IRC log for #brlcad on 20070927

00:19.28 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
00:20.44 IriX64 why am I missing the lib that has XParseColor in it :(
00:22.13 IriX64 have the H file but not the lib
00:22.45 Maloeran Are you linking against libX11 ?
00:22.52 IriX64 and bwish wants it sigh
00:22.54 IriX64 yes
00:23.15 Maloeran grep XParseColor /usr/lib/lib*
00:23.23 IriX64 did nor there
00:23.26 IriX64 not
00:23.36 IriX64 oh wait
00:23.59 Maloeran Compile with -lX11 , you really should have it
00:25.09 IriX64 nothing in usr lib, i found the h in usr/X11R6
00:27.02 IriX64 ill try reinstalling x11
00:32.11 IriX64 heh or maybe ill force a link :)
00:40.00 ``Erik if you can't find it in /usr/lib (or /lib, should be a link on cyggy), it won't link no matter what you do...
01:02.57 IriX64 <--- moving on whats this?
01:34.30 ``Erik heh, looks like you pulled one of brlcad's gimpy mutilations to cope with broken libtools :D libbu is being linked twice
01:40.17 IriX64 thanks :)
01:41.11 IriX64 it happened again in remrt, same reason i presume :D
01:43.14 IriX64 btw, mged uses that XParseColor thing too :(
01:43.21 brlcad that's not what that is, it's saying there are two in two separate files
01:43.51 IriX64 heh ``Erik spoke, I shut up :)
01:44.19 brlcad and there actually are two bu_bomb() functions -- intentionally
01:44.40 IriX64 why not just use the libbu one?
01:44.51 brlcad what is odd is that it's erroring out on you instead of letting the one outscope the other like it normally does
01:45.18 IriX64 man multiples are not allowed
01:46.01 brlcad because lgt captures various call events (like bu_bomb) and does its own thing (namely in this instance flushes an image buffer
01:46.33 IriX64 then it shouldnt be called the same
01:47.00 brlcad it actually overrides the calls in routines that it doesn't have access to that you wouldn't want to rename
01:47.08 IriX64 specially if your linking gainst a lib that has it already :)
01:47.10 brlcad so it sorta needs to be called the same
01:47.41 brlcad the real question is still why specifically is it error'ing
01:48.03 IriX64 my compiler doesn't allow multiple definitions
01:48.14 brlcad dude, you have no idea why it's happening
01:48.15 IriX64 you can tell it to tho and i did
01:48.22 brlcad you're just reading the message
01:48.32 IriX64 ok
01:48.44 brlcad that doesn't mean there isn't an option that allows it
01:49.02 IriX64 see above
01:49.10 brlcad or even that something else isn't provoking the error like a declaration mismatch
01:49.37 IriX64 that would be reported seperatly
01:49.48 brlcad not necessarily
01:49.54 IriX64 redefinition of etc etc
01:50.29 brlcad if it were redefined yes, but not if it was a mismatch
01:50.39 IriX64 define mismatch
01:50.47 brlcad one symbol's in a lib in an entirely separate compilation unit, and doesn't even necessarly pull in that header decl
01:51.08 IriX64 don't understand
01:51.30 brlcad I didn't really expect you to
01:51.35 IriX64 ok
01:52.41 brlcad this isn't really a productive conversation.. you can't debug that, and I don't have that environment set up to debug it for myself just yet
01:53.16 IriX64 true
01:53.26 brlcad last time I compiled on cygwin, it compiled fully and neither lgt nor bu_bomb() has changed since then
01:53.41 brlcad so something else is still "up" and it just needs some dev attention
01:53.59 IriX64 last time i compiled on cygwin nothing went right :)
01:55.23 brlcad that seems to be usually the case, and will likely continue to be the case until someone that can trace through the issues has that environment set up
01:55.51 brlcad I might be inclined to do that some weekend soon, but the website and other code matters are in line first
01:56.02 IriX64 of course
01:58.06 brlcad if you set up ssh access, I could be even more readily coerced to look into the build problems
01:58.41 IriX64 ill think about it.
