IRC log for #brlcad on 20070926

00:39.04 yukonbob CIA-4: up-and-running?
00:40.13 yukonbob starseeker: we're going to have to talk (maybe w/ brlcad) how we want to organize images.
00:51.40 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
01:07.00 brlcad yukonbob: nice!
01:07.28 brlcad seems to be getting stuck a lot today
01:12.09 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:19.49 yukonbob brlcad: thx -- I'm pretty happy w/ it -- now i need to clean references (ie: remove "hard notes" and make a proper bibliograpy) and cleanup the title page/authors/dedications, etc... otherwise, I bet (and hope) it's only minor issues that we'll want to fix.
01:21.04 yukonbob ...and fix images.
01:21.46 yukonbob but I've got references in all the right places to grab what's necessary once I have copies of the proper images.
01:24.13 yukonbob brlcad: how do you build docbook XML -> pdf? I use openjade/jadetex/dvipdf -- if you run a diff't setup, I'd be curious to see the resultant pdf. ( is a random 236x200 img)
01:24.52 starseeker brlcad - very nice!!
01:24.56 starseeker er yukonbob
01:25.39 yukonbob :)
01:26.33 yukonbob regarding images -- I guess we could just create an "img" directory and pull from that? Unless it's going to be too problematic pulling all the images from a single dir... but I doubt it will be... comments?
01:28.03 starseeker I think that makes sense - I would like to have some kind of sensible naming convention for images, but that's probably not possible until the final organization is done
01:28.20 starseeker brlcad had some ideas about how he wanted to re-org things, but we're a ways from that
01:36.23 brlcad yeah, dealing with images is always a stickler, no matter the format
01:37.17 brlcad inclination would be a global 'images' directory, though per-dir images or just putting images in the dir with their respective xml could work too
01:37.59 brlcad it gets trickier when you want to reuse images in multiple places, assuming some sort of hierarchical organization to the documentation, with data in multiple places
01:39.01 brlcad thinking of them as source files helps, you often just end up with a data resources directory where the images and other "loaded" resources are kept that the source files refer to (which are docbook files in this case, global entity refs)
01:42.26 yukonbob ...or just a single global img dir, as I think about it...
01:42.51 brlcad hm, I'd rather shove the non-production stuff into the website -- the holy grail would be to get mediawiki to docbook working as well as docbook to mediawiki so files could be edited either on the wiki or directly, and have the changes tracked and propagated
01:43.21 brlcad other files will grow the source tarballs exceptionally fast, as well as the revision root files
01:43.44 yukonbob makes sense -- in that case, everything in the repos. will be "production".
01:44.00 brlcad we used to have the pdfs in cvs before going open source, with many revisions of each.. well over a gb of relatively "useless" data
01:44.19 starseeker ouch
01:44.52 brlcad starseeker: I think at least for now, wiki spam woes aren't really a concern
01:45.04 starseeker OK :-)
01:45.31 brlcad the measures we have in place in bz have worked exceptionally well (like one incident a month at best), and that gets massive exposure
01:45.41 starseeker Very nice!
01:46.02 starseeker we should probably look at that - the measures Bill ultimately put in place on Axiom have proved rather unfriendly
01:46.05 brlcad we used to have major major problems, but after trying a dozen different things, we seem to have it sorted out
01:46.14 starseeker cool
01:46.21 brlcad we even were able to retain anonymous edits
01:46.33 yukonbob !
01:47.25 brlcad recaptcha alone did wonders to thwart almost all of the automated stuff, though there's also a blacklisting in place as well as a few other measures
01:47.44 yukonbob good to know...
01:48.26 brlcad we'd gone through about 5 captcha systems before it, all useless
01:48.57 brlcad even having people answer questions while helpful, didn't mitigate everything
01:49.22 brlcad yukonbob: sure .. the difference is about 2 billion dollars a year ;-)
01:49.43 starseeker Cool! I saw the recaptcha thing go by on slashdot, and it sounded like a really good idea
01:50.11 brlcad not only is the idea good, the captcha itself that they use is pretty much one of the best so far
01:50.28 brlcad could just be a matter of time for someone to reliably "crack it"
01:51.06 starseeker Well, at the very least it will force someone to invent some really good OCR algorithms ;-)
01:52.40 yukonbob brlcad: re: solidworks -- is that about it? /me sees buzzwords like "parametric feature-based" -- is it basically that they handle edits a bit different?
