IRC log for #brlcad on 20071113

00:00.17 ``Erik technically, the ampi stuff *SHOULD* refer to the detected tcl init.tcl file, not the included
00:00.18 ``Erik um
00:00.19 IriX64 see
00:00.21 ``Erik but it don't
01:29.13 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
02:31.36 *** join/#brlcad fiberchunks (n=foo@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Fiberchunks)
02:49.38 brlcad it "should" and does in head iirc
02:50.09 brlcad the tricky one is itcl which I think is picking up the from our sources
02:50.22 brlcad so it gets compiled looking for a specific version (which at run-time doesn't exist)
02:52.42 ``Erik hm, when I looked, itcl was using src/other/tcl/library/init.tcl, which had a requires exactly line
02:52.45 ``Erik or, uh
02:52.47 ``Erik ampi was, rather
02:52.57 ``Erik mebbe both
02:53.21 ``Erik I have an ed hack in the fbsd port to work around the issue
02:53.22 ``Erik :/
02:53.36 ``Erik "heros" is on, btw... kinda half watching it....
02:54.20 ``Erik how's the new machine coming?
02:58.34 brlcad not much since saturday
02:59.00 brlcad finished backups, did some more performance testing, had some DDoS stuff to take care of on Sunday
03:01.43 Supaplex yucky :p
03:03.48 starseeker brlcad: Am I correct that latest cvs still needs the patched itcl/itk?
03:08.42 brlcad Supaplex: not the first, not the last :)
03:08.54 brlcad and wasn't the brl-cad site.. but related hardware getting hit :)
03:08.59 Supaplex yup. kiddies.
03:17.16 ``Erik damn christa miller is rompable
03:31.44 *** join/#brlcad fiberchunks_ (n=foo@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Fiberchunks)
03:32.56 *** join/#brlcad fiberchunks__ (
03:34.20 fiberchunks__ damned router :/
03:41.33 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
03:45.00 ``Erik a bz'er?
03:45.55 fiberchunks yah, long time ago
03:46.01 fiberchunks now, not so much
03:46.28 ``Erik <-- never gotten into the bz groove
03:46.36 ``Erik just noticed your channels :D
03:46.51 fiberchunks great game, just have no time for it anymore
03:46.56 ``Erik the boy *points at brlcad* seems to be into it
03:47.09 fiberchunks yah, I've known him for quite some time
03:47.52 fiberchunks without him, there'd likely be very little in the way of mac work for it
03:48.07 fiberchunks among other things
03:48.07 ``Erik true
03:48.23 ``Erik I'm under the impression that there's only one other person really pushing the game, uh
03:48.27 ``Erik matt or something
03:48.39 fiberchunks jeff
03:48.44 ``Erik jeffm?
03:48.48 fiberchunks indeed
03:48.51 ``Erik not riker
03:49.03 ``Erik yeah, I think jeffm is it
03:49.23 fiberchunks oh tim? he's always around -- I'm not sure how into it he is anymore, but he's the 'official' king tut
03:49.47 ``Erik I was name dropping to someone and tey were like "omfg, you know tim riker?" and I said, no, an active dev, so they said jeffm... heh
03:50.12 ``Erik I THINK it was jeffm
03:50.22 ``Erik my memory aint' so good in my old age *sigh*
03:50.29 fiberchunks most likely - he's one of the most active
03:50.29 brlcad naw, more than that working on it
03:50.41 brlcad arguably 2-3 guys "leading" most of the work (and that doesn't include tim)
03:50.56 ``Erik damn, christa ... damn
03:50.56 brlcad and not counting the peripheral coders
03:50.57 fiberchunks tim still the figurehead, brlcad ?
03:51.05 brlcad on paper, sure
03:51.13 fiberchunks some things never change :)
03:51.18 brlcad he's done even less since you were last around
03:51.20 ``Erik seriously, would anyone here turn down christa miller?
03:51.33 fiberchunks fancy -- why doesn't he turn it over I wonder
03:51.41 brlcad he popped in one day a few months ago when gsoc kicked off to vote on the student submissions
03:51.52 brlcad but that's about it for '07
03:51.59 ``Erik hopefully I rate as #2 or at least a close #3 for BRL-CAD dev :D
03:52.08 brlcad ``Erik: I know lots of chicks that would turn her down :)
03:52.37 ``Erik I think my chick would saddle up for her, so it's all good :D
03:52.55 fiberchunks yay, take pictures!
03:52.58 ``Erik once you quit screaming "tmi", ...
