IRC log for #brlcad on 20071206

01:08.07 louipc was archer supposed to work in linux on 7.10.4?
01:13.39 louipc hmm nothing in NEWS I guess not
01:18.09 ``Erik it's a notional prototype, there's no active development in that direction
01:20.10 louipc ah. so no intent to fully develop and support it?
01:53.26 ``Erik don't think so *shrug*
02:31.42 brlcad louipc: if developers step up to work on it, sure
02:32.15 brlcad am *I* going to work on it -- not directly more than to get it working (which I did) or to help someone else work on it
02:32.29 brlcad Bob's certainly interested in working on it, and has been making progress in that area
02:32.47 brlcad archer is very closely tied to mged so things done for one often affect the other regardless
02:32.53 louipc I'd like to work on something but I'm finding it all too overwhelming to find something that I can begin to understand...
02:34.02 louipc ah
02:34.54 yukonbob brlcad: briefly, can you tell me what bwish is supposed to do? It's got some supporting libs linked in to give it some X functionality?
02:35.08 louipc yukonbob: looks like it's mged's shell
02:35.41 yukonbob louipc: well -- it's not _strictly_ necessary because I stripped it from my builds...
02:35.46 louipc I was playing around with it when I was trying to get archer working :/
02:35.53 louipc hmm
02:36.17 louipc oh yeah and it opens up a little window
02:36.18 yukonbob I know it's a dependency of archer -- from CIA postings here...
02:36.22 louipc which is blank...
02:36.48 yukonbob *wish == WIndowing SHell -> for Tk.
02:37.08 louipc brlcad-wish?
02:37.25 louipc heh yep wish does the same little window
02:37.42 louipc but doesn't have mged commands
02:41.15 yukonbob button .b; .b configure -text bye -command {puts "ok, bye.";exit}; pack .b
02:43.52 brlcad louipc: well I'd be glad to help get you started on anything that interests you
02:44.09 brlcad what are your constraints/interests?
02:44.49 brlcad yukonbob: bob and I have actually been talking recently quite a bit about bwish/btclsh and their future, related to some of the stuff you and I talked about a while back
02:45.01 brlcad bwish is to wish as btclsh is to tclsh
02:45.27 brlcad preloads the brlcad libraries and sets up the auto_path with all of our various extensions
02:46.11 brlcad it was only very recently made a dependency of archer, part of making it consistent with the other brl-cad tools that use btclsh/bwish
02:46.18 yukonbob nice -- /me had got the lib to load as a [package require foo], but hadn't prefaced the routines w/ proper Tcl glue...
02:47.07 brlcad we actually got it working so that btclsh can eventually go away
02:47.19 brlcad found a way to reliaby generate the tclIndex files prior to install
02:47.38 yukonbob that was my ultimate goal -- no more btclsh, bwish, just a package -- removes some cruft from the build/install...
02:47.44 yukonbob mkIndex?
02:48.26 brlcad more than that, have to package require Itcl and Iwidgets for it to pick up all the right symbols
02:48.43 brlcad and to load itcl *prior* to install, is a bit of a trick sometimes
02:49.17 brlcad that's one of the things btclsh takes care of, setting up an auto_path that works whether installed or not
02:50.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:50.03 brlcad but I think I see a way to have them generate properly now with a fair bit of configure script detecting
02:50.26 Twingy foshizzle
02:50.32 brlcad what up g
02:50.53 Twingy school and autopilot stuff
02:51.19 Twingy I need to get my hpc account reactivated
02:51.21 brlcad tea to the double you in G to the why
02:51.42 Twingy they own the license for simulink
02:53.06 brlcad yukonbob: as for loading the brl-cad libs, that ones a fair bit more work -- there are fortunately *_Init() routines for all of the libs (so you can load the lib), but have to generate the pkgIndex.tcl files with proper loads
02:53.36 yukonbob brlcad: I've not browsed the source -- do you know how many libs you're talking about?
02:54.34 brlcad yukonbob: look at src/bwish/main.c .. the Cad_AppInit() shows the bulk of what btclsh provides including the various libs
02:54.47 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:54.54 yukonbob ;), rather
02:55.12 brlcad at a glance, it's dm, fb, bn, bu, rt
02:55.18 brlcad for the cad libs
02:56.27 brlcad then tcl, tk, itcl, itk, iwidgets, and blt for the tcl libs
02:56.42 brlcad though some of those are optional for btclsh (bwish uses them all)
02:58.27 yukonbob what I was thinking of is just using wish/tclsh, and including the a wrapper for the non-tcl components, or ea. non-tcl lib independently, so one could: tclsh, % package require itk; package require iwidgets... etc. and [package require brllib], which would have dm, fb, bn, etc.
02:58.27 brlcad so the first step, which I think I see how to do now, is to get the compilation using tclsh instead of btclsh during compilation
02:59.03 brlcad yeah, that would be the ultimate goal
02:59.55 brlcad getting that to work is going to be interesting, but seems doable if the indexes can be generated properly
03:00.23 yukonbob brlcad: I may be naive, but I don't think that's going to be a big deal.
03:00.24 brlcad like I said, the harder problem is making it so package require *anything* actually works before *anything* is installed
03:01.16 brlcad oh, I forgot -- the other thing that btclsh provides which tclsh doesn't provide (and is EXCEPTIONALLY annoying when you try to go back to it) is cursor control
03:01.25 yukonbob brlcad: well, there's "load /path/to/lib" -- which is what fooIndex's are all about wrapping...
03:02.00 yukonbob brlcad: ah -- there's a readline-enabled tclsh... could look at it to see what's going on...
03:02.00 brlcad btclsh actually has limited command-line editing capabilities, e.g. ctrl-a takes you to beginning of line, ctrl-e, meta-w, etc all work
03:03.03 brlcad yukonbob: sure, load /path/to/lib in leu of package require .. but then that's not really portable and would you want to bloat all the scripts we might possibly run prior to install?
03:03.36 brlcad yukonbob: the command-line editing isn't a major deal -- that's just a minor annoyance; and it's not even cross platform
03:04.23 brlcad the windows bwish kicks off a whole interactive window thing that has full edit capabilities, for example
03:04.23 yukonbob re: load -- just a bootstrapping option...
03:04.23 brlcad s/bwish/wish/
03:04.23 brlcad hm?
03:04.29 brlcad not following
03:06.12 brlcad the tcl "load" command at least afaik basically calls the *_Init() routine after doing whatever the equivalent of dlopen() on the library
03:07.21 yukonbob moot point -- at this point, there's not even loadable libs ;)
03:07.39 brlcad auto_mkindex isn't the problem, that *could* be bootstrapped into the script we run (src/tclscripts/ami.tcl and src/tclscripts/ampi.tcl)
03:07.48 brlcad they are loadable
03:07.56 yukonbob since when?
03:08.23 louipc brlcad: a couple of things I'd like to see solved would be this tcl stuff, I'd also like to make it possible to create sketch objects with text commands... it didn't seem possible last time I tried. I really have to understand mged better though
03:09.07 brlcad sushi:~ morrison$ tclsh
03:09.07 brlcad % load /usr/brlcad/lib/libbu.dylib
03:09.07 brlcad % bu_brlcad_data .
03:09.07 brlcad /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.11.0/.
