IRC log for #brlcad on 20071022

00:13.34 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: eliminate vararg and non-ansi cray-specific support code
00:21.54 brlcad FYI, if you run screen on .bz, I've made a simple 'rx' script that reattaches you to your existing screen session
00:31.11 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: ws expand for readability
00:33.45 ``Erik O.o "screen -r" is that tricky?
00:40.22 brlcad not in the least
00:40.37 brlcad it's just a shorthand that saves the typing (for what is a fairly frequent command for me)
00:41.04 brlcad two chars vs 12-22 chars
00:42.13 brlcad it does an -x instead of an -r, I like em in parallel myself
00:48.48 brlcad dear god man
00:49.03 brlcad it's a toolbox essential
00:49.18 brlcad almost as necessary as learning a decent editor
00:55.25 starseeker heh - and I thought using fluxbox was going minimalist on the graphical desktop side... ;-)
00:55.50 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/log.c: don't call va_start until after making sure it's not a null format
00:58.48 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (src/libbu/bomb.c include/bu.h):
00:58.48 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: add a new bu_exit() function that never returns. this function differs from
00:58.48 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: bu_bomb() in that it supports an error code and printf style arguments. it
00:58.48 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: should not be used for 'exceptional' exit conditions where stability and
00:58.48 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: validity are in question; it should be used when you simply want to politely
00:58.51 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: exit the application after printing a message (like printing application usage
00:58.53 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: and exiting).
00:59.24 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/rt/viewedge.c: oops, remove debugging
01:02.11 starseeker brlcad: If you can remember this far back, how long did it take you for the key bindings to become second nature on screen?
01:03.27 brlcad hm, a few days iirc
01:03.40 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/bomb.c: stfu about the longjmp handler being taken. the user doesn't care and the message is rather misleading.
01:03.59 brlcad getting used to ctrl-a a and ctrl-a e were the tricky ones as I use them all the time
01:04.09 brlcad but now it's pretty fluid whether i'm in screen or not
01:04.31 starseeker Cool.
01:04.56 brlcad you'll want to learn ctrl-a f for flow control and ctrl-a F to "resize" the screen window (if you reattach from a terminal of a different size)
01:05.12 brlcad it's basically persistent shell sessions, so long as the machine stays up
01:05.46 brlcad so I can be on irc 24/7 or have instant access to various remote servers that I need, dedicated windows to watch various log files, etc
01:06.56 starseeker Ah, OK. Very nice!
01:07.39 starseeker I can definitely see where this would help avoid the need to use the mouse...
01:07.56 brlcad particularly if you run screen on a server that's always up (e.g. .bz) then you can even ssh out from there to various hosts and keep windows open to them
01:08.38 brlcad you can then attach to that session on the remote server from anywhere and get back to your "console workspace"
01:09.22 starseeker So a screen "session" would consist of all the windows open in that particular instance of screen?
01:09.23 brlcad other useful commands are creating a new screen (ctrl-a c) and navigating (ctrl-a n or p)
01:09.39 brlcad yeah
01:09.42 brlcad they all persist
01:10.09 starseeker That's nifty.
01:10.44 starseeker On a machine without an X server, this has to be a "must"
01:10.53 brlcad so, for example, I log into .bz where my screen session consists of one context that has irssi always running, another has e-mail, another has various logfiles being watched, and then others are created/destroyed as needed depending on things I'm working on
01:11.39 brlcad even with an X server .. it's low overhead, mouseless, efficient console/workspace management
01:12.28 starseeker Interesting - like the command line itself, it gives a considerable efficiency increase for a small initial educational investment
01:13.52 starseeker Which email client do you use - Mutt?
01:14.53 brlcad heh, I'm still a pine die hard
01:15.11 starseeker Hehe - haven't used pine since my undergrad days
01:15.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/NEWS:
01:15.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: user-visible change.. removed longjmp warning message from applications that was
01:15.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: called during bu_bomb's where an application exception handler was registered.
01:15.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: this was a common cause for confusion in the converters that use the jump
01:15.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: handler during normal operations quite frequently -- made it look like the
01:15.22 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: application was repeatedly 'crashing' during conversion yet the application
01:15.24 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: would keep processing.
01:15.44 starseeker I should try Mutt - right now I'm using thunderbird and it gets on my nerves sometimes...
01:15.47 brlcad I've used mutt, it's fine .. but I rather like pine's no-nonesense simplicity (which obviously removes a lot of functionality)
01:16.22 brlcad a list of messages, message folders, basic attachment support, I'm good
01:17.12 brlcad I rather like Apple Mail as well, incremental searching of all mailboxes in realtime is shibby cool
01:17.35 starseeker sweet
01:17.44 brlcad nice to see that applications are finally starting to learn from emacs' incremental searching that was done 20 years ago :)
01:18.03 starseeker heh - some things do seem to catch on slow, don't they?
01:18.27 brlcad yeah, like brl-cad and a nice gui ;)
01:18.34 starseeker hehe
01:19.31 starseeker at the very least, it mixes VTK and QT
01:19.35 brlcad hm, I wonder what kind of response I'd get if I started a project where I'd pay people to find and fix bugs
01:20.07 brlcad something like $1 to find them and $10 if they provide a fix
01:20.39 brlcad the bugs would have to be approved beforehand so someone doesn't just dump 1000 bugs down and expect 10000 in payment of course, but I think something like that might work
01:20.52 ``Erik some 'bugs' are opinion :/
01:20.58 starseeker That was my thought
01:21.07 brlcad yep, exactly why they'd have to be approved
01:21.42 starseeker It might have some potential, both for utility and as an advertising mechanism
01:22.18 brlcad could use the tracker system .. the poster of the message would get the $1, and the first to attach a patch (after the tracker state went from submitted to acknowledged) would get a paypal
01:22.43 starseeker well, first patch that was verified to fix the bug
01:23.27 brlcad I could see putting 1k towards something like this
01:23.36 brlcad get 100 bugs fixed
01:24.42 starseeker Might be worth a shot
01:25.23 brlcad the idea would be to only approve bugs that would likely take about an hour to find the bug, create a patch, and document it
01:25.57 starseeker Right. Spelling errors in comments need not apply
01:26.15 brlcad would have to quantify that into the instructions of course -- don't care if the bug is something like a documentation bug, "manual page is missing -g option"
01:26.27 brlcad yeah, though I certainly wouldn't call that a bug
01:26.51 starseeker me either, but people can have surprisingly "elastic" definitions at times...