01:57.17 yukonbob I guess that's another difference between solidworks and brlcad
01:59.33 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:00.15 IriX64 :)
02:00.16 brlcad solidworks is one of the "big four" (unigraphics/nx, catia, solidworks, and pro/engineer) solid modeling systems, all 1bn+ gross revenue businesses
02:00.16 starseeker Humph - correct me if I'm wrong, but did they just patent sub-component searching of data objects?
02:00.46 IriX64 sorry
02:00.49 brlcad cumulatively, those four are about the domain of autodesk/autocad
02:01.04 brlcad just focusing in the drafting and 2d design sectors
02:01.44 yukonbob IriX64: show us the models _you_ make :)
02:01.47 brlcad yukonbob: there are plenty of other differences, the biggest is probably the support for parametric surfaces and feature edits
02:02.21 IriX64 yukonbob: you would cower in fear at the sight ;)
02:02.49 yukonbob brlcad: /me doesn't even know defintion of parametric, but any kinds of edits are w/i the realm of brl-cad...
02:03.05 brlcad parametric surfaces very closely relate to having brep spline surface support, something we're just now getting added -- with several manyears of effort invested, there's still a LOT to do
02:03.48 yukonbob ?tough science (ie: seperate from implementing in code)
02:03.52 brlcad right now, i'm just talking about fundamental representation support, what that turns into with respect to a GUI and generalized editing user interface is yet another level of work and complexity on top of the representation
02:04.25 brlcad some of it is exceptionally hard (mathematically and algorithmic), some of it is grunt coding ;)
02:04.42 starseeker ooo - math :-)
02:05.26 starseeker Trimmed NURBs?
02:05.50 brlcad even with some of the best education and experience, some of the implementation details are simply trade secrets that aren't readily published or available in quality formats, so you are basically doing computer graphics research just to get things working
02:06.10 starseeker Indeed.
02:07.07 starseeker brlcad; Is this a reasonable introduction to some of the surface representation ideas?
02:08.35 brlcad the other "difference" that largely stems from the size and complexity of the domain is that you can mean so many things when you say CAD (from 2D to 3D to 4D to parametric to implicit to explicit to drafting, machining, manufacturing, analysis, designing, and then some) .. the needs are so vast that the tools generally are written to be this massive bag of tricks with relatively complex interfaces that take a while to learn
02:09.04 brlcad mged's really no more complex to learn, it just beats you up during the process on top of all you're trying to learn :)
02:09.50 starseeker separates the men from the boys ;-)
02:10.02 starseeker (or women from the girls as the case may be...)
02:10.12 brlcad yukonbob: I don't mind it either, but then it generally only beats you once .. once you know, you know and it's efficient ;)
02:10.58 brlcad i do mind that it's hard for some folks that really do try to learn it, but then fail to find the information they need -- you have to really look at the source code or find an existing expert
02:11.09 yukonbob brlcad: indeed -- it does what's necessary (reads a line of input) and gets out of the way ;)
02:11.48 brlcad starseeker: not really, that's just a paper on tessellating nurbs surfaces -- a good one, but not as an overview of surface representations
02:12.03 yukonbob well, this documentation rewrite will hopefully get the docs "out there" more, and the new website might spawn a new community, faq, wiki, etc.
02:12.29 starseeker brlcad: Ah. Are there good "standard" introductory papers on the topic?
02:12.32 brlcad I've got some really great pictures that show some of the basic differences that I've prepared for various presentations that work pretty well for explaining it -- I'll see if I have release authority on them next week
02:12.40 starseeker cool :-)
02:13.30 brlcad that tessellation of nurbs surfaces is actually one of the critical steps needed for fully multi-rep systems ... :)
02:14.16 brlcad now that we have the structure working with ray-tracing (minus some acne issues), the next step is tessellation, CSG evaluation of NURBS, and then implicit to BREP conversions
02:14.32 yukonbob starseeker: brlcad and I were discussing shooting rays and how alien lasers could be modelled on earth equip to see strength/weaknesses
02:15.21 brlcad to give you an idea of what that translates to in code, that paper basically boils down to the guts implementation of src/librt/g_brep.cpp's rt_brep_tess() function
02:15.37 brlcad which presently just returns -1 ;)
02:15.42 starseeker LOL
02:15.51 yukonbob ?not 42
02:16.19 IriX64 thats only half the answer the whole answer is 84
02:16.24 IriX64 :)
02:16.49 starseeker (digest-paper 'NRC-45828) -> -1 Error: paper contains nothing useful ;-)
02:16.54 yukonbob IriX64: show us some models!!
