IRC log for #brlcad on 20080326

00:11.57 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
00:42.40 brlcad hello hippieindamakin8
00:42.54 brlcad still no review on a submission yet, eh?
00:53.05 *** join/#brlcad cad24 (
00:53.28 brlcad hello cad24
00:53.34 cad24 howdy
00:53.36 brlcad wonders who that could be
00:53.44 cad24 wonders too
01:24.20 hippieindamakin8 hey sean
01:25.11 hippieindamakin8 i shall submit a proposal soon :(,, too much of academic load rt now.. the endsemester examinations are up in 20 days :( and project submissions
01:25.25 hippieindamakin8 when can i send u a proposal by the latest ?
01:25.31 hippieindamakin8 for a review
01:26.11 brlcad well gsoc hard deadline is on the timeline, I presume you know when that is
01:26.23 hippieindamakin8 ya
01:26.28 hippieindamakin8 march 31st
01:26.40 brlcad otherwise, it's up to you
01:27.00 brlcad just the later, the harder it will be to properly review and iterate on the design
01:27.15 hippieindamakin8 i am going through librt right now .. and some presentations by john anderson on application development
01:27.22 hippieindamakin8 ya i know :(
03:11.54 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
03:28.53 *** join/#brlcad minusinsk (n=jishi@
03:53.50 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
03:55.10 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
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06:45.59 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
08:08.53 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:17.51 cosurgi brlcad: sorry, I had unplanned reboot. And I'm afraid that more may be coming.
08:57.16 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
09:38.09 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
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10:26.44 *** join/#brlcad PrezzKennedy (i=Matthew@
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12:15.16 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r30568 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): updates to librtserver
13:36.41 ``Erik blargh.
13:37.54 ``Erik heh
13:38.56 ``Erik the '68 prediction of 2008 on slashdot right now, one of the predictions was a 4 hour work day and 2 hours home study to keep up... with lots of free time... smacksnot comment is painfully true...
13:39.03 ``Erik "They got it almost spot on: 4 hours actual work; 2 hours slashdot; 2 hours talking; 2 hours walking around the office; 1 hour making coffee's; 3 hours replying to emails; 3 hours answering telephones; 1 hour break time; 2 hours travel time; 2 hours home study time; 2 hours sleep. Rinse-and-repeat."
13:40.50 archivist has reduce /. and increases irc
13:45.12 clock_ this amuses me
13:45.29 clock_ electrostatic precipitators clean the air in homes
13:45.51 ``Erik "ionic breeze"
13:46.06 clock_ I don't have electrostatic precipitators. I leave dust to accumulate on the floor and when it's annoying I pick up a broom and broom it together and throw into the dustbin
13:46.21 clock_ Ocassionaly, when I manage to cross the threshold of my laziness, I do the whole room with a vacuum cleaner
13:46.35 ``Erik I leave it on the floor until my wench find it annoying and she picks up the broom O.o
13:46.36 ``Erik :D
13:46.48 archivist whats a broom
13:46.48 clock_ wench == ?
13:46.52 ``Erik woman
13:47.05 archivist the_wench is my bot in #mysql
13:47.10 clock_ archivist: a stick with bristles at the end that is used to sweep surfaces of particulate debris
13:47.32 ``Erik an old derogatory term
13:49.39 archivist "serving wench" the girl that brings the beer
13:50.01 ``Erik if that's the definition of "serve" you want to use
13:50.03 ``Erik O:-)
13:51.40 clock_ ``Erik: wench == wife?
13:52.04 ``Erik no, just a gf right now
13:52.17 clock_ What I find annoying on todays world is too civilized
13:52.52 ``Erik I find it more annoying at how incredibly incivilized it is, yet pretending it's highly civilized
13:52.55 archivist
13:54.55 clock_ the civilization takes fun away
13:55.12 clock_ Zurich is more civilized than Prague it has flat sidewalks like runways
13:55.20 clock_ When I ride skateboard it's dead boring all the way
13:55.46 ``Erik skateboards, such an uncivilized behavior *sigh*
13:55.47 ``Erik :D
13:55.49 clock_ Prague has cracks and I have to jump the cracks, they are always different size differently spaced so it never gets boring
13:56.16 clock_ In Zurich I see no nature in the street
13:56.40 clock_ In Prague I see grass between a lamp post and the sidewalk, in the crack of the sidewalk, in the crack between the sidewalk and the road
13:56.52 clock_ No grass -> depressive -> depression -> suicide -> bad
13:56.59 clock_ No wonder Swiss have such a high suicide rate
13:59.33 clock_ I hope US don't have such obsessively compulsively overperfect streets
14:01.05 clock_ god bless dust cracks bugs and dirt
14:01.35 clock_ noone has ever died from a peeling plaster!
