IRC log for #brlcad on 20071214

02:25.34 *** join/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
02:49.34 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
03:05.50 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
05:46.57 *** part/#brlcad digitalfredy (n=digitalf@
07:08.16 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
07:41.16 *** join/#brlcad Defcon (
07:55.27 Defcon yeah
07:55.45 Defcon yesterday i did my first C console app: "Hello World"
07:56.11 Defcon so now it's time to make my own standalone multi process webserver
07:56.15 Defcon :)
07:56.38 yukonbob Defcon: let's see your code!!!1
07:56.48 Defcon hello world?
07:56.52 yukonbob yup
07:57.00 Defcon k
07:57.18 Defcon _tprintf(_T("Hello world\n"));
07:57.22 yukonbob have you thought of what license you're going to release it under?
07:57.39 Defcon or
07:57.40 Defcon cout << "Hello world\n";
07:57.42 yukonbob ?C
07:57.45 Defcon gpl?
07:57.51 yukonbob that's C++
07:57.56 Defcon yeah
07:58.02 yukonbob C++ != C
07:58.07 Defcon i have no C compiler at home
07:58.16 Defcon *work
07:58.17 yukonbob well, C++ ought to be a superset of C
07:58.33 Defcon yeah i thought so
08:00.36 yukonbob you need #include <stdio>, #include <stdlib> int main (int argc, char **argv) {printf ("Hello, whirled!\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}
08:01.01 yukonbob ^--- obviously not formatted properly
08:05.57 alex_joni yukonbob: you just need '\' there, and it's formatted about right :D
08:06.27 yukonbob alex_joni: will the CPP choke on the includes, or is that what you're saying the \ is for?
08:07.13 Defcon #include "stdafx.h"
08:07.13 Defcon #include "consoleCodeTry.h"
08:07.13 Defcon #ifdef _DEBUG
08:07.13 Defcon #define new DEBUG_NEW
08:07.13 Defcon #endif
08:07.14 Defcon CWinApp theApp;
08:07.16 Defcon using namespace std;
08:07.18 Defcon int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
08:07.20 Defcon {
08:07.22 Defcon int nRetCode = 0;
08:07.24 Defcon if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0))
08:07.26 Defcon {
08:07.28 Defcon _tprintf(_T("Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed\n"));
08:07.30 Defcon nRetCode = 1;
08:07.32 Defcon }
08:07.34 Defcon else
08:07.34 yukonbob arg!!!!
08:07.36 Defcon {
08:07.38 Defcon _tprintf(_T("Hello world\n"));
08:07.40 Defcon system("PAUSE");
08:07.42 Defcon }
08:07.44 Defcon return nRetCode;
08:07.46 Defcon }
08:07.48 Defcon that is everything
08:07.50 Defcon whatwhatWHAT?
08:07.52 yukonbob ~pastebin
08:07.55 ibot [~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
08:08.08 Defcon hmm
08:08.10 Defcon nice
08:08.18 alex_joni yukonbob: it will choke
08:08.41 Defcon
08:08.52 Defcon lol alex
08:11.12 Defcon hmmm
08:11.22 Defcon so i should throw C++ away
08:11.44 yukonbob oh -- that's up to you..
08:12.02 Defcon indeed it is
08:12.08 Defcon but..
08:12.10 yukonbob apparently is quite a task to learn, though (might want to just use C to start)
08:12.24 Defcon that's what i wanted to do :)
08:12.27 Defcon learn C
08:12.37 yukonbob ...and it depends, is this required for anything, or self-improvement, or ??
08:12.50 Defcon but the C++ is the only C like compiler i have atm
08:13.06 Defcon self-improvement mostly
08:13.23 yukonbob does c++ seem interesting to you?
08:13.39 yukonbob heh
08:13.42 Axman6 *cough*
08:13.42 Defcon no
08:13.56 yukonbob :? -- so why are you studying it
08:14.02 Defcon it seems like a big pile of gibberisch to me
08:14.08 Defcon because i have this:
08:14.15 Defcon Maloeran's ev
08:14.28 Defcon and i want to be able to understand it
08:14.34 Defcon so i can edit it
08:14.41 Defcon to make it bugfree and stuff
08:14.44 yukonbob what is that thing you posted?
