IRC log for #brlcad on 20071023

00:04.07 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
00:11.28 *** join/#brlcad CIA-27 (i=cia@
00:42.34 CIA-27 libirc: 03mm_202 * r293 10/trunk/libirc/ (include/IRCClient.h src/irClientEvents.cpp): Some minor typo fixes.
01:52.04 *** join/#brlcad poolio (
02:18.50 *** join/#brlcad poolio__ (
02:20.01 *** join/#brlcad poolio___ (
06:55.38 CIA-27 libirc: 03mm_202 * r294 10/trunk/libirc/src/irClientEvents.cpp: Fixed two bugs with eIRCChannelUserModeSet.
06:58.06 CIA-27 libirc: 03mm_202 * r295 10/trunk/libirc/src/IRCUserManager.cpp: Found a bug in removeChannelFromUser(), but didnt fix it. JeffM: your favorite, erase().
07:11.49 CIA-27 libirc: 03mm_202 * r296 10/trunk/libirc/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Fixed a stupid spelling mistake, Permisions -> Permissions.
07:18.25 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
08:13.57 brlcad minute-ssh: made a slew of changes to the header, trying out various different styles/approaches
08:14.58 brlcad minute-ssh: the menu expands nicely now and I think it looks a little better, but I had a problems getting the bezel to wok on windows for some reason
08:15.09 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
08:15.31 brlcad changed the images too -- now using gifs for the background images with the colors corrected to the color_palette images
08:17.08 brlcad didn't change the title, byline, or axis yet to make a precomposited image for broken browsers
08:17.51 brlcad and still have to fix the search tabs so that they expand correctly now too .. those should be the last items that need to be tweaked to allow resizing
08:19.10 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
09:17.36 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
09:33.18 MinuteElectron brlcad: I already changed the x,y,z axis to gif :)
09:38.24 MinuteElectron And you must have a lot more patience than I do.
09:39.07 MinuteElectron The new design is definitely an improvement.
10:47.33 *** join/#brlcad butti (
11:10.03 *** join/#brlcad Apathy (i=Matt@
12:13.06 *** join/#brlcad ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
12:13.06 *** mode/#brlcad [+o ChanServ] by
13:50.57 Maloeran This is so absurd. The federal, provincial and municipal governments are preparing a proposal to move the United Nations to... Montreal!
13:51.06 Maloeran The odds of success are so astronomically low
13:53.58 brlcad MinuteElectron: I don't think it's so much patience as it is my obsessive-compulsive tendancies .. there are still several things on the layout that will grate me until they're fixed :-)
13:54.48 MinuteElectron ahh, allright
14:27.42 ``Erik heh, "come to montreal! we don't have any building worth flying in to!"
14:27.43 ``Erik *cough*
14:28.27 ``Erik and every translated statement will require yet another translation to french *cough*
14:28.30 ``Erik O:-)
14:33.14 Maloeran Eh, exactly. And who's dreaming that the United States would let the UN go away? It seems our governments have money to throw away on futile and delusionary projects
14:34.35 Maloeran Canada also wanted to host the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor despites providing a tiny fraction of the funding, and walked out when France won the hosting bid
14:35.57 ``Erik damn uppity canucks and their insane nationalism
14:35.58 ``Erik :D
14:37.39 Maloeran Yup! :)
14:56.05 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
16:24.44 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
16:55.45 butti hello
16:56.38 butti ``Erik: are you an american?
17:04.42 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
17:05.08 yukonbob hello, whirled.
17:35.45 ``Erik Dr. Calvin Rickson, a scientist from Ohio State University has invented a bra that keeps women's breasts from jiggling and prevents the nipples from pushing through the fabric when cold weather sets in.
17:35.46 ``Erik At a news conference, after announcing the invention, a large group of men took Dr. Rickson outside and kicked the s#$% out of him.
