IRC log for #brlcad on 20071029

00:06.22 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
00:06.53 louipc wuzzat?
00:07.05 starseeker Freebie game using the Tribes2 engine
00:07.11 louipc ah
00:07.36 louipc sometimes it's necessary
00:07.41 louipc but not really for games :P
00:07.46 starseeker I should just play bzflag ;-)
00:07.53 louipc haha
00:08.02 louipc it's fun for awhile
00:08.14 louipc maybe just because I'm not a big gamer
00:08.23 starseeker Yeah, that's pretty much my take on it
00:08.45 starseeker I didn't do enough video games at a young age to acquire the shooting precision
00:08.47 louipc I like to play the games to see if I can fix bugs hehe
00:08.59 louipc open source stuff
00:10.08 starseeker Tribes I was IMHO the high water mark of that type of game - Tribes2 just doesn't have the same feel
00:11.07 starseeker Reaper3d actually had a very nice looking engine, but it's been dead for years now
00:11.42 louipc I find the problem with a lot of games is that they hog cpu
00:11.47 louipc even for dumb 2d games
00:12.12 starseeker Indeed
00:12.34 starseeker the old school guys from 30 years ago would be aghast at the use of hardware today...
00:13.13 louipc yeah
00:13.57 starseeker I think if hardware ever does reach some kind of stable performance we will see some major upheaval in programming styles...
00:15.55 louipc well we need better innovation in hardware architectures and such
00:16.02 louipc no more x86 :P
00:55.58 brlcad trainman419: erhm, yeah .. not really any ray-tracer uses opengl accelleration; opengl is general raster image processor, ray-tracing is not a raster rendering
00:56.36 brlcad the final rendered image can be displayed into an opengl context, but you're still just displaying an image and don't necessarily need opengl for that
00:57.06 brlcad the modeler (mged) could leverage opengl a lot, but mged doesn't require opengl for what it does either
00:57.15 ``Erik heh
00:57.19 trainman419 ah, it all makes sense now
00:57.40 ``Erik erm
00:57.51 ``Erik raytracing can use ogl to rasterize... it'd just be, y'know, ass slow
00:58.52 ``Erik BAH, wench got drunk at a wedding and now wants to drive :( stupid whore
00:59.31 ``Erik :(
01:00.15 trainman419 yeah, I'm just used to things like solidworks that show rasteriezed images rather than raytraced images
01:00.44 ``Erik BRL-CAD doesn't have a "quick view" functionality, sorry
01:00.46 Maloeran Mmhm. You didn't go with her, Erik, despites the free alcohol? :)
01:00.48 brlcad they have ray-trace functions too, just not their main graphics display
01:00.58 brlcad at least solidworks does
01:00.59 ``Erik dislacement issue, mal
01:01.28 ``Erik he father is ill and in kc, so that's where she is :/
01:01.38 Maloeran Oh..
01:01.59 ``Erik kansas city, missouri
01:02.08 brlcad trainman419: our next modeling interface will intently utilize opengl through and through for the modeling interface
01:02.56 brlcad tarzeau: where does the build fail for you with CFLAGS="-O2" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,defs" ... that seems to be working for me (on RHEL4)
01:03.00 trainman419 awesome! will that be in mged or archer? (or something new?)
01:03.14 ``Erik the pasted message was a compiler warning, not an error
01:04.36 brlcad trainman419: neither, new interface
01:05.43 brlcad he's been working on that for years
01:05.46 brlcad little by little
01:05.57 ``Erik yeah, but now he has bucks behind him
01:06.00 brlcad too draining to only do that, even for him
01:06.07 brlcad i mean even before
01:06.14 brlcad he started that before you arrived
01:06.18 brlcad heck, before I started
01:06.19 ``Erik *nod*
01:06.26 ``Erik it's the right thing to do
01:06.28 ``Erik just not sexy
01:06.34 brlcad it is, just tons of grunt
01:07.01 ``Erik if he can commit 10% time to it, it's a major win
01:07.09 brlcad Bob's not the greatest at refactoring sometimes, a lot of very short term fixes without the refactoring
01:07.21 brlcad often detrimental to what he has to deal with down the road
01:07.27 brlcad or what others have to do to maintain it..
01:07.37 brlcad the code gets there though
01:07.37 ``Erik heh
01:07.56 ``Erik I'd hope that if he puts effort there, it'd spin off work
01:08.48 ``Erik for laid code, ... windows or tcl :/
01:09.00 brlcad yeah, just having a few more working on development will make a big change
01:09.13 brlcad maybe even start to look like what things were like before M3
01:09.23 ``Erik heh
01:09.24 starseeker M3?
01:09.27 ``Erik :(
01:09.28 brlcad still need two more though at minimally
01:09.39 brlcad *minimally*
01:09.42 ``Erik the project that killed the momentum of BRL-CAD, star
01:09.48 starseeker ouch
01:10.45 ``Erik the core idea was actually good, but pointy hairs got a hold of it... then gutted "the cad team", then proceeded to chase most of 'em away with micromanagement
01:10.57 brlcad rather.. stole motivation, funding, attention, developers, ...
01:11.32 brlcad alas, those are more and more turning into just history with the surge of new interest
01:11.57 brlcad just took a few years for the turnaround
01:11.58 starseeker alas? Are good ideas being lost?
01:12.03 brlcad everything happens in waves
01:12.26 ``Erik good ideas were had and given... interpretation... ... heh...
01:12.39 brlcad "alas", hopefully the brunt of the bad days are behind us now
01:13.12 brlcad for our group at least, it's changing
01:13.22 ``Erik yeah.... I'm bitter
01:13.23 ``Erik *shrug*
01:13.44 ``Erik the best aspect I see is that the GPL/LGPL/BSD push worked
01:14.00 ``Erik <-- likes to pretend he had a serious roll in that *shrgu*
01:14.10 starseeker That's virtually miraculous - I still remember the shock when I saw the announcement
01:14.12 brlcad yeah, the diverted attention helped that in a (very) minor regard
01:14.39 ``Erik (the part I meant was the automake vs cake side)
01:15.12 brlcad yeah, thank jeebus we don't still have to deal with cake hell
01:15.18 ``Erik ehehhehe
01:15.28 ``Erik I was dumbstruck on seeing tht
01:15.32 brlcad for all of the autohell, it wasn't as bad as cakehell
01:15.41 brlcad s/wasn't/isn't/
01:15.53 ``Erik and that lee said "it's broken? ok, go fix it"...
01:15.58 ``Erik that was a good state
01:16.06 starseeker Some of the national labs have open source stuff (Paraview is an example) but I don't recall anything similar coming from the Army side except GRASS
01:16.48 ``Erik hum, cool
01:17.03 brlcad starseeker: technically grass was just "given away" when it was done, public domained because it was a done/dead project
01:17.06 ``Erik I stepped in and was working on the fbsd port and autotools before I even got an account
01:17.18 starseeker brlcad: Oh, OK.
01:17.35 brlcad only because the community stepped up and a few took ownership (and claimed a copyright after significant changes) did it become open source
01:17.40 ``Erik perhaps just "a place to put" the new guy O:-)
01:17.52 starseeker I pointed it out to my dad a few times - I don't know if anyone in his group ever took a poke at it or not
01:18.43 starseeker It looked/looks impressive, for it's problem domain (not that I'm an expert in that field)
01:19.14 ``Erik starseeker: do you use ttcp? ping? tcp/ip? mr muuss was a heavy hitter in those in the name of the army...
01:19.42 brlcad as far as I discovered during the legal research, BRL-CAD was the first *active* project in U.S. Army that I could find that went straight to open source licensing
01:19.57 starseeker ``Erik: Yes, I'd read about that. I regret arriving too late on the scene to ever get a chance to meet Mike Muss
01:20.06 ``Erik me too :(
01:20.27 starseeker brlcad: I can believe it. It's a very impressive accomplishment
01:20.28 brlcad maybe even first in DoD, but that's not likely .. just nothing really popular/notorious or at least that I was able to find after a lot of searching and contact prodding
01:20.49 ``Erik first as in conception date or ?
