IRC log for #brlcad on 20071117

00:10.08 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
00:12.55 *** join/#brlcad rpaddock (
00:42.53 CIA-27 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r336 10/trunk/libirc/botlib/ (inc/botlib.h src/botlib.cpp):
00:42.53 CIA-27 libirc: get the botlib to connect and join channels
00:42.55 CIA-27 libirc: stub out the major event callbacks.
01:24.26 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
02:02.05 *** part/#brlcad rpaddock (
03:59.48 ``Erik O.o
04:00.13 *** join/#brlcad tonsofpcs (n=EricAdle@
04:00.17 ``Erik have a beer with it and hit the sack after, boy :D
04:00.37 ``Erik (given that I'm 3 hours late, I assume that's already happened)
04:01.22 tonsofpcs does brl cad have a way of transfering 3d models to/from autocad?
04:10.17 ``Erik um, dxf-g and g-dxf
04:10.30 ``Erik but any 2d stuff in autocad will be lost, iirc
04:48.31 *** part/#brlcad iday (
04:48.41 *** join/#brlcad iday (
07:09.17 CIA-27 libirc: 03JeffM2501 * r338 10/trunk/libirc/botlib/vc8/ (botlib.sln botlib.vcproj): VC8 project for the botlib
09:02.10 *** join/#brlcad minute (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron)
09:38.07 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
10:20.20 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
10:33.53 *** join/#brlcad rpaddock (
11:00.14 *** join/#brlcad iday (
12:04.34 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
12:24.38 *** join/#brlcad bob- (
12:28.09 *** join/#brlcad rpaddock (
13:14.29 starseeker backup time...
15:15.39 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
15:32.53 *** part/#brlcad rpaddock (
17:12.45 *** join/#brlcad rpaddock (
17:31.51 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:33.29 yukonbob ...~5h and no word from starseeker -- hope the backups are going well...
18:41.31 *** join/#brlcad bob- (
19:17.59 *** join/#brlcad cad42 (
19:24.02 *** join/#brlcad bpoole (
19:37.03 *** join/#brlcad rpaddock (
19:59.42 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
20:13.34 *** join/#brlcad rpaddock (
20:58.13 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
20:58.23 *** join/#brlcad rpaddock (
20:58.28 alex_joni brlcad: maybe it's best to talk in here.. not to spam #cia
20:59.03 brlcad heh
21:02.32 *** part/#brlcad rpaddock (
21:44.24 brlcad alex_joni:
21:46.24 brlcad especially for a model that only has 22k polys
21:52.33 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
21:52.55 alex_joni brlcad: wow
21:53.21 alex_joni brlcad: what did you use to convert?
21:54.00 alex_joni thanks btw :)
22:10.48 brlcad alex_joni: ehm.. BRL-CAD :P
22:12.19 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
22:12.19 alex_joni brlcad: oh, surprise :D
22:12.47 brlcad .g is our file format
22:13.27 alex_joni trying to import it into my CAD proggy.. but it doesn't like the IGS
22:13.42 alex_joni (not your fault I bet.. I got the same thing with the iges I managed to convert)
22:13.57 brlcad it was calculated as having a few degenerate faces, that might cause problems with some programs
22:14.06 brlcad which CAD proggy?
22:14.12 alex_joni I get a ACISERROR_IMPORT_NO_FACED: Import - The FIle has no faces to stitch.
22:14.17 alex_joni brlcad: alibre xpress
22:15.11 brlcad wow, that's odd
22:15.16 alex_joni parametric solid modeler.. for a good price
22:15.16 brlcad they gotta be using acis wrong
22:15.28 brlcad acis undoubtedly can handle that iges
22:15.45 alex_joni yeah, they probably only load a subpart of acis
22:16.02 alex_joni load/interpret
22:16.09 brlcad or just assuming something on the input file
22:16.21 brlcad I can try generating iges files in different formats
22:17.06 alex_joni nah, don't waste too much time on it
22:17.11 alex_joni I'm sorry I did..
