IRC log for #brlcad on 20071004

01:52.50 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
02:06.57 yukonbob ?what's btclsh for
02:07.59 brlcad it's a tclsh that has the brl-cad extensions preloaded
02:08.53 brlcad e.g. run "bu_brlcad_data ." in btclsh
02:09.00 brlcad it'll show you were the data path is
02:09.00 yukonbob so that's why it's linked against libtclcad... is that the only way to get libtclcad functionality, or is it possible to load libtclcad into tclsh via package require?
02:09.30 brlcad hm, I believe you could do a direct "load"
02:09.47 brlcad not sure if it'd need some pkgIndex.tcl or other Init() function, though
02:09.50 ``Erik if a require could snarf up C code very easily, I'd imagine 'wish' would not be a standalone binary? *shrug*
02:10.28 yukonbob "wish" is a convenience name... you can just as well run tclsh and package require tk.
02:10.44 brlcad it auto-creates the top-level window too
02:10.44 ``Erik aight, *shrug* I'm not a tcl guy
02:10.57 brlcad so you can just start packing
02:11.01 yukonbob brlcad: so will package require tk ;)
02:11.02 ``Erik heh
02:11.07 brlcad it does?
02:11.29 brlcad ah, so it does
02:11.35 brlcad learn something new every day
02:11.43 ``Erik hum, heh,
02:11.43 ``Erik % package require tk
02:11.43 ``Erik can't find package tk
02:11.46 brlcad Tk
02:11.46 yukonbob Tk
02:11.50 ``Erik okie
02:12.31 ``Erik it might be possible to eliminate btclsh (or make it a 2 line tcl program) then *shrug* :)
02:12.52 brlcad simh ftw!
02:13.07 ``Erik hrm?
02:13.13 brlcad just reading the backlog
02:13.20 ``Erik :D
02:13.27 ``Erik yeah, I wanna spin kermit up with a phone call
02:13.43 yukonbob I'm stripping as much from the build as possible on my tcl/tk8.4 quest to use local libs... and it's currently puking on btclsh, but like ``Erik just said, it might be easily skipped...
02:15.09 yukonbob does mged use btclsh?
02:15.13 brlcad no
02:15.20 ``Erik mged wires straight to libtcl
02:15.32 brlcad mged is its own interpreter
02:15.49 ``Erik TclInterp out the wazoo in src/mged/ :)
02:15.58 brlcad rather, with an embedded tcl interpreter integrated with mged's own processing loop
02:16.05 ``Erik just one? heh
02:16.13 brlcad just one..
02:16.27 yukonbob so, might one be able to build the brl-cad suite w/o btclsh and still be reasonably functional?
02:16.34 brlcad sure
02:16.43 ``Erik completely functional as far as I can tell
02:16.54 yukonbob rock'n'roll...
02:16.59 brlcad not completely, stand-alone rtwizard uses it
02:17.07 ``Erik ah, ok
02:17.20 ``Erik is there a reason rtwizard couldn't use, say, mged -c ?
02:17.26 brlcad the prep in the tclscripts dir will fail without it, so it'll rely on the existing precomputed results
02:18.09 ``Erik (and actually... getting back to the original issue... btclsh will link against system libtcl iirc)
02:18.13 yukonbob are those script doing CAD-ish stuff, or only Tcl-ish stuff?
02:18.24 ``Erik src/btclsh/ is a pretty light directory
02:18.43 ``Erik er
02:18.46 ``Erik src/bwish
02:18.54 yukonbob but if I've already got Tcl installed, I've got tclsh, and could just 'load libtclcad' and get "btclsh".
02:19.05 ``Erik I mean, about a thousand lines of code for both btclsh and bwish
02:19.10 yukonbob (if that in fact works...)
02:19.32 brlcad yukonbob: rtwizard just does tclish stuff iirc
02:19.54 brlcad i'm not *certain* you can just load libtclcad .. never tried it
02:20.11 yukonbob brlcad: never a better time than the present...