01:21.14 brlcad first to release code legally as OSS
01:21.38 brlcad non public-domain
01:21.55 ``Erik heh,t hat's artificial, dude
01:21.56 brlcad there are plenty of public domain examples that have been picked up
01:22.01 ``Erik pd is oss friendly
01:22.55 ``Erik also;
01:22.58 brlcad not so much that it "died" but that the group that created it no longer was directed to maintain it
01:23.11 ``Erik brlcad, *smack* it's MUVES-3, don't sully the name "m3", my car deserves better
01:23.30 starseeker brlcad: Ah, that will do it
01:23.59 ``Erik many projects have survived the originator... that's the beauty of oss, it CAN survive
01:24.00 brlcad yes, PD is OSS, but it's not like it takes any active effort and is almost always done on a "done" code
01:24.35 brlcad licenseless vs picking an OSS license
01:24.48 ``Erik should I hack in gettext support on ping and do an "army" release? :D
01:25.02 brlcad dude, are you totally missing the point?
01:25.24 brlcad it's not the same
01:25.41 starseeker brlcad: I guess in a sense Maxima falls into that category too - it was originally under DOE control (which is why it still has that rather odd note about US arms export restrictions in the copying file...)
01:25.47 ``Erik apparently O.o *shrug* I don't equate gpl and oss :(
01:26.22 ``Erik doe has dumped a fair bit of interesting stuff
01:26.23 brlcad mabye if I qualified it as an OSS *license* as opposed to just OSS
01:26.58 ``Erik unfortunately, 'cougaar' was completely ignored by this certain army group... *cough*
01:27.08 brlcad I don't know of another example outside the nat. labs, nasa, and a few other gov't groups that have gone straight to licensed OSS
01:27.33 ``Erik isn't pd on the osi list?
01:27.41 brlcad PD isn't a license
01:27.54 brlcad being PD does make you OSS, but it's not a license
01:27.55 ``Erik heh, it's past license :D
01:27.57 starseeker PD is simply a renouncing of copyright rights
01:28.42 ``Erik starseeker: I'd actaully be a bit scared of that code... heavy assembly (even if well written), classic C style, ...
01:29.05 ``Erik lookin' at the 4.3 bsd code was humbling
01:29.26 starseeker ``Erik: I suppose that's true - the idea of the debugging they do and the methodology they use is actually what interests me the most
01:29.36 *** part/#brlcad rpaddock (
01:29.50 ``Erik I know that faa restrictions of software development is... insane
01:30.15 starseeker Assuming this article knew what it was talking about, that is:
01:32.48 ``Erik and I'm sure they dont' trust the software 100% :D
01:34.33 starseeker ``Erik: Overstated?
01:35.06 ``Erik um, cmmi is an interesting notion and probably has value, btu the implementation as it stands is ...
01:35.07 ``Erik heh
01:35.39 ``Erik amusingly enoughl, gillich said something brilliant about cmmi... "it's a yard stick"
01:35.43 ``Erik or something to that nature
01:36.08 ``Erik in itself, it offers nothing... it's merely a possible mechanism to measure with
01:36.52 starseeker Ah
01:40.24 starseeker brlcad: There's a question on the Gentoo bug about AMD64 - for some reason it didn't find itcl/itk if I'm reading that message right, but I don't know why itcl/itk would fail on AMD64?
01:41.02 ``Erik tcl/tk/itcl/itk/iwidigts all worsk fine on amd64 fbsd
01:41.14 starseeker That's what I thought. Hmm.
01:41.59 starseeker He says it works in chrooted 32 bit environment. Odd
01:48.20 starseeker Monday morning could be a little rough...
01:49.22 ``Erik <- doesn't work on monday :D
01:49.46 starseeker Ah - that helps
01:50.28 brlcad starseeker: see if they can provide a configure and build log as well as the config.log somewhere
01:50.40 ``Erik *grump* stupid wench is drunk as fuck :(
01:51.10 ``Erik ~bzpastebin
01:51.19 ibot bzpastebin is probably a place to put large chunks of text to not flood a channel
01:51.19 ``Erik heh
01:51.38 ``Erik probably.
01:52.02 ``Erik "without their heads, they're powerless!"
01:52.35 starseeker brlcad: Request posted.
01:53.27 brlcad thanks
01:53.31 starseeker np
01:53.36 ``Erik I'd totally get on anna faris.
01:53.50 starseeker brlcad: Oh, did you see my last question about b-reps?
01:54.34 brlcad mm
01:54.34 brlcad nope
01:54.53 starseeker probably dumb, but if you're bored...
01:55.16 starseeker Naive question - the existence of brep at a primitive level - how does that make the core logic of model -> mesh simpler? Would it mean that models would have to be rebuilt with the new primitive or would the conversion of old primitives to b-rep be less expensive?
01:55.38 brlcad brep as a primitive provides the base-level representation
01:55.52 brlcad you still need a means to load up existing implicits as a brep
01:56.09 ``Erik notionally, if we had a fast ->brep conversion method, we know brep->triangles is fast, so we could bypass all the nmg bs
01:56.31 brlcad fortunately, that part actually isn't that bad -- you can create an ellipsoid brep if you have the implicit form pretty straightforward
01:56.44 brlcad yep, it bypasses the whole mess
01:56.51 starseeker Swwweeeettt
01:57.09 brlcad the hardest part (and it certainly is non-trivial, but easier than the nmg approach) is CSG evaluation of BREPS
01:57.16 ``Erik nmg tries to do some tricky stuff from a poor starting point :( also; it's fucking ugly
01:58.05 brlcad csg evaluation of breps involves creating new brep surfaces that trim away various parts of arbitrary surfaces and weaves in other surfaces
01:58.33 ``Erik is it still a weave in brep space?
01:58.34 brlcad numerically should be a heck of a lot more stable simply because you retain the actual structure instead of something that's been deconstructed already
01:59.10 starseeker Nice. IIRC, you said the csg evaluation is the main remaining component?
01:59.25 ``Erik the weave notion is brilliant for striaght raytracing, but is bass ackwards for anything else :(
01:59.28 brlcad yeah, you still have to attach surfaces from object A to those of object B (assuming they overlap) trimming off the parts on the interior or in negative space
01:59.43 brlcad it's not that kind of weaving
01:59.56 ``Erik <- thinking boolweave
01:59.56 brlcad just my terminology for attaching the two
02:00.03 brlcad yeah, nothing at all like boolweave
02:00.33 brlcad even current nmg approach has nothing to do with boolweave
02:00.40 ``Erik and for straight up "through" raytracing, I doubt I'd have thought of anything that clever
02:01.05 ``Erik I'd probably have been stuck on resolving the geometry before shooting it :D
02:01.09 starseeker phew - maybe not a dumb question :-) I was afraid I was missing something obvious, but it sounds like a very elegant mathematical workaround
02:01.10 brlcad it's approach actually isn't much different either other than the surface patches are an order or two smaller than the average BREP surfaces
02:01.43 ``Erik but these days, resolving the geometry is becoming more important
02:02.27 brlcad NMGs actually are a BREP.. just most people implicitly mean spline surface boundary representation when they say brep, not n-manifold polygonal boundary representation
02:02.28 ``Erik even wireframe, just having the 'cutters' rendered intuitively...
02:02.52 starseeker brlcad: Is there a good paper on the mathematics of geometry->brep and brep->mesh conversion mathematics?
02:02.54 ``Erik nmg is almost always associated with tesselating
02:02.59 brlcad having this done would make it possible to show the interior plot lines too
02:03.54 brlcad yeah, technically our nmg lib can handle nurbs too -- that's how stay's nurbs code was written -- but the main and original use is polygonal
02:04.24 ``Erik but jay-lo's code doesn't hit nmg?
02:04.27 brlcad starseeker: several books, but there's not really a single good paper on it
02:04.36 brlcad nope, he avoided nmg entirely
02:04.42 brlcad and intentionally
02:04.47 brlcad uses opennurbs instead of nmg
02:04.55 ``Erik one of these days, he's gonna kick my ass for calling him jay lo
02:04.55 brlcad for the representation
02:05.07 starseeker brlcad: Books work, if they aren't $$$$$ on Amazon ;-)
02:05.29 ``Erik um
02:05.37 brlcad starseeker: wait till you're on-site -- there's plenty of books you can get
02:05.44 brlcad if you get on-site of course :)
02:05.48 starseeker brlcad: cool
02:06.04 ``Erik there was that paper that had omfg fast raytracing and ->bot conversion on NURBS, I think? at utah?
