IRC log for #brlcad on 20071201

06:00.57 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
08:10.35 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
09:23.51 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
10:14.27 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
10:15.48 Axman6 hey brlcad, i was wondering if you'd found a fix for my circular dependancy problem?
10:22.14 Axman6 i'll be back, testing things and need to reboot
10:23.10 Z80-Boy I'll be back... --Arnold Schwarzenegger
10:26.41 Axman6 heh :)
11:04.44 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
11:48.13 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:24.36 Z80-Boy brlcad: does brlcad also calculate polarization, Brewster angle etc.?
15:19.36 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc8/libtcl/libtcl.vcproj: Added a call to build the missing include/conf files.
17:02.07 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
17:02.50 Axman6 brlcad: you around?
18:27.53 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc8/tclsh/library/installTree.tcl: No longer need to create the missing include/conf files. Added code to create tclIndex files. Added the shareDir variable to simplify things a bit.
18:30.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/misc/win32-msvc8/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Mods for getting the installTree script to create tclIndex files.
18:37.01 brlcad Axman6: yeah, sorry .. was busy coding ;)
18:37.10 Axman6 heh :)
18:37.15 Axman6 so i see
18:37.35 brlcad that's bob, different dev :)
18:37.40 brlcad not committed my stuff yet
18:37.42 Axman6 i'm lucky i'm still awake at 5:30AM then i guess :P
18:37.43 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/ami.tcl: Created the make_tclIndex proc.
18:37.49 brlcad wow
18:37.55 Axman6 ah right, didn't check the dev
18:38.15 Axman6 yeah, woke up at 3:30 yesterday, so hard to sleep
18:38.25 Axman6 the sun's already up -_-
18:38.33 brlcad :)
18:39.12 brlcad so one thing to try, just to see if it helps with the problem is to move the libpng out of the way that is in /usr/X11/lib
18:39.35 brlcad if that works, then it can be put back and can work on coercing the search path ordering
18:39.51 Axman6 YEAH OK
18:40.15 Axman6 whoops
18:43.23 Axman6
18:44.35 brlcad hmm
18:46.58 brlcad here's an idea, might be enough to just avoid the whole problem by disabling tcl's core foundation interface
18:47.13 brlcad try adding --disable-corefoundation to configure
18:47.50 brlcad pastebin the entire configure output if it'll fit
18:47.50 Axman6 ok
18:54.49 Axman6
18:54.59 Axman6 hopefully
18:55.25 Axman6 yeah that got it all
19:00.57 brlcad heh
19:01.06 Axman6 hmm, running make 0j2 really does make a difference
19:01.18 Axman6 -j2*
19:01.18 brlcad fwiw, --with-all doesn't do anything
19:01.33 Axman6 hmm, maybe that was something else
19:01.58 Axman6 it was suggsted to me somewhere. anyway
19:02.02 brlcad there is a --enable-all option
19:02.15 Axman6 probably bzflag heh
19:02.18 brlcad but your results are fine, dont' really need it
19:02.38 brlcad bz doesn't have a --with-all either ;)
19:03.26 brlcad our configure script actually is a decent benchmark of overall I/O performance :)
19:03.27 Axman6 bzflag the game?
19:03.30 brlcad yeah
19:03.40 Axman6 hmm, wonder what it was then...
19:03.45 Axman6 oh well, not important ;
19:04.05 Axman6 haha, awesome
19:04.28 Axman6 brl-cad and bzflag were the two things i was trying to get compiled yesterday :P
19:04.35 brlcad cad and bz are the two I spend most of my time on :)
19:05.36 brlcad as witnessed by the ohloh metrics .. :)
19:05.56 Axman6 well while i'm at it, when i compiled bzflag, it would die after about a minute. but i believe thT's an SDL problem
19:06.02 brlcad so have you tried the build with the --disable-corefoundation flag?
19:06.16 Axman6 yeah, it's building now
19:06.18 brlcad how'd you build sdl?
19:06.27 Axman6 using macports
19:06.32 brlcad what version?
19:06.41 Axman6 1.2.12? that sound right?
