IRC log for #brlcad on 20080329

00:00.44 brlcad shape's direction normal
00:00.49 brlcad but yeah
00:01.38 pacman87 i'm just thinking 2D to keep it simple for now
00:01.50 pacman87 get the terminology straight
00:06.44 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
00:06.58 starseeker Howdy iraytrace :-)
00:07.13 iraytrace Good evening!
00:07.20 starseeker How's life?
00:07.25 iraytrace Fun!
00:07.35 starseeker Getting into trouble? ;-)
00:07.36 iraytrace I'm a bachelor this weekend!
00:07.43 iraytrace Lots o' trouble.
00:07.51 iraytrace Doing ray-tracing homework assignemtn.
00:07.57 iraytrace -ment
00:08.08 starseeker fun
00:08.46 iraytrace Mostly. There's a certain element of "how many times in my life do I have to implement perlin noise?" that is Meh.
00:09.05 starseeker mmm.
00:09.09 starseeker I can see that
00:10.13 iraytrace Anything good on your end?
00:10.45 starseeker tangling with implementing matrix logic
00:10.54 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
00:11.02 starseeker nothing fancy, but good for getting up to speed on C again
00:11.49 iraytrace I'm going the opposite direction. Everything is in C++ for the class here.
00:12.52 starseeker Just doing a proc-db, so C should be enough
00:12.56 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
00:13.42 iraytrace proc-db's are always fun.
00:15.43 pacman87 "mged> exec fbserv 1 /dev/sgip &" fails with "no such device '/dev/sgip'"
00:16.00 iraytrace Are you on an SGI?
00:16.25 starseeker Cool, here we go - this dude has both side view and cross sections of an engine:
00:16.38 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
00:16.43 iraytrace pacman87: You probably want /dev/X
00:17.13 yukonbob has been looking at airplanes a lot lately (having been flying too much, and also because the 50th aniversary of the Canadian Avro Aero happened this week)...
00:17.16 pacman87 iraytrace: thanks :)
00:18.58 iraytrace Blueprints are cool, but the model I would build from it is available online for $15
00:19.56 starseeker True :-)
00:20.09 starseeker likes the combination of history and technical geekery
00:21.25 iraytrace It is sweet.
00:27.09 starseeker yukonbob: Heh - wonder if a propeller could be modeled with our primitives
00:28.41 yukonbob well, the (dare I say it) havoc has props... I haven't inspected them, though
00:29.07 yukonbob should spend some time and get a model of that famous (around here) impeller modelled.
00:29.16 iraytrace With the new spline support it should be possible
00:29.35 pacman87 iraytrace: :)
00:29.42 starseeker that could be cool yukonbob :-)
00:29.56 yukonbob there's a primitive called sketch, right? (/me doesn't have his manuals around, nor a copy of brl-cad)?
00:30.03 starseeker then for bonus points have gcam take the model and make one ;-)
00:30.22 yukonbob starseeker: do we have access to a CAM device?
00:30.33 starseeker I don't
00:30.35 yukonbob (ie: CNC, i guess)
00:31.24 yukonbob starseeker: have you seen the video-clip of that 4-axis device making that impeller?
00:31.40 starseeker is that the one you linked on youtube?
00:31.59 yukonbob I wasn't the original linker to it, but I believe it was off youtube, ya..
00:32.22 starseeker that was neat
00:32.25 yukonbob I linked to a frame from it, which gives a good detail of the complexity of the shape, but watching the process is really impressive.
00:36.54 starseeker brlcad: did you see a compile warning about macro "DM_OPEN" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3?
00:38.49 pacman87 anyone know any good reference books for solid modelling algorithms?
00:45.09 starseeker starts digging into DM_OPEN, then breaks for supper...
00:47.35 *** join/#brlcad iraytrace (
01:45.48 *** join/#brlcad Daytona (
02:21.09 *** part/#brlcad Daytona (
02:21.33 *** join/#brlcad jra (
02:22.47 brlcad heya Daytona
02:25.04 Daytona hi
02:26.01 Daytona Looks like the GSoc application deadline might get extened for a week
02:29.15 starseeker is a bit confused - the only definition of dm_open grep finds, in dm.h, seems to have 3 args. All the uses that compile correctly have 4, and none seems to include dm.h directly. However, mged_dm.h does include dm.h...
