IRC log for #brlcad on 20070921

00:19.23 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * 10brlcad/doc/book/VolumeII.xml: Markup complete through Lesson 1.
00:22.14 starseeker <author>starseeker</author><speaking voice="mutter">is going to be dreaming of markup</speaking><emoticon>;-)</emoticon>
00:25.17 louipc <slang type="internet">LOL</slang> ?
00:27.09 starseeker It was OK until I looked at how far I had to go ;-)
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07:45.44 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
09:18.39 Z80-Boy brlcad: you said it's possible to make a cartoon-style pen drawing rendering by overlaying rt and rtedge output by <i_forgot_the_name> command.
09:19.00 Z80-Boy But that means calculating twice as long. Is it possible that the output be generated only by a single calculation?
09:25.48 Maloeran I wouldn't have expected rtedge to take as long as the raytrace
09:26.09 Z80-Boy good
09:45.32 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:56.56 Maloeran Does anyone know the origin of this famous picture/video where a man walks in front of a column of tanks and manage to stop it during a military parade?
11:57.06 Maloeran Or any other information that might be relevant
12:03.55 brlcad eh, that was the infamous Tiananmen Square protest
12:03.59 brlcad back in 1989
12:05.10 brlcad Z80-Boy: pixmatte or pixmerge
12:07.46 Maloeran Right I got it, thanks
12:10.53 Maloeran Seems hard to order a print of this picture in order to frame it
12:17.00 brlcad probably because it's copyrighted :)
12:17.05 brlcad
12:17.48 Maloeran Well sure, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be possible to pay for it :)
12:20.45 Maloeran I guess I'll have to find something else
12:22.53 brlcad
12:23.52 Maloeran Oh :), looks like I wasn't looking at the right place
12:24.36 brlcad
12:25.31 brlcad maybe just what you're searching on, he is known as "tank man"
12:25.38 Maloeran I happen to really wonder how I had my keywords wrong
12:25.45 Maloeran I tried that too
12:29.55 Maloeran Thanks brlcad, I'm getting it shipped
12:31.17 Z80-Boy brlcad: could you please advise on the problem I have with saving the config file?
12:45.30 brlcad Z80-Boy: I did, day before yesterday.. probabaly a recently introduced problem (like as of last week)
12:45.59 brlcad remember that you're working off of head now, you've got the latest .. and I think that problem seems related from what you said it was complaining about (z clipping)
12:46.20 brlcad test would be to revert the zclipping change and see if that makes a difference
12:46.45 brlcad i'll have to dig through the changelog to see what exactly that change was
12:52.57 Z80-Boy Do you think the videos would look better if rtedge-style contours were overlaid over the picture?
13:09.08 ``Erik ('cept with tank dude, he was drug into the crowds by onlookers and thousands of people died in chinas response to a peaceful hunger strike)
13:20.07 ``Erik z80: there are a few options, I don't think you'd like any of 'em... 1) raytrace both the image and the rtedge copy and merge 'em 2) raytrace the image and pass the output through a sorbel filter (like in imagemagick or gimp) and compose them, 3) write a new shader that does it for ya
13:20.50 ``Erik cell shader might be a fun project *scratches chin*
14:04.58 Z80-Boy I have set compile flags CFLAGS to -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=pentium3 -pipe
14:05.11 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:05.12 Z80-Boy Does it take effect during brl-cad compilation or does BRL-CAD set it's own optimizer flags?
14:05.22 Z80-Boy I have a feeling that the rendering is very slow
14:08.04 Z80-Boy Is there a man rt?
14:09.04 ``Erik yes
14:09.12 ``Erik there is a manpage
14:09.16 Z80-Boy man rt, brlman rt - nothing
14:09.37 ``Erik and um, unless you do --enable-optimized, CFLAGS will be respected
14:09.57 ``Erik actually, CFLAGS will still be repected, but enable-optimized glues most stuff to it like -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer ...
