IRC log for #brlcad on 20080111

00:30.58 brlcad well that was tedious.. but reviewed and accounted for (or am intentionally now ignoring) all 255
00:31.20 brlcad there were actually a couple important ones to catch so so not a complete waste of time :)
00:46.02 Axman6 brlcad: any leopard fixes yet?
00:51.24 brlcad no not yet :)
00:51.36 Axman6 dang
00:51.48 Axman6 what were the problems again?
00:51.52 brlcad a bit busy with this little matter of a repository conversion :)
00:52.21 Axman6 brlcad: yeah that's fair enough
00:52.28 brlcad Axman6: the problems are actually bugs in the Xorg X11 server
00:52.44 brlcad a compile on your system worked just fine remotely
00:52.52 Axman6 hopefully 10.5.2 will fix them
00:53.15 brlcad probably will, it's been a known problem that's been discussed on the apple mailing lists several times now
00:53.17 yukonbob oops -- got cats in wrong order... :P
00:53.42 brlcad there is an early install that you can try out that should be the same as what apple will eventually deploy when it's ready
00:54.08 Axman6 yeah i have it
00:54.12 louipc apple is switching to Xorg eh?
00:54.27 Axman6 no
00:54.49 Axman6 just their is now Xorg based, not Xfree86 based
00:55.07 louipc ah
00:55.21 Axman6 X11 is a terrible system imo, i've very, very glad apple don't use it.
00:55.26 Axman6 one of the best things about OS X
00:55.29 louipc hehe
00:55.37 louipc it works alright for me
00:56.44 brlcad Axman6: you have the download from: ?
00:56.51 Axman6 yeah
00:57.02 Axman6 that's what i did most of my testing with too
00:57.07 Axman6 i've had it for ages
00:57.41 brlcad they have continual updates .. last was mid dec
00:58.44 brlcad I'd actually suggest filing a bug report with them in case we provoke some unique situation
00:59.07 brlcad
00:59.39 brlcad kinda telling when you drop in the 10.4 X11 and it works
01:00.41 Axman6 the last release came out in early december, and that's the one i have. i'll have another play, see if anything's changed for whatever reason
01:05.36 Axman6 so brlcad, if you could use a comp's GPU for ray tracing, like the programmable ones, would that be of much benefit?
01:05.52 Axman6 like what they're doing for folding@home
01:13.29 louipc folding@home uses gpu?
01:13.35 Axman6 it can
01:13.43 louipc dang cool
01:13.48 Axman6 they have an alpha or something for it
01:13.59 Axman6 it's supposed to be extremely fast
01:14.19 louipc I thought most gpu specs are closed
01:14.37 louipc well ati just opened it
01:16.12 Axman6 it's got nothing to do with drivers afaik.
01:16.27 Axman6 a lot of modern GPU's are programmable
01:18.00 louipc oh.. I figured if you knew the gpu instructions and all that then it would be no problem writing drivers for it :/, so it's some separate function eh?
01:19.09 Axman6 yeah
01:20.49 brlcad Axman6: yeah, it can be beneficial
01:21.10 Axman6 are GPU's good at the kind of work brl-cad does?
01:21.31 brlcad I've been watching and reading the research on gpu processing for over 5 years
01:21.39 brlcad in general, no not really
01:21.55 Axman6 could it be?
01:21.57 brlcad you can make a customized ray-tracer that really takes advantage, but it's overly complicated
01:22.01 brlcad in a serious way
01:22.14 brlcad and the interface you write to is a very fast moving target
01:22.19 brlcad changing every couple years
01:22.25 Axman6 yeah :\
01:22.27 louipc hm
01:23.02 brlcad it's already changed about three times over, so even if you get something working great today, there's really no telling if it's all wasted effort three years down the road
01:24.12 brlcad you also have to either cut back to floating-point tolerance models too or take a fairly substantial performance hit
01:24.57 brlcad and the code, if that wasn't clear.. is a royal custom pita to develop -- things like the gpgpu project have been making that aspect a whole lot better but you still have to write code that jumps through all sorts of hoops
01:27.05 brlcad at which point I ask what the goal is ..