03:09.23 brlcad since forever really :)
03:09.58 brlcad ever since tcl was adopted, they've been loadable -- like I said, they all have the necessary *_Init() routine that tcl uses
03:10.03 louipc I'd like to figure out how to hook other scripting langs into brlcad too
03:10.37 brlcad louipc: ooh, improving the sketch primitive would be awesome
03:10.41 brlcad and that's fairly isolated
03:10.52 yukonbob louipc: swig
03:11.01 yukonbob (
03:11.14 brlcad we're a fair ways off from useful swiggability
03:11.26 brlcad another thing I was talking to bob (the other bob) just earlier today about
03:11.42 louipc hehe
03:12.02 brlcad moving the rest of mged's commands from src/mged into src/librt (wdb_obj.c and dg_obj.c) .. it's about 70% complete at this point
03:13.24 brlcad louipc: if you want to jump into the sketch prim, lemme know -- the wdb interface is one place that could use work, and then maybe a new command-line "sketch editor" command(s)
03:14.38 brlcad yukonbob: what I was saying is that while "load" works, that doesn't solve the problem -- presently, the build system doesn't know what the library name actually is -- it's just a libtool library
03:15.03 brlcad libtool manages the entire library creation and installation so that it has the proper name for a given system
03:15.47 brlcad and I *really* would hate to have some hacked up case table that says if platformA use .so, if platformB use .dylib, else use .dll, etc
03:16.48 yukonbob brlcad: [load mylib[info sharedlibextension]]
03:17.35 brlcad hm, that's not bad
03:18.00 yukonbob you mean "it's good! Brilliant! I'll have your desk ready immediately, when can you start?"
03:18.09 yukonbob ;)
03:18.13 brlcad heh
03:18.44 brlcad actually I was going to say "how would that help, though? .. wouldn't want to put that into every tcl script we have"
03:19.29 louipc brlcad: yeah that's one of many things I'd like to work on ;)
03:19.32 yukonbob I put it in the pkgIndex.tcl for the lib... so [package require foo] will be managed by the single instance for fooIndex.tcl
03:20.16 yukonbob eg:
03:20.39 yukonbob package ifneeded Expect 5.43.0 [list load [file join $dir ../.. libexpect543[info sharedlibextension]]]
03:21.06 brlcad how does it find foo's pkgIndex.tcl ?
03:21.28 yukonbob (lib/tcl/expect5.43/pkgIndex.tcl)
03:21.59 yukonbob the tcl searchpath tests subdirs, so if you can find tcl, you ought to be able to find anything else...
03:22.35 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/tclscripts/geometree/geometree.tcl: don't assume /bin/tclsh, ask /usr/bin/env like a good boy
03:22.46 brlcad so two scenarios, 1 tcl is already installed, 2 it's sitting in src/other/tcl/library
03:23.23 brlcad 1 would entail installing .. which we've not done/finished yet
03:23.38 yukonbob 1) you'll use the info in
03:24.07 brlcad what info?
03:24.36 brlcad if tcl is installed, will say that it's library is in /usr/lib or /usr/lib/tcl8.4 or something
03:25.09 brlcad we're not yet in that subtree until after we install
03:26.05 brlcad that's where the tclcad_auto_path() function came into being as it sets up the necessary (complex) autopaths that are involved even to get just tclsh to work on a package require Itcl
03:27.03 brlcad well the second scenario we could deal with by shoving some initialization routine into our sources for tcl, into src/other/tcl/library -- albeit rather ugly, it could probably work
03:27.23 brlcad the first scenario was the harder one
03:27.53 yukonbob and the problem is what? where to put shared libs? How to find them?
03:27.54 brlcad are their environment vars that affect the auto_path?
03:28.32 brlcad the problem is package requiring anything that's not yet installed when you're using a system tcl
03:29.12 brlcad so say you want to "package require GeometryBrowser" (which is valid) -- it needs to know to look into src/tclscripts/geometree for that
03:30.03 brlcad if you run src/tclscripts/geometree/geometree.tcl, you'll probably see if fail saying it can't find that package
03:30.21 brlcad if you run through btclsh, it succeeds
03:30.34 brlcad that's at least the "ideal goal" or some variant of it, but using tclsh still
03:30.59 brlcad without modifying the geometree.tcl script, or at worst adding a line maybe
03:31.07 brlcad *maybe*
03:31.41 brlcad i'm thinking something like: AUTO_PATH=blah/blah/blah tclsh src/tclscripts/geometree/geometree.tcl might work
03:31.47 brlcad if tcl provides an env-way
03:32.01 yukonbob ? [load [pwd]/some/other/dir/libname[info sharelibextension]]
03:32.17 brlcad in this instance, there's no lib to load
03:32.23 brlcad it's pure tcl
03:32.37 yukonbob [source]
03:33.16 brlcad but then we're back to modifying every single tcl script that we might possibly want to run
03:33.43 brlcad with if statements of some sort "are we running uninstalled, source .. or maybe load, else just do it"
03:34.50 yukonbob what if you had a 'helper_for_uninstalled.tcl' that was called when necessary during the build process that had the necessary mechanics -- ie: could take a list of scripts to source, proc to run...
03:35.20 brlcad sure, that'd be minimal
03:35.31 brlcad that's a great idea actually .. :)
03:35.43 yukonbob about my desk...
03:36.11 brlcad your desk?
03:36.28 yukonbob you know... the one you're getting ready for me?
03:36.40 brlcad oh, hah
03:36.49 brlcad got it
03:36.51 brlcad i think.. ;)
03:37.38 yukonbob the mechanics can't be difficult for this, and how many piece of code actually need this functionality -- can't be many?
03:37.43 brlcad ~tea yukonbob
03:37.43 ibot ACTION realizes it's time for high tea and gets busy in the kitchen. He brings out tea, crumpets, scones and an assortment of delectable goodies and serves them properly to yukonbob and others
03:37.47 starseeker yukonbob is buying brlcad's desk? ;-)
03:38.16 yukonbob starseeker: no, no no!!! -- I'm getting a job in BRL-CAD headquarters for my Tcl insights...
03:38.26 starseeker cool!
03:38.35 yukonbob heh -- the rumour is started..
03:39.00 yukonbob uh -- starseeker -- i'm joking, to be clear ;)
03:39.28 yukonbob (hard to see your face on irc to know how you reacted ;)
03:39.36 starseeker ;-)
03:39.37 brlcad yukonbob: if the wrapper is coded up right, it won't matter what scripts
03:40.02 yukonbob brlcad: true -- but out of curiousity, what does need to be run pre-installation?
03:40.19 starseeker Given all the hobbies brlcad has, making desks wasn't actually totally out of the question :-P
03:40.37 brlcad the most critical ones that come to mind at the moment are the ami.tcl and ampi.tcl scripts and mged
03:41.45 brlcad I've not made a desk before, but I have made cabinets, step-stools, shelves, and a bookcase that can hold at least twice my body weight
03:42.14 yukonbob to test, brlcad quickly cloned self, stood on bookcase...
03:42.17 brlcad carpentry used to be a passive hobby past-time
03:42.35 brlcad actually had another friend who weighs about as much :)
03:42.57 starseeker Nice :-). Carpentry is a very satisfying hobby in terms of immediate rewards
03:43.50 brlcad dunno about that "immediate" .. it was relaxing because it really pressured me to "slow down" to get things done artfully
03:43.50 *** join/#brlcad User731 (
03:44.13 User731 hello anyone there
03:44.17 brlcad nope
03:44.21 yukonbob shhh... User731 is here..
