IRC log for #brlcad on 20080130

02:19.45 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
03:03.49 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
03:58.50 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (n=yukonbob@
06:38.20 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
08:06.42 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:21.01 toxygen brlcad: thx for hints
08:44.07 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
08:54.43 *** join/#brlcad Axman6__ (
09:49.09 brlcad well that should take care of the space problem
09:49.32 brlcad server was accummulating nearly 400GB/day in backups and logging data
09:49.37 brlcad moreso backups
09:49.52 brlcad er, s/GB/MB/
09:51.02 brlcad maxing out just before the beginning of a month (e.g. now) when the mysql backups get rotated .. was using nearly 12GB just for one db alone
10:01.13 archivist at least you have backups, it #mysql its amazing how many do not "how do i get my data back?"
10:01.20 archivist it/in
10:07.53 brlcad yeah, it's all good .. it was just a big excessive for that one db
10:08.41 brlcad changed it's profile so it'll only backup every three days now, so it'll only use about 3GB in a given month for the level 0's before they're condensed to a level 1 monthly
10:08.51 brlcad er, level 0 monthly
10:09.02 brlcad daily to monthly
10:09.12 brlcad it's late/early, I know what I mean at least :)
10:13.32 archivist we often recomend replication which can be used as a continuous backup (hot slave) and then backup the slave
10:14.02 archivist a mysql nicety
10:16.48 brlcad yeah, that would be a nice thing to do for the server in germany
10:16.59 brlcad maybe after the migration completes
10:18.21 brlcad that's been part of the idea since that server's entire purpose is to (eventually) be a semi-hot-swap backup for bz should it be needed
10:19.24 brlcad like to perform an OS upgrade, just update DNS, backup server is on-line responding while old is worked on picking up where it left off
10:19.58 brlcad hoping to get fully symmetric backups for that (and not just mysql), maybe pipe dream but still tbd depending on the effort
10:27.51 brlcad toxygen: you're welcome -- how're things working out? were you able to get the cy data file imported and ray-traced?
10:39.53 brlcad toxygen: I saw the .g you uploaded... that sure doesn't look right to say the least. their format may have changed, I'll see if I can play with your data files this weekend
10:40.18 brlcad is there any difference between 1, 2, and 3?
12:04.50 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (n=elite01@
13:04.58 toxygen brlcad: thank you very much
13:54.52 ``Erik hummm, my rdbms's are all single instnace dealies, I have the backign files marked "no-backup", and my nightly backup script does a database dump into a file before running dump
13:55.50 ``Erik chflags nodump on bsd, um, linux uses some like chattr command with cryptic letter codes iirc
13:56.18 ``Erik nodump on the files that shouldn't be backed up saves a LOT in space :)
14:08.14 brlcad I backup offsite, I have absolute no space problems there -- the problem was local mysqldump backups where there are dailies for the current month and monthlies for all prior months
14:08.49 brlcad the mysql backups were what has been filling the disks .. one of the db's has a ton of data
14:09.09 ``Erik ah, I overwrite my sql dump file
14:09.11 brlcad even with a ton of data, that just all goes offsite without a problem
14:09.52 ``Erik still no point in moving a lot of the larger unnecessary files, like the binary mysql files when you have ascii dumps handy *shrug*
14:09.53 brlcad offsite is at home, I can just buy extra TB as I need it
14:10.15 ``Erik speaking of, I should probably buy another disk, I'm getting crunched again
14:12.14 brlcad probably would be, but I don't really worry about it -- I just have it sync the entire fs, /dev and all, periodically
14:12.46 brlcad more practical (to me) than running dump as the files are just sitting on the remote and can be reviewed/restored really easily
14:13.23 ``Erik ah, I tend to dump and pipe through bzip2, so I have a good history
14:13.33 ``Erik I've had people whine that they over-wrote a file a week ago and need the old version b ack
14:15.15 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30152 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tk/ (10 files in 5 dirs): these files don't exist in tk8.5.0
14:16.20 brlcad was stashing configure and a few other gen'd files intentional?
14:16.43 ``Erik no
14:17.25 ``Erik cleaning things up now
14:17.26 brlcad and yeah, I really don't care about those whiners, their low-level f'ups are their own issues .. I just care about easy non-invasive data-preserving high-level backups
14:17.39 brlcad k
14:19.10 ``Erik svn holds things different, so my old cvs fu doesn't work the same
14:19.26 alex_joni brlcad: seen rsnapshot?