01:27.26 brlcad a bug is a run-time flaw that either causes a crash/corruption, or is run-time behavior that contradicts the documented and expected behavior
01:27.53 starseeker Oh, I was wondering earlier - has the use of unit testing in BRL-CAD ever been considered?
01:27.58 starseeker That's a good definition
01:28.39 brlcad there are also compilation bugs and documentation bugs, but those rarely ever take more than a couple minutes
01:28.45 brlcad (to identify and fix)
01:28.50 starseeker Yep.
01:29.43 brlcad yeah, unit testing has been extensively considered..
01:30.03 brlcad right now, it's just a bunch of simple integration tests that tests overall functionality
01:30.27 brlcad with the idea that the tests would be expanded to even more and more tests, particularly as issues are found
01:31.11 starseeker OK.
01:31.14 brlcad now as to doing actual code unit testing, the issue there has always been that there's about a million lines of existing code, thousands of "units" that one would want to test, and nobody wants to write/maintain that code at the moment
01:31.27 starseeker Figured :-)
01:31.56 brlcad it's enough work as it is just to ensure that all the public functions are even documented, much less write code that properly tests each one
01:32.35 brlcad so, we have the minimal maintenance approach -- tests at a higher level, integration tests that make sure apps end up doing what they're expected to do
01:32.46 starseeker Makes sense.
01:33.47 brlcad still could be way better than what we have, and if someone pulled up a test generator that wrote a test for each routine, it could be a laundry list to fill in the guts for each test as people feel like it
01:34.52 brlcad did something "vaguely" related with the new flawfinder 'test' that is in the regression suite -- it runs flawfinder and if there are any items reported at/above the level specified, it means that someone made a function call that wasn't allowed (like bob a few days ago)
01:35.26 starseeker Ah :-)
01:35.35 brlcad had to change a few hundred instances of code just to get it down to level 5, but that was good/necessary code cleanup
01:36.04 brlcad I should have level 4 done soon, fixed about 700 issues with about 400 remaining
01:36.15 starseeker Impressive.
01:36.32 brlcad that's probably a good balance.. level 3 is just flawfinder being picky :)
01:36.43 starseeker Most of these were never triggered by "normal" BRL-CAD use?
01:37.05 brlcad oh, flawfinder just does a static code analysis
01:37.12 starseeker Oh, OK.
01:37.24 brlcad it looks that you're using function BLAH, and BLAH is in it's level N list
01:37.51 brlcad e.g. you're using strcmp, which is generally unsafe .. should use strncmp to make sure you don't read past your memory buffer
01:38.17 starseeker Gotcha.
01:38.26 brlcad so whether they're actually security holes or not depends massively on how the logic is structured
01:39.13 brlcad but they're certainly "potentially" exploitable situations that are almost never absolutely necessary, so we can eliminate the ones we have and keep it at a given level (e.g. level 4)
01:39.35 brlcad splint blew chunks on brl-cad's code last I tried it
01:39.39 brlcad had trouble parsing several files
01:39.50 starseeker hmm. pity
01:40.04 starseeker their parser isn't up to snuff?
01:40.06 brlcad would be worth trying again, that was years ago
01:40.34 brlcad would make for yet another good test to add after getting flawfinder down to level 3 issues only
01:41.02 brlcad flawfinder was nice because I could just add it to the sourcebase as it's just a few thousand line perl script
01:41.14 brlcad s/perl/python/
01:41.17 starseeker Ah, that is nice.
01:41.24 brlcad 1877 lines
01:41.28 brlcad er 1866
01:43.01 starseeker IIRC someone had a one line perl script to decode the Matrix DVD back when the whole DeCSS thing was all the rage...
01:43.16 brlcad yeah, you can do some really crazy stuff
01:44.07 brlcad I have several perl programs that I've gone back to after many many years have passed, with absolutely no idea what the code does other than what the comments say
01:44.50 brlcad they sure can be fast and compact to write though ... great for little cleanup and temporary processing tasks
01:45.17 starseeker If there's some way to measure how much like line noise legal program source code can be made to look as a function of the language, I'll bet Perl wins
01:45.20 starseeker true
01:46.05 brlcad that's how the majority of BRL-CAD's files got a standard header and footer that were auto-populated with existing documentation pulled from within the file's existing contents including doxygen labels
01:46.20 starseeker :-)
01:46.29 brlcad as well as a few other processing tasks I've had to do over the years
01:46.54 brlcad things that awk/sed/find -exec/and friends couldn't easily handle
01:48.20 starseeker Just curious - did you pick up all the various tools as you worked on BRL-CAD, or did you learn them before that?
01:48.28 brlcad both
01:48.43 brlcad some before, some after
01:49.36 starseeker Impressive.
01:49.37 brlcad over the years, just learning the tools as needed depending on what is generally best for the job instead of trying to make the tools I know fit the job
01:49.51 starseeker That's the way to do it.
01:50.00 starseeker I wish that approach was more common
01:50.40 brlcad it really helps to know/learn several different styles of programming languages too, just gives you a better fundamental understanding
01:50.55 brlcad and not just procedural and object-oriented
01:51.19 starseeker Indeed.
01:51.31 brlcad though those are certainly really great starts
01:51.52 starseeker We had a semester in college where they went over a few different languages, but I think they need to do a lot more of it.
01:53.53 brlcad this "liberal arts" that you speak of.. it confuses me
01:54.03 brlcad what engineering department do they teach that in? :)
01:54.07 starseeker hehe
01:54.32 starseeker Guess I should have said "typical undergraduate education:
01:54.35 brlcad j/k, I loved some of my arts and crafts classes :)
01:54.49 Maloeran Liberal arts, that must be part of web design
01:54.54 brlcad the breadth of knowledge is impressive
01:55.14 starseeker Actually, my advanced English class was a lot of fun. (Don't tell any of my physics peers I said so though...)
01:55.32 starseeker Turns out it really sucked to be a contemporary of Shakespeare
01:56.52 starseeker Everyone else kinda got swamped in the history books, despite some decent writers being around...