19:06.45 brlcad yeah
19:06.50 brlcad that's nfg :)
19:06.54 Axman6 apparently 1.2.11 works fine
19:06.56 brlcad needs to be .11
19:07.01 Axman6 heh, yeah
19:07.08 brlcad or you have to update the SDLmain.m in BZ
19:07.13 brlcad to the new one for .12
19:09.00 Axman6 don't happen to know what needs changing off the top of your head do you?
19:10.46 Axman6 :P
19:10.58 Axman6 i should check it out of svn and build it
19:11.31 brlcad we just posted a new release
19:11.42 brlcad svn head is the next (incompatible) dev version
19:11.44 Axman6 .10 one?
19:11.48 brlcad yeah
19:11.50 brlcad that's the latest
19:11.59 Axman6 yeah that didn't build for me
19:12.09 Axman6 well it did, but had the sdl problem
19:12.42 brlcad yeah, easiest solution is to just install the .11 SDL framework into /Library/Frameworks and run xcodebuild
19:14.25 brlcad otherwise, you have to replace the SDLmain files in src/platform/MacOS (it's usually bundled in a dev download from SDL folks)
19:14.58 Axman6 righto
19:15.14 Axman6 well brl-cad first i think, bzflag later ;)
19:15.27 Axman6 i'll probably find brl-cad more fun anyway
19:16.15 Axman6 downloaded someone's unofficial intel build of bz... died instantly every time :(
19:17.24 Axman6 "-DPNG_NO_MMX_CODE" what's that do exactly?
19:18.17 Axman6 well really, what do the -D flags to gcc do?
19:21.27 Axman6 this gets the fans giong quite effectively :|
19:26.49 brlcad -D flags set preprocessor defines
19:29.39 Axman6 bleh, i never got that far into my C++ book ;)
19:29.50 brlcad which are generally symbols that can modify compilation behavior, turn things on/off but are completely driven by the code
19:30.29 Axman6 bleh, same error again
19:30.30 brlcad -DPNG_NO_MMX_CODE is as if you added "#define PNG_NO_MMX_CODE 1" to the top of every file being compiled
19:31.50 brlcad exact same error?
19:32.02 Axman6 yeah
19:32.08 Axman6 afaict
19:33.26 Axman6 <-- eases compilation pain
19:34.17 brlcad your cat? :)
19:34.28 brlcad or paris' top falling off
19:35.37 Axman6 heh, yeah my cat
19:37.28 Z80-Boy brlcad: first piece of optic which was prototyped using BRL-CAD
19:37.59 brlcad for what it's worth, it'd be willing to interactively debug this problem over ssh if you're willing to set up a temp account -- otherwise, next thing is to edit the top-level file and comment out the corefoundation block
19:38.46 brlcad Z80-Boy: to answer your question, there's no polarization in liboptical -- maybe in libmultispectral, but I don't believe so
19:38.47 Z80-Boy brlcad: render in rear view
19:39.15 Z80-Boy brlcad: it's a telescope which magnifies 4 times and consists only from 4 prisms, no curved optical interfaces ;-)
19:40.33 Axman6 brlcad: yeah i would let you ssh in, but nat would make it a problem. which is a pitty, because leopard comes with a nice temp account feature. erases all files when you log out
19:41.23 brlcad nat isn't forwarding port 22?
19:41.33 Axman6 well not to this machine
19:41.48 brlcad could run ssh manually on another port being forwarded for single session
19:41.51 Axman6 to the G5
19:42.58 brlcad if you want to keep plugging away at it, edit and look for the block that starts with this line:
19:43.01 brlcad AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether -framework CoreFoundation is available])
19:43.04 Z80-Boy brlcad: ehm forgot the name of the toplevel to render... "scene"
19:43.07 Axman6 i'll try the commenting out of core foundation stuff first.
19:43.17 brlcad and comment it all out (prefix each line with #)
19:43.33 brlcad Z80-Boy: already seen it :)
19:44.07 brlcad
19:44.45 Z80-Boy brlcad: you know how it works?
