IRC log for #brlcad on 20080316

03:35.06 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:35.06 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || BRL-CAD is on but still offline || Release 7.12.0 being tagged today
04:05.45 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
06:43.29 brlcad starseeker: very nice!
06:44.10 brlcad MinuteElectron: if you didn't notice, the site went live a couple days ago
06:44.28 brlcad (sans ldap at the moment, and with some style simplification as you may notice)
09:38.07 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
10:57.16 MinuteElectron oh
10:57.55 MinuteElectron why the simplification?
13:03.47 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
14:37.20 *** join/#brlcad norias (
14:38.23 norias hello
14:38.30 norias hm..
14:52.54 *** join/#brlcad norias (
14:53.27 brlcad MinuteElectron: mostly because it still wasn't fully behaving properly on ie6 .. and to fix ie6 *reliably* made things worse for the compliant places
14:54.56 brlcad MinuteElectron: plus the style just really is sitting stale with me the more I use it.. so less is more ;)
14:56.02 brlcad so it can start to get populated and the style can be fixed later .. really just wanted to finally take it live (so people could see all your hard efforts) :)
14:57.21 brlcad in the process of fixing ie6, I just dropped the footer and simplified the blocks down to what you see, later did the same for the iphone .. then I really started to like that even more for everywhere
14:57.26 brlcad hello norias
15:01.45 norias hi
15:02.40 norias how are you doing, brlcad?
15:02.50 brlcad pretty good, thanks
15:03.33 norias are you one of the brlcad developers?
15:03.41 brlcad nods
15:03.46 norias nice work
15:03.52 brlcad thanks
15:04.01 brlcad are you interested in development?
15:04.06 norias just grabbed it yesterday, i'm a machinist trying to learn CAD
15:04.18 norias i used to... maybe a decade ago...
15:04.28 norias develop minor pieces of software
15:04.37 norias database stuff for small businesses
15:04.42 norias doubt i could touch this stuff
15:05.27 brlcad oh, don't hold yourself back -- there's lots of levels and areas of development for just about any skill level :)
15:05.37 brlcad otherwise, glad to hear it
15:05.38 norias right on :)
15:06.16 norias figured i'd hang out in here and see what gets talked about
15:06.25 norias seems like a good way to get a feel for the software
15:07.39 norias in about 24 hours, the only thing i've noticed that i'd think would be cool
15:07.48 norias but probably not useful to professional users
15:08.07 norias would be the capability of importing the Sketchup model format
15:15.28 brlcad yeah, that would be interesting to have
15:15.53 brlcad there are a slew of converters on the hopeful "todo" list
15:16.00 norias i bet
15:16.08 brlcad but the hot item this year is a STEP converter, and that's a pretty big order
15:16.28 norias yeah,from what i understand of that format
15:16.32 norias it sounds rather big
15:16.39 norias that's the OSI standard, right?
15:16.40 brlcad adds sketchup to
15:16.51 brlcad no, it's an ISO standard
15:16.55 norias er.
15:16.57 brlcad :)
15:17.01 norias yeah, more coffee :)
15:18.05 norias i'm playing with the DXF export right now
15:19.01 norias it's nice that this is available for mac
15:19.12 norias it kinda seems like mac is ignored when it comes to CAD
15:19.13 norias of any sort
15:21.26 brlcad yeah, I'm really hoping we can finally get native working here in the next couple months
15:21.33 brlcad so it's not reliant upon x11
15:22.04 brlcad which will make it a lot easier to have it install into /Applications as well
15:22.15 norias oh, hmm, that'd be neat
15:22.29 norias i'm pretty unix-familiar so the current way doesn't really bother me at all
15:22.36 norias but i can see where that'd be nice
15:22.59 brlcad yeah, the idea would be maybe three icons -- one being MGED, another being Archer, and a third for a "BRL-CAD Terminal"
15:23.06 norias sounds like a big project... or is the GUI pretty thin?
15:23.20 brlcad it's fairly neatly abstracted
15:23.36 norias i played around with OBJ-C on OS X
15:23.41 norias seems like a really nice system
15:23.54 brlcad mged and archer both go through Tk and AquaTk finally seems to be working now (it's been too buggy)
15:24.09 norias oh, ok
15:25.12 brlcad if we're accepted into the summer of code, things are going to be really busy this summer...
15:25.33 norias the whole google deal?