08:15.07 Defcon a webbased C game made by Maloeran
08:15.18 Defcon with standalone webserver
08:15.18 yukonbob C, or C++
08:15.24 Defcon C
08:15.47 Defcon [09:12:49] <Defcon> but the C++ is the only C like compiler i have atm
08:16.35 Defcon that's why
08:16.55 yukonbob try raw C in it and see what happens
08:17.08 Defcon ..
08:17.15 Defcon make me an hello world :)
08:17.23 yukonbob use the one I posted ;)
08:17.34 Defcon i have no idea what the diff is between C and C++
08:17.35 Defcon ah
08:17.35 Defcon k
08:18.26 Defcon Error1fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source?c:\wbe\wazigbe\webroot\_dev\consolecodetry\consolecodetry\consolecodetry.cpp7
08:18.30 Defcon hmm
08:19.11 yukonbob might require flags for your compiler? (what compiler are you using?)
08:19.27 Defcon C++
08:19.33 Defcon Visual Studio 2005
08:21.23 alex_joni it's <stdafx.h> not "stdafx.h"
08:21.35 Defcon the "" work
08:21.38 alex_joni default system headers are always between "<>"
08:21.54 Defcon k
08:22.14 Defcon system(PAUSE);
08:22.22 Defcon what was the right syntax of this?
08:22.32 Defcon system("PAUSE"); ?
08:22.33 alex_joni Defcon: giyf :)
08:22.40 Defcon giyf?
08:22.47 Defcon :)
08:22.52 yukonbob ciao alex_joni
08:22.56 yukonbob ciao Defcon
08:23.07 alex_joni
08:23.31 Defcon cya
08:23.39 Defcon ah
08:23.39 Defcon haha
08:23.40 Defcon :�
08:23.41 Defcon :)
08:23.45 Defcon anyway
08:23.46 Defcon
08:23.50 Defcon that works
08:23.50 Defcon :)
08:24.57 Defcon man i should rtfm
08:25.54 yukonbob get "The C Programming Language"
08:26.30 alex_joni
08:26.36 alex_joni Defcon: no offense ;)
08:27.23 yukonbob
08:29.16 yukonbob then ditch Windows, get a BSD box and Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, and you're set ;)
08:29.31 yukonbob
08:30.42 yukonbob ugh -- must... tear ... self... away from ... books!!
08:41.02 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:46.38 Defcon yeah tnx alex_joni & yukonbob
08:46.49 Defcon that would be great to begin with :)
08:48.28 Defcon <add key="AppVersion" value="1.0.1 beta" />
08:48.31 Defcon iep
08:48.37 Defcon soz wrong window
08:58.21 Z80-Boy 5/win 11
09:01.10 Defcon ..?
09:05.49 Z80-Boy 5/win 11 means "I tried to switch the IRC windows but made a typo during that"
09:07.50 Defcon ah
09:07.51 Defcon ok
09:07.54 Defcon good to know
09:39.17 alex_joni Z80-Boy: irssi?
09:40.53 Defcon Irssi - The client of the future
10:06.05 *** join/#brlcad PrezzKennedy (i=Matt@
10:08.37 brlcad ow
10:50.06 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/temp.c: clean up the list of temp directories that we try to identify so they can all be treated/tested the same in a loop. the interface should be pretty solid now.
11:04.25 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/temp.c: document the bu_temp_file() parameters, don't truncate the filename if it won't fit.
11:04.55 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/bu.h: declare the two parameters to bu_temp_file() for storing the filename
11:10.31 *** join/#brlcad kwizart (n=kwizart@fedora/kwizart)
11:39.53 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/libbu/temp.c: in order for the filename to be useful, we need to not automatically unlink it right after it's opened -- add it to the closure linked list and unlink the file later during application exit.
11:46.09 brlcad heh,
11:49.12 Z80-Boy brlcad: I finally managed to get the audio/video in sync - do you want to see a preview of the video?
11:49.19 brlcad sure
11:49.20 Z80-Boy brlcad: it has a BRL-CAD logo in the end titles
11:49.52 brlcad fire away
11:50.11 brlcad is this the result of your 336 line'd function?
11:52.20 Z80-Boy brlcad: I'll upload it... 25MB - isn't it too much?