02:16.57 brlcad there are actually a handful of instances of 42 in the sources ;)
02:17.45 brlcad IriX64: did you ever get Jamie to attach the brl-cad headers to that hex.c program?
02:18.40 starseeker yukonbob: I'd have to say lasers are cool, but in atmosphere I'd vote for the mini-railgun on a tank :-)
02:18.50 brlcad if you're working on something here and run across a paper that isn't free that you need, just lemme know
02:19.04 starseeker brlcad: Thanks!
02:19.22 starseeker Is there a "global CAD bibliography" in the brlcad tree somewhere?
02:20.43 brlcad i've started one offline, but no not really
02:21.11 brlcad that was one of the things for the new website, I've got a few dozen publications that refer to, use, or relate to BRL-CAD that are relevant
02:21.21 starseeker Ah :-)
02:23.50 brlcad there's a mini bibliography in the AUTHORS file .. that really doesn't belong there, but has a few items
02:24.00 brlcad at the end
02:25.47 starseeker OK :-)
02:27.41 starseeker brlcad: Has anyone in the BRL-CAD project ever looked at the VTK toolkit?
02:28.26 brlcad oh yeah
02:28.41 brlcad pretty heavily for a while
02:29.11 brlcad isn't too shabby, it at least mentions many of the formats and issues albeit a bit biased
02:29.17 starseeker How bad is the impedance mismatch between the API of the toolkit and what brl-cad needs?
02:29.33 brlcad volumetric, parametric, implicit, explicit, brep, and nurbs at a glance
02:30.09 starseeker Cool - thanks!
02:32.33 brlcad ah, almost forgot about mike's old writeup --
02:33.03 starseeker excellent!
02:33.18 brlcad starseeker: yeah, the question of interface and environments has been long-discussed and worked on
02:33.32 brlcad particularly for building a new interactive modeler
02:34.15 brlcad the brief summary is that all the non-commercial options we're stuck with pretty much are all inadequate or outright suck to various degrees of suckage :)
02:34.16 starseeker Did a consensus emerge?
02:34.22 starseeker ah :-)
02:34.31 starseeker even VTK? nuts
02:34.42 brlcad there are some workable options, a handful really
02:35.34 brlcad VTK has some very nice aspects, and several downsides
02:36.23 brlcad part of it (and not to their faulting) is that the biggest issue/debate is really that of the user interface itself, for which VTK doesn't really directly address
02:37.08 starseeker Ah
02:39.10 starseeker No wonder Paraview isn't much help then - it is solving a different UI problem (or maybe a small subset of it, depending)
02:39.32 brlcad there's your windowing environment (think difference between windowed and full-screen), the graphics context (think opengl and quartz and framebuffers), the GUI elements (think gtk/qt, wxwidgets, cegui, blenderui, etc), and the UI methodologies (think modalities, MDI, custom behaviors, etc)
02:39.56 starseeker Ah yes.
02:40.23 brlcad VTK is fairly situated around the graphics context layer only
02:40.28 starseeker right
02:40.58 starseeker the GUI elements are probably the biggest issue, particularly given the portability ambitions of BRL-CAD...
02:41.13 brlcad something like SDL does windowing, context, and some minor UI methodology
02:41.47 starseeker The only library I've ever seen that attempted to paper over ALL GUI element environments was the Lisp CLIM project, which isn't mature and is in the wrong language anyway...
02:42.26 brlcad it's not that you want something that does them all, but it's good to recognize what pieces are still missing and what problems are being solved
02:42.44 brlcad the first two are fairly easy to get set up and are rarely a bottleneck unless you mess something up big
02:43.03 brlcad VTK becomes a pressing need when the context is the bottleneck
02:43.19 brlcad or something like it, as it deals with the data management aspects well
02:43.25 starseeker OK.
02:43.26 brlcad as does something like OpenSceneGraph
02:44.05 brlcad OGRE is in a similar boat but then of course being a render engine has nothing to do with GUI so you still need a GUI toolkit
02:45.18 starseeker IIRC Blender sidestepped the UI kit by writing their own in GL or some such?