03:53.25 brlcad hey, so long as you're not in the pics, I"m all for it! :)
03:53.27 ``Erik a buddy of mine up in nyc a psych phd, finally bought a mac today
03:53.45 ``Erik she's going between ecstatic and terrified
03:53.52 brlcad heh
03:54.03 brlcad good stuff
03:54.17 fiberchunks bastich!
03:54.33 ``Erik I might buy an ibook soon
03:54.43 ``Erik they look like decent little machines if you slap a little ram in
03:54.49 fiberchunks i'm thinking of one of those fancy new imacs for the family
03:55.08 ``Erik I'm waiting for a field report on the video card performance
03:55.19 ``Erik if the intel chip does what I need done, ... *shrug*
03:55.40 brlcad last I read, the imac video "problem" was fixed with the latest rev
03:55.57 brlcad you can actually run dual head now, which was stupidly crippled before
03:56.04 fiberchunks yeah, what the hell is with the condensation thing? they put an icebox in that thing?
03:56.25 ``Erik multiscreen isn't my concern, it's the performance for running "wow" that worries me
03:56.56 ``Erik if a plain chicklet macbook maxes cpu on wow, I'll buy one... otherwise, I might go pro for the nvidia chip
03:57.25 fiberchunks mmmmm, nvidia. Although, if amd does things right, in a couple of years ATI could be decent again
03:57.46 ``Erik I have a sour taste to nvidia.
03:57.54 fiberchunks why for?
03:57.59 ``Erik their unix guys... don't understand unix
03:58.05 fiberchunks I've never had anything but sucess with their cards
03:58.24 ``Erik the ioctl stuff was fucking BAD, it relied on outright bugs in linux code, which made the fbsd effort ugly
03:58.35 ``Erik also; they didn't hire me, so poo on them. :D
03:58.40 fiberchunks haha
03:59.10 fiberchunks ah fbsd, my exp is strictly with linux and of course doze (for solidworks at work, regretfully)
03:59.13 ``Erik but seriosuly, their ioctl stuff relied on a weirdness of linux with memory addressing
03:59.45 ``Erik namely, linux has a weird behavior of reporting "local memory" at the same address of wire memory in an ioctl
03:59.52 fiberchunks well, that's what I partly mean with ATI and AMD deciding (hopefully) to do the right thing when it comes to drivers -- so the community can work on them as well
03:59.53 ``Erik whcih is not the case for, y'knwo, EVERY REAL OS
04:00.00 fiberchunks heh
04:00.17 ``Erik so nvidia's drivers behavior of assuming reported ioctl addy is both wired and real... that's wrong
04:01.58 ``Erik
04:04.17 fiberchunks so that's a linux kernel issue and an nvidia driver issue then
04:05.48 ``Erik this was over 6 years ago..
04:06.04 fiberchunks fancy -- good to see response time is good ;)
04:06.38 fiberchunks also good to see that I can't properly read anything (like dates and stuff )
04:06.43 ``Erik :)
04:09.08 ``Erik was a long time ago
04:09.17 ``Erik was the fallout
04:09.19 ``Erik *grouse*
04:10.03 ``Erik damn apple finds good bands to use on their commercials O.o
04:10.41 louipc I don't think I've heard a single metal band yet
04:11.11 fiberchunks you know, I love their products, but christ does itunes for the pc suck, which i'm really surprised about
04:11.17 fiberchunks or maybe I shouldn't be
04:11.53 brlcad they're not used to coding software on top of steaming piles ;)
04:12.00 fiberchunks hehe
04:12.03 ``Erik hehhee
04:13.14 fiberchunks what's the going rate these days for a 17" macbook pro?
04:13.21 ``Erik
04:14.00 fiberchunks oof, nevermind -- too rich for me right now
04:14.22 brlcad don't forget the blessed educational or gov't discounts ;)
04:14.33 brlcad don't even need to prove it *ahem*
04:14.35 fiberchunks oooo, I do have a student too :)
04:14.46 fiberchunks what's the discount?
04:14.51 brlcad usually about 10%
04:14.58 fiberchunks sweet
04:22.04 ``Erik wow, they really suck live
04:22.30 ``Erik the instruments are spot on, but the vocs, geez
04:23.33 louipc
04:24.20 ``Erik strat++
04:26.20 louipc \m/
04:26.57 louipc man I can't wait until march
04:27.11 louipc I'll be seeing them
04:27.17 ``Erik back in hs, my buddies were big into iron maiden and judas priest... wasn't so much myself
04:27.37 fiberchunks oh yeah man, eddie and the priest
04:27.42 fiberchunks awesome stuff
04:28.24 ``Erik I got more into old school ac/dc, metallica, ...