02:09.50 yukonbob ?think about it -- the lead dev. is offering to fix your specific problem in the _actual_ problem environment
02:15.47 IriX64 man this is a hobby for me
02:23.37 IriX64 thats what i get for forcing a link, attach (nu|X) X =core dumped :)
02:24.51 IriX64 well X is buggered here lets try ogl
02:30.37 IriX64 i mean brlcad has better things to do with his time than babysit me yukonbob, thats all.
02:31.12 yukonbob re: hobby -- so that means you don't mind if it doesn't work?
02:31.21 IriX64 right :)
02:31.33 IriX64 no production environment here
02:31.37 yukonbob sounds like a frustrating hobby ;)
02:31.45 IriX64 fun actually
02:47.11 louipc haha
02:56.48 IriX64 yukonbob, that also explains why there none of *my own models :)
02:57.31 IriX64 brlcad gave me a paper moose, I didn't know where to begin
02:57.46 yukonbob we're waiting... ;) Next havoc I see, I'm going to reach through the internet and take your modem away.
02:58.03 IriX64 heh ill try cube ;)
03:00.05 IriX64 meaning i'm just a block head :D
03:14.56 louipc paper moose?
03:21.22 IriX64 pix of one
03:34.20 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:34.32 IriX64 sigh :)
03:35.46 IriX64 wonder if BitchX is more stable, or apropro here :)
03:54.36 IriX64 nite all
04:15.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS:
04:15.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: nirt fails to report LOS and sometimes even hits on a BoT that is inverted or
04:15.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: unoriented. most annoying is that just sometimes fails to report a hit while
04:15.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: other times it just fails to report an LOS thickness, even though it does find a
04:15.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: hit.
04:20.22 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: formatting
05:21.49 yukonbob starseeker: re: openjade -- I don't think openjade require any form of TeX, but jadetex probably will -- lemme see if I can see what the deps are on my 'puter here...
05:23.10 yukonbob Information for openjade-1.3.2nb5:
05:23.11 yukonbob Built using:
05:23.11 yukonbob opensp-1.5.2
05:23.11 yukonbob xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1
05:23.27 yukonbob Information for tex-jadetex-3.13nb5:
05:23.28 yukonbob Built using:
05:23.28 yukonbob tex-hugelatex-2.0nb4
05:23.28 yukonbob teTeX-bin-3.0nb14
05:23.28 yukonbob digest-20070803
05:23.50 yukonbob ... if you're using portage, that should take care of everything, though...
07:25.38 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:01.15 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
09:45.14 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
12:57.41 ``Erik bahhh
13:20.15 brlcad hummmbug
13:23.31 ``Erik ahhhhh bumhug </beavis>
13:24.34 ``Erik radmind stomping /Library/Tcl/macports1.0 is getting irritating... not nearly as irritating as stomping the parallels drivers, though.
13:26.45 Z80-Boy Hmm, brl-cad produces .pix files where suddenly the lower part of the file is brighter
13:26.53 Z80-Boy rt produces, to be more precise
13:27.35 ``Erik ah, filenames are no longer part of ChangeLog? that was probably the most strusfrating part about that file :D
13:28.11 ``Erik clock: pix-png and post?
13:28.53 Z80-Boy Sure that's gonna happen
13:29.12 Z80-Boy I am just trying to figure out if it's accidentally not triggered by stopping the rendering and then restarting it again.
13:30.00 ``Erik ahhhhh, heh
13:50.13 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
14:14.40 Z80-Boy Then it is caused by breaking the raytrace and restarting it.
14:15.10 Z80-Boy And now I realized it doesn't go from top to bottom, but from bottom to top
14:15.16 brlcad that's curious, although not entirely surprising
14:15.21 Z80-Boy so after the break, it doesn't render lighter, but darker
14:15.31 Z80-Boy but why?
14:15.36 brlcad it will try to continue a raytrace from the point that it left off at if there's data already partially written
14:16.09 brlcad so it's continuing where it left off at instead of starting over (which was a big deal when the images took hours)
14:16.20 Z80-Boy Actually it's more complicated
14:16.35 Z80-Boy The unbroken images are all "dark" (= black background)
14:17.12 brlcad but apparently from what youit's not picking up where it left off at .. probably due to resetting the image gamma or something
14:17.36 brlcad is this in a framebuffer or to a file that you see the banding?
