IRC log for #brlcad on 20071107

00:57.44 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:10.21 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:15.18 IriX64
02:23.28 yukonbob
02:25.59 louipc oh I'll show one too
02:27.40 louipc
02:37.38 IriX64 what is that :)
02:37.56 louipc screenshot
02:38.05 IriX64 i mean what system
02:38.36 louipc archlinux, openbox, irssi, firefox
02:39.42 IriX64 beautifull
02:40.20 louipc conky at the top right
02:42.58 IriX64 sigh.. thanks for the eye candy, i gotta run.
02:43.16 louipc I thought my desktop looked crappy
02:43.29 louipc well until you take away the windows the wallpaper is nice
03:30.14 bpoole yukonbob: is that ion3?
03:32.12 yukonbob bpoole: no -- a pair of dwm (x2)
03:32.34 yukonbob err... pair | (x2), pick one ;)
03:33.23 yukonbob bpoole: though I was running ion3 up till other day, and may well go back -- just a bit of testing...
03:35.23 yukonbob bpoole: re: x2 -- that was only 1 of two displays you saw, so I guess it was really just "dwm"... I've got a dwm on ea. display atm, though
03:36.22 louipc I heard ion will go closed source
03:37.58 yukonbob there was some issue w/ the license because of ppl modifying it too much and still calling it "ion"... not sure how far it'll go, though. Certainly if it gets too restrictive people will just move on -- as cool as it is, it's only a window manager and there are lots to pick from...
03:44.42 ``Erik heh
03:46.09 ``Erik speaking of, when the hell did enlightenment go from being a resource heavy cpu and memory gobbling monster to a 'highly efficient and light' wm?
03:55.47 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (n=yukonbob@
04:19.43 brlcad yukonbob: hehe
04:21.49 yukonbob brlcad: should topic be 7.10.4 has arrived?
04:25.51 brlcad not quite yet
04:26.03 brlcad there are still a couple binaries I'm trying to sort out
04:26.17 brlcad then several announcements that have to go out
04:26.21 brlcad then it'll be done :)
06:18.41 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (n=yukonbob@
07:07.56 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
07:52.11 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
08:03.05 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
08:11.03 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
08:24.10 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
08:56.02 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
09:33.29 *** join/#brlcad b0ef` (
10:11.48 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
11:11.54 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
12:31.20 *** join/#brlcad bobbmt (
13:22.01 *** join/#brlcad bobbmt (
13:32.08 *** part/#brlcad bobbmt (
14:05.19 ``Erik blargh
14:49.59 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
15:26.51 *** join/#brlcad minute (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
15:44.24 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/TODO: review the root solver
15:54.13 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow_work (
15:54.16 ``Erik heh
15:54.55 brlcad ahh, jra is lunchmongering too already :)
15:55.00 ``Erik heh
15:55.03 ``Erik oh, uh
15:55.35 ``Erik bad brlcad, bad... not documenting the change of rt_version to being a function
15:56.07 ``Erik ed passed that "issue" to me, so'z I had to walk geoff through the "fix"... "add parenthesis at the end of it?)
15:56.08 ``Erik "
15:56.09 ``Erik heh
15:56.36 brlcad that was private data
15:56.47 ``Erik they were using it *shrug*
15:57.33 ``Erik dan claimed it was a bug they missed during testing (this is like 4th hand now, so grab your salt lick)
15:58.19 brlcad how in the world they "missed" somethign that should have been an outright compilation error...
15:59.26 ``Erik heh, it was static?
16:01.47 ``Erik (and, uh, I really wouldn't be surprised at that group outright missing compiler errors) O:-)
16:02.30 ``Erik erm, it was exported in 7.8.0 in raytrace.h
16:02.33 ``Erik RT_EXPORT extern const char rt_version[];
16:04.10 ``Erik (is the linux stuff really necessary on that box?)
16:05.46 brlcad hmm, I think that was just to get the windows build to work
16:06.02 brlcad i remember when they were working on the version hooks, they could probably totally change it now
16:06.13 brlcad using either the func or the other version hooks that there are now
16:06.44 brlcad linux stuff?
16:07.20 ``Erik enable_linux="YES", linux_base_fc4, ...
16:08.06 brlcad ooh
16:08.19 brlcad no, it's not
16:08.30 brlcad that's part of the /etc config migration work
16:08.48 brlcad there's a ton of little details like that needing to be beaten into submission
16:10.56 ``Erik <-- just building ports that look necessary (or desired), once data migration starts and problems crop up, can add unforseen ports
16:11.10 ``Erik obviously, vim had to go on. :D
16:11.58 yukonbob ``Erik: [x]emacs w/ viper mode :)
16:12.33 ``Erik vim+cscope+ruby plus my hackish .vimrc :D
16:13.34 brlcad yeah, doesn't make sense to migrate the apps, they should be readded through ports
16:13.42 brlcad as needed
16:14.05 ``Erik they'd probably break through abi and lib name changes anyways
16:14.08 brlcad still will be a done of junk when it's all done.. there are probably 30 ports related to the web services
16:14.25 brlcad (not counting apache and friends)
16:14.34 ``Erik apache22 and php5 are on my list
16:14.54 ``Erik beyond that, I don't use the web stuff there, so'z I dunno... mediawiki, I'd imagine...