02:29.23 brlcad Daytona: yeah, it's really odd
02:29.40 brlcad the rate of students is distinctly different from this time last year
02:29.55 brlcad we were talking about it in the gsoc irc channel earlier today before she sent out the message
02:30.43 Daytona I guess the early Easter my be the cause
02:30.54 brlcad most of the returning projects across the board are seeing drastically lower rates (like 1/5th usual) -- the comment from that one guy about easter and holidays is probably spot on
02:31.06 brlcad there have been fewer US/EU visitors
02:31.10 starseeker and mged_dm.h seems to be the only .h file to also include dm.h
02:31.45 brlcad also last year, submission week was a week earlier, went for two weeks instead of one, and easter was much later of course
02:33.42 Daytona starseeker: are you seeing this error: pl-dm.c:1040:48: error: macro "DM_OPEN" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3
02:33.49 starseeker yes
02:33.51 brlcad last year there were 6300 total submissions, we're at roughly 1600 this year with three days to go -- so if 4k don't flood in this weekend, it'll probably get extended I'd imagine
02:34.03 brlcad yeah, that's my bad
02:34.06 brlcad fixes
02:34.21 brlcad pl-dm.c was disabled (since we went to autoconf)
02:34.35 brlcad just re-enabled it last night .. worked here, but must have missed some things
02:35.04 starseeker is somewhat confused as to why other dm_open calls ARE working... must be one of those obvious things
02:35.13 Daytona yeah, I just noticed it tonight
02:35.52 brlcad huh
02:36.00 brlcad must be another DM_OPEN ..
02:36.09 starseeker Not that grep can find
02:36.09 brlcad read/fixed based on include/dm.h #define DM_OPEN(_interp, _type, _argc, _argv) dm_open(_interp, _type, _argc, _argv)
02:37.04 starseeker #define DM_OPEN(_type, _argc, _argv) dm_open(_type, _argc, _argv) is what I'm seeing...
02:37.32 brlcad ooh, I see -- missed committing the header since it is in include/
02:37.49 starseeker Ah :-)
02:38.25 brlcad that line is wrong in dm.h -- the interp was added years ago, but pl-dm is the only user
02:38.47 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30589 10/brlcad/trunk/include/dm.h: need the interp
02:41.17 Daytona brlcad: hate to be a pain, but now: rlcad/src/util/pl-dm.c:1046: undefined reference to `dm_configureWindowShape'
02:41.29 brlcad eep
02:42.37 Daytona brlcad: I'm not in any rush to get it compiled
02:42.48 brlcad still, my mistake -- i'll fix
02:43.51 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30590 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ turn pl-dm off until I can get a full clean build to verify all flags are set
02:44.56 hippieindamakin8 hey brlcad and pacman87 and others :)
02:45.01 Daytona tgat fixed it :-)
02:45.09 brlcad :)
02:45.25 brlcad could probably rip the whole thing out, but it's the smallest libdm example (albeit weak)
02:46.13 Daytona hippieindamakin8: hi
02:50.48 hippieindamakin8 how reliable is this information that the deadline might be extended for the GSoC applications
02:51.13 brlcad hippieindamakin8: it entirely depends how many apps are received over the weekend so I wouldn't rely on it
02:51.34 brlcad if you procrastinate and don't submit, there's no recourse
02:51.36 hippieindamakin8 even i wouldnt :)
02:52.19 Daytona I believe the decision won't be made till Monday
02:53.13 hippieindamakin8 hey i have been going through the codes man.. OO programming has cut down the code length too :P
02:54.10 brlcad it's not complete, it's a start
02:54.46 hippieindamakin8 yaya i have been chking individial codes and comparing them'
02:54.55 hippieindamakin8 for example Arbs
02:57.40 hippieindamakin8 composed a new song last night :)
03:03.51 *** part/#brlcad Daytona (
03:09.39 *** join/#brlcad Daytona (
03:09.51 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30591 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: started in 2008, new header format
03:16.41 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30592 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/pl-dm.c: don't need the glx headers and dm_configureWindowShape no longer exists
03:36.00 starseeker brlcad: Oops, sorry
03:44.53 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30593 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ try turning pl-dm back on.. works here clean-built
03:45.02 brlcad nothing to be sorry about
03:57.53 starseeker Confirmed - builds here too
03:58.21 brlcad cool
03:59.19 Daytona brlcad: builds clean here, too (on ubuntu)
03:59.43 brlcad cool
04:00.19 Daytona brlcad: is my nick showing up at the start of my messages?
