IRC log for #brlcad on 20071015

00:08.20 ``Erik *yawrn*
00:11.04 yukonbob ~lart yawning
00:11.04 ibot executes killall -KILL yawning
01:10.50 *** part/#brlcad nollan (
01:25.13 *** join/#brlcad jack|ass (
01:26.29 jack|ass Is there a list of prerequisites for BRL? I'm trying to compile 7.10.2 and get an error about it expecting a specifier-quantifier-list before XVisualInfo in dm_obj.c.
01:26.41 jack|ass I do have the xutil-dev package installed though.
01:32.51 ``Erik there are prereqs, btu most have the source included in src/other
01:33.10 ``Erik if you're getting an X11 error, it's probably a bug in our ocnifgure :(
01:33.59 jack|ass it looks like it's including the source. :-/
01:34.03 jack|ass that's what I was afraid of.
01:36.35 jack|ass I'm looking for something kinda like autocad to do some simple modeling of a wooden project box. BRL looks like it fits the bill.
01:36.36 jack|ass AH.
01:36.37 jack|ass got it.
01:37.04 jack|ass the configure script that it comes with was the culprit methinks. I re-read the documentation and ran autogen to make it create one for my system.
01:37.51 jack|ass I wonder if removing the configure file by default to force people to run autogen might prevent people compiling from source from hitting that?
02:41.52 yukonbob ``Erik: you much details about the bwish command, specifically, what it offers over the typical wish?
02:42.30 yukonbob s/you much/you know/
02:50.07 brlcad it has the brl-cad built-in commands & libs preloaded
02:50.25 brlcad e.g. itcl/itk/iwidgets/... are all preloaded
02:50.35 brlcad as well as some brl-cad-specific commands
02:50.41 brlcad bu_brlcad_data . for example
05:13.20 yukonbob I'm looking at setting it up as a loadable module -- I've got it loading w/o error, but haven't exported the commands...
05:13.59 yukonbob that way I hope to be able to use the canonical wish/tclsh and have it Just Work(tm)
05:15.47 yukonbob *where "setting it up" == setting up libtclcad
05:24.06 *** join/#brlcad tarzeau (
05:27.33 brlcad cool, that's be awesome
05:28.16 brlcad the big one is automatically setting up autopath -- it needs to do that onload .. and to load it, though, it needs the auto_path :)
05:28.22 brlcad interesting to hear how you deal with that :)
07:20.50 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
07:55.52 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
08:26.40 Z80-Boy brlcad: is reverse perspective possible in BRL-CAD?
08:27.29 Z80-Boy i. e. instead of shooting parallel rays (no perspective, isometric) or divergent rays (perspective), shooting convergent rays?
11:35.32 ``Erik the rt front end doesn't have anything like that, but there's nothing stopping the libraries... just requires some code laid down :/
11:44.58 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:51.00 *** join/#brlcad thing0 (
12:19.22 Maloeran etc. In case anyone is curious of the friendly and simple marriage
12:20.08 Maloeran Thanks Erik :)
12:20.24 Maloeran Wedding cake, yar
12:20.50 ``Erik so you actually bothered with a ceremony instead of just eloping?
12:21.09 Maloeran It was somewhat required, but it lasts about 3 minutes
12:21.39 ``Erik I thought the US legal varient was just walking up to a counter and signing some paper and forking over $20
12:21.51 Maloeran Oh, we married in Montreal
12:22.30 ``Erik when my brother got married, they did a ceremony with a wiccan priestess at a haunted hotel, cuz they're nerds... then we threw 'em in the car and drove 'em by city hall and they walked in and walked out a couple minutes later legal, then off to pizza and beer O.o
12:22.40 Maloeran Then we went to some nice chalet I had rented, with friends for the week-end
12:22.52 Maloeran Cute :)
12:23.02 ``Erik get this, they found a wiccan priestess and haunted hotel... in arkansas... that held their wedding on halloween.
12:23.08 ``Erik in arkansas.
12:23.15 ``Erik without any lynchings
12:23.17 ``Erik *boggle*
12:23.43 Maloeran Mmhm. I think things are a bit more strict in Montreal regarding what a legal marriage is
12:23.43 Z80-Boy Maloeran: are you the guy in the pictures?