14:10.07 ``Erik MANPATH=/usr/brlcad/share/man man rt
14:10.26 ``Erik erm, that's bourne style, uh, I dunno how to do it in csh
14:10.27 Z80-Boy so there are already 3 different methods to get a manpage
14:10.33 ``Erik well
14:10.40 ``Erik man searches $MANPATH
14:10.55 ``Erik so adding /usr/brlcad/share/man to the MANPATH is how to make normal man work
14:11.07 ``Erik <-- doesn't use brlman, which I THINK just adds to MANPATH and calls man
14:12.41 Z80-Boy When I add /usr/brlcad/share/man to /etc/man.conf, it still doesn't work
14:12.49 Z80-Boy Maloeran: is there a faster rt?
14:12.59 ``Erik indeed, brlman is a simple shell script, heh
14:13.03 Z80-Boy does it use linked lists to search for the primitives?
14:13.05 Maloeran Well, mine's quite fast but it's not integrated into BRL-CAD
14:13.05 ``Erik that adds stuff to MANPATH
14:13.27 ``Erik yours doesn't do the large set of implicite primitives nor csg operations, mal... :)
14:13.40 Maloeran Pft, long live triangles! :)
14:13.47 ``Erik hehehe
14:14.04 Maloeran 50-100fps on raytracing is still amusing
14:14.09 ``Erik ok, lets model a sphere and see who gets more accurate results and a smaller data file :)
14:14.11 Z80-Boy You cannot make a cylinder, torus, sphere, ellipsoid, paraboloid or cone from triangles no matter how many triangles you use.
14:15.00 Maloeran You can get close enough so that the fact that triangles are used has no impact on the rendering
14:15.10 Maloeran You would still use CSG, just convert to triangles for rendering
14:15.11 ``Erik oh, and lets talk engineering precision, not visual precision, we can talk about accepting 10 micrometers of error on a motor vehicle sized thing :)
14:15.31 ``Erik because, y'know, we want it for engineering purposes, not just pretty pictures
14:16.14 Maloeran I never really got into the weird curved triangle surfaces I described long ago, it would have been nice for raytracing
14:16.36 Maloeran Reasonably fast to intersect for rays, much more friendly to describe curved surfaces
14:17.00 Z80-Boy for that I need to figure out the lights
14:17.17 Z80-Boy and that means again finding out that everything I stumble upon is insufficiently documented to be able to work with
14:17.32 ``Erik didja get the rt manpage up?
14:17.36 Z80-Boy no
14:17.42 Z80-Boy only with explicit prefix
14:17.43 ``Erik where is brlcad installed to?
14:17.47 ``Erik oh, so you did, heh
14:17.50 Z80-Boy /usr/brlcad
14:18.04 Z80-Boy no I don't want to type half a line prefix every time I run man
14:18.16 Z80-Boy everything in the system works on man, only BRL-CAD is a specialty
14:18.23 ``Erik take a look at the brlman script, it SHOULD stay 'MANPATH="/usr/brlcad/man"' somewhere in it?
14:18.30 ``Erik and, uh, you can set the environment variable
14:18.46 ``Erik setenv MANPATH $MANPATH:/usr/brlcad/share/man # for csh
14:18.53 Maloeran Ah, it's horrible. You must begin to find me annoying with that, but I'm still unable to focus, think and work, love has completely messed up my mind
14:18.57 Z80-Boy but brlman rt doesn't work
14:18.58 ``Erik export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/brlcad/share/man # for sh
14:19.31 ``Erik your brlman may be ... odd... did you move your install? it's a pretty simple shell script
14:19.48 ``Erik mebbe you don't have awf?
14:20.15 ``Erik oh, shoot, I brought my parallels cd back, so I can reinstall it and run obsd41 again, I'll try to take a look at it :D lemme go get it out of my car
14:20.16 Z80-Boy wihcclock@kestrel:~$ awf
14:20.16 Z80-Boy /usr/brlcad/bin/awf: must specify -ms or -man
14:20.35 ``Erik um
14:20.37 Z80-Boy the brlman script is somehow complicated inside
14:20.51 ``Erik complicated? O.o
14:20.57 Z80-Boy does it work on your OpenBSD?