03:44.31 User731 lol
03:44.38 User731 need help
03:45.08 yukonbob :)
03:45.27 User731 any 1 know were I can get a crack for mastercam x2 mr1
03:45.57 *** kick/#brlcad [User731!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad] by brlcad (brlcad)
03:46.06 yukonbob wtf was that?
03:46.33 brlcad someone just looking for a serial number
03:46.43 yukonbob ah....
03:47.22 starseeker brlcad: I guess I was thinking carpentry is immediate in that you get to see your project take shape as you do it, but you're right it takes time to do it right. When I was young that was always my downfall...
03:49.14 brlcad that bookcase I mentioned took me something like 6 months ..
03:49.32 brlcad course I crippled/challenged myself from the beginning
03:49.42 starseeker No power tools?
03:49.48 brlcad started with raw unprocessed lumber
03:49.53 starseeker oooo
03:50.11 starseeker yeah that'll do it
03:50.16 brlcad so I had to shape, cut, sand, and attach each piece one by one
03:50.20 brlcad painstaking
03:50.28 starseeker What wood did you use?
03:50.37 brlcad and design the whole book case as this modular thing
03:51.05 brlcad that actually separates into four distint pieces that most anyone can carry individually
03:51.23 starseeker Nice!
03:51.23 brlcad oh, I was broke back then, it was raw pine
03:51.42 yukonbob density, 0.55
03:51.51 starseeker That helps a little - hardwoods are rough on the tools and the muscles...
03:51.55 brlcad something like $50 in materials and supplies and $5000 in labor :)
03:52.06 starseeker Sounds like grad school :-)
03:52.28 brlcad it is sturdy as heck
03:52.32 starseeker yukonbob: See what you started? ;-)
03:52.39 brlcad hmmm.. i should make a cad model of it!
03:52.58 yukonbob starseeker: no -- I'm missing somethig -- what did I start?
03:53.08 starseeker brlcad DOES do carpentry
03:53.19 yukonbob is this re: desks?
03:53.20 brlcad it's roughly 20"x20"x7'
03:53.24 starseeker yep
03:53.26 yukonbob :)
03:53.29 yukonbob lol
03:53.47 starseeker 7' tall - no wonder it's modular
03:54.09 brlcad three shelves, a top, and a base
03:54.25 starseeker how do you connect the units into the whole?
03:55.21 starseeker re: cad model - that would be cool. Then you could model what weight of books would be needed to warp it
03:55.36 brlcad all made from pine 1x4's iirc, "rough cut"
03:55.59 yukonbob ?could you figure out the warp-a-bility via brlcad?
03:56.13 brlcad the base and top latch into each other like lego pieces almost
03:56.23 brlcad rather, they latch into the side walls
03:56.36 brlcad that was part what makes it so sturday
03:56.51 starseeker Nifty. You could probably pick up a patent :-)
03:56.58 brlcad oh god.. warppage.. I spent so much time dealing with that
03:57.36 yukonbob re: warpage -- are you talking about your lumber twisting, or the deflection of a surface because of a load/force?
03:57.38 brlcad sanding down pieces that I'd carefully hand-picked out of massive piles, trying to find a good balance of quality wood with interesting knots but not horribly warps
03:57.52 brlcad only to have it warp nasty, twisting all around as it dried :)
03:57.59 starseeker yukonbob: bowing of the shelves due to overly heavy books, but the others apply too
03:58.11 starseeker brlcad: ouch
03:58.15 brlcad oh, once I carved it up, warping didn't really matter
03:58.25 brlcad just took a lot of prep work to get it to that point
03:58.51 yukonbob brlcad: re: BRL-CAD + loads -- is that something that could be figured out, or does it have much to do w/ BRL-CAD per se?
03:59.02 brlcad at 20"x20", the shelves are small enough that you're not likely to see warping very easily for a long time
03:59.18 brlcad I mean, I can sit on a shelf, and it doesn't budge
03:59.29 starseeker now we're talking :-)
04:00.05 brlcad yukonbob: depends what you mean by "could be figured out" :)
04:00.30 brlcad heh, totally
04:01.29 brlcad I coulda bought some simple unfinished pine shelves from ikea for $40 bucks that would have been sufficient for what I had in mine use-wise, but the experience of building it was fun and these will probably outlast me
04:01.43 starseeker Well, "just enough" for the worst case scenario often looks like over-engineering *cough*New Orleans levy system*cough*
04:02.52 starseeker Indeed. There's a sense of accomplishment when you build your own stuff
04:03.28 starseeker Confound it, now I'm going to be curious if BRL-CAD can actually model long term strain-induced warping effects
04:03.45 starseeker IIRC that's a rather different problem than ballistics
04:04.12 brlcad you'd have to right that analysis code, but there's nothing geometric that prevents the computation
04:04.38 starseeker solid modeling should be the right environment for that, except that as the structure warps you'll have non-uniform densities
04:04.40 brlcad you'd have a lot of prep-rigging that you'd have to declare, like you do for a FEA
04:04.48 starseeker right
04:05.18 brlcad you could very well keep track of all that with ray-tracing, though, without resorting to finite elements
04:05.50 starseeker would the way to handle non-uniform densities be to approximate it with a series of shapes of different densities?
04:05.56 yukonbob *going to have to have his hand...
04:07.22 brlcad or break it down into finite elements and run the navier-stokes equations or maxwell or whatever else needed for whatever is being simulated
04:07.55 starseeker For anything except trivially simple gradients that would be the only way to go anyway
04:08.21 brlcad i've always thought it'd be very cool to implement something like a FEA without the FE's using ray-tracing ala particle tracing
04:08.35 starseeker that would be interesting
04:09.32 brlcad to run a fea without the massive memory overhead, intrinsically parallelizable, no geometry prep needed
04:09.39 brlcad (other than the rigging)
04:09.40 starseeker There's a phd for you brlcad :-)
04:10.56 starseeker That sounds like it would generate a lot of interest if it could tackle a wide enough problem domain
04:11.04 brlcad i can almost see how it'd work
04:11.13 brlcad which is what makes it slightly less interesting too :)
04:11.32 starseeker True, but on the other hand it means you might get it done in finite time ;-)
04:12.34 brlcad yeah, that's true
04:13.40 brlcad still think brl-cad needs a better visualization and modeling interface first, then maybe make that one of the first plugins while I work on the dissertation ;)
04:14.29 starseeker :-)
04:15.12 brlcad louipc: well, let me know what you need, if anything :) I can point you to source files, or explain most of the code related to that to get you started -- if you have a small end-user goal in mind, that would help
04:17.37 starseeker Maloeran: are you on?
04:21.39 brlcad and if anyone is still lacking for things to work on, there's still the big list at
04:22.02 yukonbob if anybody has spares hours in their day -- I'd be happy to take them off their hands....
04:23.58 yukonbob was that memory issues for DEMs ever resolved?
04:24.33 brlcad the DSP memory gobble bug?
04:24.38 yukonbob yup
04:24.43 brlcad no, it wasn't
04:24.58 yukonbob is it on anybody's radar, or have a status?
04:25.26 brlcad it's on my radar
04:25.34 yukonbob nice
04:25.35 brlcad there are just 500 other blips just like it
04:25.41 yukonbob of course
04:25.49 brlcad all moving
04:25.59 yukonbob !Deploy the scramblers
04:26.05 brlcad so the ones that blip the brightest usually get hit
04:26.22 brlcad or the easy ones on the outlier :)
04:26.24 yukonbob heh -- are you saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease?
