IRC log for #brlcad on 20071012

01:22.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (chgview.c cmd.c):
01:22.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: "B -A" no longer acts like you gave it the wrong syntax if nothing matches.
01:22.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: Also, "B" commanad with no args now acts like "Z".
02:58.58 ``Erik 'commanad' wow...
02:59.26 ``Erik yeah, he's just a dude, but, ... jra produces godlike output, it boggles me that he'd make a typo\
04:56.51 brlcad heh
06:08.31 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
07:16.13 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
07:24.54 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/ (4 files in 4 dirs): create/generate the generic versionless libraries during compile/install so that the former behavior of just using -ltcl and -ltk will work for external codes.
07:39.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07STABLE * 10brlcad/src/other/ (4 files in 4 dirs): merge the tcl/tk symlink checks in from head so that -ltcl and -ltk work for external users
09:16.56 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
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13:54.53 ``Erik heh
13:55.21 ``Erik I'm out sick today. I woke up feeling like shit, then got an email telling me that a close college buddie died in a motorcycle accident.
13:55.44 Z80-Boy ``Erik: was it like telepathy?
13:55.49 Z80-Boy Feeling shit because someone close died?
13:55.52 ``Erik no, he died a month ago
13:56.05 ``Erik blew a corner and hit a sign :(
13:56.25 ``Erik as much as I like motorcycles, I doubt I'll ever own one.
13:57.04 ``Erik I've ridden them before, and have had fun... but hearing stories, losing friends... and the idiocity of suv drivers... it's not a very safe activiy
13:58.00 ``Erik so, brlcad, I tried to call phb (got vm), and sent email, if anyone is looking for me, save it 'till tuesday :D
14:12.14 Z80-Boy ``Erik: Mike Muus died on a road...
14:28.46 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
14:36.41 ``Erik 7 years ago
14:37.06 ``Erik but I (unfortunately) never met the man
14:37.57 ``Erik so it's a BIT more distant than finding out a friend who I've written code with, went out drinking with, slept on his couch (after drinking too much)... :/
14:38.04 ``Erik a month ago
14:38.28 ``Erik at least it was an accident... a close friend of mine commited suicide a couple years ago, THAT was hard
14:39.47 ``Erik ended up bawling like a baby over that :) right now, I'm just drinking myself fucktarded
14:41.03 Z80-Boy was it hard to commit the suicide?
14:41.22 Z80-Boy Two classmates from the university, one was a friend, also comitted suicide
14:41.50 Z80-Boy a distant friend let's say
14:42.37 ``Erik no, my coping with it was hard.
14:43.02 Z80-Boy like some programs corrupt their memory and then crash
14:43.04 Z80-Boy people do the same
14:43.21 Z80-Boy convince themself that jumping from a bridge etc. is good for them
14:43.30 Z80-Boy ideas can be dangerous ;-)
14:43.40 ``Erik rocky got me my first computer job, I sat in his living room for new years 2000, with the couch that had a broken spring that stabbed your ass, heh
14:44.04 Z80-Boy no more rocky anymore because rocky crashed, that simple
14:44.10 ``Erik he was a great guy :/
14:44.29 ``Erik dan was, too
14:44.47 ``Erik in general, I will only get fitshaced drunk infront of people I really really trust. these were both guys that qualify for that
14:44.51 Z80-Boy don't worry he would be dead later anyway
14:44.58 Z80-Boy all people seem to eventually become dead
14:45.07 Z80-Boy he just time shifted it
14:45.10 ``Erik heh
14:45.12 Z80-Boy like you time shift a TV show on VHS
14:45.25 ``Erik when my grandparents passed, it was a lot easier
14:46.19 ``Erik I'm not sure if it's the lost possibilities, or the realization of mortality, but young people dying is a lot more tragic than old people dying
14:46.34 ``Erik vodka good. *grunt*.
