IRC log for #brlcad on 20070919

00:00.24 brlcad not directly, only tcl "directly" -- but you can still produce mged transcripts in anything
00:00.53 qazwsx how easy is it to embed an interactive langauge into brl-cad, say like lua
00:01.04 brlcad to use that script, ./ | mged -c sgi.g
00:01.13 qazwsx i.e. I want to embed a language in brlcad, so I can control brlcad through this langauge? or is this what the tcl interface provides already?
00:01.17 ``Erik there're a lot of C functions to cope with
00:01.25 ``Erik and a lot of the core math stuff is cpp macro
00:01.29 ``Erik so, uh, not trivial :(
00:01.31 brlcad qazwsx: that's pretty much what the tcl interface provides
00:03.19 brlcad you could hook in lua into the C-side of mged without too much trouble, but you would be making a crapload of hooks to expose *all* the possible commands in lua .. to do just a small subset wouldn't be too much trouble though
00:03.32 qazwsx gotcha
00:03.49 qazwsx what's the quickest way to pick up tcl? I'm familiar with asm, c, ruby, python, scheme, ... looking for like the K&R / SICP equiv of tcl
00:03.50 brlcad qazwsx: there's also some more scripting examples (both tcl and shell) in the regress/ dir
00:05.21 brlcad tcl is pretty straight-forward, it's a relatively simple command language (intentionally simple) where pretty much *everything* is a command (even comments), and it's brace-happy to induce line continuation
00:05.31 yukonbob, "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk"
00:05.52 qazwsx that book is $60.00 so I guess I'll use the wiki :-)
00:06.05 brlcad yeah, that's a decent book, there's also
00:06.18 yukonbob book is a good one if you intend to use tcl at all, though...
00:06.29 brlcad
00:07.10 brlcad oreilly has a pocket reference too that is good
00:07.16 yukonbob *where "use" == using semi-seriously.
00:07.28 brlcad but then if you have the manpages installed, you have the book
00:07.42 yukonbob otherwise, it's easy to get into, with a few tcl-isms -- so one could just hack at it and see results....
00:07.52 qazwsx lol, apt-get is much faster than amazon's shipping
00:13.03 qazwsx wow, brlcad took 20+ mins to compile
00:14.31 brlcad now I'm annoyed if it takes more than 5 minutes :)
00:15.38 qazwsx hmm, googling got me 0 results on this: ./tclsh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
00:15.51 qazwsx nor does apt-cache search OIS |grep ois show anything interesting; any one now what's wrong?
00:15.54 qazwsx (this is from make install)
00:16.33 qazwsx oh wait, I think I got it
00:17.20 brlcad sounds like you've got a broken tcl installed that it's trying to run?
00:18.00 qazwsx no, OIS is some crap left over from OGRE that I hard coded into ~/.bashrc that I have no since removed
00:18.16 brlcad ah
00:18.22 qazwsx dinner; later; thanks for everyone's help :-)
00:41.53 *** join/#brlcad qazwsx (n=qazwsx@unaffiliated/adgj)
01:04.09 qazwsx so I just installed brlcad ... which one of the 477 apps in /usr/brlcad/bin should I run to get started? :-)
01:04.50 louipc mged is fun
01:05.49 poolio_ beset! although it's not installed.
01:06.00 qazwsx louipc: cool; thanks
01:06.03 qazwsx poolio_: what is beset! ?
01:06.50 poolio_ broken :)
01:08.23 louipc hehe
01:20.35 qazwsx is there an email list for brlcad too, or is it just this irc channel?
01:20.50 louipc yeah there are some mailing lists
01:21.14 louipc
01:24.59 qazwsx hmm, archives not nearly as filled as I thought it'd be
01:25.10 louipc yeah it's pretty low traffic
01:32.19 starseeker OK, I think I'm beginning to see a little. Being able to write docbook is simply a question of being aware of and using the appropriate environments for any given section of text
01:32.32 starseeker the main difference with html is there are a LOT of pre-defined environments
01:33.07 starseeker seems to be an example
01:33.24 starseeker or more specifically, abs-book.sgml within that archive
01:34.39 starseeker That is a VERY complete de-coupling between content and presentation.
