IRC log for #brlcad on 20071102

00:19.10 IriX64 :)
00:20.15 IriX64 ahem... does if_wgl have known issues
00:21.04 IriX64 i put a #if 0 in plave of #ifdef IF_WGL for now
00:21.12 IriX64 err place
00:22.26 IriX64 that gets me by that point for now
00:38.34 bpoole What a surprise, it's havoc.png.
00:39.21 bpoole You shouldn't do hackish things like that, file a bug report or something and get the real problem fixed.
00:41.59 ``Erik um
00:42.06 ``Erik if_wgl is not, uh
00:42.18 ``Erik something any of the primary developers look at
00:42.30 ``Erik all, y'know, 1.5 of us O:-)
00:43.16 ``Erik but all those awesome commits from bparker for winders support... he's all dollared up to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and bubble gum isn't in the budget
00:43.48 ``Erik or, uh, ain't in the budget
00:53.15 IriX64 :)
00:54.59 IriX64 i'm up to libdm :)
00:59.21 IriX64 bpoole: i *can't file formal bug reports
00:59.32 bpoole Why not?
00:59.35 IriX64 my system is the weirdest thing you'll ever see
00:59.58 IriX64 thank God for these guys :)
01:00.01 bpoole Did brlcad ask you not to file them?
01:00.10 IriX64 no i elected not too
01:00.21 IriX64 never quite sure whos at fault
01:01.27 IriX64 sort of a "gentlemans agreement" :)
01:03.15 IriX64 bpoole in the past two weeks ive done a complete cvs checkout of brlcad at least 5 times
01:14.40 ``Erik heh
01:15.07 ``Erik you can file formal bug reports. But if it's an issue with YOUR system, we will say so.
01:15.24 IriX64 as is proper
01:15.31 ``Erik and since YOUR system is twisted from anything "normal", you'll probably get a lot of bounced like that :)
01:15.32 IriX64 rebootz bbiab
01:15.40 IriX64 heh yea
01:15.42 ``Erik I have a cygwin on uhhhh, xp I think?
01:21.35 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:21.58 IriX64 heh sorry to cut it short
01:22.06 ``Erik heh
01:22.08 ``Erik anyays, I said
01:22.11 ``Erik I have a cygwin on uhhhh, xp I think?
01:22.21 IriX64 heh vista64 ;)
01:22.31 ``Erik if you have something you consider legit, I can attempt to replicate :D
01:23.25 IriX64 thankyou
01:23.32 IriX64 :)
01:24.17 ``Erik <-- wants the damn software to work... thinks awful low of the PF platform, but *shrug* it's a popular platofrm
01:25.32 IriX64 so is winblows :)
01:31.58 IriX64 <--- tedit !?!?!
01:34.19 louipc IriX64: what's the point of posting a picture of that same helicopter repeatedly? lol
01:35.16 IriX64 wanna see how many attitudes i can put it in by dragging it on the screen :)
01:35.53 louipc huh?
01:36.18 IriX64 :)
01:36.47 louipc I don't understand what you said
01:36.59 IriX64 it's ok
01:46.11 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
01:46.23 starseeker Woo-hoo :-).
01:46.37 starseeker is now much more interesting
01:47.11 starseeker For any Gentoo folk out there, this is an ebuild done the Wrong Way but it gets the job done ;-):
01:47.29 starseeker (or, more accurately, it needs a bundle of fonts that are bundled the Right Way...)
01:55.49 *** part/#brlcad rpaddock (
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02:16.48 ``Erik oh, uh
02:16.50 ``Erik brlcad
02:17.08 ``Erik 700 ain't a permission I can have my way with
02:25.04 IriX64 hmmmm funky build is installing :)
02:45.07 IriX64 jove works, mged doesn't shrug
02:52.52 IriX64 afk
03:22.43 ``Erik heh
04:19.15 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:19.53 IriX64 8 dll's and an exe and we have irssi for windoze
04:28.53 IriX64 <---- if you wanna peek :)
05:45.42 brlcad starseeker: screenshot of your allGlyphs? :)
05:46.21 brlcad ``Erik: 700 where?
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12:02.43 starseeker brlcad: Good idea - working on it. Better way might actually be a postscript or pdf file - it's a LONG list of characters
12:05.31 starseeker Anybody know a good spot to upload a pdf file?
12:08.58 Z80-Boy starseeker: they get annoyed no matter what
12:17.41 ``Erik brlcad: the directory you scp'd over from that cd
12:27.41 starseeker brlcad: Apparently the Stix fonts in their current form are actually OpenType - does that work for BRL-CAD?
12:34.39 starseeker Interesting - I can't seem to print a postscript file containing visuals of all the fonts.
12:37.52 starseeker ``Erik: what did I do?
12:40.59 ``Erik spoke? :D
12:41.07 ``Erik <-- is feeling nonoptimal :(
12:41.09 starseeker Ah :-) Heavy night?
12:41.21 ``Erik no
12:41.28 ``Erik just woke up feeling like chit
12:41.31 starseeker ugh
12:46.47 starseeker brlcad: I've created a pdf of what I can get to print (which is a fair part of it) although I'm not totally sure if it needs the fonts to be installed.
12:47.36 starseeker It's a bit over 1.5 megs if you want to give it a shot - should I email it?
12:52.40 brlcad i wasn't looking for the whole thing, just a sampling of the quality :)
12:52.50 starseeker Ah :-)
12:53.17 brlcad ah, you still don't have a .bz account, i should fix that sometime..
12:53.25 starseeker Erm. OK, I can either take a screenshot of some selected part, or email you the pdf - what's your preference?
