IRC log for #brlcad on 20080328

00:10.03 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
00:13.40 brlcad jdoliner: howdy
01:08.59 jdoliner brlcad: are you present
01:10.49 brlcad i am present
01:12.04 jdoliner great
01:12.34 jdoliner I've been looking over some papers on CSG algorithms for BREP
01:14.12 brlcad great
01:14.57 brlcad so how do things look?
01:15.14 jdoliner well the algorithms seem understandable enough
01:15.57 jdoliner they just involve extending the features to affine spaces and then detecting their intersections with the other features
01:17.27 brlcad please do reference the papers you read in your submission
01:17.38 jdoliner of course
01:17.52 jdoliner however I have a few questions
01:18.02 brlcad sure
01:19.52 jdoliner firstly I'm afraid I'm not yet that knowledgeable about the brlcad code base, so I haven't seen precisely what our BREP structures look like so I wonder if you could tell me exactly where in the src they're located
01:21.51 jdoliner also are there any major constraints for the algorithm that you think wouldn't be immediately obvious, for example is it important that polygonal structures maintain quads or not
01:23.41 brlcad okay, this is mildly complicated to explain, so bear with me
01:25.26 brlcad we actually have two brep implementations in our codebase, one is the n-manifold support (i.e. "NMGs") in our librt library the other is through the openNURBS library
01:26.26 brlcad our nmgs support both polygonal and spline surface breps, but there are rather significant differences between the two
01:27.56 jdoliner such as
01:28.28 brlcad nmgs are huge body of code in src/librt/nmg*.c and that is the code that is called if you create an 'nmg' (polygonal), a 'bot' (bag of triangles), or a 'nurbs' brl-cad primitive
01:29.07 brlcad the code for nurbs is in src/librt/nurb*.c .. it's another rather extensive body of code
01:30.27 brlcad we're in the process of replacing the nurbs body of code (and 'maybe' later the nmg/bot implementations) with the openNURBS library facilities via the implementation of a new 'brep' primitive type
01:31.08 brlcad your work relates to that latter new effort, part of the 'brep' implementation
01:31.23 jdoliner yes
01:32.27 brlcad so as I mentioned, we're using openNURBS for that implementation -- but openNURBS doesn't provide *any* geometry evaluation routines (such as CSG evaluation)
01:32.28 jdoliner So possibly my proposal could contain a new implementation of a 'brep' primitive and then CSG operations to go with it
01:33.04 brlcad no, no -- you really couldn't possibly implement a new brep primitive nor do you need to
01:33.07 brlcad we've already started on that
01:33.14 brlcad src/librt/g_brep.c among other files
01:33.18 jdoliner oh I see
01:33.25 brlcad it's about 90% complete for that matter
01:33.49 brlcad where your work comes into play is that we have about 30 other primitives
01:34.28 brlcad those primitives are presently represented in implicit form -- so we have plans to implement the necessary "describe be in brep form" function
01:34.29 jdoliner so the CSG algorithm needs to work on those primitives
01:34.50 jdoliner in brep form that is
01:34.59 brlcad right
01:35.41 brlcad so we can take an existing CSG model, that is stored in implicit form .. ask for it in brep form, evaluate the brep-on-brep csg to generate an evaluated brep result
01:36.58 jdoliner right that seems doable to me
01:37.41 jdoliner what level of specificity is good for my proposal
01:37.49 brlcad this might just amount to implementing functions that were removed from openNURBS for evaluating ON_Brep objects
01:38.32 brlcad they removed most of their evaluation functions as they only intend/want the library to be used for reading/writing the 3dm file format -- we're extending the library, though
01:39.21 brlcad (which is all kosher, just means we have a LOT of heavy/hard coding to do)
01:39.56 brlcad be as specific as you care to be, the more detail the better
