IRC log for #brlcad on 20080204

00:11.43 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30202 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/cy-g.c: stash everything into a var for now just in case we do try to use it, presume rprop is a radius scale factor and use 'scale' for the delta_z scale factor
00:36.25 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
01:02.48 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30203 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/openw.tcl:
01:02.48 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: since the directory is being pulled dynamic from bu_brlcad_data, don't pay any
01:02.48 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: attention to what is in the .mgedrc (probably shouldn't write it out). more
01:02.48 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: importantly, don't use the -display option with the $mged_browser so that it'll
01:02.48 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: actually work. need some better way than calling up tcl_platform(os)...freakin
01:02.51 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: fugly. this does, however, make help finally work on mac os x.
01:06.35 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30204 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
01:06.36 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: fixed mged's browser-based help on Mac OS X. multiple problems causing help to
01:06.36 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: not work including users' .mgedrc pointing to a non-existent previous install as
01:06.36 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: well as trying to invoke with the open command while still using the
01:06.36 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: X11-specific -display options that mozilla obeys.
01:28.31 *** join/#brlcad iday (
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03:07.07 *** join/#brlcad dm132 (
03:12.50 dm132 Hello
03:14.52 dm132 I'm new to both IRC and BRL-CAD
03:17.06 dm132 Does anybody use this channel?
03:17.14 dm132 I'm not looking for help now, but might be later on.
03:18.55 louipc yep
03:19.13 louipc this is a pretty active channel
03:19.18 dm132 Nice to hear.
03:26.01 Axman6 louipc: what've you been smoking. active?
03:26.16 dm132 So it's not active?
03:26.23 louipc Axman6: sure it is
03:26.28 Axman6 dm132: brlcad is one of the main devs though, so it's a good place to get help if you're patient
03:26.50 louipc brlcad is THE main dev
03:27.09 Axman6 ok then, THE man
03:27.13 louipc just watch the commits
03:27.20 Axman6 yeah i know
03:27.56 dm132 Is there a users channel?
03:28.04 Axman6 yep
03:28.06 Axman6 you're in it
03:28.08 louipc this is it pretty much
03:28.13 dm132 I'm not really a developer; I know some C++, etc...
03:29.14 louipc me neither
03:29.18 dm132 Ok, I've got a question now... I understand BRL is a lot of different tools put together...
03:29.26 louipc I would like to start though
03:29.34 dm132 but which is the main one?
03:29.44 louipc mged is probably what you want
03:29.56 Axman6 i'm going to uni in like two weeks, i'll be learning some programming
03:30.01 Axman6 probably java though -_-
03:30.11 louipc fail!
03:30.26 Axman6 very much so
03:30.26 louipc learn C instead
03:30.33 louipc yeah I learned java too
03:30.34 Axman6 i'd really like to learn Objective-C
03:31.08 louipc I can't believe they still teach java
03:31.20 Axman6 it's still big in some places
03:35.33 Axman6 well that shut you up
03:36.06 louipc not
03:37.42 Axman6 anyway, looking forward to doing Engineering/IT
03:39.28 louipc cool
03:39.51 louipc mechanical engineering?
03:39.58 Axman6 dunno yet
03:40.16 Axman6 i'm glad i get to do some more physics though
03:40.24 louipc ah
03:40.47 Axman6 think i start to specialise after the first year or two
03:44.48 *** join/#brlcad dm132 (
03:45.53 dm132 Apparently one of the top-rh keys (UIOP) is the shortcut for "make my screen blink then shut down my computer"
03:47.15 Axman6 excellent
03:50.54 *** part/#brlcad dm132 (
04:16.50 louipc oh yeah
04:29.52 yukonbob we may never know
04:30.05 Axman6 one of life's great mysteries
04:30.18 yukonbob for some definition of "great" sure ;)
04:30.45 brlcad if someone is wanting to get into programming, they really should learn several languages (in depth)
04:31.03 yukonbob speaking of great -- what's the sched for the next release?
04:31.13 brlcad learning any single language is just a recipe for hammer-nail problem solving
04:31.40 Axman6 brlcad: any you suggest?
