IRC log for #brlcad on 20071003

00:17.07 ``Erik SO, brlcad, why is it that when I do a default ./configure on a hackintop, it wants to build libpng?
00:53.21 Twingy ``Erik, the "nios" is the propietary collection of logic gates to create a minimalistic instruction set to become compatible with a linux kernel
00:54.14 Twingy in reality an individual will use a cpld/fpga for designing a rather simplistic logic device such as a hybrid 74xx series device or venture off and write some vhld and hope it generates some reasonable gates for you
00:54.20 ``Erik hum, I have a memory of the windows tool itself being finicky
00:54.42 Twingy *vhdl
00:55.27 Twingy there is very little appeal to me in that regard at least with my current laundry list of things I do
03:13.46 brlcad ``Erik: because os x actually doesn't provide libpng
03:14.31 brlcad they have png support, but it's not libpng .. built-in to one of the foundation frameworks, they do their own thing (optimized version)
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13:28.54 Z80-Boy brlcad: I wrote a program that can automatically generate further documentation for BRL-CAD:
13:31.17 brlcad heh
13:39.52 ``Erik ok, the bottom looks like it's out of a cheat sheet or pdf or something... the top looks like docs generated from code... our code, anyways O:-)
13:42.45 ``Erik hum, path add for /sw and /opt/local went away
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17:11.01 ``Erik the truely ignorant never feel ignorant
17:12.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tab/ see if that helps the distcheck, declare and clean the build source file from the lexer
17:14.34 ``Erik doh, beat me to it
17:14.44 brlcad muahaha
17:16.59 ``Erik y'know, I dunno if the 780 can handle ra92 drives
17:19.09 ``Erik I think once I get a useful image all set up, I might drop it on bz for anyone who wants to play... was kinda a bitch to set up
17:22.20 *** part/#brlcad thing0 (
17:34.26 brlcad yeah, that'd be cool
17:34.54 ``Erik provided there aren't any license concerns, heh... I'm surprised that I foudn scripts to attempt to build it and stuff, but no binary image
17:35.15 ``Erik w00t, got an ra92 labeled, formatted and mounted
17:35.29 brlcad i was going to give it a try, ran across 4.3 somewhere, but then had some problem with it
17:35.46 brlcad netbsd was just "easier" and I'd not gotten the pdp to load up
17:36.19 ``Erik 4.3 proper is not public, due to copyright crap... I'm using the quasijarus variant ('missing' stuff has been re-written)
17:36.43 ``Erik <-- has had good results with the pdp1 and pdp11
17:37.31 ``Erik this has been my starting point
17:37.42 ``Erik but the port files dont' work, the scripts don't quite work, ...
17:37.59 brlcad getting the vax 11/780 going will be the money shot
17:38.27 ``Erik vgr wasn't exactly out of the box, though... chuck was evil to it
17:38.32 brlcad ah, cool, i'd not seen that page
17:38.52 ``Erik has also helped me a little
17:38.56 brlcad well, that just means that theoretically you should get a sub-1 vgr :)
17:39.47 ``Erik I figure if I'm in 30%, it's going really well
17:40.13 ``Erik if kermit remembers roughly what he did, I could try faking it in the sim
17:42.23 ``Erik nah, hain't been there... part of the fun is muddling through it myself and hunting down the info :D the other part is asking people who used to use 'em and getting the local stories
17:42.58 ``Erik ed knows a fair bit more than I think he's willing to admit to himself
17:45.39 ``Erik hum, our benchmark results were from 4.5?