14:46.54 Z80-Boy well the young people would turn into old people anyway
14:48.05 Z80-Boy and then into zombies
14:48.09 Z80-Boy and then they would turn dead
14:48.42 Z80-Boy dying should be banned under the death penalty
14:48.59 Z80-Boy cause it makes the remaining people uncomfortabl
14:49.10 ``Erik attempted suicide is a federal crime in the US
14:49.24 Z80-Boy so your friend is a criminal!
14:49.31 ``Erik no
14:49.38 Z80-Boy can you get into jail for attempting suicide?
14:49.38 ``Erik he didn't attempt, he succeeded.
14:49.41 ``Erik yes
14:49.45 Z80-Boy wow
14:50.11 Z80-Boy murder on /dev/loopback
14:50.31 ``Erik
14:50.37 Z80-Boy This is the police. Stop aiming at your head or we shoot you down
14:50.57 Z80-Boy Ironically, the punishment for attempted suicide in some jurisdictions has been death.
14:51.00 Z80-Boy lol
14:51.02 ``Erik ok, not federal, some states
14:52.30 Z80-Boy In the United States, suicide has never been punished as a crime nor penalized by property forfeiture or ignominious burial.
14:53.37 ``Erik I'm more in tune with teh laws when I grew up, so I'm kinda operating on early 90's law... with washington being a specific set... which listed suicide as a felony at the time *shrug*
14:53.54 ``Erik I have been educated. Suicide is no longer a punishable crime in the us
14:56.38 Z80-Boy Well suceessfull suicide is still punished by the death penalty
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15:53.50 starseeker ``Erik: Sorry to hear that - my condolences :-(
16:42.42 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
17:00.49 brlcad howdy yukonbob
17:02.16 yukonbob hey brlcad. Happy Friday..
17:02.26 brlcad yeah, likewise :)
17:05.13 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || BRL-CAD is on, ask for an account if you're willing to hunt/fix bugs :) || Release 7.10.4 imminent
17:05.19 brlcad ~spell imminent
17:05.30 brlcad sounds too minty
17:05.36 Z80-Boy ~spell immenent
17:05.47 Z80-Boy ~spell eminem
17:05.55 brlcad ~dict immanent
17:06.02 Z80-Boy ~spell brlcad
17:06.19 brlcad ~dict imminent
17:06.33 brlcad aiight, so I did get it right at least :)
17:06.46 Z80-Boy ~spell bricket
17:07.30 bricked_brigade ~spell briquette
17:08.23 yukonbob brlcad: I'll take an account for coverity -- I assume it's up/running again?
17:08.51 brlcad it's up, but the scan is incomplete
17:09.06 brlcad so it's not really of any use just quite yet until the scan is rerun
17:09.19 bracket_brigade brlcad: I think you should render head and headcut from ronja to see the vast orders of magnitude rendering time
17:09.28 bracket_brigade when one is just a cutaway view of the other
17:09.46 bracket_brigade or perpend and perpendcut it's a simple design and it's the same problem
17:10.39 brlcad have you run a profile?
17:10.54 brlcad that would be useful to see if the difference is obvious
17:10.59 brlcad i mean code-wise
17:18.45 brlcad ahh .. apparently I can't create accounts just yet even if I want to
17:18.59 brlcad david has to enable some option or create them for us
17:19.05 brlcad probably because our scan was incomplete
17:19.40 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || BRL-CAD is on but not completely set up yet, more news TBD || Release 7.10.4 imminent
17:19.46 bracket_brigade a profile? What is it?
17:20.07 bracket_brigade Like code profiling in C?
17:24.01 brlcad yeah
17:24.02 brlcad gprof
17:24.21 brlcad ./configure --enable-profiling --enable-debug --disable-optimized
17:24.54 brlcad then run one ray-trace, run gprof; then run the other ray-trace, and run gprof again
17:25.08 bracket_brigade gprof with what params?