01:27.56 Axman6 what about supporting the PS3? :P
01:28.05 brlcad huh?
01:28.07 brlcad what about it?
01:28.27 brlcad you mean running on the cell processor?
01:28.38 Axman6 well, the cell is pretty powerful... but not exactly an ideal platform for brl-cad
01:29.04 brlcad it's pretty nice, but the price point simply isn't there (yet)
01:29.23 brlcad for the same money, one can just buy more cores and quickly out-perform it
01:29.37 louipc there's all kind of weird research that seems to have no point, you never know where it could lead :P
01:29.41 brlcad then before too long, your bottlenecks are elsewhere (I/O, bandwidth, etc)
01:30.42 brlcad it all has a point, it's research :)
01:30.43 Axman6 i know where my bottleneck is, it's definitely I/O :(
01:30.48 Axman6 i need a faster drive
01:31.53 brlcad and generally research that was developed/investigated/implemented with specific intentions in mind .. a lot of research is great on paper, but horrible once put to practicalities and maintainability, others are glory moments ..
01:32.06 brlcad that's the great part about siggraph, you get it all, and get the trends year over year
01:32.42 brlcad gpgpu is still accellerating, and at some point it'll really start to settle as a bonefide generic vector coprocessor
01:32.58 brlcad that's where it's all leading, along with massive cpu+gpu convergence
01:34.05 brlcad there are places in librt today that could directly benefit from vector processing -- early evaluation of the csg expressions for every primary ray, for example
01:34.29 brlcad I'd bet that would give a solid order improvement on our large models
01:34.48 brlcad vector evaluation of the primitives is another, but that's a data management beast
02:18.04 brlcad still processing
02:29.21 *** join/#brlcad aaronkramer (
02:29.34 *** join/#brlcad cad81 (
02:29.35 aaronkramer is brlcad available for intel macs?
02:31.19 Axman6 it is, but things are a little broken in leopard
02:31.34 aaronkramer i don't have leopard I have tiger
02:31.59 aaronkramer is there a walkthrough for compiling it in tiger
02:32.02 yukonbob where "things are a little broken in leopard" is apparently leopards X11 implementation...
02:32.05 Axman6 works fine then. you might have to compile it yourself though
02:32.30 brlcad the binaries on the site work with tiger
02:32.45 brlcad or you should get a good compile with pretty much default compilation options
02:32.50 aaronkramer I tried it is says that the display var is undefined or something like that
02:32.57 Axman6 aaronkramer:download the source, open it, cd into it, ./configure --enable-optimized $$ make -j2 && sudo make install
02:33.00 Axman6 that should do it
02:33.00 brlcad run X11 first
02:33.10 brlcad that's not a problem with the build
02:33.15 brlcad that's just knowing how X11 works
02:33.23 aaronkramer I have programs that work in X11
02:33.46 Axman6 aaronkramer: you need to add 'export DISPLAY=0.0' to your .profile i think
02:33.59 brlcad or .bash_profile
02:34.04 aaronkramer how would I do that
02:34.04 Axman6 there's no need for that in leopard, thankfully
02:34.13 brlcad if you run from xterm instead of Terminal, then you don't need to set anything
02:34.24 aaronkramer ok
02:34.25 brlcad xterm sets it up automatically
02:34.26 Axman6 that too
02:35.25 aaronkramer do I use xterm commands the same way I use terminal commands
02:35.27 aaronkramer like cd
02:35.29 aaronkramer and sudo
02:35.33 brlcad otherwise, if X11 is already running, you can also just prepend "DISPLAY=:0" to any X11 command and it should work in Terminal too (or add it to your init files)
02:35.33 Axman6 aaronkramer: if you want to use, add 'export DISPLAY=:0.0' to your ~/.profile
02:35.46 Axman6 aaronkramer: it's all using bash, so yes
02:35.46 brlcad aaronkramer: yes, they're both just unix command lines
02:36.02 brlcad just the one in xterm initializes slightly differently
02:36.09 aaronkramer okay
02:36.13 Axman6 and uses X11
02:36.36 aaronkramer so if I compile using xterm will I only be able to launch via xterm in the future
02:36.45 Axman6 no
02:37.05 Axman6 the terminal app you use has nothing to do with how it builds
02:37.22 brlcad Axman6: default account template on Macs have a .bash_profile, so editing .profile won't work
02:37.36 brlcad bash searches in order and uses the first one it finds
02:37.42 Axman6 brlcad: yeah, i usually advise using .bash_profile
02:38.03 brlcad at least depends on the version of OS X.. later versions stopped defaulting a .bash_profile
02:38.12 brlcad so depends whether they've upgraded or clean-installed
02:38.36 brlcad aaronkramer: did that work for you?