02:06.16 brlcad yeah, that's a great paper, but not a great into paper
02:06.21 brlcad s/into/intro/
02:06.29 brlcad RT06 paper
02:06.30 ``Erik heh, no, it assumes base competency
02:07.00 ``Erik starseeker: if you're up to the challenge, someone will get you the info.
02:07.44 ``Erik on sight or not
02:07.45 Maloeran thinks* too
02:07.55 ``Erik heh
02:08.06 ``Erik write up a paper, submit to ieee rt and siggraph :D
02:08.13 Maloeran Sounds boring :)
02:08.16 brlcad starseeker: just searching google will pull up a handful of papers
02:08.24 starseeker brlcad: OK :-)
02:09.02 starseeker ``Erik: This one? Direct and Fast Ray Tracing of NURBS Surfaces - Oliver Abert, Markus Geimer, Stefan Muller
02:09.20 Maloeran These curved triangles would require more primitives than nurbs, but are so much cheaper for rays to intersect
02:09.44 ``Erik I'm sure they're much less expressive than t-nurbs
02:10.28 Maloeran They wouldn't describe nurbs perfectly, but it sure can be a good compromise for performance and accuracy, between nurbs and triangles
02:10.37 ``Erik I think so, starseeker
02:10.49 ``Erik I think I'm thinking of "Direct and Fast Ray Tracing of NURBS Surfaces
02:10.50 ``Erik Oliver Abert, Markus Geimer, Stefan Muller"
02:10.55 ``Erik
02:11.20 starseeker Yep - hmm, no direct link
02:11.39 ``Erik I have the book sitting ontop of my winderz spaceheater
02:11.41 Maloeran I would scan and send if I had a scanner
02:11.51 brlcad e.g.
02:11.51 starseeker Google to the rescue, I think...
02:11.57 ``Erik heh
02:12.06 brlcad starseeker: also a pretty good in-depth thesis read:
02:12.17 ``Erik and mal just sat there coding and gawking at college chicas instead of listening
02:12.21 ``Erik :D
02:12.50 Maloeran I think you were the one dreaming of college chicas. There was one girl in the entire audience at that conference? :)
02:12.53 starseeker Cool - GEANT :-). I wacked my head trying to get that to compile for Gentoo once ;-)
02:12.55 brlcad and yeah, that's the rt06 paper
02:13.12 ``Erik was a good conf... didn't hurt with the awesomeness like siggraph, but was far better than the javaone pep rally
02:13.35 ``Erik there were a few girls in the group, but the eye candy was when we were out of the conf room
02:13.36 ``Erik :D
02:13.39 starseeker seems to be ``Erik's but it's not coughing it up right now - I'll try later
02:13.50 starseeker brlcad: Thanks :-)
02:13.54 ``Erik (though the girl from unc wasn't hard on the eyes, and smrrt, too)
02:14.03 brlcad there actually are a fair bit of good references and implementations for tessellation of breps -- to varying degrees of water tightness
02:14.28 ``Erik heh
02:14.29 ``Erik um
02:14.38 ``Erik during the poster presentation, she had the huge crowd
02:14.44 Maloeran Ahah
02:14.55 ``Erik something about using gpu's to trace complex structures or something
02:15.09 ``Erik uh, she was hardware side iirc
02:15.09 Maloeran I think I prefer a girl that can teach me stuff radically different than maths and code
02:15.09 brlcad grid of gpus
02:15.34 ``Erik brlcad still wanks thinkin' about her :D *duck*
02:16.41 brlcad actually don't remember what she even looked like
02:16.46 brlcad but do remember that she was there
02:17.34 ``Erik heh, I was mroe boggled that something worth seeing came out of unc than that there was a woman presenting
02:17.45 brlcad shirley's paper relates a bit to what we've currently got implemented:
02:17.53 ``Erik peter shirly?
02:17.59 brlcad yeah
02:18.05 ``Erik isn't he leeberts advisor?
02:18.27 brlcad could be
02:18.48 ``Erik peter and ingo were the two people lee was sucking up to
02:18.52 ``Erik iirc
02:19.15 ``Erik and ingo is a fresh associate, I think
02:19.59 brlcad I believe ingo left for intel
02:20.07 brlcad started the week of siggraph
02:20.13 brlcad that's why he wasn't there
02:20.34 starseeker brlcad,``Erik: I've got to call it a night, but I appreciate the references - thanks much!
02:20.41 brlcad starseeker: see ya
02:20.56 ``Erik huh
02:21.01 ``Erik later, starseeker :D
02:21.28 ``Erik intel must be droppin' some real coin for a cool job, I mean
02:21.41 ``Erik reshetov, now wald?
02:23.53 Maloeran Wald writes a lot, but doesn't have much to say
02:24.09 ``Erik he's smart and capable, but he tries to dominate discussions, from what I saw
02:24.18 Maloeran Yes, he likes to be at the center of things
02:24.46 ``Erik it's good that he does what he does, but he aint' the bees knees :D
02:25.16 louipc what is good about bees' knees?
02:25.31 ``Erik (and, uh, I"d rather have a loud arrogant wald publishing papers than a real clever chicken who just writes proprietary code. *cough*)
02:26.02 ``Erik I can read a paper and learn :D
02:26.05 brlcad he has gotten stuff done -- simply (and proactively) goes after getting attention for it too
02:26.20 brlcad to each their own, getting stuff done is what matters
02:26.30 brlcad and if you don't tell anyone about it, then you might as well have not done it
02:26.55 louipc indeed you need to ruffle some feathers
02:27.00 ``Erik hacking up some brilliant code and then locking the notions down by not putting source or papers out ...
02:27.29 ``Erik patents might actually be worse
02:27.40 ``Erik :D
02:27.58 Maloeran Fine fine, I get the point :)
02:28.10 ``Erik anyways, papers are good
02:28.31 ``Erik the error smelled of broken system when first pasted :(
02:28.33 Maloeran Sure papers are good, I'm just annoyed by the number of papers devoid of any content
02:28.43 ``Erik ok... mal... fix that.
02:28.50 ``Erik kick out a paper or 3 with content
02:29.21 ``Erik most papers value is in tiny incremental steps :/ not too many are brilliant strides of length, these days
02:29.30 brlcad ever
02:29.40 Maloeran I thought I wrote some 3-4 pages that contained what mattered
02:29.52 ``Erik I'm still in awe at the brilliance of CS papers from the 50's and 60's given the state at the time
02:29.53 brlcad always the case, not all of them can be seminal papers :)
02:30.27 brlcad i was just watching sutherland's sketchpad demo earlier today
02:30.33 brlcad seriously impressive for the time
02:30.33 ``Erik heh
02:30.39 ``Erik make burga buy you real aussie beer.
02:30.46 ``Erik or I will fucking kick his ass
02:30.51 Maloeran Ahah, fine
02:30.57 ``Erik um
02:31.03 ``Erik he's in sydney?
02:31.15 Maloeran Brisbane, I'll be staying just a day in Sydney before going up there
02:31.16 ``Erik I wanna say, uh, perth has something called uh, 'black swan'?
02:31.25 Maloeran And what is it?
02:31.27 brlcad have a chiko roll while you're there
02:31.28 ``Erik that my dad claimed was damn good
02:31.32 brlcad i hear they're pretty yummy
02:31.40 Maloeran A chicken roll?