01:56.53 brlcad yeah, I can see that .. my advanced Spanish class was a lot of fun too .. read a book a week and write an in-depth report on it that everyone discusses
01:57.24 starseeker Cool :-)
01:58.05 starseeker or "muy bien" as it were
01:58.36 brlcad took the placement test for kicks, but then found out I almost aced it and placed out of two years of the full-time undergrad courses .. so my courses actually counted towards my engineering "language requirements" at that level just as if it were an english course
01:59.01 starseeker Sweet
01:59.04 poolio college. :)
01:59.11 brlcad was 4 classes away from a degree in spanish
01:59.18 brlcad dunno wtf I would have ever done with that though :)
01:59.48 starseeker I'm convinced the second AP test I took in English is proof that essay grading is impossible to do correctly...
02:00.17 starseeker brlcad: Well, you could translate the BRL-CAD docs :-)
02:00.33 brlcad and those last 4 classes would have been utter hell .. learning the etimology and history of the language, reading books in "old spanish" and matching them to the context of the times they were written in so that language analyses could be performed, etc .. bleh
02:00.44 starseeker Ouch
02:01.18 poolio I'm 30 classes away from any degree
02:01.31 starseeker poolio: Hang in there :-)
02:01.42 brlcad once you get past the 'basic comprehension' phase and get into the "study of spanish" as a language, the fun level drops fast :)
02:01.48 brlcad poolio: hehe
02:01.51 poolio And I'm having second thoughts on my major, so yeah...
02:02.00 starseeker poolio: What's your current major?
02:02.10 poolio I'm currently ECE--Electrical and Computer Engineering
02:02.36 starseeker That can be cool, especially if you like the lower level work.
02:03.06 brlcad I remember having that thought my first year.. "Hmm.. 6 classes + electives and I have a BA in Spanish... or 20+ classes + electives and I have a BS"
02:03.08 poolio Thing is I don't, I'm more of an algorithms dude. But I'm not really interested in pure CS. I'm thinking of just doing biology or some such
02:03.32 starseeker (me thinks the CADR Lisp Machines are neat but prefers to work with software - fewer burned fingers and mistakes are easier to fix.)
02:03.49 brlcad poolio: applied mathematics? :)
02:03.51 starseeker Biology is a good field to go into - lots of growth
02:03.56 poolio Always :)
02:04.21 poolio brlcad: eh, I'm not that hardcore into math. I thought I was really into AI for a while but I'm not so sure anymore.
02:04.37 brlcad heh
02:04.42 poolio The issue is my school is mainly CS/Engineering based so majoring in something else here isn't going to look very good in the future
02:04.48 brlcad well, that's the great part of college, find what you really love
02:05.16 poolio Hope to
02:05.21 starseeker My advice would be to follow what you want to do - forcing yourself to do something you don't like usually doesn't pay off in the long run
02:05.23 brlcad there was one guy in my graduating class that came in dead-set on some engineering discipline iirc, or maybe history
02:06.03 starseeker Transferring schools isn't unheard of by any means, if your school isn't strong in what you want
02:06.07 brlcad he went away one summer and got a job at a state park after the first semester, and after that he was dead set on a carrier in being a state park ranger
02:06.30 starseeker :-)
02:06.40 starseeker I can see where that would have it's perks.
02:06.42 brlcad and all of his classes afterwards were directly in support of that (and they of course hired him on the spot, he was dead passionate about it)
02:07.28 poolio that's awesome
02:07.34 poolio I've been mountain biking a ton in a local state park
02:09.04 starseeker Well, I'd better hit the hay - this next week is going to be a doozie.
02:09.09 starseeker Thanks all - good stuff!
02:11.39 poolio nite
02:24.55 brlcad poolio: awesome
02:25.04 brlcad see ya guys
03:57.23 poolio brlcad: you still around? I"m getting a mildly confusing linker error
03:57.45 poolio /home/poolio/brlcad/src/conv/.libs/lt-asc2g: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
03:57.59 poolio (during build)
04:29.38 brlcad jeez
04:30.06 brlcad wth is causing that .. you're not the first to report that issue, yet I don't have a single system that shows that problem
04:30.50 louipc what's the test?
04:30.54 brlcad try removing the two LD_LIB lines in db/
04:31.26 louipc oh build error
04:32.15 brlcad it's trying to run the asc2g converter in db to generate the example .g files -- to do that, libtool creates an lt-asc2g that is supposed to work with the as-yet-not-installed libraries .. "some" change in the linking logic seems to be provoking libtool to failure on some subset of systems
04:34.03 brlcad presumably some consistent (bugged) version of libtool or some distro with the same config setup
04:35.50 louipc why not just distribute .g files instead of converting?
04:36.33 brlcad have thought about it
04:36.47 brlcad in part so that the contents of the files can be tracked in revision control
04:36.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ more consistent echo output, use rt suffix for the solids.rt render script
04:36.53 brlcad instead of being binary files
04:37.00 louipc ah right
04:37.02 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/regress/ (14 files): more consistent echo output
04:37.55 brlcad other part is in part to verify that compilation succeeded prior to installation
04:38.40 brlcad just a pita to fight libtool issues with what it tries to keep track of
04:39.22 brlcad if I could get a system to reproduce the error, I could probably find a work-around fix
04:39.22 louipc yes I've heard of libtool issues heh
04:39.35 brlcad yeah, don't get me started on libtool
04:39.51 brlcad it's the weakest of the (already flaky) autotools build chain
04:40.11 brlcad still useful overall, but sometimes a royal pita
04:45.06 poolio brlcad: remove the LD_LIBRARY_PATH lines?
04:45.35 poolio and why in db/ Isn't the issue with src/conv/.libs/lt-asc2g?
04:46.27 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/dxf-g.c:
04:46.27 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: refactor and use the new bu_exit() instead of bombing on normal exit conditions.
04:46.27 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: also fix a bug where specifying the the same filename for the dxf and g file
04:46.27 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: would result in it actually 'working' because it called wdb_open() to
04:46.27 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: open/create the the .g output file before checking if the dxf exists. really
04:46.29 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: minor but happened to run into it when 'dxf-g asdf asdf' surprisingly completed
04:46.31 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: successfuly
05:23.44 brlcad ugh, nearly 2000 instances of bu_bomb to check
05:23.58 poolio eek.
05:24.09 poolio is this for flawfindger or some such?
05:24.29 poolio s/flawfindger/flawfinder
05:31.52 brlcad no, I changed the interface
05:32.27 poolio eek. I think that effects my tiny portion of code too
05:32.50 brlcad bu_bomb() was a general catch-all application abort, initially only intended as a means to abort from generally unrecoverable situations (like being out of memory or detecting outright memory corruption)
05:33.08 brlcad over the years, it grew to be a convenient means to abort with a message
05:34.07 brlcad will now that we have automatic crash-report generation, it really needed to distinguish between the core critical aborts (like corruption) and 'normal' application exits
05:34.40 poolio what automatic crash-report generation do you have?
