IRC log for #brlcad on 20080112

00:26.48 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:49.46 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
02:18.20 *** join/#brlcad mateo (i=west@
02:25.49 mateo hh
02:26.30 *** part/#brlcad mateo (i=west@
02:28.26 ``Erik hum
02:28.27 ``Erik
02:38.14 brlcad hum indeed
02:39.02 brlcad how did it surmise 16 minutes of downtime?
02:40.20 ``Erik by ordering boot times, finding 'down' times by adding boot times and uptimes, then subtracting the down time from the next boot time
02:40.59 ``Erik ~erik/rel.scm
02:41.25 brlcad it's only booted less than a half-dozen times ever iirc
02:41.29 ``Erik (slightly compressed)
02:42.13 ``Erik 6 boot times
02:48.16 brlcad hmm.. I'm also not sure I've had that machine for 2.14 years...
02:52.30 ``Erik /var/spool/uptimed/records
02:52.37 ``Erik you didn't do a massive time change, did you?
02:52.54 ``Erik files in my home directory list 2005
02:54.18 brlcad hm, October 18, 2004
02:54.40 ``Erik I'm seeing ~ files from '05, too
02:54.50 brlcad that's when I created my account
02:54.52 ``Erik there's one from '04 in /etc
02:55.16 brlcad which was the first day or there'bouts
02:56.03 ``Erik I think ya have had it that long, dude
02:56.19 ``Erik time flies when you get old
02:57.05 ``Erik 5.2.1 was feb 04, 5.3 was nov '04
02:58.12 brlcad hm, that date's not quite matching other files I'm seeing too .. so not the first days .. but within a month I think ..
02:58.26 brlcad so still, longer than 2.14
02:58.37 brlcad yeah, I didn't mean less .. more
02:59.24 brlcad so pushing 3.3 years or so
03:02.30 brlcad sep30 2004
03:05.17 brlcad woot! .. "The error was on our end. I added some additional hardware to our database server today and BRLCAD's and a couple other long running jobs died in the process."
03:05.52 brlcad ohloh import, take 2!
03:06.13 brlcad ``Erik: maybe you installed/enabled uptimed 2.14 years ago?
03:14.16 brlcad should show uptimes of 121 days, preceeded by 499 days at least, then don't recall what preceeded that
03:18.01 ``Erik I'm sure
03:18.07 ``Erik run uprecords -b
03:54.23 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
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05:52.26 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos__ (
08:02.44 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
10:17.26 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
13:19.15 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
14:04.45 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
17:12.11 *** join/#brlcad aaronkramer (
17:12.17 aaronkramer hey I am back
17:12.30 aaronkramer i need help with brl-cad again
17:12.53 brlcad hello aaronkramer
17:13.01 aaronkramer I booted it once and it worked fine then I exited tried to boot it a few days later and it is giving me this error
17:13.11 aaronkramer Initializing and backgrounding, please wait...Done
17:13.12 aaronkramer no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
17:13.12 aaronkramer MGED Aborted
17:13.23 brlcad same problem you had the first time
17:13.24 aaronkramer sorry just a sec
17:13.26 aaronkramer yea
17:13.28 brlcad run from xterm, not Terminal
17:13.55 brlcad make sure X11 is running
17:14.04 aaronkramer I try to run mged from xterm but it does not work
17:14.10 aaronkramer it says command not found
17:14.17 brlcad run /usr/brlcad/bin/mged
17:15.21 aaronkramer okay it, that works
17:15.25 aaronkramer why does it do that
17:16.41 aaronkramer and what is a good manual for brl-cad
17:21.29 brlcad that gets into just explaining how the unix command line paths work
17:21.34 brlcad has nothing to do with brl-cad really
17:22.12 brlcad when you run a command, whether it be "mged" or "ls" or "whatever" on the command line .. it searches through a list of directories/folders throughout your filesystem
17:22.20 brlcad that list of places is called your PATH
17:22.46 brlcad pretty much every operating system has a concept of a PATH that is searched when you run a command, even Windows
17:23.21 brlcad BRL-CAD installs into the /usr/brlcad folder, with binaries in the /usr/brlcad/bin folder .. which is not in your PATH of folders searched by default
17:23.47 brlcad so you have to either add it to your PATH or you have to specify the full location of the binary application that you're trying to run
17:23.58 brlcad which is why /usr/brlcad/bin/mged works
17:24.36 aaronkramer in xterm how would I make it so that all I have to do is type mged
17:24.51 aaronkramer or is there a way to create a launcher like in linux for mac os x
17:27.05 brlcad there are several ways to make "launchers" under mac os x
17:27.18 aaronkramer would I use apple script?
