IRC log for #brlcad on 20080320

01:56.43 starseeker gets highres version of Earth image into gallery
02:05.24 brlcad cool
02:14.29 starseeker brlcad: Your turn ;-)
03:24.41 brlcad upgrades gallery first
03:55.16 yukonbob waves in
03:58.24 yukonbob is the high-res img starseeker is talking about that earth cutaway?
04:00.11 brlcad starseeker: you know what, screw it -- 4k images would be nice to have, I just need to configure some additional default sizes
04:00.15 brlcad yeah
04:03.05 yukonbob is nice model and all, but not really necessary to have much more than 1024x1024, is it?
04:04.19 yukonbob just thinks there are more interesting models, and so for sake of diskspace (probably not that big a deal, though) and bandwidth...
04:05.06 yukonbob hits hay
04:05.11 brlcad *shrug*
04:05.31 brlcad that was my original thinking, but we're not short on diskspace or bandwidth :)
04:05.41 brlcad just needs to provide reasonable options
04:06.09 brlcad would be nice if clicking on the image produced 1024 by default, then having an option for original only in the list
04:07.20 yukonbob not really a big deal, but it's just not that exciting a model... such a large download isn't _that_ exciting (in the case of the cutaway earth, anyway)... just an opinion, though. I'm not managing the site, and don't have any models up yet :)
04:07.41 brlcad the idea would be to go that big for all images as a max cutoff
04:07.57 yukonbob ie: 1024 square?
04:07.58 brlcad mebbie, it's fine as is now
04:08.01 brlcad no, 4k
04:08.21 brlcad i could see some that might be useful to have even higher though .. posters and such
04:08.32 yukonbob nods
04:08.45 yukonbob what we need is a poster of a bicycle hub...
04:08.48 brlcad there we go, gallery updated to latest
04:08.51 brlcad :)
04:09.04 brlcad that's one for the gallery
04:09.49 yukonbob is it "cool" enough? It's not multi-material like moste (all?) other models...
04:09.56 yukonbob *most
04:10.11 brlcad it's a really nice design
04:10.26 brlcad would be nice to show the wireframe with it to get a feel for the complexity
04:10.46 yukonbob fine... can render + provide img, sure.
04:10.46 brlcad I like it because of some of the csg methods used
04:11.23 yukonbob I've got some spare cycles... maybe I can knock off an interesting img tomorrow.
04:12.03 yukonbob how's 7.12 coming, speaking of cycles? I bet you're burning way more than you figured w/ the Ubuntu, Fedora testing, etc. :P
04:16.05 brlcad cool
04:16.19 brlcad yeah, a little more, but mostly just too much context switching
04:16.29 brlcad 7.12 is ready to go, but haven't had time to write up the release announcements
04:16.44 brlcad also have to send out an announcement about gsoc asap (probably even higher priority)
04:17.19 yukonbob feh -- yeah... Context switches are expensive -- about as effective as a hamster wheel it seems, sometimes ;0
04:19.22 yukonbob is heading to sleep. Tmo I need to do some work w/ my other project, a little bit of admin, and then will drop in to see if I can help w/ writing up some "stuff" for release or review, if that'll help..
04:27.55 yukonbob packs out -- see you tmo #brlcad
04:39.38 brlcad cheers
05:15.55 *** join/#brlcad PrezzKennedy (i=Matthew@
05:29.08 *** join/#brlcad starseeker ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:29.08 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (i=Matthew@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:42.18 *** join/#brlcad bz06 (
05:42.21 bz06 hi?
05:42.35 bz06 anyone there
09:20.11 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
09:26.54 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
09:36.52 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
09:43.40 *** part/#brlcad vedge (n=vedge@
09:48.45 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
11:31.32 starseeker yukonbob: Yeah, it's a pretty simple model - the high-res would mainly be for printing purposes, if someone wants to print it.
12:36.32 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
12:42.10 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
13:53.49 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
14:15.09 *** join/#brlcad pushkal (n=chatzill@
14:16.27 pushkal hi all..
14:16.45 pushkal are any of the mentors round here ?
14:17.47 alex_joni pushkal: ping brlcad :)
14:18.31 pushkal hes of with a msg "z"..
14:19.32 brlcad howdy pushkal
14:19.37 pushkal hey..
14:20.06 pushkal i am a bit confused
14:20.12 pushkal could ya help me out ?
14:20.14 pushkal :)
14:21.07 alex_joni depends on the source of your confuseness
14:21.12 pushkal ur Universal geometry converter API project is what i think i can do..
14:21.38 pushkal but being brand new to open source.. i dunno what the prerequisites are
14:24.29 pushkal any1 home??