02:45.24 brlcad deciding on your UI methodologies is a tricky (religious) topic but is at least something we can probably pin down in our domain
02:45.40 brlcad yes, they wrote their own UI toolkit
02:45.45 starseeker ouch
02:45.47 brlcad which has been both a major blessing and major curse :)
02:46.37 starseeker As for MDI related issues - isn't that something that can ultimately be user configurable if the right design decisions are made? (The Gimp non-withstanding...)
02:46.40 brlcad it kept them really agile in the early days, and made for a nice scalable opengl interface that looks the same everywhere
02:47.03 brlcad sometimes it can, sometimes it's pretty fundamental
02:47.12 starseeker Hmm.
02:47.33 brlcad e.g. mged is pretty heavily multi-windowed .. some of the major windows can be combined but there are still a slew of independent dialogs and tool panels
02:47.50 starseeker True
02:47.53 brlcad that was a design decision for better or worse that impacts the usability, feel, and appeal
02:48.25 brlcad solidworks is pretty much a one-window interface with most of the content interlayed into the 3D scene
02:49.14 starseeker Sounds like something a workflow analysis would be good for
02:49.20 brlcad unigraphics is totally different (and probably one of the best at being modeless)
02:50.36 starseeker Wow.
02:51.21 brlcad In designing the new interface for our modeler, I've always had a particular vision of configurable usability that I think is a good blend of some of the best ideas out there, taking a key from probably the most successful interface makers in the industry
02:52.45 brlcad WWAGD .. "what would a game do" .. the gaming industry has by far put the most research and iteration redesign into effective interfaces over the last decade
02:53.06 starseeker that's a point, definitely
02:53.13 brlcad they have to grab the users attention, teach them sometimes utterly complex interfaces and do so quickly and make them actually enjoy it
02:54.42 brlcad that single approach alone drives a lot of the decisions of what I've had in mind, something that makes CAD appealing, that is straightforward to code with regards to design decisions, and is outright enjoyable
02:54.54 brlcad without actually making it a game of course :)
02:55.16 starseeker hehe
02:55.17 yukonbob no flight-sim easter egg?
02:55.22 brlcad mebbie :)
02:55.37 brlcad a tank sim would be more apropriate given our history :)
02:55.54 starseeker when the newbie crashes, BRL-CAD would take them through a crash simulation in full detail ;-)
02:56.22 starseeker BZflag - now with solid model damage simulation
02:56.49 brlcad that's not far from what we do already in the analysis domain ;)
02:57.08 yukonbob embed bzflag...
02:57.17 brlcad (with the analysis codes hooking into brl-cad for geometry interrogation and representation)
02:57.39 starseeker neat
03:01.55 yukonbob chat later, starseeker
03:05.55 brlcad cya
03:29.41 *** part/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:55.28 yukonbob brlcad: re: coverity -- do I talk to you to talk to coverity for access to their analysis?
07:16.59 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
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15:36.49 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
15:37.41 ``Erik heh, 3.5 years ago, a modified version of bzflag using BRL-CAD models and real vulnerability code was seriously discussed O.o
15:44.08 santorum bzflag is a game somehow connected to BRL-CAD?
15:46.40 minute In a very convoluted way, yes.
15:49.33 ``Erik brlcad is a major developer on both
15:50.11 ``Erik and BRL-CAD was/is primarily developed (on tax dollars, anyways) for doing simulations on army armored vehicles... :) like, y'know, tanks, 'n stuff
15:50.49 santorum and to make models of Ronja
15:51.01 santorum at least the tax money are used in a partially useful way
15:53.30 ``Erik meh, the funding avenue that BRL-CAD is part of saves metric assloads of money, and I think BRL-CAD is one of the most useful bits of the pipeline... *shrug* one of the least fucked up, anyways :D I mean, c'mon, free to the world!
15:54.09 ``Erik probably the second most used thing I have a commit bit for (OpenAL is probably more used)
15:54.44 ``Erik <-- still hasn't gotten a fbsd bit :D
15:56.48 santorum we're still waiting for open source nukes...
15:57.38 santorum he, surfers! Why read all those weather charts? Download our open source nuke manual, put together couple of them in your garage, dump them into the sea, shoot and you'll have great waves!