02:20.16 brlcad but in theory at least you should be able to, or at least come close to that after adding the hooks
02:20.20 ``Erik blaze a trail, yukon :D see if it's possible, explore it!
02:21.04 brlcad i imagine it won't work outright simply because there's nothing that says what function(s) it needs to invoke, and how to get access to the functions the lib provides
02:21.34 brlcad when mged uses it, it just calls the function in C-land, and it gets passed the already created interpreter
02:25.24 brlcad woo hoo, .bz's ISP agreed to let me keep my bandwidth at the same price .. so looks like I'll be doing the upgrade after all
02:25.59 brlcad ``Erik: any special setup requests/suggestions (w.r.t. freebsd)? likely choose stable 6 otherwise
02:32.22 ``Erik a modern 6 (6.2-stable) is a good place for an os to be
02:32.52 ``Erik my request is not letting it go so outdated that updated ports fail :D and of course, I have 8 zillion ports I'd strongly recommend
02:33.13 ``Erik portmanager, portaudit, uh, uptimed, ... bash cuz I'm lame...
02:34.13 ``Erik but, hey, it's your box :) if you want, I'll help where I can, but I aint' got no final say, yo
02:35.43 ``Erik awesome that they're grandfathering you in
02:36.23 ``Erik might make it worth putting effort into putting up some fun simh with anonymous telnet (throttled, of course)
02:37.41 brlcad it moved to 6 within just a month or two of getting installed
02:38.46 brlcad otherwise, you've seen as much of the port upgrades as I have .. there were at least 6 full-port updates over the last two years
02:39.13 brlcad and only that infrequent because they became harder and harder to do
02:39.35 brlcad I think I'll pay the extra per month and upgrade the net link as well
02:46.03 ``Erik 5.21 was more than 6mo before 6.0... like, 18 months
02:46.33 brlcad i mean, it was the end of the stable line
02:46.42 brlcad then a month or two later, it swapped to 6
03:10.37 ``Erik 5.3 and 5.4 were stables before 6.0 went stable
03:10.46 ``Erik and there's a 5.5 out, too
03:25.23 yukonbob libtool: link: warning: library `/usr/pkgsrc/bch/brlcad/work/.buildlink/lib/tcl/itk3.3/' was moved.
03:25.42 yukonbob means
03:25.42 yukonbob ... building mged...
03:26.10 yukonbob I got similar when I was building bwish (which I've now just skipped), but I _do_ want mged...
03:51.41 ``Erik 'was moved'? O.o
03:52.27 yukonbob ya -- it's weird -- ..and then I get some basic Xlib (I think) missing references -- might be a pkgsrc thing -- I just updated my Makefile to see what shakes out...
03:52.50 yukonbob do you know what it means? (/me guesses "no" based on your eyes O.o
03:52.52 yukonbob )
03:52.59 brlcad it probably really was moved, something pkgsrc is doing maybe (where it was compiled for one path, but finally put into another, then libs linked with it in the final location)
03:53.35 yukonbob the .la looks "normal" to me, though...
03:53.47 yukonbob just failed again... get ready for short flood:
03:53.50 brlcad it means what I wrote in the parenthetical .. which would be either an unclean build, or it really was moved, or you're getting something to link against two different itk33 libs
03:53.54 ``Erik um
03:53.57 ``Erik
03:55.38 yukonbob
03:57.54 ``Erik hrmmmm what os again? debian/ubuntu?
03:58.25 yukonbob netbsd
03:58.31 ``Erik O.o hrm
03:58.54 brlcad it's missing -Xi
03:58.58 brlcad er, -lXi
03:59.10 ``Erik what lib is, say, XOpenDevice in there? pehaps Xi?
03:59.11 ``Erik heh
03:59.13 ``Erik beat me to it
04:00.35 brlcad that should be fixed on head already
04:01.01 brlcad assuming you really do have a usable Xi and that our test isn't flawed
04:01.11 yukonbob we'll find out ;)
04:01.38 brlcad grep X_LIBS Makefile
04:01.43 brlcad what does it report?
