IRC log for #brlcad on 20071212

00:13.55 louipc I'd say get rid of the whole footer thing
00:14.12 louipc it's just fluff
00:35.34 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
01:01.31 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:15.56 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (i=Matt@
01:21.03 PrezKennedy not fair
01:21.18 PrezKennedy apparently there was one walking distance from where i live now about 5 years back
01:36.07 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (i=Matt@
03:20.38 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
03:33.15 starseeker :-)
03:34.41 starseeker I now vaguely remember reading that texlive was supposed to be the future, but given that they are STILL distributing their system via an ISO image I'm not really reassured...
03:41.58 starseeker brlcad: Just curious - are there any plans to make the IRC archives searchable?
04:47.09 brlcad starseeker: I've set stuff up in the past for the channel, but to date hasn't been anything worth maintaining until the new website goes on-line
04:47.31 starseeker Ah, point.
04:47.43 brlcad I could see setting something up afterwards though so that the channel logs are auto-archived and searchable through the site as docs or something
04:48.21 starseeker It's often a good way to go back and find an earlier discussion on a topic, or at least I find it to be useful in #lisp
04:50.37 brlcad yeah, I generally use my own logs for that - the beauty of a persistent server connection running irssi in screen
04:50.49 brlcad but it would make a nice general feature
04:53.16 brlcad I actually have a "complete" log of all my irc chatter ever stated/received/seen, going back many many years that I rummage through every now and then
04:53.32 brlcad it's fun to read a conversation I've had with someone five years later
04:53.44 starseeker :-)
04:54.52 brlcad I think I even have old icq sessions stashed away from the mid 90's somewhere
04:56.12 starseeker Such conversations can actually contain a lot of useful knowledge, advice and examples if you happen to remember the right keywords to locate 'em
04:56.14 brlcad part of my data "archive" that has just about everything that I've ever done on a computer, I'm a digital pack rat purist
04:56.58 starseeker As long as hard drives continue to expand faster than we generate logs, why not?
04:57.13 brlcad GB's of spam logs that I used to even stash just for historical/hysterical purposes
04:58.04 brlcad yeah, I've been constantly upgrading to the next biggest drive every couple years as I expand my capacity
04:58.12 starseeker er ads
04:58.29 starseeker Are they up to terabyte drives yet?
04:58.44 brlcad yeah, WD has one for just a few hundred
04:58.49 starseeker sweeet
04:58.51 brlcad external enclosure
04:59.26 starseeker and I thought this was a big drive at the time, darn it...
05:00.06 brlcad you can actually buy 2TB externals pretty easily now, ever since hitachi came out with their single-drive 1TB's about a year ago
05:00.25 starseeker Wow.
05:01.32 brlcad I've had over a TB when it was more than a buck a GB
05:01.47 starseeker Yeow
05:01.55 brlcad heh, hell, I remember spending $350 for a 300MB drive back when my data archive was just getting started
05:03.21 brlcad depends what you make part of the base OS
05:03.31 brlcad is that just the kernel, or is that user-space too
05:04.05 brlcad if it's user-space, is it just base command-line tools, or does it include a gui .. even for either, what apps are included and what are not
05:04.37 starseeker I guess up to and including the full KDE desktop and supporting utilities/libs
05:04.43 starseeker might be a useful benchmark
05:05.59 brlcad I'd say for a general purpose OS that your traditional editors like vim and emacs are essential, and that already jumps you up to about 75MB :)
05:06.31 starseeker point ;-).
05:06.39 brlcad base command-line userspace is probably 100-500MB for 'everything' "necessary"
05:06.47 starseeker Although some might argue with Emacs in there you're getting close to a full OS already...
05:06.54 brlcad gui is probably 2x to 10x that :)
05:07.58 starseeker Or I suppose you could take this guy's approach:
05:08.04 starseeker :-P
05:09.43 starseeker I guess as usual there are the tradeoffs between simplicity/transparency and performance in space and time.
05:09.50 brlcad ahh, he's still at it
05:10.06 starseeker you know him?