02:31.42 ``Erik oh, also; hit the beach and romp some of that hot aussie tail
02:31.43 ``Erik *cough*
02:32.14 brlcad
02:32.26 Maloeran I know Erik, I was already instructed by Sophie to do so o.O
02:32.40 Maloeran Curious snack
02:33.09 ``Erik hum
02:33.10 brlcad
02:33.14 brlcad
02:33.15 ``Erik damnit
02:33.19 ``Erik now I want some lumpia :(
02:33.41 ``Erik
02:33.58 brlcad "was designed to be able to be eaten with one hand whilst drinking a beer with the other" <-- chiko roll
02:34.06 Maloeran Inspiring
02:35.20 ``Erik the lumpia my mom makes is mostly carrot, cabbage and beef, about the size of a finger, deep fat fried
02:36.09 Maloeran I'm mostly looking forward to scuba diving over there
02:36.15 Maloeran And rock climbing of course
02:36.15 ``Erik heh
02:36.24 Maloeran I'll have to find people for that though, Burga doesn't climb
02:36.25 ``Erik um, atch out for the sea snakes
02:36.40 ``Erik my dad has some stories about running into sea snakes in aussie waters O.o
02:36.52 ``Erik highly venemous fuckers
02:37.09 Maloeran Are they dangerous even when wearing a wet suit?
02:37.21 ``Erik yeah, theyc an be up to 6' long
02:37.48 ``Erik barracudas out there, too
02:37.50 Maloeran Hum, ouch. I'm reading about these for the first time
02:38.05 Maloeran Jellyfishes are usually no big deal with a wet suit
02:38.14 ``Erik nah, they're surface stingers
02:38.16 ``Erik not biters
02:38.18 brlcad Maloeran: give a try at surfing if you're near a coast
02:38.21 brlcad some of the best surfing to be had
02:38.35 ``Erik teeth go through wetsuits
02:38.40 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07STABLE * 10brlcad/src/other/tkimg/ gah, merge from head .. need TCLSTUB to be included else there be unresolved symbols on Mac and now also seen on Linux too
02:38.52 Maloeran Sure I'll try. I wasn't too good at that when I tried in Mexico
02:39.07 Maloeran ( At least in comparison to Sophie who is a snowboard teacher )
02:39.15 ``Erik if ya shake up north a bit, hit okinawa :D I lived there for 3 yrs
02:39.16 brlcad meh, still like ten times more likely you're going to get slammed into in your car on the way to the beach than you are to be bit at the beach
02:39.31 ``Erik indeed, heh
02:39.41 ``Erik don't fuck with an animal, and it won't fuck with you
02:39.43 ``Erik :)
02:40.00 brlcad unless you can buy her a drink first
02:40.02 Maloeran Thanks for this piece of wisdom :)
02:40.09 ``Erik hehe
02:40.20 ``Erik mmmm, hot aussie tail
02:42.30 brlcad that's the second "already fixed on head" issue i've found now .. drat drat
02:43.15 Maloeran That's a curious wedding ceremony
02:43.27 ``Erik 7.12.0 yo
02:53.36 brlcad hm.. setting LDFLAGS does seem to cause it to not pass the X11 flags through, fails at blt
02:55.12 brlcad ah, they're actually not listed for blt
02:57.28 ``Erik
03:00.24 ``Erik "panburger partner" O.o
03:00.28 ``Erik
03:04.32 *** join/#brlcad tttttt (n=root@
03:04.45 tttttt cvvcnbbn
03:05.58 *** part/#brlcad tttttt (n=root@
03:07.04 ``Erik ssoommeeoonnee nneeeeddss ttoo ttuurrnn ooffff eecchhoo
03:07.14 ``Erik O:-)
03:08.54 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/ blt actually makes direct calls to X11, so need to include the goods here else face the wrath of unresolved symbols on some plats (encountered on RHEL)
03:11.05 brlcad woot root
03:28.03 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
03:28.34 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ blt *requires* X11 to function, turn it off if x11 isn't available
03:28.40 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/mged/clone.c: I have no clue what a "BUFXIZE" is, but I know what BUFSIZ is...
03:31.06 bpoole haha. BUFXIZE?
03:31.53 ``Erik that's what was in teh source
03:31.59 ``Erik and I rpobably did it :(
03:32.47 bpoole gj.
03:33.58 ``Erik actually, it was brlcad that did that, heh
03:34.05 ``Erik - strncat(suffix, suffix2, BUFSIZ);
03:34.05 ``Erik + snprintf(suffix, BUFXIZE, "%s", suffix2);
03:34.35 ``Erik bad chris, bad!
03:34.47 ``Erik 1.46 -> 1.47
03:36.24 brlcad yep, just a simple typo
03:36.47 brlcad not the first, undoubtedly the last
03:37.07 brlcad if that's the only one after about 1000 of them, my error rate is prety freaking sweet
03:37.19 ``Erik and I felt bad cuz I let a commit go without proper build testing
03:37.38 brlcad i even built, for whatever reason it passed the build
03:37.53 ``Erik I can't think of why, other than bad timestamping
03:38.01 brlcad or some sys header that had it
03:38.03 ``Erik there's no cpp switch on that
03:38.17 ``Erik BUFXIZE ? O.o
03:38.44 ``Erik #include <myfingersaretwistedandunusablebecauseIuseemacs.h>
03:40.09 brlcad uh huh, that had nothing to do with emacs
03:40.36 ``Erik O:-)
03:40.56 ``Erik actually, I lost my emacs session
03:41.17 ``Erik power outage dropped the machine, and I was kinda operating in the 'emacs is my os' mode :/
03:41.46 bpoole ``Erik: how's that going for you ? (emacs)
03:41.56 brlcad trivial typos are my favorite kind of build errors.. because they're obvious, generally easy to provoke, and easy to fix .. typos, transposed lines, missing terminators, etc
03:42.45 ``Erik been busy with other things, ben... got a machine on loan to replace my "stable" machine, so trying to get the ports updated :/
03:43.58 brlcad a good indicator of how involved someone is with a project too -- those involved just fix it and go on, those not as closely involved seem compelled to complain or comment
03:44.26 brlcad seen that happen on at least a half-dozen oss projects .. and in-house closed
03:44.57 brlcad not a black and white meter, but interesting trend nonetheless
03:45.28 ``Erik I fixed it AND whined, and not on paid time, so foff :D
03:45.56 brlcad I didn't take that as a whine
03:47.42 brlcad talking more the sort that sit on the error without even reading it, throw their hands up and cry "it's broken !! omfg!"
03:48.26 brlcad s/more/specifically/
03:50.29 ``Erik we call those "gentoo portage maintainers" ;) *duck*
03:50.33 ``Erik O:-)
03:50.36 brlcad see it *all* the time on BZ in particular, you would have thought the world had ended
03:51.01 ``Erik games are a harsh place to be in general
03:51.14 brlcad don't even have to compile-test, there are like two dozen kiddies that will let you know within an hour crying
03:51.54 ``Erik <-- generally tries to at least compile to object before committing
03:52.08 ``Erik but I've commited assuming it's right before... like the clone MFC ... O:-)
03:52.36 ``Erik I've been angling more towards heavy testing though... 'distcheck' on releases, etc
03:52.40 brlcad yeah, everyone does it from time to time
03:52.46 brlcad i think that's part of the behavior
03:53.08 ``Erik my personal projects are generally unbranched...
03:53.12 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad 07STABLE * 10brlcad/src/other/blt/ partial merge from head, need x11
03:53.32 ``Erik actually, I have one that's close to another release, but I'm waffling due to license issues
03:53.38 brlcad the folks that do that a lot 'generally' tend to be more fluid and not so annoyed/concerned .. those that don't so frequently..
03:53.54 ``Erik the code is under BSD license, I'm trying to decide whether to throw out a version that has gettext support
03:54.00 brlcad lee actually tended to do that more and more over the years the less he coded
03:54.17 ``Erik internationalization is a good thing, but the license concern..
03:56.07 brlcad I don't like to give anyone shit about it unless they press the point
03:56.10 brlcad EVERYONE does it
03:56.12 ``Erik if I push on gettext on my personal projects, I might try adding it to brlcad
03:56.13 brlcad deal with it
03:56.27 ``Erik yeah, everyone does it, but if ya never get grief, you dont' try to get better
03:56.29 brlcad gettext is gpl...