14:18.21 brlcad mmmm.. the dual quad cores are more than twice as fast as wopr cpu-wise
14:18.58 brlcad although still exceptionally slower with I/O .. compiling still takes 5-10 minutes (where on the altix it takes just 2-4 minutes)
14:20.12 brlcad getting a vgr of about 12000 for a 12-processor altix .. which seems a bit lower than I recall, but that's with all of the bells and whistles turned on
14:20.55 brlcad not using intel compiler, thought .. that might be what I'm remembering being about 17000
14:21.30 brlcad new mac workstations are coming up at 26000 for me, though .. freaking sweet
14:23.58 Z80-Boy into a .pix file
14:24.14 Z80-Boy don't know how to reproduce yet
14:24.31 Z80-Boy faster than running a compile for a week and rebooting the machine at random intervals
15:05.10 *** join/#brlcad thing1 (
15:10.05 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
15:55.45 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@
16:08.30 *** part/#brlcad thing1 (
17:34.20 ``Erik is amusing
17:35.18 ``Erik 4-6 miles in 60-90 minutes with several beer stops... I think Ic ould do that O.o
17:40.09 ``Erik "a drinking club with a running problem"
18:25.16 brlcad mmm.. tcl 8.4b1 is now (really) posted
18:26.23 ``Erik 8.5b1 ?
18:27.08 brlcad er, yeah
18:32.18 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
18:32.54 brlcad <PROTECTED>
18:33.03 Z80-Boy I found and analyzed the bug with "half of the picture bright"
18:33.15 Z80-Boy It happens only when -c "set gamma=2.2" is present.
18:33.26 brlcad i figured it was gamma-related
18:33.36 Z80-Boy It loads the gamma-corrected values into a buffer, then gamma-corrects them again and spits them out
18:33.47 Z80-Boy if you break it multiple times, you get a "gradient" effect
18:33.49 brlcad so is it basically not setting/using the gamma or are exising new values being overcorrected?
18:34.06 Z80-Boy overcorrected
18:34.06 brlcad ah, so overcorrects
18:34.32 Z80-Boy I think it should make sure the already computed values should be spitted out as they are
18:34.44 Z80-Boy But worse what I saw in the source I wasn't happy
18:35.09 brlcad we could also just get rid of all that "restart" code
18:35.20 Z80-Boy 1) it seems to never output 0,0,0. That's wrong. If 0,0,0 is in the scene (real black), I want real black and no distorted picture in the form of deep blue!
18:35.27 ``Erik brlcad: /opt/ is ignored by radmind, but macports installs some stuff to /Library/Tcl/macports1.0 which gets stomped... but the stuff I'm messing with pertains to nice levels and number of concurrent jobs...
18:35.30 Z80-Boy 2) similarly it refused to output the background colour
18:35.45 Z80-Boy 3) some kind of random noise seems to be added into the image and being bravely called "dithering"
18:36.06 Z80-Boy Dithering is when you use spectral noise shaping - you need to use error distribution
18:36.12 Z80-Boy This is just adding noise into signal
18:36.37 Z80-Boy I am also not sure if the values are properly rounded after gamma correction
18:36.59 Z80-Boy I wouldn't mind getting rid of the restart code
18:37.08 Z80-Boy Since the idea of inband signalling is braindead
18:37.25 Z80-Boy Either mark "empty pixels" by their position beyond the end of file
18:37.33 brlcad outputting 0,0,1 goes into deep history and there's fairly good reasons for why it was done that way (regardless of whether there are other ways this could be achieved today)
18:37.50 ``Erik it's one of those "nifty features for 20 year old machines, but causes ugly issues" type things :/
18:38.11 Z80-Boy What's the reason for not outputting 0,0,0?
18:38.14 brlcad 0,0,1 can't really be changed until 8.0
18:38.26 Z80-Boy I always wondered why my videos are not on black background but on something dark
18:38.26 ``Erik yeah, ti'd break the pix files :(
18:38.41 brlcad it's break tons of stuff
18:38.42 Z80-Boy What does it mean break pix files?
18:38.47 Z80-Boy ZOMG
18:38.53 brlcad Z80-Boy: there is no alpha channel
18:39.00 Z80-Boy and?
18:39.10 ``Erik is there a reason for 0x1 as black other than restart?