04:27.19 yukonbob you have lots of internal users that come with bugs + "issues"?
04:27.29 brlcad oh yeah
04:27.45 yukonbob how many users do you support?
04:28.39 brlcad it varies heavily depending on what's going on
04:29.04 yukonbob might you have 50 people working away in front of BRL-CAD at times?
04:31.00 brlcad no no, not nearly that many .. but it only takes one or two people to saturate a dev
04:31.38 brlcad since each issue can take anywhere from 5 minutes/days/months/years to fully resolve
04:32.05 brlcad and they do span that gamut all the time
04:44.34 yukonbob brlcad: re: the artifacts in that model -- were you looking at the inside of the hub body, or the transition edge at outside of shell to face where spokes are inserted?
04:45.35 yukonbob gah -- /me remembers he wishes that mged ran on :0.1!!!
04:45.54 yukonbob nice big monitor idling...
04:47.32 brlcad the ones on the inside of the hub body
04:49.07 brlcad that one I did investigate, had a good talk with jra about it too, that's a *really old* issue related to boolean evaluation and tolerancing problems in the boolean weaver
04:50.14 yukonbob tough to fix?
04:50.18 brlcad that's one of those issues that is a blemish, but would probably take 5 weeks of effort to address fully -- the segment is actually correct, just the normal is for the wrong primitive (it's showing the outward facing normal of the torus that touches there in negative space)
04:50.54 brlcad the fix might even only take a day or two of effort, but it's at the utter core of the ray-trace library and it'd take weeks of effort to validate
04:51.27 brlcad just to ensure nothing else is changed with near absolute certainty
04:51.49 brlcad because the boolean weaving is also at the heart of the analysis codes
05:03.52 yukonbob brlcad: re: nice line support in mged, btclsh -- is it supplied via gnu readline?
05:08.50 brlcad nope
05:09.15 brlcad just coded up as needed
05:09.25 brlcad mged's is *way* more extensive than btclsh's
05:09.54 brlcad actually supports vi and emacs binding modes among other features
05:10.15 yukonbob hrmm...
05:10.27 brlcad readline would be .. tricky to integrate given how we juggle with tcl and how the even loop processes
05:13.12 yukonbob apparently the gnu readline has a callball mechanism that works well w/ tcl...
05:16.12 brlcad well, let me rephrase -- it would have been tricky for the feature jra was going for, which was tab-completion
05:16.22 brlcad just getting it to process the line wouldn't be too tricky
05:19.22 brlcad though I'd probably use the editline library just to avoid rms's annoying licensing agenda with readline
05:23.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libtienet/tienet_master.c: check the length
05:28.50 yukonbob is editline pretty portable? /me sees he's got a copy as part of his base system, but what about linux, OS X, Windows?
05:29.42 brlcad yeah, very
05:29.58 brlcad as much as readline if not moreso, and a drop-in compatible api with readline
07:47.46 *** join/#brlcad Defcon (
07:48.45 Defcon morning all.
07:48.49 Defcon happy hacking today
09:00.27 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
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13:57.31 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
14:07.19 brlcad howdy Defcon
14:08.16 Defcon hi brlcad
14:08.17 Defcon :)
14:10.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/ (burst/error.c burst/extern.h burst/prnt.c bwish/winMain.c): const format specifier
14:43.47 ``Erik *readreadread*
14:44.40 ``Erik yes, model your bookshelf, boy :D how would a geometry/raytrace analysis deal with warping? that's one of the big issues with the real use, deformation and geometry alteration is nontrivial...
14:48.39 archivist sure is I had to deal with roller distortion in a roller press
14:49.00 archivist and the needed grind profile to deal with it
14:50.56 archivist its times like that that you find deflection formulas are a simplification
14:51.11 ``Erik heh
14:51.12 Z80-Boy you need FEM for deformations
14:51.21 ``Erik even the most complicated fea is a simplification
14:51.45 ``Erik we're still learning the fundamental physics :D
14:51.53 archivist hehe
14:51.57 Z80-Boy Sometimes the paradigm of zero analysis is appropriate
14:52.39 Z80-Boy For example I bought a really ripped second hand skateboard which has a crack in the middle
14:52.45 Z80-Boy The question is can it break under me?
14:52.51 ``Erik nah, just admit and understand the limitations of different kinds of analysis
14:53.06 ``Erik even eyeball analysis are useful
14:53.15 archivist when the job is "roll a sheet of paper under 200 pounds per inch" you need to work it out
14:53.16 Z80-Boy Instead of doing fea I asked a guy in the skatepark who was better than me and he said unlikely unless I land badly
14:53.21 Z80-Boy I can't jump so I am OK
14:53.22 ``Erik heh
14:53.37 ``Erik given sufficient velocity at impact, ANY skateboard will break under you :D
14:53.56 ``Erik sufficient momentum, even... or ke... *shrug*
14:54.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/gtools/g_qa.c: put the usage string into the usage func, don't need a progname var when there's a bu_getprogname()
14:54.09 Defcon given sufficient velocity at impact, EVERYTHING will break under you
14:54.27 Z80-Boy sufficient velocity at impact contains "sufficient velocity"
14:54.30 archivist or it breaks you
14:54.30 ``Erik y'know, that's something I've been pondering
14:54.39 Z80-Boy I don't think I attain sufficient velocity when I skateboard :)
14:54.43 Z80-Boy I am over-careful
14:55.03 Z80-Boy I spend time in skateparks and not hospitals :)
14:55.17 Defcon :p
14:55.17 Z80-Boy I am not like Z-Boys who bombed through stop signs
14:55.21 ``Erik a marble of unobtanium travelling at, oh, .99c impacts a rock planet with a molten core, like, say, earth... does it break the planet? or just punch a neat hole that automatically seals up? :D
14:55.50 Z80-Boy ``Erik: it gets stolen before the impact
14:55.52 brlcad Defcon: I dunno if there's any velocity a person could be going on that would break the planet .. I'm pretty sure most velocities will just result in *splat*
14:56.04 Defcon :p
14:56.18 Z80-Boy I am sure however one can skate with such a bad style the planet breaks up just from having to watch it
14:56.37 Defcon maybe at 12x c it would break the planet & result in *splat*
14:56.58 ``Erik meatbags are awful soft, probably become a nice plasma cloud before getting to the surface if there's a sufficiently dense (like, human friendly) atmostphere
14:58.03 ``Erik but, yeah, brlcad, if you're trying to figure out weight limits and warping using only csg geometry and rays, how would you account for shelf deformation under weight? the support characteristics of the shelf would change through the deformation...
14:58.35 Z80-Boy if I model my body in BRL-CAD how do I calculate which way I should fall to minimize the results of wiping out on a skateboard?
14:58.54 Z80-Boy What's worse for human surface? Perpendicular hit or shear?