03:56.39 brlcad that's not true
03:56.40 ``Erik when I fuck up, call me on it... I'll try to improve
03:57.02 ``Erik <-- more in teh 'harsh abrasive' camp O:-)
03:57.12 brlcad i mean there are a few that are pathologically bad at making broken commits.. but they're pretty darn rare
03:57.27 brlcad i don't think that helps, myself
03:57.35 ``Erik yeah, *shrug* but I'm an asshole
03:57.37 brlcad just adds tension
03:58.02 ``Erik I haze with a smile, it's about the quality above all
03:58.10 brlcad especially when it's really trivial crap that doesn't matter one bit and is really obvious
03:58.44 brlcad i mean, optimization of effort -- there are bigger issues to be complaining about and working on than typo commits
03:58.55 ``Erik of course, I had some beat-down experiences where doubel-checking before hitting the button seriously matters
03:59.28 brlcad yeah, if you're changing core code, or without regard to the impact, understandable
03:59.43 ``Erik sysadmin on machines where a typo could mean several millions of dollars lost and standing in a vp's office explaining exactly how ya fucked up and how it'll never happen again...
04:00.09 ``Erik so I'm pretty ashamed of that macro issue in the clone.c mfc :(
04:00.17 brlcad sysadmin's a diff matter, you don't have the revision control safety net and 'undo' revertability usually
04:00.20 ``Erik (yes, it bugs me)
04:00.33 ``Erik actually, ya do in a good sa situation
04:00.33 brlcad see, that's a meh issue to me other than being so close to release
04:00.43 brlcad it would have been caught on the final compilation test
04:00.55 ``Erik i wrote a bit of the "move to production" subsystem
04:01.15 ``Erik it was all cvs or rcs backed, it all had complete 'undo' capability
04:01.34 ``Erik and the machines configurations were all managed in a backed up central repo
04:01.35 ``Erik uh
04:01.36 brlcad yeah, but that's still pretty rare for most places
04:01.37 ``Erik g08
04:02.04 ``Erik replace a machine with new hw? one line and it was generated back to production capability
04:02.37 ``Erik from what I've heard from friends, it's pretty common for "decent" organizations. :/ I'm annoyed with our environment
04:02.57 ``Erik we get ripped on for being "hobby shop", but the crap that's taken away is very much hobby shop
04:03.08 ``Erik and I'm not allowed to go fix it *sigh*
04:04.43 ``Erik "boob bones" heehhe
04:04.48 brlcad imho (not that you're asking) that's because you either ask for/expect permission (hah) or aren't tactful on showing the benefit or hiding the time spent ..
04:05.21 ``Erik yeah... I'm very not tactful and too open :/
04:05.23 brlcad path to frustration
04:05.44 ``Erik "shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of my way" worked dandy at fedex, less politics
04:06.02 ``Erik and it's the norm for OSS in my experience
04:06.04 brlcad better management
04:06.08 brlcad for both
04:06.28 ``Erik my line manager at fedex... heh
04:06.34 ``Erik he actually fell on his sword.
04:06.36 ``Erik *cough*
04:07.03 ``Erik he sued his manager and won whiel I was leaving... he really omfg fell on his sword
04:07.09 brlcad lee has actually gone to bat for me several times over the years
04:07.19 ``Erik me too, so has ed
04:07.39 ``Erik I don't leverage them enough :)
04:07.58 brlcad true dat
04:08.03 ``Erik *shrug*
04:09.21 ``Erik <-- too honest and up front... folk like dwayne seem to appreciate it, but mgmt doesn't
04:09.39 brlcad hm, there is a bsd gettext
04:09.57 brlcad
04:10.03 ``Erik at postgres
04:10.04 ``Erik yeah
04:10.18 ``Erik <- scratches his chin
04:10.25 brlcad that would work
04:10.30 brlcad the gnu one is teh evil
04:10.45 ``Erik one of my apps (gpl) had gnu gettext and I ended up removing it for some reason
04:10.46 brlcad license-wise
04:10.51 ``Erik um, rand
04:11.04 ``Erik I was looking to add it to timestamp, but the license issue... heh
04:11.19 brlcad huh?
04:11.41 ``Erik
04:11.46 ``Erik
04:12.04 brlcad ah
04:12.15 ``Erik simple little utils :)
04:13.05 brlcad what's running your site there? you wrote software.php and have a descriptor file per project or something?
04:13.56 ``Erik um, it's backed by postgres
04:14.09 ``Erik software.php just talks to the db
04:14.18 ``Erik all scratch written, fairly old
04:14.21 brlcad k
04:15.01 ``Erik went for a semi-/. feel, wrote it just before /. did the registration stuff iirc
04:15.21 brlcad looking to (finally) set up something similar for my data archive, but have been *trying* to avoid custom
04:15.55 brlcad something minimal-yet-flexible for my various code and non-code projects
04:15.57 ``Erik heh, mycrap has been maintenance for a long time, so it doesn't matter to me
04:16.11 brlcad couple hundred that I've ever worked on, some private, most public, all already organized hierarchically
04:16.17 ``Erik if I had to start from scratch, i'd probably go for a wiki based thing
04:17.08 brlcad hmmm.. i suppose mediawiki could handle it with a custom module
04:17.13 ``Erik all my crap shows age :(
04:17.31 ``Erik 'rand' and 'vp' before image viewers could do what those do
04:17.46 brlcad thing is I don't want to add each project individually, hoping to just create a descriptor file throughout my archive that has the access details, and let the module take care of it
04:18.30 ``Erik hum, mine has a form to add each project, and af orm to add each OS to each project, and a from for each release, and a form for each news entry...
04:18.57 brlcad hrm, more linkage errors on rhel
04:19.27 ``Erik hum, looks like my big web move was in jul '99
04:19.41 brlcad yeah, that works for software, but a lot of mine is fairly 'random' .. lots of non-code projects too
04:20.12 brlcad some artwork, some literature, photography
04:20.18 ``Erik heh, I should rename the 'articles' to 'essays' I think
04:20.55 ``Erik and my fbsd/ directory isn't wired to the db or php, it's just cvs'd html
04:20.56 brlcad just about any CMS would work, but I so don't want to "populate" a CMS, I want the archive to be "the" data that the site presents
04:21.10 ``Erik wait, it does use php, so I can have a +
04:21.27 ``Erik mod_lisp looks interesting
04:21.37 louipc oh man php is messy
04:21.44 ``Erik I need to test if it can persist contained data
04:22.04 ``Erik um, like have each connection thread able to access a 'global' structure
04:26.58 ``Erik heh, wow
04:27.33 *** part/#brlcad trainman419 (n=hendrix@
04:27.41 ``Erik 'gwci' before firefox, ...
04:27.49 ``Erik iview... my first and only c&d :D
04:37.10 ``Erik ehehhee an entry when I bought my first mac :)
04:54.38 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libdm/ more undefined references on RHEL, need LIBGL if opengl is enabled
04:55.51 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/ more undefined references on RHEL -- need the deps for rt, bn, and bu
05:18.05 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ more RHELness, multispectral needs symbols from optical
05:21.53 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtie/ uses libm
05:26.30 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (8 files in 4 dirs): more flawfinding quellage and bu_exiting
05:26.45 ``Erik tequila is evil.
05:28.15 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/tedit.c: quell constness warnings, make the editor string const
05:28.28 louipc wowsers
05:28.34 brlcad hey ``Erik .. question for ya
05:28.46 brlcad probably not the best time if your tequealing
05:28.52 brlcad but ..
05:29.38 brlcad trying to come up with some way to add -Werror to the build now that we're almost completely warningless on some platforms ..... but not for anything in src/other
05:29.54 brlcad any ideas?
05:30.01 louipc hacking drunk is a blast
05:30.07 louipc well anything drunk is a blast
05:30.10 brlcad :)
05:33.58 ``Erik heh, uhhhh
05:34.26 ``Erik I kinda had the notion of moving $(top_srcdir)/src/other to $(top_srcdir)/contrib
05:34.37 ``Erik so abuse can be applied to src/ without crap getting in the mix
05:35.17 ``Erik I don't know of any way to undo a cflag without automake bitching
05:35.54 brlcad maybe after svn
05:36.07 ``Erik *nod* would be ugly on cvs
05:36.09 brlcad that's one way I suppose, could then add it to the subtree
05:36.45 ``Erik well
05:36.54 ``Erik you know my opinion on the src/other dir
05:36.56 ``Erik *shrug*
05:37.11 brlcad yep
05:37.19 ``Erik I was actually a bit upset with how many imports I found in my personal cvs repo :(
05:37.26 ``Erik siod, quack 2, ...