22:17.58 alex_joni sometimes I get caught up in doing things without remembering the big picture..
22:18.51 brlcad for what it's worth, here's what's in that file:
22:20.59 alex_joni cool, thanks again
22:22.06 brlcad got three more done, uploading
22:23.16 brlcad one as a nurbs surface, another as trimmed nurbs, and a modified facet version
22:23.36 brlcad it'll take about 10 min to upload
22:24.27 alex_joni I see they're just as large ..
22:24.41 alex_joni (roughly)
22:24.43 brlcad it's not done uploading even one yet ;)
22:24.59 brlcad they are all about the same size
22:25.07 alex_joni yeah, I saw that it's still increasing
22:25.33 brlcad it doesn't change the object, it's just a different encoding
22:25.56 brlcad -f one is done
22:26.35 alex_joni it'll take a bit till it's downloaded
22:28.26 brlcad hm, guess I could have compressed the files..
22:28.38 alex_joni don't sweat it.. it'll get here :)
22:30.24 brlcad nah, it's taking forever on my end to upload the 100MB over wireless :)
22:30.39 alex_joni is it .g at least?
22:30.41 brlcad they're all already compressed and uploaded now, .gz
22:30.55 brlcad hm?
22:31.30 alex_joni 802.11g ?
22:31.37 brlcad .g is the brl-cad file format, our binary data file format -- there are three .gz files, though, that are gzipped
22:31.44 brlcad yeah
22:31.52 alex_joni same on my end..
22:32.04 brlcad ahhh I get what you meant
22:32.11 alex_joni ok, they're done.. checking now
22:32.14 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran_ (
22:33.06 brlcad
22:33.15 Maloeran_ Very much off-topic, but if anyone is curious to see some scuba diving pictures from the Whitsunday Islands in Australia :
22:33.42 Maloeran_ I didn't manage to get any good pictures of my shark unfortunately
22:35.57 brlcad Maloeran_: fun
22:36.01 brlcad that's one heck of a camera
22:36.39 Maloeran_ Eh yes, mine is a lot cheaper than that ; just a typical good digital camera with an underwater case
22:37.17 Maloeran_ A gift from my wife before I left :)
22:38.07 brlcad ahh
22:39.08 brlcad i can usually get two levels within a minute or so, but that last level is usually a little tough
22:40.05 brlcad ah, I see your camera
22:40.14 Maloeran_ Yes, same here. I always get stuck a long while with the last 4 corners
22:40.33 brlcad hehe
22:41.04 yukonbob heh -- tux looks like a pewter casting
22:41.05 brlcad for corners are easy, its' the inner 5
22:41.46 yukonbob brlcad: you know what the original source of that linuxtux was?
22:41.47 Maloeran_ So you do all the corners before the inner edges?
22:41.57 brlcad no, inner first
22:43.09 brlcad once you have the inner, the corners are just a series of CCRight, CCDown, CRight, CDown and you're done
22:44.00 alex_joni yukonbob: stl is the oldest thing I have on the linuxtux
22:44.05 Maloeran_ Hum. I need to better understand that last step, the rest goes rather smoothly
22:45.51 brlcad once you have two levels done and the inner top done, put the four corners facing up
22:46.06 Maloeran_ brlcad, I think your sequence works to fix the position, I
22:46.13 Maloeran_ I'm not sure about the orientation
22:46.29 brlcad actually it only fixes the orientation afaik :)
22:46.34 Maloeran_ Oh.