12:23.47 ``Erik (of course, the town is an "art town" with a big halloween tradition and major blgt turnout, the rednecks would've been outnumbered)
12:23.48 Maloeran Yes Z80-Boy
12:23.55 ``Erik yeah, I think mal is the one in the brown dress
12:24.07 ``Erik hahaha
12:24.28 Maloeran Well you are in luck, this is not quite a "true" marriage :)
12:24.30 ``Erik cover your hiney, alexis, karel is lookin' for lovin' :D *duck*
12:24.40 Z80-Boy alexis?
12:24.49 Maloeran In french, it's a male name
12:25.01 Z80-Boy I know another guy called alexis and he's very cute
12:25.23 ``Erik yes, most masculine words in french are feminine in other languages *cough* O:-)
12:25.45 Z80-Boy Maloeran: no worries, you obviously suffer from the women attraction syndrome
12:25.54 ``Erik (and in german, the feminine stuff is so masculine it has beards and well fucking beat your ass down)
12:26.03 Maloeran What's that "syndrome" exactly, Z80-Boy?
12:26.10 Maloeran Oh nevermind, I get it
12:26.21 Z80-Boy well it usually starts on the primary school with a preoccupation towards girls
12:26.30 Z80-Boy and ends up in horrible things like marriage etc.
12:26.46 Z80-Boy It's so common they didn't even bother to put it into DSM-IV
12:27.02 ``Erik hum, I don't think marriage is so bad...
12:27.05 Maloeran Right. I'm still a bit sleepy from that week-end... She actually managed to get me to drink quite a bit, for the first time in my life
12:27.11 Z80-Boy There are only 2 ways out of marriage - a divorce or death
12:27.23 Z80-Boy Maloeran: I'm just joking...
12:27.39 ``Erik I even 'belong' to a local organization fighting for blgt rights for marraige, even though I'm straight *shrug*
12:28.41 ``Erik um, I'm sure if you'd go outside, you could find a boytoy pretty easily
12:28.43 ``Erik :)
12:29.16 Z80-Boy yeah but I don't want a boytoy
12:29.17 Maloeran I really don't know much on the topic, but I would assume that things should be fairly simple between two guys
12:29.31 Z80-Boy yeah getting a guy for sex is quite easy
12:29.38 Z80-Boy you don't have to do anything for it at all
12:29.49 ``Erik I mean, I barely ever step out, and have been "up on" on too many women in the last couple years
12:30.08 Z80-Boy I was once in a shower room in a swimming pool and it was end of the opening time and the showers were broken so I had to go from one to another to get the last bit of warm water
12:30.24 Maloeran Eh Erik, it's much rarer for me
12:30.32 Z80-Boy there was another guy and when I got to him he misinterpreted it as a signal and tried to simply grab my dick
12:30.40 Maloeran I think it's related to a complete lack of skills to "flirt" or whatever
12:30.56 ``Erik between that, 'world of warcraft', and getting upset at work and drinking myself fucktarded
12:30.59 ``Erik heh
12:31.00 Z80-Boy Fortunately my reflex was faste so he didn't manage to touch me
12:31.21 Maloeran That's a bit disturbing, Z80-Boy, way too quick and spontaneous
12:31.25 Z80-Boy Maloeran: it's related to the simple skill of not being picky
12:31.55 Z80-Boy Maloeran: but that's how it works between gays
12:31.59 Maloeran I think it's mostly related to the fact that I don't meet new girls at all in my daily routine
12:32.06 Z80-Boy if you like each other and want to have just sex there is no barrier
12:32.06 Maloeran I see.
12:32.21 Z80-Boy you don't have to buy flower movie tickets dinners nothing
12:32.21 ``Erik you can get that with girls easily enough
12:32.54 ``Erik the risk is if you stick with 'em too long
12:33.00 ``Erik hit 'em and ditch 'em *cough* O:-)
12:33.08 ``Erik ooh, 3some, nice
12:33.09 Z80-Boy The problem is I don't want just sex
12:33.15 Maloeran No Erik, I'm not going :)
12:33.20 ``Erik ...
12:33.40 ``Erik so, uh, your wedding gift... is... to send your chick and her lesbo lover to a spa...
12:33.41 ``Erik um
12:33.45 ``Erik you may've fucked up
12:33.46 Maloeran Ahah
12:33.51 Z80-Boy ``Erik: lol
12:34.28 Z80-Boy and to do the "flirting" stuff... omg that's so boring
12:34.42 Z80-Boy talking about nothing going to boring places like cafeterias..
