IRC log for #brlcad on 20071118

00:08.53 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (n=yukonbob@
00:28.59 brlcad alex_joni: hmm.. probably brl-cad format :)
00:31.58 alex_joni brlcad: heh..
00:32.25 brlcad our ascii file format is very close to that, i'll give it a shot
00:33.06 alex_joni brlcad: I managed to manually convert it some other format
00:33.39 brlcad ah, great
00:33.42 brlcad which one?
00:34.18 alex_joni it's called REND ASCII
00:34.18 brlcad off and obj would have been pretty easy to get to
00:34.36 alex_joni bet you never heard of it.. had a sample file around
00:34.52 brlcad yeah, not that I recall
00:35.10 alex_joni I can do off in a second
00:35.32 alex_joni
00:35.51 alex_joni some formats there..
00:36.39 brlcad kinda, cept was thinking a lot more information
00:37.23 alex_joni yeah.. as a starting point at least
00:37.48 brlcad like whether the format is polygonal-only, whether it supports brep, nurbs, implicits, volumetric, wireframe, 2D, 3D, CSG, solid geometry, etc
00:37.51 alex_joni
00:37.51 brlcad yeah
00:37.59 alex_joni I think that's the OFF translation
00:39.52 alex_joni hmm.. loading it here with a crappy viewer doesn't work
00:42.13 alex_joni ah, I know.. it's off by one
00:42.43 alex_joni
00:57.19 brlcad hmm
00:59.14 alex_joni I managed to convert it to IGES, but it doesn't contain any solids..
00:59.29 alex_joni just faces/vertices
01:01.22 alex_joni brlcad: that also proved usefull along the way
01:03.33 brlcad I was hmm'ing because of something else :)
01:04.26 alex_joni ok... I'm heading for bed..
01:04.35 alex_joni will look at writing a .sat from this tomorrow
01:05.06 brlcad (we have a sat exporter) :)
01:05.27 brlcad and what you made wasn't an OFF
01:05.40 brlcad what format did you use? ply?
01:05.58 alex_joni
01:06.28 alex_joni might be the wrong OFF format?
01:06.32 brlcad ah, different off
01:07.50 alex_joni <- this the right one?
01:08.15 brlcad that's the same as the other
01:08.22 brlcad just better description
01:12.58 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (NEWS src/conv/off/g-off.c): fix crash-on-exit bug during clean-up where the NOP curtree being returned wasn't having its magic number set (causing a bu type check to fail)
01:17.23 alex_joni brlcad: is there a guide to install brlcad?
01:17.34 brlcad guide?
01:17.46 alex_joni binaries vs. cvs ?
01:17.46 brlcad there's the INSTALL file
01:18.09 brlcad yeah, that file talks about both
01:18.28 brlcad*checkout*/brlcad/brlcad/INSTALL
01:19.03 brlcad ~cadcvs
01:19.04 ibot To obtain BRL-CAD from anonymous CVS: cvs -d login && cvs -d checkout -P brlcad
01:19.07 alex_joni is 7.8.0 really outdated?
01:19.13 brlcad very
01:19.22 alex_joni VM it is then :)
01:19.24 brlcad though if you're on Windows, that's the easiest
01:19.37 brlcad for any other OS, there are much better options
01:19.40 alex_joni I have a dapper running on VMware server
01:19.56 alex_joni s/dapper/ubuntu 6.06 dapper drake/
01:20.50 alex_joni hmm.. how is sf CVS nowadays?
01:21.30 brlcad word of caution if you're just curious, there are tons of command-line tools and a rather non-intuitive google (makes blender look like mspaint in terms of usability)
01:21.30 brlcad sf CVS has been great for over a year
01:21.56 brlcad they had a slew of issues after svn went on-line and before the cvs servers were upgraded
01:22.11 alex_joni we moved away from SF with our CVS (for emc)
01:22.12 brlcad but even that was mostly delays for anon users
01:22.27 brlcad since then, it's been pretty ideal
01:22.33 alex_joni so now it's synched updates for anon?
01:22.37 brlcad yeah
01:22.41 brlcad for a while
01:23.01 brlcad that was part of the upgrade
01:23.37 brlcad we'll be moving to svn shortly, have yet to have an issue with sf's svn service for other projects
01:24.35 alex_joni I see.. ok, I'm glad it works
01:24.45 alex_joni when we moved away it was pretty horrible..
01:24.55 alex_joni had a couple of weekends when it was completely down
01:25.34 brlcad yeah
01:25.47 brlcad their guys don't work on the weekends :)
01:26.19 brlcad and then they had that hardware failure that kept things down for about a week
01:29.05 alex_joni <PROTECTED>
01:29.16 brlcad is the mesh already solid?
01:29.20 alex_joni mesh is probably not the right word..
01:29.31 brlcad i.e. does it form a closed topology
01:29.56 alex_joni say I have the obj file I pastebin'ed the last..
01:30.07 brlcad okay
01:31.06 alex_joni
01:31.20 alex_joni I don't think that has a closed topology
01:31.30 alex_joni it only defines some faces..
