IRC log for #brlcad on 20070924

02:49.16 *** join/#brlcad AchiestDragon (
02:54.58 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * 10brlcad/doc/book/VolumeII.xml: Additional markup
04:54.16 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * 10brlcad/doc/book/VolumeII.xml: Markup through Lesson 5
05:19.13 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:10.16 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:33.43 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
11:58.43 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:28.33 Maloeran Hum! Okay, I have quite a stupid question. How do you have command line tools pick file names that begin with - ( dash ) without complaining about an invalid option?
12:29.15 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
12:29.37 Maloeran Ah right, a preceeding -- does it
12:30.36 archivist Maloeran, you can quote a filename
12:42.22 Maloeran "" would not help, it would still complain about an invalid option
12:49.55 brlcad some commands take it, many in fact, but not all
12:51.31 Z80-Boy brlcad: with my patch it's much easier to work with matrices in red
13:08.00 *** join/#brlcad cad52 (
13:33.42 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
13:34.02 thing0 hey
13:34.08 *** part/#brlcad thing0 (
14:00.09 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (
14:06.27 ``Erik *yawn*
14:33.40 brlcad Z80-Boy: okay, thanks! .. I was gone all weekend through Fri so it'll take me a bit to catch up with all the e-mail/trackers -- I did see them, though
14:33.44 brlcad lots of good stuff
14:33.58 Z80-Boy brlcad: you're welcome
14:34.15 Z80-Boy brlcad: I could also get over that segfault and merge 2 databases together - someone already fixed it
14:35.45 brlcad yeah, looked like john fixed it
14:36.04 brlcad he reads your postings too ;)
14:38.59 *** join/#brlcad steko (
14:50.18 brlcad ciao steko
14:50.30 steko ciao brlcad,
15:36.48 starseeker Welcome back brlcad ;-)
16:58.21 ``Erik heh
16:58.35 ``Erik are you using push or xpush any?
17:49.16 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ missing the second test command for the WITH_OPENGL conditional, irix shell no likey
17:51.22 ``Erik is that one of those '"no" command not found' warnings?
17:52.31 brlcad yep
17:52.58 brlcad i'd fixed it week before last, but apparently forgot to commit it
17:53.14 ``Erik good thing I didn't waste time digging into it :D
17:53.54 brlcad it was the extra conditional you'd added on with_opengl to check for x11 too
17:54.07 ``Erik now why would I be seeing "Sorry, this database is READ-ONLY" ?
17:54.12 brlcad apparently newer versions of 'test' don't mind it
17:54.16 ``Erik oh, woops
17:54.23 ``Erik did I forget doublequotes or something?
17:54.25 brlcad dunno what posix says about it
17:54.38 brlcad nah, it was the command itself, being able to do multiple statements
17:55.09 ``Erik I was just fixing those in a shell script on debian :/
17:55.16 brlcad you wrote: test foo -eq bar && boo -eq yah
17:55.23 ``Erik yesh
17:55.30 brlcad instead of: test foo -eq bar && test boo -eq yah
17:56.01 brlcad new test apparently recognizes the && or silently ignores, or I just didn't notice it was erroring elsewhere
17:56.07 brlcad doesn't matter, just added the second test, all better
17:56.13 brlcad miniscule
17:57.56 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/sh/ Migrate to using "test" instead of square brackets. Fix missing test on compound statement
18:04.18 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
18:09.57 ``Erik z80: if you use push after every matrix change, does it work better? O.o (push applies the matrix tot he primitives, so the comb matrices are reset back to identity)
18:11.56 Z80-Boy ``Erik: I use red directly, is there a way to use push?
18:12.16 ``Erik um, inside of red? I don't think so?
18:27.17 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:27.29 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (n=yukonbob@
18:27.35 yukonbob hello, cadders
18:28.18 brlcad howdy yukonbobbers
18:28.22 yukonbob ;)
18:28.58 yukonbob hey brlcad, I'll take that committ bit from you now -- I've got docbook material to post ;)
18:31.48 brlcad you been following starseeker's progress too?
18:32.09 yukonbob yes -- we've been discussing the markup off-channel
18:32.17 brlcad ah, neat
18:34.24 yukonbob didn't want to fill this w/ docbook geekery, but probable should do it here, for logging's sake, everybody in loop :P
18:34.51 yukonbob will do from now on; nothing crititcal lost though ;)
18:48.13 Z80-Boy Now I understand why the threads are so slow
18:48.33 Z80-Boy they are made of slanted cylinders, and that probably translated to TGC, and shooting TGC solves an equation of 4th order
18:48.36 Z80-Boy brutal.
