IRC log for #brlcad on 20080115

00:22.24 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r29945 10/brlcad/trunk/ (204 files in 28 dirs): more ws comma consistency cleanup. remove the spaces before commas throughout.
01:29.11 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:57.41 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
02:03.15 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
04:01.20 ``Erik whoa
04:03.49 ``Erik
04:17.11 Axman6 hmm?
04:27.28 Axman6 ``Erik: if you're on a mac, check out
04:31.38 ``Erik axman: what I pasted was a program I wrote 6 years ago, a 1-day game
04:31.51 Axman6 heh, awesome :P
04:36.17 brlcad ``Erik: and points to a dead website w/ no maintainer :)
04:36.20 brlcad you should fix it
04:37.43 ``Erik yeah
04:37.51 ``Erik I was poking at it
04:38.06 ``Erik my tarballs seem broken for how macports wants to play with 'em
04:38.07 ``Erik :/
04:40.11 brlcad should be nearly identical other than building on mac
04:40.28 brlcad few macports I played with were the just copied over from ports
04:40.47 ``Erik yeah... well, the most recent, for some reason, the mac is whining about missing depcomp
04:42.36 ``Erik mebbe I'll push another release, the inclusion of openal in osX got me to update stuff in my cvs that hasn't been released
04:52.14 ``Erik mmmm isla fisher
04:53.12 Axman6 now that was an odd coincidence
05:04.17 ``Erik ?
05:07.09 Axman6 someone just mentioned that name in another chan on another network. like a minute before you did
05:07.45 ``Erik hum
05:07.55 ``Erik perhaps they were watching the same channel and saw the same commercial
05:31.17 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
05:50.12 brlcad arf.. bob's commit messages are so devoid of information
05:51.06 brlcad practically no indication of what's wrong or how his changes help
05:56.01 brlcad heh, goo factor
05:56.15 brlcad sticky balls
05:56.29 Axman6 ...
05:56.47 brlcad Axman6: hehe, a commit message to the metaball primitive
05:56.49 louipc hot over there?
05:56.55 brlcad has a new "goo" factor
05:57.12 Axman6 excellent
05:57.23 brlcad metaballs are always good for low brow humor
05:57.30 Axman6 i'm sure smeone has a need for gooy balls
05:58.26 brlcad hrm, don't seem to have a good screenie
06:04.09 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r29946 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: (log message trimmed)
06:04.09 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: Bob fixed the extended rendering delays that users would see when ray-tracing on
06:04.09 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: Windows. you could see via the log that the ray-trace would finish very quickly
06:04.09 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: (nearly instantly sometimes) but then would stall for a minute or two before
06:04.09 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: displaying the image to the framebuffer. the problem was actually a manual
06:04.12 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: Sleep() call that was added a long time ago (heh) to the wgl framebuffer that
06:04.14 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: made it interactively update the image while it rendered and made a completed
06:16.19 brlcad army ants are awesome
06:22.52 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r29947 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: (log message trimmed)
06:22.52 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: (reworded line) Bob fixed the extended rendering delays that users would see
06:22.52 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: when ray-tracing on Windows. you could see via the log that the ray-trace would
06:22.52 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: finish very quickly (nearly instantly sometimes) but then would stall for a
06:22.52 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: minute or two before displaying the image to the framebuffer. the problem was
06:22.54 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: actually a manual Sleep() call that was added a long time ago (heh) to the wgl
06:22.56 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: framebuffer that made it interactively update the image while it rendered and
07:13.32 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
07:14.14 Axman6 brlcad: how so?
07:29.18 curious CIA-30, ah! well, lol, indeed, plainly clearing it took loads of time on pci based savage + dual cpu setup, lol
07:30.08 curious it's a bot i assume ? :)
07:44.08 Axman6 yah
07:52.11 brlcad curious: yes, a commit reporter announcing changes to the source code
07:52.52 brlcad (in real time)
08:01.29 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:02.46 Axman6 brlcad: why makes army ants so awesome?
08:12.51 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
08:21.43 brlcad mmmm.. that's a LONG discussion :)
08:21.56 brlcad (for me at least) :)
11:55.43 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
13:13.51 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
13:19.21 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
14:01.05 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r29948 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/ged.c: It looks like the Windows specific call to Tcl_CreateChannelHandler() was accidentally removed.
14:05.36 ``Erik hmmmm
14:05.44 ``Erik svn ann NEWS | sort -nr | head -n 30
14:05.50 ``Erik neat
15:51.01 *** join/#brlcad jgay (n=jgay@fsf/staff/jgay)
16:26.21 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r29949 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/attach.c: The indices for the MGED_DISPLAY_VAR were accidentally changed. This prevented MGED's status bar on the command window from being updated.
16:33.29 ``Erik ho hum
16:35.51 ``Erik hum, ho! hum!
19:39.49 CIA-30 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r29950 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/accel.tcl: Fixed bug in rcc-cap that shows up when using the 't' option.
20:46.50 ``Erik *sigh* mac word doesn't seem to have a "mail merge", just a "data merge" with no mention of mail
20:51.03 brlcad data merge should do it, ties to address book for e-mail mailers
20:52.48 brlcad yeah, in the Merge Manager
20:52.59 brlcad after you fill in all of the options, there's a "Merge to Mail" option
20:53.45 brlcad sounds like it uses your entourage address book only for outgoing address(es)
20:55.06 brlcad er, "Merge to E-Mail" specifically, under the Merge dropdown on the "Data Merge Manager"
21:05.10 ``Erik too bad you can't change font size in ms's help crap :/
21:18.22 ``Erik the "filter" crap seems handy
21:21.36 ``Erik I have a feeling it's trying to use :/
21:34.42 ``Erik hummmm
21:36.27 poolio Macbook Air :]
21:37.44 ``Erik it's pretty, but does that video chipset have the unf once would want?