01:35.48 starseeker And consequently, there is a lot of trust in the tool chain to make the correct typesetting decisions.
01:36.45 starseeker brlcad: I take it most documentation for BRL-CAD isn't going to need any sort of sophisticated equation typesetting?
01:38.47 starseeker I see now why you want to use this - it's probably the single best way I've seen to ensure complete uniformity of appearance.
01:39.03 starseeker (given identical tool chains that is)
01:57.11 *** join/#brlcad qazwsx (n=qazwsx@unaffiliated/adgj)
01:59.38 ``Erik det
01:59.39 brlcad starseeker: yeah, no typesetting
01:59.46 brlcad for equations
01:59.51 brlcad at least not anytime soon
02:03.03 qazwsx okay, brlcad is awesome; mged is awesome too [eom] :-)
02:03.16 starseeker OK. I'll go over the environments defined by docbook and make a stab at Volume II
02:03.28 qazwsx the whole command interface, and no-save, everything is immmediate interaction is awesome
02:03.34 Maloeran I think it's the first time that I see such a great first impression for mged
02:03.45 louipc hahah D:
02:03.54 qazwsx on top of that, the fact that mged has a vi emulation mode clearly states that the people behind it know what they're doing
02:05.22 Maloeran So qazwsx, you are a programmer right? :) I don't think a typical engineer ( or worse, an artist ) could be able to appreciate mged so quickly
02:06.02 qazwsx yeah, I'm a programmer :-)
02:06.12 qazwsx working through the mged tutorial right now
02:06.22 qazwsx It's amazingly well designed for something started 20 years ago?
02:06.34 qazwsx for the longest time, I didn't touch the project since I was like it was started 20 years ago, it must be a pos
02:06.39 louipc 27-28?
02:06.51 brlcad depends when you start counting
02:07.34 brlcad musing and ideas started spinning around '79, first geometry editing was '83, first "public" release was '84
02:07.52 Maloeran Well qazwsx, the fact that it begun 27 years ago shouldn't imply that it has remained inactive for the following 25 years
02:08.12 louipc I think I played with brlcad maybe 3 yrs ago. I couldn't use the back-space key in mged I think haha
02:08.14 brlcad pretty constant development rate
02:08.29 brlcad louipc: on windows?
02:08.33 qazwsx is this mged prompt that I'm typing into running tcl?
02:08.40 brlcad qazwsx: yes
02:08.42 qazwsx (i.e. all the "make, in, draw, ls, erase" commands)
02:09.38 brlcad there's a whole slew of commands added to the tcl environment ("everything in tcl is a command") that relate to geometry editing and other actions
02:09.53 brlcad the mged quick reference on the main page categorizes most of the more important ones
02:10.27 louipc brlcad: I think it was in linux
02:10.45 louipc oh no it was the delete key :D
02:10.53 louipc
02:12.07 brlcad qazwsx: if you get to the point of writing tcl scripts in mged, you'll have to be aware of the 'set glob_compat_mode' setting, if it's on (which it is by default), then the command interpreter performs globbing on geometry object names and you have to escape the globbing characters that mean something different to tcl
02:13.26 brlcad e.g. by default you can do "ls *.r" and it'd display a listing of all objects named with a .r suffix -- this is obviously not tcl behavior; similarly with more complex globbing like obj_[0-9]*.s etc .. yet [] mean something different to tcl
02:13.53 brlcad so if you're going to write a tcl script, you probably want to turn glob compat mode off so you can do things like: set foo [tops]
02:14.33 brlcad louipc: ah, delete, yeah - i'd believe that. I think I fixed that shortly after you reported it
02:35.32 qazwsx so lesson 4 covers ray tracing ... this is me being picky; is there a way to launch these via commands? (rather than file -> ray trace -> raytrace ?)