18:52.14 brlcad anything even remotely cad-related is fair game ;)
18:53.00 brlcad Z80-Boy: and the tgc's are actually fairly extensively optimized .. you could probably squeeze another 10% out, but it'd be really tough
18:53.54 brlcad I suspect that the boolean is actually where you're spending most of your time, lots of CSG ops
18:54.54 Z80-Boy boolean == ?
18:55.19 brlcad the csg operations, union this with this with this, subtract this, etc
18:55.44 Z80-Boy this is also optimized I guess
18:55.49 brlcad very compact, but can quickly become very expensive if you have to evaluate many in a given cell
18:56.13 brlcad heh, yeah .. i've tried rewriting the boolean weaver on at least three separate occasions now
18:56.23 brlcad trying to get some speed out of it, and clean up the code
18:56.44 Z80-Boy what about making a comb like a height field and rotating the comb radially?
18:56.55 Z80-Boy Would it be faster than a lot of slanted cylinders stacked?
18:57.15 brlcad not one of those tries did the performance actually increase though (and once even decreased significantly after the rewrite)
18:58.12 Z80-Boy now I see the difference between BRL-CAD and the rest
18:58.17 Z80-Boy BRL-CAD does proper bodie
18:58.20 Z80-Boy bodies
18:58.28 Z80-Boy most other programs use a quake-like triangular approximation
18:58.38 brlcad not sure about using a height field .. my intuition would suggest that it'd be *massively* slower just due to the number of operations involved and the complexity of height field primitives
18:59.43 Z80-Boy what else then? instead of cylinders rotate faceted things?
19:01.19 Z80-Boy model screws as rivets, lol :)
19:04.40 Z80-Boy but at least the screws look like real screws
19:06.00 Z80-Boy is it possible to reference contents of another .g file in one .g file so that when the "another" file changes, it has an effect?
19:08.54 brlcad Z80-Boy: yep, those "proper bodies" as you referred to them are what we mean when we say that BRL-CAD predominantly uses an implicit geometry representation -- not an explicit format or a polygonalized approximation
19:09.22 brlcad and also why getting multi-representation working is so important.. so we can go back and forth between the two more readily
19:09.56 Z80-Boy polygonalized is an approximation right?
19:09.57 brlcad pipe is the only primitive that quickly jumps to mind for a screw thread
19:10.00 brlcad yes
19:10.11 Z80-Boy that's for games, not rendering
19:10.49 brlcad referring to the contents in another .g is provided the "submodel" primtive .. but that is *rarely* ever used.. I can't even think of the last time it was tested, so it may or may not work frankly
19:11.11 brlcad it's usually better to do keep/dbconcat as needed for merging/mixing geometry files
19:11.17 Z80-Boy no help for submodel
19:11.24 brlcad it's a primitive type
19:11.36 brlcad in blah submodel
19:13.25 yukonbob re: screws and hardware, I suggest checking out
19:15.03 Z80-Boy treetop == ?
19:15.28 Z80-Boy space partitioning method == ?
19:20.02 Z80-Boy Is concatenation of two binary databases also a binary database?
19:20.33 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
19:24.28 brlcad Z80-Boy: yes, you can actually concat two dbs and end up with a valid db -- but if you concat that way, then it's entirely up to the user to know/resolve any naming conflicts beforehand
19:24.49 Z80-Boy wow
19:24.58 Z80-Boy I call this oldschool
19:25.00 brlcad i.e. it's certainly doable, and often useful -- but wouldn't be the "usual" approach I'd suggest unless you know what you're doing
19:25.13 Z80-Boy is there a unix command that does the same as "dbconcat" in mged?
19:25.19 Z80-Boy Or can mged be fired in a script?
19:25.26 brlcad you mean 'cat' ?
19:25.38 brlcad mged can be fired in a script, that's probably best
19:25.50 Z80-Boy how? mged << EOF commands EOF?
19:25.54 brlcad mged -c existing.g dbconcat imported.g
19:26.22 brlcad you could use an EOF herenow doc, but it will execute single commands if you list one after the filename
19:26.28 brlcad e.g. mged -c file.g tops
19:26.41 Z80-Boy but how do I get the output into a file then?