12:35.18 Z80-Boy or like going to gay student "evenings with dinner"
12:35.20 Maloeran Erik, again, this is mostly an arranged mariage ; we are close and very good friends, but not quite up to the "spouse" status except in the legal sense
12:35.35 Z80-Boy You have basically 20-30 quite intelligent gay students which are either too ugly or not intelligent enough
12:35.40 ``Erik I know, I'm just mockin' ya :D
12:35.46 Z80-Boy Plus all of them are, without an exception, boring
12:35.49 ``Erik sorry, I've been drinkin' this morning *cough*
12:35.58 Z80-Boy talk about politics, travel their studies and parents etc.
12:36.35 Maloeran Z80-Boy, I actually greatly enjoy such times with my "wife"
12:36.39 Z80-Boy Maloeran: so you don't have to care about if your bed frame is strong enough to withstand the dynamic load?
12:36.42 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (
12:36.59 Maloeran Z80-Boy, probably not on a regular basis. Besides, I'm soon leaving for Australia for a month ( alone )
12:37.34 Maloeran Z80-Boy, the things you describe are the foundations of friendship
12:37.46 Z80-Boy Maloeran: doing boring stuff together?
12:38.12 Maloeran If you ever want something more than casual and brief encounters, you may want to explore the kind of activities that would lead to real friendship
12:38.21 Z80-Boy which are?
12:38.46 Maloeran Restaurants, talking about a variety of topics, about any kind of activity done together?
12:38.52 Z80-Boy omg
12:38.55 Z80-Boy better be alone there
12:38.59 Z80-Boy then
12:39.09 Z80-Boy anything but restaurants please
12:39.25 Maloeran Then cook together
12:41.17 Z80-Boy that needs a stove
12:41.22 Z80-Boy and stove is usually in a flat
12:41.33 Z80-Boy and it's not a good idea to stick untrusted people into your flat right?
12:42.56 Maloeran I assume you generally have met the person once or twice before that point, but I don't really see a problem with that
12:43.01 Z80-Boy and then I can imagine all the exchanges like "hey you left sticky spots on the kitchen floor", "the kitchen tiles are yucky", "you poured water on the bathroom floor", "you should sweep the living room", "there are black smudge marks on the balcony from your experiments" etc.
12:43.31 Z80-Boy you should turn the computer off overnight the fan sound is disturbing me...
12:44.42 Z80-Boy your electric home trainer is really crazy you should throw it into trash...
12:44.54 Z80-Boy you spend too much time on ronja development and too little time with me...
12:45.14 Z80-Boy I want chairs like this and you want chairs like that...
12:45.45 Z80-Boy good that gays at least don't have to have children
12:45.48 Maloeran I don't think you'll receive comments like that just for inviting a friend to cook and eat together
12:46.08 Z80-Boy no but I mean like in the relationship
12:49.05 Maloeran For some reason... I imagine it can be awkward to develop true friendship with guys, nothing more, when you are gay
12:49.36 Z80-Boy no it's easy
12:49.50 Z80-Boy I just can't find anyone who's both pretty and like a friend with me
12:50.07 Z80-Boy I know loads of hetero guy who if they were gay and wanted me I would just jump on them
12:50.30 Z80-Boy if they like computer electronics DIY etc. then it's fine
12:51.36 Maloeran Ah yes, the population pool to pick from is smaller
12:51.49 Z80-Boy and everyone is camp and boring ;-)
12:51.53 Z80-Boy I hate camp
12:52.01 Maloeran So do I Erik, but I think they all are the girlfriend of a friend :)
12:52.41 ``Erik and I have a few gay friends *shrug* there's no issue as long as both parties accept there's no romantic possibility
12:52.53 Z80-Boy I was in a dance club and it was fun except that
12:52.56 Z80-Boy - it was too loud
12:53.04 Z80-Boy - there was smoke instead of air
12:53.11 ``Erik heh, I wear earplugs when I go to concerts :( I'm lame
12:53.20 Z80-Boy - the people looked like they are pretending they are having fun but they are actually dead bored
12:53.31 ``Erik and I get upset when they give me the guinness in a fucking plastic cup
12:53.32 Z80-Boy - everyone looked like exactly the kind of personality I don't want
12:53.41 Maloeran Ahah Z80-Boy
12:53.51 ``Erik but when ya got children jumping around like idiots, it's probably better to have plastic... broken glass ain't so fun
12:53.53 Z80-Boy ``Erik: no you just aren't recklessly abandon stupid about your health
12:54.24 ``Erik I d'no, I've managed to do a number on my health
12:54.52 Z80-Boy Skatepark is fun
12:54.53 ``Erik I cut off a finger, I rolled a car, I eat too much red meat and don't eat enough vegetables, I drink too much booze, I jam on my own guitar without earplugs...