18:39.22 brlcad the designated "background color" for which 0,0,1 is simply the default effectively acts like an alpha channel mask without requiring the additional bandwidth
18:39.54 ``Erik the pix files are used in the distribution to verify correct results when running the benchmark suite... if we change the nacent 'black' color, we'll get many many 'off-by-one' errors :)
18:40.11 brlcad that channel "mask" is used all over the place, particularly in the framebuffer library but in loads of the tools as well, for detecting background vs non-background
18:40.40 Z80-Boy lol it's all a crappy inband signalling design
18:40.46 Z80-Boy which actually corrupts the signal
18:40.47 ``Erik heh, :( magic colors can induce error
18:40.56 Z80-Boy sorry, your TV cannot show black, we used black as a special value
18:41.13 brlcad that's why it's not black actually
18:41.15 Z80-Boy PCX could encode black
18:41.27 brlcad as black is frequently requested
18:41.36 Z80-Boy brlcad: what value is it then? 0,0,1?
18:41.39 ``Erik yes, but PCX kept a magic color, and you had to make sure you never tried to use that magic color for a legitimate pixel
18:42.12 ``Erik (that and the 256 color palette, ick)
18:42.25 Z80-Boy I think it could encode all possible value
18:42.44 ``Erik and ugly rle that could blow up your image size significantly if you gave it unfriendly data, like a horizontal gradient...
18:42.44 Z80-Boy if it had a RLE escape, then the RLE escape was encoded as double escape or something like that
18:43.48 Z80-Boy The gamma correction is also calculated as a separate pow() for each pixel
18:44.14 Z80-Boy 995328 pows for my frame... isn't that slowing down?
18:44.23 Z80-Boy I did it with a 16-bit table in links.
18:45.28 brlcad Z80-Boy: 0,0,1 is merely the *default* background color
18:45.35 brlcad you can still output black
18:45.39 Z80-Boy so the "empty value" is 0,0,1?
18:45.44 brlcad or 0,0,1 if you like
18:45.45 Z80-Boy And can I also output 0,0,1?
18:46.05 Z80-Boy and can I output all possible colours with a single background colour setting?
18:46.06 brlcad of course you can
18:46.17 Z80-Boy then it's not what I thought it is
18:46.30 brlcad are you just looking for something to bitch about because you misinterpreted something you read in the code? :)
18:46.32 Z80-Boy But what is this piece of code then?
18:46.33 Z80-Boy <PROTECTED>
18:46.33 Z80-Boy <PROTECTED>
18:46.33 Z80-Boy <PROTECTED>
18:47.03 brlcad make sure the *default* background color is never perfect black
18:47.19 Z80-Boy but this is in view_pixel
18:47.38 Z80-Boy r, g, b is actually the pixel value - the signal, the payload...
18:47.50 ``Erik athat only happens if the ray never intersects, I think
18:48.28 Z80-Boy no it happens if ap->a_user != 0
18:48.35 brlcad as for pow() .. show me a profile that shows that's a problem
18:48.40 Z80-Boy and ap->a_user == 0 has comment "/* Shot missed the model, don't dither */"
18:49.11 brlcad pow() is accurate, tables aren't necessarily -- and the raytrace is vastly dominated by the ray-tracing, not pixel operations
18:49.26 Z80-Boy brlcad: accurate, but slow
18:49.35 brlcad slow within a given context
18:49.47 ``Erik pretty fast if you have optimization on certain chips
18:49.50 brlcad if it's 0.3% of your computation time, who cares
18:49.52 Z80-Boy but you're right, it mosly chokes on the threads
18:50.02 Z80-Boy ``Erik: which chips?
18:50.19 brlcad i'll take accurate over fast any day if there's not an order of magnitude performance difference
18:50.28 ``Erik like, uh, opterons, athlons, p4's, ...
18:50.35 *** mode/#brlcad [+o minute] by ChanServ
18:50.52 ``Erik 3dnow and I think sse2+ have approximation fu on that?
18:51.09 ``Erik and -ffast-math in gcc hopefully takes advantage of that
18:51.24 brlcad either way, that's the whole point of profiling .. you're totally guessing as to the performance, speculative optimization is rarely useful
18:51.27 Z80-Boy -fdodgy-math :)
18:52.27 brlcad about as helpful as believing in the "gotos are bad" as an absolute -- they're bad in a given context but not always, same goes for just about every one absolute
18:52.30 ``Erik yes, -ffast-math accepts some error in the name of speed... is also ignores a good bit of IEEE754/854, like appropriate handling of Inf and NaN
18:52.45 Z80-Boy is there a standard in C saying how floats are cast into int, whether they are chopped down, up, or rounded?