05:37.56 ``Erik <-- talks it, but doesn't always walk it :(
05:40.27 ``Erik now, uh, if you feel like being repetitive, you could always add it to AM_CFLAGS for each dir
05:41.26 brlcad yeah, nah, that'd suck
05:41.33 ``Erik on personal projects, I like "-W -Wall -Werror -ansi -pedantic", but BRL-CAD doesn't cope well with that rig
05:41.36 brlcad the benefit is pretty minimal, just nice housekeeping
05:41.55 ``Erik heh
05:42.03 ``Erik I almost got one of my project splint clean
05:42.13 brlcad yeah, that's pretty standard set
05:42.22 brlcad usually use the same
05:42.31 ``Erik flawfinder has a couple low hits (getopt not protecting buffers on old platforms, etc)
05:42.54 brlcad i wouldn't look at anything below 3, it's got way to many false positives
05:43.08 ``Erik um, I think the getopt() one actually lsts as 2
05:43.09 brlcad even most of the 3's
05:43.09 ``Erik er
05:43.10 ``Erik 3
05:43.22 brlcad there are now about 800 4's left
05:43.35 brlcad about 600 are quellable
05:43.46 brlcad the rest are false positives
05:43.59 brlcad with no reasonable way to shut them up
05:44.00 ``Erik I'd imagine that 99% of them are "well handled" to begin with... the kinda thing a new coder could be thrown at
05:44.21 brlcad that's where I think coverity will do a better job
05:44.47 brlcad yeah, easily
05:45.00 ``Erik how's that coming along? those dudes were trying to get something fixed to cope with our weirdness, iirc?
05:45.03 brlcad one of a dozen tasks like that
05:45.31 ``Erik I want good libbu and libbn documentation :(
05:45.32 brlcad yeah, they're just "busy" last I pinged them
05:45.40 brlcad bu, bn, and rt
05:45.53 ``Erik when I was mucking with vls for clone, I was unhappy at how often I had to go look at code
05:45.58 brlcad pkg and wdb for good measure
05:46.22 ``Erik and completion felt weak, thus the macros
05:46.33 brlcad completion?
05:47.00 brlcad you mean funcs missing?
05:47.10 ``Erik yeah, I expected strcmp type things
05:47.40 brlcad that's just a matter of refactoring -- stuff hasn't really been ever added to any of the libs until/unless it's in use
05:47.49 ``Erik total encapsulation type stuff
05:47.52 brlcad nobody ever needed/refactored with a strcmp need
05:49.36 ``Erik I wonder if vls's shoudl hold some kinda hash value for fast strcmp type needs :/
05:51.03 ``Erik even though there are only 5 calls in the entire source tree, heh
05:51.45 ``Erik but there are a fair number of strcmp() with one arg being a vls...
05:53.44 brlcad damn alicia keys is hot and a awesome artist
05:55.01 brlcad 45 strcmp's that have at least one vls lookup
05:55.02 ``Erik in other news; fire is hot, ice is cold, and windows sucks.
05:55.37 ``Erik but they're not consistant in which arg is the vls
05:55.43 ``Erik easily fixable, but a grind
05:56.33 brlcad many of those strcmps could go away too
05:56.58 brlcad 1236 calls to strcmp
05:57.35 brlcad probably a third should be strncmp or strlcmp
05:57.36 ``Erik <-- didn't look at 'em, just noticed when finding strcmp(bu_vls_addr(a),bu_vls_addr(b))
05:58.02 ``Erik heh, I thought you didn't like strlcmp :D too obsd specific or something
05:58.55 ``Erik I put in requests to get cygwin and msvc on bobs winderz machine
05:59.32 ``Erik if he can make it so his office mate *cough* can build without asking anyone for help, that'd be a good step
06:00.19 brlcad strlcmp is a bad example, that's not c89 iirc
06:00.26 brlcad but those kinds of functions
06:00.33 ``Erik no, not c90, not c99... obsd
06:00.35 brlcad to check length at same time
06:00.47 ``Erik strncmp() is the best portable afaik
06:00.54 brlcad yeah, that one is c89
06:01.43 ``Erik my obsd builds said to use strlcmp() instead, that's the only place I've seen that func come up
06:04.36 brlcad yeah, strncmp is a pain to remember that it's length and not size, though less important for cmp
06:04.53 brlcad more important for cpy, strncpy vs strlcpy
06:05.08 ``Erik heh
06:06.47 brlcad cept it allocates, can't use buffers
06:07.05 ``Erik most uses of strcpy() follow a malloc
06:07.46 brlcad eh
06:08.16 ``Erik sorry, they do
06:08.34 brlcad I don't believe that, at least it's just as likely that someone copies into a char[] than that they have an alloc'd char*
06:08.43 ``Erik go ahead, script up something to grind on sf to look for that pattern
06:08.48 ``Erik it's.... common
06:08.52 brlcad you're the one making the claim
06:08.57 ``Erik heh
06:09.06 brlcad i'm not gonna waste my time doing that :)
06:09.11 ``Erik I'm also the one who's excessively lazy ;)
06:10.02 brlcad besides it doesn't matter -- if people only ever made dups of a string then str[nl]cpy wouldn't have been made and we'd only have strdup :P
06:10.17 ``Erik in the code I've laid hands on, I believe that most uses of str*cpy() are into freshly allocated memory (often malloc'd, sometimes stack alloc)
06:10.38 ``Erik strcpy predates strdup by quite a bit, though
06:11.07 brlcad having gone through nearly 500 instances in brl-cad's code already, it's a fairly even split of buffers and mallocs
06:11.33 brlcad entirely unscientific counting of course
06:11.51 ``Erik the gnarled hands of an emacs use?
06:11.53 ``Erik user?
06:12.25 brlcad just recollections of the edits since I've been checking other things while I cleanup (like bombing, !!!!'s, allocs, etc)
06:13.05 ``Erik I wonder if user message format should be addressed in hacking
06:13.15 brlcad the most annoying is the f'd up inconsistent indentation style on some of the dirs
06:13.16 ``Erik consistant message format
06:14.04 brlcad think I need to add a style var to the emacs local var footer so that braces aren't jacked on indent
06:14.24 ``Erik :)
06:14.40 brlcad vim has the same issue, just a matter of setting the style
06:14.57 ``Erik probably handled in my overweight .vimrc
06:15.00 brlcad I can set it for my emacs, but then that doesn't solve the problem
06:16.19 brlcad moss's code is one of the worst offenders
06:16.27 ``Erik heh
06:16.41 brlcad his code often smells like s2
06:16.47 ``Erik hum, splain it to me, lucy
06:16.53 ``Erik rt asks for a ray
06:16.57 ``Erik librt shoots it
06:16.58 brlcad (not surprising since that's what he worked on)
06:17.07 ``Erik liboptical figures out what to do with a hit
06:17.20 ``Erik no? where are the actual hand-offs in all that?
06:17.30 brlcad that's about right
06:17.52 ``Erik suppose I wanted to write a direct hit lighting model
06:17.55 brlcad then liboptical sets the value, the rt sends to libfb and/or whatever output channel via the application struct
06:17.58 ``Erik -l99
06:18.10 ``Erik how do I stub it in?
06:18.14 brlcad data passing is done through the resource and application structures
06:18.18 brlcad mostly the app structure
06:18.21 ``Erik the photon mapping stuff seems horribly wedged
06:18.42 brlcad lighting models are handled in rt
06:18.47 brlcad it is horribly wedged
06:18.53 brlcad justin's not a great example
06:19.01 ``Erik I saw three big siwtches for lighting model in rt/ I think
06:19.03 brlcad er, his code
06:19.17 brlcad yeah, they're about it
06:19.34 ``Erik so there's no map table or anything? it's just hard coded in?