12:55.00 Z80-Boy people there are not aggressive and they are helpful
12:55.07 ``Erik but I have tenitis in my right ear from having tubes several times as an infant
12:55.09 Z80-Boy they smoke but you don't have to breath the smoke
12:55.25 ``Erik so loud becomes physically painful in my right ear, when just loud in my left
12:55.32 Z80-Boy ``Erik: I have tenitis too and just from nothing
12:56.05 Z80-Boy o rmaybe it's an actute life-threatening hypochondria
12:56.06 Maloeran What's a tenitis? Wikipedia doesn't know, therefore it doesn't exist
12:56.10 Z80-Boy tinnitus
12:56.14 Z80-Boy it's ringing in ear
12:56.29 Maloeran Ah, thanks
12:56.47 Z80-Boy the ear has like acousto-neural resonant circuits which are tuned just below the oscillations and the gain is controlled by downward path from the brain
12:56.49 ``Erik mine sounds kinda staticky, almost like hearing your blood flow in your ear
12:56.54 Z80-Boy if the control signal is wrong it starts oscillating
12:57.04 ``Erik and it's really set off by the frequency that vaccuum cleaners happen to emit
12:57.09 Z80-Boy after you get drunk when you are exhausted when you don't sleep enough when you damage the ear etc.
12:57.32 Z80-Boy But it makes sense. Every sensitive amplifier ends up producing noise
12:57.36 ``Erik and only in the right ear :/
12:57.55 Z80-Boy ``Erik: I have a crosstalk between the right jaw muscle and right ear
12:57.55 ``Erik which actually sucks, cuz earbuds for phones are geared for the right ear
12:58.04 Maloeran Erik, do you practice any physical activity on a regular basis? That would do much good too
12:58.17 Z80-Boy if I tighten my jaw I hear quite strong tinnitus in right ear - like TV running, high pitch noise etc.
12:58.27 ``Erik yes, I frequently do weight lifting. My forte is the 12 oz curl.
12:58.39 Z80-Boy lol
12:58.40 ``Erik though I've been heavy on the 1.5 oz lift
12:58.46 Maloeran That's... a start, I think :)
12:59.08 Z80-Boy ``Erik: weight lifting is useless - I did it and I didn't get any boyfriend from that
12:59.19 Z80-Boy The problem is not that they don't want me. The problem is I don't want them.
12:59.30 ``Erik hum, may be a cultural skew here...
12:59.34 Z80-Boy Maloeran: OMG my heart would probably explode in a nuclear detonation
12:59.45 ``Erik if I said "pint curl", would it change the meaning for you?
13:00.10 Z80-Boy ``Erik: at least you don't pretend yourself you want to spend the whole life in a gym to make sure your body would look nice in the coffin
13:00.30 ``Erik muscle needs upkeep, or it turns to fat
13:00.47 ``Erik and I've always had a LOT more respect for gymnast muscles than body builder muscles
13:01.00 Maloeran Z80-Boy, I hope not all your activities are about "getting a boyfriend"
13:01.01 ``Erik not much to look at, but the performance through the range is damn impressive
13:01.05 Z80-Boy ``Erik: don't worry the undertaker can cutt your beer belly off with a chainsaw if the coffin lid timber should break through
13:01.12 ``Erik heh
13:01.33 ``Erik I'm 68 kg, I can fit in the pine box.
13:01.34 Z80-Boy Maloeran: no - I figured out getting a boyfriend requires sacrificing more fun that an estimated fun outcome
13:01.56 Maloeran Being in good physical shape makes you feel much better, it's a matter of chemistry, it's not related to your appearance or what other people think
13:02.10 Z80-Boy yeah but feeling better doesn't get me a boyfriend
13:02.36 Maloeran Nice Erik, I would have assumed more than 68kg ( no offense meant ). I'm 64kg
13:03.19 Z80-Boy Maloeran: at least you don't have to mount a double skateboard deck on the trucks
13:03.29 ``Erik last time I went to the jungle gym, I got on the bench and was able to push 130 lbs several times, so I don't feel too terrible about my shape
13:03.57 Maloeran Yes, probably so
13:04.01 ``Erik but less dense... more fat, less muscle :D
13:04.10 Z80-Boy I went to a gym and then I was cleaning the heating pipes and I thought my hand falls off and I lose consciousness
13:04.20 Maloeran I think so too :). I can do one arm pull-ups for example, too much wall and rock climbing
13:04.21 Z80-Boy I mean all those bicepses and tricepses are absolutely useless
13:04.33 Z80-Boy When you want to do real work you feel like a cripple anyway
13:04.43 ``Erik "cleaning the heating pipes"? um, ... if that's not a double entendre...