14:59.31 ``Erik I d'no, karel, go collect test data to build a model. I suggest jumping off of buildings and landing at different angles. make sure your sampling is large enough :D *duck*
14:59.47 Z80-Boy I'll go to skatepark to collect samples
15:00.18 ``Erik the sheer and strain of bones is a pretty complex topic O.o
15:00.38 ``Erik sheer and stress, even
15:00.41 Z80-Boy The problem is I don't usually fall anymore
15:00.44 Z80-Boy if I lose balance
15:01.00 Z80-Boy I bail unless my legs get into quantum entanglement
15:01.14 ``Erik well, if y ou never fall, you don't have to think about how to minimize damage when falling... :D
15:01.26 Z80-Boy It might take so long for me to collect sufficient data so that the question stops being practically relevant :)
15:01.47 Defcon you would be pro skater by then
15:01.48 Defcon :)
15:01.59 Z80-Boy Actually walking is also quite a balance feat isn't it? And people don't think about it as something worth thinking about
15:02.04 Z80-Boy pro lamer :)
15:02.07 brlcad ``Erik: that's a problem of just how to do any non-trivial (i.e. not just cylinder holes) shape deformation on a CSG model, regardless of analysis/load/etc, same problem with modeling soft body materials
15:02.23 Z80-Boy A skateboard would be easy to model wouldn't be?
15:02.33 ``Erik (and if you lose enough control that you DO fall, will you have enough control to optimize your fall for reduced damage? be better to just like the 2-3 "safe" falls everyone uses and just have fun)
15:02.34 Z80-Boy Ball bearings are toruses and spheres and cylinders right?
15:03.12 Z80-Boy For the axles and kingpins I already have thread routines :)
15:03.15 brlcad that's where converting the solids to their equivalent brep spline surfaces wins, at least for bending
15:03.28 brlcad materials that crack/fracture/shatter/tear are still another problem on top of that
15:03.39 ``Erik the wheels, bearings, bolts, etc should be easy to model, the boards body and the trucks would be the most interesting bits
15:04.02 Z80-Boy I could build special BRL-CAD friendly trucks :)
15:04.13 Z80-Boy I guess the most strength/weight is in space frame
15:04.19 ``Erik yeah, but under deformation, the material is no longer consistent.. if you put a weight on a shelf and it bows, the density towards the top of the board is higher than the bottom
15:04.22 Z80-Boy so if I weld myself space frame trucks...
15:05.05 ``Erik welds are often weak points, and weight is a concern... most trucks are cast aluminum iirc
15:05.09 brlcad last night, I was more thinking being able to do the static analysis on the CSG model so that, with a given contact rigging and a specified set of loads, you'd get an answer that says this object is going to bend X amount, this other object will crack and potentially shatter
15:05.24 Z80-Boy ``Erik: no worry, the weakest point of my skateboard is surely my skills
15:05.33 ``Erik at least on cheap boards, mebbe they use cast iron or steel or something for some *shrug*
15:05.34 brlcad whether it geometrically shows you that or not is a matter of remodeling and visualization
15:05.42 ``Erik <-- hasn't boarded since the 80's
15:05.52 Z80-Boy ``Erik: that sounds like you have boarded
15:05.53 Defcon <-- hasn't boarded at all
15:06.54 ``Erik um, what's the bridge model engineers use? like strut and spring or something? that could probably be applied fairly easily, possibly generating the values from material tables after the connection points/types are annotated
15:07.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (include/fb.h src/libfb/fb_log.c): make fb_log()'s format specifier constant
15:08.24 ``Erik but a model of the bookshelf system would probably be a great test case for any work in the drafting/ca{d,m} direction :D as well as a possible cae candidate that joe blow can relate to
15:08.40 brlcad I'll bring it in and you can model it :)
15:08.49 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/doc/deprecation.txt: denote the fact that fb_log format became const
15:08.59 brlcad actually, it's not an incredibly complex model.. it really would make for an interesting test case
15:10.08 brlcad because of the way the major parts fit together with fairly well-known connectivity (some are purely friction, some are massive bolts, nails, screws
15:11.36 brlcad what can't be easily captured is the properties of the individual boards that are riddled with various knottings but you could probably classify the average strength of a given board
15:14.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/error.c: const fb_log
15:16.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/ (extern.h prnt.c): constness
15:20.54 Z80-Boy brlcad: I put the BRL-CAD logo into closing titles of the video with all the models one after another
15:21.19 Z80-Boy brlcad: the open source one as you said
15:21.22 brlcad cool
15:21.36 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbn/axis.c: add a check to make sure we don't exceed available buffer space for the dynamic number-of-digit printing
15:21.39 Z80-Boy Now I synced the sound and am waiting for the video to compile
15:21.52 Z80-Boy brlcad: I guess maybe it could be used as a showcase video
15:22.31 ``Erik wood is too complex to model at that scale... densities change all over the place, cell coherence, etc.. best you could do is cut cylinders for the knots and average, I'd imagine :D but just the design type stuff would be neat and a start
15:22.50 Z80-Boy ``Erik: party?
15:24.33 Z80-Boy brlcad: I also found and reported several bugs recently
15:26.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: use bu_which() to find pwd instead of relying on popen
15:28.16 Defcon so why should i use BRL-CAD instead off another 3D modeling app. like Modo, 3DSmax, ... ?
15:28.50 Z80-Boy Defcon: is Modo or 3DSmax free software?
15:29.32 brlcad Defcon: you're welcome to use whatever you like, I'm not a salesman :)
15:30.39 brlcad though Z80-Boy does make a good point, we're open source, those aren't solid modelers making them horribly-suited for analysis purposes
15:31.11 brlcad s/source,/source; and also/
15:31.38 Defcon good point..
15:32.08 Z80-Boy Close-source may fire back unpredictably in the future ;-)
15:32.23 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
15:32.28 Defcon so why should i use BRL-CAD instead off another 3D modeling app. like Blender?$?
15:32.31 Defcon -$
15:33.33 brlcad blender's also not a solid modeler
15:33.50 Defcon meaning?
15:33.53 brlcad it's a content creation tool ala maya
15:34.06 Defcon aah k
15:34.13 brlcad same reason I wouldn't use Maya for CAD, I wouldn't use Blender for CAD
15:34.30 brlcad you use a CAD system that's designed with engineering purposes in mind
15:34.40 Defcon yes ofc
15:34.51 brlcad not just making pretty models for movies and animations
15:34.51 Defcon my company uses autoCAD
15:34.59 Defcon for 2D plans
15:35.16 brlcad ask your coworkers why you don't use maya
15:35.28 brlcad you'll have your answer
15:35.31 Defcon dunno
15:35.34 Defcon k
15:35.35 Defcon :)
15:35.53 brlcad assuming you ask someone knowledgeable about CAD and Maya :)
15:36.03 Defcon indeed :)
15:36.20 Defcon but that one is gone now
15:36.24 Defcon ill
15:36.33 Defcon so i'll ask him when he gets back :)
15:36.44 brlcad though AutoCAD is only a subset of the "CAD" software domain -- they're CADD -- CAD for drafting purposes (i.e. predominantly focused on the 2D modeling approach)
15:37.09 Z80-Boy "The creditors agreed to release Blender under the terms of the GNU General Public License, for a one-time payment of EUR100,000"
15:37.16 Z80-Boy Hehe that's like Ronja, but on much higher scale
15:37.30 brlcad Defcon: here's a rough idea where BRL-CAD presently stands in the CAD arena:
15:39.33 brlcad where if you know your CAD packages, CADD is roughly AutoCAD, MCAD would be something like GibbsCAM, CAAD would be something like ARCHICAD, etc
15:39.40 Defcon whow very nice
15:40.01 Defcon us gov ..?