17:25.10 brlcad post/compare the two reports
17:25.27 brlcad when you run rt it'll dump out a gmon.out file into the current directory
17:25.46 brlcad so you just have to run gprof in that same directory, with a param of the /path/to/rt
17:26.26 brlcad e.g. /usr/brlcad/bin/rt -o /dev/null ronja.g ronja && gprof /usr/brlcad/bin/rt
17:26.40 bracket_brigade aha nice
17:26.47 brlcad er, gprof /usr/brlcad/bin/rt > results.log 2>&1
17:27.20 brlcad then rm gmon.out, do another rt with the slow object, and get the next gprof output
17:48.02 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
17:48.17 Z80-Boy If I run ./configure with different parameters do I have to type make clean after?
17:48.24 Z80-Boy Or can I continue with make?
17:51.31 brlcad have to make clean
17:51.41 brlcad it has to rebuild all of the files with the profile parameter
17:51.54 Z80-Boy gprof a.out no such file or directory
17:52.23 Z80-Boy aha I didn't do make clean anyway
17:52.52 brlcad you wouldn't have an a.out either
17:52.57 Z80-Boy hmm gprof reads the given object file but I guess rt is assembled from a lot of different object files which one should I supply?
17:52.58 brlcad unless you're building your own thing
17:53.08 Z80-Boy The one whose timing I am interested in?
17:53.33 brlcad you supply gprof with the binary that you're running (i.e. rt)
17:53.42 brlcad one that ideally has profile symbols included
17:53.44 Z80-Boy OK cool
17:54.05 brlcad to get those profile symbols, you have to build the application (and all object files and all libraries it uses) with a profile option enabled
17:54.21 brlcad otherwise it can't instrument the function calls and give a good profile
17:54.51 brlcad so yeah, make clean, run configure with those options I mentioned, then run rt+gprof twice
18:07.45 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS: john fixed mged 'B' command behavior with -A and no args
18:08.41 yukonbob .and "B" alone doesn't puke error msgs anymore
18:12.03 brlcad yep
18:12.11 brlcad acts like Z
18:12.56 yukonbob is it possible to have lookat behave like eye_pt or ae where if it has no args, it reports current settings?
18:14.40 brlcad probably easy-as-pie
18:15.02 brlcad care to make a patch? :)
18:15.05 yukonbob it makes sense to have it do that, as it's useful, and inline w/ the behaviour of others
18:15.20 yukonbob brlcad: I'm looking for relevant code right now ;)
18:57.35 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
18:57.58 Z80-Boy brlcad: I maked after the ./configure you recommended for profiling and got this:
18:58.48 Z80-Boy /bin/sh ../../libtool --silent [...] -o btclsh [...] -lm ../../src/libtermio/ -lm
18:58.56 Z80-Boy /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `putchar'
18:58.56 Z80-Boy /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `rand'
19:00.25 Z80-Boy make src/rt/rt actually says nothing to make so I tried profiling. I ran rt ronja.g head and then
19:00.28 Z80-Boy clock@kestrel:~/brlcad/src/rt$ gprof ./rt
19:00.28 Z80-Boy gprof: ./rt: bad format
19:00.39 brlcad you sure do guess a lot ;)
19:00.49 brlcad (when you run into problems in particular)
19:01.07 brlcad src/rt/rt is not a binary
19:01.14 Z80-Boy oh :)
19:01.30 brlcad it needs to be installed, or you'd have to build static
19:01.49 Z80-Boy so now make install?
19:01.49 brlcad those symbols from Xft are bizarre, those are like -lc symbols
19:01.58 brlcad did the libraries build?
19:02.02 brlcad and did you rebuild rt
19:02.05 Z80-Boy which libraries?
19:02.08 brlcad all of them
19:02.17 Z80-Boy all brlcad libraries?
19:02.22 brlcad is btclsh the first failure?
