city (baltimore) .. way more interesting :)
01:57.20 brlcad or even in DC or Philadelphia
01:58.05 Maloeran I didn't like that much what I have seen of Baltimore, I haven't really checked PHL beyond the airport though
01:58.45 Maloeran Eheh brlcad, I'm sure they'll figure it out somehow, perhaps very soon... with the courthouse leaving messages in their phone mailbox
01:59.03 brlcad heh, really? why would the courthouse call them?
01:59.47 Maloeran She lives with her father in Montreal, her mother is at San Diego ( I spent days with her family there too )
02:00.43 Maloeran We met in San Diego before Siggraph, went together to Mexico for a couple days afterwards. I think I have absolutely no memory of the conference itself
02:03.54 brlcad wow, that's a first I've heard of .. finding a wife before/during siggraph(!)
02:03.58 brlcad was she attending?
02:04.05 brlcad did you know her beforehand or something?
02:04.43 Maloeran She was in vacation in San Diego to visit her mother
02:04.59 Maloeran We had a common friend back in Montreal who got us to meet, she came to get me at the airport
02:05.23 Maloeran And... things went fast from that point, we decided to get married within 2 days :)
02:06.37 poolio_ woah
02:06.43 Maloeran I got passes for her and her mother for Siggraph ( thanks Mark! ), so they did attend
02:07.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ add a check for icc's -p gprof profile option
02:11.50 Maloeran Just to clarify, she did know through our common friend of vague thoughts on a possible "arranged marriage" to get me an immigration visa, it's not really a decision to normally make within 2 days
02:12.39 brlcad that's insane
02:12.56 brlcad but hey, cool
02:13.02 brlcad hope she's good stuff for ya :)
02:14.02 Maloeran Eheh. We had a big pre-marriage party on the September 8th, everybody nicely dressed with her in a marriage dress... but no one actually took pictures
02:14.16 Maloeran I'll try to get some on October 13th official marriage
02:15.39 brlcad aw, it doesn't need to be fancy, just to see what the two of you look like together ;)
02:15.44 Maloeran In any case, my productivity has totally collapsed since Siggraph, which is slightly disturbing
02:15.53 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ don't mention the -pg flag now that it checks more than one
02:15.59 Maloeran Ahah
02:16.00 brlcad i can imagine
02:16.15 brlcad women have that ability to whip you entirely to their will
02:17.02 brlcad a good sign, hopefully will continue through past the 5-year mark :)
02:23.36 Maloeran I'm almost frightened by how easily she can compromise my principles. On the September 8th party with a dozen friends, she managed to make me drink alcohol for the first time in my life, with so little resistance
02:24.39 Maloeran The right hemisphere of the brain seems to have risen against the opression of reason of logic for so many years. Anyhow, it's all a very disturbing experience from my point of view
02:38.45 louipc you just need to drink so much booze that she begs you to stop then you're good
02:44.03 brlcad yeah, I read that the other night ... good for her :)
02:45.19 brlcad the sign of a good woman, pushing you to new experiences, expanding horizons
02:46.09 louipc as long as she can take it as well as dish it out ;)
03:14.48 Maloeran Hrm, I'm not finding much information on amateur ( yet decent ) scuba diving photography. Montreal doesn't seem to best place to find this kind of material either
05:25.52 brlcad minute: well, that's some progress .. I think I now understand the basic organizational structure of the default schemas and have created the db for brlcad, populated with just one user entry at the moment .. next step will be to read up on drupal and/or mediawiki ldap, but I'll have to continue that tomorrow (my turn to z)
05:30.44 brlcad ldap tis a fairly flexible and robust albeit somewhat complex beast..
05:31.01 brlcad several gotchas in the setup and configurations
06:09.22 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
07:31.47 *** join/#brlcad Z-80YS (
09:04.30 *** join/#brlcad qazwsx (n=qazwsx@unaffiliated/adgj)
09:04.45 qazwsx hey, I'm looking for a fast open source csg library
09:04.53 qazwsx can I get some honest opinions on brlcad ?
09:05.11 qazwsx perfecrably something I can interface with OpenGL
09:55.41 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
13:53.31 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:32.28 ``Erik yes, mal, you absolutely must provide photographic evidence.
14:33.10 ``Erik as for mensa, I've known a fistful of members in the past, and my opinion is that it's a club for people who should be able to do something useful but don't, so they can feel better about themselves.