14:04.58 *** join/#brlcad cad75 (
14:19.41 MinuteElectron clock_: if it got infected ;)
14:48.13 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
15:50.09 yukonbob morning, cadheads
17:20.59 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
17:27.38 brlcad burps
17:50.58 *** join/#brlcad lifeeth (n=praneeth@
17:52.34 lifeeth hello all
17:53.13 lifeeth I had some queries regarding one of the gsoc project ideas..."Web-based solid geometry model repository"
17:53.43 brlcad howdy lifeeth
17:54.03 brlcad hang around and we can talk about it in a while .. have to run off for a little while
17:54.13 lifeeth ok
17:54.19 brlcad (back in like 30min I think)
17:54.42 brlcad otherwise, maybe one of the other guys can get you set up with info
17:55.22 lifeeth @brlcad....I have a little bit of work...I will also be back in 30 min
17:55.32 lifeeth Thanks
17:59.38 yukonbob shuts off lights, flips "open" sign to closed for next half hour
18:04.58 ``Erik kicks off his shoes and leans back
18:34.49 louipc curses because his email isn't working.
18:35.55 ``Erik curse? sounds more like a blessing
18:37.04 yukonbob louipc: I can send my spam to the screen if you like, for that "Thank goodness I've got email" feeling.
18:37.40 ``Erik /dcc send louipc ~/Mail/Spam
18:39.14 louipc yukonbob: as long as they come with the patches I want :D
18:40.08 louipc I actually get no spam in my public email address
18:41.10 louipc but I get some spam in my personal mail because people don't know how to use the bcc field when forwarding to all their friends and shit
19:15.07 lifeeth hello again
19:15.15 lifeeth I had some queries regarding one of the gsoc project ideas..."Web-based solid geometry model repository"
19:15.15 brlcad lifeeth: so did you have a particular question in mind about the task? there's a lot of leeway in the design
19:16.47 lifeeth I have done some web development works before..
19:17.07 lifeeth But I don't use brlcad...
19:17.53 lifeeth Do I need to have a strong familiarity with brlcad if I intend to work on this project
19:19.18 brlcad not really strong
19:19.44 brlcad basically the web interface can be seen like a wiki for 3D geometry models ..
19:20.10 brlcad but to manage that effectively, you really need integrated tools -- like if someone uploads a model, you want to be able to see what that things looks like
19:20.33 brlcad so you need to generate some pictures (or integrate some sort of 3d viewing mechansim, but that's a fair bit more effort)
19:20.47 brlcad we have ways to generate pictures, so the web interface just runs the tool
19:20.57 brlcad have you ever looked at the backend to Gallery?
19:21.23 lifeeth Not the backend
19:21.25 brlcad gallery might even serve a good starting point foundation itself since it has related data management models
19:21.35 brlcad have you used gallery?
19:21.36 lifeeth But I am familiar with gallery
19:21.39 brlcad okay
19:21.47 brlcad well like when you upload an image to gallyer
19:22.09 brlcad it generates a set of resized images including the thumbnails
19:22.24 brlcad it does that by kicking of gd or imagemagik back on the server
19:22.40 lifeeth I am familiar with how it does it
19:22.50 brlcad this task would involve doing something very similar where there would be renderers and geometry converters being called on the backend
19:23.26 brlcad you don't really need to know those tools in depth other than what's needed to use for a specific purpose on the stie
19:23.37 lifeeth Ok.
19:23.39 brlcad at least that was my basic concept for that task
19:23.48 brlcad there are other things that you could also do with that idea
19:24.41 brlcad and it doesn't have to be a module, it could be all custom, could be ruby on rails, could be python, php, whatever .. the important aspect is something that will scale well and should be implemented cleanly/maintainably
19:24.41 lifeeth Like adding user comments perhaps?
19:25.34 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
19:26.01 lifeeth I am more towards using existing CMS's so that maintaining and extending the site in the future could be easy
19:26.01 brlcad maybe
19:26.15 brlcad sure, that's why they were mentioned
19:26.27 brlcad that does then help with access controls, comment streams, etc
19:28.22 lifeeth I am a bit familiar with drupal
19:29.45 lifeeth Are there any other requirements for the project ?