01:40.27 brlcad this is a hot hot topic for us, so an outstanding proposal will easily be a high-priority contender for a slot
01:41.55 brlcad show that you understand the algorithm and how to go about implementing it, how it relates to brl-cad (even if it includes rewording and reiterating what i've said here)
01:44.22 brlcad you don't have to talk about what files you'd be editing, there is too much detail -- don't expect everything to be figured out, but the proposal needs to instill confidence that you understand the task, are passionate about the work, interested in long term development (which I hope you are!) :), and can communicate your ideas well
01:44.41 jdoliner okay so basically the project boils down to: implement all of our 30 primitives as BREP objects, then implement CSG for BREP such that CSG model in implicit form could be converted into a BREP form
01:45.47 jdoliner also where are the primitives implemented
01:45.49 brlcad hehe
01:46.02 brlcad well, I wouldn't include the 30 primitives
01:46.16 brlcad focus on the implementation of the CSG BREP evaluation routine first as the core
01:46.36 brlcad then maybe add in room to start on the 30 primitives if time allows it
01:46.46 jdoliner okay that seems reasonable
01:47.02 brlcad some of the existing primitives will be very hard to describe in brep form
01:47.17 brlcad there are several, however that are already done
01:47.29 brlcad they're just implemented using the old nurbs code
01:47.41 brlcad all the primitives for brl-cad are in src/librt/g_*.c
01:48.26 jdoliner right
01:49.15 jdoliner Okay I think that's all I have for right now
01:49.22 jdoliner thanks a bunch
01:49.31 brlcad look forward to seeing yours...
01:49.52 brlcad what's your background coding?
01:51.24 jdoliner I've had formal education in both C and Scheme as I mentioned
01:52.00 brlcad yeah, sorry -- been talking to a lot of folks, so need reminders :)
01:52.01 jdoliner I really haven't been coding all that long
01:52.13 jdoliner So formal in those two
01:52.24 brlcad have you ever read/written any C++ ?
01:52.58 jdoliner Then I spent the summer coding at Fermilab
01:53.41 jdoliner Yeah physics programs are all very hacked together so I saw and wrote some C++, as well as Fortran over the summer
01:54.40 jdoliner I can't claim to know the nuances by any means but I can hack
01:55.07 brlcad fortunately, you can conceivably stick "mostly" with C .. but openNURBS is a C++ API, so to dig in deep there in figuring out the ON_Brep object structure is going to require some getting up to speed
01:59.50 jdoliner I might have to brush up a bit before the summer starts then
02:01.12 brlcad nods
02:01.22 brlcad certainly not a show-stopper, it's not that much of a hurdle
02:01.28 brlcad particularly for what you're doing
02:01.57 brlcad and all else failing, there's plenty of C routines related to this task that you could be refocused onto if you true do get stuck
02:02.03 brlcad s/true/truly/
02:31.04 pacman87 brlcad: mged works only after minimizing the graphics window
02:31.54 starseeker tries inkscape for importing a .fig file and it seems to do pretty well - just needs a little scaling
02:33.15 brlcad pacman87: you mean that undoes the lockup?
02:33.51 pacman87 brlcad: yes, after minimizing, the mged> window opens
02:34.53 pacman87 and cpu usages returns to ~0
02:35.35 brlcad wow, wierd .. almost like it's stuck in a loop expecting an expose event
02:36.21 pacman87 and if i click on a menu while it's locked up, it opens the menu after it's minimized (floating on my screen) and gives the 'window not visible' error
02:36.35 brlcad yeah, that makes sense
02:36.47 brlcad the events are just queue'd up
02:38.30 brlcad if you want to go old-school debug style, you could add printf's incrementally to find the call or loop it's blocking on
02:38.41 brlcad src/mged/ged.c is where mged's main starts
02:41.46 pacman87 what compile flag do i need for gdb?