15:25.41 brlcad but we would hopefully get two or three really interested students working on some good stuff
15:25.45 brlcad yeah
15:26.03 norias yeah, that'd be really interesting
15:26.16 norias i have a buddy who designs robots for a living
15:26.19 brlcad orgs are announced tomorrow, so we'll know soon enough
15:26.23 norias i'm getting tempted to toss him a link
15:26.56 norias not really sure what sort of software he's using
15:26.59 brlcad our biggest "problem" right now is that the main gui is .. expert friendly .. sufficiently efficient for those that are trained in it
15:27.18 norias i can see that
15:27.18 brlcad but really hard for new users to learn, very steep learning curve
15:27.41 norias with a software suite that does so much though...
15:27.42 brlcad that's something we've recognized for years, been working on fixing
15:27.51 brlcad yeah, the power's mostly all there
15:27.57 norias can you really expect to simplify it that much?
15:28.08 brlcad not simplify, make it more friendly ;)
15:28.39 norias friendly is good :)
15:29.01 brlcad right now if you want to "figure out" how to do something you know it can do, you either end up needing to go through the volumes of documentation, asking an existing expert user (forums, mailing list, irc), or looking at the source code
15:29.08 norias i think i'm trying to make this do things it's not designed to do...
15:29.08 brlcad the app itself doesn't really help you
15:29.32 brlcad it should
15:29.42 norias i can see your point, which is something, is just something someone like me is willing to do
15:29.46 norias but alot of others wouldn't
15:29.49 brlcad it's designed to be a swiss army knife of tools for many many purposes :)
15:30.46 norias oddly enough, my end goal is to design military-style rifles
15:31.10 norias i became fascinated with their design during my short time in the National Guard
15:31.30 brlcad cool
15:31.52 norias almost makes sense to use a DoD program... :)
15:33.01 brlcad yeah .. no money on usability, all on core features.. :)
15:33.22 brlcad it's primarily since we've gone open source that usability has become a hot priority
15:33.35 norias i can see that
15:33.36 brlcad been an issue for years, but always falls under the radar
15:33.44 brlcad s/radar/prioritization/
15:33.49 norias since there's in-house training, i'd assume
15:33.53 norias for the internal users
15:33.57 brlcad and in-house experts
15:34.00 norias right
15:34.19 brlcad if something isn't working right, you can walk over and talk to a core developer any time
15:34.48 brlcad need a tweak that does X, you might get it today or be told of a workaround that's sufficient (or even better)
15:36.24 brlcad with open source, though.. it's desirable to get more core devs from all over working on the project
15:38.20 norias looking through your list of ideas...
15:38.27 norias you want it to spit out g-code?
15:39.27 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30531 10/brlcad/trunk/include/raytrace.h: include common.h
15:41.03 brlcad yes, that has been oft requested
15:41.08 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30532 10/brlcad/trunk/include/brep.h: minor cleanup investigating the C++ linkage failure seen on Fedora.
15:41.44 norias g-code... seems like that'd take... a few steps
15:41.55 brlcad certainly something doable, shouldn't be "too" hard really given we can fully sample any geometry
15:42.38 norias hmmm, i write g-code on a daily basis
15:42.47 norias and that seems.. like it'd be interesting...
15:42.53 brlcad you'd have to define available drill bits, the limits of the cnc machine (how many axes, etc), material types .. and solve paths
15:44.35 norias i know in theory it should work
15:44.50 norias i'm just trying to envision how it'd play out in practice
15:44.54 brlcad my thoughts were to use our ray-trace library, which can be used to sample geometry in any pattern desired and at any resolution to find out where there is and is not material
15:45.09 starseeker raises eyebrows - wikileaks claims to have a diagram about an early atomic bomb design
15:45.25 brlcad starseeker: saw that, pretty nifty
15:45.44 brlcad would make a simple can model :)
15:45.53 brlcad bunch of spheres and cylinders :)
15:46.02 starseeker heh - if it really is leaked they might get a bit annoyed at us for doing that ;-)
15:46.40 starseeker 'course, the basic designs have been pretty well known for a while now
15:46.46 brlcad gahs at the need to install fedora just for a build failure
15:46.52 starseeker ick
15:46.58 brlcad anyone got fedora on hand? :)
15:47.57 starseeker meh - that's a pretty simple diagram
15:48.18 norias some of these "leaks" aren't much of anything
15:48.25 starseeker no joke, that'd be a trivial model
15:48.30 norias army "Lessons Learned" are pretty wide distribution
15:52.30 starseeker would worry more about some terrorist nuts buying surplus Soviet nuclear weapons on the black market, disassembling them, and making the plans for THOSE public
15:53.24 starseeker brlcad: I don't suppose you could use VMware to install Fedora?