04:32.42 Axman6 i learnt a bit of ruby, Objective-C, C++
04:32.43 brlcad depends what you want to do, but I'd suggest learning one in each of the major types being more important than any particular language in that type
04:32.47 Axman6 nothing in depth though
04:33.31 Axman6 i always reach a point where i go "wtf? did you just skip a year's work?" and can't get passed it
04:33.39 Axman6 Objective-C was the worst
04:33.54 yukonbob does apple still use obj-c?
04:34.07 Axman6 of course
04:34.22 Axman6 they introduces Objective-C 2.0 with leopard
04:34.49 Axman6 with 'fast enumeration' and some other crap
04:34.54 Axman6 oh, garbage collection
04:34.57 brlcad e.g. C/Tcl/Perl/VB for procedural, Smalltalk for pure OO, C++/Java/Python/Ruby for a OO/procedural hybrid, Lisp/Scheme/ML for functional, etc
04:36.46 brlcad I'd recommend learning them in that order too, but that's just personal bias
04:37.48 Axman6 i did VB at school, and hated it. a lot.
04:38.12 Axman6 nothing frustrated me more than using "VBcolor.Black"
04:38.13 brlcad and sry, ruby falls under pure OO too iirc, along with a handful of others
04:38.27 brlcad VB is "special"
04:38.32 Axman6 very
04:38.52 Axman6 it was ok with VB six, kinda fun. but is retarded
04:39.45 brlcad that starts involving toolkits and standard APIs .. the language itself is what I was referring to, just the features of the language
04:39.48 Axman6 could also have been the copy and paste nature of the book we were using too
04:39.51 brlcad (.net that is)
04:40.11 Axman6 they've tried to go OO, and failed pretty hard imo
04:40.15 brlcad even v6 and earlier - if you want to get at the core, run the old quickbasic or something
04:40.54 Axman6 quickbasic = Qbasic?
04:41.05 Axman6 i never did that, but friends in high school did
04:41.15 Axman6 i did learn some forth though
04:41.50 Axman6 and pascal
04:41.58 Axman6 robotics was awesome
04:42.00 brlcad still, VB/Basic is a language with some pretty 'interesting' features worth recognizing as one learns the landscape and reasons for one vs another
04:42.08 brlcad quickbasic is not qbasic
04:42.16 brlcad qbasic was an ide iirc
04:42.31 Axman6 fair enough
04:42.36 Axman6 like i said, i never used it
04:43.02 brlcad still, close enough
04:43.10 brlcad you basically learn BASIC with it
04:43.41 Axman6 was it basic they used on things like the apple II?
04:43.43 brlcad in the procedural batch, though, there's a lot more value for learning C imho
04:43.52 brlcad at least learning it first or early
04:44.32 brlcad you learn how a language relates to the actual hardware much better than just about every other language (other than assembly of course)
04:44.44 Axman6 yeah
04:44.47 yukonbob BASIC, then C -- learn loops and decision-making, then bend your mind with pointers and references... :)
04:44.55 Axman6 hmm.
04:45.06 Axman6 yeah pointers and stuff messed with my head when i tried C++
04:45.16 Axman6 i think i'll be doing Java next year :(
04:48.59 brlcad learning C, Smalltalk, Lisp, C++, Perl, Python, and Java in that order would probably give a pretty solid practical programming foundation
04:49.45 poolio brlcad: It's pretty much taught in reverse at most universities
04:50.05 Axman6 yukonbob: it's pretty cool from what i know of it. it's Apple's frameworks that makes it awesome though
04:50.09 poolio And would you choose Lisp over Scheme?
04:50.33 brlcad Axman6: yeah, if you had problems with pointers, then I'd say you basically didn't finish .. should continue with C till it does all make sense
04:50.42 brlcad poolio: meh, same difference
04:50.51 brlcad for someone learning languages, the differences are petty
04:51.01 Axman6 never did straight C, tried C++. i should try C
04:51.12 brlcad there is no try!
04:51.16 brlcad there is do, and do not!
04:51.26 Axman6 if only i'd decided this three months ago when i didn't have a week before going to uni -_-
04:51.29 Axman6 yes master
04:51.35 yukonbob trouble (for me) with Lisp/Scheme is that there are _so_ many implementations -- and now esp. w/ the r6rs being so divisive, scheme's an even tougher landscape...
04:53.05 brlcad so many implementations because not even the lispers and schemers can agree on what they want the language to be, everyone has their own little pet peeves over nonsensical languages features
04:55.08 Axman6 ruby is quite nice.