18:52.55 ``Erik not in C
18:53.02 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (
18:53.07 ``Erik but there is in ieee754, and it's... skeery.
18:53.09 Z80-Boy then why are you doing register int r=pow()?
18:53.18 Z80-Boy shouldn't it be floor(pow()+0.5)?
18:53.48 Z80-Boy that floor and 0.5 is inexpensive compared to that pow.
18:53.53 Maloeran roundf() which is C99
18:53.57 ``Erik <-- uses floor(), too *shrug*
18:54.36 Z80-Boy I always wondered why there are "flashes" in the Ronja video
18:54.51 Z80-Boy It was because it takes so long to render I have to break it and then reboot
18:54.59 ``Erik heh
18:54.59 Z80-Boy every time I broke it, I got a flash...
18:55.15 brlcad probably just an oversight on the pow cast
18:55.40 brlcad or just has never mattered sufficiently
18:56.23 Z80-Boy it usually goes into YUV encoding anyway and that's such unbelievable crap that it can hide anything I guss
18:57.22 brlcad I'd give you commit to make some of these changes, but you couldn't go breaking backwards compatibility so readily with things like the background color
18:57.40 Z80-Boy no don't give me commit it's better if a knowledgeable person revides that first
18:57.56 ``Erik heh
18:58.05 Z80-Boy I would quickly make a surfboard hut from your code
18:58.12 brlcad it'd still be revised .. I'd envision several reverts too :)
18:58.17 ``Erik well, feel free to use the 'patches' tracker, someone will review and comment on it ... eventually...
18:58.30 Z80-Boy or I can patch it myself and keep it ;-)
18:58.37 brlcad that you can
18:58.51 ``Erik as long as the license is respected, it's all good :)
18:58.51 Z80-Boy <PROTECTED>
18:59.00 Z80-Boy <PROTECTED>
18:59.36 *** join/#brlcad minute_ (
18:59.36 Z80-Boy I guess povray and other "competing" (not really ;-) ) systems don't do this in-band signalling data damage
18:59.47 Z80-Boy btw povray is triangle-only?
18:59.54 ``Erik no, povray is CSG with implicites
19:00.02 Z80-Boy implicite== ?
19:00.05 ``Erik but it outputs BMP iirc?
19:00.09 Z80-Boy OMG
19:00.17 Z80-Boy better than Microsoft Word, though
19:00.33 ``Erik heh
19:00.34 ``Erik hehehe
19:00.37 ``Erik mwahahahhahahahaa
19:00.48 ``Erik a raytracer that outputs to excel... with each 'pixel' being a colored cell :D
19:00.54 Z80-Boy lol
19:00.56 Z80-Boy ex-cell
19:01.40 ``Erik 'cept the moment you wnat more than, say, 80x25 renders, it crashes!
19:01.53 Z80-Boy can BRL-CAD render into aalib?
19:01.55 ``Erik also; white isn't really white, it's 100,000, or SUPER-white
19:01.56 ``Erik O.o
19:02.01 Z80-Boy or better libcaca?
19:02.13 Z80-Boy ``Erik: you mean the 77.1*85 stuff?
19:02.16 ``Erik no, but you can pix-png and push that through something that talks aalib
19:02.27 ``Erik yeah, z80, 65536 = 100000
19:02.29 Z80-Boy or play the video on aalib mplayer...
19:02.38 Z80-Boy ``Erik: where is the news?
19:02.44 ``Erik erm, slashdot?
19:02.54 Z80-Boy You know Windows Vista have to differ in something from XP - otherwise people wouldn't buy it
19:03.06 Z80-Boy So they differ in the math - give BIGGER, BETTER results!
19:03.09 ``Erik 65535 or 65536? O.o (and this was excel 2007, not windows)
19:03.17 Z80-Boy With Vista, your company accounting will shine suddenly in black numbers!
19:03.21 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/view.c: patch/suggestion from Z80-Boy, round the gamma-corrected values to the nearest int consistently using floor()
19:03.27 Z80-Boy They don't have Excel yet in the kernel?