17:35.48 ``Erik butti: yes
17:36.27 MinuteElectron lawl
17:36.31 ``Erik but not one of the vocal idiot minority that most non-americans assume represent all americans, sorry
17:37.19 butti <PROTECTED>
17:37.22 ``Erik I don't have american flags on my house or car, I don't say "buy american, just because", I don't wear baseball hats (or watch sports), I don't drink piss like 'miller' or 'bud', I don't believe that if you don't speak english, you should get out, ...
17:37.45 butti lovely
17:37.50 ``Erik <-- lived in japan for 3 years, lived on the canuck border most of his life, drives a german car, ... :)
17:38.17 ``Erik and I am extremely displeased with the current administration
17:38.59 butti Im always worry about hard to live with them
17:39.19 ``Erik you live with people from the US?
17:39.32 butti no, I mean all the nation
17:39.36 ``Erik heh
17:39.46 ``Erik <-- points out that texans are NOT americans, they're texans.
17:39.48 ``Erik damnit.
17:39.52 butti hehe
17:40.03 ``Erik that'd be like quebec being in control of canada
17:40.20 ``Erik or jutland being in control of germany
17:40.25 butti 3 times i hat american lovers..they was all left-liberal
17:40.36 ``Erik or ireland being in control of UK
17:40.54 ``Erik :D
17:41.05 butti hehe
17:41.09 ``Erik (and the one of my analogies that doesn't fit is probably the germany/jutland one)
17:42.17 butti but this means, the left-liberal are not bindingly
17:42.34 butti i dont know nothing about jutland
17:44.14 butti I mean, thats why such a persol like Sarkozy, who divorse with her wife is so spectacular. he is right front as rapublicans do
17:44.44 butti you know what i mean
17:45.47 butti where are you living right now ``Erik ?
17:47.57 ``Erik I live just north of baltimore, ont he east coast... but I mostly grew up north of seattle
17:48.54 butti ok seatle must be cool, that what ive hear about this city
17:49.02 ``Erik *nod* I miss it
17:51.10 butti but you have alway sun in baltimore, here becomes quit dizzy ...brrr, cold and gray
17:51.17 butti grey
17:54.11 butti now we have a new goverment in Poland, I think the soldiers will come backs from Irak now, I hope so
17:56.18 ``Erik <-- prefers cold and grey
17:56.36 butti the old kaczynsky Klones wanted to stay in irak becouse: "we should do this shit till the end, becouse we promised that"
18:00.00 butti no, I defintly prefer sun, which I didnt see this year (seating on front of display)
18:03.50 ``Erik hum
18:03.52 ``Erik what is "the end"?
18:04.43 ``Erik I understand war as an activity between people, and one submits... terrorism is an idea/tactic... there can never be a 'victory' because an idea cannot capitulate
18:04.48 MinuteElectron cold + bright FTW
18:05.05 brlcad heh
18:06.23 ``Erik so, uh... tag and kick out?
18:08.25 brlcad yeah
18:09.14 ``Erik are you going to do it? I don't have a -STABLE checkout right now, and I dunno if I want to play with rtag right now, I'm feelin' a little too... calm :)
18:10.04 butti ``Erik: exactly
18:10.24 butti hi brlcad :)
18:16.33 brlcad howdy butti
18:16.46 brlcad ``Erik: I'll tag it
18:24.45 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
18:31.01 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
20:05.57 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald 07STABLE * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: MFC
20:11.38 brlcad jeez
20:11.49 dtidrow_work ?
20:12.03 ``Erik sorry, but it's a slew of stuff that big D has been begging for
20:12.08 ``Erik :D
20:12.13 brlcad now if that don't compile cleanly.. i'm gonna just point
20:12.22 ``Erik oh, it'll compile cleanly... I hope
20:12.27 brlcad mmhmm
20:12.39 brlcad you get to do the irix build
20:12.40 dtidrow_work heh
20:12.40 ``Erik if it breaks it, I'll do the distcheck and upload
20:12.43 ``Erik !#~@!~
20:12.48 dtidrow_work famous last words...