14:21.07 Z80-Boy it looks for
14:21.12 Z80-Boy /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.10.3/man
14:21.12 ``Erik I dunno, it's a vm and I need to reinstall the vm software to start it
14:21.15 Z80-Boy ${path_to_this}/../share/brlcad/7.10.3/man
14:21.19 Z80-Boy ${path_to_this}/../man
14:21.23 Z80-Boy /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.10.3/man
14:21.27 Z80-Boy /usr/brlcad/man
14:21.42 Z80-Boy what's the point of having brlcad twice on the path?
14:21.55 ``Erik and what does "find /usr/brlcad/ -name rt.1" tell you?
14:22.10 Z80-Boy /usr/brlcad/share/man/man1/rt.1
14:22.21 ``Erik iiiinteresting
14:22.28 ``Erik your brlman is broken, wonder how that happened
14:22.34 Z80-Boy brlman rt mdoesn't do anything
14:23.05 Z80-Boy I just downloaded 1.10.3 from CVS compiled installed
14:23.15 Z80-Boy before that I deleted /usr/brlcad to make sure there isn't anything left over
14:23.50 Z80-Boy What I don't understand is why man doesn't work when I add that directory to man.conf
14:25.31 ``Erik <-- not sure, perhaps it's cached somewhere? do ya need to rebuild the whatis db or something?
14:26.02 Z80-Boy man man.conf doesn't contain the word "rebuild"
14:27.44 Z80-Boy Still doesn't work
14:27.56 ``Erik interesting
14:28.21 ``Erik is it read on login? if you ssh into your own box or hop down to a vc and do a fresh login, does it work?
14:28.52 Z80-Boy clock@kestrel:~$ ssh clock@localhost
14:28.52 Z80-Boy @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
14:28.52 Z80-Boy @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
14:29.15 Z80-Boy The sole purpose of this message is to make sure people will ignore a man in the middle attack in the case it really happens
14:29.24 ``Erik heh, regenerated sshd keys since you last logged into yourself, aapparently
14:30.02 Z80-Boy if this happens I delete ~/.ssh/known_hosts and always enter "yes" without even looking at the fingerprint
14:30.30 Z80-Boy If ssh was designed to be secure, they would make sure man in the middle attack is reported only when the key doesn't match and not every other day.
14:30.45 Z80-Boy No, it doesn't work even through ssh.
14:30.56 ``Erik what's "manpath" tell you?
14:31.09 Z80-Boy bash: manpath: command not found
14:31.33 ``Erik huh
14:31.47 ``Erik <-- fbsd user, not obsd... :)
14:33.10 ``Erik ffs, stupid fucking corporate image fucking bullshit... brb
14:56.31 ``Erik *yawn*
14:56.56 brlcad Z80-Boy: it probably would look better, usually does (rtedge overlay)
14:57.43 Z80-Boy brlcad: any idea, why my "brlman rt" doesn't work, and why I cannot save the config file?
14:57.56 Z80-Boy Can the CVS code be in an inconsistent state?
14:58.04 ``Erik BRLCAD_ROOT and BRLCAD_PREFIX were expanded wrong in generating brlman
14:58.26 ``Erik <-- sorta kinda seen similar differences in expansion on fbsd, is checking out a fresh cvs copy on obsd41 now
14:58.36 Z80-Boy ``Erik: cool
14:58.57 ``Erik yes
14:59.33 ``Erik sucks, cuz every day I want to use it, I have to install, reboot, let it upgrade, reboot again, THEN I can use it
15:01.41 brlcad Z80-Boy: damn, I've answered you three times on the config file now... :)
15:01.43 Z80-Boy looks like brlman <anything> doesn't work
15:01.48 Z80-Boy It definitely worked before
15:01.54 brlcad it's a recent problem .. probably VERY recent
15:02.12 Z80-Boy brlcad: what were the previous 2 answers? Also "damn"? :)
15:02.20 brlcad just has to be looked at, and nobody has looked at it yet
15:02.25 Z80-Boy aha
15:02.33 ``Erik sed -i.bak 's,brlcad/7.10.3/,,' /usr/brlcad/bin/brlman
15:02.36 ``Erik *cough*
15:02.47 brlcad damn frustrating that you've asked the same thing three time and ignored or missed my responses each time to which I answered
15:02.51 Z80-Boy sed: unknown option -- i
15:02.57 ``Erik wow, obsd sucks
15:03.02 Z80-Boy I don't remember I got the response
15:03.08 brlcad exactly my point
15:03.33 ``Erik mv /usr/brlcad/bin/brlman /tmp/ && sed s,brlcad/7.10.3/,, /tmp/brlman > /usr/brlcad/bin/brlman && rm /tmp/brlman
15:03.48 Z80-Boy brlcad: is there a command I could write manually into the .mgedrc to turn model space axes on in all 4 multipanes?