19:44.46 Axman6 Z80-Boy: how's that work?
19:44.53 Axman6 heh
19:45.51 Z80-Boy Axman6: I just phoned God and asked him if he could make prism magnify from now
19:46.04 Z80-Boy because prisms are easier to make than lenses
19:46.12 Axman6 ah right, yeah he's good like that sometimes
19:46.29 louipc-bot especially big lenses eh?
19:46.46 Z80-Boy Axman6: if you draw the prism picture from the schoolbook you can see the beam inside the prism is squished
19:47.00 Z80-Boy so if you cut the prism in half into a smaller prism the squished beam comes out
19:47.13 Z80-Boy and there is some obscure theorem meaning that if you squish the beam it magnifies
19:47.23 Axman6 heh
19:47.26 Z80-Boy It also does a spectra decomposition so you need to use a pair to cancel that out
19:47.43 Z80-Boy and another pair of prisms to do the magnification in the other dimension because the picture is 2D
19:47.50 Z80-Boy so with 4 prisms you can have a telescope
19:47.54 louipc-bot o.O
19:47.57 Axman6 i'll have to check your file when i get brl-cad compiled ;
19:48.09 Z80-Boy No need for complicated grinding of lenses - just rub two pieces of glass against each other with some grit
19:48.20 Z80-Boy or make like aquarium from window pane float glass ;-)
19:48.28 brlcad Z80-Boy: yes, I know how prisms work.. and I saw how you oriented them in the model -- pretty creative really
19:49.03 Z80-Boy brlcad: I actually saw the pair as an anamorphotic pair to fix fabry perror laser output beam shape
19:49.11 Z80-Boy perrot
19:49.27 louipc-bot actually don't the most powerful telescopes use curved mirrors?
19:49.35 Z80-Boy yes
19:49.49 Z80-Boy but you need exact parabolic shape
19:49.53 Axman6 cassigrain telescopes
19:49.56 Z80-Boy that's more complicated than an exact flat shape
19:50.04 louipc-bot yeah
19:50.07 Axman6 as demonstrated by the hubble
19:50.17 Z80-Boy but if you tilt my model the picture gets distorted
19:50.19 Axman6 which they screwed up originally
19:50.24 Z80-Boy it seems to work only for narrow field of view
19:50.29 Z80-Boy But for laser beams it's great
19:50.36 louipc-bot :D
19:50.48 Z80-Boy or for burning stuff with the sun...
19:50.53 Z80-Boy that's also narrow field of view
19:50.58 Z80-Boy but a fresnel lens is lighter
19:51.15 brlcad you can create rather exact parabolic shapes using the epa if you wanted to, but have fun grinding it ;)
19:51.16 Z80-Boy It just demonstrates the people in the middle ages were stupid, they could make themselves crude telescopes from grinded gems
19:51.52 Z80-Boy they didn't need a curved surface for that
19:53.31 Z80-Boy Or they could stick 4 prisms in front of the hubble to double the input aperture for free
19:53.59 Z80-Boy just get some window panes into the sky and then fill with water
19:54.31 Axman6 but that would severly reduce the amount of light getting through to the sensors
19:54.32 Z80-Boy this way they could build an integralactic megagigatelescope to concentrate significant amount of solar power and then they could zap whole planets in the sky
19:54.33 brlcad
19:55.02 Z80-Boy Axman6: they can coat with anti reflex
19:55.11 Axman6 hdh
19:55.15 Axman6 heh*
19:55.59 Axman6 well water would be very bad. the reason they have the hubble... in space.. is because water absorbs infrared light
19:56.16 Z80-Boy aha
19:56.28 Axman6 brlcad: so you do your dev work on a mac?
19:56.38 brlcad most of the time
19:56.43 brlcad depends what I"m doing
19:57.17 Axman6 argh! same error again!
19:57.21 brlcad it's one of the easiest platforms for general work, less fuss, great set of dev tools (profiler, memory tests, etc)
19:57.48 brlcad Axman6: did you clean out the previous build?