17:50.42 ``Erik uhhhhh
18:03.00 brlcad heh, called it "hurt"
18:03.28 brlcad basically all of rt combined into one file with a few things thrown out
18:03.43 brlcad though if you get through bu and rt then you're probably 90% done to start with
18:04.32 brlcad that tar.Z compressed is actually almost the same size
18:04.33 brlcad # du -k cad4.3.tar.Z
18:04.33 brlcad 18652 cad4.3.tar.Z
18:04.33 brlcad # du -k src/tmp
18:04.34 brlcad 18352 src/tmp
18:06.31 ``Erik <-- grabbing rel-4-5
18:07.01 ``Erik pix/moss.pix indicates that's what I WANT, and it isn't in the OLD/ dir
18:07.25 brlcad ah, right, good catch
18:07.31 brlcad forgot it's in the log files
18:07.55 brlcad you can download 4.5 off various public websites (encrypted) too
18:08.02 brlcad i think it's up on bz somewhere too
18:10.51 brlcad hm, i guess not anymore on .bz
18:12.06 brlcad ooh, it'd be awesome to get simh listening on a port on .bz so you could log into it remotely =)
18:12.10 ``Erik cvs [update aborted]: cannot rename file CVS/Entries.Backup to CVS/Entries: No such file or directory
18:12.12 ``Erik awesome.
18:12.30 ``Erik well, hrm, I don't think the networking works on the 780 yet
18:12.33 ``Erik not all the way
18:13.02 ``Erik oddly enough, I'm using kermit to attach to a serial port on it, heh...
18:13.27 brlcad wouldn't need networking, just hook it up into some tcpwrapper that invoked siimh
18:13.47 ``Erik so everyone gets their own image? simh isn't terribly efficient
18:13.54 brlcad yeah, something like that :)
18:14.31 ``Erik emulating a pdp11 at historic speed requires a p3 or better
18:14.32 brlcad anyone have any aversion to removing the MAINTAINERCLEAN directives?
18:14.44 brlcad at least for the entries
18:15.48 brlcad not a big deal imho, but it's less to futz with in the files .. even though it's still totally dubious as to whether you truely "need" those in order to run ./configure and make per automake guidelines
18:16.14 ``Erik if 'distcheck' is happy with them gone... I don't care *shrug*
18:17.11 brlcad yeah, I'd just added them way back when I felt a little more adament that the behavior was good for maintainer-clean
18:17.35 brlcad but in however many years over however many projects .. I just don't find myself ever using maintainer-clean
18:17.44 brlcad hell, I use distclean more than that
18:20.13 ``Erik <-- doesn't think he's ever seriously used it
18:20.59 ``Erik hum, with throttling on, it's not chewing too much cpu
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18:21.11 ``Erik still a bit of memory... 15 megs for an 8m 780
18:21.55 ``Erik and bz isn't exactly a beasty machine these days
18:25.42 brlcad yeah, I'm actually considering an upgrade as of just yesterday
18:26.10 brlcad there's a deal the isp is offering that'd give me a good chance to easily upgrade to the 6 kernel
18:26.32 brlcad plus bigger disk, and going from celeron 2.4 to PIV 2.4
18:26.40 brlcad with more memory
18:26.47 brlcad all for just a couple bucks extra
18:27.50 ``Erik interesting, 4.5's tcl seems to be... scattered? or incomplete? O.o
18:27.57 brlcad unless they agree to my request to keep my current bandwidth cap (which they're considering), I'd loose about 1MBit of my max .. but then I've yet to use more than 20% of my pipe as it is
18:28.21 brlcad both
18:28.24 brlcad 4.5 didn't have tcl yet
18:28.32 brlcad at least not yet exposed to the user
18:28.37 brlcad it was the last pre-tcl version
18:28.57 ``Erik 55 meg tarball O.o
18:29.45 brlcad "shouldn't" even be in the build iirc .. but maybe .. it was started around 4.4 with some testing iirc
18:30.17 ``Erik files are scattered around
18:38.55 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tab/ bad resort on trailing slash
18:54.40 MinuteElectron brlcad: Do you have a minute?
19:13.35 ``Erik hurrr, I'm a retard
19:13.48 ``Erik "how do I get this tar file off of the tape to unpack it?" ...