20:13.10 brlcad so should I announce the new command, or wait a release?
20:13.14 ``Erik um
20:13.21 brlcad it's not yet in the notes
20:13.29 ``Erik it's missing mirroring and picking the rotation point
20:13.30 brlcad i was going to wait
20:13.38 brlcad okay, sounds like a waiter then
20:13.46 ``Erik and dwayne has requested reworking so it respects instancing
20:14.02 brlcad dtidrow_work: in the process (literally minutes away from tagging) and he's committing "MFC" :)
20:14.05 ``Erik I told him that'd be considerably more effort than the other little things, so he's cool with letting it slide
20:14.22 ``Erik (thus the innocent whistle)
20:14.53 brlcad hey i don't mind, just hope it compiles cleanly
20:14.55 ``Erik but this hits more than 50% of the clone "problems" in that email
20:15.20 ``Erik I'd hope it'd be more apt to compile cleanly than before, I moved from system commands to libbu commands for the most part
20:16.50 CIA-27 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r297 10/trunk/libirc/src/IRCUserManager.cpp: vectors return an iterator on erase
20:18.25 ``Erik so are we going to push for a halloween release, too?
20:35.48 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07STABLE * 10brlcad/NEWS: added release notes and updated version for 7.10.4, beginning of final release preparations
20:36.17 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07STABLE * 10brlcad/include/conf/PATCH: update to final 7.10.4 version
20:39.13 ``Erik I d'no
20:39.17 ``Erik should I try compiling it before I commit?
20:40.01 poolio__ oo release?\
20:40.09 brlcad that's why there's actually two distcheck tests :P
20:40.31 minute You get to use the news thing on the new website. ;)
20:41.15 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald 07STABLE * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: back out the bu_vls_strcmp() macro as STABLE bu.h trails... a lot...
20:41.52 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07STABLE * 10brlcad/ChangeLog: massive changelog update from 2007-05-16 to today, preparing for the big 7.10.4 release
20:42.19 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || BRL-CAD is on but not completely set up yet, more news TBD || Release 7.10.4 is happening now
20:42.29 poolio__ Cheers :)
20:43.07 brlcad poolio__: beset is actually listed in this release, but haven't made the bigger announcement yet -- waiting till 7.12
20:44.07 ``Erik what are the triggers for 7.12.0? endgame, archer and bombadier?
20:44.53 brlcad the triggers are usually either a major new feature in itself, or the accummulation of major features since the previous minor rev
20:45.24 brlcad endgame wouldn't likely be a trigger
20:45.39 ``Erik I meant those as a boolean expression
20:45.56 brlcad maybe bombardier if it has automatic crash reporting with a gui and several apps with signal handlers
20:45.58 ``Erik and when ya get close to it, usually ya pick the actual things to trip it... :D
20:46.02 poolio__ brlcad: errr why is beset even listed?
20:46.32 brlcad because it's in the release
20:46.33 ``Erik to embarrass you, ben :D
20:46.42 brlcad it will compile and be installed
20:46.44 poolio__ what the christ.
20:46.49 brlcad and be on thousands of people's machines
20:46.53 ``Erik it's important for porters
20:46.58 brlcad whether they know it or use it is another matter.. ;)
20:47.04 ``Erik some of us need to manage lists of installed files
20:47.34 brlcad poolio__: it's effectively zero-maintenance, and might even inspire someone else to pick up where you left off
20:47.57 poolio__ Alrighty. Just seems like it won't be too useful to anyone, except maybe some code examples.
20:48.11 brlcad that's why it's not "announced" .. just in the feature list
20:48.12 poolio__ I guess I should be saying thanks and stop whining :)
20:48.28 brlcad any "user-visible" change is supposed to be listed in the NEWS file with a 1-liner
20:48.51 brlcad that certainly qualifies as 'user visible' given it will compile and be installed
20:49.52 poolio__ How often do you guys do releases? Wasn't it supposed to be monthly?