13:04.48 ``Erik O:-)
13:04.54 Z80-Boy lol no
13:05.16 ``Erik <-- cannot do a 1 arm pullup or lift
13:05.22 Z80-Boy there was some sticky oily stuff on it probably the heating liquid
13:05.25 ``Erik I don't think so, anyways
13:05.36 ``Erik I mean, last time I tried, I was only benching like 70lbs
13:05.46 Z80-Boy If I go to gym and train bicepses the result is exactly as if I don't train them
13:05.51 Maloeran Erik, as long as you can at least pull up with 2 arms.. :)
13:05.57 Z80-Boy I can lift always only the same weight the same amount of times
13:06.08 Maloeran Z80-Boy, lifting weight is boring, try wall and rock climbing
13:06.09 ``Erik I'm a lot stronger now than when I actually exercised, for some strange reason
13:06.25 ``Erik but I lack the endurance I used to have, especially cardiovascular
13:06.25 Z80-Boy ``Erik: as long as you are able to topple over into a coffin, you are in an acceptable physical shape ;-)
13:07.14 ``Erik I used to run a 2 mile track and do some aggressive greenway biking
13:07.15 Z80-Boy 2 mile omg my heart would probably explode
13:07.15 ``Erik now I mostly move couches and tables to clean
13:07.15 Z80-Boy my anaerobic threshold is after 50 metres
13:07.34 Maloeran That... could be improved
13:07.37 ``Erik z80: run it slow and keep going...
13:07.42 ``Erik walk if needed
13:07.56 ``Erik but do a distance, and do it slow... build up speed over time
13:08.11 ``Erik sprinting 50m and stopping is useless :D
13:08.50 Z80-Boy If I took a computer with me I could even maybe convince myself to continue
13:08.55 Z80-Boy strap a laptop on my neck...
13:09.00 ``Erik y'know, I bought running shows intent on tackling the greenway I freakin' live on... but I've more or less burnt them out as casual wear
13:09.02 Z80-Boy then it could even be non-boring :)
13:09.23 ``Erik um
13:09.39 ``Erik I soemtimes think code
13:09.48 Z80-Boy good idea
13:09.53 ``Erik if I spend more time typing than thinking, I'm using the wrong language
13:10.01 Maloeran I find it very hard to think when doing any intense physical activity
13:10.02 ``Erik or working on the wrong problems
13:10.15 ``Erik a light jog isn't too intense... :D
13:10.23 ``Erik or bike riding
13:11.02 ``Erik when I was on the trail, I could push up to 30mph and still have free cycles... it was when I was off road that I needed to focus...
13:11.18 ``Erik going down hills that actually threw the rfeakin' chain off the derailer
13:11.33 ``Erik another car door and stitches? :>
13:11.39 Maloeran She's dangerous emotionally and profesionally to me, but it seems even physically
13:12.00 Maloeran Eh no, I was distracted and bumped through a big hole I didn't see
13:12.08 ``Erik heh
13:12.21 ``Erik but not 'stop the front wheel' big?
13:12.34 ``Erik just 'bust the boys on the seat' big?
13:12.40 Maloeran Not quite, but enough to lose balance when you aren't expecting that kind of bump
13:12.59 Maloeran Especially with just one hand on the handles...
13:13.54 Maloeran Tsk! Pointing left to show the way to go :)
13:14.40 ``Erik yeah, uh
13:14.43 ``Erik words are good, too.
13:15.13 Maloeran We went to try fancy wedding dresses for almost 2 hours that day, although she finally decided against the idea, and dresses casually at the wedding as you could see
13:15.22 Maloeran and dressed*
13:15.43 ``Erik yeah, heh
13:15.50 ``Erik nudists have it figured out. I'm envious. :D
13:17.13 Maloeran Ah :)
13:17.31 ``Erik is... that... a... pig? ...
13:17.42 ``Erik and a goat?
13:17.43 ``Erik O.o
13:17.44 Maloeran Yup!