05:34.49 brlcad so there's a new bu_exit() routine .. so I have to go through the 2000 or so callers of bu_bomb() one at a time and determine if it's something that would be potentially useful to have a crash report of
05:35.54 poolio Did you write this up somewhere or is this brand new?
05:35.59 brlcad brand new
05:36.13 poolio And so bu_bomb does the stack trace and what not, bu_exit() exits with a message?
05:36.23 brlcad yeah
05:36.51 poolio makes sense. have fun :)
05:36.55 brlcad heh
05:37.07 brlcad code gardening
05:37.13 brlcad happens
05:37.19 poolio that's what interns are for
05:37.38 brlcad sometimes
05:37.55 brlcad I generally like to put interns on stuff that's actually fun
05:38.24 poolio Heh. I'm very happy about that :)
05:38.55 brlcad don't always succeed, but I certainly try :)
05:40.17 brlcad some kids just aren't motivated by code, or aren't capable of touching/editing code safely
05:42.33 poolio yeah...but don't the interns kind of choose what they're interested in based on their skills? Like are you given interns to put to work or is it some sort of selection process?
05:46.12 brlcad 'yes'
05:47.26 brlcad it's a mix, an exceptional mix of talent .. and depends heavily on whether they are hs or college usually (or at least how much experience they have thinking for themselves)
05:49.38 poolio well, I must sleep. 9:30 class tomorrow. ta ta
06:33.05 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
06:33.05 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || BRL-CAD is on but not completely set up yet, more news TBD || Release 7.10.4 imminent
07:33.49 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
08:06.06 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:06.20 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:09.33 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:37.40 brlcad yeah, I shoudl probably do that too
08:43.56 Z80-Boy brlcad: have you heard computer generated singing?
08:44.29 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/ (bu.h nmg.h): tweak debug log messages for consistency
08:44.36 Z80-Boy
08:44.43 Z80-Boy
08:46.21 Z80-Boy I wrote a string synthesizer a C program that takes a guitar tab in ASCII on stdin and spits a .wav file on the stdout
08:46.34 Z80-Boy
08:48.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (14 files):
08:48.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: first 10% of the review of the bu_bomb() instances. updating many to bu_exit()
08:48.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: for the instances where the error or exit condition aren't catastrophic errors
08:48.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: (i.e. they wouldn't benefit from having a stack trace of how we got into that
08:48.20 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: state code-wise). this also makes it easier to refactor usages of log & exit
08:48.22 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: too to the new routine.
08:52.44 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
08:52.58 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/canon/png-ipu.c: more bu_bomb to bu_exit conversions
09:07.15 *** join/#brlcad butti_ (
09:07.27 butti_ he all
09:07.54 butti_ brlcad: 20 mm must be something about 20 m..Blender has no units at all
09:08.20 butti_ brlcad: just grids whit 1 unit
09:09.50 *** join/#brlcad butti (
09:10.00 *** part/#brlcad butti (
09:10.31 *** join/#brlcad butti (
09:11.24 butti brlcad: mabe its enogh to scall it 1mm to 1m..thats all
09:22.23 butti brlcad: I would be very intrested to learn about this software and I will ask you for help not only one time. For this moment, Im runnig already another taktic. No time for brlcad :(. My Project needs to be finished (some objects must be chenge and new will coming. So if plan to make something from this file, which I gave you, pls dont, is not ready yet. I will draw in qcad each view in 2d. I will take a shot from blender wires view and take the
09:26.52 *** part/#brlcad butti (
09:37.50 *** join/#brlcad butti (
09:42.32 butti brlcad: do you know the software javawiew? I love to work with that. Lot of inspirations comes from this app to me. It has almost the same gui. It is an app. which is working with mathematical formel and its make quit the same what all 3d progs doing. It is lovely. Take a look at that!
09:58.44 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
11:12.45 *** join/#brlcad minute (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
13:40.21 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
14:09.48 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/conv/g-nmg.c: use bu_exit() instead of bu_log() on unknown argument (I think that's what was intended... segfaults using bu_log with given args)
14:25.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libbu/semaphore.c: make i unsigned to match nsemaphores
14:46.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libbu/htester.c:
14:46.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: Add missing include for bu.h. Fixed sign issues. Rearranged and modernized.
14:46.28 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: Added -v (version) flag and improved argument checking.
15:16.54 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
15:35.37 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: start stubbing in the -c stuff
15:36.44 *** join/#brlcad bpoole (
15:42.15 ``Erik oi, hoolio
15:58.28 bpoole mornin'
16:13.27 brlcad butti: heh, blender does have units, just doesn't expose them very well
16:13.40 brlcad butti: no, I'm not familiar with javawiew
16:15.37 butti <PROTECTED>
16:15.41 brlcad ahh, it's like mathematica's plugin, but in java
16:15.50 brlcad shame it's not open source
16:17.02 butti brlcad: you cant change the units to meter or zoll,,this is like that an im gald about that
16:17.46 brlcad it wasn't a problem, it's trivial to scale it up even after importing into brl-cad
16:18.21 butti sure
16:18.48 ``Erik *shudder*
16:18.53 brlcad I noticed because rtedge takes the absolute size into account when determining whether to draw an edge -- several of the features were "too small" when I first rendered it
16:19.07 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: crude -c functionality
16:19.19 ``Erik yes, rtedge should use like a fraction of scene bounding sphere or something O.o
16:19.44 ``Erik *shudder* don't look at that patch, I'm fighting ugly with ugly to get something in their hands fast, and am starting to fix it...
16:19.57 ``Erik oh, um, heh, that's right, I was gonna look at that :D
16:20.12 brlcad i won't, I"m on a bu_exit() frenzy probably for the rest of the day
16:20.40 ``Erik yeah, I had to fix one of those in src/conv/g-nmg.c O.o
16:20.40 brlcad different semaphore bug
16:21.00 ``Erik bu_log(1, "blah", argv[0]); ? O.o
16:21.27 brlcad there's "some" bug in rt at least where it'll crash during raytrace, something is either not being protected or something in semaphore.c has changed that breaks it
16:21.50 ``Erik ohhh, the src/libbu/semaphore.c ? heh, no, I'm just fixing trivial Wall type errors there
16:21.55 brlcad it's exceptionally random, and seems to only happen a few % of the time, so I've not been able to provoke it to find it
16:22.09 ``Erik hum, -p3000 help expose it?