20:50.09 ``Erik it was, but politics intervened.
20:50.17 brlcad yeah, supposed to be .. but this is a "major integration" release
20:50.23 poolio__ ah
20:50.24 brlcad coordinated with the main analyses user
20:50.30 brlcad s/user/code/
20:50.32 ``Erik <-- is hoping for 7.10.6 on halloween
20:50.48 poolio__ heh, that's only like a week away
20:51.00 ``Erik yes, but stable went cold quite a while ago
20:51.05 ``Erik and head kept marching along
20:51.10 brlcad head is already 7.11
20:51.17 ``Erik ah
20:51.31 ``Erik after 7.10.4 is tagged, I expect to see a huge MFC
20:51.40 brlcad this release should really probably be 7.12, it's not in the spirit of patches.. there were significant features
20:51.52 brlcad especially since 7.10
20:51.57 brlcad (.0)
20:52.26 ``Erik (MFC is "merge from current" for the non-bsd geeks)
20:53.13 brlcad ~mfc
20:53.14 ibot Microsoft Foundation Classes, or crap
20:53.30 brlcad ~mfc is also Merge From Current
20:53.31 ibot brlcad: okay
20:53.41 brlcad ~mfc is also a Major Fscking Change
20:53.41 ibot brlcad: okay
20:54.02 ``Erik ~mfc
20:54.02 ibot Microsoft Foundation Classes, or crap. Merge From Current, or a Major Fscking Change
20:54.41 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
20:54.45 ``Erik
20:54.47 poolio__ speak of the devil...haha
20:55.04 poolio__ well congrats on almost getting the release, I must do work then an ECE lab :\
20:55.07 brlcad yukonbob: are you the devil?
20:55.24 dtidrow_work ah, that's what MFC is...
20:55.42 yukonbob I might be, but I can't read what's not in my log -- what did I just miss ;)
20:55.52 ``Erik (sorry, been a fbsd dork since '98 or '99)
20:56.00 dtidrow_work Microsoft Foundation Classes was the only one I could come up with, and I knew that was wrong...
20:56.18 dtidrow_work Major Fscking Change is best ;-)
20:56.29 ``Erik fscking a
20:57.36 ``Erik main fuel control? mine field clearance? minimum fault coverage? mutli-frequency code? multiple flight computer? :D
20:57.50 dtidrow_work heh
20:58.40 brlcad arg... a slew of itcl init errors during make distcheck that I hadn't noticed
20:59.13 brlcad will have to test mged and company to make sure they actually init properly on install
21:00.14 brlcad i had them fixed at one point
21:00.25 brlcad it should work prior to install now
21:00.32 yukonbob is this for the pending x.x.4?
21:00.37 brlcad probably something with the out-of-dir dist build
21:01.01 brlcad I think the auto_path logic that was added assumes being able to locate the src dir
21:02.57 brlcad ./configure --enable-all --disable-opengl --enable-optimized --prefix=/usr/brlcad/rel-7.10.4
21:06.05 ``Erik can you scp that to the failing file server in /r/tmp/ ?
21:06.13 ``Erik or tell me where on that dang sgi it is?
21:07.53 brlcad it was in my home in brlcad.STABLE, but coping now
21:08.33 brlcad man it must already be choking .. getting about 100kb/s write rate
21:10.13 ``Erik um, that, uh, other program is running
21:10.18 ``Erik stresstesting the disks, heh :D
21:10.52 brlcad my other scp is never gonna finish before it explodes
21:10.56 brlcad done copying
21:11.11 ``Erik it should, I'm only like 3.5 gigs in
21:11.43 ``Erik chmod pls?
21:13.08 ``Erik okie, rewt it is
21:13.23 brlcad done
21:13.36 ``Erik heh, I'd already chmod'd it as root :)
21:18.33 brlcad tagging
21:19.05 ``Erik yay, configure: error: `CPPFLAGS' has changed since the previous run:
21:28.10 starseeker Is the tarball hiding anywhere?