04:02.14 yukonbob is building ... 1 sec.
04:02.35 brlcad Tk functionality test also includes Tcl
04:02.48 brlcad the Tk lib test is an independent symbol search
04:02.58 brlcad shouldn't need tcl for that
04:03.25 brlcad (if you did, pretty much all the lib symbol tests would fail for more than a dozen libs)
04:09.07 yukonbob thx. for help w/ all this folks -- I hope something good comes of it for both of us ;)
04:09.45 yukonbob brl-cad supermodel edition *Now Less Calories!!*
04:10.04 yukonbob actually "supermodel" is a good name, in this case...
04:10.13 yukonbob (tm)!
04:11.56 yukonbob so, is archer X11 too, or just Win/Mac?
04:12.41 louipc it's buggy in linux
04:13.05 louipc well buggy to the point I can't get anything other than a little grey box
04:13.12 yukonbob where linux == linux/bsd/solaris/*nix -- or just linux?
04:13.35 louipc I don't have those other *nix so i couldn't say
04:13.48 louipc but that would seem like a logical assumption
04:14.03 yukonbob is tcl/tk, fltk, gtk, other?
04:14.33 louipc tcl/tk
04:15.14 yukonbob idea is it's primarily WIMP interface, vs. mged's keyboarding?
04:15.46 louipc I hope it has command line!
04:25.56 yukonbob !yaY
04:53.15 brlcad yukonbob: archer is pure tcl/tk
04:53.33 yukonbob nice... what are the plans for mged?
04:53.47 brlcad louipc: I just fixed archer a couple days ago... it should work everywhere now if I got took care of all the loading issues
04:54.37 brlcad archer actually includes a half embedded and half-rewritten mged
04:55.06 louipc oh sweet
04:55.16 yukonbob where did the name "archer" come from?
04:55.16 brlcad it was a prototype interface intended to maybe some day replace mged or at least show what's possible even via tcl/tk with a different style gui
04:55.45 brlcad it was part of this joint (army, navy, air force) SBIR funded project called "Crossbow"
04:56.03 brlcad archer was one of the tools in the project, one of several similarly named tools
04:56.08 yukonbob ahh
04:56.29 yukonbob arrow, target, robinhood, apple?
04:56.44 brlcad the project dealt with vulnerability/lethality calculations, so naming it with things that throw projectiles was quite appropriate
04:56.52 louipc the marines don't need cad eh?
04:57.10 brlcad marines don't do research :)
04:57.16 yukonbob heh
04:58.14 brlcad archer still keeps a command console, with most of the core mged commands still available, and shows how things could work with various tabbed information panels, gui buttons, and more
04:58.27 brlcad navy uses brl-cad
04:59.43 brlcad they're just late to the V/L game, it took a catastrophic event like a ship bombing to get them thinking about paying more attention to their vulnerabilites
05:01.46 louipc I'd have thought that would be the first thing you'd think of when building any type of military vehicle heh
05:02.41 yukonbob louipc: are you a brl-cad dev?
05:03.06 louipc nope just an interloper
05:03.13 yukonbob :)
05:03.48 brlcad louipc: it was federally mandated that everyone *has* to think about it before vehicles go into use
05:04.01 brlcad but the level of that thought varies widely, as do the needs
05:04.20 brlcad the V/L characteristics of a ship vs. a plane vs. a tank are *massively* different
05:04.38 brlcad i mean, if a plane is hit, it's pretty much a critical kill
05:04.59 brlcad if a tank is hit, it very well might actually bounce off
05:05.21 yukonbob is that a function of the plane/tank, or just their geometric properties, though?
05:05.46 louipc both I think
05:05.48 yukonbob tank == thicker angled armour, plane == thin aluminum tubes or carbon fiber, etc.
05:05.50 brlcad depends on both, and varies heavily asset to asset
05:05.59 brlcad as well as the threat
05:07.08 louipc like the tail prop of a chopper is a critical yet delicate part. if that's taken out the whole thing comes down.. even if the rest is intact
05:07.41 yukonbob well, brlcad wouldn't know that, though, would it?