14:39.41 Maloeran Evidence, eh? :) All right, I'll get that camera
14:48.09 ``Erik and if she's hotter than my gf, I'm gonna kick your ass and steal her, ok? :D *duck*
14:49.24 ``Erik tracking data corruption bugs sucks goat balls
14:53.06 *** join/#brlcad et-b00n (
14:53.10 *** part/#brlcad et-b00n (
14:53.28 Maloeran Tsk, no chance. You would have to learn to like scuba diving, rock climbing, cycling, running... oh, and french too :)
14:54.10 ``Erik heh, I used to bike :/ but I left it when I moved, need to buy another
14:54.21 minute hmm
15:22.17 Maloeran Seems like you need to buy that bicycle for over an year now, Erik
15:41.54 *** join/#brlcad bpoole (
15:46.23 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (
15:47.13 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (
16:10.53 ``Erik yes, about 2 years
16:59.57 Maloeran They had no idea if the camera's data could be accessed from Linux, I guess I'll find out soon enough
17:06.36 ``Erik should be uhhh
17:06.46 ``Erik I d'no the linux name, fbsd calls it umass
17:06.55 ``Erik basically a usb hard drive using flash media for backing
17:07.46 ``Erik that's how most cameras talk, anyways :)
17:08.52 Maloeran *nods* I heard the data could be stored in non-standard format though
17:09.01 Maloeran Which requires their software to read, or perhaps some gimp plugins
17:10.59 ``Erik hm, the few cameras I've dorked with have all stored jfif
17:11.31 ``Erik I have scripts somewhere to mount, mv, umount and convert to jpeg, stashing them in a directory date '+%Y%m%d'
17:12.49 Maloeran Right, I see
17:14.43 Maloeran The thing got a microphone and other strange goodies. It's time to read the manual, I never really used a modern camera
17:17.10 ``Erik modern digital cameras can do a small bit of video recording
17:41.00 brlcad Maloeran: most modern cameras store internally in a raw format or a jpeg format, even internally
17:41.15 brlcad the dcraw project will decode most raw formats
17:41.29 brlcad particularly if it's a canon or nikon, but others too
17:43.04 ``Erik 'jfif' is a degredate jpeg with extra info, but much MUCH larger
17:43.06 MinuteElectron Good morning brlcad.
17:43.15 ``Erik mine's an olympia
17:44.35 Maloeran Mine's a Canon, I'm almost through the exhaustive manual
17:51.55 brlcad howdy MinuteElectron
17:52.28 brlcad heh bpoole? :)
17:52.46 brlcad no more coolio apparently
17:52.47 MinuteElectron I'm on the same server as you :)
17:52.55 brlcad yeah, just realized that :)
17:53.56 MinuteElectron "/format own_msg {ownmsgnick $2 {ownnick $[-9]0}}$1"
17:53.57 MinuteElectron "/format own_msg_channel {ownmsgnick $3 {ownnick $[-9]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2"
17:53.57 MinuteElectron "/format pubmsg_me {pubmsgmenick $2 {menick $[-9]0}}$1"
17:53.57 MinuteElectron "/format pubmsg_me_channel {pubmsgmenick $3 {menick $[-9]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2"
17:53.59 MinuteElectron "/format pubmsg_hilight {pubmsghinick $0 $3 $[-9]1}$2"
17:54.01 MinuteElectron "/format pubmsg_hilight_channel {pubmsghinick $0 $4 $[-9]1{msgchannel $2}}$3"
17:54.04 MinuteElectron "/format pubmsg {pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick $[-9]0}}$1"
17:54.07 MinuteElectron "/format pubmsg_channel {pubmsgnick $3 {pubnick $[-9]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2"
17:54.10 brlcad woops
17:54.57 MinuteElectron oops
17:55.04 MinuteElectron stupid irssi
17:55.08 MinuteElectron s/irssi/me
17:55.09 MinuteElectron sorry
17:57.08 MinuteElectron bbl
18:08.12 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:17.59 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
18:47.21 brlcad hammer time!
18:49.05 Maloeran Eheh, I still got 14 days to change for a better model.
18:50.19 Maloeran It's definitely not worthy of marriage or scuba diving pictures
18:59.36 brlcad I knew it!
18:59.48 brlcad she .. looks a lot like a potted plant
19:00.35 Maloeran Ahaha
19:01.04 brlcad i can see the attaction
19:01.09 brlcad i bet she likes to get dirty
19:01.39 brlcad yeah, that camera's no good if that's the best it can do
19:02.27 Maloeran Here's the original non-resized :
19:02.31 Maloeran It's definitely horrible
19:03.54 brlcad wow
19:03.58 brlcad that's like
19:04.01 brlcad crap
19:04.21 Maloeran Pretty much, yes. I guess one definitely pays extra for scuba diving cameras
19:04.22 brlcad a whole 4 Mpix?
19:04.28 Maloeran 7.1Mpix
19:04.37 Maloeran But the quality of the pixels themselves is fairly bad
19:04.37 brlcad wow, that can't be effective pixels
19:04.53 brlcad wonder if dpreview covers scuba cams
19:06.30 brlcad hm, covers the A570IS,
19:06.40 brlcad but .. I can't imagine that thing being water tight
19:06.57 Maloeran Oh, you have to buy the housing kit too
19:07.05 brlcad ah
19:07.08 Maloeran It still has underwater functionalities
19:07.27 brlcad the rebel XT is their best price point at the moment
19:07.29 Maloeran They give that camera 4/5 stars?