16:01.08 santorum How programming works:
16:01.10 Maloeran Ouch. Perhaps if you want to surf with a whole aircraft carrier
16:01.12 santorum 1) start with empty program
16:01.22 santorum 2) debug until you have desired functionality properly working
16:01.48 santorum but the tubes must be impressive
16:04.30 archivist going to need a tsunami for that
16:05.06 santorum actually have you heard about solitons?
16:05.30 Maloeran Some kind of stable wave?
16:05.34 santorum yes
16:05.49 santorum they found it when a large boat abruptly stopped in a narrow canal in England
16:05.58 santorum and that created a wave that smoothly ran along the canal
16:06.11 santorum wihtout actually undulating, falling apart or anything like that
16:06.17 santorum diminishing only very slowly
16:06.34 Maloeran There must still be some serious loss of energy due to viscosity
16:06.42 santorum Do you think these solitons could be made easily surfable?
16:06.43 archivist traveling behind a ship on a canal is fun
16:07.09 santorum cause one could take some old railway tunnel, fill it with water and send solitons down the tunnel
16:07.14 santorum it would be like a winter surf park :)
16:07.24 Maloeran By the dynamics involved in a surf wave, I would say there's a big loss of kinetic energy there, I don't think it could be very stable
16:07.50 santorum what about making it high but just before it starts making whitewater?
16:07.53 archivist surfer takes the energy out
16:07.54 santorum So it runs smoothly
16:08.05 santorum sure
16:09.06 ``Erik them crew boys are odd
16:11.33 ``Erik almost as odd as canucks
16:11.34 ``Erik :D
16:12.21 santorum
16:12.24 archivist
16:25.53 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
16:28.16 brlcad yukonbob: yes, I've talked to the coverity folks
16:28.45 brlcad they actually set us up with a free scan a few months ago.. the scan was only partial though as something in their setup failed -- it's not been updated/changed since
16:28.57 brlcad I pinged them on the status a few weeks ago, but have yet to hear a response yet
16:31.04 brlcad santorum: working on bzflag is one of my other passions, I'm one of the core devs, leading contributor, project admin, yada yada .. good stuff. it's a nice diversion and different style of coding environment (with exceptionally different user base of course)
16:49.16 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/ use RT_LIBS since we need libbu and other libs that are missing. hopefully helps with unresolved symbols on ubuntu, but there's probably more cases like this that need fixing.
16:55.03 yukonbob brlcad: cool -- I'd be interested in reviewing the brl-cad code as marked by coverity once you hear back from them...
16:58.18 ``Erik heh, join the club :) until then, use shtuff like 'flawfinder'
16:58.59 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
16:59.42 minute brlcad: The pdfs, are they all going to be transfered to some over format then archived somewhere other than the wiki (i.e. deleted from the wiki) or will they always remain on the wiki and the other format offered by default?
17:13.44 *** part/#brlcad thing0 (
18:24.58 brlcad yukonbob: yeah, I'm really curious to see what they find as well
18:25.37 brlcad alas the partial they did do didn't even get to brl-cad sources, aborted early on in tcl/tk sources (they weren't ignoring src/other yet)
18:26.25 yukonbob :P
18:26.36 brlcad minute: good question, not sure I'd remove them from the wiki anytime soon
18:26.58 brlcad if they were autogenerated nightly or something, then the wiki might be eventually updated to just point to the file instead of it actually being stored "in" the wiki
18:27.15 brlcad like a standard path or something
18:33.48 minute brlcad: yeah
18:34.11 minute sounds good
18:48.29 brlcad we can cross that bridge when the docs are actually fully integrated into the build system and being auto-generated
18:48.48 brlcad starseeker: with regards to toolchain, I think if you have a toolchain that works, then that's the one to start with
18:48.59 brlcad jade seemed to be the best choice regardless
18:52.48 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
18:54.18 IriX64 <--- this happening to anybody else?
18:56.05 IriX64 rerunning with verbose
19:06.04 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_ogl.c: don't assume that stdout isn't being used, bu_log will likely someday be changed to log to out instead of err
19:07.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/if_wgl.c: do the same on windows, don't close our output channels
19:12.25 brlcad IriX64: did you ever get Jamie to attach the brl-cad headers to that hex.c program?
19:12.44 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
19:12.45 IriX64 I was never asked
19:12.56 IriX64 but ill pass that on
19:13.12 IriX64 he says you do it.