02:38.51 aaronkramer just a sec
02:40.41 aaronkramer I do
02:40.41 aaronkramer configure --enable-optimized $$ make -j2 &&
02:40.51 aaronkramer and all it does is give me a little arrow
02:41.08 aaronkramer what should I type there
02:41.12 Axman6 uh, my bad
02:41.16 brlcad you're missing the rest of the line
02:41.17 Axman6 replace the $$ with &&
02:41.25 brlcad (too)
02:41.41 aaronkramer okay
02:41.51 brlcad ./configure --enable-optimized --without-opengl --enable-all && make -j2
02:41.54 Axman6 && tells the shell to run what comes after it, if the bit before it exits cleanly
02:42.06 brlcad then run: sudo make install and it'll install into /usr/brlcad
02:42.08 Axman6 so if configure fails, it won't try making it
02:42.43 brlcad type /usr/brlcad/bin/mged into the xterm window, and it should pop up the mged gui (two windows)
02:43.19 aaronkramer okay it seems to be configuring it
02:43.24 brlcad you can/should read the README and INSTALL files if you get stuck .. they go into more extensive detail
02:43.33 brlcad did you add the --without-opengl option?
02:43.37 aaronkramer yea
02:43.40 brlcad k
02:44.02 aaronkramer can i delete the source files after I have installed it
02:44.08 brlcad sure
02:44.15 aaronkramer okay
02:44.36 louipc keep the Makefile maybe
02:44.36 brlcad you can also run /usr/brlcad/bin/benchmark after it installs and it'll run a performance profile of your hardware
02:44.50 louipc in case you want to make uninstall :P
02:44.54 aaronkramer okay
02:45.15 brlcad nah, brl-cad installs fully contained .. uninstall is trivial: sudo rm -rf /usr/brlcad
02:45.29 aaronkramer is the xterm better for compiling programs that use x11
02:45.38 brlcad no difference
02:45.56 aaronkramer because I have been trying for so long to get xaralx to work
02:46.02 Axman6 aaronkramer: they're just different gui's for the same thing really
02:46.05 brlcad the only real difference is that the xterm has DISPLAY set since it's tied to the X11 server
02:46.08 aaronkramer oh
02:46.19 louipc oh yeah, depends on how you install it
02:47.07 aaronkramer how long does it usually take to configure?
02:47.39 Axman6 1-2 mins
02:47.57 aaronkramer does it jump right into the make and install if it is succsessful
02:48.13 louipc better haha?
02:48.33 louipc no you have to tell it to make install after configure is finished
02:48.45 aaronkramer hmm
02:48.55 louipc i think configure might take 10min for me
02:49.00 louipc but my computer is slow
02:49.17 aaronkramer mine isn't it is an imac one of the new ones
02:49.23 aaronkramer and it is taking awhile
02:49.31 Axman6 takes 1:45ish on my MBP 2.4GHz
02:49.37 louipc lots of things to check :P
02:49.46 aaronkramer really?