14:24.41 brlcad pushkal: yeah, sorry
14:24.47 alex_joni pushkal: one thing you need to learn about open source.. be patient
14:24.59 brlcad pretty busy at the moment and have to run out for a bit
14:25.05 pushkal im sorry..learnt my first lesson.. :)
14:25.20 brlcad but yeah .. be patient .. responses often won't come for many minutes or even hours later
14:25.34 brlcad so you stay on the channel and do other things, checking back every now and then
14:25.48 pushkal ok.. sure
14:25.52 brlcad the prereqs are being pretty adept in C
14:26.02 brlcad also C++ if you make an OO api
14:26.21 brlcad there are several dozen converters in brl-cad, importers and exporters
14:26.33 brlcad right now they are all independent binaries, very little code overlap
14:27.02 brlcad the idea would be to make them go from being apps to being functions -- and putting all those functions together into a library
14:27.29 brlcad then making the various binaries just make the appropriate api calls instead of containing all that logic like they do now
14:27.44 brlcad we can go into more detail later, but I do have to run
14:27.51 brlcad bbiab
14:31.27 *** join/#brlcad pushkal_ (n=chatzill@
14:32.06 pushkal_ !logs
14:32.17 pushkal_ any logs of chat?? i got disconnectd
14:32.31 Axman6 i could copy and paste if you wanted...
14:32.41 pushkal_ please.. thanky you
14:35.55 Axman6
14:36.11 Axman6 tried two different paste sites, both were down -_-
14:36.32 pushkal_ thanks ...
14:36.34 pushkal_ :)
15:03.40 *** join/#brlcad eboettcher (n=f00__@pdpc/supporter/student/box1209)
15:11.54 yukonbob pokes in
15:12.48 Axman6 :o
15:33.25 *** join/#brlcad SamRose (
15:34.09 SamRose Ok, so I downloaded brl-cad on both debian, and right now on mac os x 10.3.9, on ppc chip. Now what? Where did it install to? :)
15:51.11 alex_joni SamRose: /usr/brlcad
15:51.21 SamRose of
15:51.23 SamRose ah
15:51.27 SamRose :)
15:51.31 alex_joni but if you installed from a deb (on debian) you can check with dpkg -L packagename
15:51.50 SamRose how about on os x?
15:52.03 SamRose I found on /usr
15:52.49 SamRose but how do we go about starting and running the application on OS X?
15:56.20 alex_joni SamRose: OS X is a unix-like OS, so I owuld suspect just like on debian
16:45.43 SamRose Is there a web page that gives more info on the usage of brl-cad?
17:02.52 brlcad howdy SamRose
17:03.02 brlcad SamRose: there is a bunch of documentation on the website
17:03.32 brlcad that said, brl-cad isn't user-friendly -- one of the gsoc projects is to make it more user friendly :)
17:04.32 brlcad SamRose: running on Mac OS X is same as any other unix at the moment
17:04.46 brlcad i.e. start up X11, run /usr/brlcad/bin/mged in the xterm window
18:19.10 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30539 10/brlcad/tags/rel-7-12-0/: Tagging release 7.12.0
18:19.30 brlcad wow, that's cool
18:19.34 brlcad you can tag without a checkout
18:20.57 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30540 10/brlcad/trunk/include/conf/PATCH: that is pretty cool.. svn can tag without a checkout. bump patch version up to 1
18:26.55 yukonbob wonders what he's seeing -- is this 7.12 being put into the wild?
18:50.59 brlcad source tarball should be up soon
18:54.43 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30541 10/brlcad/branches/rel-5-1-branch/mged/dm_old/: delete dm_old, it's causing checkout problems
18:55.51 *** join/#brlcad pushkal (n=chatzill@
19:01.31 *** join/#brlcad pushkal_ (n=chatzill@
19:10.27 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
19:15.10 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03dgodbey * r30542 10/brlcad/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Initial checkin of 3dm-g converter.
19:24.24 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03dgodbey * r30543 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/3dm/ (3dm-g.cpp Fix file properties
19:40.31 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
19:40.31 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || Release 7.12.0 imminent (no really!) || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2008 Google Summer of Code, see and join the developer mailing list
19:43.20 yukonbob does his work, watches for release of 7.12, and then moves to building a hawt render for the gallery (maybe w/ the 7.12 release?)