15:03.59 brlcad also, the manpath issue really is just a basic system setup problem -- brlman should also work, but so should man
15:04.05 Z80-Boy looks like .mgedrc consists of commands
15:04.12 brlcad there's absolutely nothing special about the manpath that is special to brl-cad
15:04.20 brlcad it's just another path like any other
15:04.49 Z80-Boy does it mean it's not a bug of BRL-CAD?
15:05.06 ``Erik for using 'man'? no, it's an issue with openbsd's man, probably user error
15:05.10 brlcad that brlman doesn't work is a problem in brlman, yes
15:05.14 ``Erik brlman not working IS our stick, though
15:05.18 brlcad but that man doesn't, heck no .. that's a problem between you and your OS
15:05.22 brlcad pebkac
15:05.49 brlcad already noted
15:06.02 ``Erik c'mon, dude, you use obsd, you should know more than the average clueless linux dork ;) *duck*
15:06.07 brlcad it works here, so it's gotta be something obsd specific I'm guessing
15:06.26 ``Erik well, it relates to something I saw on fbsd
15:06.30 Z80-Boy brlcad: there are things like "set mged_default(max_text_lines) 10000" -> is there something like "set multipane(all_windows)"?
15:06.34 brlcad fire up ssh access again, and I"ll look at it
15:06.47 Z80-Boy brlcad: evening
15:06.47 ``Erik remember when I was asking if you'd mucked with the datadir ?
15:06.51 ``Erik <-- running his obsd vm
15:06.57 ``Erik <-- looking into it right now... *cough*
15:07.01 Z80-Boy brlcad: now I am behing the No Access Translator
15:07.46 brlcad whenever, there's just only so much that can be done when the problem seems to be limited to just that environment .. what were your configure options?
15:08.09 Z80-Boy no options just ./configure
15:11.32 brlcad then yeah, probably just some shell assumption in the brlman script .. what does "which awf" report?
15:11.58 ``Erik heh
15:12.02 ``Erik scroll up, brlcad
15:12.06 ``Erik we already know the issue
15:12.28 brlcad we do?
15:12.49 ``Erik yes, BRLCAD_DATA was expanded weird, perhaps between two seperate configure runs
15:13.08 brlcad oh, the share/man
15:13.14 ``Erik in his installed brlman, he has MANPATH=/usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.10.3/man and his man files are in /usr/brlcad/share/man/
15:15.55 Z80-Boy clock@kestrel:~$ which awf
15:15.55 Z80-Boy /usr/brlcad/bin/awf
15:16.46 Z80-Boy can you please turn on axes in multipane, save the .mgedrc and then find the magical command in .mgedrc which turns the multipanes on?
15:17.21 brlcad you can be really impatient, you know that? :)
15:17.32 brlcad do you want me to look at the brlman thing, or the multipane thing?
15:17.46 Z80-Boy brlcad: don't you remember the command by hart?
15:18.00 brlcad hah, of course not
15:18.32 ``Erik <-- already on the brlman thing... O.o
15:18.32 Z80-Boy is there some list of these commands somewhere?