19:26.53 brlcad get what output?
19:26.55 Z80-Boy will it go into existing.g?
19:27.11 brlcad it'll do whatever command you tell it
19:27.28 Z80-Boy what does dbconcat -s and what -p?
19:27.32 brlcad if you mean the text output that would normally be in the console, that's primarily stderr output
19:27.40 brlcad sometimes content on stdout
19:27.44 brlcad suffix/prefix
19:28.08 brlcad it'll auto-append a prefix or suffix so you can guarantee there are no conflicting names
19:28.12 Z80-Boy no I mean mged existing.g -c dbconcat add.g will store the resulting bigger database where? existing.g?
19:28.14 brlcad during import
19:28.47 brlcad it's as if you ran mged existing.g .. and then ran "dbconcat add.g" on th mged command prompt
19:29.07 Z80-Boy and if I want to enter multiple commands on commandline?
19:29.20 Z80-Boy omit -c, add "exit"?
19:29.26 brlcad no
19:29.34 brlcad -c is command/classic mode
19:29.53 brlcad removing -c means that it'
19:29.55 Z80-Boy call mged multiple times?
19:29.58 brlcad it'll kick off the tcl gui
19:30.01 Z80-Boy aha
19:30.08 Z80-Boy so for a script, -c must be there...?
19:30.12 brlcad yes
19:30.32 Z80-Boy I think it will be best if I want to assemble two models together
19:30.32 brlcad now, whether you list a command or not determines whether it's in single-command mode or not
19:30.45 Z80-Boy make a.g, b.g and c_glue.g (source files)
19:30.54 Z80-Boy and then cp c_glue.g c.g
19:31.01 Z80-Boy mged -c c.g dbconcat a.g
19:31.15 Z80-Boy mged -c c.g dbconcat b.g
19:31.18 Z80-Boy and then rt c.g
19:31.34 Z80-Boy then I'll have proper dependencies in the makefile
19:31.36 brlcad yeah, you can reinvoke mged -c like that many times and it should be just fine -- it's really a lightweight binary in command-mode
19:31.51 Z80-Boy how do I do it with only one mged invoke?
19:32.05 brlcad a herenow doc like you suggested
19:32.14 brlcad or source a tcl script
19:32.23 Z80-Boy mged -c c.g < file_with_commands ?
19:32.24 brlcad mged -c foo.g source file.tcl
19:32.34 brlcad or mged -c foo.g <<EOF
19:32.37 brlcad blah blah
19:32.38 brlcad EOF
19:32.54 brlcad yeah, you could use a redirect like that too
19:33.07 Z80-Boy do I have to put "exit" as the last command?
19:33.07 brlcad echo "tops" | mged -c foo.g
19:33.19 brlcad nah, it quits on end-of-file
19:33.24 Z80-Boy what sucks the most is not how it's slow, but that the dependences are missing
19:33.36 brlcad dependencies?
19:33.40 Z80-Boy I change one tiny nut and whole Ronja has to be recompiled, because i changed the Big Mighty ronja.g
19:33.53 Z80-Boy I have all the hierarchy in ronja.g
19:34.56 Z80-Boy but... a problem
19:35.02 Z80-Boy I won't be able to edit the c_glue.g
19:35.17 Z80-Boy since I won't see what I am doing :(
19:35.35 brlcad heh, well depends what sorts of edits, and how often you need to do the editing
19:35.43 brlcad if the editing can be scripted, you're golden
19:36.07 brlcad pretty much everything that you can do via the gui can be done in classic mode
19:36.16 Z80-Boy often
19:36.24 Z80-Boy no scriptiing of editing
19:36.39 Z80-Boy I think I need to use that seldom-used feature "dubmodel"
19:36.43 Z80-Boy submodel
19:36.48 Z80-Boy what's the "space partitioning"?
19:36.56 brlcad well that's not a problem anything can really solve .. if you need to graphically edit, then .. well.. human in the loop
19:37.23 Z80-Boy no it can be solved with the submodel
19:37.33 Z80-Boy I just need to type explicit dependencies into the makefile
19:37.39 brlcad i'm still not hearing what the problem you're actually trying to solve is
19:37.48 Z80-Boy I basically need a brlcad equivalent of the C #include
19:37.58 brlcad but what's the *problem*
19:38.11 brlcad what do you need that for?