03:04.39 qazwsx how do I do the equiv of edit -> setH from the commandline in mged?
03:04.42 qazwsx I'm looking at set
03:04.47 qazwsx err, "sed" nad "p", but none of them appear to work
03:14.02 brlcad "yes, 'rt -F/dev/Xl'" whenever he gets back
03:47.34 *** join/#brlcad qazwsx (n=qazwsx@unaffiliated/adgj)
03:54.20 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/ search the blt dir for headers, needed for archer paths
03:54.52 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: search the archer paths for blt and the archer tclscripts
03:56.03 brlcad qazwsx: yes, run 'rt -F/dev/Xl' (man rt or brlman rt (set your MANPATH) for lots of other ray-trace options)
04:02.50 brlcad to do the equiv of edit->Set H you can either run "press "Set H", or turn on the Misc->Faceplate GUI, or run 'ted' to kick off a text editor (be sure EDITOR env var is set) on the params
04:03.40 brlcad if you've just run 'in' or 'make' commands, you can 'kill objectname' then up arrow and simply recreate
04:04.26 brlcad the 'p' command lets you set the various values for the various edit options
04:22.48 qazwsx wtf, I can simulate clicking on menus?
04:23.07 qazwsx and "rt" is just calling the "rt" program on my shell?
04:23.27 louipc cli rules
04:26.01 brlcad yep, rt, rtedge, rtarea, ... etc there are various tracers for different needs
04:27.06 brlcad you can ray-trace into the 3D graphics window using the cli, but it's a little more involved as that integrated framebuffer can be/is turned on/off on demand
07:14.59 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
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08:38.24 Z80-Boy brlcad: with the newly installed brlcad 7.10.3 even the problem with "rt" not drawing anything has disappeared!
09:54.47 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
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12:44.06 ``Erik *yawn*
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14:52.36 ``Erik �sweet!
14:52.44 ``Erik src/mged/animedit.c:3059: Internal compiler error in `gen_tagged_type_instantiation_die', at dwarf2out.c:9308
14:53.42 *** join/#brlcad ALVAN (n=jhkjhkj@
14:53.48 ALVAN hi all
14:54.09 ALVAN someone knows a good application like autocad but for linux ?
14:55.24 Z80-Boy qcad
14:56.21 ALVAN Z80-Boy, does it supports now 3D ?
14:56.33 ALVAN as i heard is only works with 2D
14:56.54 Z80-Boy no
14:56.57 Z80-Boy only 2d
14:57.48 ALVAN do you know another :)?
14:57.52 ALVAN that is 3D ?
15:00.11 ``Erik what are you trying to do with it?
15:00.22 ``Erik autocad is a drafting tool, so 2d is kinda, y'know.. .the point...
15:00.46 ``Erik <-- shows the breadth of what people can mean when they say "cad"
15:02.03 ALVAN i want to make graphs of houses, more like for mantions
15:02.35 ``Erik 'graphs'? I don't get what exactly you mean
15:02.36 ALVAN are not for normally houses ..are for high standard houses
15:03.23 ``Erik like rendered pictures?