02:49.57 Axman6 that's 1min 45 sec
02:50.00 aaronkramer it has gone on longer than that
02:50.10 Axman6 the initial one often does
02:50.16 aaronkramer oh
02:50.45 aaronkramer so what do you guys think of brl cad
02:51.01 aaronkramer is it better than the commercial stuff
02:52.51 louipc nope
02:53.23 louipc but most of the commercial stuff only runs on windows so... maybe yes!
02:53.30 aaronkramer heh
02:53.32 louipc in terms of features though... nope
02:53.42 aaronkramer I heard there were chemical libraries
02:53.59 aaronkramer where you could actually define a components chemical composition
02:54.11 aaronkramer is this for real?
02:54.43 louipc in brlcad? I don't know
02:54.51 louipc or BRL-CAD I mean
02:56.36 aaronkramer should I run make benchmark or make install
02:56.55 Axman6 sudo make install, then make benchmark
02:57.02 Axman6 just to see how fast it is
02:57.29 louipc 1M times faster than reference machine? heh
02:58.05 aaronkramer it took 13:18 to configure
02:58.54 louipc nice
03:00.44 aaronkramer should I exit the other programs befor I run the benchmark program
03:01.22 louipc maybe if something is really using up cpu
03:01.30 aaronkramer not really
03:01.34 aaronkramer eh
03:01.39 aaronkramer I won't bother
03:03.11 Axman6 it's not something that important, just gives you an idea of how fast your machine is
03:04.40 louipc i've only done it once I think
03:08.40 aaronkramer how do I launch BRL-CAD again
03:08.44 aaronkramer is it mged?
03:10.19 louipc yeah
03:10.38 aaronkramer its not working
03:11.22 louipc ah right you might need to set your path
03:11.30 aaronkramer never mind it works
03:11.35 louipc to /usr/brlcad/bin
03:11.38 louipc ok
03:11.55 aaronkramer how do I do that
03:12.25 louipc PATH=$PATH:/usr/brlcad/bin
03:12.51 louipc it's probably a good idea to use .profile or /etc/profile ....
03:13.03 louipc but I'm not so familiar with the mac environment
03:13.09 louipc so it might be different
03:13.17 aaronkramer I am not sure I understand
03:13.54 louipc when you type a command into the shell, it looks in a variable called PATH for directories that contain programs
03:14.11 aaronkramer but what does it mean that no database has been opened
03:14.29 louipc it means you haven't opened a brlcad model
03:15.51 aaronkramer okay
03:15.57 aaronkramer I understand now
03:16.11 louipc opendb <file> will do it for you
03:16.21 louipc that's how you start a new file as well
03:16.55 aaronkramer thanks
03:16.59 louipc or you can open directly from the command line by just `mged <file>`
03:17.30 aaronkramer I am off bed now
03:17.36 aaronkramer see you later and thanks
03:17.40 louipc bye
04:39.39 brlcad louipc: 1M times? .. there's only a handful of machines on the planet that are in the "M"-times-faster-than-reference-machine range
04:41.14 louipc yes I exaggerated
04:42.50 brlcad the new high-performance computer that was dedicated to Mike Muuss at ARL's HPC center is presently ranked #27 on the planet and I was able to get an estimate of about 7M VGRs performance iirc
04:43.57 louipc what do you use that one for?
04:44.24 brlcad why emacs of course ;)
04:44.32 louipc hehehe
04:45.48 brlcad 7M VGRs is freaking impressive .. to think when Mike started BRL-CAD .. the VGR references *was* a supercomputer and it came in at .. 1 .. 25 years later, 7 million times faster
04:46.55 brlcad at that rate, you could render some of the original brl-cad renderings that took an entire week to process in about a minute
04:47.01 brlcad s/renderings/animations/
05:19.41 *** join/#brlcad gonuke (n=wilsonp@
05:34.41 *** part/#brlcad gonuke (n=wilsonp@
06:54.07 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
07:11.27 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
08:15.14 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
09:07.38 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
11:39.29 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
12:06.11 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
13:47.31 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
14:15.35 ``Erik vax's were minis, not supers :(
14:15.59 ``Erik but they were omfg powerful compared to the PC's that came out many yrs later
14:18.06 ``Erik hum, appleII and commodore PET were released the same year as the vax 11/780, BSD was released that year, arcnet was developed, xmodem was developed...