02:42.12 pacman87 i need to learn real debugging sometime, why not now
02:44.10 brlcad gdb only needs -g (which is on by default for both optimized and unoptimized)
02:44.25 brlcad so unless you add --disable-debug, it should be debuggable
02:44.42 brlcad if it's optimized, symbols and line numbers may be off, but it should work
02:56.22 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r30573 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db5_bin.c: eliminated excess logging
02:59.27 brlcad pacman87: it is really appreciated that you're working on a patch (at least it seems like that's what you're doing) but you can put in your submission in before the patch if you like
03:00.34 yukonbob waves in
03:00.38 yukonbob hello cadheads
03:01.03 brlcad it is important that the application be solid regardless of the patch, the patch is then a major criteria to help differentiate the finalists
03:01.11 brlcad howdy yukonbob
03:01.22 yukonbob what's shaking, brlcad?
03:03.20 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r30574 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/ (make_solid.tcl openw.tcl tclIndex): added binunif to create menu
03:03.45 brlcad o.0
03:03.48 brlcad not much
03:04.10 brlcad Mr. Anderson has been busy!
03:05.27 *** join/#brlcad ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:05.27 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || Release 7.12.0 imminent (no really!) || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2008 Google Summer of Code, see and join the developer mailing list || GSoC application submissions are now open, submission deadline is March 31st
03:05.33 yukonbob <PROTECTED>
03:06.19 brlcad <PROTECTED>
03:06.49 yukonbob heh -- /me locked self out of ssh'd/screen'd session w/ ipfw -- hence the (non)garbage
03:07.13 brlcad fun
03:07.46 yukonbob only briefly, thank goodness -- both machines happen to be in front of me too, so not that scary.
03:08.50 yukonbob brlcad: you catch the brief dialogue other day (I don't remember if you were directly involved) about text in BRL-CAD?
03:10.19 brlcad musta missed that
03:11.03 brlcad it needs to be better documented and exposed in simple routines (like "draw this text here in 2D/3D")
03:11.42 brlcad brb
03:11.46 yukonbob hrmm -- ok -- part of it was about displaying text, and I think there are two basic options (iiuc) text-as-objects (a la POVRay (which is awesome)), or using the attributes of objects, and some auxillary display mech.
03:11.50 yukonbob waits
03:19.46 yukonbob grabs other 'puter, starts playing with graphing software
03:43.25 brlcad yeah, text-as-objects would be annotation support
03:43.37 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
03:43.46 brlcad you can use attributes to stash pretty much any random info, but not quite the same beast
03:51.00 yukonbob returns -- ok -- here's my "I wonder" though: if one had text attributes, could one parse the attributes and annotate a display... so my question I guess is: "What is the display?", including the on-screen version, and a dumpted-to-file version -- does rt do the rendering and pass it off to something else, or is rt's work the end-all-be-all? Is Tcl involved in a pipeline here?
03:51.16 yukonbob *dumped-to-file
03:59.32 yukonbob hits hay -- ciao, all.
04:18.21 brlcad rt is the end-all-be-all of geometric display -- it certainly "could" pass it through another filter later, but that certainly would not be ray-tracing (and doe not presently occur)
04:19.32 yukonbob returns briefly
04:20.07 brlcad there is also a question of what you mean by display -- there is a "wireframe" display both projectable in 2D and in 3D, and possible 3D visualization (e.g. opengl), and 3D projected to 2D rasterization (i.e. ray-tracing)
04:21.14 yukonbob ok -- imagine if rt generated 'hints' for attributes to look-up and x,y positions to locate the attribute values, one could have the bitmap returned by rt annotated after-the-fact; not by ray-tracing, but some simple 2d-based annotation...