05:10.46 brlcad no, not really -- but I read about menuetos about two years ago
05:10.51 brlcad i think he'd just started
05:11.13 starseeker Ah. I'm very impressed, but I can't help wondering if he's off his meds a bit or something ;-)
05:11.57 brlcad yeah, pretty cool but exceptionally impractical
05:12.33 brlcad lightweight, but lacking 90% of the stuff most come to take for granted
05:13.03 starseeker Right. Reminds me a bit of that realtime OS demo someone made back in the late ninties
05:13.16 starseeker Q something
05:13.41 starseeker QNX
05:13.43 starseeker that was it
05:13.58 brlcad i mean, most/many OS's actually started like that with some "pure" philosophical approach... back in the 70's and 80's
05:14.17 brlcad some in assembler, some C, some hybrid, etc
05:14.27 brlcad heh, QNX is still around
05:14.40 starseeker Yes, but I think they've move beyond floppy demos
05:14.55 brlcad heh, far beyond
05:15.11 brlcad qnx is one of the defacto OS's for embedded systems development
05:15.16 brlcad one of the best RTOS's
05:15.38 starseeker Yes, they got a lot of press a while back - there was some hope they'd go open source but I don't think it ever happened.
05:15.55 brlcad they went open source a month or two ago
05:16.04 starseeker Really??
05:16.41 brlcad unless I'm mixing them up with someone else
05:17.02 brlcad yeah, two months ago
05:17.03 brlcad
05:17.12 brlcad there was even a /. on it iirc
05:17.47 starseeker Confound it, I always seem to miss the best slashdot articles and get the political rants...
05:18.10 brlcad so you pick up on sage without skipping a beat, but entirely missed qnx :)
05:18.22 starseeker Hehe - you spotted that eh?
05:19.29 starseeker I caught the SAGE article, but it turns out I missed an earlier one (arguably more important) about the AMS opinion piece calling for more support for open source computational software
05:21.02 starseeker Well hot diggity, Sept 12th 2007
05:22.05 starseeker brlcad: have y'all looked at SAGE at the ARL or is it pretty orthogonal to what you need?
05:25.32 starseeker Meh - QNX is only free for non-commercial stuff. No wonder it didn't make a bigger splash
05:46.10 brlcad fairly orthogonal
05:46.41 brlcad at least for our primary purposes, I'm sure some analysts could put it to good use if they knew how
05:48.56 brlcad howdy yukonbob
05:53.12 yukonbob hey brlcad. What's shaking?
05:55.52 brlcad not much
05:56.13 brlcad getting ready to have teeth finally ripped out of my head
05:56.32 yukonbob wisdom teeth, or other "bad" teeth?
05:56.34 brlcad been at least a decade in the coming
05:56.38 brlcad wisdoms
05:56.48 yukonbob had 4 done at once.
05:57.21 brlcad yeah, I got to get all 4 out, horribly impacted, but I'm going to do them two at a time
05:57.49 yukonbob something in tea is a good thing for the wounds -- stuff a moist tea bag in your mouth if you need it (/me would have to research to find out what it does at all...)
05:59.14 yukonbob -- search for tea bag
06:03.06 brlcad yeah, the tannic acid
06:03.13 brlcad use them in crew too
06:04.03 yukonbob ?"in crew"
06:04.03 brlcad they can help anethestize and harden up your hands for rowing if you're not yet callous or if you're blistered
06:04.03 brlcad crew rowing
06:04.09 yukonbob ah
06:05.11 brlcad iinteresting
06:05.17 brlcad that's a new one to me
06:05.46 yukonbob get ``Erik to try it out after some red-eye experience and let us know if it works.
06:07.41 brlcad I get red-eye after a really intense cardio workout in the gym
06:08.05 brlcad sauna can do it too, whenever I push up past 95% of my MHR for a long period of time
06:08.40 brlcad or otherwise exhaust extensively
06:08.44 brlcad i might have to try that sometime
06:15.59 yukonbob so I was trying to get the imgs into my docbook work other day, and the only thing that I can get to work is using ps/eps -- can't source jpg, png, gif, etc.
06:17.09 yukonbob I still have more I can dig for to see what's going on (/me believes it's TeX not knowing the size, and needing a parameter, but I don't know how to send it to TeX w/i the Docbook realm)...
06:17.15 brlcad if you can get ps to work, everything else should be trivial
06:17.55 yukonbob well, I can use .ps. It's not the ideal format for all gfx, but it does work.
06:18.05 brlcad oooh, using ps just for the images
06:18.09 brlcad though you meant as the output fmt
06:18.14 yukonbob oh no ---
06:18.18 yukonbob for including the gfx.