13:18.02 Maloeran We wanted to do horseback riding during the week-end, but it looks like we should have made a reservation
13:18.25 ``Erik and a slew of landscapes
13:18.29 Maloeran So we went rock climbing on easy tracks without any gear
13:18.35 ``Erik annnndddd it ends
13:18.57 ``Erik 18 pics, half landscape... lame :)
13:19.03 ``Erik </haxx0r>
13:19.23 Maloeran Ah :). She doesn't like me taking pictures of her
13:19.50 ``Erik and no nudies of the girl
13:19.53 ``Erik O:-)
13:22.10 ``Erik opposed to cmd 2>&1 > file
13:24.08 ``Erik I'm annoyed at how autoconf subconfigure re-tests a lot of boilerplate shit instead of using a cache file
13:25.22 ``Erik heh
13:25.40 ``Erik sorry
13:25.54 ``Erik updating the fbsd port of bugle... it does a subconfig
13:28.13 ``Erik so, uh, mal... for data manip, you'd take C over compiled lithp? O.o
13:29.41 ``Erik lithp pairs with gc give you the ability to do any data structure trivially... at C speeds with the right compiler... O.o
13:30.23 Maloeran I would take C over anything, for flexibility and performance. Other languages might be more convenient, but my very high comfort with C makes it very difficult to beat
13:30.37 Maloeran Perhaps if I had as much experience with Lisp as with C, I would use it more
13:30.46 ``Erik ah, but if you always take the most comfortable option
13:30.50 ``Erik how will you ever grow?
13:31.43 ``Erik now I'm no lithp guru, I'm more into scheme in that vein... but when I see a problem that cl looks.. right... I won't dismiss it otu of hand
13:32.03 Maloeran Oh, I explore other options, but I'm not convinced that Lithp would be more appropriate than C, even if I was as fluent with both
13:32.04 ``Erik I have to admit, I saw a problem where I thought ruby was optimal... but I was wrong.
13:32.13 Maloeran Eheh
13:32.16 ``Erik at 95%, I was seriously feeling like scheme would've been far better
13:32.44 ``Erik probably fixable issues, but they were all minor gotchas
13:33.00 ``Erik and I got ok results in a fraction of te time that just the book keeping in C would've taken :)
13:33.52 ``Erik and over the last couple of days, I've been looking at a program that I'd originally written in scheme, then re-wrote in C
13:33.59 ``Erik and I'm wondering if I made a mistake in doing that
13:34.07 ``Erik and I should quit starting lines iwth and.
13:34.37 ``Erik perhaps if I were more familiar with something like glib....
13:35.01 ``Erik I'm tired of re-writing a linked list module. or tweaking one I carry from elsewhere
13:35.26 Maloeran I have always reused that piece of code for 5 years, never needed tweaking
13:35.44 ``Erik and I'm repulsed by the blind cast linked list style
13:36.02 ``Erik I tried to kill it in BRL-CAD, but lee whined and said it wasn't really an issue
13:36.03 Maloeran Tsk! I love void pointers and memory addressing magic
13:36.14 ``Erik I watched freebsd go through serious pain to eliminate it from the kenrel
13:36.46 ``Erik when it's right, it's ok... but it lends itself to a miscast which can seg or bus out
13:37.14 ``Erik and I'm so damn perfect at coding that I know I'm not perfect at coding, pheer the zen.
13:39.56 ``Erik aight dudes, ponder...
13:40.10 ``Erik a huge csg type tree/graph... tons of ors up top
13:40.25 ``Erik finding a subset that is mostly ands with some ors...
13:40.38 ``Erik I'm thinking the first cut would be reduction
13:41.02 ``Erik make a copy of the tree with everything not in te needle eliminated from the haystack
13:41.21 ``Erik thus reducing the search space significantly in O(n)
13:41.26 ``Erik thoughts?
13:42.16 Maloeran What's the big picture of the problem?
13:42.36 ``Erik um
13:43.01 Maloeran I don't really get "finding a subset" part
13:43.51 ``Erik I have 8 zillion standardized minimal primitive parts (bolts, plate, etc)... I have this THING, made out of parts a and b and (c or d), what possible shelf component am I looking at, give me a minimal list of possibilities
13:45.13 ``Erik does that clear up what problem I'm thinking about? :)
13:46.00 ``Erik I think linear elimination is the best first whack
13:46.17 ``Erik followed by a more additive method (mebbe even brute force)
13:46.33 ``Erik I'd love to know why I'm wrong O.o :D
13:46.55 Maloeran I would have to know quite a bit more about how you associate the THING's parts to the 8 zillion parts, and how the latter are organized... It may take a while to explain, and you probably have it mostly figured out
13:47.22 ``Erik ok, the primitive parts are as minimal as you can get
13:47.36 ``Erik in csg land, we can admit that they're, say, brlcad primitives
13:47.49 ``Erik cylinders, spheres, torii, even bots
13:48.16 ``Erik a standard, say, radio... contains a certain subset of those parts
13:48.58 ``Erik now I have a random thing made up of low level parts... but I don't know what the thing is.... is it a radio? a wheel? I don't know... what's the minimal list for a human to choose from for what it could be?