06:20.22 ``Erik I should probably look at the uhhhh normal coloring
06:21.01 ``Erik seemed there was no clear contract between rt and liboptical...
06:21.17 ``Erik <-- kinda wants to write a 'toon' shader :)
06:21.24 brlcad that's what the view files do -- handoffs between whatever optic model you're using
06:22.08 ``Erik um, are the shadow rays thrown in rt/view.c ?
06:23.02 brlcad shadow rays are specific to a phong-type shader, phong actually shoots them
06:23.20 brlcad (i.e. in liboptical)
06:24.18 brlcad hence the variety of rt_shootray calls in liboptical
06:24.54 ``Erik hm
06:25.20 ``Erik don't be too terribly surprised if you see a new lighting model in the semi-near future :)
06:25.37 ``Erik it seems like one of those things with a good thinking/grunt ratio
06:26.16 brlcad fun stuff
06:26.19 ``Erik I think I got most of the grunt in clone out of the way, but the thinking involves some major user insight :/
06:26.50 ``Erik classic mirror works only on cardinal axis... I want it to work on arbitrary vectors...
06:26.51 ``Erik etc
06:27.09 brlcad alas, I haven't coded up a new/clean lighting model yet, so no path of lookups like there are for new shaders and prims
06:27.19 brlcad but there pretty straightforward
06:27.32 ``Erik um
06:27.34 ``Erik speaking of prims
06:27.39 brlcad there are a couple really simple ones that do things like visualize the material thickness per ray
06:27.40 ``Erik g-xxx.c ... should be fixed
06:28.06 ``Erik the normal model looks like a good place to dig in to me
06:28.17 ``Erik since I just want first hit shading
06:28.59 ``Erik I dunno if I said it, but we need a function to generate a ray set correlating to an arbitrary ae for both ortho and perspective
06:29.02 brlcad rtedge probably could have been done as a lighting model
06:29.08 ``Erik so g_qa.c can have non-cardinal runs
06:29.14 brlcad heh
06:29.20 brlcad yeah, I've been saying that for years too
06:29.30 brlcad just haven't gotten to that refactoring
06:29.35 ``Erik yeah, heh
06:29.41 brlcad its' just pushing a chunk of code from worker into librt
06:29.46 brlcad "just"
06:29.48 ``Erik I keep saying "yup, we need it, uh, maybe after XXX"
06:30.14 ``Erik many of the rt's duplicate functionality in not quite the same manners :(
06:30.19 ``Erik and I don't like that
06:30.57 ``Erik heh, rt should boil down to if(strncmp(*argv, "...
06:30.58 ``Erik O:-)
06:31.01 ``Erik imho
06:31.25 brlcad yeah, and much of it is like that .. just not enough
06:31.49 brlcad the entire "rt backend" -- which cake actually made more obvious -- belongs in a lib
06:31.56 ``Erik oh, uh, image conversion, I'm tempted to grab libconvert and shove it in src/other/ and redo the entire pix conversion suite to be two func calls
06:32.21 ``Erik hey, I was given a cd and told to make it automake
06:32.26 ``Erik I had no clue what I was lookin' at :D
06:33.03 brlcad not saying it's right or wrong, just autoobfuscated :)
06:33.32 ``Erik cake still gives me the willies
06:34.04 ``Erik if I'd have known any utility cake providd above and beyond, I would've commented it in the am
06:35.11 ``Erik <-- got a few dirty looks when he first started cuz he kept referring to the "hit by a bus" situation as a need to document properly...
06:35.45 ``Erik guess it hit too close to home for a few folk :/
06:36.43 brlcad no time to make things simple for the noobs :)
06:36.51 brlcad that's valuable coding time
06:37.03 ``Erik heh
06:37.20 ``Erik should I point out the tragic flaw there? :D
06:37.48 brlcad nope
06:39.01 ``Erik y'know
06:39.14 brlcad yup
06:39.19 ``Erik much of libbu's functionality is found in glib
06:39.34 ``Erik how heretical would it be to ponder that?
06:39.41 brlcad sure is, the nature of a basic library
06:39.51 brlcad also much of it is in the stl too
06:40.05 ``Erik stl is for c++ weenies, not real coders
06:40.13 brlcad as well as the boost libs, glib, and a dozen others ;)
06:40.16 ``Erik last I heard, stl wasn't very... standard...
06:40.24 brlcad that's old news
06:40.35 ``Erik the msvc users were hand deleting their own stl and importing sgi's
06:40.45 brlcad it's pretty solid now
06:41.01 brlcad anythings past msvc 6
06:41.10 brlcad msvc 6 and before sucked ass
06:41.11 ``Erik msvc6 is still used
06:41.15 ``Erik heh
06:41.19 ``Erik I have a cd with msvc1
06:41.22 brlcad exceptionally rare
06:41.26 brlcad that's ancient bustage
06:41.30 ``Erik up against the cd with borland 4.51
06:41.41 ``Erik wanna trip into suckage? I can loan 'em... :D
06:41.54 brlcad i have vc6 somewhere
06:41.56 brlcad it's not worth it
06:42.05 brlcad it was outright broken and incompliant in many ways
06:42.21 ``Erik I used msvc5 and 6, it convinced me to rely on cygwin/mingw32
06:42.36 brlcad can take care of the issues with some things (C code isn't too horrible, C++ is horrible, though)
06:42.48 ``Erik heh
06:42.51 brlcad 7 and 8 were vast improvements
06:43.01 ``Erik at the time, msvc supported c++ a whole lot better than gcc
06:43.09 ``Erik uh, egcs, for the cool kids
06:43.46 brlcad yeah, caring about msvc6 is like caring about gcc1/egcs portability
06:43.54 brlcad you just don't do it
06:44.17 brlcad unless you have somebody funding that waste of time
06:45.00 ``Erik :/ I was a big c++ proponent for a while, then I got heavy into leenewx and realized C could do all that stuff without much work... then many years later, I got into smalltalk,and then I "got" oo (I think)... and c++ just ain't there... objc is a lot closer
06:46.21 brlcad smalltalk is one of my favorite languages
06:46.26 ``Erik amusingly enough, ruby is probably my favorite "oo" language, and I've run into several situations where ruby just doesn't hold up so I switch to thscheme or lithp inthtead
06:46.29 brlcad favorite impractical languages
06:46.58 ``Erik the crypt game in squeak... w00t :D
06:47.40 brlcad c++ best and worst feature is that it doesn't really confine you to any paradigm and actually lets you implement three or four fundamentally different styles
06:48.02 ``Erik 'cept, uh, it doens't do a couple that it claims to
06:48.15 ``Erik the biggest feature of oo, imho, is multi-dispatch
06:48.23 brlcad you can seriously abuse the template layer and get lispness, you can go pure OO, you can go run-time ala objc, functional, etc
06:48.29 ``Erik and alan kay has said the same... he has harsh things to say about c++
06:48.57 ``Erik I loaned out the uh, patterns book
06:49.00 brlcad that just means the power is in the hands of the coder to know what to do and what NOT to do
06:49.16 ``Erik the notion of a design pattern, to me, is an indication of a failure in the language to do its duty
06:49.53 brlcad eh, you have design patterns in just about every language
06:49.57 ``Erik I have a set of slides somewhere, um, design patterns for ml
06:50.00 brlcad it's just a .. pattern of use
06:50.14 ``Erik and MOST of the c++ listed ones disappear, because "the language just handles that"
06:51.21 brlcad yeah.. ml's a great practical language :P
06:51.30 brlcad a clear success :)
06:51.32 ``Erik heh
06:51.42 ``Erik it's a good language
06:51.46 ``Erik it just has no good apps
06:51.49 brlcad heh
06:51.53 brlcad that's not all it's missing :)
06:52.25 ``Erik <-- thtill a lithp weenie, tho won't argue
06:52.28 brlcad otherwise it'd have a significant devout following like the python/ruby/scheme/etc camps
06:52.38 brlcad it's a great academic language for teaching languages
06:52.45 ``Erik I think both breeds have a serious following
06:52.58 ``Erik and scheme is kinda the lithp for schools...
06:53.10 ``Erik the pathcal of lithpth, even
06:53.36 ``Erik still my favorite lisp, but I'm trying to learn common lisp...