15:18.34 brlcad if I knew it by heart, don't you think I would have said something an hour ago when you first mentioned it? :)
15:18.46 Z80-Boy no
15:18.53 brlcad or half-hour, whenver it was
15:19.09 brlcad well, i would have
15:19.19 Z80-Boy sometimes I get an impression that you cannot process things fast enough from me and skip some of them
15:19.25 brlcad you can't keep a million lines in context *all* the time
15:19.52 ``Erik <-- lucky to keep 4 :D
15:20.51 brlcad Z80-Boy: I DO skip them.. when you start complaining about a new issue. if you don't I'm still working on the problem or something that I was working on before you reported the issue
15:20.59 ``Erik (building automake shtuff on obsd41, has a fresh cvs co to test this crap on)
15:21.05 brlcad all a matter of priorities.. I can't just drop everything when you can't figure out how to set your own MANPATH ;)
15:22.08 Z80-Boy lol :)
15:23.43 brlcad ``Erik: I suspect it's just a matter of default manpath (in Makefile, after configure) is set to prefix/man instead of datadir/man .. quick fix should be to just add a search dir for BRLCAD_ROOT/man to
15:24.24 brlcad as well as 'maybe' set mandir when datadir is changed in .. dunno, that seems kinda error prone
15:24.26 ``Erik possibly, let me get a full-on build on obsd... last time, I just copied the directory from fbsd, so I didn't have all the auto crap in
15:24.35 ``Erik and I'm seeing... interesting behavior out of right now :)
15:24.58 brlcad oh? ran fine for me on z80's obsd
15:25.12 ``Erik yes, he has some stuff set up that I don't
15:25.31 ``Erik <--- starting from a bare install with default environment
15:26.19 brlcad oh right, it does search brlcad_root/man already .. it's not just prefix/man .. default must be something like pkg_datadir/man or something
15:27.02 brlcad well, I did have to set the env vars that the autoconf/automake scripts bitched about, but that was pretty benign
15:27.12 ``Erik that's what I'm looking at
15:27.29 ``Erik you have the variables set in, but you comment "2.52 or better", and never checkk for "better"
15:28.32 ``Erik bleh, I'll just set the variables and move on :)
15:28.56 brlcad hm? it does a minimum check
15:29.41 ``Erik "AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.9 AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.59 LIBTOOL_VERSION=1.5.22 ./" works, ./ does not, complains that it cannot find autoconf
15:30.21 brlcad setting the env vars is imposed by the obsd wrappers, there's not really any way to compensate -- they don't report a version, so can't identify them as autoconf
15:30.28 Z80-Boy ``Erik: yes on OBSD you have set these annoying variables before calling any auto-crap tool
15:30.31 brlcad from the scripts perspective, that is not autoconf, and it's right
15:30.46 brlcad it's a wrapper .. and that wrapper doesn't work until the var is set
15:31.00 ``Erik freebsd used to require calling them at autoconf259 and automake19 before they pulled their heads out of their asses, heh
15:31.11 Z80-Boy lol
15:32.36 ``Erik now they have wrappers that search for 'best version' if not being told which to use
15:32.53 brlcad I thought about whether there was anything automatic that can be done for the vars, like try auto-setting AUTOCONF_VERSION=minimum_version_here .. and reinvoking for the user, but that won't work -- the wrapper expects that specific version
15:33.27 brlcad so you'd have to do a locate or have a table of possibilities, and that's nfg
15:35.57 brlcad last mult
15:36.11 ``Erik /bin/ls `which automake`-* | sort -n | tail -n 1 | sed 's/.*-//'
15:36.26 Z80-Boy 1.9
15:36.32 brlcad yeah, that seems exceptionally "nfg" to me :)
15:36.39 ``Erik heh, that was for brlcad, not you, clock :)
15:37.05 Z80-Boy But it works even on OpenBSD, which is impressive.
15:37.06 brlcad maybe if another OS does the same thing
15:37.54 Z80-Boy ``Erik: into which script would this autodetect code have to go?
15:38.06 Z80-Boy autogen? configure?
15:38.13 brlcad
15:38.15 ``Erik I'd imagine, but brlcad doesn't like it, so *shrug* obsd suffers for being an outlyer
15:38.35 Z80-Boy but that's because I ran on OpenBSD?