14:19.28 brlcad toxygen's .g file with an ARS is either taking hours to prep or is stuck in an infinite loop .. 3 hours and counting now
14:19.55 ``Erik O.o interesting
14:20.37 brlcad alex_joni: no I hadn't, that is a bit interesting.. and familiar *ahem*
14:21.30 brlcad but only tinglingly interesting.. that would safe size on the remote, but that's utterly low on the list of things that need improving
14:21.54 ``Erik yeah, need to do server migration first O:-)
14:22.16 brlcad just having a full fs copy is what is needed 9/10ths of the time a file/dir needs restoring
14:22.23 brlcad yeah, maybe with new server, give it a go
14:24.02 ``Erik I'd say "it's ok, she'll come back next time you're asleep", but knowing you, it's probably a code dream
14:28.05 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:29.59 brlcad heh
14:39.23 alex_joni brlcad: it saved me getting to know rsync & co.. setup was painless (on a new install)
14:47.41 ``Erik <-- is a luddite, likes dump/restore :(
14:48.04 ``Erik (and 'interactive restore' is nice)
15:06.39 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30153 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/slave/ (load.c load.h slave.c): begin abstracting the load path
15:54.26 brlcad howdy Maloeran
15:54.52 Maloeran Fine fine, I'm presently in Venezuela, it's a bit tricky to stay connected on a regular basis
15:55.10 Maloeran Since a laptop is worth about an year's income here, it's not something you want to take out too openly, and wireless internet networks don't exist
15:55.49 Maloeran I'm also trying to commit a huge piece of code and Survice's CVS server keeps throwing me "waiting for cvs's lock in ..."
15:56.15 Maloeran How are things in your region of the universe?
16:05.51 ``Erik hah, greetings, mal
16:06.59 ``Erik ("the dead" is already plural, no s... english sucks)
16:07.34 Maloeran Oh. :) I'm more busy with learning spanish these days
16:07.58 Maloeran Grah, stupid cvs lock thing
16:08.14 Maloeran All right, I'm off to climb a 5000m mountain
16:08.29 ``Erik later, dude, don't fall off :)
16:08.35 Maloeran :) *waves*
16:10.13 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
16:51.23 *** join/#brlcad jgay (n=jgay@fsf/staff/jgay)
17:12.02 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30154 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/component.c: use the adrt.h mesh defines instead of libcommon/adrt_common.h
17:13.00 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30155 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/libcommon/ don't build libcommon
17:23.37 brlcad Maloeran: va bien, que haces en Venezuela? por que estas alli? vacciones?
17:28.31 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30156 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/slave/ don't use libcommon
17:30.08 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30157 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/rtarea.1: separate names with a newline
17:33.23 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30158 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tk/unix/configure: remove generated configure
17:53.57 ``Erik oh, heh
17:54.02 ``Erik I got a bunch of stuff in tk that I svn rm'd
17:54.09 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30159 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ (28 files in 7 dirs): use libbu's memory management routines
17:55.23 ``Erik sync
17:55.23 ``Erik ls
17:55.26 ``Erik bahhh
18:00.44 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30160 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/libutil/image.c: allow the save_ppm func to build (used in isst)
18:15.34 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:16.57 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
18:27.50 *** join/#brlcad Gruni (
18:28.50 ``Erik uh
18:29.08 ``Erik wow
18:43.57 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30161 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/libtie/tie_kdtree.c: fixed a couple random crash bugs, improved memory manage messages, etc
19:10.14 Maloeran brlcad, ya que trabajo a distancia, viajo un poco para ver el mundo. Vivir aqui esta mas barato que Montreal, includido los tickets de avion
19:10.57 Maloeran I begun learning spanish a month ago ( but very intensively ), I'm amazed by how easy it is to learn a language
19:12.10 ``Erik I know in US highschools, spanish is "the easiest" foreign language class and french is historically thought of as "the hardest"
19:12.35 ``Erik (though japanese and chinese are showing up more and more, and the different writing systems add a dimension of complexity)
19:12.47 Maloeran I don't think the spanish grammar is really easier than french, they are somewhat similar actually
19:13.50 Maloeran It's amusing how they use certain tenses which, in french, are exclusively found in elaborate litterature... and vice-versa
19:14.08 ``Erik both have distant ties to latin *shrug*
19:14.35 Maloeran Bah, I'm really tired of these CVS lock errors
19:14.48 ``Erik moreso than english, which has heavy influences from german and gaelic
19:15.07 Maloeran I think that whenever I ctrl+c a cvs commit, because I forgot to add a file or whatever, the cvs server gets stuck because some "lock" file was not removed
19:15.10 ``Erik someone probably has to shell into the cvs server and remove the lock files manually
19:15.13 Maloeran And I have to yell at Survice until things work again
19:15.42 ``Erik fire code? or rayfarce?