19:38.19 brlcad not saying you don't, there just might be another/better way
19:38.21 Z80-Boy for Ronja
19:38.29 brlcad gah
19:38.43 brlcad what is the *task* that you need it for?
19:38.47 Z80-Boy If I change something on tiny part A, I don't want a video of tiny part B be rendered again
19:39.04 Z80-Boy The task is to keep an up to date set of model videos of Ronja parts
19:39.12 Z80-Boy throughout the development of the Ronja project
19:39.18 *** part/#brlcad iraytrace (
19:39.49 brlcad okay, got that good .. next question then is why does editing part A now cause B to be rendered again?
19:40.01 Z80-Boy Because they are both in the same file - ronja.g
19:40.06 Z80-Boy Editing part A touches that file
19:40.23 Z80-Boy The makefile process is driven by timestamps on files
19:40.24 brlcad ah, because you're using something that checks the file timestamp, like make or something
19:41.01 brlcad got it
19:41.52 Z80-Boy someone calls "Ronja is crap, it bent in the wind". I fire up mged console.g, replace 2mm thickness with 3mm thickness, type "make rsync" and the website is updated
19:41.52 brlcad you can still do what you want without resorting to submodels
19:41.56 Z80-Boy How?
19:42.03 brlcad keep each part in it's own .g file, edit that file as needed
19:42.19 brlcad have a make rule that does the dbconcat of each of those files to make the bigger .g
19:42.21 Z80-Boy and how do I render videos where several parts are assembled into an assembly?
19:43.30 Z80-Boy But I still need the combination of the parts and the matrices that say how the parts are shifted and rotated
19:43.41 Z80-Boy and when debugging this matrix, I need to have all parts loaded in mged
19:43.45 brlcad the videos use whatever submodel portion is being rendered, so if you are rendering a bolt animation, it'd use bolt.g -- if you are rendering the whole thing, it'll necessarily be the whole.g and will rerender when anything it includes updates
19:43.52 Z80-Boy The only solution I can see is use the submodel
19:44.14 Z80-Boy As I said, no way to actually work on whole.g
19:44.38 Z80-Boy What is the "space partitioning", or at least what should I type there?
19:44.46 Z80-Boy And what is the "treetop"?
19:44.47 brlcad if you work on pushed matrices, then there are no shift/rotation matrices to deal with during composition
19:44.56 Z80-Boy what is a pushed matrix?
19:45.28 brlcad basically think of it as order of operations when dealing with a hierarchy
19:45.29 Z80-Boy In any case I need to tell brl-cad how the parts should be translated and rotated before assembled
19:45.38 Z80-Boy For this I need to have all parts loaded at once to try it out
19:45.56 brlcad you can have a hierarchy that has matrics, or the matrices can be *pushed* down to the leave nodes (i.e. all the way to the primitives)
19:46.28 brlcad it's a good/bad tradeoff in that it makes composition a breeze, but can be harder since you loose a localized coordiante system
19:46.33 brlcad (per part)
19:46.36 Z80-Boy hmm, what is the space partitioning?
19:49.20 brlcad just put a zero
19:49.25 brlcad if that doesn't work, but a 1
19:49.25 Z80-Boy cool
19:49.31 brlcad s/but/put/
19:49.32 Z80-Boy How do I know it works?
19:49.43 brlcad probably if it doesn't crash on you
19:49.44 Z80-Boy And the treetop is actually the thing I want to include?
19:49.59 brlcad like I said, you're veering into code that hasn't been used really in many years
19:50.21 brlcad yeah, treetop is the hierarchy you want to reference
19:50.31 Z80-Boy Isn't there really something like #include?
19:50.58 Z80-Boy that would just merge in another file, without actually adding it into the working database?
19:51.23 brlcad that is the submodel object
19:51.31 brlcad (didn't we already go through this??)
19:51.54 brlcad the only difference is that it's asking you what line to start with
19:52.06 brlcad (if you're going to compare to #include)
19:52.52 Z80-Boy Works
19:52.56 Z80-Boy but it made the part all gray
19:53.08 Z80-Boy How do I make it to keep the region structure inside the part?
19:56.46 brlcad hm, I don't think it is
19:57.12 brlcad it knows the structure, i.e. it's still there, but there aren't any named references to it unless you make submodels on a per-region basis
19:58.11 Z80-Boy I can't use that then
19:58.21 Z80-Boy Can I have file a submodelling b and b submodelling c?