19:57.52 Axman6 yeah
19:57.59 brlcad huh
19:58.10 Axman6 but you can neverr be sure, so i'll trash it and start again
19:58.10 brlcad otool -L src/bwish/.libs/btclsh
19:58.49 brlcad and otool -L src/other/tcl/unix/libtcl.dylib
19:59.15 brlcad needed both the section commented out and the --disable-corefoundation flag
19:59.32 Z80-Boy brlcad: On Mac, not only the background should be white, but the rpps should also have rounded corners!
19:59.53 Axman6
20:00.22 Axman6 and otool: can't open file: src/other/tcl/unix/libtcl.dylib (No such file or directory)
20:01.06 brlcad ooh, Carbon
20:02.09 Axman6 nawww, cat's asleep and twitching on me
20:04.14 Axman6 anyway. is carbon necessary for this?
20:04.48 brlcad no, it's not
20:05.16 brlcad looking for the call to leave out
20:05.36 Axman6 'dnl check whether the Carbon framework is available (used for X11 focus)' block?
20:06.57 brlcad yeah, the next block
20:07.20 brlcad and then it should fail somewhere in the code where it's using that (which is what I'm hunting for)
20:08.16 Axman6 AC_CHECK_HEADERS( \ Carbon/Carbon.h \
20:08.37 Axman6 comment that out? (the carbon bit)
20:08.41 brlcad yeah
20:08.46 brlcad that was it
20:08.57 brlcad that triggers the code in libdm
20:09.18 brlcad you'll remove that line, can't just prefix it
20:09.31 Axman6 yeah, realised that
20:10.16 Axman6 wow, this bindi irwin show is odd
20:14.59 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
20:15.59 yukonbob hello, cadheads
20:16.12 Axman6 'lo again
20:21.54 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (lgt/error.c lgt/prnt.c libfb/fb_log.c): mass simplification since we can assume stdarg is available, it's c89. remove the alternatives.
20:22.02 Axman6 urgh, same error :|
20:22.56 brlcad otool shows what now?
20:23.31 brlcad because we have to get rid of all of them before it goes away
20:24.00 brlcad to btclsh and libtcl -- that last edit should have removed from btclsh, but there might still be one on libtcl
20:24.01 Axman6 exact same thing
20:24.38 Axman6 i'll try trashing it, and going again from there
20:25.02 brlcad cd src/bwish && make noprod && make LIBTOOL="sh ../../libtool"
20:25.15 brlcad pastebin the output of that please
20:25.40 Axman6 make: *** No rule to make target `noprod'. Stop.
20:26.02 Axman6 typo?
20:26.09 brlcad er, are you building out of tree or something?
20:26.25 Axman6 wait, probably need to configure first ;)
20:26.40 brlcad you just built, no?
20:26.56 brlcad you should only need to configure again if you did a distclean
20:27.10 brlcad or if you manually deleted the Makefile
20:27.16 Axman6 yeah, but i trashed it. haven't empried trash though
20:28.16 Axman6
20:29.13 brlcad two problems there
20:29.28 brlcad it shouldn't have all those -framework CoreFoundation
20:29.38 brlcad OOOooh.. sorry
20:29.46 brlcad you have to run ./ after editing
20:30.06 brlcad you're running an out-of-date configure
20:31.51 Axman6 ahh
20:33.16 Axman6 'sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/glibtoolize /opt/local/bin/libtoolize' um, ok, don't see how that's good advice
20:33.29 Axman6 oh wait, missed the g
20:36.01 Axman6 ok, compiling
20:48.06 Axman6 well, it's been going a good long time, looking food :)
20:49.59 Axman6 why does brl-cad install in /usr btw? why not /usr/local?
20:52.18 Axman6 argh! same error!
20:52.38 Axman6 but... on a different part of the colpile
20:53.12 Axman6 make[2]: *** [pkgIndex.tcl] Trace/BPT trap
20:53.39 Axman6 which i don't think was the same place
20:57.05 Axman6 wait, not the same error
20:57.21 Axman6 oh, no it is :(
21:03.31 Axman6 brlcad: anything i should show you?