19:16.02 Maloeran Rayfarce, we are supposed to ship some binaries to Disney soon
19:16.19 ``Erik you should put it in the BRL-CAD repository, well maintained, accessable, using subversion now... :D
19:16.20 ``Erik *duck*
19:16.38 Maloeran Eheh :)
19:17.48 Maloeran That's really a stupid bug if the cvs server can not handle a broken connection, a ctr+c or whatever else
19:23.52 Maloeran Die cvs, go join your friends autoconf and libtool and die!
19:24.16 ``Erik heh
19:26.15 Maloeran Rayfarce is pretty much Linux, BSD and Windows only now
19:28.37 Maloeran With 3000 lines of amd64/SSE3 assembly among other things... :)
19:28.41 ``Erik obviously :D
19:28.51 ``Erik and I imagine windows requires cygwin, not mingw32
19:28.59 Maloeran Ah no, it runs in mingw32
19:29.02 ``Erik otherwise autoconf/libtool would be hugely beneficial
19:29.04 ``Erik :)
19:29.06 Maloeran With pthreads-win32
19:29.56 Maloeran It also uses its own "cpuconf" tool which probes the processor to get the size of the caches, the cache width, instruction timing, etc.
19:30.15 Maloeran cache line width, that is
19:30.28 ``Erik hm, I thought windows (nt4.0 and later) had a pthread implementation (but not exposed in any headers, and with minor name munging)
19:30.57 Maloeran Ah possibly, I just used pthreads-win32
19:31.36 ``Erik <-- still waits to see it go open source :) vagually recalls something in some contract somewhere about that ... O:-)
19:32.37 Maloeran True, Lee and Mark agreed on something else in the end
19:33.13 ``Erik hehehe, but that was verbal, so the paper over-rides it... :D
19:34.22 Maloeran Eh well. It could be fun to get into some parternship with Disney on this
19:36.04 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30162 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ (master/ slave/ rename isst_{master,slave} to adrt_... since it's now generalized
19:36.26 ``Erik meanwhile I'm stuck with this O.o :D
19:37.01 Maloeran Aw :)
19:37.47 Maloeran The CVS change log I had written is so huge, I just want.. to... commit...
19:44.57 ``Erik heh, later dude :)
20:03.49 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30163 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/slave/load.c: now approaching critical ugliness
21:08.17 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30164 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS src/librt/dg_obj.c src/mged/rtif.c):
21:08.21 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: get/check the exit code of the process so that rt doesn't just say it completed.
21:08.27 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: have it report that it failed if the return status is non-zero. mods include
21:08.31 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: the calls for windows so needs some testing. implemented in response to user
21:08.41 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: confusion over failed rt runs that die early or never start and having mged say
21:08.45 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: they completd.
21:08.57 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
21:09.15 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30165 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs):
21:09.19 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: make openNURBS a build requirement, so we have to either build it or use a
21:09.29 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: system openNURBS library now .. will need to test/fix compilations on other
21:09.33 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: platforms but this does hopefully fix some of the linux build problems john was
21:09.41 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: seeing on ubuntu.
21:52.33 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r30166 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ update dependancy
21:55.26 brlcad tclcad depends on blt?
21:55.36 brlcad oh, Blt_Init maybe?
21:56.10 brlcad in that case, also depends on tcl, tk, itcl, itk
21:57.05 ``Erik those're handled recursively I think
21:57.35 ``Erik adding blt fixed the compile error (make clean ; cd target ; make depends all)
21:58.20 brlcad ah, k
21:58.25 brlcad just curious
22:01.14 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30167 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: parker has made mods to the intensity handling for ghosted images, the main display no longer displays the extra/premature/misleading menu options (Edit, Steps)
22:02.12 ``Erik heh
22:02.14 ``Erik pimp my cad
22:14.36 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30168 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: parker also added/ported several missing framebuffer tools including those needed by archer. includes bw-pix, bwmod, pix-bw, pixmatte. probably others.
22:53.41 *** join/#brlcad jgay (n=jgay@fsf/staff/jgay)
23:42.21 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@

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