05:07.43 brlcad either way, the vast *majority* of all V/L analyses are used by a single code that directly hooks into BRL-CAD for geometric analyses answering questions like "what components are along this shotline", so the more V/L work going on, the more folks (in DoD) are using BRL-CAD (directly and indirectly)
05:08.18 louipc brlcad does the modelling...
05:08.56 brlcad the modeling, and the *geometric* analysis (which is almost entirely what drives the *V/L* analyses, which then add in their own algoritms)
05:09.34 brlcad they deal with the physics of penetrations, simulating interactions, velocities, energy, etc .. BRL-CAD answers all the questions about the geometry
05:10.33 brlcad like what material is the object, where is it physically, what regions is it comprised of, what mass/volume/moments/etc does it have, how thick is something from a given angle, what's along a shotline, etc
05:11.03 brlcad yukonbob: cool, was there much backport changes?
05:11.23 yukonbob mostly the build process... though I've only been running it ~30s
05:11.34 brlcad no tcl/code changes?
05:11.39 yukonbob not yet.
05:12.00 yukonbob ... but if it's OK with you, I'd really appreciate 8.4 support, and can help w/ determining needs to that end...
05:12.45 yukonbob (where support == consideration in future code for 8.4 compat)
05:13.27 brlcad I could possibly motivate/convince a back-port to 8.4 to the folks that will care, but I'd need to know the exact steps/patching needed and test it myself first
05:16.04 yukonbob btw, 'load' yields "couldn't find procedure Tclcad_Init".
05:16.08 louipc is tcl beta in brlcad now?
05:18.22 brlcad ah, cool -- figured they'd auto-search for some _Init() function
05:18.31 brlcad no, beta's not in yet
05:18.49 brlcad wanna add it? :)
05:19.32 louipc :D
05:20.03 louipc I'd love to but other things are grabbing my time
05:21.30 yukonbob now my rtarea works, presumably so will rtedge, among others ;)
05:23.03 yukonbob wireframe in mged gfx window seems slower (compared to 7.8.x) -- anybody else notice this?
05:23.15 yukonbob *slower rotation w/ x,y,z
05:25.56 yukonbob for arb*, does it matter what order the points are entered?
05:41.17 brlcad yes, it does
05:41.33 brlcad gfx may actually be slower if you compile optimized vs non-optimized
05:41.41 brlcad or with/without opengl
05:41.57 brlcad otherwise, it's all in your head
05:42.19 brlcad it reports a fps in the faceplate
05:42.32 brlcad (on the misc options in the menu)
06:14.56 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
07:09.46 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
07:20.12 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
09:41.18 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
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13:59.28 ``Erik unthrottled....
13:59.28 ``Erik Abs vgr2 2261.62 1051.17 809.07 771.05 1003.79 1179.34
13:59.29 ``Erik *vgr vgr2 16.50 15.67 14.42 14.44 14.19 15.04
14:32.41 Z80-Boy Now the Ronja videos are recompiled without the flashes and uploaded to the Ronja page, woohoo :)
14:33.42 archivist one for ``Erik as a connesiur of amusing pics
14:51.33 Maloeran Argh, please don't post stuff like that
15:05.49 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
15:16.48 ``Erik heh
15:16.59 ``Erik I'll assume it's not work safe and will avoid opening it O.o
15:20.13 ``Erik such awesome hardware, with 45 minute renderings
15:30.31 archivist a motorcycle, a bare butt, a can of beans and a traffic cone
15:31.00 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
15:33.18 ``Erik that, um...
15:33.19 ``Erik uh...
16:48.35 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
16:53.40 Z80-Boy brlcad: basically all ronja models - including those with complicated screws - render fast
16:53.54 Z80-Boy except for 2 models where a screw is cut apart, which render orders of magnitude slower
16:53.59 Z80-Boy Isn't that suspicious?