16:23.07 brlcad if I put rt in a while loop rendering to /dev/null, it usually can happen anywhere from a few dozen to few hundred iterations (and sometimes not even then)
16:23.49 ``Erik does the bomb code catch unexpected seggies and bus faults?
16:24.51 ``Erik hum, tcl85b1 triggers portaudit, 'ReadImage' has known buffer overflow issues O.o
16:25.22 brlcad no, I didn't want to add the signal handlers before release until all the issues were sorted out with bu_bomb()
16:26.22 brlcad plus wasn't positive about the scope of impact and how it'd play if there were multiple signal handlers installed
16:26.28 ``Erik I guess pick a fast machine multiproc and ask rt to render 1e6 frames in gdb or dbx or something? :)
16:26.52 ``Erik without a stack trace or something, it'd all be guessing
16:27.12 brlcad I got stack traces.. they're just .. bizarre
16:27.42 ``Erik url?
16:28.34 brlcad
16:28.54 brlcad the moncount was just because I made a profile build, happens with/without it
16:29.32 brlcad the *parent* thread crashed there.. which should be just quietly waiting for the threads to exit
16:29.38 ``Erik O.o
16:29.46 brlcad and that was probably 1/3 into the ray-trace
16:29.56 ``Erik heh, g_arb.c:798 is a variable decl on my source O.o
16:30.22 brlcad that line changes from crash to crash
16:30.33 ``Erik heh
16:30.34 brlcad thread 0 is usually the one that crashes though
16:30.39 ``Erik only tested on a hackintosh?
16:30.53 ``Erik <-- tends to favor bugchasing on bsd or even leenewx to a mac :/
16:32.00 ``Erik find . -name '*.[ch]' | xargs sed -i.bak 's/register //g' && cvs -z3 commit -m "damnit."
16:32.01 ``Erik *cough*
16:32.02 ``Erik O:-)
16:32.54 ``Erik make dist && open # damnit. *cough* O:-)
16:33.56 ``Erik hum
16:34.20 brlcad like I said, I can't reliably reproduce it
16:34.24 ``Erik with the rtedge not quitting issue, click closing the fb exist the program with $? 0
16:34.59 brlcad everytime I make a clean build with debug symbols, it seems to work, or the bt in gdb is meaningless
16:35.46 brlcad I ran a test removing all the register keywords many years ago .. it actually slowed down significantly
16:36.10 brlcad would be interesting to see if it's still the case
16:36.14 ``Erik O.O "rtedge -F/dev/X havoc.g havoc" lingers the window
16:36.28 brlcad linger is default
16:36.29 ``Erik but the program exits immediately after the performance stuff is printed
16:36.36 ``Erik yeah, but -F/dev/X should over-ride that
16:36.38 ``Erik no?
16:36.46 brlcad no, that's just X with defaults
16:37.00 brlcad Xl would force linger on (if it weren't the default)
16:37.47 Z80-Boy brlcad: I should actually download the newest code and try out if the arbn bug is now gone in my situation
16:37.57 ``Erik and how do you force linger OFF, then?
16:38.07 brlcad and /dev/Xt
16:38.15 brlcad transient vs lingering
16:38.20 Z80-Boy The poll is missing the entry "I use it for so long that I don't remember anymore"
16:38.35 brlcad Z80-Boy: yeah, should be fixed now
16:39.51 Z80-Boy COngrats to putting up the new website
16:41.33 brlcad it's still not quite ready, several issues to sort out
16:41.49 brlcad but I'd like more eyes on it to see how it renders
16:43.06 Z80-Boy I use links so it doesn't render
16:43.17 Z80-Boy It's just all gray
16:44.34 ``Erik that's neat
16:45.22 ``Erik oh
16:45.25 ``Erik rt does it for me, too
16:46.34 ``Erik "rt havoc.g havoc" doesn't exit, but if I give it -F/dev/X -F/dev/Xl or -F/dev/Xt, it does exit when it should
17:36.33 brlcad Z80-Boy: screenshot?
17:37.44 brlcad ``Erik: using full cpu?
17:38.09 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (n=yukonbob@
17:38.13 brlcad rtedge was using full-cpu and never printed the raytrace complete message
17:38.28 yukonbob Hello, whirled.
17:38.35 ``Erik didn't look
17:39.34 ``Erik hum, it's holding the cpu load up against 1
17:42.49 ``Erik same behavior with rt
17:43.13 ``Erik and right click releases the program
17:43.16 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/ (31 files in 5 dirs):
17:43.16 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: whoosh, another 10% complete on the bu_bomb to bu_exit conversion review. also
17:43.16 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: includes a slew of custom exit() calls that can use bu_exit() as well as toning
17:43.16 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: down a slew of overzealous exclamation point use. (20% complete overall)
17:44.16 ``Erik heh
17:44.20 ``Erik grep -r '!!!' src
17:44.21 ``Erik eeks
17:45.05 ``Erik hum
17:45.11 ``Erik and a lot looks like john
17:45.20 ``Erik png tools, pattern, ...
17:51.22 brlcad it's just a style thing, but for messages being sent to the user, the "emotion" it conveys is a bit wierd sometimes :)
17:51.48 ``Erik <-- looking at printed strings, not code comments
17:52.13 ``Erik :) a bit much, perhaps *shrug* but I'm not gonna jump in and do anything right now, got other stuff to do
17:52.43 brlcad hm, so i'm apparently chunking through at about 10% every 2 hours..