04:28.40 ``Erik bon scott, yo!
04:28.47 fiberchunks iron maiden isn't old school? judas priest? dear god man! :)
04:28.54 louipc ac/dc is good but it's all the same song haha
04:29.01 ``Erik well
04:29.03 ``Erik 3 songs
04:29.10 ``Erik ... done over... and over...and... over...
04:29.11 ``Erik :D
04:29.11 louipc old school metallica vs. current metallica?
04:29.14 ``Erik :D
04:29.26 ``Erik metallica with long hair and promotion of "piracy"
04:29.30 fiberchunks current or recent metallica is crap
04:29.34 ``Erik jean jackets ands hit
04:29.36 louipc yea
04:29.46 ``Erik kill 'em all!
04:29.51 louipc master of puppets
04:30.04 ``Erik last good album they did :(
04:30.11 ``Erik if I had a hat, I'd doff it to cliff right now.
04:30.47 fiberchunks i prefer good, old fashioned sabbath with the ozman
04:31.10 ``Erik yeah, 70's bslack sabbath is good
04:31.12 ``Erik um
04:31.19 ``Erik the, uh, last ozzya lbum sucked
04:31.26 ``Erik um, johnny something?
04:31.30 ``Erik johnny blade?
04:31.35 louipc yeah I can't completely get into the Dio stuff
04:31.54 ``Erik with the pic of the dude flying the plane... that album sucked
04:31.56 fiberchunks well, once you reach a certain age, or can't remember precisely where, or who, you are -- it's time to get off the train. I mean really :)
04:31.59 ``Erik the ones before kicked butt
04:32.15 louipc hehe yea
04:32.19 ``Erik and some of ozzies "solo" stuff was awesome
04:32.34 fiberchunks randy rhodes FTW
04:32.42 ``Erik yeah, randy was good
04:32.51 ``Erik another one worth doffing a hat to :(
04:33.03 fiberchunks black label society is kick ass as well (thinking of ozzy guitarists)
04:33.31 ``Erik since we're on a grim rode, dimebag, mentiond bon scott and cliff, ...
04:33.34 ``Erik :(
04:33.49 fiberchunks only the shitkickers die young
04:34.04 louipc chuck shuldiner \m/
04:34.30 fiberchunks lemme see, jimi, stevie ray, john bonham (my personal drum idol), etc etc
04:34.39 ``Erik stevei's still alive
04:34.53 fiberchunks 'scuse me?
04:34.57 ``Erik I though
04:34.59 louipc no he aint
04:35.02 ``Erik doh
04:35.08 fiberchunks no, stevie ray vaughn is very very mort
04:35.21 ``Erik oh damn, 17 years ago
04:35.36 louipc buddy guy is still alive :P
04:36.01 ``Erik wow, heh
04:36.04 ``Erik um
04:36.16 ``Erik layne staley, kurt cobain, ...
04:36.33 fiberchunks i dont' know what it is the past couple of years, but I've really been getting into bluegrass of all things
04:37.03 ``Erik I've gotten heavy into blues and bubblegum the last few years...
04:37.54 ``Erik always been a fan of triphop, though :D but metal and hard rock are what I've been up on since a kid
04:38.27 fiberchunks ditto that -- I was and still am into trance -- can't really stand rap / hip-hop except for tech nine
04:38.38 fiberchunks although my fiancee loves rap
04:38.40 fiberchunks :\
04:38.45 ``Erik heh
04:43.45 fiberchunks gotta go to bed, take it easy
05:11.25 brlcad good to see the chunk man up and about, hadn't talked to him in months
06:04.48 yukonbob nice nickname "The Chunk Man"
06:07.01 brlcad hehe
06:07.13 brlcad he fits his namesake pretty well
06:14.16 brlcad yukonbob: if it's possible to get a copy of that newhub model, I'd like to investigate why four of the pixels are wrong
06:15.53 brlcad at least, four that seem wrong -- can't say that they are without seeing the model and walking the specific ray through the model
06:17.03 brlcad it's on a primitive that doesn't have any known problems for that shape, so it's definitely worth investigating
06:35.51 yukonbob ya -- np.
06:36.37 yukonbob are you looking at interior of middle body?
06:36.49 yukonbob hint: I doubt I knew about 'pipe' at that time...