19:03.38 ``Erik no difference to your vgr's, I presume?
19:03.54 brlcad Z80-Boy: if you need clean signal data, have rt output floating point images instead
19:04.05 brlcad that's probably as raw as it gets
19:04.10 Z80-Boy raw meat
19:04.19 Z80-Boy then I can get HDR lol
19:04.23 Z80-Boy which format is that?
19:04.24 ``Erik heh, yeah, 's/clock/Karel/g;s/Z80-Boy/Karel/g;s/whineybitch/Karel/g;s/...'
19:04.27 ``Erik *cough* O:-)
19:04.42 brlcad which format?
19:04.46 brlcad it's raw floating point data
19:04.49 ``Erik or, uh, 's/clock\|Z80-Boy\|whineybitch/Karel/g'
19:04.55 Z80-Boy well pix is 8-bit, which format is floating point?
19:05.21 brlcad double-precision floating point values, network ordered, iirc
19:05.33 Z80-Boy into the output file?
19:05.46 ``Erik <-- and that's enough to mkae it not crap? O.o
19:06.27 Z80-Boy ``Erik: maybe not anymore, after I "whined" ;-)
19:06.40 brlcad manure makes excellent fertilizer
19:06.54 Z80-Boy Does it mean the arbn mirroring bug is already fixed?
19:07.33 Z80-Boy Being crap actually doesn't mean a project is bad
19:07.54 Z80-Boy If the developers fix it, like in BRL-CAD they do very quickly, it doesn't matter
19:08.04 brlcad the "problem" is that it's massive, so you don't have to look far to find an issue .. the rate of issues per lines of code isn't likely any more or less than most other projects
19:08.12 Z80-Boy It booms? No prob, you "whine" or "bitch" (actually bugreport), they fix it, there we go...
19:08.21 Z80-Boy massive and oldskool :)
19:08.35 brlcad and just a lot of the issues .. really don't matter -- it's like making sure there are no cobwebs in the basement .. when you never/rarely ever go into the basement
19:09.33 brlcad the last time someone needed "actual" gamma correction was a decade ago, and they were going to PAL, so it really didn't matter more than needing to make sure the colors were consistent in intensity
19:09.36 Z80-Boy make ctags?
19:09.48 brlcad make tags
19:09.53 Z80-Boy well gamma correction is good to make sure you don't get Mach bands in 8-bit data
19:09.59 Z80-Boy tags make etags which I don't use
19:10.11 brlcad but you should be :)
19:10.12 Z80-Boy brlcad: you know the TV theory?
19:10.16 brlcad etags are so much better
19:10.21 Z80-Boy do they work in vim?
19:10.34 brlcad like i said.. they're better, so of course not ;)
19:10.40 brlcad actually I have no idea
19:10.52 brlcad wouldn't be surprised either way if there was a vim module for it
19:11.14 brlcad etags are just a lot better at tagging, fixed a lot of problems in ctags
19:11.19 Z80-Boy could be
19:11.27 Z80-Boy never tried etags actually
19:11.37 brlcad even etags gets tons of things outright wrong in a code like brl-cad
19:11.57 Z80-Boy no wonder
19:12.25 brlcad Z80-Boy: do you still need/want the sleep option, now that you know how to linger a window?
19:12.56 Z80-Boy brlcad: with the linger I have to right click
19:13.06 Z80-Boy With sleep I don't need
19:13.20 Z80-Boy it could be used in a slow-motion script so that people can check if their video doesn't contain any glitches
19:13.23 Z80-Boy with -p 1
19:13.36 Z80-Boy When the patch is already here...
19:13.51 brlcad i do too, just trying to see how useful
19:14.10 brlcad can't be too much crap, it's just like 4 lines
19:14.25 Z80-Boy max. 4 lines can be crappy
19:14.31 Z80-Boy plus the manpage patch.
19:14.40 Z80-Boy Outsider patches are mostly crap
19:14.40 brlcad the bigger issue is that of feature creep consistency, if it's going to be added, it should probably be on all the tracers
19:14.47 Z80-Boy L0CALZ 0NLY!
19:15.18 Z80-Boy tracer == ?
19:15.28 Z80-Boy well then don't add it
19:15.29 brlcad ray-tracers
19:15.42 ``Erik that's just opt.c, no?