06:53.39 ``Erik and emacs
06:53.48 ``Erik they tell me that's what the grown-ups use
06:54.05 brlcad every language has its strengths, weaknesses, and applicability for various purposes
06:54.16 ``Erik indeed
06:54.23 brlcad one of C++'s best strengths and biggest weaknesses is its flexibility
06:54.27 ``Erik only those fluent in a wide variety have anything to say
06:54.49 brlcad depends what I'm doing
06:55.02 brlcad (for me)
06:55.10 ``Erik though I have had on and off urges to use c++ over the last decade or so :/
06:55.28 ``Erik "that'd fit well into c++'s hobbled notion of oo"
06:55.30 ``Erik heh
06:55.45 ``Erik but at that point, ruby is probably 'nuff
06:55.48 brlcad for big architecting, c++ wins for me, good balance of power, performance, and flexibility
06:55.53 brlcad (over objc)
06:56.04 brlcad for dynamic interactive apps, objc usually wins
06:56.25 brlcad to a point, gets nasty as they get bigger
06:56.28 ``Erik see, I'd rather start with an obscenely high level language, do bottom up in it, or the skeery bi-directional deisgn of lisp users
06:56.41 ``Erik and as the language fails, start re-doing bits in a lower level language
06:57.07 ``Erik if I *NEED* to shave that .02% off, switch to C
06:57.51 brlcad all of the functional languages fail for me from purely practical standpoints -- admittedly self-defeating reasons -- not useful to use for an app core simply because there aren't many coders for that language and it's a polarizing political/academic debate on the language's utility
06:58.18 ``Erik that approach has failed me bigtime, though. I had a top down shooter game that developed a hitch every half second due to naive stop&copy gc :/
06:58.37 brlcad ew
06:58.56 ``Erik should hacked a generational into it
06:59.03 ``Erik or at least treadmill
06:59.38 ``Erik (amusingly enough... I argued gc's and learned a fair bit from salzman... who went to cmu...)
07:01.08 ``Erik hrmph
07:01.21 ``Erik I wonder where my big orange and blue "basic for the commodore 64" book went
07:01.31 ``Erik it had a chapter on garbage collection, but I ignored it...
07:01.52 ``Erik I mean, 64,000 bytes? how can you run out of that??? ... (until I tried to do voxels on the machine)
07:03.12 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
07:06.22 ``Erik *grouse*
07:07.42 *** join/#brlcad CIA-27 (i=cia@
07:08.16 ``Erik this sucks.
07:20.20 ``Erik n
07:22.10 ``Erik
07:30.21 IriX64 i should take slight to that :)
07:30.58 IriX64 yea, got cygwin running on vista64.
07:32.53 IriX64 singular works, means i can compile brlcad wee
08:04.44 IriX64 configure pegs the user cpu meter but kernal time is approx 60 % :)
08:06.50 tarzeau brlcad: strange and with -O0 too?
08:07.02 tarzeau brlcad: anyways, if you can't reproduce it... i can build debian packages now :)
08:13.03 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
08:21.12 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:32.42 *** join/#brlcad IriX64_ (
09:12.54 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
09:12.55 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || BRL-CAD is on but not completely set up yet, more news TBD || Release 7.10.4 is happening now
09:36.57 *** join/#brlcad rpaddock (
09:43.13 brlcad tarzeau: nope, working fine .. not sure how changing the optimization level is supposed to break the build, works fine here
09:43.25 brlcad tarzeau: if you have a build log, be interesting to see the error
09:43.35 brlcad otherwise, sounds like you have something working on your end
10:08.39 tarzeau brlcad: ok thanks
10:09.50 MinuteElectron brlcad: busy?
10:15.31 *** part/#brlcad rpaddock (
10:33.52 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:04.54 starseeker Ah hah - now the rt06 download works.
14:09.57 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
14:42.51 Z80-Boy brlcad: hi
14:47.51 *** join/#brlcad bpoole (
15:50.04 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (
16:15.44 brlcad MinuteElectron: quite
16:15.49 MinuteElectron ok
16:15.58 MinuteElectron I won't bother you then, my query is non-essential.
16:16.31 MinuteElectron Well, that really depends on your viewpoint - but I'd rather not disturb you and it is nothing integral.
16:16.33 brlcad i'll ping you later when I can chat better
16:16.37 MinuteElectron ok, sure
16:16.59 brlcad tweaked the header some more for the download image
16:17.17 MinuteElectron I saw ;) - looking better.
16:17.27 brlcad yeh, still not great, but better
16:17.35 MinuteElectron True
19:32.20 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
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22:33.14 starseeker Cool - they FINALLY collect the ebuild messages for multiple ebuilds at the end of the whole install
22:33.32 ``Erik huh, tclb2
22:34.54 MinuteElectron brlcad: That thing I was talking about earlier was because I got a bus error from PHP and the guys in ##php said that it was something to do with the binaries. Probably the completely wrong diagnosis but I was worried it might be important. So, yeah. I am going to go to bed now - speak soon I suppose.
22:39.26 starseeker This direct raytracing of NURBs looks interesting - I'm curious though, how would such behavior interact in librt with the other types of analysis BRL-CAD is used for? Does the ARL have an internal database of previous analyses it could use to compare the results of the old methods and a NURBS based intersection simulation?
22:45.08 starseeker Hmm, hang on - gotta restart to make sure I didn't just nuke my sound drivers...
22:54.59 ``Erik heh
23:04.54 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
23:05.04 starseeker Ah, there we go :-)
23:06.07 ``Erik heh
23:07.01 ``Erik starseeker, we have a good amount of geometry that was modelled in tnurbs using stuff like pro-engineer that was tesselated to convert to our format... we can't share those files, but we can test for ya if you do nurbs work
23:07.15 ``Erik right now
23:07.22 starseeker hehe :-)
23:07.49 starseeker I'm not ready yet to do that level of work - got some homework to do first
23:07.54 ``Erik the geometry isn't classified secret or anything, but it's not releasable due to contract constraints
23:08.00 starseeker Right
23:08.41 ``Erik folk like general dynamics and raytheon dont' embrace the same notions :)
23:08.55 starseeker Pity ;-)
23:13.36 starseeker ``Erik: From the "public" standpoint, I suppose it would probably be more interesting anyway to model thinks like WWII weapons
23:13.59 starseeker Although I doubt enough detailed info survives on most of that to build a model anymore
23:14.07 ``Erik um
23:14.19 ``Erik it does
23:14.24 starseeker Really??
23:14.28 ``Erik the gear still exists, some in private hands
23:14.57 starseeker Oh, sure - but that would be quite a project. The blueprints was what I was thinking about...
23:15.02 ``Erik wheel your arse out to APG with a caliper and tape measure, got a field full of ww1 and ww2 tanks just sitting there for epeople to gawk at
23:15.10 ``Erik I'm sure blueprints exist, but might not be public
23:15.19 starseeker point
23:18.06 ``Erik um
23:18.11 ``Erik buildings are public record
23:18.45 ``Erik it was like $20 for a reproduction of a residence like 15 years ago
23:18.56 starseeker Hmm.
23:35.21 starseeker errrgh. The design documents for the superconducting super collider are online, but they are some sort of funky postscript
23:48.34 starseeker Humph. Looks like you can get them but you have to wade through huge bureaucracy to do it. Figures. Same thing with the Saturn V goodies.
23:56.41 ``Erik hum, ps is a language intended to spew 2d stuff
23:57.01 ``Erik um, we might be able to snarf that up into sketch objects or something
23:57.21 starseeker
23:57.43 starseeker Ghostscript can't do much with them out of the box
23:58.08 starseeker They've got copyright Apple in there so it might be a capture of some code sent to an Apple printer...
23:58.50 starseeker I've dealt with some postscript code intended for printers, and it ain't pretty...
23:59.06 ``Erik um
23:59.25 ``Erik NeXT used ps as the primary display language, iirc, and jobs may've carried those properties when he went back to apple
23:59.32 ``Erik might be display related, not printer related
23:59.33 ``Erik :)
23:59.39 starseeker Ah :-)

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