14:19.17 ``Erik cray-1 was about he same time
14:20.12 ``Erik or, rather, the first cray-1 install was the same time
14:23.14 ``Erik so, another re-import O.o
14:58.54 Z80-Boy Is it true that if a foreigner comes to a US airport they always take a fingerprint from him?
14:59.25 alex_joni yup
14:59.50 Z80-Boy Is it possible to fly to Mexico and then go to the US with a car?
14:59.56 Z80-Boy Or a train or whatever?
15:00.07 Z80-Boy They don't take fingerprints on the borders?
15:00.36 Z80-Boy What privacy risks does this fingerprinting imply?
15:04.28 alex_joni they fidn you when you do something stupid?
15:07.26 prasad_ they get u on fake charges and send u to guantanemo bay with the blessing of the foreign govt
15:08.57 prasad_ wait that's harold and kumar 2
15:08.58 prasad_ :P
15:13.11 Z80-Boy prasad_: that's what I was concerned about
15:13.35 Z80-Boy Is it possible to fly to Mexico, then go on land?
15:19.30 prasad_ *shrug*
15:24.06 ``Erik probably be easier to bump through canada... *cough*
15:34.03 *** join/#brlcad Defcon (
15:34.12 Defcon hi all
15:34.14 Defcon Declan: I dunno...I love her, but this new years is going to be uber depressing
15:34.14 Defcon grencez: her friends are much lamer than both of you combined
15:34.15 Defcon Declan: The thought of her getting high at a party where everyone is drunk while I sit at home and code Perl or something is kind of too much to bear
15:34.18 Defcon CyanFlux: maybe try coding something in c
15:34.34 ``Erik heh, paste the qdb url, not the whole damn entry, dude :D
15:36.58 brlcad ``Erik: give the checkout another try, see if things look better
15:37.16 ``Erik hum, do I have to purge and re-co, or do ya think I can up?
15:37.55 brlcad no idea
15:38.48 brlcad probably could up, should work if it's smart
15:38.48 ``Erik and what'm I looking for, permissions in tie stuff?
15:38.49 brlcad specially since it does the md5 thing on the root files you have stored locally
15:38.49 brlcad whatever you can find
15:38.49 brlcad anything wrong
15:38.53 brlcad or different
15:39.20 ``Erik hum, permissions in libtie are still gooby
15:39.38 ``Erik that was the only thing I'd noticed from playing yesterday...
15:39.42 ``Erik lemme blow it away and retry
15:44.27 Defcon (@Dreki) I just realized something.
15:44.28 Defcon (@Dreki) A is the 1st letter of the alphabet and H is the 8th letter, right?
15:44.28 Defcon (@Dreki) 9/11=0.8181818181=HAHAHAHA.
15:44.30 Defcon ohw
15:44.37 Defcon sorry ``Erik
15:44.41 Defcon :)
15:58.23 ``Erik brlcad: what do you think about joining Ed and myself for lunch at olive shack?
15:58.36 ``Erik also; perms in libtie look good now
15:59.38 ``Erik src/adrt/doc/ChangeLog is still +x
16:02.13 ``Erik silly nfs, you should know enough that I don't have to do "cd $PWD"
16:03.08 Z80-Boy Do they do this fingerprint scanning also on domestic flights?
16:03.31 ``Erik no, z80
16:03.51 Z80-Boy So if a foreigner flies from LA to NYC, they don't fingerprint?
16:04.19 ``Erik I d'no about a foreign national, but I don't get fingerprinted when flying in the us
16:05.02 Z80-Boy I think it should be possible to fly to Mexico or Canada, drive over the border or maybe take a train or a bus, and then fly the rest.