15:04.18 ALVAN i better show you one
15:04.22 ALVAN a sample
15:04.37 ``Erik a picture is worth a thousand and twenty four words
15:07.26 ALVAN Erik
15:07.59 ALVAN normally i think 2D is good for me too i do only the last 2 pictures
15:08.00 ``Erik ah, then autocad would be bad, something like povray or perhaps, say, BRL-CAD would be well suited
15:08.30 ``Erik the floor-plan images would be better done with something like qcad
15:08.37 ALVAN currently i work with autocad
15:08.40 ``Erik or a 2d drawing program like gimp
15:08.49 Z80-Boy lol, 2D plans with a gimp
15:09.46 ALVAN ok thanks i will try qcad as i receive many projects written in autocad and i can convert fine
15:09.49 Z80-Boy ALVAN: I guess you stay with Autocad - no way how to generate 2D in Qcad and 3D in BRL-CAD from the same source
15:10.35 Z80-Boy ALVAN: took me 3 days to make a simple 6-edges plate in BRL-CAD for which I had a blueprint in qcad
15:11.20 ALVAN hm ok
15:11.35 Z80-Boy ALVAN: I had to do it by calculating sinuses and cosinuses manually and typing them into commandline
15:11.50 Z80-Boy .oO(Advanced Information Technology)
15:12.00 ALVAN Z80-Boy, manually there is bc for that :) you need only a script
15:12.10 Z80-Boy ALVAN: I did in bc
15:12.37 ALVAN ok i presume there is more then only calculations
15:12.58 Z80-Boy ALVAN: you might however be able to make a thin slice through the house, render it with rtedge and then you would get a "floor plan" without the dimensions
15:13.26 Z80-Boy ALVAN: in Autocad you can select if you want a 3D or 2D view?
15:13.37 ALVAN yes you can
15:13.42 ALVAN by default is 3D
15:14.00 ALVAN or sometiems depedns of the image
15:14.05 Z80-Boy in BRL-CAD, you can't even have dimensions... everything's blind
15:14.27 Z80-Boy no way to align one object on another
15:14.32 ALVAN i did not say i will try BRL-CAD .. icame here for an alternative
15:14.38 Z80-Boy or to figure out a point where two things intersect
15:14.42 ALVAN in waht i saw about it is more like for elctronics
15:15.11 Z80-Boy electronics?
15:15.45 ALVAN how electronics boards are made ..but i think i did not read all about it
15:16.03 ALVAN i just was glad that i found a CAD related channel
15:16.41 ALVAN i see it knows more then what i said :)
15:19.05 ALVAN Z80-Boy, ok thanks
15:19.38 minute back#
15:58.40 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
17:26.28 *** join/#brlcad qazwsx (n=qazwsx@unaffiliated/adgj)
17:28.41 qazwsx here's the latest weird hack I'm trying to do with brlcad -- when I use mged, I'd like to be able to send commands / get results back from mged via a unix pipe ... or a unix msg queue ... I'm not sure where to jump in / start hacking; anyone have pointers?
17:29.16 ``Erik mged -c blah.g < script
17:30.29 qazwsx this is cool, but isn't interactive right?
17:30.33 qazwsx perfecably, I want something like
17:30.39 qazwsx mged -c blah.g &; then in another window, I go
17:30.50 qazwsx mg-run "in blah.s rcc ..... "
17:30.54 qazwsx or mg-run "ls"
17:31.03 qazwsx and it sends it over to mged; then prints the results back to stdout to me
17:31.28 ``Erik well, -c (classic mode) is interactive and uses stdin/stdout instead of the tcl/t window
17:32.17 ``Erik like any interactive stdin/stdout type program, you can attach a stream other than stdin to feed it input, like a pipe or file handle...
17:32.28 ``Erik for shits and giggles, try it out :)
17:34.38 qazwsx oh wow, cool; thanks, I didn't realize -c meant classic mode, which meant stdin/stdout
17:35.13 ``Erik :) I tend to use that mode a lot when writing code and testing... gui stuff is a pain
18:03.18 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
18:04.19 Z80-Boy brlcad: I have one problem with mged. I wanted to save the configuration file so I did File -> Create/Update .mgedrc and it said an error message I don't remember what
18:04.35 Z80-Boy Now the setup is completely screwed, multipane is away, axes are away.
18:05.13 Z80-Boy When I set it back and do File -> Create/Update .mgedrc I get an error message Error: can't read "mged default(overstrike_font)":...
18:05.24 Z80-Boy [OK] [Skip Messages] [Details>>]
18:06.29 Z80-Boy mged on startup also prints: "Error reading .mgedrc: can't read "mged_default(zbuffer)": no such element in array while executing "set mged_default(zbuffer) " (file "/home/clock/.mgedrc" line 92)"
18:07.21 qazwsx if you mv ~/.mgedrc to ~/.old-mgedrc and rerun mged, will it create a new one for you?