06:18.33 brlcad odd that the image formats wouldn't work
06:18.40 brlcad they have sizes embedded
06:18.46 yukonbob ps (eps) works nice because TeX knows it's size by the %boundingbox
06:20.01 yukonbob *done it before with pure LaTeX
06:26.26 brlcad you're using jade?
06:26.43 brlcad it's supposed to be fairly seamless for embedded imagery
06:27.17 yukonbob well...
06:27.33 brlcad yeah .. "supposed to be"
06:27.37 yukonbob it may be -- but atm I haven't figured out the incantations required
06:27.43 brlcad going by tests from many years ago and second hand comments :)
06:27.56 brlcad have fun :)
06:28.00 yukonbob ;)
06:28.19 yukonbob I'm sure it's possible -- it's too basic a thing to not have been solved.
06:28.37 yukonbob The info just isn't readily available when I want it ;)
06:29.12 yukonbob after I figure it out -- every search I do, every article I read, every conversation I have will contain this info... but in the meantime, it elludes me ;)
06:29.45 yukonbob ?eludes
06:31.02 yukonbob *eludes
06:31.12 yukonbob .
06:32.03 poolio ah, I have to learn latex for next semester :
06:33.08 yukonbob poolio: it's neat. Emacs + AUCTeX are your friends.
06:34.27 poolio heh, I still haven't tried out emacs...still using good 'ol vim
06:34.28 yukonbob ...and the "Not So Short Guide to LaTeX"
06:35.20 yukonbob poolio: what do you need it for?
06:35.48 poolio A math course I'm taking requires homework be typed
06:36.07 yukonbob what OS do you run?
06:36.50 poolio yukonbob: currently linux, sometimes freebsd
06:37.47 yukonbob mm --- you'll probably want to install teTeX (Thomas Essers distro of LaTeX (Leslie Lamports extensions to TeX (Knuths typesetting language)))...
06:38.09 poolio Wow, am I reading English or LISP :)
06:38.22 yukonbob T
06:38.23 yukonbob ?
06:38.42 poolio ah nothing, just lots of parathesis
06:38.48 poolio I think I missed an n in there...
07:38.43 *** join/#brlcad Defcon (
08:22.51 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:28.41 *** join/#brlcad cad18 (
08:42.11 *** join/#brlcad Defcon (
08:49.21 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:38.15 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:51.24 starseeker yukonbob: Just curious - which tex distribution do you have installed? I just switched over to texlive after being reminded that tetex is no longer maintained
12:51.52 starseeker I see you recommending tetex, but that might not be the best long term option...
12:52.16 starseeker poolio: You might want to check out Lyx or TeXmacs if you prefer a GUI to straight LaTeX
13:19.59 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
14:16.18 ``Erik ooh, tcl 8.5 in debian testing now
14:53.26 *** join/#brlcad Defcon (
16:02.57 Z80-Boy I want to put a picture on a background of rotating BRL-CAD model video
16:03.16 Z80-Boy And want to be sure it works reliably even if the model happens to contain the same colour as the background
16:05.18 Z80-Boy I would also like to get the output RGB in double format, because then I could calculate the maximum channel value and auto-exposure it so it doesn't get neither under-exposed or over-exposed
17:52.44 minute brlcad: Thank you, any idea when you'll be able to take a look at LDAP?
17:53.55 minute And darn, I forgot about the broken footer.
17:54.31 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
18:03.19 ``Erik minute: probably not for at least a few days, he's somewhat incapacitated :) fistfight with a tire iron or something
18:14.53 PrezKennedy ouch... is brlcad ok?
18:25.13 minute ``Erik: I hope that was metaphorical. ;)
18:29.31 ``Erik hehehe I've probably said too much :D he'll probably be online soon, but probably not tearing into code or sysadmin stuff
18:31.03 minute Sure.
19:09.04 ``Erik <Mercury> emacs sucks, literally, not a insult, just a comment that its large enough to have a noticeable gravitational pull...
19:24.53 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
19:46.01 archivist hehe
20:01.22 *** join/#brlcad cad21 (
20:07.12 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
20:56.47 yukonbob starseeker: I'm using teTex -- I looked into texlive briefly -- I haven't swapped out because atm, I don't know what the point would be -- I have _not_ dug too deeply into the differences, but at it's age, I can't see there being radical differences between texlive/tetex, as the result of massive bug fixes, for example.. .
22:03.57 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
22:58.49 ``Erik a/det

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