16:15.07 ``Erik which LOOKS like what sf uses O.o
16:16.14 brlcad things like various perl modules, gd image processing, some filters, a few mod_*'s
16:16.44 ``Erik how many are actually USED, though?
16:16.53 brlcad pretty much all of them
16:16.56 ``Erik and use pkg_cutleaves -l, not pkg_info or ls /var/db/pkg :)
16:17.00 brlcad otherwise I wouldn't mention :)
16:17.58 ``Erik <-- has deeply instilled attitudes about keeping servers as minimal and task specific as reasonable, though has no problem throwing on things like vim, bash, a scheme and/or lithp environment, ruby, ... :D
16:18.23 brlcad likewise
16:18.32 brlcad just in this case, minimal is a lot of stuff is all i'm saying
16:18.38 ``Erik yeah
16:19.23 ``Erik but if ya draw the ports graph, and draw a curvey line through dividing necessary and unnecessary, some leaves will be in and some will be out
16:19.32 ``Erik I don't know which ones go where for the web stuff
16:19.55 ``Erik and I'll imagine some web leaves will be on the unnecessary side *shrug*
16:37.04 *** join/#brlcad elite01_ (
18:19.34 brlcad hrm.. 7.10 is about 10% faster than 7.8 on some cursory testing..
18:27.30 ``Erik swank
18:32.50 brlcad holy crapoli
18:32.58 brlcad logins now work!
18:33.19 brlcad and I didn't change a damn thing .. did you change anything?
18:33.49 brlcad i'm guessing some db finally got updated via atrun or cron that let it recognize them as valid users
18:34.38 brlcad (something other than pwd_mkdb)
18:34.57 brlcad ooooh, you know what .. I bet I know what "fixed" it ...
18:37.27 ``Erik um
18:37.37 ``Erik I did a couple mergemasters
18:37.44 ``Erik which do lots of scary shit in the etc dir
18:38.09 ``Erik what's your surspicion?
18:44.29 *** join/#brlcad bpoole (
19:17.31 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
19:29.54 ``Erik drupal5 and mediawiki are installed
19:31.54 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/timer-nt.c: time() requires a time_t
20:29.40 brlcad don't worry about the web services, that all totally changes once apache comes over
20:30.30 brlcad some of the sites hosted require specific versions in order for various modules to work, others will have to have their db's upgraded at the same time
20:31.08 brlcad ``Erik: suspicion is /etc/shells
20:31.20 brlcad all of the accounts that were tested were undoubtedly set to /usr/local/bin/bash
20:31.35 brlcad so ssh was getting some "rejection" based on the shell, which it just turned into "invalid user"
20:31.42 brlcad even though the password was correct
20:32.33 brlcad pretty awesomeness, all users now migrated seamless
20:32.42 brlcad few more shells to add
21:15.50 ``Erik ahhhhh
21:16.01 ``Erik ok, I added bash before mergemaster
21:16.04 ``Erik coo'
21:16.18 ``Erik mebbe I should write myself down for having fixed that issue :D *duck*
21:18.02 brlcad sure
21:18.56 ``Erik (not like there's any glory on that list, other than getting the dman machine working)
21:19.20 brlcad yep :)
21:19.26 brlcad the file gets deleted when it's all done
21:19.40 brlcad just a shared notepad and mental reminder list of what's left
21:20.58 ``Erik and just hope no one uses an editor that doesn't look to make sure it hasn't changed before writing :)
21:27.14 ``Erik hum, screen, sudo, brlcad, ...
21:28.39 ``Erik mysql and apache are installed
21:28.51 ``Erik looks like most of what's left is copying data
21:29.22 minute Crap
21:29.23 minute sorry
21:30.29 minute 2.5GB shit
21:30.59 minute rm -rf :)
21:32.29 ``Erik ... you.... pooped? on brlcad's machine? O.o
21:33.09 minute lol
21:33.21 minute I guess you could say that :P
21:35.35 minute Fixed now anyway.
21:35.42 minute Won't let it happen again.
21:54.56 minute ;P
21:55.11 ``Erik puts me at 1.7m consumption
21:59.27 minute hehe
22:39.35 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
22:42.48 brlcad ahh, was wondering when minute would notice
22:43.22 brlcad he had daily backups going to his home, adding about 150MB/day
22:56.17 ``Erik later, kids, headin' home :D
23:36.40 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ update the adrt comment, it actually builds fairly cleanly not IF you have the dependencies installed, but still don't force-enable since they are unmanaged external

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