15:58.18 brlcad I can
15:58.21 brlcad but that's still ugh
15:58.24 starseeker True
15:59.06 norias do i need to raytrace an object before i export it to dxf?
15:59.14 starseeker shouldn't
15:59.26 starseeker unless you want to take a look at it
15:59.31 norias i just tried to export the sphere example
15:59.39 norias to see what it'd look like in my 2d cad program
15:59.43 norias and i'm having no luck
15:59.50 starseeker what's the error?
16:00.23 norias do_walk_subtree() FAIL on '/sph1.s'
16:00.27 norias 288 triangle written
16:00.37 norias i get a file, that has a sph1.s layer on it
16:00.46 norias but i can't seem to see any information on it...
16:01.11 starseeker Hmm - you just added a sphere to an empty database and tried exporting it, or are you using a pre-existing example file?
16:01.42 norias i followed the tutorial
16:01.47 norias and just made the initial sphere
16:01.57 norias then,
16:02.06 brlcad the failure is because it's looking for a region
16:02.19 norias oh, ok
16:02.26 brlcad it still wrote the sphere though
16:02.33 norias so, i have to have a region to get anything exported, really?
16:02.48 brlcad no
16:02.51 brlcad it should be fine
16:02.56 brlcad that's just what that FAIL means
16:03.49 norias oh, ok
16:03.52 norias hm
16:05.19 starseeker I'm not getting anything visible when I load the dxf into Qcad
16:05.31 norias yeah, i'm using qcad
16:06.03 norias i get list of weird errors if i use -v
16:07.04 brlcad not saying it's the problem here, but qcad's dxf importer has *many* bugs
16:08.27 brlcad the dxf loads fine in blender
16:09.10 starseeker qcad can't see the cassini dxf either
16:09.17 norias hmm. bummer
16:09.27 norias so it's qcad
16:09.49 norias that puts some stones in my shoes as far as what i wanted to do
16:11.09 brlcad there are a few things you can try
16:11.40 brlcad edit the dxf and remove all of the slashes in the entity names
16:12.16 brlcad sed 's/\/sph1.s/sph1.s/g' < yourfile.dxf > newfile.dxf
16:12.24 norias hmmm
16:12.26 norias good idea
16:12.56 brlcad dxf spec allows for a wide range of characters in the names, qcad might not
16:14.35 norias hm. basically, figure out what sort of massaging of the data qcad needs
16:14.45 norias and maybe write myself a little script for that
16:20.15 brlcad if it's something simple
16:20.17 brlcad should be
16:20.31 brlcad can you make a 3D sphere in qcad?
16:20.51 brlcad (not via a revolve)
16:22.35 norias can I? no
16:22.38 norias can the software?
16:22.41 norias i have no idea
16:22.49 brlcad heh
16:22.57 norias i use it to make 2D mechanical drawins of parts
16:23.07 norias blueprinrts
16:23.15 norias (wow, my typing is going to hell)
16:23.18 brlcad you using qcad on windows?
16:23.40 brlcad and did that sed make any difference?
16:23.55 norias sed didn't help
16:24.01 norias qcad on OS X
16:25.09 norias maybe that's the root of the problem
16:25.21 norias is that... the exported object is 3d
16:25.28 norias and i think qcad only handles 2d
16:26.21 brlcad could be
16:26.36 norias i was kinda curious how that would play out
16:26.39 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30533 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_system.h: try to fix the fedora linkage error (blindly). these are C headers, so protect them with an extern C declaration if we're compiling in C++ mode.
16:26.39 norias guess i know now
16:26.41 norias it won't
16:27.12 brlcad submit a bug report ;)
16:27.33 norias doesn't sound like a bug to me
16:27.38 norias well... not for brl
16:27.49 norias and, i'm thinking not really a bug for qcad
16:27.52 brlcad i meant a qcad bug report
16:27.54 brlcad and in jest :)
16:27.57 norias because i don't think it's supposed to do 3d
16:28.00 norias oh, right on
16:31.55 norias hmmm, solidworks has a free viewer
16:32.13 norias kinda helps... a little...
16:33.09 brlcad what're you trying to do?