21:07.32 Axman6 heh :)
21:07.37 Axman6 i should get some breakfast
21:07.47 brlcad Axman6: still focusing on the link line for btclsh and the otool libs
21:08.51 Axman6
21:08.59 brlcad if it still lists CoreFoundation during cd src/bwish && make noprod && make LIBTOOL="sh ../../libtool"
21:09.05 Axman6 no error there, the link one
21:09.26 brlcad okay, that's better
21:09.36 brlcad otool -L .libs/btclsh
21:10.26 Axman6
21:11.04 brlcad much better
21:11.23 brlcad if you run ./btclsh I presume it gives the dyld error?
21:12.08 Axman6 so is it yep
21:12.23 Axman6 yep even
21:12.43 Axman6 i was going to say so is it the dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_png_create_info_struct
21:12.50 Axman6 bit that needs fixing?
21:14.15 brlcad yeah, cd ../.. && otool -L src/other/tcl/unix/libtcl8.5.dylib
21:14.56 Axman6 three lines, want them here?
21:15.02 brlcad sure
21:15.25 Axman6 /usr/brlcad/lib/libtcl8.5.dylib (compatibility version 8.5.0, current version 8.5.0)
21:15.29 Axman6 /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
21:15.31 Axman6 /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 111.0.0)
21:15.53 brlcad that's it?
21:16.11 Axman6 yeah :\
21:16.14 brlcad well damnits
21:16.57 Axman6 indeed, it's not making much sense now
21:18.09 brlcad can you run: src/other/tcl/unix/tclsh ?
21:18.51 Axman6 no
21:19.00 Axman6 dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/brlcad/lib/libtcl8.5.dylib Referenced from: /Users/Axman/compiled-projects/brlcad-7.10.2/src/other/tcl/unix/tclsh Reason: image not found
21:19.01 brlcad same cg error?
21:19.03 Axman6 Trace/BPT trap
21:19.11 brlcad ah
21:19.18 brlcad cd src/other && make install
21:20.53 Axman6 ok i can run tclsh now
21:24.43 brlcad well that's good ..
21:25.07 brlcad could change the script to use tclsh instead, but btclsh is not really much different ..
21:25.09 Axman6 same compile error though
21:25.23 brlcad right, that compile error is it actually trying to run btclsh
21:25.41 Axman6 edit the makefile?
21:26.37 brlcad no
21:26.40 brlcad at least not yet..
21:29.17 Axman6 s/$(top_builddir)\/src\/bwish\/btclsh/tclsh ?
21:29.30 Axman6 (textmate style though)
21:30.04 brlcad sure, you can try that -- have to edit all the Makefiles in src/tclscripts
21:30.23 Axman6 yeah, textmate makes that easy
21:30.31 brlcad and have to edit ami.tcl to have a "package require Itcl" in it
21:31.20 brlcad but if btclsh won't run, then mged won't either very likely as they have nearly the same dependencies
21:32.22 Axman6 well, passed the usual error stage
21:34.38 brlcad alas all of this is just attempting to work around the problem instead of fixing/diagnosing the actual problem in the ImageIO framework
21:35.07 Axman6 Elapsed compilation time:
21:35.07 Axman6 16 hours, 3 minutes, 33 seconds
21:35.08 Axman6 haha
21:35.26 brlcad :)
21:35.42 Axman6 is there a make check or make install option?
21:35.48 Axman6 uh, make test
21:37.03 Axman6 yeah, mged dies
21:37.19 brlcad run make install
21:37.34 brlcad maybe different dyld behavior after installed
21:37.43 brlcad since we do at least embed the right rpaths for what we use
21:37.51 Axman6 yeah
21:39.02 Axman6 well, at least this is all working towards possible leopard compatability
21:40.00 Axman6 hey does launchd handling X11 launching affect you at all with brlcad?
21:40.24 Axman6 and installed now. run make test?