17:52.58 brlcad that means I have 16 hours to go .. oh joy
17:53.09 ``Erik when rt and rtedge get wedged like that, the kill is in a wait4() call
17:53.23 poolio ``Erik: a snippet of your code reminds me of some commit you corrected in my code earlier.... 8)
17:53.49 ``Erik so I'm imagining that the fb process might not be releasing all the parent fd's or something
17:53.59 ``Erik which snippet? O.o
17:54.21 ``Erik adding '#include "bu.h"' or something? O.o :D
17:55.18 brlcad heh
17:55.19 brlcad bu_bomb("Choke! ack! gasp! wheeeeeeze.\n");
17:55.37 brlcad bu_bomb("choke, gasp, *croak*\n");
17:55.44 brlcad funny lee
17:56.57 ``Erik heh, hopefully no one ever sees the output of a bu_bomb() *shrug* :)
17:57.35 ``Erik hmmmm, liboptical/treetherm.c
17:57.41 ``Erik sh_treetherm.c rather
17:57.51 brlcad hence the addition of bu_exit() .. bu_bomb() are conditions that shouldn't ever be encountered
17:58.45 brlcad yay, Heroes tonight
17:59.22 ``Erik so clone can have "-c [num]"
17:59.59 ``Erik if I can get my freakin' browser off of that is
18:06.03 poolio ``Erik: "silly coder, this is C! you can't declare variables mid-scope"
18:09.14 ``Erik hehehe
18:09.42 ``Erik yes, in c90, it's illegal to declare a variable anywhere but the beginning of the scope (or block, if you like that word better)
18:11.15 ``Erik try compiling with your CFLAGS containing something like '-Wall -W -Werror -ansi -pedantic' some time... it'll hurt you... not as bad as, say, splint, but it will :)
18:13.23 poolio ``Erik: I know, I'm just saying you did the same thing with your last commit :)
18:18.47 ``Erik 'crude c functionality'?
18:18.49 ``Erik -c
18:19.14 poolio jah
18:19.17 ``Erik <-- not understanding
18:19.22 ``Erik -c is a flag to the clone command
18:19.33 poolio errr
18:20.14 poolio I was just giving you a hard time for declaring a variable mid-scope
18:20.41 ``Erik um, I don't declare in mid scope
18:21.00 ``Erik curly brackets define new scope, I have curly's around that block
18:21.23 ``Erik or, rather; show me where :)
18:21.46 poolio ah durrrrr.
18:22.04 ``Erik hum, speaking of
18:22.18 ``Erik cmu, huh? do you know or know of a lee salzman?
18:26.38 ``Erik !#~!@!~ fucker :(
18:26.52 ``Erik is the new season already running?
18:27.01 brlcad heh, for like 4 weeks dude
18:27.09 ``Erik feck
18:27.54 ``Erik bparker is downstairs in ed's office, btw... waiting on computer accounts I think, want anything relayed?
18:28.14 brlcad my dvr actually screwed up the weekend I went to cali
18:28.34 brlcad just pulled them off itunes instead
18:28.44 ``Erik hm, like $2/ep?
18:28.52 brlcad sure, "Hi Bob!" .. see him tomorrow probably
18:29.14 brlcad and i'm gonna undo his chmod breakage
18:29.45 brlcad probably can get away with #define fchmod _fchmod for winderz
18:30.22 ``Erik heh, yeah, I think the twist for a lot of posix on winnt is the _ prefix :/
18:30.23 brlcad i'm about ready to get rid of it
18:30.37 ``Erik and these days, we can probably assume dos based windows is irrelevant
18:30.40 brlcad it's actually made me watch more tv than before now that I can watch what I want when I want
18:30.48 brlcad thinking of just going itunes-only
18:31.00 brlcad buy ala cart for the shows I care to watch
18:31.09 ``Erik still drm damaged, though, no?
18:31.15 brlcad calculated that it would definitely be cheaper overall
18:32.03 ``Erik what, $40/mo opposed to $80?
18:32.36 poolio ``Erik: nope, sorry.
18:33.00 brlcad yeah the video is fuxored, though it can be burnt/ripped iirc
18:33.01 ``Erik he probably graduated before you got there, hoolio :)
18:33.11 brlcad not sure if anyone's cracked it outright like has been done for music
18:33.36 brlcad 140/mo and you don't have a dvr?
18:33.42 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:33.50 brlcad that must be a handful of porn channels
18:34.02 ``Erik heh, no porn, ... well, not advertised as porn
18:34.11 ``Erik I think I have like showtime or hbo or smething
18:34.19 ``Erik that I've watched, like, once in the last 4 years
18:34.52 brlcad i think dvr is about 80/mo + whatever base service, so usually 100-120/mo
18:35.23 brlcad i used to have all the movie chans.. sure didn't cost 140/mo
18:35.41 ``Erik and I got the digital package for 'discovery wings' and 'bbc', but 'discovery wings' change to 'discovery military' (and I was a huge fan of the history and 'learning to fly' shows), and the bbc here is mostly crap like trading space and shit, not the onslaught of monty python, black adder, red dwarf, etc in memphis
18:36.04 ``Erik and of course the cable modem
18:36.12 brlcad ahhh
18:36.15 brlcad w/ internet
18:36.17 brlcad that's the diff
18:36.26 ``Erik that's probably $50 of it
18:36.30 brlcad yeah
18:36.33 ``Erik like $45 service and $5 rental
18:36.34 brlcad that's more like it
18:37.52 ``Erik doxy in libbu is good, right?
18:37.58 brlcad afaik, yeah
18:38.06 brlcad almost complete even
18:38.40 ``Erik I hate to say it, but I think javadoc stomps doxygen for html output :/
18:40.28 poolio people here use Doxygen for a lot of projects
18:41.52 brlcad with the defaults it does .. default html output sucks hairy ones; but it's fairly configurable and can be made to look as good/better
18:59.07 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (n=Matt@
19:07.00 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: convenience wrappers for comparing vls's
19:17.04 ``Erik make -s in src/conv puts me in a beavis and butthead mood O.o
19:19.44 ``Erik :w
19:20.15 ``Erik I mean, uh, ^C-w or something
19:23.46 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: silly coder, semicolons don't go there
19:30.40 brlcad ``Erik: is the bu_vls_strcmp() one really needed?
19:30.59 brlcad I'm in the process of eliminating most instances of strcmp for flawfinder
19:31.19 ``Erik not particularly, but the pattern is in several places (5 that I've noticed)
19:31.22 brlcad with vls, you always know the length of both
19:32.07 brlcad you mean pattern where that define is made?
19:32.21 ``Erik the strcmp(bu_vls_addr(), bu_vls_addr())
19:32.27 brlcad ah
19:32.59 ``Erik and I searched through vls for a bit looking for the compare functions, seemed there ought to be one
19:33.34 ``Erik <-- working clone into being vls heavy, has the 'other 4' ready for commit to use the macro...