19:30.56 brlcad you should define the requirements as you see them in your proposal, we can iterate on them via the comment/review proecess
19:31.23 brlcad otherwise, not really, there's more than enough to do to hook in any CMS with the various tools and back-end content management
19:31.56 brlcad geometry files can be *huge* (hundreds of megs or more) or tiny (just a few bytes)
19:32.30 brlcad it would be nice to be able to categorize your models with tags/groupings when they are uploaded (e.g. via keywords)
19:33.15 lifeeth i think that part can be managed ,
19:33.41 archivist web 3d viewing mechansim is a nice idea
19:34.24 lifeeth A folksonomy would also be nice on the page
19:35.33 lifeeth The 3d viewing mechanism might require the use of flash or java which might not be a pleasant experience for some users
19:36.32 brlcad yeah, you'd have to make that either painless or otherwise have good detection so that it could fall back to images if not supported
19:36.40 archivist there are a few systems about
19:36.53 archivist most windows only
19:36.58 brlcad otherwise, there are some *really* slick 3D viewers out there, some java some flash, some x3d/vrml plugins, etc
19:37.15 brlcad e.g.
19:38.36 *** join/#brlcad archivist_win (
19:40.37 lifeeth There are also a couple of java script based ones
19:42.07 lifeeth I think I have a fair idea of what all are to be done for the project..
19:42.13 lifeeth Thanks for the help
19:42.41 brlcad yeah, several options
19:44.02 brlcad proposing implementing one is another possibility too, e.g. getting mged working as an embedded backend using RoR and/or ajax techniques to manipulate the display
19:44.59 ``Erik but then we'd need to call it TEW POINT OHHHH
19:46.22 lifeeth But then the server needs to be powerful enough if the files are huge
19:48.31 brlcad lifeeth: possibly, though the server assets could be throttled too (use work and user queues)
19:50.46 lifeeth I meant rendering with mged as a back-end for each user -- If we plan to use it for 3D viewing
19:50.50 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
19:52.39 lifeeth i dont think the statement was clear...
19:53.27 lifeeth I mean if we render upon each user request to rotate
19:53.56 brlcad you'd have one mged instance, or a pool of them that stay running -- users visit a page and would attach
19:54.01 brlcad mged is very lightweight
19:54.20 brlcad or at least can be compiled down to be very lightweight
19:55.27 lifeeth But if some one wanted to do something nasty...They can upload a file that takes time to render and run a DoS
19:58.08 lifeeth I will analyze the entire requirement and get back to the channel
19:58.26 lifeeth Thanks for the help
20:00.04 brlcad no problem
20:00.22 brlcad feel free to post your idea to the wiki as well when you post your submission
20:00.49 lifeeth Sure..
20:01.05 brlcad for us, it will mostly boil down to the quality of the applications themselves, and the candidates interest in long-term ideas (continuing past gsoc)
20:01.29 brlcad there's a lot of great stuff to work on, just a matter of getting excited about an idea
20:01.34 brlcad and running with it
20:03.29 cosurgi brlcad: if you say that this libtool problem on debian is unfixable, or you have no time for that, I'll install libtool from upstream. I think I'll do it circa before saturday.
20:06.20 cosurgi needs to do some stuff for yade, quickly.
20:08.19 brlcad cosurgi: still working on it, just a lot of thrashing :)
20:08.34 brlcad since this is submission week, it's a bit hectic :)
20:08.56 ``Erik plus 8 zillion other things to pull attention
20:09.09 brlcad yeah
20:11.29 ``Erik ahhhhhhhhhh HA
20:11.43 ``Erik <-- shakes fist vehemently at debian for a minute or 12
20:14.23 cosurgi brlcad: understood. Thanks :)
20:14.44 louipc is it possible to define 'views' in a .g file?
20:16.58 ``Erik no, but mged can save seperate view files
20:17.07 louipc maybe a modeller could define certain views: top, isometric, cutaway, etc then the web upload client would render a certain number of those or allow the user to select some and that should give a nice preview of the contents with just static images
20:18.40 brlcad louipc: there are a the default views, and for a given mged session you can save views in the view ring
20:19.06 louipc maybe you can use that somehow
20:19.18 brlcad for arbitrary views, you can run saveview/loadview to save/restore views (they're stored as external ray-trace script files that will render that view)
20:19.26 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
20:19.54 brlcad i just made a mod yesterday that lets you override the renderer used in the saveview (among other options)
20:22.23 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
20:26.45 ``Erik heh, neat
20:38.59 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
20:40.58 cosurgi brlcad: is the "MGED User Commands" in Appendix A of a complete reference? Or there are some commands left out?