19:58.23 brlcad how about just keeping the one ronja.g file that you edit, but then have your script do a 'keep bolt_test.g bolt', and check if bolt_test.g md5 is same as bolt.g to determine whether it needs to cp bolt_test.g bolt.g
19:58.40 brlcad yeah, recursive submodels should work
19:58.55 brlcad and you're probably screwed if you make a cyclic reference
19:59.03 Z80-Boy what is "keep bolt_test.g bolt" supposed to do?
20:00.06 Z80-Boy Oh yes
20:00.11 Z80-Boy that solves the problem with editing
20:00.16 brlcad keep is an mged command, you'd have your ronja.g and then just break out .g files for each of the pieces that you're rendering the in makefile
20:00.29 Z80-Boy I edit the machine-generated file c.g and then do "keep c_glue.g c" and that's it
20:00.42 Z80-Boy I have even the luxury to decide if I want to keep my experimental changes or discard them wow :)
20:00.46 brlcad but only "create" the new .g files if the contents actually change using something like g_diff or md5
20:00.55 Z80-Boy No need to use the wipe-my-nice-colours command "submodel"
20:01.03 brlcad yeah, that sucks
20:01.21 brlcad submodels solve a particular class of problems, but not really the one you need
20:01.24 Z80-Boy but it has the cyclic reference problem :D
20:01.28 Z80-Boy My computer would go on fire
20:01.41 Z80-Boy I think the makefile will be fine
20:02.17 Z80-Boy does the "keep" automatically keep all referenced objects or just the one object?
20:02.33 Z80-Boy i. e. if I have a.c consisting of a.s and b.s, does it save only a.c or everything?
20:03.05 brlcad everything referenced/needed
20:03.14 Z80-Boy omg
20:03.19 Z80-Boy how do I turn that off?
20:03.25 brlcad huh?
20:03.46 brlcad you wouldn't ever want to turn that off, maybe you misunderstand..
20:03.48 Z80-Boy Is there a command which does the same as keep, just saves the object without references?
20:04.00 Z80-Boy I would, otherwise it would just save everything.
20:04.09 brlcad a.c is just a couple text labels without a.s and b.s
20:04.17 brlcad there wouldn't be any geometry
20:04.20 brlcad nothing to see
20:04.32 brlcad a.c is the operations
20:04.42 brlcad you'd have ops on nothing
20:05.34 brlcad give it a try, I don't think it means what you maybe think it means
20:05.38 brlcad there's a model hierarchy
20:05.45 brlcad a directed acylic graph of geometry and operations
20:06.24 brlcad do display/use/edit *any* node in the hierarchy *necessarily* requires the subtree below it (by definition)
20:07.01 Z80-Boy It keeps all prerequisites
20:07.13 Z80-Boy I don't want that. It's useless for me. I want just the single object.
20:08.30 brlcad it is the single object...
20:08.59 Z80-Boy no if I open the database then I see a whole load of object
20:09.01 Z80-Boy sobjects
20:09.04 Z80-Boy objects
20:09.05 brlcad you're misunderstanding something really fundamental here about the geometry hierarchy
20:10.07 brlcad 'ls' merely shows you the geometry hierarchy flattened .. but there are requisite inter-relationships
20:10.30 brlcad if you have a combination that says use this primitive and that primtive, those *necessarily* need to exist or the combination is invalid
20:11.16 brlcad the primitives are the leaf nodes of the hierarchy, they *are* the positive and negative space
20:11.40 brlcad the combinations merely describe how to .. combine them together
20:13.47 Z80-Boy Is it possible to have the combination saved in a separate file?
20:14.15 brlcad yes?
20:14.18 Z80-Boy If I have two parts A and B that come together then I have 3 videos: A, B, and A+B
20:14.41 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
20:15.13 brlcad okay
20:15.24 brlcad A, B, and C (where C=A+B)
20:17.45 brlcad so you have your ronja.g that has A,B,C ... your makefile will do a keep on A and B for certain, and on C if there are more contents than just A and B
20:18.21 brlcad does the keep, do an md5 to see if they're different content-wise, if they are you cp
20:35.19 ``Erik *ponder*
20:37.04 ``Erik given a clone operation on a primitive, any rotation, translation, mirroring, etc. must alter the primitive in description as well as name, as solids have no matrix attached... should clone on a comb have the effect of push and hold identity matrix when given translation or rotation?