19:33.57 ``Erik if it's excessive, I can up -AC them instead of commit
19:34.02 brlcad should probably make the corresponding bu_vls_strcmp() func then, so it can do the validity checking like the other vls str* funcs
19:34.13 ``Erik yeah, I was thinking of doing that
19:34.16 brlcad yeah, just nobody refactored to create one yet
19:34.43 ``Erik heh, I was kinda thinking of trying to optimize them by doing length comparisons first, but then ya don't know if -1 or 1 is the correct return value
19:35.08 brlcad yeah
19:35.33 ``Erik even though every use is ==0 or !=0 so far... someone will try pushing it through qsort or something eventually heh
19:36.02 ``Erik validation would be good, I was just taking a baby step that direction for now
19:36.56 ``Erik do I commit the consumer files, or back out the macros?
19:37.33 brlcad yeah, that'd be a freaking hard bug to find
19:37.50 brlcad whatever suits you
19:38.13 brlcad won't matter until time to release :)
19:38.28 ``Erik <-- kinda prefers completeness for core functionality
19:38.56 brlcad both probably need to happen, so it's just a matter of which first :)
19:39.16 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/ (libdm/dm-generic.c mged/cmd.c mged/share.c mged/vrlink.c): move to using the new bu_vls_strcmp macro
19:39.28 ``Erik clone.c needs testing, I've done a lot in there
19:39.40 brlcad wonder if flawfinder will bitch on bu_vls_strcmp .. it seems braindead in its string matching sometimes
19:40.06 brlcad i noticed that it complains about some macros that call strcmp that it completely gets wrong
19:40.47 ``Erik hm, [^_a-zA-Z0-9] should alleviate that :/
19:41.23 ``Erik unless it's pushing it through cpp first
19:41.28 brlcad yeah, I think it "tries" to determine context and just gets confused by cpp stuff
19:44.27 brlcad g'dammit .. msvc doesn't seem to have fchmod at all.. only _chmod
19:49.19 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: change get_name() to return a bu_vls instead of a char*
19:53.45 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
19:54.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (5 files in 4 dirs):
19:54.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: wrong direction bob.. working to remove _all_ instances of _WIN32 not in a core
19:54.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: library. besides, using chmod() is actually has a fundamental race condition
19:54.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: flaw that is a security violation; and causes the new flawfinder regression test
19:54.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: to fail. hopefully msvc has _fchmod() like the other posix funcs it supports
19:54.14 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: prefixed. if not, need to add a libbu compatibility routine.
19:56.03 ``Erik (of course, if your'e using win32, race condition security might not be your biggest priority *cough*)
19:56.57 MinuteElectron Windows is awesome.
19:59.20 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: retain 2nd (3rd? 87th?) number if no -c option is given
19:59.45 brlcad aww, now that's freaking cool
19:59.47 brlcad "I used to live on the 23rd floor of a high-rise in Chicago. Groceries were never a problem. The 1st floor of the building was a grocery store and they delivered with purchases of $20 or more (excluding alcohol and cigarettes). Likewise all the local grocery stores would deliver to your apartment free of charge with a minimum purchase. You could phone or fax your grocery order in and pay for it on delivery (even pay with a check) or you could go
20:00.27 MinuteElectron It got cut of at "you could g"
20:00.40 dtidrow_work yeah
20:00.46 brlcad or you could go down and select your items, pay for them, and one of the box boys would lug the stuff up for you."
20:01.11 MinuteElectron Cool indeed.
20:04.51 ``Erik shoot, if it was that close, just stop by every day on the way home
20:04.56 ``Erik mmmm fresh veggies every day O.o
20:05.37 brlcad ``Erik: presuming you ever needed to leave home
20:05.38 ``Erik everyone still crunching numbers on an xmp, raise your hands.
20:05.39 ``Erik :D
20:06.24 ``Erik what's the xmp shtuff mucking with? O.o
20:06.28 brlcad even if anyone HAS an XMP that will still power up, I'd imagine that it's probably possible to get an updated posix lib on there that would remove the need for the hacks
20:06.40 ``Erik just readability?
20:06.46 brlcad it's all throughout
20:06.48 ``Erik (heh... "just"...)
20:07.21 brlcad some readability, a lot of #if chunks, and some code that needs updating if I'm to get flawfinder below level four
20:07.29 brlcad so it's finally become a maintenance burden
20:07.36 dtidrow_work gee, my laptop prob. has more performance than a XMP
20:08.17 brlcad dtidrow_work: almost guaranteed -- computed it once -- iirc, the Apple "Cube" that came out about 8 years ago was almost the same speed
20:08.32 brlcad er, maybe 6 years
20:08.41 dtidrow_work heh
20:08.58 brlcad "cray in a coffee can"
20:09.04 brlcad fanless even
20:09.32 dtidrow_work did you see the article about the 'unlocked' Athlon X2 5000+ that recently came out?
20:10.02 ``Erik didn't the case crack and become discolored on the cube?
20:10.09 dtidrow_work yuo can overclock it to 3.1GHz without tweaking the voltage, or dissapating much more power
20:11.47 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, constant heating and cooling would cause microfractures in the acrylic/plastic for some of them .. barely visible, but not good for the image when the visual look of those boxes was one of their best selling points :)
20:12.02 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: don't assume the suffix starts with a '.'
20:12.38 ``Erik with jobs stickuptheass about the industrial design of products, that was a suprising... feature
20:12.56 ``Erik with a dell or gateway, people woulda just said "meh, they do that"
20:13.20 brlcad hmm.. heh "While your new website seems a little slicker and is probably more functional it lacks the patriotic feel of the original." ... "please bring back the eagle"
20:13.34 MinuteElectron bah
20:13.36 brlcad the eagle is intentionally deprecated
20:14.05 ``Erik echo "the new site sucks, black background is sooooo 1997" | mail -s 'feedback'
20:14.06 ``Erik O:-)
20:14.08 brlcad interesting that it was one of the first comments, though :)
20:14.29 MinuteElectron Did you ever get LDAP running?
20:15.25 brlcad MinuteElectron: yeah, ldap is running .. i just need to focus better -- should now just be a matter of hooking the web apps into it configwise
20:15.37 brlcad i'm assuming that was the problem before where drupal was being pissy with it
20:15.55 brlcad but now it's verified working, and I even kinda understand it now ..
20:16.01 MinuteElectron Oh, sounds good.