15:38.43 brlcad it's also not "the obsd way" .. they apparently want their users to set those env vars
15:38.50 ``Erik n/m some of the horrors in the code to just support irix, or just support unicos :D
15:38.54 Z80-Boy If the developer ran it on Linux, made a sharp version I loaded the sharp versionf rom a .tgz and compiled, then it would work, right?
15:39.21 brlcad ``Erik: except NONE of them to date resort to scanning the filesystem or relying on things like makewhatis
15:39.23 ``Erik yes, if you ran on linux, it'd "just work", same for most os's
15:39.34 Z80-Boy Or could the script say "autoconf not foung please make sure that if you type autoconf you get autoconf running, on OpenBSD you have to set up some obscure variables"?
15:40.38 brlcad I thought about adding the same searching for freebsd when they would install the bin/autoconf-* without the symlinks .. but in the end the user really still needs to add that symlink regardless
15:41.22 Z80-Boy Does the require that "autoconf" runs Autoconf and not some bloody script that prints an error message?
15:41.24 ``Erik but fbsd has 8 users, that's a lot more than the 3 of obsd ;) *duck*
15:41.30 Z80-Boy lol :)
15:41.39 Z80-Boy Theo de Raadt, me and who's the third one?
15:42.00 ``Erik I forget the name, but he pipes up in #bsdcode on efnet once in a while
15:42.02 ``Erik :D
15:42.50 ``Erik (unless you do kernel or core system development, you probably don't want to go there, they make ME seem like a well-mannered politic sweatheart)
15:43.16 brlcad hey, if you can think of a way to get it to just work without searching, I'm all for addin git
15:43.28 brlcad s/n g/ng /
15:44.50 ``Erik no, I think there has to be some form of scan, either by looking at ${PREFIX}/bin/automake-* or /var/db/pkg/automake* and searching for a 'sufficient' version :/
15:45.09 Z80-Boy But I had the variables set
15:45.29 ``Erik obsd's wrappers do not perscribe to the princeple of least surprise.
15:45.41 ``Erik for a non-obsd person, at least
15:46.06 Z80-Boy hmm I found this
15:46.23 Z80-Boy $id.menubar.modes.axes add checkbutton -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1\ 1731 -variable mged_gui($id,model_draw) -label "Model" -underline 0\ 1732 -command "mged_apply $id \"rset ax model_draw \$mged_gui($id,model_draw)\""
15:46.32 Z80-Boy what should I type into the .mgedrc?
15:46.45 Z80-Boy mged-apply 0 rset ax model_draw, and also for 1 2 3?
15:58.38 ``Erik iiiiinteresting
16:13.42 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/brlman/ search the defined "mandir", too
16:24.57 ``Erik awf is a skeery beast O.o
16:27.53 Z80-Boy ``Erik: do you have axes turned on in your .mgedrc? could you please post it?
16:28.39 ``Erik I have no .mgedrc
16:30.13 Z80-Boy what's the new linux kernel development? All version numbers development"
16:30.55 ``Erik heh, so the two branches of linux development are alpha and pre-alpha? :D
16:31.49 Z80-Boy no they are pre-pre and pre-school.
16:32.13 Z80-Boy Linux is for teletubbies.
16:32.32 Z80-Boy They can't even figure out kernel interface description.
16:33.27 ``Erik heh
16:34.23 ``Erik they have a weird behavior in ioctl that I've seen horrible horribly abused in drivers, and the driver writers (nvidia) didn't seem to understand why what they did was wrong, cuz it seemed to work on linux...
16:35.06 ``Erik speaking of shit-talking on linux... cjohnson has a fun article comparing linux to fbsd in the mid 90's :) ummmm
16:35.09 Z80-Boy ``Erik: can you please turn multipane on, set axes to model in all four, then save .mgedrc and grep for model_draw in the .mgedrc and paste me the magic lines I should add to get it? Thanks...
16:35.45 Z80-Boy linux is becoming the microsoft of free software :)
16:36.00 Z80-Boy Torvalds has sexappeal similar to Gates.