19:15.42 Z80-Boy is pix-fb a raytracer?
19:15.43 brlcad the ones that output to framebuffer at least
19:15.54 ``Erik no, pix-fb is a weirdassed converter O.o
19:15.54 Z80-Boy Then better not add it
19:16.03 Z80-Boy My patch was for pix-fb
19:16.26 Z80-Boy brlcad: floating point files will be huge on the disk
19:16.33 Z80-Boy brlcad: I think 8-bit 2.2 gamma files are fine
19:16.55 Z80-Boy My 2Y'CbCr converter takes that input format anyway
19:17.06 Z80-Boy It's much better quality that what you get from common video formats anyway
19:17.13 ``Erik erm, only 8x the size of a pix...
19:17.36 Z80-Boy I think the clipping should be done in floating point and not in int
19:17.53 Z80-Boy if you get some extreme light concentration from the raytrcing (lens)? you could get black spots
19:18.03 Z80-Boy "only"
19:18.20 brlcad sounds good to me, I'm not positive the dpix output was ever fully implemented myself *grin*
19:19.41 Z80-Boy did you see Surf's Up?
19:19.48 Z80-Boy It's a fully rendered film about surfing penguins
19:20.06 brlcad not yet
19:20.07 Z80-Boy they have the waves quite good except two things:
19:20.20 Z80-Boy 1) the penguin gets a stable ride at high speed which he I guess shouldn't
19:20.38 Z80-Boy 2) they didn't bother with calculating the waves spreading from the surfboard
19:21.04 Z80-Boy also maybe 3) the waves turn up to be suspiciously perfect
19:21.25 Z80-Boy But that wasn't rendered in brl-cad, I guess
19:22.22 Z80-Boy I wonder what wavelet.c is used for, it sounds interesting.
19:22.55 Z80-Boy <PROTECTED>
19:22.55 Z80-Boy <PROTECTED>
19:22.55 Z80-Boy <PROTECTED>
19:23.04 Z80-Boy Did you try wavelet compression of the output data?
19:23.58 Z80-Boy C. S. Morrison everywhere ;-)
19:24.44 Z80-Boy ah no that's special thanks
19:26.03 brlcad a few more signficant patches bumps that up to code contributions, a *whole* lot more and you'd be up in the dev category
19:26.20 brlcad haar wavelet transforms are awesome
19:26.33 Z80-Boy yeah it's like mipmaps
19:26.42 brlcad kind of
19:26.54 ``Erik [[1 1][1 -1]] O.o heh
19:26.55 brlcad a great way to manipulate signal data
19:26.57 Z80-Boy I once wrote a wavelet preprocessor for lossless sound compression
19:27.45 brlcad perform decomposition all the way down, do a low pass filter, then reconstruct .. beautiful noise reduction
19:27.50 ``Erik erm, but if it's digital sound, it's already lossy :D *duck*
19:27.56 brlcad and great compression characteristics
19:28.07 Z80-Boy brlcad: low pass the highest band?
19:29.17 brlcad it's not used anywhere, it's one of a hundred or so standalone signal processing tools
19:29.48 brlcad if you see noise in the trace, it's caused by tracer options or the geometry
19:30.03 brlcad (usually)
19:30.30 brlcad e.g. using jitter and not understanding what it means to rt
19:31.08 brlcad bbiab
19:32.09 ``Erik hehehe, -j2 -h0 :o
19:39.34 Z80-Boy Is there a simple way how to disable the restart code correctly?
19:39.44 ``Erik um
19:39.47 ``Erik in uhhhhh view.c
19:39.59 Z80-Boy I'm still not getting how it works
19:40.15 ``Erik line, um
19:40.18 ``Erik 1410ish
19:40.28 ``Erik change HAVE_UNIX_IO to 0
19:40.31 ``Erik that should do it
19:40.36 Z80-Boy lol :)
19:40.43 ``Erik not quite 'correctly', but it should work
19:41.13 ``Erik well
19:41.35 Z80-Boy sure, it makes sense
19:41.48 ``Erik pretty much every machine these days has unix i/o...