19:07.49 Maloeran Could I be using it wrong? It can't be considered good from the pictures I presently get
19:08.10 brlcad i dunno, you could be
19:08.20 brlcad the review should have pictures they took
19:08.46 Maloeran It's a lot cheaper in the states too for some reason
19:09.27 brlcad ahh, no recent review of that one, too old
19:09.48 brlcad oh, here it is
19:10.24 brlcad still no images though
19:10.59 brlcad have you set the quality to high?
19:11.25 brlcad jpeg format is usually crap for most purposes
19:12.40 brlcad the way that is pixellated, though, makes me think it's also probably in the wrong mode too
19:19.39 Maloeran You were right, there was a higher quality mode
19:21.52 Maloeran It's not actually that much better
19:25.38 Maloeran "High-quality" : Or me showing off a tiny part of rock climbing skills : ( one arm traction )
19:31.50 brlcad can you do the full pull up?
19:32.01 Maloeran Sure, of course
19:32.15 brlcad and how much do you weight? :)
19:32.22 Maloeran 64kg :)
19:32.29 Maloeran 141 pounds
19:32.38 brlcad heh, not too shabby
19:33.32 brlcad do you have a climbing gym to train in?
19:33.58 Maloeran I go climbing in an interior gym about twice a week with friends, yes
19:34.46 Maloeran Have you ever tried that sport? I find it very enjoyable, there's much technique and balance involved
19:35.02 brlcad i like the campus boards, where your only grip is by the tips of your fingers up a slant
19:35.08 brlcad oh yeah, love it
19:35.12 brlcad been a few times
19:35.35 Maloeran Really! I had no idea you were climbing, let's go climbing next time we end up at the same place, wherever that is
19:36.01 brlcad i'm not very good, it has only been a few times, but it has been fun
19:36.17 Maloeran I climb up to 5.11a or so
19:36.18 brlcad i do seem to have the grip for it
19:43.41 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
19:43.49 Z80-Boy brlcad: are you here?
19:44.00 brlcad depends
19:44.13 Z80-Boy brlcad: I just managed to make my home Internet connection work
19:44.14 brlcad ah, hey clock
19:45.38 Z80-Boy can you ping
19:46.23 Maloeran Sure, ping 130ms or so
19:46.37 Z80-Boy that should be me
19:46.41 brlcad likewise
19:56.53 Z80-Boy brlcad: please process the query, urgent
20:03.02 minute Z80-Boy: You ping fine.
20:03.31 Z80-Boy minute: thanks
20:08.16 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
20:11.06 Maloeran This is messed up. brlcad, a test image for the A570 IS :
20:11.13 Maloeran This is so far away from what I'm getting
20:21.08 brlcad Maloeran: are you raw? what's you're image mode?
20:21.32 brlcad that link isn't very great either, just more vibrant
20:21.48 brlcad a little better than yours, but then it's also an outdoor shot on a very bright day
20:22.06 Maloeran And I plan to use that camera under 20 meters of water.. :)
20:23.42 Maloeran You are right though, outdoor shots are looking better
21:47.14 ``Erik hum, that camera looks about on par for a cheap camera...
21:47.38 ``Erik a scuba specific camera will be a couple hundred more, and probably look like a giant yellow clown thingie
21:48.36 Maloeran I just came back to the shop. It's the best "compact" camera they have that can be used for underwater photography
21:49.00 Maloeran Apparently, the quality of all "compacts" is crappy, but some guy recommended me a list of Photoshop filters to apply
21:49.38 Maloeran Beyond that, the only options are true profesionnal underwater cameras, which cost several thousands
21:51.50 ``Erik hum, my dad bought a serious pro grade scuba camera for a few hundred bucks about 15 years ago
21:52.06 ``Erik wasn't worth shit above water, but it was fucking solid under
21:52.22 ``Erik perhaps it's an issue of specialization
21:52.41 ``Erik my dad was a scuba instructor for a while...
21:53.04 ``Erik so, y'know, a tad bit insulted at your earlier comments *cough* :D
22:00.01 Maloeran Oh :)
22:00.54 Maloeran Then again, clearly there's no shop specialized in scuba diving photography in Montreal
22:05.18 *** join/#brlcad cad31 (
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22:25.12 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
22:33.35 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
22:46.05 starseeker brlcad: Well, calling brlcad's own works, so as long as that doesn't put a bee in somebody's bonnet we may be Good To Go.
22:46.23 starseeker brlcad: Doing test build now, only files were patched.
23:29.55 Z80-Boy brlcad: if I want to make a board of hexagonal shape in BRL-CAD I need to use arbn limited by 8 planes, right?
23:30.18 starseeker SWEEET. new patch based on autoconf files succeeds.
23:33.10 iraytrace Z80-boy: Both the arbn and the ars would be good candidates.
23:33.22 Z80-Boy what is ars?
23:34.25 iraytrace It's a "waterline" primitive.
23:36.24 iraytrace Do you need it to be a single primitive?
23:37.15 Z80-Boy no
23:40.46 *** part/#brlcad iraytrace (
23:43.00 starseeker brlcad: It worked!
23:43.09 starseeker updated ebuild and goodies up on bug

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