13:49.08 ``Erik (ignoring fully tesselated geometry)
13:49.31 ``Erik (this is transliterated, of course... I'm not REALLY thinking about BRL-CAD geometry, it's my day off ;)
13:49.53 Maloeran I got that part :)
13:50.25 ``Erik an alternate approach would be if I was dorking with electronics, and wanted to make a circuit... I have a list of parts available, what's the set of possible circuits I could make
13:51.04 Maloeran Thinking
13:51.23 ``Erik I've thought, I think the first cut using elimination is ... probably optimal
13:51.42 ``Erik assuming it cuts 10,000 to 100
13:51.59 Maloeran The question really is how to organize the 8 zillion parts for search to be quick
13:52.18 ``Erik yes, I've thought about sorting to help cut
13:52.32 ``Erik but I still think cut is the best first notion, generating a subtree
13:52.32 Maloeran I would opt for a graph with many different kind of links between nodes, but there are many variations possible on the details
13:52.39 Maloeran A tree, really?
13:52.45 ``Erik well
13:52.45 ``Erik dag
13:53.04 ``Erik sorry, I'm used to dags being reduced to trees
14:02.22 Maloeran Contributions have to be checked and validated, somehow
14:02.25 Maloeran Oops.
14:09.37 brlcad Maloeran: ehehe .. you look rather nervous there
14:09.47 ``Erik uh
14:09.54 ``Erik dude, do ya blame him? he got married O.o
14:10.28 Maloeran :) Ahah
14:10.36 Maloeran I think I was a bit nervous, yes
14:22.34 brlcad especially since she's staring intently at you, and at least in those pictures you're intently NOT looking at her :)
14:22.41 ``Erik *snrkt*
14:23.01 brlcad classic "pretty girl is making me nervous" look
14:23.06 ``Erik I didn't really notice that
14:23.07 ``Erik hehehe
14:23.24 ``Erik but in 0 and 1, yeah
14:23.38 Maloeran I didn't notice either! But it makes sense, she asked that we face each other
14:24.10 ``Erik oh yeah, um
14:24.22 Maloeran Ahaha
14:26.10 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
14:39.56 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:42.28 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
15:08.05 brlcad mailbox .. almost .. cleaned .. out ..
15:20.59 ``Erik heh
15:50.14 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/query.c: don't blather the error message if the display cannot be opened. cleanup the logic a bit too to print a message if a detected type being tested for validity simply wasn't available during compilation.
15:52.14 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07STABLE * 10brlcad/src/libdm/query.c: merge dm_bestXType fix in from head, this should quell the failure warnings that the m2 folks are seeing.
15:56.09 TommyLee ``Erik: is it something classified?
15:56.29 brlcad meh, they're a public influential customer -- for an issue like that it doesn't matter
16:15.09 ``Erik they work in classified land, but technically they're not classified...
16:15.28 ``Erik I'm just a puss when it comes to that stuff...
16:43.14 ``Erik eh
16:43.17 ``Erik heh
16:43.18 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
17:32.17 *** join/#brlcad cad58 (
17:38.04 *** join/#brlcad Mark____ (
17:39.20 Mark____ hello, n00b alert, sorry - anyone there?
17:41.14 Mark____ anyways, I'm using BRL-CAD on windows, trying to make a gasket for standard biotech well plates. It works fine initially, but trying to facetize or convert to .STL format (the end goal, so I can print some objects) seems to become exponentially slower with the number of objects involved.
17:41.20 ``Erik NO
17:42.03 ``Erik the csg -> nmg conversion is something like O(n^3) bceause it attempts to preserve solidity
17:44.07 Mark____ I am working with 96-well plates, and each well has a core volume, a countersink, a raised rim and one or two other bits, and it basically just doesn't work, it crashes before completing the conversion - is there any way around this problem?
17:45.04 Mark____ (BTW I may be missing something obvious, I am very new at this e.g. about 1 week)
17:52.16 ``Erik conversion? also, in cvs head, "clone" now works on v5 db's...