19:02.29 Z80-Boy umm I don't know
19:02.35 Z80-Boy I restarted the build in the meantime
19:02.44 brlcad you're making this more complicated
19:02.46 Z80-Boy how do I figure out if the libraries built
19:02.54 Z80-Boy I did that on the bus
19:03.00 brlcad do a make clean
19:03.02 brlcad then make
19:03.07 brlcad tell me how far it gets
19:03.08 Z80-Boy OK
19:03.45 Z80-Boy I don't get any compile error when I do just plain ./configure
19:03.56 Z80-Boy and btw I found another bug in raytracing
19:04.28 brlcad no library flags change with --enable-profile
19:04.55 brlcad so I'd bet you had an unclean build of some sort, or something else is going on
19:05.45 brlcad "just recompiling" certainly doesn't cause that sort of error by itself
19:06.01 *** join/#brlcad minute (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
19:06.27 brlcad you could add -lc to the LIBS but why you need to is really odd (but perhaps necessary on your OS)
19:06.51 brlcad try ./configure --disable-optimized --enable-profiling LIBS=-lc
19:07.10 brlcad i saw it
19:07.16 Z80-Boy you get e-mails?
19:07.22 brlcad on every change
19:07.25 Z80-Boy wow
19:07.50 Z80-Boy -lc? like libc?
19:08.09 Z80-Boy Why should be this specified? C program always compiles with libc doesn't?
19:08.19 Z80-Boy unless
19:08.38 Z80-Boy "My name is Theo de Raadt and Chuck Norris always asks me if he's allowed to turn his computer on."
19:08.58 brlcad those are symbols that are in libc (putchar and rand)
19:09.11 Z80-Boy yes I know
19:09.21 brlcad yes, most OS automatically link against libc, but not all OS's .. and apparently not yours in that instance for some reason
19:09.53 brlcad could be a libXft problem or a libtool problem or just a quirky behavior of your OS
19:10.07 brlcad my money is on the latter
19:10.15 Z80-Boy if a program runs on OpenBSD it runs on anything ;-)
19:10.21 Z80-Boy Especially regarding segfaults ;-)
19:20.34 Z80-Boy Has anyone worked with vacuum tubes?
19:20.53 Z80-Boy Someone suggested to put a valve into the Ronja frontend to attempt reducing the noise
19:21.43 Z80-Boy I found a valve which has comparable parameters to the FET cascodes (tetrodes) employed but then someone on the mailing list said they actually significantly improved equipment with tubes by replacing tubes with transistors
19:21.56 Z80-Boy and he thinks the noise they observed is caused by the hot electron cloud.
19:32.49 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
19:32.49 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || BRL-CAD is on but not completely set up yet, more news TBD || Release 7.10.4 imminent
19:51.48 Z80-Boy brlcad: now the compilation wiped out at the same place
19:51.53 Z80-Boy /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `putchar'
19:51.53 Z80-Boy /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined reference to `rand'
19:52.32 Z80-Boy if I add -lc after -lm, it doesn't help
19:53.00 Z80-Boy clock@kestrel:~/brlcad/src/bwish$ nm /usr/X11R6/lib/ | grep putchar U putchar
19:54.12 Z80-Boy if I remove --silent, it prints the gcc call it does
19:54.18 Z80-Boy and -lc is stripped away from there again
19:54.43 Z80-Boy if I add -lc manually there, it works.
19:55.09 Z80-Boy what is the purpose of libtool? Break the compilation?
19:55.55 brlcad it apparently determined that it's already added or not needed
19:56.05 brlcad so perhaps a libtool bug + quirky system
19:56.13 brlcad the fact that you need it at all seems stupid
19:56.24 Z80-Boy what does it do apart from screwing up the compilation?
19:57.24 Z80-Boy you should into the BRL-CAD README: Requirements: non-quirky system and non-buggy libtool
19:57.36 Z80-Boy and a URL where is described how to meet these requirements for any system
19:58.07 brlcad libtool significantly helps 95% of the time
19:58.12 brlcad it's that 5% that's a bitch, though
19:58.27 Z80-Boy what does it do?