04:21.31 brlcad so an object could have some textual label attribute, for example -- you could easily show a wireframe for it (perhaps even in a given font) and in 2D or 3D
04:21.57 brlcad but then that same label wouldn't ray-trace unless you give it "thickness"
04:23.17 brlcad which we could do too .. e.g. assign annotations a default thickness of the current rendering cell size by default
04:23.50 brlcad so the text would rasterize during ray-trace
04:24.05 brlcad another possibility would be a separate render pass similar to what rtwizard does
04:24.24 brlcad where you'd have a tool that would just rasterize the annotations onto a given image context
04:24.32 yukonbob what if rt said in it's output "here's some meta-info about what I just gave you: there's an object foo, with center-of-mass at 200x99; there's an object bar with a center-of-mass at 40x90; there's an object baz with c-o-m @ 1000x777", and some other program took that, looked up the attributes (if available) for those objects, and then printed at the c-o-m appropriate labels (gleened from attributes) on the bitmap?
04:25.42 brlcad that would be the separate pass tool I mentioned, albeit a slight variation for it to use the output -- it really just needs the view and it could figure out the rest
04:26.10 yukonbob is there such a tool atm?
04:29.46 yukonbob really hits hay -- chat later :) (I'll check for response in AM)
04:29.57 brlcad there is not such a tool at the moment
04:30.10 brlcad there are no annotations at the moment
04:30.15 brlcad that's why it's on the list :)
04:52.14 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30575 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: john added support to mged for creating binunif objects via the Create menu
05:03.40 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30576 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: next release should be 'soon' so only promote rtarea, clone, and itcl build support
05:05.52 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30577 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (9 files in 3 dirs): consistently spell out all references to 'prims' as primitives to help usability. not documenting in news cause it's stupid..
05:15.46 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30578 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (conv/off/off-g.c irprep/all_sf.c libpkg/pkg.c): remove t parameter from open calls. it's not posix and not needed (text mode is default on windows).
05:29.59 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30579 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/log.c: cleanup, remove dead code
06:28.46 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30580 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/pl-dm.c: make pl-dm compile once again, de knrify it, remove code not longer relevant
06:33.40 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30581 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/pl-dm.c:
06:33.40 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: rip out the ogl and wgl code. it's highly unlikely that wgl will work without
06:33.40 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: modifications given X is required. also, it's just a horrible way to support N
06:33.40 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: dm interfaces .. the point is supposed to be that the dm interface incapsulates
06:33.40 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: against doing this kind of stuff.
06:38.09 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30582 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ add pl-dm back to the build if X is available
06:39.38 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30583 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ ws
07:02.03 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
07:59.20 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:28.46 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
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09:17.14 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
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13:12.23 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30584 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS:
13:12.23 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: the opengl framebuffer problem on mac os x where parallel rendering was causing
13:12.23 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: it to fail was indeed fixed (by adding the necessary requests for each thread to
13:12.23 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: acquire the context), but something since then has changed -- it's just giving a
13:12.23 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: blank window at the moment
13:14.45 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30585 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: actually it is rendering, just not updating the window apparently until it gets expose events
13:21.10 starseeker scowls at Axiom and fires up Maxima instead...
13:51.48 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (i=Matthew@
13:55.52 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
14:22.09 brlcad hello d_rossberg !
14:38.13 ``Erik *yargn*
14:50.06 d_rossberg hello brlcad!
14:51.17 d_rossberg i had to feed the rabbits
14:58.57 brlcad heh
14:59.05 brlcad did not know you had rabbits
15:03.28 d_rossberg i don't have rabbits - i have to feed them (at least today)
15:04.48 d_rossberg feeds the rabits of his daughter
15:10.22 brlcad mmm.. good eating
15:10.27 brlcad :)
15:16.59 d_rossberg ??? i hope there is a difference between "of" and "to"
15:17.49 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
15:21.56 brlcad hehe
16:20.27 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
16:26.49 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
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19:13.13 ``Erik holy hand grenade of antioch?
19:51.11 brlcad heya pacman87
19:57.03 pacman87 brlcad: hi
20:00.47 brlcad make any progress on that bug?