20:37.32 ``Erik and when cloning, say, 10 copies, does mirror insinuate that all ten are flipped compared to the original, or that they alternate?
20:49.18 brlcad some solids have a matrix, some don't .. but yeah it's all internal .. even the ones that do
20:49.40 brlcad I wouldn't expect clone on a comb to push
20:49.56 brlcad but it's probably option-worthy
20:50.45 brlcad just mimic what the v4 code does
20:50.47 ``Erik hm, by default, the state matrix is applied to all primitives on copy
20:50.56 brlcad you can open a v4 and clone will work now already
20:51.25 ``Erik man, that'd mean reading through the v4 format to figure ot what these direct hacks do :D
20:51.43 brlcad I mean run the command, just see what it currently does
20:51.53 brlcad i don't recall it doing a push
20:52.05 brlcad but don't know what it did for -n 10 on a mirror
20:52.15 ``Erik not explicitely, but in calling the v4_copy_solid, passing the matrix...
20:52.23 brlcad my guess would be n mirrored copies, not flipflopping
20:52.47 brlcad dbupgrade -r
20:52.50 brlcad (revert)
20:52.56 brlcad ssshh
20:53.07 brlcad intentionally undoc'd
20:53.15 ``Erik the source is the documentation O.o
20:53.21 brlcad yep
20:53.36 brlcad if they're smart enough to get that far, more power to them for using the option
20:54.06 ``Erik I'm also kinda wondering if dbupgrade could do some magic testing to solve endian and other 'gotchas'
20:54.38 ``Erik if it could, reliably... then v4 can start getting marked 'broken' in places to force adoption of v5
20:55.52 brlcad can't practically force it, just have to make enough of a good reason for them to upgrade/convert
20:57.20 ``Erik yes, by slowly marking more and more v4 functions 'broken' (like, bu_log("broken"); return NULL; )
20:57.22 ``Erik :D
20:57.22 brlcad would be interesting to add the corresponding #defines to dbupgrade.c before the headers to see if it could be forced to presume local is big or little on-demand, though ... "should" work if the right things are set/undef'd
20:58.14 ``Erik if its' just endian, then having little and big endian tests for the file magic should tell you to swap... hopefully no 'middle endian' or funny width files are out there :/
20:58.34 ``Erik or, rather, a 'right' magic and a 'backwards' magic
21:16.00 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
21:21.30 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
21:22.39 ``Erik oh... hum...
21:36.33 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
21:48.23 yukonbob brlcad: ping
21:49.14 iraytrace yukonbob: pong!
21:49.18 iraytrace ;-)
21:50.13 yukonbob did you change your name sean?
21:50.27 brlcad hum?
21:50.33 yukonbob ah
21:50.40 brlcad ah, heh no
21:50.41 yukonbob iraytrace confused me.
21:50.55 iraytrace sorry
21:52.04 yukonbob brlcad: hey -- re: docs -- how long might it take to get commit access (do you need my sourceforge details?), or should I forward work to you for posting?
21:53.13 brlcad yukonbob: yeah, need your user
21:54.25 brlcad give me about an hour .. just now running out the door
21:54.48 yukonbob np -- thx, brlcad :)
21:54.50 brlcad time to cross the border *ding* taco bell
22:02.37 starseeker yukonbob: How long is vol4 shaping up to be as docbook?
22:12.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * 10brlcad/doc/book/VolumeII.xml: Markup through Lesson 6
22:26.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * 10brlcad/doc/book/VolumeII.xml: Markup through Lesson 7
22:42.11 starseeker Sweet!
22:45.35 yukonbob getting all the references setup will be non-trivial, but I'm happy ;)
22:48.07 starseeker Very nice!
22:48.37 yukonbob how's your work going?
22:48.58 starseeker and images...
22:49.04 starseeker a ways to go
22:49.11 starseeker But making progress!
22:49.24 yukonbob ah -- /me has to do some images too -- I put in place-holder images currently
22:50.48 yukonbob I'd like to thank $deity, my parents, all the other nominees...
22:55.09 yukonbob starseeker: if you'd like my work to compare/contrast with what you've got going, let me know.
22:58.01 starseeker that would be great - but if brlcad is going to give you commit privs, I'll get a look at it then
22:58.41 yukonbob sure thing.

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