21:28.34 ``Erik yeah, that'd probably be the easiest :) -rSTABLE
21:46.21 starseeker <announcer-voice>Annnnnnnd here we go :-)</announcer-voice>
22:03.40 yukonbob so, is 7.10.4 tagged and bagged?
22:05.31 brlcad howdy starseeker
22:05.56 starseeker brlcad: howdy :-)
22:06.00 brlcad yukonbob: yeah, it's tagged, rel-7-10-4
22:06.18 yukonbob nice -- /me will grab as -current, and try with his build system...
22:11.48 brlcad cool
22:12.08 yukonbob brlcad: btw, what's the devil ref. above?
22:13.52 starseeker yukonbob: Do you use FreeBSD?
22:14.31 yukonbob it's not my primary, but yes...
22:17.25 yukonbob ?Is a reference to the Beastie?
22:17.30 yukonbob (chuck)?
22:18.11 yukonbob anyway -- will find out later -- I'm at end of battery, and need to head home... will report 7.10.4 results later... ciao all..
22:18.31 brlcad yukonbob: i'm frankly not sure .. just funny timing with poolio's comment
22:18.42 yukonbob what was poolios comment...
22:18.57 brlcad "speak of the devil...haha" .. after you joined :)
22:19.08 yukonbob this is probably so drawn out the funny is all evaporated...
22:19.29 brlcad i'm not sure it was ever funny to anyone but me at the moment it was written ;)
22:26.09 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
22:31.54 *** join/#brlcad Darkwell (
22:32.47 Darkwell hello
22:32.51 Darkwell what license does brlcad have ?
22:33.09 brlcad predominantly LGPL
22:33.15 Darkwell I see
22:33.19 brlcad BSD on the build system and a few of the tools
22:33.28 brlcad but otherwise, pretty much LGPL
22:33.41 brlcad details in the COPYING file in the source distribution
22:34.20 Darkwell and for a noob like me , I wonder does brlcad suit to create materials to use for cnc production ?
22:34.46 brlcad hm, for creating the basic geometry, sure
22:34.54 brlcad but for creating the CNC code, no not really
22:35.02 brlcad for that, maybe something like gcam
22:35.25 Darkwell ok
22:36.06 Darkwell but arent there tools I can use to convert to gcodes etc
22:36.21 brlcad brl-cad is a solid modeling system, so the models can generally work very well for machining when modeled correctly, but there's presently not a g-code exporter or drivers for any particular cnc device, just simple stl and dxf exporters (among other formats)
22:36.45 brlcad sure, there are some .. can't vouch for their quality .. and they'renot a part of brl-cad
22:36.46 Darkwell ok
22:36.56 Darkwell I am not familiar with those stuff yet
22:37.19 Darkwell I am planning to famliliarize with programs and tools for future educations
22:37.35 Darkwell I don't want to waste ,my time in trying to figure how programs work
22:39.05 brlcad there is a diagram on the website that sort of shows the CAD markets that brl-cad is currently best-suited towards
22:39.22 brlcad
22:39.27 starseeker aha - OK portage, what were you complaining about...