01:38.21 brlcad hm, it's just a thin box
01:41.18 alex_joni yes
01:41.19 brlcad it does close space
01:41.29 alex_joni (this is just an example.. I have more complex ones)
01:41.43 alex_joni yes, it closes.. but that's only implicit
01:41.53 brlcad yes, but that doesn't matter
01:41.56 alex_joni (it doesn't reuse the points for the other faces)
01:42.21 alex_joni if you say so.. I'll take your word for it :)
01:42.29 brlcad that's the importer's job during conversion to determin if you're coming from a file format that doesn't have structure
01:43.01 brlcad and even if it doesn't, if you have software that has a shrinkwrap feature, then you can create closure
01:43.18 alex_joni anything like that in brlcad?
01:43.29 brlcad but in that particular case, since everything does line up neatly, you don't even need that
01:43.52 brlcad brl-cad will evaluate the connectivity and stitch things together
01:44.16 alex_joni cool.. (I finished installing the doze brlcad, the cvs one is still checking out..)
01:44.36 brlcad we don't have shrinkwrapping, that's pretty complicated to code up reliably :)
01:45.11 brlcad but we have things that are similar that will check and/or guarantee that the result is either solid geometry, or fail the conversion
01:45.33 brlcad (without remeshing)
01:46.06 brlcad generalized shrinkwrapping requires remeshing
01:46.07 alex_joni I'm fairly confident all the stuff will line up just like this one
01:46.23 alex_joni they were solids at one point..
01:46.24 brlcad what's your goal?
01:46.36 alex_joni viewing/manipulating them
01:46.40 brlcad that's a good sign
01:46.43 alex_joni mostly viewing
01:47.01 alex_joni so I could live with viewing the meshes only (if only that works..)
01:47.09 brlcad if you still have them in a solid format, it would be even better to use a file format that preserves the topological structure
01:47.37 brlcad at least one that can, as opposed to one that can't (e.g. iges does both)
01:48.31 alex_joni I don't.. if I would it would have been easy
01:54.34 alex_joni hrmm.. I did this: I have some crappy freeware that created a iges out of the obj, I converted the iges to g (iges-g complained there's no solid inside, so I had to use -d -3), then I tried to convert it back g-iges, but it's quite empty
01:59.58 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/db_walk.c: if there's no directory pointer, or no callbacks, there's nothing to do
02:03.09 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/conv/iges/g-iges.c: make sure the object may be looked up
02:06.07 brlcad alex_joni: try this one
02:07.13 brlcad that's what I get going obj->ply->g->iges
02:08.51 alex_joni I get the same old error.. The File has no faces to stich
02:11.52 alex_joni how did you go obj->ply ?
02:48.30 brlcad oh, I had a converter local
02:49.01 brlcad and we've not gotten around to writing the obj-g just yet
02:50.10 alex_joni hmm.. I think I got a bit further
02:50.23 alex_joni I have now something that looks like a .g solid
02:50.40 brlcad rt -F/dev/Xl to get a quick render
02:51.05 alex_joni under doze?
02:51.12 brlcad under anything
02:51.18 brlcad it's one of our tools/commands
02:51.36 brlcad works on the mged command prompt if you have a .g
02:52.18 alex_joni
02:53.02 alex_joni fb_open: no such device "/dev/X1".
02:53.29 brlcad ex ell
02:53.31 brlcad Xl
02:53.49 brlcad or wgll if you're on windows
02:53.58 brlcad er ogll
02:54.25 brlcad interesting, something remeshed that box for you
02:54.44 alex_joni yes.. I managed to convert the obj to some iges
02:54.51 brlcad it's actually a nurbs surface
02:54.55 alex_joni then when I did the iges-g it said there's some nurbs there
02:55.04 alex_joni and that it's gonna convert it to a slid
02:55.05 alex_joni solid
02:56.33 brlcad yeah, it's a decent prototype of a "better" interface
02:57.14 brlcad it was more of a proof-of-concept, still not anywhere near as useful as mged
02:58.00 alex_joni hmm.. g-iges crashes when I try to get an iges out of the .g
02:58.21 alex_joni I tried "g-iges platte2.g nn -o tt.igs"
02:58.59 alex_joni g-iges: failed to translate nn to IGES format
03:00.36 brlcad ahh, yes
03:00.48 brlcad the nurbs that it imported as cannot be exported
03:01.26 alex_joni think I'll call it a night
03:01.40 alex_joni sun's coming up soon.. thanks for all the help & patience
03:01.43 alex_joni good night
03:01.50 brlcad np
03:02.00 brlcad lemme know if can do anything else to help
03:02.18 alex_joni I'll sleep it over, and see where I can get :)
03:02.26 brlcad someone's always here ;)
03:02.55 alex_joni yeah, well.. SWPadnos would be of no use :D
03:02.58 brlcad fwiw, the box imported earlier as a bot that could be converted to a solid bot as you had it
03:03.17 alex_joni really?
03:03.18 brlcad and that g-iges crash is fixed in later version if it's the one I'm thinking of
03:03.40 alex_joni any ways to do the bot_>solid bot convert?
03:04.23 brlcad run "get botname mode"
03:04.31 brlcad does it say surf or volume?