15:40.02 Defcon :)
15:40.31 brlcad ProEngineer, CATIA, and Unigraphics would fall roughly under the CAD label in the background
15:41.19 Defcon hmm
15:41.21 Defcon k
15:41.43 Defcon so brl-cad is revolutionary
15:42.21 Axman6 eh?
15:42.23 brlcad the main/only discrepancy is the CADD domain is *massive*, so it's oval really needed to be a lot bigger, but it throws off the purpose of the diagram
15:43.08 Defcon hmm k
15:43.23 Defcon brl-cad since the mid 80's?
15:43.35 brlcad yep, under constant development
15:43.45 Defcon wicked
15:43.48 brlcad s/revolutionary/evolutionary/
15:43.54 Axman6 back when there was a BRL
15:44.00 Z80-Boy Hmm Blender also seems to be possible to use for Ronja
15:44.23 Defcon Blender and Ronja sitting in a tree..
15:46.55 Axman6 Defcon:
15:48.57 Defcon tnx
15:49.34 Axman6 brlcad: i may have missed the point, but can you do balistics simularions with brl-cad?
15:49.58 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/parallel.c: bu_get_load_average() has a horrible implementation but fortunately we don't even use it. mark it deprecated.
15:50.22 Z80-Boy I think I even tried Blender before BRL-CAD
15:51.17 Z80-Boy looks like an unfinished project
15:51.26 Z80-Boy Already in INSTALL there are some patches embedded in the text
15:51.48 Z80-Boy Doesn't have a ./configure and build instructions are linked on an external URL
15:52.17 Z80-Boy Already from the beginning suggests an impression that the people who do it have no idea how to maintain software so it's practically usable for the user
15:52.21 brlcad Axman6: brl-cad is a massive suite of utilities and libraries, those libraries in particular are used for various purpose including for ballistic simulations
15:53.09 brlcad we don't provide those analysis codes, but they rely heavily on brl-cad's speed, geometry flexibility and representation formats, and our modeling tools
15:53.24 Axman6 ah ha
15:53.59 Z80-Boy brlcad: that's because they are secret by the army, right?
15:54.24 brlcad but to give you an idea, there is a BRL-CAD model of just about every military asset that has been in existance over the past two decades including tanks, helicopters, planes, some ships, etc
15:55.01 Z80-Boy hehe
15:55.10 Axman6 ... woah. right, didn't know brl-cad was that well utilised b the military tbh :P
15:55.10 Z80-Boy do you also have the Roswell alien flying saucer?
15:55.22 brlcad I keep it in my back pocket
15:55.29 brlcad people overestimate the size of that saucer
15:55.31 Z80-Boy brlcad: do you also have aircraft carriers?
15:55.36 Axman6 brlcad: care to share some cool models?
15:56.19 Z80-Boy It takes too long to install
15:56.25 Z80-Boy Requires a lot of external dependencies
15:56.28 brlcad Axman6: there's only one "interesting" semi-real model, and I'm not sure how cool I'd call it .. fairly low-detail model of the russian havoc helicopter
15:56.45 Axman6 heh, that'd be cool
15:56.50 brlcad
15:57.00 brlcad that model is included (havoc.g
15:57.07 brlcad in the distribution
15:57.15 Axman6 ah cool
15:57.26 Z80-Boy brlcad: how was this model created?
15:57.40 Axman6 any idea how long something like that takes to create?
15:57.42 brlcad with mged
15:57.55 Z80-Boy but how were the dimensions acquired?
15:58.00 Z80-Boy Through secret espionage?
15:58.09 Z80-Boy Or measuring a captured piece of the helicopter?
15:58.38 brlcad Axman6: depends on the modeler's expertise level -- something like havoc probably/usually takes about a month to model, maybe less, maybe more
15:58.57 brlcad i can't say how havoc was acquired
15:59.04 Z80-Boy is it secret?
15:59.12 brlcad no, it's because I don't know :)
15:59.13 Axman6 brlcad: do you work for ARL or somewhere related?
15:59.14 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
15:59.21 Defcon going home
15:59.23 Defcon ttyl all
15:59.24 Z80-Boy brlcad: lol
15:59.37 brlcad havoc is an old helicopter, though
15:59.48 brlcad you can actually buy one off the market now iirc
15:59.53 Axman6 looks a lot like an apache
15:59.54 Z80-Boy is havoc an official army code name for this type?
16:00.07 brlcad apache's a lot bigger, and the model is *way* cooler ;)
16:00.17 Axman6 damn it :P
16:00.19 Axman6 gimme!
16:00.26 Z80-Boy brlcad: but not public I guess :)
16:00.31 brlcad not in the least
16:00.38 Axman6 pity
16:00.44 Axman6 so who makes the models?
16:00.50 brlcad modelers?
16:00.53 Z80-Boy A secret department? :)
16:01.07 Z80-Boy brlcad: do you also have some models of state of the art nuclear weapons? :)
16:01.20 brlcad there aren't nearly as many secret departments as you'd like to think, or as hollywood would like to make you think
16:01.29 Z80-Boy brlcad: like all the little parts inside with nanometer precision?
16:01.37 Axman6 brlcad: says you, but how would you know!
16:02.29 Axman6 bah, you're crap at divulging information
16:02.35 Axman6 :(
16:03.01 Z80-Boy brlcad: do you have to do 20 pushups in your army office?
16:03.43 Z80-Boy Axman6: I am sure they must have secret NATO calling codes and firearms everywhere
16:04.06 Axman6 ASIO? or brlcad? :P
16:04.18 Z80-Boy Hehe I just got an interesting idea
16:04.36 Z80-Boy I saw a boat with about 8 people catch a wave in a surfing video
16:04.47 Z80-Boy The marines could try to catch a tsunami with an aircraft carrier
16:04.56 Z80-Boy or those rare superwaves created by storms
16:05.12 Axman6 we kill brlcad, steal his identity, take his awesome modles, ray trace them at massive resolutions, and fill the entire capacity of the internet?
16:05.12 Z80-Boy then make a video and post to youtube :)
16:05.31 Axman6 haha
16:05.33 Z80-Boy Axman6: no way killing and stealing is illegal
16:06.03 Axman6 ok, we'll hide him in a washing machine, and borrow the models
16:06.10 Z80-Boy I guess the Army must have a special department to make sure the Hollywood always gets it wrong
16:06.20 Z80-Boy To not divulge any strategic information :)
16:07.06 Axman6 but ya see, if they're like "i'm sorry, you cannot put that in your movie", then they've just divulged that the stuff they made up is really real
16:07.12 Z80-Boy They probably send random bits of modified information about the truth to all the Holywood directors
16:07.51 Z80-Boy Axman6: no they come "hey the truth is actually more colourful than you portray - our aircraft carriers can also travel in the space!"
16:08.21 Z80-Boy And that's how they made the star trek/star wars I always confuse those two names the names are so similar
16:08.27 Z80-Boy Both begin with "Star" and a space.
16:08.37 Axman6 lol
16:09.26 Z80-Boy I know in once of them there were some Jedi Knights with battery-operated coloured fluorescent tubes with internal ballast in their hands
16:10.35 Axman6 oh crap. i heard an ad today for a new kids toy, can't remember it's actual name, but it was something like "The transforming Dath Vader Death Star something something"
16:11.09 Axman6 glow swords
16:11.15 Z80-Boy and now kids have to carry bulky transformers
16:11.24 Z80-Boy instead of more moder switched mode power supplies
16:12.18 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/ (3 files in 2 dirs): finally obsolete bu_brlcad_path() and bu_tcl_brlcad_path(), which were marked deprecated back in 7.4; callers should now be using bu_brlcad_data() and bu_brlcad_root() depending on the nature of the lookup.