22:39.30 Darkwell ok thank you
22:40.06 brlcad Darkwell: as the diagram (hopefully) shows you, we are heavy into the CAE aspects of CAD, and only partially overlap into CADD and MCAD domains
22:40.25 brlcad that overlaps basically amounts to our general solid modeling and data representation support as well as rendering and visualization
22:40.54 Darkwell ok
22:41.02 Darkwell that isnt bad at all
22:41.15 brlcad validation of models, CSG support, supporting analysis and development
22:41.31 Darkwell if I get this right , it means I can draw objects in brlcad to see what tthey would look like
22:41.45 brlcad but not really much support for direct ties into manufacturing and design processes, especially concept work
22:41.55 brlcad yeah, sure
22:41.58 Darkwell ok
22:42.11 starseeker showshot.c:98: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function strcpy
22:42.29 starseeker showshot.c:122: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function strlen
22:42.34 brlcad but not easily using a 2D drafting, ala AutoCAD (it encompases the CADD domain) .. you'd be using 3D methods
22:42.48 starseeker coswin.c:104: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function malloc
22:42.57 brlcad starseeker: just missing #include <string.h>
22:43.05 starseeker Ah, OK
22:43.28 Darkwell ok
22:43.37 Darkwell so its 3d
22:43.44 brlcad oh yeah
22:43.47 brlcad 3d solid modeling
22:44.21 brlcad akin to the catia, unigraphics, pro/e markets, but with much much MUCH smaller development budget ;)
22:44.51 Darkwell ok
22:45.07 brlcad here's a screenshot:
22:45.45 Darkwell looks like some kind of raytracer
22:45.53 brlcad basic (big) tutorial on learning the modeler:
22:46.17 brlcad examples of some brl-cad models generated:
22:47.14 Darkwell hmm
22:47.36 Darkwell interesting
22:48.07 Darkwell I think understand what you mean now
22:48.12 brlcad brl-cad has one of the very first ray-tracers ever written
22:48.23 brlcad the package is more than 20 years under active development
22:48.42 Z80-Boy brlcad: oldskool!
22:48.43 Darkwell so its not really used for design and bluepringint of stuff I want to produce ?
22:49.09 Z80-Boy Darkwell: do you work in an architecture bureau?
22:49.15 Darkwell wrote a raytracer once in amige 500 :)
22:49.19 brlcad we went open source about 2.5 years ago, so we're just getting ramped up as OSS to make it more usable
22:49.34 Darkwell ok
22:49.55 brlcad Darkwell: brl-cad's was the *first* distributed/parallel raytracer (back in '83 iirc)
22:50.21 Darkwell Z80-Boy: no I am not, still I need cad cam stuff to be able to design objects that I am going to build
22:50.35 Z80-Boy brlcad: did it run on Cray?
22:50.41 brlcad Darkwell: and to answer your question, no -- not strongly suited to design and blueprints, though that is an area actively being worked on to support
22:50.41 Darkwell and I am soon going to get an education learning to handla cnc machines welding etc
22:50.59 Darkwell then I want to master the computer tools already
22:51.03 brlcad there is some support for it via hidden line renderings, but sans dimensioning: e.g.
22:51.13 Z80-Boy Darkwell: do you do it commercially or hobby?
22:51.38 Darkwell both
22:51.55 Darkwell i�ll work as a tool maker when finished the education
22:52.14 Darkwell as of now I am just a handyman
22:52.15 Darkwell ll
22:52.17 Darkwell lol
22:52.37 Darkwell well I think brlcad looks nice
22:53.35 Darkwell let me check what the proper english name for the job is
22:56.51 Z80-Boy How do I make rtxray produce white background instead of black?
22:56.57 Z80-Boy An xray doesn't look like this
22:59.22 brlcad -W
23:00.26 Z80-Boy It's not written in the output of rtxray without parameters
23:01.18 Z80-Boy And it doesn't work
23:01.22 Z80-Boy As if it weren't there
23:07.08 Z80-Boy brlcad: -w also doesn't work
23:07.14 Z80-Boy refuses to start
23:07.44 brlcad <PROTECTED>
23:08.24 Z80-Boy Giving negative -A also doesn't help
23:08.27 Z80-Boy just produces white
23:08.50 Z80-Boy but otherwise it looks cool
23:09.07 Z80-Boy going to sleep night
23:14.53 ``Erik wow, a new shock site, and this one is... brutal
23:15.48 Darkwell <---- think I was right about the english name anyways
23:38.38 Darkwell hmm gcam wasnt treally useful
23:38.55 Darkwell several bugs in the windows build
23:40.08 louipc report them!
23:41.37 ``Erik yeah, how can twingy fix them if he doesn't have people telling him where the problems are? last I heard, he was mostly fbsd

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