17:53.08 ``Erik "basically just doesn't work" isn't terribly descriptive
17:58.28 Mark____ sorry, I am also new to the vocabulary around this :) ... I have made the geometry I want as CSG, but I need to make an STL file so I can print the object. Unfortunately, as there are 96 * 4 minimal objects plus the common base block, whenever I try to convert to .STL format, (or just facetize the thing) I get (OBJ1 u OBJ2) and ((OBJ1 u OBJ2) u OBJ3) etc very quickly, but then it gets up...
17:58.30 Mark____ ...around (((((((....)...)...)...)..) u OBJ 50) and gets slower and slower and slower - I would estimate the tesselation (is that the right word for this?) would take days if not weeks to complete
18:01.07 Mark____ PS I didn't understand the "clone" reference - is that another way to make the objects so that it only tesselates them once and then copies afterwards?
18:24.18 ``Erik it will be very very very slow, and the (()) stuff is related to tesselation, it's not necessarily bad
18:25.08 ``Erik clone is if you have an object and if you want many more (a deep copy, even), it'll do it... that's something I just fixed in the last week or two :)
18:33.47 Mark____ OK, thanks - so just so I'm clear on this, there is basically no way around this and I will just need to bite the bullet and burn a lot of CPU cycles - is that accurate?
18:35.57 Mark____ also - would it be a Bad Thing if I were to try to fake it by tesselating one object and then making a script to duplicate that 96 times (with modified XY coords) in the STL file?
18:54.34 ``Erik yes, nmg will take some monsterous cpu.
18:54.55 ``Erik seriously O(n^3)
18:55.06 ``Erik sorry :(
19:42.53 Mark____ OK, thanks. How do people deal with this issue in industry etc? Is it a general CAD limitation, or something specific to BRL-CAD / CSG modelling?
20:19.37 Mark____ also, what does the n in O(n^3) refer to? triangles, or CSG primitives? e.g. is there any way to fool it by segmenting the part and somehow combining the segments at the end?
20:27.52 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
20:39.42 brlcad awesome, the new canon scanner does a pretty good job .. and fast
20:40.06 brlcad might actually have sharable pdf's of the STEP standard before the end of the week
20:41.07 brlcad Mark____: it's a general CAD limitation for the most part
20:41.39 brlcad the O(n^3) refers to the amount of effort it takes to continually re-guarantee that the object that will result from the facetization process is, in fact, still a solid geometry object
20:42.10 brlcad and that limitation is predominantly BRL-CAD specific, a inefficiency detail of the implementation approach
20:44.24 brlcad breaking the tessellation task up into multiple object will save you loads of time, there are probably a few other "work-around" methods too, but letting it burn the cpu cycles is probably the easiest approach -- anything else is likely going to be manpower cycles that are more than the cpu cycles
20:45.07 brlcad nothing wrong with tessellating one object and duplicating it -- you can do that inside brl-cad too, run 'facetize' command, then clone/copy the object N times
20:47.38 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
20:48.46 Mark____ OK, I will try that - once it has facetized an object though, does it re-tesselate it for the STL conversion, or just use the same triangles it has already made?
20:50.06 ``Erik no, nmg gives bots, the bots are spewed to stl
20:54.46 Mark____ also, what is the best way to select an object from the command line? I am having trouble with the Build Pattern tool (Error: invalid command name "pattern_control"), so I have resorted to little scripts, but I can't figure out how to select and copy from the command line
20:56.42 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r274 10/trunk/ICPA/: Start the project
20:59.36 Mark____ OK, I have to go offline for a bit, thanks very much for your help! - Mark
21:07.25 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r275 10/trunk/ICPA/ (14 files in 7 dirs): stubs.
21:25.14 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r276 10/trunk/ICPA/ (10 files in 5 dirs):
21:25.14 CIA-4 libirc: initial engine stub
21:25.14 CIA-4 libirc: VC71 build system
22:45.00 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r277 10/trunk/ICPA/ (9 files in 6 dirs): stubs for the 4 main components.
22:52.09 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r278 10/trunk/libirc/src/IRCUserManager.cpp: ++ the copy of the iterator, not the one we are copying
22:52.37 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ exit, not return
23:40.32 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r279 10/trunk/libirc/src/ (4 files): make sure all the erase functions don't assume a returned iterator, and do a proper iter increment.
23:53.03 CIA-4 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r280 10/trunk/libirc/src/ (IRCClient.cpp IRCServer.cpp): do reverse order deletion instead of iteration for vectors.

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