16:12.19 brlcad Z80-Boy: i've done push-ups at work before
16:12.31 brlcad but because I can and I like em :)
16:12.41 brlcad and 20 would be for a wuss
16:13.53 Axman6 i always sucked at puch-ups, too tall and chubby i guess. always dominated at sit-ups though
16:13.57 Z80-Boy brlcad: I go to a gym does it count instead?
16:14.13 Z80-Boy I dominate at sit-at-computers
16:14.22 brlcad depends what you do at the gym
16:14.33 brlcad if you go there just to guy-watch, it doesn't really count for much :)
16:14.46 Z80-Boy push and pull various bars and handles and lift damn heavy irons with that
16:15.07 Z80-Boy If I need power I guy-watch and engage higher level of fantasy
16:15.10 brlcad mm.. speaking of guns.. I should go to the gym tonight to work on them some more
16:15.28 Axman6 heh, brlcad, what do you get for $249.99 from that you can't get free from
16:15.37 Z80-Boy Like "omg... I am lazy to stop and switch from 60 down to 55... I'll watch this guy and imagine he wants me and now I have to impress him..."
16:15.44 brlcad Axman6: guaranteed support
16:15.54 Axman6 but you're always here!
16:15.56 brlcad printed documentation and CDs
16:16.46 brlcad Axman6: yes, but I don't have to answer a goddamn question if I don't want to :)
16:17.02 Axman6 you're an op, of course you do!
16:17.02 brlcad you pay them for answers
16:17.31 Z80-Boy brlcad: you are in Maryland? According to the Survice map it looks like you are close to some kind of deep bay
16:17.36 *** mode/#brlcad [-o brlcad] by ChanServ
16:17.38 Z80-Boy isn't it a river estuary actually?
16:17.45 brlcad what that you say, sonny?
16:17.48 Axman6 i always (try to) in #macosx where i'm an op, and it's got 1000x more idiots than here ;)
16:18.09 brlcad Z80-Boy: yes, in maryland -- survice's headquaraters is just down the road
16:18.18 Axman6 Z80-Boy: submarines maybeh?
16:18.25 brlcad and that bay is .. the Chesapeake Bay
16:18.40 Axman6 i've heard of that...
16:18.41 brlcad pretty reknowned bay
16:18.58 Axman6 being an aussie, i'm a little surprised
16:19.15 Z80-Boy brlcad: I guess there must be no waves - but if you drive out the bay, can you surf there?
16:19.29 brlcad ever heard of "Old Bay" seasoning? your supermarket undoubtedly carries it -- Chesapeake is the "Old Bay"
16:20.09 brlcad the source of "maryland crabs" and "maryland crab cakes" that you can find at seafood restaurants
16:20.32 brlcad Z80-Boy: the east coast US is horrible for surfing
16:20.34 Axman6 they named an STI after a place?
16:20.48 brlcad the wind direction and short beaches don't help
16:21.02 brlcad STI?
16:21.16 Z80-Boy brlcad: hey, you have subtropical climate! That's great!
16:21.33 Z80-Boy brlcad: "bay leaves"?
16:21.35 brlcad right now there's about 2 inches of snow on the ground
16:22.24 Z80-Boy oops
16:22.36 Z80-Boy and California is supposed to have mediterranean
16:22.45 Z80-Boy Under which they image 10 degree centigrade water...
16:22.54 brlcad different bay
16:23.41 brlcad yeah, the water is slightly warmer on the east, but with the different wind direction and the apalachean mountains blocking the coast, you just dont' get big waves
16:23.48 Z80-Boy But at least you have the Hawaii :)
16:24.02 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
16:24.11 Z80-Boy brlcad: the waves are generated in distance anyway
16:24.20 Axman6 rawww! wtf irssi/screen!
16:24.29 Z80-Boy When I was surfing, we were receiving waves probably generated by that tropical cyclone whatever impaling at FLorida
16:24.35 Axman6 anyway... STI = sexually transmitted infection
16:24.36 Z80-Boy I don't remember the name but it was in the news
16:24.49 brlcad
16:24.54 Z80-Boy brlcad: I read it
16:25.13 brlcad yeah, forgot that it's also the largest estuary
16:25.35 Z80-Boy brlcad: I wonder if Britan also classifies as "horrible" for surfing
16:25.35 brlcad I'm within a few miles of the very tip of the bay
16:25.44 Z80-Boy Unless you are a polar bear...
16:25.44 Axman6 ok, sleep time for me. g'night guys
16:25.52 brlcad cya aussie
16:26.11 Axman6 Z80-Boy: yeah it's pretty bad over there
16:26.12 Z80-Boy brlcad: have you been to Hawaii?
16:26.17 brlcad nope, not yet
16:26.29 Z80-Boy brlcad: not yet?
16:26.32 Z80-Boy Planning?
16:26.37 brlcad buddy and I talked about going recently
16:26.41 brlcad he's trying to kill me
16:26.47 brlcad (via surfing)
16:27.03 brlcad either the major waves down in mexico or hawaii
16:27.31 brlcad I already almost died several times on 12 foot waves in california
16:27.32 Z80-Boy I would prefer gradually increasing the killing force of the waves to get used to it
16:27.40 brlcad I don't need 20-30 footers
16:27.43 Axman6 best place to go would be chaupu (sp...) in fiji i think
16:27.44 Z80-Boy are you an experienced surfer?
16:28.28 Z80-Boy brlcad: you can hide from the wave underwater
16:28.32 brlcad I've surfed all of three times, all day, or about 40 hours total :)
16:29.01 Z80-Boy I have surfed 6 days 5 hours a day 30 hours total
16:29.23 Z80-Boy brlcad: I don't think the size is appropriate for you unless you are a surf-learning superhero :)
16:31.08 Z80-Boy brlcad: almost died what danger did you get into?
16:49.59 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
16:54.15 ``Erik wait, what? stars and space? in the same context? how very unique and original O.o
16:55.19 prasad_ ``Erik: what lever are u now?
16:55.29 ``Erik whu?
16:57.13 prasad_ er
16:57.14 prasad_ level
16:57.51 ``Erik I d'no if you'd be able to find a havoc for sale, the Mi-28 was a prototype competing to replace the Mi-24 'hin', and I thought it lost out to a ka model (which was never pushed due to the collapse over there)
16:58.01 ``Erik level? O.o you're confusin' me, boy
16:58.10 prasad_ wow
16:58.33 prasad_ ka-52?
16:59.19 ``Erik wikiwikiwiki.... um, the ka50, originally... but havoc development continued
17:00.06 ``Erik wow, mi28n is being moved into the russian military
17:01.02 ``Erik
17:02.42 prasad_ WoW
17:03.05 ``Erik oh, um, 70, 56, ... a couple others
17:06.39 prasad_ yikes
17:06.48 prasad_ addict? ;)
17:07.03 ``Erik nah, efficient :D I play mebbe 2-3 days a week
17:07.18 ``Erik and still watch all the shows on tv *shrug* O.o
17:12.03 prasad_ star trek mmo might be canned :(
17:12.21 prasad_ perpetual ent. going out of business (says gamasutra)
17:12.30 prasad_ i was looking forward to that one
17:38.06 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ allow dynamic lib to be build
17:38.38 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ (camera.h render_internal.h): fixes for third party consumers
17:40.37 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: add missing closing paren.