04:55.16 Axman6 reads how it works when written well
04:55.23 yukonbob ...and apparently relatively easy to build one's own implementation -- ``Erik was saying to me "what's the difference between the Scheme's and the diff't C compilers?", but I don't get the same "vibe" ...
04:55.31 Axman6 and if you know what you're doing, can be concise
04:55.59 brlcad if you know what you're doing, the language doesn't matter much
04:56.17 brlcad that's the point of learning multiple languages
04:56.52 brlcad all the bickering and debates of language A over B over C is really lame, they all have their purposes and can all be put to pretty good use by good programmers
04:58.07 yukonbob well -- except wrt scheme, things seem to get so weird, you're really programming in $Implementation of a lisp-like language -- but true, re: language debates -- no need to use the language as a crutch...
04:59.18 yukonbob on to brlcad-ness: and are from the same model -- but notice the ring in the edge model -- Comments, brlcad?
04:59.45 yukonbob s/edge model/edge rendering/
05:02.23 brlcad yukonbob: yeah...
05:03.16 brlcad that's interesting.. should only drawing an edge if those two are different regions
05:04.06 brlcad could be the same bug that's causing the specs
05:04.24 brlcad if it is, you could probably finagle a workaround
05:05.06 yukonbob re: work-around -- that's fine -- but just an interesting aspect from this model -- getting good mileage out of it for potential bug-tickling :)
05:05.09 brlcad e.g. adding another subtraction object on the inner hub that subtracts from the negative primitive that ends there
05:05.44 brlcad i think it's the same bug .. just being exposed in a completely different (more obvious) way by the edge raytracer
05:06.16 brlcad that whole hub "should" be just one solid region
05:06.27 brlcad it's one chunk of contiguous metal
05:06.33 yukonbob correct.
05:06.35 brlcad or whatever material
05:06.46 yukonbob unobtanium
05:06.53 brlcad :)
05:07.29 yukonbob anyway, we went through the "specks" bug some time ago, but if this helps w/ the bug tracking/fixing, you're welcome to that img as a reference too...
05:07.40 brlcad if I recall correclty, you have some really interesting torus and cylinders being used to make that outer blend
05:08.01 yukonbob ya -- you commented on it before...
05:08.09 brlcad where their surface edge intersects is where that edge and the specles are occurring iirc
05:08.23 brlcad yeah, thanks for the image
05:08.47 yukonbob is there an ETA on 7.12?
05:09.52 brlcad as soon as the items in TODO are done
05:09.55 brlcad
05:10.02 brlcad if they're slow to fix, slow to release
05:10.14 yukonbob ah -- I asked that before and you replied the same way... sorry :)
05:10.16 brlcad otherwise, hopefully .. the plan is .. this month
05:10.58 brlcad yeah, that's always the release plan .. something might get pushed back to the next release, but most of those items are pretty important
05:12.54 yukonbob ?what's the [incr tcl] pathing issue, and the puts/gets stdout/stdin mged i/o?
05:16.09 Axman6 brlcad: seen before? ok place to start with C?
05:16.55 yukonbob Axman6: get kernighan/ritchey "The C Programming Language" for ANSI C.
05:17.07 Axman6 $?
05:17.16 poolio yes. worth every penny.
05:17.17 brlcad yeah, the original is still pretty great
05:17.36 poolio Even after you've read it, it's good as a reference.
05:18.01 brlcad that writeup doesn't seem too bad at a glance, but no I've not seen that pdf before
05:19.01 brlcad yukonbob: if you compile using system incrtcl, but compiling tcl/tk, it doesn't end up performing the right itcl/itk init it needs at run-time
05:19.37 brlcad just a build settings issue for the most part, but it needs to be fixed
05:20.55 yukonbob true -- kind of an odd situation though, where one would use a local implementation of a Tcl extension but choose to rebuild Tcl... still a bug, if it doesn't work...
05:21.39 brlcad the mged i/o problem is a bigger issue -- the output handlers aren't working right, related to the background/foreground options and what file descriptors are left open/closed, tcl's output channel setup, and our logging hook
05:22.27 brlcad I don't recall if it has anything to do with compiling tcl, the problem might just be using a system incr
05:23.45 yukonbob ok -- well, I use system _everything_ related to Tcl and as much as possible -- I'll see if I can find time to clone my env. and build in a chroot, teasing-out details...