12:53.44 brlcad if you already have the pdf, can e-mail it
12:53.50 brlcad if not, whatever is easy :)
12:53.58 starseeker I've got it :-)
12:55.13 starseeker OK, sent to your mac addy - if you can't see it I'll snap a screenshot
12:57.41 ``Erik speaking of
12:57.51 ``Erik have you asked um, ?
12:59.26 brlcad starseeker: yeah, it came through - thanks
12:59.40 starseeker brlcad: np :-) Does it render correctly?
13:00.00 brlcad not quite as impressive as I'd hoped, but it all came through :)
13:00.38 brlcad the sizes need to be about 1000% to really see the font metrics
13:00.47 starseeker Hmm
13:01.41 starseeker I'll see if I can get creative later, but I'm going up to see my girlfriend this weekend so it might be next week before I can take a stab at it
13:02.02 brlcad you don't have to, it was enought to "get" what they're doing
13:02.13 starseeker Cool :-).
13:02.21 brlcad they're more about creating a complete set
13:02.24 starseeker Yep
13:03.36 starseeker Probably not really what BRL-CAD needs, unless we start typesetting mathematics in the models ;-)
13:04.05 ``Erik do we need, say, a src/tclscripts/mged/addons ? or something?
13:04.23 ``Erik as a kinda playground for those too nervous to stab at the guts?
13:08.06 ``Erik dave in the oss mode using sf would be a huge win for everyone, I think... his execution might be a little weak, but that's what the hardcore computer nerds are there to fix up, he bridges the gap between the coder and user very well
13:51.18 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
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20:38.08 IriX64 <--- this ones for "interests" sake only :)
20:44.43 IriX64 <--- this ones live
20:45.17 brlcad that's a winsock problem, not ours, but thanks
20:46.05 brlcad If I could disable the "report this to us" comment, I would -- the headers are rarely ever anything we have anything to deal with
20:46.20 IriX64 understood
20:50.36 IriX64 i don't speak but i assume this ' is reserved? must be because my editor shows stuff as text where those critters are used in a dnl in tk
20:51.24 IriX64 text as opposed to code
20:57.15 IriX64 <---- this ones just a mite
20:58.22 IriX64 i'll turn it off now :)
21:04.22 IriX64 this time I took autogen's advice and just typed ./configure followed by make :)
21:09.55 IriX64 <---- proof that windoze systems can be usefull :)
21:10.50 brlcad heh, 404 not found
21:11.40 IriX64 hrm
21:12.26 IriX64
21:13.01 starseeker Yep, that worked
21:13.07 IriX64 heh
21:27.04 IriX64 <--- man who's using a \r insdtead of a \n ?
21:30.37 brlcad it's just using echo
21:30.56 IriX64 thanks
21:32.02 IriX64 path problems now.... thats not you :)
21:32.39 IriX64 say does this hold in *nix land set path=%path%;whatever?
21:32.55 brlcad depends entirely on your shell
21:33.02 IriX64 i have bash
21:33.05 brlcad then no
21:33.13 IriX64 farkles
21:33.26 brlcad export PATH=whatever:$PATH
21:33.46 IriX64 ahh thats what i'm looking for many thanks
21:34.46 IriX64 i wonder if i did that.... the windows path may be updated too ?!?
21:36.53 IriX64 btw did anybody with a win32 system try that irssi thingy on my site
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21:42.06 IriX64 <--- are mites like this nedding to be reported too?
21:43.59 IriX64 <--- another in the same vein
21:49.18 IriX64 <--- murphy can't type worth a darn :)
21:49.53 brlcad there is no \i in vers.c
21:50.22 brlcad I'm betting you edited one of the files in include/conf due to the earlier issue, and made a typo
21:50.37 IriX64 good point
21:50.41 brlcad and have just been spamming the channel with your own mistake..
21:50.42 IriX64 ill check
21:50.55 IriX64 as i said ill stop now
21:51.05 brlcad you never said you'd stop
21:51.17 IriX64 yea i did but i didnt
21:52.06 brlcad not in my log's history
21:52.59 IriX64 <IriX64> i'll turn it off now :)
21:53.23 IriX64 meaning i'll stop now
21:54.06 IriX64 but dinner is getting old and cold, i'll be back in a bit
21:54.25 brlcad ah.. "it" is somehow supposed to be you
21:54.35 brlcad and off is supposed to mean stop
21:54.54 brlcad why didn't I think of that!
21:55.35 brlcad :)
21:56.27 brlcad minute-ssh: hmmm.. possible to add rotation to your backups? :) .. they're storing data at the rate of about 1GB/week =)
22:10.08 *** join/#brlcad rmcc82534 (
22:14.56 IriX64 <-- are these tcl/tk8.5a specific?
22:20.12 IriX64 just gonna dummy them out for now
22:20.35 brlcad something related to it
22:20.42 IriX64 thanks
22:21.00 brlcad looks like you're using an 8.4
22:21.05 IriX64 yea
22:21.44 IriX64 too lazy to type --with-tcl --with-tk ;)
22:31.07 IriX64 i know you said /lgt/error.c using bu_bomb code was local, but if thats true why are they linking against libbu which *also has a bu_bomb function.
22:32.25 IriX64 rtsrv same story
22:33.29 IriX64 ahh i see ... i shouldn't have edited hosts and users in /conf ;)
22:36.38 IriX64 remrt.c also has a \i
22:37.12 IriX64 viewtherm.c too
22:38.04 IriX64 gotta go, if i get this thing running ill let you know.
22:57.48 *** join/#brlcad CIA-27 (n=CIA@
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23:31.11 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
23:31.45 IriX64 well, it built error free, but at runtime itcl complains it needs tcl8.5 have 8.4

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