16:33.22 brlcad if you're trying to better visualize, you can use the "rt" command
16:33.31 norias hmm, basically... i'd like to lay things out with brl-cad in 3d
16:33.40 norias then turn it out into 2d images
16:34.00 norias that i can add dimensions etc, for working drawings
16:34.06 brlcad ah, k
16:34.21 brlcad run "rtedge"
16:34.26 norias oh?
16:34.48 brlcad that'll generate hidden line drawings
16:34.52 brlcad e.g.
16:35.14 brlcad just without dimensions
16:35.24 norias that's kinda close to what i'm after
16:35.36 brlcad but they can of course be added to the image afterwards with fav image editor
16:35.51 brlcad yeah, you probably want the orthogonal views
16:36.03 norias right
16:36.04 brlcad maybe something not quite so complex
16:36.18 norias orthogonal views is exactly the idea
16:36.38 norias i'm not even 100% sure, because i'm not any sort of engineer
16:36.47 brlcad yeah, i've been meaning to write a little wrapper that generates a standard multi-view hidden-line rendering all at once
16:36.51 norias i make the stuff, and i know what it needs to look like fore me to make it
16:37.34 norias and, i can make those drawings with qcad or whatever
16:37.51 norias and i can make 3d models to look at by importing them into sketchup
16:38.02 norias (even though the dimensional accuracy is then... terrible)
16:38.13 norias i'd like be able to go the other way
16:38.49 brlcad something like
16:39.10 norias yeah, vaguely
16:39.24 norias i could toss an example of a single piece
16:39.29 norias that i did with qcad
16:39.44 norias (even though it's technically wrong)
16:40.29 brlcad yeah, be useful to see
16:40.56 norias there's too many views on mine
16:41.05 norias i was told by a friend who's a professional drafter
16:41.10 norias but i guess it gives the idea
16:41.24 brlcad better to have too much than too little
16:41.36 norias that's my thought
16:41.46 norias but the drafting... they have their own standards, too
16:41.52 norias so, it doesn't fit the standard
16:42.31 norias but then, it's alot closer than i was before :)
16:42.41 norias
16:42.53 norias the pdf file on that page is the actual document
16:43.44 brlcad yeah, something like
16:44.25 norias yeah
16:44.41 norias not that people actually follow it...
16:44.46 brlcad :)
16:44.51 norias i was just making a drawing
16:45.00 norias based on what i knew from having seen 1000's of them
16:45.06 norias to describe an object i was making at home
16:45.20 norias apparently i have two too many views
16:47.13 norias i'm thinking... basically the multipane mged view
16:47.49 norias shoved into a file
16:51.14 starseeker Hmm - this is pretty darn cool looking:
16:52.06 norias those are pretty cool
16:52.23 norias i found some blueprints for the m1911 45 caliber pistol
16:52.33 norias those are neat, imho
16:52.42 starseeker I guess that price isn't too bad considering how many blueprints there are, but still... urk
16:52.46 starseeker neat
16:52.50 starseeker originals?
16:53.05 norias yeah
16:53.14 norias well, scanned pdf of the originals
16:53.18 starseeker neat
16:53.24 starseeker link? ;-)
16:53.32 norias that might be one of my "learning cad" projects
16:53.38 norias to turn them into a .dxf
16:53.43 norias hmm, link... i dunno
16:53.54 norias i downloaded 'em from somewhere...
16:54.11 norias i can put them on my google base account if you want
16:54.23 starseeker are they copyrighted?
16:54.30 norias no idea
16:54.37 norias good question, actually
16:54.44 norias can't image at this point it'd be a big deal
16:54.52 starseeker heh
16:54.54 norias 20 thousand companies make 1911's
16:55.15 norias it's not like the dimensions of the things are some huge secret
16:55.43 starseeker true
16:56.01 starseeker sees a fair number of 1911 blueprints on ebay
16:56.08 starseeker not originals, but copies
16:56.12 norias yeah
16:56.33 norias i think it'd be fun to make one someday
16:56.39 starseeker :-)
16:56.41 norias when i get hold of a milling machine
16:57.00 norias (or an employer that let's me use the machines on off time)
16:57.15 starseeker That'd be interesting if you tried to register it with police - "Manufacturer? Me in my garage officer, honest!" ;-)
16:57.19 norias i had an interview with a company that makes components for machine guns
16:57.25 starseeker cool
16:57.32 norias actually, in the US, it's totally legal to make your own firearms
16:57.41 norias and in my state, there are no firearms registrations
16:58.10 starseeker that works
16:58.10 norias you can legally make any firearm that you could legally purchase
16:58.17 norias so long as you do all the work yourself
16:58.20 norias and never sell it
17:00.14 norias nice...