11:53.07 Z80-Boy brlcad: that was some unrelated function
11:53.55 brlcad not at all
11:54.46 brlcad heh, you can upload almost as much as you like *especially* when it's brl-cad related ;)
11:55.14 brlcad bandwidth is not a concern in the least, and as soon as the migration is completed, there will be more disk space to spare too
11:55.15 Z80-Boy brlcad: what's interesting is the video is generated completely automatically - if you change a detail in some model and type "make", those 25MB of video will be automatically updated
11:55.35 Z80-Boy That's probably a different approach than is used in the world of Windows GUI applications.
11:55.46 Z80-Boy That's a big advantage.
11:56.19 brlcad be interesting to see your script(s)/process that generates the video too
11:56.33 Z80-Boy hmm I wrote some custom C utilities for that
11:56.58 brlcad yeah, i recall, your yuv converter
11:57.16 Z80-Boy I also wrote a wave simulator for the title video effect
11:57.25 Z80-Boy and a small program to scroll the end titles
12:00.00 kwizart hello all! i'm testing brlcad on Fedora but i have a problem starting mged
12:00.03 kwizart invalid command name "gui"
12:00.03 kwizart MGED aborted.
12:00.17 kwizart any tips ?
12:00.22 kwizart display is set
12:00.25 Z80-Boy kwizart: typing just "mged"?
12:00.29 kwizart yes
12:00.37 Z80-Boy kwizart: just compiled BRL-CAD?
12:00.41 kwizart yes
12:00.48 kwizart well 7.10.4
12:00.51 Z80-Boy kwizart: that shouldn't happen
12:01.20 brlcad kwizart: hm, that usually means that tcl/tk initialization is messed up
12:01.46 brlcad 'gui' is the first command
12:02.05 kwizart maybe i need to set tcl/tk variable there aren't setted
12:02.13 brlcad kwizart: how'd you compile
12:02.32 brlcad there are lots of things that can go wrong during the install/compile -- I suspect you compiled against a system tcl?
12:02.53 kwizart yes and it is 0.8.4
12:02.56 kwizart sh %{_libdir}/
12:03.02 kwizart before configure
12:03.08 brlcad things are still tricky getting mixtures of system-installed and non-system compilations working
12:03.14 brlcad 0.8.4?
12:03.16 Z80-Boy brlcad: still uploading and we're going to lunch...
12:03.34 kwizart tcl-8.4.13-19.fc7
12:03.36 brlcad Z80-Boy: no problem, just post the link when it's ready and I'll get to it :)
12:04.19 brlcad 8.4 can work, but it should have required some source edits..
12:04.38 brlcad kwizart: are you using system incrtcl too?
12:04.47 brlcad more to the point, can you post your configure summary?
12:06.00 kwizart cannot find incrtcl on yum maybe i miss this one ?
12:06.31 brlcad first what's your summary?
12:06.37 brlcad it'll say what it found and didn't find
12:06.49 brlcad should be near the end of your config.log
12:06.58 brlcad if it's no longer in your console history
12:07.53 brlcad section in config.log is the second line that contains "BRL-CAD Release"
12:08.06 kwizart onfigure: WARNING: Unable to link against a system Tkstub library
12:08.54 kwizart <PROTECTED>
12:08.54 kwizart ib64/brlcad --disable-rpath --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-64bit-build --enable-opennurbs-build --disable-tcl-build --disable-tk-build --disable-itcl-build --disable-iwidgets-build --disable-blt-build --disable-tkimg-build --disable-jove-build --with-x11 --with-opengl --with-sdl --with-python=/usr/bin/python --with-x --with-libs=-L/usr/lib64/itcl3.3/ -L/usr/lib64/itk3.3/
12:09.33 brlcad hmm, you've been trying the fedora build for a while, yes?
12:09.42 brlcad i.e. we've had the talk about clobbering system libraries? :)
12:09.52 kwizart
12:10.26 kwizart yes Build Date: ven 09 nov 2007 16:48:55
12:11.01 brlcad oh, nifty -fstack-protector
12:11.04 kwizart And there is still some minor problem I would solve prior to officially start review for Fedora official repositories
12:12.18 kwizart do you mind it can break thing? it is part of the "mandatory" CLAGS for Fedora every package have to use...
12:12.33 brlcad fwiw, java sdl and python are *not* required -- there are interfaces that use them, but they should intently not be listed for any packager
12:12.39 kwizart but in some case, it could be adjusted if it really breaks things
12:13.04 brlcad you mean stack-protector?