19:13.35 brlcad I can't, it's a legality matter
19:13.48 IriX64 what should he put in
19:14.01 IriX64 he's listening
19:14.35 IriX64 is it in
19:21.24 IriX64 shot myself in the foot, mea culpa :(
19:37.48 brlcad sorry, someone stopped by
19:37.53 brlcad see the header on any of the existing files
19:38.07 IriX64 sure
19:38.13 brlcad or run the sh/ script
19:38.20 brlcad that'll attach the header automatically
19:38.24 IriX64 even better
19:38.41 IriX64 when he does it ill post it
19:38.46 brlcad cool
19:39.02 brlcad please be sure to have him put his full name in there as the Author
19:39.10 IriX64 right
19:39.13 brlcad so he can be attributed correctly
19:40.50 brlcad typing this on the fly, but this should be an example:
19:42.10 brlcad ah, here we go:*checkout*/brlcad/brlcad/src/libpkg/tpkg.c
19:50.07 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
19:52.32 IriX64 thanks
20:47.05 starseeker brlcad: OK, sounds good - yukonbob I think has had some success with the jade route
20:53.04 yukonbob starseeker: indeed I have -- use that Makefile I sent you as a template... what kind of system are you trying to build on (ie: FreeBSD, Debian, Red Hat, Windows, MacOS X)...
20:53.42 starseeker I'm not yet - I'm stubbornly trying to finish the markup to a valid state first ;-) Gentoo is my primary platform, so I already have jade installed
20:55.26 yukonbob starseeker: you should consider incremental builds, so you can check to see if errors are cropping up along the way. If you need a hand retro-fitting the Makefile, or with managing the .xml file, drop a note...
20:55.43 starseeker It's a good idea.
20:56.17 starseeker I've just been "on a roll" and also trying to make it go faster by doing "type specific" formatting - e.g. getting all the informal tables at once
20:56.49 yukonbob well, you know where to reach me if I can help :)
20:57.18 starseeker Yep :-) Thanks!
21:02.41 starseeker yukonbob: I can't recall offhand - does openjade require a TeX install?
21:04.14 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ use FB_LIBS instead, pick up the other dependencies that are needed
21:10.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfb/ (if_4d.c if_X.c if_X24.c if_ogl.c if_sun.c if_wgl.c):
21:10.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: BAM! .. lingering windows is now the default. it only took hundreds of
21:10.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: complaints and 20 years of development. this change makes it the default for
21:10.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: most of the existing active framebuffer interface types, also adding a \\t\
21:10.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: option to complement the existing \\l\ option to allow folks to obtain the
21:10.13 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: previous behavior if needed. all this mode code really should be consolidated
21:10.15 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: and made consistent, but that is a chore for another day.
21:18.57 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ termio apparently needs TERMLIB (need to verify), and don't include the optional FB_LIBS since the takes care of it. optical does use/need librt; tclcad needs libfb
21:19.14 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: lingering framebuffer windows are now the default
21:24.25 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/library/.cvsignore: ignore generated pkgIndex.tcl
21:24.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (10 files in 10 dirs):
21:24.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: the libraries really need to libadd all of their requisite dependencies or there
21:24.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: will be unresolved symbols on platforms; this isn't just a libtool issue
21:24.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: (libtool needs this info). this change will hopefully help the build on a few
21:24.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: other platforms, though I suspect there are still a few obscure cases (with
21:24.57 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: buggy libtool) where unresolved symbols might be encountered with dynamic/shared
21:24.59 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: libadd libraries not getting carried through to the linker line for binaries.
21:38.19 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:46.34 louipc This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
21:46.35 louipc lol
21:59.56 brlcad heh, nice catch
21:59.59 brlcad i didn't see that
22:11.56 archivist the cheeky buggers managed a sqlserver google add on mysql's site once
22:17.45 brlcad heh
22:28.19 Maloeran I'm a bit surprised by all the advertisement from Microsoft on SF, I thought they would be a bit more picky about the ads they accept
22:36.25 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * 10brlcad/doc/book/VolumeII.xml: Markup through Lesson 10.
22:39.00 starseeker Maloeran: Hey, if they want to fund the opposition who are we to object? ;-)
22:39.41 louipc it's like trying to sell wheelchairs to able bodied people
22:40.00 starseeker Pretty much ;-)
22:40.29 starseeker I was a bit surprised to see Microsoft advertising there though
22:41.06 louipc yeap
22:41.51 starseeker crud, shopping list
22:42.16 starseeker back into the maelstrom...
23:22.15 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@

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