19:58.28 brlcad still worth it overall, but can be a pita when systems aren't popular
19:59.20 brlcad it does the determination for how to successfully compile for your platform, how to make binaries and libraries correctly, how to link, where to find and put libraries, what kind of libraries, what compilation options, linker options, on and on
20:00.01 Z80-Boy s/correctly/without_any_guarantee_of_correctness/
20:00.02 brlcad the sort of details like that you need -dynamiclib on some versions of mac and -dynamic on others and -rdynamic on some versions of linux, but not others, and so on
20:00.38 brlcad it's no more error prone than any other piece of software, all the autotools have their share of annoying bugs .. if this is even a bug
20:01.01 Z80-Boy it's a bit labour intensive to rerun libtool and then paste the gcc etc... for every program where it fails
20:01.33 brlcad you can set it so it always blathers the gcc line
20:01.59 Z80-Boy yeah that's what I am doing
20:02.04 brlcad --enable-progress
20:02.14 Z80-Boy where?
20:02.18 brlcad configure option
20:02.27 Z80-Boy what does it do?
20:02.30 brlcad --enable/disable is *always* configure
20:02.45 brlcad it enables the gcc line
20:03.18 brlcad it's listed under ./configure --help and in detail in the INSTALL file that covers compilation
20:04.22 Z80-Boy I should probably replace /usr/bin/gcc with a script...
20:05.17 Z80-Boy and here we gooooo...
20:05.47 Z80-Boy libtoll failed to implement a protection against *THAT* :)
20:06.08 Z80-Boy and now compile the rest of brlcad with "vanilla" gcc...
20:06.43 Z80-Boy libtool behaves like some kind of DRM which knows better what's good for you, but knows it wrong ;-)
20:08.44 Z80-Boy They should pass a bill that replacing /usr/bin/gcc with a script is a crime.
20:10.01 brlcad eh, trying to replace gcc with something still called gcc but doesn't behave like gcc would be "wrong" imo, I'd want it to fail in that situation :P
20:10.30 Z80-Boy now it fails the same way in src/mged
20:10.39 brlcad that's about as annoying as the debian folks replacing automake and autoconf with scripts (that are outright busted in various situations)
20:10.43 Z80-Boy so we put the script back again and compile the whole brl-cad this way
20:10.59 Z80-Boy OpenBSD has them also replaced with script
20:11.00 brlcad how can it "now fail" in a different place? if the build stops, it's stopped
20:11.32 brlcad if you hack at it to try and get it to continue, and don't do so correctly, it's gonna keep failing...
20:11.43 Z80-Boy because I used the "script method" only for bwish.
20:11.56 brlcad you really shouldn't expect any different, the problem's not been fixed
20:12.26 Z80-Boy libtools implements AI
20:12.33 Z80-Boy Artificial Imcompetence
20:12.43 brlcad the bigger question is what's different between configure with no options and configure with profile options -- I still don't believe that to be the case
20:13.18 Z80-Boy you told me to use 3 options, --profile was one of them
20:13.21 Z80-Boy I used it like you said.
20:13.27 brlcad --profile wasn't one of them
20:14.15 Z80-Boy oh sorry it was --enable-profiling:
20:14.19 Z80-Boy "21:06 <@brlcad> try ./configure --disable-optimized --enable-profiling LIBS=-lc"
20:14.20 brlcad and that STILL doesn't answer what's *different*
20:14.29 Z80-Boy Why did you say LIBS=-lc?
20:15.12 brlcad somehow I bet if you ran make clean && ./configure && make that it would also fail, if that really is the only difference
20:15.17 Z80-Boy the configure commandline options are different
20:15.29 Z80-Boy ./configure works, ./configure --disable-optimized --enable-profiling LIBS=-lc doesn't
20:15.37 Z80-Boy Now it compiled with the help of my "script method".
20:15.53 brlcad have you ran a clean configure since running clean?
20:15.59 Z80-Boy no
20:16.05 brlcad then your statement is bogus
20:16.26 Z80-Boy now it compiled all brlcad successfully
20:16.33 Z80-Boy should I do make install now?