21:41.10 brlcad no, run "benchmark" in some directory where it's okay to output a lot of files
21:41.34 brlcad or "/usr/brlcad/bin/benchmark" if you haven't added /usr/brlcad/bin to your path
21:42.38 brlcad it'll take about 10 minutes and evaluate your system's performance
21:42.46 Axman6 seems to be working well
21:43.10 brlcad that's good, part to be expected since it's not gui-driven
21:43.23 brlcad next would be to run mged -c
21:47.37 Axman6 do you use threading a lot for brl-cad?
21:47.53 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (35 files in 10 dirs): more flawfinder level 4 quellage, mostly str*() buffer boundary limits.
21:49.10 Axman6 Total testing time elapsed: 6 minutes, 30 seconds
21:49.51 brlcad the ray-tracer is extensively multithreaded and designed for parallel computation
21:50.00 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libfft/ (fftc.c ifftc.c): don't use bu_exit() so we can still avoid the libbu dependency
21:50.00 Axman6 excellent
21:50.09 brlcad will use however many cpus you have available by default
21:51.04 Axman6 well, mged -c seems to run ok...
21:52.26 Axman6 anything i can do to test it a bit more?
21:52.48 brlcad when mged runs, run the "gui" command
21:54.08 Axman6 X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) \ Major opcode of failed request: 70 (X_PolyFillRectangle) \ Serial number of failed request: 1738 \ Current serial number in output stream: 1782
21:54.39 brlcad is X11 running?
21:57.01 Axman6 it is, though that doesn't matter in leopard. launchd launches it on demand
21:57.21 brlcad I know, just checking
21:58.10 brlcad that's actually pretty stumping now
21:58.24 Axman6 woah, running without -c gives a pretty funky error
21:58.32 brlcad
21:58.39 brlcad that's prety much the same problem
21:59.38 Axman6 The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().
22:00.01 Axman6 about 30 times
22:01.39 brlcad that one i've heard about
22:01.46 brlcad add the -f option to mged
22:02.13 brlcad looks like Tcl still ended up using corefoundation even though you added --disable-corefoundation
22:02.18 Axman6 same X error as before
22:02.41 brlcad well, so good news and bad news :)
22:03.04 brlcad you do have mged at your disposal but only in console mode
22:03.18 Axman6 heh, dang
22:03.37 brlcad which is fully functional, other than not showing you the gui
22:04.06 Axman6 yeah
22:04.27 Axman6 yeah i often found it easier to use the cli for a lot of things than to use the gui
22:05.07 Axman6 but it's been a long time, and i don't remember anything about how to use brl-cad :\
22:07.59 brlcad the tutorials on the website do work for console mode too, just have to use the mged quick reference to know/call the command(s) that relate to gui actions
22:08.23 brlcad 2/3rds the tutorials are on the command console anyways
22:08.43 Axman6 yeah
22:08.56 brlcad I'm not sure there's much more I can do without getting my hands on 10.5 so I can interactively debug the X calls
22:09.18 Axman6 i could work on getting you ssh access to this machine if you like
22:11.10 brlcad that'll help get the default compile working, but the X issue might still persist -- I'll give it a try, though
22:12.47 Axman6 ok. would tomorrow be better for you? give you a break, and time to think maybe. i'll be going out kind of soon
22:15.33 Axman6 actually, that might give you a good chance to work on it. i could log the guess account in, or create a temporary one (guest might not have ssh access). and i'll add a .bash_profile that's the same as mine so you have the same paths. might even e able to get you vnc access so you can see if the gui's working properly
22:20.25 brlcad I can tunnel X over ssh to one of my systems to at least make sure that works
22:20.51 Axman6 oh yeah, heh
22:20.54 brlcad but yeah, tomorrow would be better
22:21.58 Axman6 well how about i set up an account for you now, and you just try ssh'ing i, and forwarding X. get those hopefully easy problems out of the way
22:22.13 brlcad sure
22:22.39 Axman6 alright. any particular account name? :P
22:23.14 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librtserver/ (rtserver.c rtserverTest.c): more finder quelling
22:23.27 PrezKennedy Vista infuriates me!! argh
22:23.33 PrezKennedy its so bad id almost try a mac
22:23.39 PrezKennedy :)
22:23.40 brlcad Axman6: "sean" ? :)
22:24.07 brlcad PrezKennedy: you should
22:24.14 Axman6 and password? i'll assume PrezKennedy is on windows and doesn't have ssh, so it'll be pretty safe :P
22:24.41 brlcad Axman6: you can pm me whatever you like
22:25.00 brlcad this channel is fully logged, i'm sure others could :)
22:25.00 Axman6 PrezKennedy: heh, well i'm an op in #macosx, so i'd definitely say you should. ;)
22:25.41 Axman6 good man
22:37.20 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
22:38.46 Axman6 ok, want to give ssh a go brlcad?