20:42.22 cosurgi wants to find out how to do simple 2D drawfting (lines, polylines, arcs, etc)
20:43.06 ``Erik BRL-CAD is not a 2d drafting package... if you have a 3d representation, you can use 'rtedge', or if you like pain, you can try using the 'sketch' primitive :)
20:44.02 cosurgi ``Erik: I know it's not 2d, and I'm looking for this stuff only becasue it's missing.
20:44.46 cosurgi hm, does such reasoning make sense?
20:45.34 ``Erik I understand what you're saying, but it's a large domain and the software was tuned to it's niche, not that one
20:46.30 ``Erik if you haven't already seen it :)
20:50.58 brlcad cosurgi: the support I spoke to is almost entirely encapsulated in the sketch primitive
20:52.14 cosurgi brlcad: ok. in Introduction_to_MGED.pdf I've fouind this: "There are additional shapes available in MGED that are not listed in the
20:52.24 cosurgi preceding table: ...... sketch.."
20:52.40 cosurgi where can I find some info about sketch?
20:52.43 ``Erik imagines a seperate drafting gui could be built that used the underlying libwdb/librt shtuff to make sketch laden .g files, but would make the file useless for CAE
20:54.08 brlcad cosurgi: i'm not sure how well documented sketches are
20:54.09 cosurgi should learn what is libwdb/librt
20:54.34 brlcad there is a basic sketch editor in mged that exposes all of the basic types through a horrid button interface
20:54.49 cosurgi ok.
20:55.08 brlcad make sk.s sketch
20:55.10 brlcad e sk.s
20:55.13 brlcad sed sk.s
20:55.19 brlcad that will kick off the editor
20:55.41 brlcad there's also a command-line input iirc, run "in"
20:55.42 ``Erik imagines it's about as fun as LaTeX "picture" mode :D
20:56.12 brlcad libwdb is the "write-only geometry database library"
20:56.59 brlcad librt is the "ray-trace library" which is basically the core of the geometry engine, handles most of the representation types (in the g_*.c files)
20:57.06 cosurgi ``Erik: heh, I was using that picture mode for diagrams in my PhD,
20:57.42 ``Erik guesses he wont' be able to read it
20:57.43 ``Erik :D
20:58.08 cosurgi thanks for explanations :)
20:58.22 cosurgi brlcad: the "make sk.s sketch" should be issued inside mged, right?
20:58.27 brlcad right
20:58.33 brlcad sk.s can be whatever
20:58.50 brlcad via the gui, you can Edit -> Sketch iirc
20:59.02 cosurgi ok. I didn't compile it, yet :-)
20:59.10 brlcad ah, right ;)
20:59.32 brlcad will be back on that later today
20:59.32 cosurgi but I have irclog, and will go back to this point, and try it :)
20:59.42 ``Erik
20:59.52 cosurgi brlcad: don't feel pressed. We have time :)
21:00.26 brlcad ahh, awesome.. fracture models
21:00.57 brlcad was on a big fracture model kick a few years back.. so want to implement support for that in brl-cad
21:02.07 ``Erik weird, a thesis for a polish uni in english O.o but neat stuff, and I can read it :D thanks for the link
21:02.49 cosurgi heh. I keep telling everyone around to write their theses in english, because nobody understands polish these days.
21:07.21 cosurgi brlcad: if it was a question (the "so want to implement support for that in brl-cad") - then, honestly, I'm more interested in AutoCAD-like GUI for brl-cad than in fracture support in brl-cad :)
21:10.15 brlcad cosurgi: completely understand :)
21:10.23 brlcad wants a better gui more too
21:12.07 cosurgi there is no text primitive, right?