20:17.06 Z80-Boy maybe my statement is bogus
20:17.14 Z80-Boy and I am also said to have bad attitude, beware!
20:18.20 brlcad you're just way too quick to jump to conclusions that have very little if any basis, with an incomplete understanding of what's going on
20:18.43 brlcad this problem is going to keep biting if it's not figured out
20:19.26 Z80-Boy you mean the "undefined putchar" problem on OpenBSD when profiling is turned on?
20:19.45 Z80-Boy now I am installing...
20:19.57 brlcad if you don't want to figure it out, that's fine by me -- I couldn't care less, it's your system -- but then you've got very little basis to be bitching about it not working right when the problem isn't fixed and you hack around it in various ways..
20:20.15 Z80-Boy but can I help you with some information to figure it out?
20:20.16 brlcad s/fixed/even determined really/
20:20.20 Z80-Boy I don't know what I should investigate
20:21.49 brlcad run make clean and ./configure with no options followed by make -- now that you've cleaned beforehand, see if that works -- see if -lc is on the compile line
20:22.40 Z80-Boy OK...
20:23.00 Z80-Boy it'll just take a while wait
20:24.11 brlcad thanks
20:24.20 Z80-Boy make clean done, configure running
20:24.40 brlcad and I'll gladly hop on again too if it's non-obvious, might see something missed
20:25.22 Z80-Boy OH, I have profiling output!
20:25.27 Z80-Boy make clean finished, running make...
20:27.00 Z80-Boy is the profiling affected seriously by compilation in the background?
20:30.06 brlcad i'd wait for the compile to finish regardless
20:30.26 Z80-Boy sure
20:30.27 brlcad iirc, it keeps track of both cputime and wallclock, so it'd mess with the profile a little
20:35.28 Z80-Boy both slow and fast spend most time in _mcount
20:35.33 Z80-Boy fast spends 22% slow 27%
20:36.25 brlcad bah
20:36.43 brlcad then gnu folks haven't done a good job with gprof on openbsd yet
20:38.23 Z80-Boy can you be more specific?
20:38.37 brlcad try adding -e mcount to gprof
20:38.40 Z80-Boy and when I ran the rt for the profiling, it sometimes crashed and sometimes not
20:38.48 Z80-Boy produced some "*.log" files but no core files
20:38.49 brlcad er, -E mcount
20:38.55 Z80-Boy it begins BRL-CAD Release 7.10.3 Crash Report
20:39.07 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r271 10/trunk/libirc/include/libIRC.h: start some doxygen type comments to get the ball rolling.
20:39.09 Z80-Boy call stack backtrace is full of question marks
20:39.46 brlcad there should be an rt.*crash.log file
20:39.56 brlcad can you post it somewhere?
20:40.15 Z80-Boy unknown-13359-bomb.log unknown-1506-bomb.log
20:40.30 brlcad okay, those
20:40.37 Z80-Boy on the captu?
20:40.46 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r272 10/trunk/libirc/include/libIRC.h: missed the shabang!
20:40.59 brlcad captu?
20:41.06 Z80-Boy where is the post-large-printouts website?
20:41.18 brlcad ~bzpastebin
20:41.18 ibot i guess bzpastebin is a place to put large chunks of text to not flood a channel
20:45.18 Z80-Boy
20:46.50 Z80-Boy here is a piece of the profile for the "fast" model:
20:47.48 Z80-Boy And here for the "slow" one:
20:48.02 brlcad hrmph
20:48.26 brlcad well good to see that the automatic crash reports are working, but there were absolutely no symbols in there so it's practically useless
20:49.00 brlcad well, not absolutely -- it's a null pointer dereference of some sort that just totally blew out the stack
20:49.29 brlcad which .. openbsd is supposed to prevent from happening too.... odd
20:50.35 Z80-Boy I don't understand it into such details
20:50.51 brlcad did you add the -E mcount?