06:41.36 yukonbob brlcad: drop me note when ready -- I'll be in/out of irc tonight till I go to sleep, then here again tmo...
06:58.06 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
07:11.38 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
08:54.07 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
09:27.53 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
09:34.48 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
09:41.57 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/ (include/bu.h src/libbu/vls.c):
09:41.59 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: protect the vararg function declaration in bu.h with the same defines as used in the definition in libbu/vls.c
09:42.02 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: remove redundant declaration in libbu/vls.c
09:44.22 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/libbu/libbu.dsp: add fchmod.c (according to libbu/
09:52.13 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_open.c:
09:52.16 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: It is hard to decide in db_close if bu_close_mapped_file should be called or not:
09:52.18 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: db_open calls bu_open_mapped_file, db_clone_dbi does not.
09:52.20 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: Now, db_open calls bu_close_mapped_file if it is a re-use of a previously mapped file.
12:06.35 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc8/ (48 files in 48 dirs): Initial check-in.
12:42.46 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/bwish/cadAppInit.c: Only include windows.h for btclsh on Windows.
12:49.54 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
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14:38.26 *** join/#brlcad keinek (
14:57.52 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
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15:48.25 *** join/#brlcad DEFCON (
15:48.36 *** join/#brlcad MinuteElectron (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
15:48.36 DEFCON hi all
15:48.52 DEFCON Maloeran are u here
15:50.05 *** join/#brlcad Blue_D (
15:50.17 Defcon hi Blue_D
15:51.45 Blue_D Hey DEFCON
15:52.26 brlcad eventually
15:53.55 Defcon i love the render of the tank btw
16:16.02 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/archer/images/Themes/Crystal (Large)/ (56 files): remove duplicate theme, src/tclscrtips/archer/images/Themes/Crystal_Large seems to be a complete copy plus later updates, and it's actually included in the dist (this one is not)
16:22.21 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c: No longer need SEARCH_ARCHER.
17:33.16 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: Modify default values for BRLCAD_ROOT and BRLCAD_DATA.
17:33.19 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald 07STABLE * 10brlcad/ move socket and nsl lib stuff to PKG_LIBS (fix for solaris)
17:40.05 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/ carry the solaris fixes over from STABLE
18:47.28 yukonbob brlcad: drop me a line when you're ready for that file
20:21.22 *** join/#brlcad minute (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
20:56.02 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
21:15.52 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_open.c: Initialize dbip->dbi_fd in db_open() to -1.
21:36.28 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
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22:34.14 starseeker but apparently not as a tarball...
22:35.34 starseeker Hehe - if someone does get this running we could try running BRL-CAD on it again ;-)
22:36.09 yukonbob starseeker: apparently there are no machines available anymore that run this code natively...
22:37.48 starseeker emulator time ;-)
22:54.57 starseeker Come to think of it, Macsyma at MIT was on Multics at one point... I may still have that manual around here somewhere...
22:56.01 ``Erik which emu will be the first to support it?
22:56.30 ``Erik simh might be a serious contendor... but bochs and qemu are both pretty active and have both splayed out into lots of arch's
22:57.21 starseeker I think is working on it...
22:57.38 starseeker Apparently some of the hardware IO setups for Multics were... complex
22:58.02 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
22:58.52 starseeker I wonder if a modernized Multics would still be a viable operating system contender
23:01.27 louipc qemu is probably better
23:01.29 ``Erik some of the hardware i/o setups for unix were complex, too
23:03.00 yukonbob ``Erik: you in same office as brlcad ?
23:06.10 ``Erik same building, different room
23:10.02 yukonbob or so that if we want him in IRC, he gets a shock.
23:13.30 starseeker Hehe
23:18.47 ``Erik hum
23:18.53 ``Erik shocking brlcad... that could be fun :D
23:33.44 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (n=Matt@
23:48.54 brlcad my other irc client actually rings a loud bell whenever I'm messaged
23:49.02 brlcad but i've not used that in a while
23:50.18 PrezKennedy that would drive me nuts
23:52.02 ``Erik brlcad, on bz in my home dir, get bike.g, for yukonbobs issue
23:56.19 *** join/#brlcad cad70 (
23:56.42 brlcad got it
23:57.38 ``Erik "hubcomb" is where the artifacting shows up, according to him... *shrug8 I'm still building, so I'll let him jabber to ya *shrug* :D
23:58.41 ``Erik bleh, screw it
23:58.41 ``Erik version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.4, need 8.5
23:58.53 ``Erik and I'm home and dorking with os stuff

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