16:54.11 Z80-Boy Even when the screw actually occupies only tiny fraction of the picture
17:04.18 ``Erik how is it cut?
17:04.43 ``Erik the 'cut' primitive can make things really really really slow
17:05.27 MinuteElectron brlcad: I guess I wasn't here 'in a few minutes' lol.
17:05.27 Z80-Boy it's a boolean operation
17:05.27 Z80-Boy with a rpp
17:05.27 Z80-Boy either subtract or and, both slow
17:05.49 ``Erik hum, depending on how the tree is built, you might be doing way more weaves than you need to be
17:10.53 ``Erik (and brlcad probably wont' be here for several hours... he might even be too busy until mondayish)
17:11.15 MinuteElectron screwin @ me
17:18.15 *** join/#brlcad poolio_ (
17:21.46 yukonbob
18:56.14 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
19:47.31 ``Erik nifty, looks like vgr was running around 345Kips
19:58.02 dtidrow_work I forget - what does the benchmark program summary mean again?
20:02.40 ``Erik um, which part?
20:02.55 ``Erik the vgr bit?
20:03.20 dtidrow_work <PROTECTED>
20:03.23 dtidrow_work arg
20:03.35 ``Erik oh, heh :D
20:03.49 ``Erik the Abs line is second sof computation for each image, then the mean
20:03.53 dtidrow_work that stuff - let me get the recent one from my lappy
20:04.05 ``Erik the *vgr line is how many vgr's worth of unf that is
20:04.19 ``Erik where vgr was a vax 11/780 running BSD 4.2/4.3
20:04.47 dtidrow_work ah
20:04.51 dtidrow_work Abs localhost.localdomain 1035035.81 467863.48 482449.25 374872.08 513705.77 540954.26 569146.77 Sat Jun 30 14:15:09 EDT 2007
20:04.51 dtidrow_work *vgr localhost.localdomain 7554.45 6976.78 8604.40 7025.33 7267.02 36.49 6244.07
20:04.52 ``Erik vgr2 is a simulated 11/780 running 4.3BSD, I'm trying to tune the sim to give me the same results as the old hw
20:05.11 dtidrow_work that's the laptop benchmark
20:05.17 ``Erik you should have a summary file that explains all the results
20:05.38 dtidrow_work hmmm, the 'summay' file just had what I pasted
20:05.47 ``Erik there should be a lot more in it O.o
20:06.10 ``Erik sorry, I'm wrong
20:06.53 ``Erik when ya ran 'make benchmark', it should've printed all that out...
20:06.58 ``Erik mebbe in your run- log?
20:09.08 ``Erik here's what my run log for my desktop looks like...
20:22.51 dtidrow_work ah, looks like I clobbered the binaries to free up some disk space - and probably killed the log file along with it
20:23.05 ``Erik 'make clean' will delete the .log and .pix files
20:25.21 dtidrow_work ``Erik: how many cpus are on the box for that pastebin link?
20:26.18 ``Erik um, 8 cores... two quad-core intel thingies
20:27.01 dtidrow_work ah
20:27.17 ``Erik it does like 27000 vgr's when optimized
20:27.27 dtidrow_work w00t!
20:28.17 dtidrow_work wonder what the quad-core AMD's are gonna do...
20:32.26 ``Erik I think my dual two-core 2.0ghz opteron gets around 11500ish?
20:34.56 dtidrow_work so the first number in the '*vgr' line is how many vgr's your box compares to?
20:35.34 ``Erik no, um, well... only for moss.g
20:35.42 ``Erik the last one is the average
20:35.48 dtidrow_work ah
20:36.32 ``Erik it's bench/ if you wanna poke
20:39.20 ``Erik <-- has no clue why you only got 36 vgr's on sphflake O.o
21:23.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/other/libpng/ (90 files in 11 dirs): Upgrade to 1.2.21. Fixes several bugs introduced in 1.2.19, possible overflows, and has some code cleanup.
22:10.03 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
22:20.39 *** join/#brlcad cad53 (

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