17:41.21 *** join/#brlcad minute-ssh (
17:43.55 brlcad Z80-Boy: oh, just getting tossed around in the bigger waves, learning to surf -- the water was exceptionally rough when I first went out
17:44.13 brlcad even my buddy, who's surfed for years was having trouble catching waves
17:45.10 brlcad it was about right for me skill-wise, I still eventually got the hang of it, and the rush of lethal situations is always fun
17:49.31 Z80-Boy trouble catching waves?
17:49.36 Z80-Boy I never had trouble catching a wave
17:49.52 Z80-Boy I always had a trouble standing up the way they insisted is the optimum one
17:50.01 ``Erik apparently you've never surfed on a pond
17:50.01 ``Erik :D
17:50.28 Z80-Boy I had once trouble not catching a wave though
17:51.12 Z80-Boy They said I should cancel the attempt when someone is already standing on the wave
17:51.16 Z80-Boy but I couldn't!
17:51.41 Z80-Boy I put my hands into the water as deep as I could, tremendous force, but the wave had a more tremendous force :)
17:52.21 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
17:53.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/fbed/prnt.c: change fb_log definition to match the prototype in fb.h
17:55.06 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/fbserv/fbserv.c: change fb_log definition to match the prototype in fb.h
18:24.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/ (4 files in 2 dirs): use bu_avail_cpu()s instead of the FreeBSD-only get_procs() version
19:05.32 *** join/#brlcad CIA-4 (n=CIA@
19:33.49 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
20:07.32 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/ ( plane.c plane.h): plane is now cut
20:09.17 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/render.h: plane is now cut
20:10.33 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/cut.c: bring in cleanup that was done on plane.c
20:11.43 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/librender/render_internal.h: RENDER_METHOD_PLANE is a synonym for RENDER_METHOD_CUT now
20:16.14 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/adrt.h: mirror the mesh hit/select in libcommon (pre-migration)
20:16.25 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/isst.h: build the isst/adrt synonyms
20:17.53 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/master/master.c: use the new tienet api... sorta...
20:18.22 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/slave/ (load.c load.h bring in the mysql load stuff (kinda) before removing it... O.o
20:19.39 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/libcommon/ (env.c unpack.c): plane is now cut
20:25.47 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/BUGS: once again, rtwizard seems to be busted. getting bad screen distance ":41.25" processing the -width option on the itk_component(bar) on the RTWizard::FeedbackDialog
20:37.12 CIA-4 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * 10brlcad/src/adrt/isst/slave/slave.c: bring in changes from the new adrt stuff
20:52.41 Z80-Boy ``Erik: how old were you when you stopped skateboarding?
21:06.30 Maloeran I was at Surfer's Paraside near the gold coast a couple weeks ago, but I wasn't too good at that particular activity
21:11.42 Z80-Boy Maloeran: wow. So you tried surfing there/
21:13.00 Maloeran Yes, only the second time I ever tried though :), I rarely could last more than 5 seconds standing
21:14.09 Maloeran The best part of the trip to Australia was definitely the scuba diving in the coral reefs
21:17.52 Z80-Boy Maloeran: that's already quite good :)
21:18.25 Z80-Boy For the second time definintel
21:18.26 Z80-Boy y
21:19.15 Z80-Boy But we here in Europe are a bit handicapped compared to US or Australia
21:19.17 brlcad Maloeran, no not on vacation .. just general discussion about previous adventures
21:19.34 Z80-Boy Surfing in the UK means who manages to stand up in Brighton is a world champion :)
21:19.56 Z80-Boy Maloeran: did you dive with tanks?
21:20.13 Maloeran Of course Z80, for about a week
21:20.35 Z80-Boy "I would like M1A1 Abrams oxygen tanks, please..."
21:20.39 Maloeran I went in the Whitsunday Islands, it's absolutely magnificent
21:21.34 Z80-Boy Maloeran: colourful fish and reefs?
21:22.11 Maloeran Sure, I took some pictures too :
21:22.52 Maloeran I certainly recommend the experience if you enjoy diving
21:26.39 Z80-Boy Very nice, like a paradise
21:26.50 Z80-Boy this needs to be modelled using a torus I guess
21:27.58 Z80-Boy Oops this looks like an alien brain attack from the outer space
21:28.09 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
21:29.00 Maloeran Eheh, most of my pictures came out fairly bad ( not available online ) ; luminosity is low and it's tricky to stand perfectly still when under water
21:29.33 Maloeran Or when purchasing in sprint various large fishes, it came out all blurry of course
21:30.19 Maloeran The only half-decent picture of my shark : *sobs*
21:31.08 Maloeran when chasing* in sprint
21:32.36 Z80-Boy Isn't that Surfers Paradise?
21:33.25 Maloeran The scuba diving was at Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Coast, Whitsunday Islands, Daydream Island
21:33.42 Z80-Boy Is it suitable for lamers, this Surfers Paradise?
21:35.11 Z80-Boy What does red/yellow mean? Supervised beach?
21:35.12 Maloeran One should probably start with something easier, but the Gold Coast beaches are great for swimming or other activities too
21:35.38 Maloeran The colored flags? Yes
21:35.45 Z80-Boy Did you go on your own bike?
21:36.32 Maloeran I borrowed one on a couple occasions, the cities seemed a bit poor in bicycle lanes
21:37.52 Maloeran Are you considering a trip to Australia?
21:38.06 Z80-Boy After these pictures I think it would be nice to go there :)
21:38.26 Z80-Boy But not seriously yet. Put it into the todo list :)
21:40.49 Maloeran The experience has been rather poor culturally and culinary, it sure depends what you are after
21:42.40 Z80-Boy They have the architectural spirit of London! I want that!
21:44.29 ``Erik <mal> it's not french, so it sucks
21:44.32 ``Erik *cough* :D O:-)
21:44.53 Maloeran Eh oh, I loved Mexico :)
21:45.18 ``Erik yeah, decent mexican food is difficult to find in the US, and I can't even find shitty mexican food around here :(
21:45.52 ``Erik or decent sushi *sigh*
21:46.13 ``Erik and, uh, yeah, yukonbob, mysql... one of my tasks with that bit of software is to DE-sql it, though O.o
21:46.47 Z80-Boy and now sleep good night
21:47.26 Maloeran May the night gently rock your dreams
21:48.41 Z80-Boy I know some French surfing
21:48.57 Z80-Boy Pleine Mer means the water is up. Basse Mer means the water is down.
21:49.09 Z80-Boy Mountee means going up and what is going down I don't know
21:49.42 Z80-Boy good night
21:50.48 ``Erik I learned my french from the germans. I only know two phrases, "Je me rends!" and "merde"
21:50.49 ``Erik :D
22:02.56 Maloeran Tsk :)
22:13.28 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
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22:43.08 Maloeran make sandwish
22:43.13 Maloeran make: *** No rule to make target `sandwish'. Stop.
22:44.06 Maloeran Oops, it's sandwich of course
22:47.01 yukonbob mmm... /me gets idea for smoked beef sandwich -- thx Maloeran
23:28.31 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
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23:48.15 starseeker Maloeran: around?

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