20:50.53 Z80-Boy I just know Theo's Puffy keeps burglars out of my P.C. by some stack randomization and whatever other tricks.
20:50.59 Z80-Boy no I didn't
20:51.06 Z80-Boy that was without -E mcount
20:51.39 brlcad try both with "-E mcount -E _mcount" just to be sure
20:51.44 brlcad make sure there's no mcount in the result
20:51.52 brlcad s/result/report/
20:52.16 Z80-Boy now worker [1] is the number one
20:54.36 Z80-Boy now in the bad one the calloc is the #1
20:54.39 Z80-Boy should I post it?
20:57.19 Z80-Boy hey look crash again
20:57.30 Z80-Boy Additional mem=0., #malloc=1575, #free=1318, #realloc=4 (257 retained)
20:57.30 Z80-Boy 804dc0bu_log: write error
20:57.30 Z80-Boy Saving stack trace to unknown-13652-bomb.log
20:57.55 Z80-Boy no core again
20:58.12 Z80-Boy and again stack all question marks
20:58.59 Z80-Boy 2 more crashes in a row and 6 successful raytraces
20:59.11 Z80-Boy Maybe it's the thread ordering? Or page ordering in memory?
21:00.15 Z80-Boy Interesting. If I run 'find /', then the rt gets a fit of couple crashes and then subsequent runs raytrace happily
21:00.22 Z80-Boy until I run the find / again ;-)
21:01.53 Z80-Boy the slow model needs 15.5 sec the fast one 0.074 sec
21:02.13 Z80-Boy That's 209x faster
21:02.18 Z80-Boy Is it normal? Just a cutaway...
21:03.18 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
21:03.33 Z80-Boy By CPU time the difference is 214x
21:07.20 Z80-Boy OK make finished OK
21:07.39 Z80-Boy There are lots of gcc commandlines in the compile, one example:
21:08.33 Z80-Boy I can't find one it's all libtool
21:15.24 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03lbutler * 10brlcad/src/conv/ a script that parses INTAVAL files into Tcl that mged can read.
21:18.12 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:18.12 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || BRL-CAD is on but not completely set up yet, more news TBD || Release 7.10.4 imminent
21:19.53 ``Erik um, the whole bsd family tends to be finicky about profiling shtuff
21:20.16 ``Erik all the symbols are provided in libraries ( etc)
21:20.21 ``Erik but gcc is... gooby
21:22.14 CIA-4 libirc: 03brlcad * r273 10/trunk/libirc/include/ (6 files): some more doxygenification
21:23.34 brlcad Z80-Boy: no, I think you pinpointed a really bad inefficiency (calloc) that shouldn't be happening .. that's the glory of profiling :)
21:23.46 brlcad just need to see the profile myself to see where it's coming from
21:24.26 brlcad i'm about to run out for a few hours, so I'll have to catch up
21:25.05 ``Erik is the 'cutaway' using a "half" primitive? I'm under the impression that 'half' is horrible for performance
21:25.34 ``Erik (also, I've never thought of obsd as an efficient for fast os... it's the "safe" one...)
21:32.14 Z80-Boy what's the story morning glory
21:39.13 Z80-Boy bool.c: " * The list is terminated with a NULL pointer,
21:39.13 Z80-Boy <PROTECTED>
21:39.14 Z80-Boy "
21:39.19 Z80-Boy Sounds like could be optimized...
21:42.51 Z80-Boy shoot.c also contains one calloc which smells like could be optimized
21:43.55 Z80-Boy basically any calloc is suspicious
21:44.04 Z80-Boy what's the point of having a memory block zeroed out?
21:44.15 Z80-Boy If you want to write into part of it then do malloc, write, and zero out the rest
21:45.05 Z80-Boy If you don't write then you can replace any read into the block with 0
21:45.17 Z80-Boy so you don't need this block to be actually present anywhere and can just forget it
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22:56.48 ``Erik heh

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