22:50.20 Axman6 ok, seems to be working now rom here
22:50.31 Axman6 from*
22:52.03 brlcad ready
22:52.56 Axman6 tried logging in?
22:53.39 Axman6 oh and i guess i should copy over brlcad from my account ;)
22:53.54 brlcad don't bother, I'll get a fresh copy so I can check in changes
22:54.07 brlcad i'm in
22:55.11 Axman6 heh, i'd prefer you didn't, my net's slow, and has a download limit :(
22:55.18 brlcad downloading sources now -- I'll give the compile a go tomorrow
22:55.24 brlcad ahh, ok
22:55.32 Axman6 heh, nah it's ok, download it
22:55.39 brlcad you sure?
22:55.43 brlcad I can work with whatever
22:55.57 Axman6 you do it your way ;)
22:57.02 brlcad by the way, what was your benchmark summary?
22:57.07 brlcad the vgr count
22:57.16 Axman6 ok, you don't need this account logged in locally any more right? since you won't need vnc or anything to check if it's working
22:57.22 Axman6 i think it was 6772
22:57.28 Axman6 i'll go check though
22:57.46 brlcad cat summary will tell you
22:57.52 brlcad and there's a log file
22:58.36 Axman6 6776
22:59.23 brlcad and you didn't compile optimized, so your system is probably somewhere around 13000
22:59.46 brlcad not too bad.. about a quad core ?
22:59.51 Axman6 i think i did actually
23:00.03 Axman6 dual core, so that makse sense
23:00.12 Axman6 yeah i used --enable-optimized
23:00.45 Axman6 2x2.4GHz, 2GB RAM
23:00.47 brlcad ah, okay
23:01.31 brlcad scales pretty much linearly up to the oct-cores
23:01.49 brlcad I see about 27000 there
23:02.31 Axman6 very nice :)
23:03.23 Axman6 does 64-bit give any speed benefits?
23:03.59 Axman6 or just greater RAM access
23:05.02 Axman6 oh and you'l probably need to use another prefix right? since you won't have sudo access
23:05.22 Axman6 i guess i could give you rw access to /usr/brlcad
23:06.48 brlcad 64bit hardly ever increases speed in any app -- just increases the size of the models it'll grok successfully
23:07.53 Axman6 yeah. from the vids i saw rom WWDC 2006 i think only showed a speed increase when they were working with a file > 4GB
23:08.11 Axman6 the improvment was pretty damn impressive though
23:08.35 Axman6 something like going from 90s to 13s
23:09.23 brlcad that's because the code ends up jumping through it's own hoops to go over 2GB/4GB
23:09.43 brlcad most apps will just fail, abort, or crash at the boundary
23:10.29 brlcad the demo was just a hat trick to show if you *did* have to deal with the limited memory and still load big models, what it would be to be able to not have to move stuff in and out of the address space
23:11.46 Axman6 yeah, i understand it was a fairly rare situation, unless you work with things like genetics
23:21.19 Axman6 brlcad: have you checked X forwarding?
23:26.33 Axman6 ok, i'm heading out now. so i'll catch ya later. fi you decide to do anytning today, good luck :)
23:52.27 brlcad not yet, just sorting out that base compilation problem is the first part of the problem
23:52.37 brlcad will look into it later tonight and tomorrow
23:59.54 Axman6 brlcad: i've also given you rw access to /usr/brlcad

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