05:23.47 brlcad either way, it's a default compilation problem and getting those resolved is always important or they just fester into other problems and can cascade other problems down the road
05:24.23 yukonbob s/and as much as possible/and every other lib as much as possible/
05:25.38 brlcad three configs I always try to make sure work, everything on, everything off, and default auto-detect on standard configs (e.g. mac os x or solaris out of the box)
05:26.54 yukonbob make sense
05:26.57 yukonbob *makes
05:52.20 Axman6 hmm, this wikibook is terribly inconsistant
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16:48.46 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30205 10/brlcad/trunk/include/config_win.h: Mods to get things compiling again.
16:51.11 brlcad huh, that's odd
18:39.46 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30206 10/brlcad/trunk/src/nirt/nirt.c: Added b to the flag parameter of fopen().
18:52.00 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30207 10/brlcad/trunk/src/nirt/parse_fmt.c: ValTab[] should not be const. Also added b to the flag parameter of fopen().
19:11.37 CIA-31 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30208 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/tkstub/tkstub.vcproj: tkStubImg.c no longer needed.
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21:28.51 *** join/#brlcad New2BRLCAD (i=cc9b1072@gateway/web/ajax/
21:29.12 New2BRLCAD Hello All
21:39.28 yukonbob hello, New2BRLCAD :)
21:41.59 New2BRLCAD I have a wicked n00b q
21:42.06 New2BRLCAD feel like a t00l asking it
21:42.17 yukonbob oh ya?
21:43.06 New2BRLCAD I'm looking around for an auto-cad like open source software for a little home project ( map out floor plans of my house and diagram electrical and plumbing)
21:43.21 New2BRLCAD I used an auto-cad like software in high school but its been awhile
21:43.39 New2BRLCAD would brlcad be something I could use to accomplish that?
21:43.43 New2BRLCAD or is this too indepth
21:44.05 New2BRLCAD I checked out the website, sourceforge. wikki
21:44.35 New2BRLCAD looks like I'd be trying to kill a ant with a bazooka but just wanted to make sure before I made that assumption
21:44.50 yukonbob well -- BRL-CAD uses Constructive Solid Geometry to do it's job -- I'm not an autocad expert at all, but it's typically a 2d line-drawing oriented tool, no?
21:45.19 New2BRLCAD right .. most of the drawings were 2d but I was thinking about doing it 3d
21:45.21 yukonbob People _do_ use BRL-CAD in construction, but it doesn't have tools for annotated line-drawings
21:45.24 New2BRLCAD for funzies
21:45.38 yukonbob for fun, sure, why not use BRL-CAD? :)
21:46.12 New2BRLCAD the program I used most of the construction items , such as windows doors etc.. were all in the app
21:46.34 New2BRLCAD I'm assuming I would have to start making those things first before stepping into the floor designs
21:47.14 New2BRLCAD what I'd like to do is eventually be able to design out an addition to scale
21:47.34 New2BRLCAD then provide that to a contractor to say build me one of these
21:47.47 New2BRLCAD ok thats kewl
21:48.25 New2BRLCAD I just wanted to get a feel for brlcad
21:48.31 New2BRLCAD so is creating a library involved?
21:49.07 yukonbob re: contractor -- like I said, you won't end up with a blueprint -- there are many ways to render, and lots of things you can test w/ BRL-CAD, but you may need to print-out your renderings in 'edge' format and then annotate yourself to give to a contractor...
21:51.03 yukonbob eg: see and for two diff't renders of the same object
21:53.00 yukonbob re: library -- I don't think there's any special format involved -- you'll create your objects using CSG methods and can then swap them back/forth to whatever projects you want...
21:53.20 yukonbob New2BRLCAD: what platform are you running?
21:54.45 *** join/#brlcad jgay (n=jgay@fsf/staff/jgay)
21:54.59 New2BRLCAD Ubuntu
21:55.04 New2BRLCAD on my PS3
21:55.05 New2BRLCAD =)
21:55.32 New2BRLCAD and then I have a macbook pro or a work issued IBM thinkpad that I could move it too
21:55.57 New2BRLCAD if the PS3 starts to cry
21:56.15 yukonbob Z80-Boy: runs on a 4 cores? ;)
21:56.50 yukonbob New2BRLCAD: so -- are you hoping to run BRL-CAD on the PS3, or MBP, or ?