16:05.07 ``Erik I show up with my ticket, show 'em my drivers license, take off my shoes and go through the security crap and I'm on my way
16:05.27 Z80-Boy take off your shoes? Why?
16:05.37 Z80-Boy Do they make an X-ray of the body?
16:05.55 ``Erik I imagine that carrying a czech ID through a canadian/US entry will get some scrutiny
16:06.07 ``Erik no, for the metal detector... just to be pains in the arse I suppose
16:06.09 brlcad ``Erik: sounds shacky
16:06.33 ``Erik they jacked up the sensitivity so far that the fucking rivets on my jeans have set them off before
16:06.59 ``Erik so they made it standard policy that the shoes have to go through the xray conveyer, I guess too many metal arch supports or rivets
16:07.27 ``Erik 'shacky' is lamesauce for 'yes, I will join you gentlemen for lunch'?
16:07.33 Z80-Boy maybe you could choke a pilot with your shoe
16:07.50 ``Erik heh, ya get 'em back after the detector/xray phase
16:08.10 ``Erik <-- wears slip-on type shoes when flying anymore :/
16:09.33 Z80-Boy US airports, the little gitmoes
16:09.44 ``Erik I would guess that xenophobia and general paranoia is going to make flying and border crossing less than enjoyable for you :(
16:10.20 ``Erik I've read stories about people being detained for 8+ hours on suspicions...
16:10.25 Z80-Boy This helps the terrorists reach their goal - paralyze the population with fear
16:10.38 Z80-Boy I think the US administration should be charged with cooperation with the terrorists
16:11.05 Z80-Boy I have read about someone who couldn't fly because he had a PIC (microcontroller) programmer where he added a resistor
16:11.17 ``Erik <-- looks over his shoulder
16:11.31 ``Erik it's interesting to hear a rational observation from another country
16:11.32 ``Erik O.o
16:11.32 ``Erik :D
16:11.32 Z80-Boy They said it's an Improvised Electronic Device (IED) and refused to allow him to take it on board
16:12.03 ``Erik yeah, then there ws the MIT student trying to fly with a pic controlled LED nametag, she thought it'd help her chances at the job fair she was going to or coming back from
16:12.17 Z80-Boy yeah
16:12.30 Z80-Boy did she get beaten up?
16:12.33 ``Erik and little LED athf ads were treated as bombs in like boston or something (where seattle just went "oh... cool")
16:12.46 Z80-Boy athf == ?
16:12.51 ``Erik aqua teen hunger force
16:12.58 Z80-Boy what's that?
16:13.02 ``Erik tv show
16:13.28 Z80-Boy and now you have to place your medication and ointments into bags even in Europe
16:13.35 Z80-Boy I take train instead of an airplane
16:14.08 ``Erik heh
16:14.15 Z80-Boy Instead of walking kilometers in little gitmoes and being humiliated by procedures, I feel like changing trams
16:14.17 ``Erik trains are more expensive than flying here
16:14.29 Z80-Boy If you take a sleeping train you sleep through the night anyway
16:14.39 ``Erik I can fly to my parents for 200usd or take a train for 800
16:14.39 Z80-Boy this one is fortunately more expensive
16:14.53 ``Erik like 2000 for a sleeper
16:15.00 Z80-Boy and now when the Shengen comes, I will not have to show my passport on the train, whereas in the airport you still have to show it
16:15.14 Z80-Boy I want a train between Russia and the US
16:15.25 ``Erik might get a bit moist for part of it
16:15.44 Z80-Boy There is the Bering strait isn't?
16:15.46 ``Erik also; a lot of stodgy old politicians and idiot rednecks still have an "us vs them" attitude
16:15.53 Z80-Boy They said they want to build a bridge there
16:16.04 ``Erik yeah, the waters a little shallower there along the alutian island chain
16:16.16 Z80-Boy US vs them?