17:00.41 norias this CAD viewer opens the dxf that brl made
17:01.02 norias now i see why it's called a bag of triangles
17:01.06 starseeker hehe
17:16.05 norias so, brl-cad can do ballistics simulations? or no?
17:21.20 brlcad ballistic simulation codes use brl-cad (directly)
17:21.43 brlcad but we don't include the code in brl-cad that does the actual penetration simulation
17:22.08 brlcad that's a separate analysis code, one of many that use brl-cad for high-performance geometry interrogation
17:22.59 norias so, basically... it does external ballistics..
17:23.11 yukonbob waves in
17:23.16 norias i.e. if i modelled a projectile for a rifle...
17:23.18 brlcad the closest brl-cad lets you get to that are the tools for computing weights/moments and projected areas
17:23.36 brlcad howdy yukonbob
17:23.41 norias i could model it's external ballistics?
17:23.45 norias (i.e. flight path)
17:23.51 norias or no?
17:24.26 brlcad with what?
17:24.55 brlcad with brl-cad, no -- it provides the fundamental geometric representation and API facilities for querying that representation
17:25.01 norias ok
17:25.18 brlcad there are various (other) analysis codes that hook into that API for doing the simulations
17:26.12 brlcad those include things like simulating material interactions, energy transmission, flight-path simulations, etc
17:27.26 brlcad so you could model the projectile for a rifle and there are codes that will simulate its behavior in a given encounter scenario
17:29.52 norias hmmm
17:29.54 norias interesting
17:31.34 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
17:57.30 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:00.09 brlcad norias: curious, in your example, the dimensions on the center for .492 and .244 don't seem right
18:01.10 brlcad if the base is .170 up and top of that cylinder is .260 up (right diagram), then .244 for the center of that .250R seems wrong
18:04.41 norias it's possible
18:04.45 norias i'm still learning
18:04.53 norias and some of the numbers are a little fudged
18:05.06 norias mostly because not all of the dimensionals are functional
18:05.25 norias they are just.... to make the piece more attractive
18:06.08 norias lemme look, though...
18:07.51 norias i see your point...
18:07.57 norias that doesn't seem to make sense
18:08.46 norias at all
18:09.04 norias also interesting that you caught that
18:09.13 norias and the professional drafter i showed it to didn't
18:10.31 norias yeah, the .492 should be .170 - .040 (for the radius)
18:10.36 norias hence, .130
18:11.09 norias i'm set to do another version
18:11.36 norias off some models i did of this piece in relation to the other parts in the assembly
18:11.55 norias which gave me some different theoretical values
18:12.01 norias close, but it makes a difference
18:12.02 norias so, yeah
18:12.04 norias good catch
18:12.35 norias i think both the .492 and .244 are wrong
18:16.34 brlcad k :)
18:17.58 norias btw, is there a repository somewhere for free brl-cad models?
18:35.57 brlcad norias: there are a variety included in your install
18:36.18 brlcad look in /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad/7.XX.X/db
18:39.36 brlcad norias: also curious, noted in your diagram that you have the top at a 5 deg incline, yet the google picture seems pretty horizontal
18:42.38 norias i think that's just a perspective issue
18:43.16 brlcad hm, k
18:43.38 norias lemme look, though
18:43.42 brlcad plays with the model
18:43.54 norias because the picture is a just a picture of the 3d model
18:44.10 norias so i should be able to tell pretty quick
18:44.20 norias (the 3d model comes directly from the diagram)
18:45.03 norias definitely a perspective issue
18:47.40 norias just added another picture
18:47.42 norias that shows
19:08.50 brlcad woot,
19:09.07 brlcad thats a fun lil shape
19:10.00 brlcad created exactly per your dimensions
19:18.07 brlcad
19:19.42 norias wow
19:19.46 norias that's really neat
19:20.34 norias so the dimensions were good, then?
19:21.00 brlcad i'm not an expert modeler, there's probably some optimizations that I could have used, but it was easy enough to reconstruct
19:21.33 brlcad yeah, the dimensions seemed alright except for those two mentioned
19:21.38 norias oh, ok
19:21.59 norias how'd you get a center point for that radius, then?