17:27.31 brlcad but one of the easiest for what you're trying to do would be to add it to the X11 menu
17:27.45 brlcad select Applications -> Customize Menu
17:28.00 brlcad click the Add button
17:28.02 aaronkramer where
17:28.06 brlcad in X11
17:28.20 brlcad make X11 the focused app
17:28.31 brlcad then up on the menu, select Applications -> Customize Menu
17:29.05 aaronkramer then I just put in the command then what I want it to be named
17:29.36 brlcad reverse that, but yes
17:29.48 brlcad first column is the menu name, second is the command
17:30.28 aaronkramer I see
17:30.45 brlcad try "/usr/brlcad/bin/mged -f" as the command
17:31.35 aaronkramer I didn't work with the -f
17:31.45 aaronkramer it worked without it though
17:31.53 brlcad really? that's odd .. ok
17:32.36 brlcad the other way to make it so that typing "mged" works is to modify your PATH setting
17:32.38 aaronkramer actually it didn't work with either
17:33.00 aaronkramer how do I do that
17:33.02 brlcad hm, I've heard that the X11 launcher is a bit buggy
17:33.25 aaronkramer Yea I heard from various sources that mac also killed X11 in mac os x
17:33.57 brlcad run this command: ls -lad .??* | grep -i profile
17:34.01 brlcad what does it report?
17:34.22 brlcad that's a listing of files that start with a "." looking for any profile files
17:34.50 brlcad should see either .profile or .bash_profile
17:34.50 aaronkramer -rw-r--r-- 1 aaronkra aaronkra 264 Jan 10 18:51 .profile
17:34.55 brlcad okay
17:34.59 brlcad cat .profile
17:35.37 brlcad that displays the contents of the .profile file
17:35.45 brlcad what's in there?
17:36.12 aaronkramer -rw-r--r-- 1 aaronkra aaronkra 264 Jan 10 18:51 .profile
17:36.21 aaronkramer oops
17:36.24 aaronkramer sorry
17:36.26 aaronkramer it says
17:36.52 aaronkramer export PATH=/usr/brlcad/bin:$PATH
17:37.12 brlcad ah, so someone already helped you add it to your path
17:37.29 aaronkramer possibly
17:38.02 aaronkramer so why wouldn't it work
17:38.06 brlcad run this: open -e .profile
17:38.13 brlcad that will open up the with in TextEdit
17:38.20 brlcad add a line that says this:
17:38.24 brlcad export DISPLAY=:0
17:38.30 brlcad save the file
17:39.12 aaronkramer okay
17:39.16 aaronkramer done
17:39.25 brlcad now you can type "mged" from Terminal
17:39.38 aaronkramer I already could as long as x11 was open
17:40.28 aaronkramer it gives me the same error when I type it in from terminal with x11 closed
17:40.31 brlcad only because I made BRL-CAD 7.10.4 on Mac OS X specifically try to search for X11
17:40.38 brlcad yeah, X11 has to be running
17:40.55 brlcad we've not made a release that doesn't need it (though one is being worked on)
17:41.18 aaronkramer cool
17:41.31 aaronkramer will it ever move away from CMDUI
17:41.58 aaronkramer CMDLUI*
17:42.32 brlcad one of the major efforts is to make it more "gui-friendly"
17:42.43 brlcad more user-friendly in general with a new look
17:43.03 aaronkramer that would be really nice
17:43.10 brlcad the command line will never go away, but you won't necessarily *have* to use/learn it to be productive
17:43.22 aaronkramer yea
17:43.25 brlcad just like how mac os x has a command line, but you don't necessarily have to learn it
17:43.49 brlcad as for documentation/tutorials, they're on the website:
17:43.59 aaronkramer okay
17:44.01 brlcad Documentation section .. I'd suggest just going down the list in order
17:44.42 brlcad the really big one is the "Introduction to MGED"
17:44.46 aaronkramer About BRL-CAD's features, I heard it had a chemical library that let you define the composition of a component is that true
17:44.54 aaronkramer okay
17:45.02 aaronkramer i think I will download all of those as back up
17:45.05 brlcad that's the extensive introduction that takes you through tutorial after tutorial that will give you instruction on the basics
17:46.26 brlcad not sure what you mean by chemical library -- we coordinate, hook into, and are USED by several major analysis packages (including for ballistics, optics, chem, bio, radar signature, V/L, etc)
17:47.27 brlcad you can specify an objects material properties in brl-cad for computation of things like mass/weight, centroids, volume, etc
17:47.41 aaronkramer thats pretty cool
17:48.40 brlcad the material property basically boils down to the modeler specifying a list of material densities, marking objects as being a given material type, and then running one of our tools that performs calculations that use the material information (rtweight, g_qa, others)
17:49.02 brlcad rtarea for projected presented coverage areas if you're looking at profile information
17:49.16 brlcad rtcheck and g_qa for overlap/interference computations
17:49.33 aaronkramer what renderer does it use
17:51.52 brlcad we have a variety of renderers
17:52.31 brlcad there's a wireframe render in mged, there are various ray-tracers (rt, rtedge)
17:53.29 brlcad as a real quick tutorial, you can run this: mged /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.10.4/db/havoc.g
17:53.39 brlcad then in the mged command window type: e havoc
17:53.56 brlcad then type: rt -s 1024
17:54.02 brlcad then type: rtedge -s 1024
17:54.35 brlcad (there are ways to do that all via the gui, but much easier to explain/describe it as commands
17:55.39 brlcad got to run off, so best of luck on the tutorials -- they really are essential *just* to get a grasp of the basics
17:56.09 aaronkramer see ya
17:56.11 aaronkramer and thanks
17:56.37 brlcad sure, btw, you should see something like: after that last step
17:56.41 brlcad (minus the box)
17:56.48 brlcad (and smaller)
20:22.51 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
23:49.34 *** join/#brlcad illethal (

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