22:47.10 brlcad take a given corner, do the CCR, CCD, CR, CD until it's oriented right in that corner
22:47.17 brlcad you'll have to do it either 2x or 4x
22:47.23 brlcad depending which way it's flipped
22:47.37 brlcad it'll seemingly mess up the bottom two levels, but don't worry about it
22:47.46 Maloeran_ Interesting
22:47.51 alex_joni brlcad: managed to overload my laptop with the import :)
22:47.58 Maloeran_ Thanks, I
22:48.00 brlcad once that corner is oriented right, turn only the top level to the next corner
22:48.02 brlcad and do it again
22:48.03 Maloeran_ I'll try that out
22:48.07 brlcad that's the trick
22:48.34 brlcad once you do all four like that, the top should be complete, and the bottom two levels will all align
22:49.50 brlcad i forget where I learned that trick, but it's one of the few I remember being amazed at because it was so simple
22:50.15 brlcad especially when it seems like the bottom is getting screwed up
22:50.35 Maloeran It seems to have been complex enough to elude me for a while o.O
22:50.49 brlcad alex_joni: heh
22:51.14 alex_joni had a VM running, and the import.. that's too much even for a decent laptop
22:51.26 brlcad ahh
22:51.27 alex_joni (running out of memory right now..)
22:51.42 brlcad acis pig
22:51.44 alex_joni alibre is using up about 800MB of mem :D
22:52.11 brlcad a pig (acis) being fed a pig file format (iges) ..
22:52.43 brlcad the nurbs rep is going to be a lot more memory intensive than a simple mesh .. but still shouldn't be more than about those file sizes..
22:52.54 alex_joni it
22:53.04 alex_joni it's only 30x the filesizes :D
22:53.16 brlcad that's horrible
22:53.28 alex_joni I'll give it a go at work on a bigger machine
22:53.29 brlcad sounds like some sort of xml encoding
22:53.47 brlcad not many things will balloon up the memory like that
22:54.03 brlcad which one were you trying?
22:54.08 brlcad the -s ?
22:54.17 alex_joni the -t
22:54.29 alex_joni the -s and -f crapped out with the same error as before
22:54.39 brlcad ah, hm
22:54.50 brlcad then not too hopeful
22:54.50 alex_joni n/m.. it's not really important
22:54.53 brlcad s is nurbs surfaces
22:54.59 brlcad t is trimmed nurbs surfaces
22:55.28 brlcad there shouldn't be any trimmings given it came from polygons :)
22:55.39 alex_joni heh..
22:55.41 brlcad at least, there's not much to do
22:56.15 alex_joni anyways, thanks a lot for the effort
22:56.23 alex_joni don't waste any more time on this.. it's not worth it
22:56.43 brlcad there's not much more I can do on my part ;)
22:56.48 brlcad other than smooth the bot out
22:57.06 alex_joni bot?
22:57.20 brlcad er our name for triangulated models
22:57.26 brlcad "Bag of Triangles"
22:58.21 alex_joni heh.. nice name
22:58.48 alex_joni brlcad: I'll just use blender to do what I want to..
23:00.18 alex_joni brlcad: got 5 minutes for another question?
23:02.34 brlcad hmm.. doesn't smooth out so well...
23:02.37 brlcad sure
23:03.19 alex_joni heh.. is that irssi?
23:03.48 alex_joni looks just about the same as here :D
23:04.11 brlcad yep
23:04.47 alex_joni anyways.. the question is this: I have another app I work with, which uses some text file format for the 3D data it uses
23:04.56 alex_joni
23:05.18 *** join/#brlcad cad89 (
23:05.59 alex_joni from looking at that, I think it the "1 24" describes the number of segments
23:06.21 alex_joni the next 24 x 2 define the number of points for each segment
23:06.36 alex_joni and then there's couples of start/endpoint (24 of them)
23:06.53 alex_joni would you say I'm on the right way so far?
23:08.19 alex_joni the next thing "2 12" I think defines faces/vertexes
23:08.54 brlcad looks a lot like vrml
23:09.02 brlcad yeah, looks like that's the case
23:09.24 alex_joni ok.. you just answered my question (which I never asked..)
23:09.35 alex_joni if there's some format which is similar to that..
23:23.49 alex_joni brlcad: so if I want to convert that file to some other format.. what would be in your oppinion the easiest thing to do?

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