19:16.46 ``Erik compiling cake and cakeaux
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19:34.58 ``Erik behhh
19:36.20 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
19:36.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (106 files in 106 dirs): remove the MAINTAINERCLEAN rules, they're never really used regardless of the debate over whether the files belong there or not
19:37.08 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (55 files in 55 dirs): remove the MAINTAINERCLEAN rules, they're never really used regardless of the debate over whether the files belong there or not
19:37.40 ``Erik huh
19:39.53 ``Erik interesting, bsd4.3 doesn't seem to have an -x option to test, so sh/ was being pissy
19:51.36 ``Erik yuh oh
19:51.37 ``Erik "../librt/./polyno.h", line 35: syntax error
20:14.11 brlcad nice
20:15.09 brlcad MinuteElectron: not really, but will hopefully in a few minutes
20:15.42 ``Erik hum
20:15.50 brlcad wow, polyno.h .. haven't seen that filename in ages
20:16.13 ``Erik that's the wonderful error you get when you redefine a typedef on this cc
20:16.39 brlcad dude, can't you get gcc working on it or something? :)
20:16.50 ``Erik heh
20:16.52 brlcad I think the last builds were done with gcc anyways for the vax
20:17.14 ``Erik it's a pita to keep building tapes O.o
20:17.23 brlcad iirc, had to cross-compile rt because of address limits during linking
21:11.42 ``Erik hurf, files have been moved in naughty ways, probably in RCS
21:16.47 ``Erik 4.3 it is
21:49.46 brlcad kermit said he might actually have 4.3 bsd binaries around somewhere
21:50.09 brlcad yeah, I know for certain that files have moved in CVS/RCS since 4.3
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23:13.11 ``Erik heh, iraytrace, vgr's spirit lives in the body of orthus, bsd4.3 on a vax 11/780, just compiled BRL-CAD 4.3 on it today O.o gonna see if I can get cvs head kinda working enough to run benchmarks after I tune it to run at 1 vgr :D
23:13.20 ``Erik hostname is O.o
23:13.56 iraytrace seriously cool
23:14.36 ``Erik once it's done, I'm thinking about putting the disk image and boot config on bz for anyone interested O.o brlcad wants a telnet port on bz for anyone to try out
23:15.40 ``Erik <-- running an ra81 as the primary drive, ra92 as the fun drive, and a ts11 tape drive, with a serial/modem console attached via kermit
23:15.51 ``Erik simh ftw
23:15.58 iraytrace So what are you tuning to get the simulator to run at 1vgr?
23:16.12 ``Erik there's a throttle setting where you can specify mips or kips
23:16.23 iraytrace Sweeeeet
23:16.41 ``Erik I don't *THINK* there's a way to get dual cpu on it, so instead of trying to actually get it right, I'm gonna fdge
23:16.44 ``Erik fudge
23:17.00 iraytrace uh, the old VGR numbers were for a single cpu.
23:17.10 iraytrace you should be good to go
23:17.12 ``Erik but I'll bug kermit to get some stuff right-ish I think... I'll call him up and ask him if he has an ra92 tub drive I can borrow :D
23:17.33 ``Erik cool, ed told me that the machine was modified to take a second cpu in its life.. and I'm under the impression that kermit was hotrodding it
23:18.06 iraytrace At one point it was dual cpu. The reference benchmarks were run single cpu.
23:18.40 iraytrace The second cpu just allowed another *process* to run. Remember, this pre-dates posix threads
23:19.55 ``Erik heh, the latest vgr sync was in december of '97 from what I read O.o
23:20.25 ``Erik be interestin gto see where our off-by-on errors crept in O.o
23:21.14 ``Erik oh, the mjm dedication was recorded, there's an email addy where you can request a copy, but I left it at work
23:23.03 iraytrace When you get a chance, shoot it to me.
23:23.13 iraytrace Have you heard from LeeAnn?
23:23.19 ``Erik um
23:36.57 iraytrace *you* can probably get away with it.
23:41.45 ``Erik hrm, irssi?
23:50.34 iraytrace Colloquy actually
23:51.51 ``Erik ah
23:52.00 ``Erik privmsg goes to a hidden window or something?
23:52.54 iraytrace different "chat" section
23:53.11 iraytrace um. Different window.

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