20:02.41 pacman87 line 570 in ged.c
20:03.18 pacman87 then it runs into a whole mess of tcl stuff
20:04.23 pacman87 though when i just let it run, and did a ctrl+c at the hang, 'where' told me i was in the openGL libs
20:09.47 brlcad yeah, it's definitely related to the embedded display manager
20:10.04 pacman87 i got the latest nvidia driver last night, hoping to improve my bzflag framerate (from 100.xx to 169.12)
20:10.09 pacman87 and now it doesn't hang anymore
20:10.18 brlcad heh
20:11.50 pacman87 though when i click in the graphics window, my other open windows get messed up
20:11.58 pacman87 and that didn't happen before
20:12.36 pacman87 the horizontal lines seem to be drawing at the wrong height
20:13.05 pacman87 offset +/- a bit
20:13.07 *** join/#brlcad naomi_ (
20:18.12 pacman87 brb, restarting X
20:19.51 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
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21:16.56 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30586 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Add first exploratory coding efforts related to tire proc-db.
21:17.25 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30587 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/ Add tire.c to proc-db Makefile.
21:21.56 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
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21:55.09 brlcad pacman87: hum -- you might have better experience with 7.10.4 then .. there were changes made in 7.12.0 related to the display manager (that fixed several other bugs but apparently are causing your poblems) -- it's related to directcolor and colormapping
22:07.51 brlcad if you want another point you can break on you could probably add a breakpoint for either ogl_open or dm_open in the debugger before that 'gui' tcl eval line on 570
22:27.08 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30588 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ need tk_cppflags
22:52.12 *** join/#brlcad naomi_ (
23:32.41 yukonbob waves in, reads scrollback
23:36.11 starseeker waves back
23:39.51 yukonbob hey starseeker
23:40.23 starseeker how goes it?
23:41.05 yukonbob not bad, I guess... I've been spending too much time on airplanes, and I don't have 7.12 running yet, but I'm alright :)
23:42.44 brlcad so there's a slim chance that there might be a gsoc submission extension -- I wouldn't bank on it, but it'll depend how many students storm in over the weekend
23:43.39 yukonbob when is the deadline (as it stands atm)?
23:43.56 brlcad late monday
23:44.07 yukonbob nods
23:44.26 pacman87 what's the current application count?
23:44.51 brlcad last year, 75% of the submissions came in over the last weekend iirc, but apps were also open for two weeks instead of one, and easter wasn't so early
23:45.25 brlcad pacman87: *very* few .. many orgs are at about 1/5th the level they were last year by this time
23:46.03 brlcad so that bodes really well for the folks that have been in here and interacting for a while already ;)
23:46.41 brlcad especially since we really only want/need about 3 really good students ..
23:50.38 pacman87 after running through the 'mug' Mged tutorial, i'm wondering if there's a vector-scale command to stretch/shrink primitives differently along different axes
23:51.54 brlcad primitives can be scaled non-uniformly, except the torus
23:52.03 brlcad they can't be skewed, though
23:52.09 brlcad that's by design
23:52.50 pacman87 and the torus was what i wanted to scale (for a better looking handle)
23:53.01 brlcad heh
23:53.22 brlcad I was just talking about that earlier today
23:53.35 pacman87 i could be done using a sweep about an ellipse
23:53.40 brlcad I'm thinking to add in support for non-uniform scaling to torus and skewing
23:53.53 pacman87 *it could
23:54.09 brlcad sweeps are on the gsoc new primitives list
23:54.59 pacman87 yeah, i figured i would start with the revolve, then do the sweep next
23:55.43 brlcad yeah, revolve should be pretty easy
23:55.54 brlcad sweep can get *really* tricky
23:56.12 brlcad especially if you allow 2D and 3D sweeps and if you allow an orientation vector
23:56.33 pacman87 path + orientation vector normal to path?
23:57.15 pacman87 that was another question i had about using 3D shapes as the base for these new primitives
23:57.17 brlcad i mean an orientation vector maybe not normal to path
23:57.26 brlcad as well as a twist
23:58.03 brlcad i.e. two vectors and the path
23:59.53 pacman87 twist = rotation about the path, and orientation = offset between path and shape's surface normal?

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