19:43.31 brlcad it's tagged
19:43.38 brlcad making the source dist now
19:44.23 yukonbob a .tgz for sourceforge? Nice -- /me will grab that when it's posted (simplifies my build process)
19:53.27 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
19:57.43 brlcad i'll say something here, it's build-testing now
20:10.58 brlcad uploading
20:16.20 *** join/#brlcad fishe047 (
20:50.14 brlcad yukonbob: posted
20:51.43 brlcad BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || Release 7.12.0 is posted! (2008-03-20) || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2008 Google Summer of Code! See and and idle/talk here
21:01.51 *** join/#brlcad fishe047 (
21:42.41 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
22:06.20 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30544 10/brlcad/trunk/ChangeLog: it didn't make the rel-7-12-0 tag, but it needs to be in there anyways .. update the changelog (generated via --break-before-msg -r {2007-10-24}:{2008-03-11}
22:06.27 yukonbob returns from walk, is looking forward to testing 7.12 out :)
22:19.34 hippieindamakin8 hey brlcad, i am interested in the GSoC projects man
22:21.36 brlcad hippieindamakin8: glad to hear it man
22:21.42 hippieindamakin8 i am interested in 3 of them :D .. one is OO geometry engine API
22:22.03 brlcad there are a bunch that haven't been added yet too, be sure to check out the link in the first sentance
22:22.08 brlcad ~spell sentance
22:22.08 hippieindamakin8 universal goemetry converter
22:22.22 brlcad cool, both great projects
22:22.46 hippieindamakin8 ya.. gimme a month and i shall be able to do CSG<-> BREP
22:22.59 hippieindamakin8 i am midway the learning of the CAD representations
22:23.37 brlcad that one is very math intense, I'd be cautious without seeing code snippets and strong background info
22:23.50 hippieindamakin8 i have a good idea about CSGs and learning basic representation of the curves,splines
22:24.08 hippieindamakin8 and BREP manipulations
22:24.17 brlcad it's mostly done for three of the implicits, the big three even (ellipsoidals, arbs, and .. one other that escapes me)
22:24.36 hippieindamakin8 ohk..
22:25.05 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
22:25.06 brlcad are you referring to doing CSG evaluation of BREP or conversion from implicit to BREP?
22:25.14 brlcad (or both)
22:25.22 hippieindamakin8 i shall go through the source code pertaining to this one..
22:25.27 hippieindamakin8 i meant both..
22:25.42 hippieindamakin8 but i have just started a course in this CAD
22:25.51 brlcad src/librt/g_*.c has our primitives
22:25.52 hippieindamakin8 i am about to be done in a month..
22:25.57 hippieindamakin8 ohk
22:26.02 hippieindamakin8 i ll chk them
22:26.54 hippieindamakin8 hey brl what are the times u are generally on ?
22:28.14 brlcad i'm generally on most times of day night, but usually easier to talk to around 2000-0800 UTC
22:28.35 brlcad the dev mailing list also works
22:28.56 brlcad though I prefer irc if we're going to have "a discussion"
22:29.24 hippieindamakin8 yaya.. i shall get back to u.. i just started going through the codes...
22:29.41 hippieindamakin8 and i am sleepy at the same time :P
22:30.30 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
22:30.43 hippieindamakin8 where are u based ?
22:30.59 brlcad EST (east coast US)
22:31.00 brlcad you?
22:31.13 hippieindamakin8 INDIA
22:31.23 brlcad were you the one that posted that (bad) message to discuss? :)
22:31.49 brlcad what's your utc offset?
22:31.49 hippieindamakin8 which one ? :) i dont remember
22:31.56 hippieindamakin8 5 and half
22:32.04 brlcad the one about finding a project
22:32.07 brlcad a half? wtf
22:32.19 hippieindamakin8 5:30 hrs
22:32.44 hippieindamakin8 nono not me .. i already found the topic of my interests
22:33.17 brlcad that is messed up.. half hour offset
22:33.36 hippieindamakin8 ohh
22:33.47 brlcad and I presume you have long-term interest in brl-cad?
22:34.30 hippieindamakin8 yaya.. and i wanna pursue academic research too in this particular field
22:34.37 brlcad that is one of the primary reasons for gsoc, if you didn't read that ;)
22:34.48 hippieindamakin8 hehe
22:35.22 hippieindamakin8 i am working under Prof.A.Saxena from Cornell and UPenn
22:36.52 yukonbob brlcad: Newfoundland (Canada) also is .5h offset
22:38.38 louipc they like to call it "Newfoundland and Labrador" now
22:38.39 louipc heh
22:55.19 *** join/#brlcad fishe047 (
23:00.45 iraytrace l
23:05.26 *** join/#brlcad fishe047 (
23:06.28 iraytrace Sorry, accidentally typing in the wrong winidow
23:11.53 yukonbob wonders "what is intaval?"
23:18.34 *** join/#brlcad fishe047 (
23:48.30 *** join/#brlcad fishe047 (

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