20:16.29 brlcad i just needed a diversion after hacking on it for half a day and haven't gotten back on it
20:20.21 brlcad ah, interesting, cray was also pseudo-big endian
20:20.39 brlcad ints were big, floats were proprietary format
20:21.07 ``Erik ieee754 came far later than 2's compliment
20:22.12 brlcad with a hardware pin on the cray el to toggle between big and little
20:30.25 MinuteElectron Whoever designed the gallery2 skinning system needs shooting.
20:44.41 brlcad can only go to user www
20:44.55 brlcad (chown)
20:45.28 brlcad if don't want to type commands over and over via sudo, can sudo -s -u www
20:46.04 MinuteElectron Ahh, right. Thanks.
20:46.13 MinuteElectron I thought you didn't watch the logs ;)
20:46.27 brlcad I don't watch user logs
20:46.34 brlcad but I do get sudo notifications
20:46.46 MinuteElectron Oh, I must be annoying then :P
20:46.55 brlcad ctrl-l is my friend :)
20:47.05 MinuteElectron :D
20:47.43 brlcad I get a lot more than sudo notifications, not a big deal
20:47.58 MinuteElectron ahh, kk
20:48.24 brlcad just about any security/access/system-level related event
21:00.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (28 files in 12 dirs):
21:00.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: the old cray cos and unicos code for the cray xmp and friends finally became a
21:00.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: burden to maintain while resolving various flawfinder issues. remove the old
21:00.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: code, particularly that which wasn't __STDC__. however, intentionally leave the
21:00.36 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: code for calculating byteoffsets and converting float formats to/from network
21:00.39 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: order .. could still come in handy at some point down the road.
21:02.33 MinuteElectron Back to Plan A.
21:07.21 brlcad MinuteElectron: how hard is it to swap right and left menus on the site so that the config matches on the right/left side correctly?
21:07.29 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (21 files in 8 dirs): removed the non-ansi/stc compliant noalias.h and noalias-prag.h headers that were used with the cray (and alliant) to make pragma decls before loops. made obsolete long ago with the move to ansi compliance.
21:08.14 MinuteElectron I could do it with little effort. Give me five minutes or so.
21:08.17 brlcad cool
21:09.27 brlcad I'm also thinking to maybe change the header to not require alpha transparency .. i (annoyingly) got a few IE6 complaints about it rendering badly already
21:09.42 brlcad more prevalent that I thought still apparently
21:11.58 MinuteElectron I will look into pngfix again, I've tried it before, but it didn't work.
21:12.54 MinuteElectron Also there are methods of single color transparency, but I'm sure you know about them.
21:13.05 MinuteElectron I can also try converting images to gif, that might work.
21:13.10 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/dm-pex.c: whoops, here's to reviewing all commit e-mails even when I make them.. apparently edited out the wrong line for noalias.h
21:13.34 brlcad pngfix requires javascript iirc, no?
21:13.42 brlcad I think these are systems that have scripting turned off
21:14.15 MinuteElectron :(
21:14.24 brlcad I was thinking of redoing the header regardless so that the menu can expand verically too
21:14.27 MinuteElectron Ok, GIF it is, I will sort it out after left\right columns
21:14.41 brlcad (or you can, have at it) :)
21:15.36 brlcad I'm thinking that it might actually look even better to do what's done on the right side panel with the ovals for the menu, just not beveling the bottom two corners
21:16.01 brlcad that would let it expand horizontally and vertically, and could be more readily tied into drupal's menu management
21:16.19 brlcad looks like atm it's ignoring/not using drupal's built-in menu management, just having the menu hard-coded
21:16.47 brlcad maybe something similar for the bevel for the two search tabs too, so they expand correctly
21:17.03 MinuteElectron The problem with tieing the menu system management in with Drupal is the wiki anf gallery2.
21:17.14 brlcad ah, true dat
21:17.29 brlcad fair nuff
21:17.42 brlcad but still would be nice if it expanded correctly :)
21:18.09 brlcad I got horizontal working, just need veritcle (which means making the bevel automatic like on the other boxes)
21:19.50 MinuteElectron The problem with vertical is the background images.
21:20.39 brlcad ?
21:20.41 brlcad howso?
21:20.49 MinuteElectron oh, wait
21:20.50 brlcad it's got a solid background color
21:20.52 MinuteElectron you got rid of them lol
21:22.28 brlcad the way the bezels are now, it's a one pixel white hilight on left, top-left, and top edge; and then with a dark gray 1 pixel edge on the bottom, bottom-right, and right edges
21:22.43 brlcad that pretty much translates directly to the trick done for the right panel bezel
21:23.14 MinuteElectron oh cool
21:23.15 brlcad just that one is 3 pixels thick and includes bottom-left and top-right corners
21:23.32 brlcad completely image-less
21:23.41 brlcad just css tricks
21:24.16 MinuteElectron Why is it you want vertical expansion?
21:24.36 brlcad so it's not reliant upon expected font sizes
21:24.49 MinuteElectron ahh, ok
21:24.51 brlcad font size isn't guaranteed with any browser, user can override
21:25.23 brlcad cmd-shift-+ on a mac in safari or firefox will dynamically adjust the size
21:26.55 MinuteElectron hmm
21:27.08 brlcad example:
21:27.23 MinuteElectron yeah
21:27.24 brlcad everything resizes correctly example the menu because of that fixed height
21:34.26 MinuteElectron ok, this is weird
21:35.34 brlcad don't know if you noticed, but I tweaked a lot of the style settings on the section headers
21:36.15 MinuteElectron yes
21:36.58 MinuteElectron blocks fixed
21:42.51 *** join/#brlcad poolio_ (
21:43.14 MinuteElectron gifs don't work well with some of the sliding transparency you have
21:45.16 *** join/#brlcad poolio__ (
21:49.36 brlcad yep, I know .. I was thinking entirely changing that so it basically doesn't need any transparency
21:50.03 MinuteElectron aww, ok
21:50.33 poolio__ geez. my internet is out of control...sorry
21:50.58 brlcad i think it's pretty cool, but not worth it if it's going to look like total ass on a major subset of visitors
21:51.35 brlcad alternatively, could leave it like it is, and just have a separate fixed header with no truck for the lame browsers
21:52.04 MinuteElectron It would be possible to use IE if statements to do so.
22:19.09 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
23:03.03 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
23:03.05 Maloeran This is unexpected. This chunk of code performs 18 times faster with -O2 -mtune=nocona in comparison to binaries produced without optimisation
23:03.18 Maloeran I had never seen such a gap before, I didn't even think it possible

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