12:13.09 kwizart yes ?
12:13.11 brlcad that should be fine
12:13.52 brlcad we should come up clean -- if we don't, it's probably something very very recent that slipped in
12:14.12 brlcad we've run all sorts of bounds, stack, and memory protectors/detectors/cleanups in the past
12:16.29 brlcad i'm surprised you have the tcl init problem -- you do have it configured to use system tcl/tk/itcl/itk/iwidgets
12:17.17 brlcad for what it's worth, you might do well to use --disable-all given how many --disable-*-build's you have :)
12:17.54 brlcad (see INSTALL for details on the --disable-* flags and their aliases)
12:18.24 kwizart i only have --enable-opennurbs-build \ but maybe I need to have it built alone then links to it...
12:18.46 kwizart (if ever another FOSS can use it)
12:18.47 brlcad you can leave that disabled for now
12:19.04 kwizart ok
12:19.08 brlcad that's for code under active development, it's not ready/used by production code yet
12:19.17 brlcad just starting to integrate
12:24.46 kwizart is this a problem ? configure:41521: WARNING: Unable to link against a system Tkstub library ?
12:25.20 kwizart ah, found that configure:41533: checking for incrTcl library functionality
12:25.21 kwizart yes
12:25.54 brlcad yeah, if the system one didn't work, configure should have complained
12:26.14 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/chgmodel.c: use bu_temp_file() instead of mktemp/mkstemp for generalized temp file management. fixes assumption that there's a /tmp and that we can write to C:\ on windows
12:26.15 brlcad so they seem to work, just not finding the right tclcad_auto_path
12:27.07 brlcad kwizart: I don't think the tkstub link warning is a problem -- it would have caused a build failure elsewhere if it was a problem -- and since the compile completed, that's not the problem
12:27.12 brlcad run this:
12:27.21 brlcad mged -c
12:27.25 brlcad set auto_path
12:27.35 brlcad what does that report after the set auto_path?
12:28.02 kwizart /usr/lib /usr/share/tclscripts /usr/share/tclscripts/lib /usr/share/tclscripts/util /usr/share/tclscripts/mged /usr/share/tclscripts/geometree /usr/share/tclscripts/rtwizard /usr/share/tcl8.4 /usr/share /usr/lib64
12:28.29 kwizart /usr/share/tcl8.4 that one is wrong (checking)
12:28.57 kwizart hum no it exist (but there is also a /usr/lib64/tcl8.4
12:34.08 brlcad it's okay if there are extra
12:34.08 brlcad the one to check is /usr/share/tclscripts and /usr/share/tclscripts/mged
12:34.08 brlcad is there a /usr/share/tclscripts/mged/openw.tcl ?
12:34.08 brlcad (that's where the "gui" command is)
12:35.04 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/mater.c: use bu_temp_file() instead of mktemp/mkstemp for better generalized temp file management. fixes assumption that there's a /tmp and that we can write to C:\ on windows and keeps track of the temp file better
12:35.05 brlcad ouch
12:35.07 *** join/#brlcad starseeker ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:35.15 *** join/#brlcad kwizart (n=kwizart@fedora/kwizart) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:35.15 *** join/#brlcad minute (n=MinuteEl@silentflame/member/pdpc.base.minuteelectron) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:35.15 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:36.22 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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12:50.26 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
13:06.07 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/red.c: use bu_temp_file() instead of mktemp/mkstemp for better generalized temp file management. fixes directory assumptions and cleans up temp file creation some
13:12.15 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/mged/ (tedit.c utility1.c): more usage of bu_temp_file() instead of mktemp/mkstemp for better generalized temp file management.
13:16.04 Z80-Boy brlcad:
13:16.32 Z80-Boy brlcad: I hope you can play Ogg Theora since the MPEG4 encoder misfits the sound to the picture
13:21.01 Z80-Boy brlcad: it's a preview. There are still some anomalies but of a minor character.
13:22.02 Defcon .ogg is music eejh
13:22.30 Z80-Boy Defcon: also Theora, the video codec.
13:23.19 Defcon ah
13:23.23 Defcon that's stupid
13:23.24 Defcon :)
13:23.45 Defcon ppl should make unique file extensions
13:24.59 Z80-Boy .ogg is unique. It's for the Ogg container format.