18:07.41 Z80-Boy Yes
18:07.45 Z80-Boy then I can save multipane
18:07.59 qazwsx okay, does this solve your problem?
18:08.20 Z80-Boy but during saving the mgedrc I still get an error message Error: can't read "mged_default(overstrike_font)":...
18:08.24 Z80-Boy Yes.
18:08.34 Z80-Boy But there's still an error message every time I save the .mgedrc
18:09.21 qazwsx okay, so if you start wiht a fresh .mgedrc, and save multipane, then when u restart mgedrc, you get an error?
18:10.57 Z80-Boy It solves only half of the problem now I see
18:11.22 Z80-Boy I can save multipane but when I set up axes in all 4 windows and then do save exit start mged the axes are not there
18:13.46 Z80-Boy So the problem is now, how do I make the axes stay over a mged restart?
18:14.52 Z80-Boy Delete mged, setup everything at once, save, and pray that I won't need to change anything anymore in the future?
18:15.02 Z80-Boy mged -> .mgedrc
18:16.12 qazwsx sorry, don't know; I started using brlcad about 24 hrs ago :-/
18:34.36 Z80-Boy I tried to wipe .mgedrc, then set up panes and axes at once, then save, quit, restart mged.
18:34.47 Z80-Boy Doesn't work - only panes are saved, axes are not present.
18:38.45 qazwsx this is a really really really dumb hack
18:38.56 qazwsx but according to man mged you can run a command on startup
18:39.04 qazwsx maybe u can set it up so that this one command sets up everything u need
18:52.57 Z80-Boy lol
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21:45.10 brlcad ``Erik: was that internal error from mipspro?
21:46.18 *** join/#brlcad Bariton (
21:47.15 Z80-Boy <- vector oscilloscope demo
21:47.53 Z80-Boy brlcad: my mged cannot save configuration properly
21:49.01 *** join/#brlcad qazwsx (n=qazwsx@unaffiliated/adgj)
21:49.19 brlcad Z80-Boy: hm, that might be something new since you're working on head
21:49.35 brlcad i'll have to give that a try myself -- zbuffer was recently "disabled by default"
21:50.07 brlcad that disabling might have introduced some other problem
22:06.27 ``Erik brlcad: gcc, with -O3 on, um, animedit.c or something in mged
22:42.27 starseeker brlcad: Did you want to use the "book" style for the BRL-CAD manuals?
23:12.08 ``Erik in theory, any style should be trivial to slap on once the doc is all marked up... no?
23:25.04 starseeker in theory, yes
23:25.36 starseeker docbook isn't like anything else I've run into thus far, not even TeX - EVERYTHING gets it's own "label" identifying what it is.
23:25.58 starseeker so you have to know what labels are available
23:26.10 starseeker fortunately, the docbook site is good for that once you get started
23:26.21 starseeker I've begun working on volume two now
23:31.00 louipc ?? you'e
23:31.08 louipc you're doing it manually?
23:34.11 starseeker yep
23:34.18 starseeker that's the only way
23:34.53 starseeker Neither the pdf nor the word document have the correct starting information to provide a converter with the "correct" info to make a good docbook document
23:35.00 louipc ouch
23:35.04 starseeker you'll see when I can post an example
23:35.37 starseeker In some sense, docbook create's a "meta" document - no formatting, but LOTS of info about what each component IS
23:35.51 starseeker for example, an address is composed of components, each of which has its own tag
23:36.55 louipc so it all comes down to manual marking up dang
23:47.29 ``Erik hum
23:47.50 ``Erik tex likes to label most things, too... the big difference from the jade style docbook I've dorked with (fbsd docs)
23:47.57 ``Erik is the <p> tag for paragraphs
23:48.34 ``Erik and tex tends to have more header info, since both the style and content exist in the same file tree
23:48.59 ``Erik or was it <para>
23:50.56 ``Erik <para> heh...

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