21:12.37 cosurgi (because currently the text was done as 3D shapes by some guy)
21:13.44 ``Erik sometimes its' done with 3d geometry, sometimes with sketch, I don't believe most models even bother with text (outside of the programatically accessable path names and region id's)
21:17.30 yukonbob bets most models don't use text because it's not an option :)
21:18.23 archivist a 2d from a model is useless wthout words
21:19.09 ``Erik most models were specifically built to use 3 pieces of software, none of which have any use of embedded text (the text woudl just get in the way)
21:23.32 cosurgi so for annotations and dimension lines brl-cad will need to add a text primitive. Storing this (drawing) data on the side of GUI is not a good idea.
21:23.47 yukonbob would love to see text; possibly both of something like POVRay uses (text as an object), and perhaps something that's not in the model at all, but could optionally display, as an attribute of an item in the model...
21:24.29 cosurgi ok, sorry, replace "text primitive" with whatever, attirbute, or sth else.
21:24.51 ``Erik we have attributes, they have no graphical representation
21:24.55 cosurgi anything that will work for me, and will be done in a clean way inside brl-cad :-)
21:24.59 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
21:25.31 ``Erik but you can add, query, edit, and delete them in mged
21:26.07 *** join/#brlcad ewilhelm (n=ewilhelm@
21:28.13 cosurgi ``Erik: so maybe just adding graphical representation info to them would be enough? (eg. font size, is facing the camera or is fixed to some coordinate system, anchor coordinates)
21:28.38 ``Erik what about font type?
21:29.06 ``Erik and what if the machine doesn't have that font available? do fonts have to be carried inside of the .g, like PDF does?
21:29.31 cosurgi could be. But for start I'd just deal with simple .shx (vector) fonts.
21:29.48 cosurgi I think that GUI provides font.
21:29.56 ``Erik someone here was drawing fonts on the display, he ended up making each character out of (bunches) of triangles, ugly stuff
21:30.11 ``Erik TK provides some fonts, yeah
21:30.26 cosurgi to make things simple - solve this problem by ignoring it.
21:30.36 cosurgi later could be improved. But not now.
21:30.53 cosurgi OpenGL has fonts too.
21:30.57 ``Erik aight, happy hacking on that :D
21:31.02 ``Erik ogl has no native fonts
21:31.19 ``Erik several extra packages exist to draw fonts using ogl, but ogl itself has no concept of that
21:31.46 cosurgi sorry, it's in glut, the glutBitmapCharacter
21:31.47 ``Erik GLUT has the text stroke thingy, um, what's his name did that one that converts a set of X glyphs into a texture to draw
21:32.14 ``Erik has written his own X font to ogl texture converters as well
21:32.56 ``Erik and a gimp thingy to generate a cell managed image of a font, fun stuff
21:33.30 ``Erik should go on haitus and do game coding again so he can enjoy computers once more O.o :D
21:35.41 cosurgi ok. time to sleep for me. goodnight
21:35.46 ``Erik night, dude
21:53.28 louipc hmm it's funny to read someone that complains that a 1.6GHz cpu + 2G RAM is slow
21:53.45 ``Erik dual 1.6ghz
21:54.00 *** join/#brlcad Z80-Boy (
21:54.08 louipc dual! shikes
21:54.24 alex_joni it ain't no 16-cores machine
21:54.50 ``Erik kicks his slow-assed 8 core 3ghz 16GB machine
21:55.35 archivist cuddles his dual PII 200mhz
21:55.37 louipc yeah I saw some ads for 8cores now
21:55.54 ``Erik actually
21:56.09 ``Erik kicks firefox for being brainfuck slow on a smoking 8x3ghz 16GB machine
21:56.47 archivist firefox is just slow (broken internal methods)
21:56.49 hippieindamakin8 woah naice machini man
21:57.00 hippieindamakin8 hey all
21:57.02 louipc firefox is written in javascript hah
21:57.21 louipc hi hippieindamakin8
21:57.21 archivist slowscript
22:01.20 ``Erik wanders home
22:13.48 hippieindamakin8 can somebody tell me where is the jbrlcad module.. sean are u back ?
22:15.09 louipc
22:16.39 louipc I don't think that has been distributed as tarballs
22:17.31 hippieindamakin8 ohk
22:17.35 hippieindamakin8 tx :)
23:03.04 *** join/#brlcad nmh_2Grajw (
23:28.52 brlcad yup
23:28.56 brlcad thx louipc
23:29.05 brlcad hello nmh_2Grajw
23:32.41 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r30569 10/brlcad/trunk/include/rtserver.h: Added a few more declarations
23:36.18 *** part/#brlcad ewilhelm (n=ewilhelm@

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