13:25.56 Defcon yeah
13:26.08 Defcon but it can contain both music & video
13:26.15 Defcon or what?
13:26.49 Z80-Boy It contains Theora video and Vorbis audio
13:31.59 Defcon yes
13:32.35 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/config_win.h: no longer need TMP_MAX_S or mktemp with the latest bu_temp_file() implementation
13:33.04 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/include/raytrace.h: a_overlap isn't identical to a_multioverlap -- one too many struct partitions
13:34.21 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/lgt/do_options.c: use bu_temp_file() for the batch file instead of assumping /tmp
13:53.03 CIA-42 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10brlcad/src/librt/bool.c: typo
14:15.58 brlcad Z80-Boy: that's pretty cool, nice work
14:16.46 brlcad interesting, quicktime actually did just fine decoding the file, whereas mplayer seems to presume it's audio-only
14:17.58 Z80-Boy brlcad: thanks
14:18.09 Z80-Boy brlcad: my mplayer can play it
14:39.33 ``Erik brlcad, are you in today? we're doing korean...
14:47.26 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
14:49.49 Defcon "we're doing korean..."
14:49.51 Defcon ?
14:49.55 Defcon sounds dirty
14:51.32 Z80-Boy How to cope with death? Behave in a way than on your death bed you can say to yourself "good that this man is already going to disappear from the face of the Earth" ;-)
14:54.21 ``Erik you don't disappear, you just change roles.... "worm food" is a glorious duty!
14:54.33 Z80-Boy you just turn into thousand worms
14:54.44 Z80-Boy like my garbage grows little wings and starts to fly around the kitchen
14:55.00 Z80-Boy thanks to the genetic code of drosophila melanogaster
14:55.08 Z80-Boy fruit fly
14:55.38 Z80-Boy do you think it's immoral to work for google when google does a censorship of search results in China?
14:56.26 alex_joni Z80-Boy: only if you're chinese or a resident in china
14:56.30 ``Erik no more than it is to use google...
14:57.13 ``Erik hell, I think the us gov't is full of bunk and immorality, but I still work for 'em... I just try to do what I can to make things a little better where I can *shrug* :)
14:58.27 Z80-Boy ``Erik: don't you get minus points for social skills if you talk like this about them?
14:59.15 ``Erik mebbe
14:59.19 ``Erik but, uh, I don't give a fuck
14:59.19 ``Erik :D
14:59.20 Z80-Boy Google has headquarters in Mountain View
14:59.30 Z80-Boy How far is it from there to the closest surf spot?
14:59.43 ``Erik um, very close? the uhhh
14:59.50 Z80-Boy That might make them less imooral :D
14:59.58 ``Erik there's a famous beach like 20km west
15:00.05 Z80-Boy 20km that's great :)
15:00.11 ``Erik mebbe a little more
15:00.13 Z80-Boy Santa Cruz? The Surf City?
15:00.33 Z80-Boy 20km then censorship turns is a beacon of democracy
15:00.50 Z80-Boy especially if they have nice waves peeling slanted to the beach
15:00.54 Z80-Boy and good sandbanks :)
15:00.59 ``Erik santa crus is like 20km south
15:01.14 ``Erik just down highway 17
15:01.46 ``Erik erm, more than 20km, sorry
15:01.57 ``Erik 35 miles, 55km
15:02.06 Z80-Boy but the beach is 20km west?
15:02.21 Z80-Boy And Santa Cruz there are skaters too
15:02.37 ``Erik wow, google maps gives some lame directions
15:02.52 ``Erik it looks like 20km "as the crow flies", but 55 by road, up through san mateo
15:03.19 ``Erik and if you moved there, you'd probably get an apt between work and the beach, so ... :D
15:03.25 Z80-Boy Whatever that's still fine
15:03.30 Z80-Boy apt ==?
15:03.38 Z80-Boy apartment!
15:03.38 ``Erik apartment
15:03.47 Z80-Boy No I would live in a surf hut
15:03.59 ``Erik heh
15:03.59 Z80-Boy with 100mbps fibre optics
15:04.40 alex_joni 10GiGE
15:04.40 ``Erik I assume you'd work more than you'd surf, so I'd assume you'd live closer to mountain view than santa cruz, ... it might be hard to find a surf hut in silicon valley suburbia :D
15:05.06 Z80-Boy I could type while waiting for a wave
15:05.44 ``Erik heh, you should work at the google center in ireland :D catch some cold waves up there between beers ;)
15:05.55 Z80-Boy catch some cold, period?