19:42.25 ``Erik and that should go away, oh, next week when I get around to it :)
19:42.58 Z80-Boy view.c:211: error: syntax error before '<<' token
19:43.07 Z80-Boy lol, Z80-Boy did a blind cvs-update
19:43.19 ``Erik the basic premise of how it works is probably ... not quite right... I might make it pre-fill the image to make sure there's space to write to :/
19:43.33 ``Erik yes, <<<<<<<<<<<< confuses C
19:43.36 Z80-Boy I see brlcad is very fast
19:43.52 ``Erik ?
19:44.05 Z80-Boy he already added the floor(pow()+0.5)
19:44.15 ``Erik oh yeah, almost an hour ago
19:44.26 ``Erik CIA-4 reported it...
19:44.49 ``Erik should I give you my order?
19:45.02 Z80-Boy order?
19:45.11 ``Erik you're making enough food for everyone, right?
19:45.16 Z80-Boy no
19:45.22 Z80-Boy it's too far away for you
19:45.46 Z80-Boy unless you send Air Force One for it of course...
19:46.23 ``Erik heh, air farce one? O.o I don't even qualify to ride cattle on a commercial flight
19:46.48 Z80-Boy farce lol
19:46.52 Z80-Boy ../../src/libdm/.libs/ undefined reference to `ogl_fogHint'
19:46.57 Z80-Boy Do I need to rerun now?
19:47.03 Z80-Boy or configure?
19:47.07 ``Erik um, gnumake shoulda done that for you
19:47.19 ``Erik try, uh, make clean in libdm and rebuild?
19:47.35 ``Erik apparently I had some slop in my modification to that brlcad fixed
19:48.44 Z80-Boy so now if I break it in the middle of the pixfile it will just overwrite it?
19:48.58 ``Erik should
19:49.07 ``Erik if it doesn't, I'll look into it...
19:49.19 ``Erik SHOULD be working on a, uh, document, though.
19:49.35 Z80-Boy I need a quick hack to produce correct videos for Ronja within that week you plan to shoot it off definitely after
19:51.31 Z80-Boy have you heard about pcc?
19:52.06 Z80-Boy They want to put it into OpenBSD
19:52.14 Z80-Boy It was written in mid 70's!
19:52.23 Z80-Boy Even a bit more oldschool than BRL-CAD!
19:52.35 Z80-Boy brl-cad compiled successfully
19:53.41 ``Erik yes, ummm
19:53.46 ``Erik netbsd did it, too, I think
19:53.53 ``Erik it's less gnu-ey than gcc
19:54.16 ``Erik and fbsd has an annual 'replace gcc with tendra' trollfest
19:54.38 Z80-Boy but now what happens if I say have 50 frames computer from 360 and I break it and run again
19:54.44 Z80-Boy will 50 frames be skipped?
19:56.07 ``Erik it SHOULD just disable the continuation of that one frame, and start that frame over
19:56.28 Z80-Boy so complete frames will be skipped, and incomplete recalculated?
19:56.38 ``Erik I think so
19:56.57 Z80-Boy Otherwise I need to calculate into a separate file and then do an atomic mv by the script
19:57.33 Z80-Boy can the rt output color according to how long it took to calculate given ray?
19:58.18 ``Erik no
19:59.16 Z80-Boy what other tricks it can do apart from rt and rtedge?
19:59.41 Z80-Boy rtxray lol :)
20:00.05 Z80-Boy rtweight too...
20:00.42 Z80-Boy wow, it really skips the complete file :)
20:01.44 Z80-Boy but it still does the same problem :(
20:02.26 Z80-Boy oh no, that's because I forgot make install!
20:19.19 Z80-Boy Hmm make install didn't help :(
20:19.47 yukonbob ``Erik: netbsd is working/playing w/ pcc, yes.
20:53.18 Z80-Boy It's about as good idea as making it from asbestos
20:53.25 Z80-Boy people coughing blood will sue the ass out of you
21:08.15 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
21:08.22 brlcad some of the HAVE_UNIX_IO sections don't work without modification on Windows, that's why they've not yet been removed .. needs some interactive love'n'care'n'testing else they'll just turn into !_WIN32 sections
21:13.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald 07STABLE * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: merge of V5 implementation from HEAD
21:17.33 ``Erik ooh, a b ig one O.o
21:45.46 ``Erik *yawn*
22:35.38 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
22:36.50 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/tedit.c: only report the basename of the editor
23:54.58 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@

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