21:41.27 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
21:46.16 poolio ``Erik: I'm looking for an ultraportable to do coding and general computing schtuff. I have a desktop for the umph. My Asus just died so I'm seriously considering it...the price is a bit steep though.
21:50.29 ``Erik any old cheap machine can work for coding O.o
21:52.13 poolio I'm actually thinking of buying it for the sex appeal.
21:56.05 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
22:30.38 PrezKennedy brlcad, don't think I'm ever going Apple... not when the 4GB ram upgrade is $700
22:37.15 poolio Just buy 3rd party RAM
22:37.55 brlcad yeah, just buy the memory elsewhere
22:38.04 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
22:38.46 brlcad the memory has always been a major premium .. we don't even buy it from apple for work most of the time
22:39.02 PrezKennedy the 17" MacBook still ends up being almost $1500 more
22:39.30 brlcad more than what?
22:39.53 PrezKennedy my 17" Pavilion, which has more disk space and 4GB of RAM
22:40.00 brlcad and is how big?
22:40.19 PrezKennedy what is how big?
22:40.29 brlcad size is a *major* factor in the price of laptops, every ounce reduction is a pretty major change in price
22:40.35 PrezKennedy im comparing MacBook Pro to this
22:40.43 PrezKennedy so about a pound
22:40.48 brlcad the size of your pavillion vs mbp
22:41.08 brlcad a pound difference? that's pretty big...
22:41.24 PrezKennedy so is $1500!
22:41.44 brlcad it might not be something you care about, but that's a major diff in price for any laptop maker
22:41.56 poolio brlcad: any thoughts on the macbook air?
22:42.21 PrezKennedy cmon, if theyre charging $700 for $80 RAM, you know they're nailing you elsewhere too
22:42.22 brlcad poolio: yeah, I wish solid state hard drives still weren't so damn expensive :)
22:42.43 poolio brlcad: I'm trying to find out if it is upgradeable. I preordered one :o
22:43.10 poolio The mac fanboys are whining everywhere but I like it. They could have cut an inch off the width though...
22:43.50 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
22:43.55 PrezKennedy Doesn't come with a drive does it?
22:44.14 brlcad PrezKennedy: compare the specs to a pavilion (or dell or vaio) that matches in size and components, I'd you'll find them within 10% at the base configurations
22:44.51 brlcad poolio: I'd be surprised if it were upgradeable beyond you cracking it open for memory and HD upgrades
22:45.28 brlcad and maybe not even that easily if it's using the ultra tiny drives that the ipods/iphones uses
22:45.36 poolio brlcad: It doesn't have upgradeable memory, so I'm guessing the hd isn't :\
22:45.45 poolio And yes it is, 1.8"
22:46.10 brlcad ah, then yeah.. you might find the drive if you hunt, but you might have to break a soldier lead to install it
22:46.31 brlcad maybe a pin connector if you're lucky
22:46.36 poolio The 80gb is 4200rpm, but I'm not going to shell out 1000 for a SSD.
22:46.48 brlcad yeah, that's what I was saying
22:46.54 brlcad the price of SSD's are just still expensive
22:47.03 poolio brlcad: I probably wouldn't bother then. It seems like a machine that's prone to breaking and I'd definitely be getting applecare. Wouldn't want to void the warranty
22:47.05 brlcad I mean, 1k for that drive is actually a pretty damn good deal
22:47.13 brlcad that's the cheapest I've seen for that size
22:47.21 brlcad newegg has one at around 1.5k
22:47.22 poolio I guess, but the difference between 2k and 3k is a lot.
22:47.55 poolio And they are going to have to drop in price in the very near future. I mean look at flash drives, 16mb ones use to be like $50
22:48.09 brlcad i'd suggest getting applecare no matter the product.. apple's support is pretty fantastic, one of the top-rated year over year
22:48.23 brlcad yeah, but that's mb :)
22:48.52 brlcad the gb ssd's will come down quickly .. probably in half within 8 months
22:49.21 brlcad i see that laptop as a great mobile platform for when you already have a really powerful home system in place
22:49.48 brlcad it's designed around access to other wireless services being around
22:50.09 brlcad HD's, media/content, optical drives
22:56.27 PrezKennedy Windows is stupid
22:56.53 ``Erik it has a lot of ancient "single machine just to drive a printer" still left in it
22:57.49 ``Erik later, kids
23:04.54 poolio hrmph. The footprint compared with the pro is pretty lame. If only they'd gone with a thin bezel...
23:12.12 brlcad footprint of?
23:14.32 poolio the macbook air
23:14.47 poolio
23:20.23 brlcad definitely stylish
23:20.51 brlcad makes the MBP look kinda plain .. remember it used to be the sexy beast when it came out
23:21.42 brlcad hum, nice trackpad
23:28.57 poolio I mean there are a ton of pros and cons. One USB port is pretty ridiculous. And because the superdrive has special something or other, you can't plug it into a USB hub. So you can't superdrive+other devices.
23:39.17 louipc lol everyone's talking about the macbook air
23:41.52 poolio Well, it's what I've been waiting 2 months for..
23:48.14 brlcad :)
23:51.08 brlcad the apple tv actually is slightly more interesting to me now with the upgrade, one more way to stick it to comcast .. the pricepoint is so close
23:51.59 poolio people are saying the air is going the way of the apple tv / cube :)
23:52.03 brlcad though the new rental fees are a bit absurd (about as absurd as their non-hd movie prices)

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