15:06.13 Z80-Boy Mountain View is close to the San Francisco
15:06.20 Z80-Boy That has an apparent advantage for me :)
15:06.21 ``Erik yes, it's on the bay
15:06.28 Z80-Boy gay bay
15:06.42 ``Erik the san fagcisco bay, yes
15:06.43 ``Erik O:-)
15:06.53 Z80-Boy lol
15:09.59 Z80-Boy brlcad: do you think my video could be used as a demo video on the new brlcad web pages?
15:22.32 ``Erik is it that one with just the plane fly-around?
15:23.22 ``Erik there, uh, is something ummm, "tracker" or something, that allows bezier splines to be used as "paths" for animations, I THINK... O.o I noticed it in the clone code, d'no if it works, if it's what I think it is, or how to use it... :D
15:25.33 Z80-Boy ``Erik: no it's not plane fly-around
15:26.36 ``Erik huh, I thought ogg was an audio format
15:26.42 ``Erik the vorbis video was theora, I thought
15:27.03 Z80-Boy the modern video players should be able to play it
15:27.16 ``Erik or mebbe I'm backwards
15:27.25 Z80-Boy I wanted to make it in MPEG4 but my encoder slips the audio and video against each other
15:27.27 ``Erik mebbe ogg is the umbrella and vorbis is the audio component
15:27.50 Z80-Boy ogg is the container vorbis audio and theora video
15:28.08 ``Erik xiph needs a better "for retards" page, so folk like me can keep up :D
15:28.48 Z80-Boy ``Erik: you mean "better ergonomy"? :)
15:29.19 Z80-Boy I don't think one is a retard just because he doesn't want to spend unnecessary time on researching what should be written on the title page
15:29.46 ``Erik well
15:29.58 Z80-Boy I think it's their fault not yours ;-)
15:30.05 ``Erik I did research the audio side when I was interested in writing an icecast/shoutcast streamer client...
15:30.06 ``Erik :D
15:30.17 ``Erik so I shoulda known that
15:31.11 Z80-Boy Recent mplayer compiled having libtheora and libvorbis and libogg installed should play it
15:31.17 ``Erik hrmmmmm, I have VLC, it plays it
15:31.20 Z80-Boy I compiled a mplayer myself and it works with Theora fine
15:31.21 ``Erik um
15:31.23 Z80-Boy great!
15:31.38 ``Erik have you thought about re-rendering those in perspective mode?
15:31.46 ``Erik ortho looks weird animated
15:31.47 ``Erik :)
15:31.49 Z80-Boy should I?
15:32.09 Z80-Boy It's just a matter of adding a parameter to the rt call isn't it?
15:32.17 ``Erik yeah, like -p<fov> or something
15:32.29 Z80-Boy what fov do you recommend?
15:32.36 Z80-Boy Have you seen the brl-cad logo in the end titles?
15:32.41 ``Erik also; you can set up the frame size to be non-square
15:32.44 ``Erik no, I'm at 2:10
15:32.57 Z80-Boy 768x576?
15:33.14 ``Erik you could do that size... :)
15:33.31 Z80-Boy or 640x480
15:33.31 ``Erik typically, movies are 4:3 or 16:9, *shrug* :)
15:33.58 ``Erik cool stuff
15:34.13 Z80-Boy thanks
15:34.39 ``Erik um, as far as fov, probably something in the 60-90 range
15:34.40 Z80-Boy do you think it would be better to replace the black background with some impressive photos from Ronja?
15:34.49 Z80-Boy Laser beams over roofs, welding sparks etc.?
15:35.43 Z80-Boy A different background for each shot?
15:38.54 ``Erik stupid intarweb
15:39.06 ``Erik um, if the point is to show off the pieces, background images would just distract, no?
15:39.23 Z80-Boy those internets! a satellite will fall upon us because of that and everything will be over!
15:39.37 Z80-Boy maybe?
15:40.02 Z80-Boy Or I thought about more neutral background images, like a picture of various cracks and spots of dirt on walls, curbs etc.