16:36.47 MinuteElectron Gates? sexappeal? lol
16:38.48 ``Erik heh, clock,I have no idea how to use the program :D I got it i n multipane mode, and I have the axis star on one pane... now I'm stuck, and I have no idea how to save an .mgedrc :D
16:39.11 ``Erik and the cheat card isn't hleping me O.o
16:40.03 ``Erik cool, 'create/update .mgedrc' in the menu gives me an error
17:02.44 ``Erik "Linux has the feeling of a bunch of dos crackers getting together and putting together a Unix box, with out ever having seen a Unix box before. The kernel has a very "dos" feel to it. The console feels very much like a dos console. The whole thing has an undercurrent of dos like contamination running through it."
17:03.02 ``Erik hehehe
17:03.36 ``Erik
17:03.57 ``Erik back when I was a hardcore linux zea^Wadvocate
17:09.13 yukonbob overheard on #tcl:
17:09.22 yukonbob Speaking of Linux... did you ever wonder what it would take to justify a 3.x kernel?
17:09.32 yukonbob something worth using?
17:14.24 ``Erik naturally, you're suffering a hypochondriadic amplification, since you went and researched it...
17:14.55 Maloeran You believe so? I thought I observed the symptoms long before researching the subject
17:15.18 ``Erik that's why I said amplification... :D
17:15.19 Maloeran Survice is going to be annoying with my severe drop in productivity if I don't fix that quickly
17:15.26 Maloeran to be annoyed*
17:16.10 ``Erik hum, slashdot has a 'real-time raytracing' headline up
17:19.44 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
17:51.30 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
17:51.30 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || for ken:
18:08.20 brlcad yukonbob: i've heard both with respect to tcl/tk versioning, and from folks in #tcl, so I'm not really sure whom to believe (not that it matters a whole lot, it'll be what it is when they release of course)
18:11.07 brlcad but yeah, the last I'd heard, 8.5 would be their "final" when alpha/beta testing completes
18:24.45 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
18:26.11 brlcad excellent
18:26.34 brlcad would be something good to add to the wiki for others later
18:27.31 Z80-Boy But it's just a workaround for my immediate problem
18:27.39 Z80-Boy I guess when you fix it it won't be necessary anymore
18:28.11 Z80-Boy Is there something like rtedge, but doing a wireframe?
18:29.44 ``Erik I don't think any accurate wireframe stuff is in BRL-CAD... the wireframe display in mged is a basic approximation and does no CSG solving
18:38.35 Maloeran
18:38.41 Z80-Boy When I turn on the grid, what unit is a square?
18:38.51 Z80-Boy It doesn't seem to be neither 10 units nor anything similar
18:41.22 Z80-Boy I think if I should choose the coolest software in the world, it would be BRL-CAD...
18:42.05 Z80-Boy Development started 1979, very oldskool, lots of unimagined possibilities, binary file format, very cool clean rendering thanks to CSG
18:43.09 Z80-Boy Developed by a world top workplace in computer technology...
19:08.41 Z80-Boy how do I get from SOL PICK to SOL EDIT state? I tried press <everything> and nothing does it
19:09.09 Z80-Boy Or is the way how to directly enter SOL EDIT state on given solid?
20:07.46 ``Erik 'sed blah.s' ?
20:33.25 *** join/#brlcad poo1io (
20:35.41 Z80-Boy no it doesn't work
20:48.36 starseeker yukonbob: You're doing docbook markup on Vol4?
21:08.14 yukonbob starseeker: I started, yup -- we should compare notes etc.
22:07.40 ``Erik bob: ddija look at hte vol2 markup to make sure it's all being done consistently? :D
22:16.10 yukonbob ``Erik: not yet... that's something I'm concerned about though ;)
22:18.44 starseeker It may not be fully consistent yet - I'm just getting started
22:48.01 yukonbob starseeker: re: consistency -- I'm thinking between your work and my work :) -- of course ea. is a work-in-progress until it's done, but as long as we're roughly as strict as the other, and using same formatting where applicable...
23:57.06 ``Erik bob: commit bit is about brlcad or lbutler... but if you submit a patch or shar, I'd be able to look at it

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