21:56.59 Z80-Boy runs on 4 urethane wheels
21:57.18 Z80-Boy or 2 metal edges
21:57.20 New2BRLCAD prob the PS3
21:57.29 Z80-Boy or, like most of contemporary IT technology, on water.
21:57.33 New2BRLCAD my IBM is pretty loaded
21:57.48 yukonbob is the PS3 using a Cell processor?
21:58.50 New2BRLCAD yep
22:00.59 New2BRLCAD 256M of main XDR mem and 256M GDDR3 for the NVIDIA RSX
22:02.13 ``Erik I think BRL-CAD tops out at around 512 processors, then funky locking issues start showing up and slowing things down
22:02.21 Z80-Boy yukonbob: BRL-CAD is here for 30 years
22:02.33 ``Erik I use it with 8 core machines all the time :)
22:02.49 Z80-Boy im buying now a core 2 duo machine
22:02.52 Z80-Boy Just because of BRL-CAD
22:02.52 yukonbob I'm not talking about #cores, but the CELL architecture...
22:02.58 Z80-Boy Because I know the renders will be hell slow
22:03.13 Z80-Boy Hey, you should finally fix the 218x slowdown with the half-cut bolts
22:03.39 Z80-Boy brlcad said he'll definitely need to look into that, that it's suspicious. That it shouldn't create a slowdown orders of magnitude
22:05.18 Z80-Boy BRL-CAD, the ultimate 21st century oldschool!
22:06.53 Z80-Boy Hey, can I get a BRL-CAD sticker for my snowboard?
22:16.29 ``Erik the csg tree must be extremely poorly arranged for that kinda slowdown, with a horrible space partition happening
22:18.11 Z80-Boy yeah I suspect some worst case to hit or something like that
22:18.17 Z80-Boy is the csg somehow balanced?
22:18.49 Z80-Boy I mean is the csg tree balanced?
22:19.01 ``Erik well, if you blast something like a half through a complex geometry, the space partition tree will balloon like mad
22:19.07 Z80-Boy or is it left unbalanced and hoped for a statistical spread?
22:19.18 ``Erik the csg tree itself is built how you define it
22:19.20 Z80-Boy I blasted a rpp ;-)
22:19.50 Z80-Boy well every single cylinder of the thread gets cut in half
22:19.55 Z80-Boy but it shouldn't slow down 218x
22:19.58 Z80-Boy It should slow down 2x
22:20.17 Z80-Boy I guess the bounding boxes are maybe deoptimized?
22:20.47 ``Erik are you using the half operator?
22:21.15 ``Erik might be better to use an arb8 (or several arb8's)
22:21.16 Z80-Boy I don't know what a half operator is
22:21.25 Z80-Boy I use a rpp to do the cutaway view
22:21.40 Z80-Boy if you mean a halfplane, I never used a halfplane
22:21.44 ``Erik hrm, odd
22:21.52 Z80-Boy you can try it the .g is online
22:22.04 Z80-Boy And in the bug database
22:22.20 Z80-Boy
22:22.26 Z80-Boy do
22:22.27 Z80-Boy "B headcut" and rt
22:22.30 Z80-Boy it will become hell slow
22:23.25 Z80-Boy going sleeping good night
22:31.05 louipc Axman6: I'm using C Primer Plus right now
22:38.23 *** part/#brlcad New2BRLCAD (i=cc9b1072@gateway/web/ajax/
23:16.26 Axman6 louipc: yeah when i tried C++, i used C++ Primer Plus (terrible name). it was really really well written
23:18.55 IriX64
23:19.05 louipc woohoo integer overflow
23:19.21 IriX64 use float :)
23:19.24 louipc looks like you have to be very dilligent with C to make sure things are going right
23:19.30 louipc diligent
23:25.40 ``Erik "unit testing for xml" *boggle*
23:26.48 IriX64 <grin>
23:28.55 louipc I use dosbox to play old games
23:29.08 ``Erik I've done that, too
23:33.06 IriX64 how many dos's come in that box ;)
23:59.39 ``Erik sid meiers pirates!... the original one, not gold
23:59.49 louipc IriX64: enough of them to run games?

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