15:40.15 Z80-Boy with a hand-scratched name of the component over it at the bottom or the top
15:40.27 Z80-Boy this looks too introvertistick
15:40.36 Z80-Boy too geeky
15:40.47 Z80-Boy too organized
15:40.50 Z80-Boy too intelligent
15:41.00 Z80-Boy too boring, nerdy, ... ;-)
15:41.03 Z80-Boy Don't you think?
15:41.39 ``Erik *shrug* I d'no, I don't do visual art shtuff
15:42.06 Z80-Boy I don't do either, but I want my video to look attractive :)
15:42.45 ``Erik I have a friend that does freelance work on that kinda stuff, but I doubt you'd want to pay for help ;) *shrug* aint' my scene, though
15:42.57 Z80-Boy No Ronja is for free
15:43.53 ``Erik next time I talk to phil, I'll mention it *shrug* mebbe he'd to it for free to have something to put in his portfolio *shrug*
15:45.24 brlcad Z80-Boy: I was thinking something along those lines (demo video on new site)
15:45.58 brlcad ``Erik: tracker actually duplicates geometry along a spline path (like tank treads)
15:46.15 brlcad there's a different anim_track tool for bezier animation paths
15:46.27 brlcad prolly getting the two confused
15:46.27 ``Erik oh, okie
15:47.20 Z80-Boy brlcad: should I be extroverted and mix background using background RGB combo or do it properly and use the ray hit distance and write own C utility for that? :D
15:47.31 ``Erik heh, how's the soup treatin' ya, dude? :>
15:48.52 brlcad I've been eating pretty normal
15:49.04 brlcad just slower and less
15:49.18 ``Erik cool, which two did you get knocked out? both the tops?
15:49.48 Z80-Boy Wohoo, Virgin Classic Rock playing Hendrix :)
15:49.48 brlcad left side
15:49.56 brlcad so I can still chew on right somewhat
15:50.01 ``Erik think you could deal with korean?
15:50.06 brlcad prolly not
15:50.09 ``Erik aight
15:50.26 ``Erik gonna do the other two in a week or two?
15:50.31 Z80-Boy Is it true that Americans are more extroverted than the European?
15:50.32 brlcad Z80-Boy: mix what with what?
15:50.46 brlcad other two at end of Jan
15:50.50 Z80-Boy brlcad: put a background on my rendered videos
15:53.17 *** join/#brlcad CIA-3 (n=CIA@
15:56.46 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (n=psilva@
15:58.40 ``Erik prasad, talked to mm this morning, he's still working on getting the data for his thesis all together... hasn't even written the thing yet :)
16:00.39 ``Erik kebert xela.
16:02.22 brlcad Z80-Boy: mm, i'd just use the background pixel value (that's part of why that 0,0,-1 exists, for blending/background detection)
16:02.36 brlcad er, 0,0,1
16:03.32 Z80-Boy but if I have dark blue in my model, it gets dithered either into 0,0,0 or 0,0,2?
16:03.50 brlcad dithered?
16:03.54 brlcad you have something dithering?
16:04.03 Z80-Boy whatever
16:04.14 Z80-Boy how does background color from model color distinguished?
16:04.15 brlcad i'd do the merge before building the animation
16:04.55 Z80-Boy that's what I mean
16:04.59 Z80-Boy rt and then do a merge
16:05.09 Z80-Boy but what if a pixel in the model happens to raytrace to 0,0,1?
16:05.22 Z80-Boy then I will have a little hole in the model?
16:05.59 brlcad yes, that is conceivable, regardless of the background pixel color
16:06.13 brlcad just the nature of reserving a value for the mask, since there is no alpha channel
16:06.48 brlcad though for any real model, you're exceptionally not likely to get 0,0,1
16:07.22 brlcad if you want to be sure and get a perfect mask, you could create a top-level combination that uses the flat shader
16:07.33 brlcad that'll give you a perfect mask using whatever values you choose
16:08.57 ``Erik brlcad, got a question from dave
16:09.48 ``Erik is there a way in mged to see which combinations contain a specified region?
16:10.24 Z80-Boy brlcad: but then I have to perform another render using this flat shader right?
16:10.53 Z80-Boy brlcad: I would rather turn on distance reporting and make a script that extracts and masks from the output - that requires only one render.