16:16.27 Z80-Boy or a tunnel?
16:16.30 Z80-Boy I don't know
16:16.39 Z80-Boy now they are drilling a 57km tunnel here in Switzerland
16:16.44 ``Erik I meant "us" as in the self-identifying noun, not the nation
16:16.52 ``Erik yeah, I read about that
16:16.57 ``Erik and a massive bridge up there, too
16:17.01 Z80-Boy But sometimes I have a feeling it's US vs. The Rest Of The World
16:17.17 Z80-Boy massive bridge here in Switzerland? What do you mean?
16:17.24 ``Erik where they were actuall ybuilding segments of the bridge upside down and using them as giant barges
16:17.26 ``Erik sweden area
16:17.35 Z80-Boy that's not switzerland
16:17.38 ``Erik no, I know
16:17.55 Z80-Boy that was Oresund wasn't? That's already finished
16:17.58 ``Erik not much use for giant water-crossing bridges in switzerland... but europe is all "over there"
16:18.07 ``Erik and tiny :)
16:20.19 Z80-Boy If a company says training in the US is required, do you think it makes sense to reject their job offer because of the problems associated with travelling to US?
16:22.16 ``Erik *shrug* I d'no, all depends
16:23.46 Z80-Boy I think EU should start taking fingerprints and naked pictures and post them freely downloadable under public domain licence
16:23.51 Z80-Boy only of US citizens
16:24.05 ``Erik heh
16:24.14 ``Erik do ya really wanna see naked american tourists? O.o
16:24.43 Z80-Boy that's right
16:24.43 ``Erik huh, 'propdel svn:executable', keen
16:25.44 *** join/#brlcad jgay (n=jgay@fsf/staff/jgay)
16:28.16 ``Erik brlcad: I'm gonna gather ed and head over there, we'll save a seat
18:46.06 brlcad grr.. now that's annoying that CVS repository has all .sh files with exec set, prop-edit lists .sh as being svn:executable, but they end up non-exec
18:58.50 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r29888 10/brlcad/trunk/ (21 files in 13 dirs): more executable scripts that need their property set
18:59.36 brlcad there we go, had to resync the commit hooks
19:01.01 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r29889 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: converted the source repository from CVS to Subversion
19:10.43 brlcad woo hoo, tcl files are correct now
19:35.24 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r29890 10/brlcad/trunk/ (1827 files in 102 dirs): And I, for one, welcome our new rat overlords. All hail 2008, the year of the rat! (copyright update)
19:50.00 alex_joni brlcad: heh
19:51.24 brlcad and ohloh enlistment is proceeding
19:52.03 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
20:10.52 *** part/#brlcad prasad_ (n=psilva@
20:18.18 ``Erik ohno, ohloh!
20:33.12 brlcad ohyeah!
20:37.26 ``Erik did you just jump through a wall?
20:39.41 alex_joni brlcad: but still.. thank god for svn.. wouldn't want to imagine how that commit report would look for CVS
20:55.40 brlcad the summary report from CIA looks identical
20:56.28 brlcad the big difference now is that I only get one commit e-mail instead of 102 commit e-mails :)
21:02.28 alex_joni yup
21:02.33 alex_joni that's what I meant..
21:03.24 brlcad ah, yeah :)
21:09.47 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * 10svn/Windows/svn-1.4.5-setup.exe: erhm, is something filtering exe files? add it again
21:25.38 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
21:26.26 IriX64 <---- weeee Xwin32 and frame buffer :)
21:27.59 IriX64 ugly part is xwin32 only allows me 30 minutes a crack :)
21:28.31 IriX64 should buy the darn thing
21:34.59 ``Erik doesn't cygwin come with a full-up X server?
21:35.28 IriX64 want it to work with any windows xserver
21:48.43 IriX64 gonna install it into the root of the C drive and copy the needed dll's over and see what happens
21:50.20 IriX64 make install
21:50.56 IriX64 how do you install an irc channel :)

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