19:22.10 brlcad and given they were wrong, it made positioning the main arc interesting :)
19:22.32 norias just eyeballed it?
19:24.42 brlcad well, the overall width is known and it's nearly tangent to the outer edge
19:25.17 brlcad that gives a horizontal -- i did just eyeball the vertical at .180
19:25.55 norias yeah, well, the numbers for that center point... and the size of that radius are just a "guess" anyway
19:26.10 norias it's not at all functional, just to make it look nice installed
19:26.24 brlcad ah
19:26.27 norias so, .250 for the radius just because it's easy to make, and a standard size
19:26.37 brlcad i thought you had measured one :)
19:26.57 norias then the centerpoint found just by lining that up with the straight line for the angle, and the extractor lip
19:27.06 norias yeah, i actually made one by hand
19:27.21 norias by measuring where it needed to fit, and what it needed to do
19:27.28 brlcad is that r250 angle also 5 degrees?
19:27.34 norias and the blueprint is based off those measuremeants
19:27.54 norias R.250 is the size of the radius on the "front"
19:28.08 norias and the 5 degrees is also a "look" nice thing
19:29.38 norias i have a "third edition" soon...
19:29.42 norias based on notes, etc
19:29.48 norias because i might make a few more of these
19:30.05 norias considering starting the process in BRl-cad
19:30.19 norias then moving it to my regular cad environment for the working prints
19:30.37 norias not sure if i'll make them soon, because doing it by hand is a PITA
19:30.56 norias or, maybe even take a good print to a local shop and get it priced for a small run
19:31.19 norias probably not, though
19:31.31 norias when i started this, the part was unavailable
19:31.36 norias so, i was forced to make one
19:31.41 norias they are available now
19:31.52 brlcad oh yeah
19:31.54 norias i didn't even know what it needed to look like
19:32.00 norias just where it went, and what it did
19:32.02 brlcad noticed another minor discrepancy
19:32.05 norias ?
19:32.27 brlcad on the left side, where the R.250 arrow meets up
19:32.45 norias yes?
19:32.58 brlcad if that's the radius, then the 119+131 below are slightly off :)
19:33.00 norias oh, i think i see...
19:33.06 brlcad as they are inside
19:33.07 norias yeah, i know those are off
19:33.16 norias i noticed that after i called it "quits"
19:33.19 brlcad would be saying tan(5) == 0 :)
19:33.35 norias (actually when i was trying to make one)
19:34.03 norias it's been a learning experience
19:34.12 norias before this i never touched CAD software, at all
19:34.24 norias i just make things in a shop
19:34.28 brlcad cool
19:34.34 norias and know kinda what the prints need to look like
19:34.57 brlcad I mostly only touch CAD software and rarely make things in a shop ;)
19:35.13 norias yeah, eventually...
19:35.25 norias i'm going to school to be a mech engineer
19:35.43 brlcad if you would like to play with that .g, its also up there in the tmp dir
19:35.54 norias i'm trying to learn/teach myself all this stuff from the ground up
19:35.58 norias instead of the other way around
19:36.25 brlcad
19:36.31 norias tempting...
19:37.08 brlcad fixes apache's mime type
19:38.47 norias is archer a big advance over mged?
19:40.06 yukonbob brlcad: what's the ETA for tagging latest 7.10.x
19:40.44 brlcad norias: usability wise, yes -- but it's lacking tons of functionality
19:41.03 brlcad it's the start of a new user interface, a redesign, a prototype
19:41.09 brlcad yukonbob: later today
19:41.37 yukonbob !! woohoo
19:41.39 yukonbob :)
19:42.01 yukonbob prepares
19:42.11 yukonbob is .6?
19:42.16 brlcad 7.12.0
19:42.19 yukonbob ha
19:42.20 yukonbob *ah
19:42.50 brlcad this will actually be one of our biggest feature-wise in a long time
19:42.59 brlcad more than 75 items
19:43.00 yukonbob is looking forward to it...
19:43.18 norias of course... i download the old one the day before...
19:43.23 brlcad :)
19:43.32 brlcad it's alright, we might not make full binaries for this release
19:43.34 yukonbob heh -- isn't that how new releases are made?
19:43.42 brlcad maybe just mac, linux, windows or someset thereof
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21:17.40 starseeker Heh - tempest in a teapot - the atomic bomb "leak" was already here:
21:30.22 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
22:52.06 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@

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