16:23.55 brlcad Z80-Boy: yes, you could turn on the distance reporting, but on a per-pixel basis it should actually be faster to render twice than do all that I/O
16:24.14 Z80-Boy brlcad: I doubt
16:24.21 brlcad ``Erik: yes
16:24.34 Z80-Boy brlcad: rendering takes substantial time
16:25.25 brlcad the flat shader is the fastest shader, should be substantially faster
16:26.12 Z80-Boy brlcad: but it also needs to order those binary logical operation trees
16:26.19 Z80-Boy which probably cause the 210x slowdown
16:26.30 Z80-Boy so instead of 210x I'll get 420x 8-I
16:28.38 brlcad they don't "probably" cause it, the boolean operations are what cause it to go slower
16:28.46 brlcad didn't you read the response to your bug report? :)
16:29.30 brlcad either way, just a suggestion
16:29.42 brlcad so go the scripting route, that should work just as well
16:29.53 Z80-Boy maybe not I got rid of my e-mail
16:30.03 Z80-Boy actually I redirected it so I should have read it
16:30.13 Z80-Boy But I don't remember
16:33.44 brlcad ``Erik: tell him to check out the quick ref card, geometry information section .. dbfind and dbfindtree
16:38.25 Z80-Boy ``Erik: isn't your last name Allman?
16:41.43 prasad_ all man indeed
16:43.15 prasad_ i gave boids guns for my final project - brian would be proud :)
16:51.21 Maloeran In wxwidgets, would anyone happen to quickly know what would be the proper widget to render 2d stuff directly in the native format?
16:51.49 Maloeran wxImage and friends expect 24 bits RGB data, which may imply conversion
17:10.35 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:48.28 *** join/#brlcad Toba__ (n=eastein@RESURRECTION.RES.WPI.NET)
19:15.13 ``Erik heh, no, if I write anything as ugly as sendmail, shoot me :D
19:15.29 ``Erik also; not gay, ktnx :D
19:22.13 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
19:22.26 ``Erik doh, he wasn't evne here to see it
19:52.15 *** join/#brlcad dli (
19:59.00 *** join/#brlcad JJLopez (
20:00.36 brlcad hello JJLopez
20:06.22 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
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20:35.44 yukonbob Z80-Boy: cool video :)
20:37.42 Z80-Boy yukonbob: thanks
20:48.41 yukonbob Z80-Boy: what did you use to generate the first fades?
20:48.51 yukonbob (blurs)
20:53.56 dli do I need 3D support from the video card?
20:54.28 dli the driver doesn't have 3D acceleration yet
20:55.31 ``Erik no
20:56.07 Z80-Boy yukonbob: a custom written algorithm
20:56.10 ``Erik and the "opengl" output display is no faster than the X output, due to the way it's used
20:56.34 Z80-Boy yukonbob:
20:56.47 dli ``Erik, thanks
21:15.50 brlcad ahh, libpng 1.2.24
21:17.23 brlcad woo hoo, we're now back to a fully warning-free build (aside from src/other)
21:17.45 brlcad soon as I can verify a couple other platforms, we can bump the warning level up a notch
21:17.52 ``Erik w00t
21:17.59 ``Erik -W -Wall -Werror -ansi -pedantic
21:17.59 ``Erik :D
21:18.10 brlcad Werror won't work
21:18.13 brlcad cause of src/other
21:18.22 ``Erik yeah, well, src/other is a bitch :D
21:18.32 ``Erik and it'll work if you use the system installs of everything
21:18.40 ``Erik debian testing just added tcl/tk 85
21:20.14 ``Erik javascript might be making me EVEN MORE retarded (I know, ya'll thought that was impossible, but here we are)
21:20.47 dli tcl and tk-8.5-beta3 all in gentoo now, can I build brlcad against them now?
21:22.45 louipc I used tcl8.5b2 withouth problem, though archer doesn't like that version
21:23.08 brlcad i don't believe head is currently functional, particularly wrt incr -- haven't fixed the searching yet
21:23.30 brlcad will take a few days to sort out
22:08.51 ``Erik "occam's space laser"
22:11.02 alex_joni
22:36.45 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
22:37.44 IriX64 <--- a 10hour build and i got this :)
22:38.05 IriX64 sorry poolio, it's another helicopter :)
22:40.54 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
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