03:04.44 brlcad if the edges align, you can just set it to volume
03:05.09 alex_joni it says error: botname: not found
03:05.46 brlcad botname is the name of your bot..
03:05.56 alex_joni oh :D I have one?
03:06.05 brlcad yes
03:06.13 brlcad tops to see the top-level geometry
03:06.19 brlcad l objectname to see that object
03:06.26 brlcad (textually)
03:06.35 brlcad (and that's another "ell")
03:07.06 brlcad if it's a bot, it'll look like:
03:07.22 brlcad mged> l ply_bot
03:07.23 brlcad ply_bot: Bag of triangles (BOT) 36 vertices, 12 faces (unoriented) This is a surface with no volume face 0: (408000 283000 10000), (408000 283000 0), (408000 -283000 0)
03:07.36 alex_joni iges_drawing: n-Manifold Geometry solid (NMG) maxindex=336
03:08.05 brlcad what's that from?
03:08.11 alex_joni l iges_drawing
03:08.20 alex_joni tops said 'iges_drawing'
03:08.22 brlcad i mean, where did iges_drawing come from
03:08.30 brlcad iges-g with .. some option
03:08.44 alex_joni think I ran it without
03:09.30 brlcad default would be ideal
03:09.41 brlcad looks like you did -p or something
03:10.01 alex_joni -d -3
03:10.22 brlcad hm, shouldn't need either of those
03:10.31 alex_joni This IGES file contains drawing entities, but no solid model entities. You may
03:10.31 alex_joni convert the drawing to BRL-CAD by 'iges-g -d -o file.g PLATTE1.IGS'. Note that the resulting
03:10.32 brlcad is it actually a drawing
03:10.34 alex_joni BRL-CAD object will be a 2D drawing, not a solid object. You might also try the
03:10.37 alex_joni '-3' option to get 3D drawings
03:10.45 brlcad ah
03:11.00 brlcad drawings suck
03:12.40 brlcad try running: g-nmg -b -o file2.g file.g iges_drawing
03:12.52 alex_joni I guess I'll bother you about the obj->ply->g converter sometimes then
03:13.12 alex_joni (don't have g-nmg on the doze box)
03:13.44 alex_joni (still building the CVS version)
03:13.58 brlcad
03:14.10 brlcad ahh, yeah
03:14.33 brlcad that windows build only has about 25% of the tools
03:15.24 brlcad gcc -I. -o obj-ply *ply*.c
03:16.39 alex_joni I'll do that some other time.. now really going to bed (5am here)
03:20.22 alex_joni thanks & goodnight
03:21.57 brlcad cya, have a good night
08:54.09 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
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11:47.17 *** join/#brlcad butti (
11:47.42 butti good morning
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16:54.01 ``Erik hah
16:54.08 ``Erik the last starfighter is on scifi
17:10.30 brlcad heh, tis what I was watching too
17:15.02 alex_joni brlcad: hi.. managed to write a converter for my needs (it outputs obj correctly)
17:19.50 brlcad cool
17:20.32 alex_joni do you happen to know if obj has support for multiple things inside?
17:20.51 alex_joni (like setting up a scene with a couple objects?)
17:21.34 brlcad alex_joni: yes, obj does
17:21.42 brlcad they just follow one after the other
17:21.46 alex_joni ok, cool.. will finish reading the docs then :)
17:22.13 brlcad g line followed by some # v lines and # f lines, repeated
17:22.27 brlcad with optional vn of course and a few other
17:23.34 alex_joni gotcha
17:32.01 ``Erik man those graphics were chintzy :D
17:40.02 Z80-Boy brlcad: would be fun to model this in BRL-CAD
17:40.35 Z80-Boy Or this
17:41.50 Z80-Boy They already did it in LEGO
17:42.31 alex_joni Z80-Boy:
18:03.51 *** join/#brlcad butti (
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19:03.01 alex_joni brlcad: around?
19:20.49 ``Erik more of a square, actually
19:22.38 alex_joni ``Erik: that's with smoothing turned off
19:23.31 ``Erik or a really BAD tesselation
19:29.33 alex_joni heh
19:32.57 butti hello boys
19:33.41 butti Just want to see if you are fine
19:53.34 alex_joni brlcad: I managed to put more than one component into the .obj, the problem is that the components I have aren't aligned.
19:53.50 alex_joni I guess there's no way to specify position and orientation of a .obj group
20:07.27 ``Erik ".obj group"?
20:07.54 alex_joni there's a thing called group inside .obj (g ..)
20:08.01 alex_joni and you can have more than one
20:13.41 CIA-27 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/nmg_misc.c: speling
20:23.55 Z80-Boy brlcad: I just made a brick chimney. I think making models of brick chimneys in BRL-CAD won't be difficult because you can fill all the mortar in at once by subtracting the bricks from a simple shape
21:57.07 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
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22:09.23 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
22:18.36 poolio allo bob
22:21.19 tarzeau hi
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23:24.59 brlcad howdy howdy
23:32.57 yukonbob brlcad: what the bug?
23:48.44 poolio It's an oversized cockroach

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