04:00.24 brlcad Daytona: so I forget where things left off with ubuntu build .. does it work for you again? you'd upgraded libtool iirc
04:00.35 brlcad 00:00 < Daytona> brlcad: is my nick showing up at the start of my messages?
04:00.46 brlcad uses irssi
04:01.01 brlcad similar to your bitchx
04:01.09 hippieindamakin8 does irssi have proxy support ?
04:01.21 brlcad ooh, you're on irssi now
04:01.30 Daytona Thanks, I'm just trying irrsi, but my nick shows up blank here
04:01.31 brlcad ~Daytona++
04:01.40 brlcad blank?
04:01.54 brlcad sure it's not colored white or something?
04:01.59 *** mode/#brlcad [+o Daytona] by brlcad
04:02.09 Daytona likely
04:02.16 brlcad do you see the @?
04:02.20 Daytona yes
04:02.25 brlcad but nothing after?
04:02.28 Daytona yes
04:02.41 Daytona like <@ >
04:02.44 brlcad try hilighting/selecting it .. i'm guessing it's white
04:02.57 Daytona you'r right
04:02.57 brlcad or whatever the color of your background
04:04.11 Daytona Back to ubuntu, yes I upgraded libtool to the latest release
04:04.59 Daytona now using libtool 2.2
04:05.13 brlcad and everything then worked?
04:05.27 brlcad hmm
04:05.41 Daytona yes, but the defaul that is installed with ubuntu does not work
04:05.55 brlcad nods
04:06.16 brlcad I started working through that with one of the guys in here earlier in the week, to see if I could get a work-around
04:07.00 brlcad I did trace down part of the problem -- they've modified it to strip out the -L linker paths, with messages to set -rpaths (which is wrong for pre-installed)
04:11.47 Daytona Well, I know the night is just getting started for all you young coders, but it's late for this dinosaur
04:12.04 Daytona Have a nice night, bye all
04:12.26 *** part/#brlcad Daytona (
04:13.33 brlcad :)
05:57.25 pacman87 brlcad:ping
08:42.43 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
08:47.24 cosurgi ok, so later probably I'll try to install libtool 2.2
09:02.29 alex_joni brlcad: maybe you can pass this to Daytona (if he get's back): Ubuntu's terminal by default has a white background, which makes irssi kinda odd to use. One of the first things I do is change the profile for terminal to use a *standard* white on black :)
09:50.11 hippieindamakin8 brlcad or any body here .. can somebody tell me where are the gui files located ?
10:04.01 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
10:58.25 MinuteElectron hippieindamakin8: binaries or source?
10:58.39 hippieindamakin8 source
10:58.48 hippieindamakin8 and can u tell me wat are the .1 files ?
10:58.55 MinuteElectron no, sorry
10:59.08 hippieindamakin8 ohh np :)
11:00.59 hippieindamakin8 brlcad or d_rossberg are u there ?
11:02.52 hippieindamakin8 can u tell me wat are the .1 files for example the file rtarea.1 in the rt folder of the sources
11:02.58 hippieindamakin8 ?
11:04.19 alex_joni sounds like a manpage name :D
11:06.55 hippieindamakin8 ohk wat does it mean ?
11:07.11 hippieindamakin8 they are in some scripting language i guess
11:31.56 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
12:19.53 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
12:40.17 brlcad cosurgi: nooooo, not yet :)
12:40.25 brlcad you were my test bed to get default working :)
12:44.33 hippieindamakin8 hey brlcad u back.. ? good morning
12:45.18 brlcad morning
12:45.47 brlcad man man
12:46.18 hippieindamakin8 if i am not buggin u early in the morning :P tell me wat are these ascii troffs doing in the package and wat do they do
12:46.28 brlcad man man :)
12:46.47 alex_joni hippieindamakin8: 'man' is a system for documentation
12:46.53 alex_joni comes from manual
12:47.01 hippieindamakin8 ohh :P
12:47.11 hippieindamakin8 u meant man as manual
12:47.14 hippieindamakin8 :P
12:47.28 alex_joni type it into a terminal 'man man'
12:48.12 hippieindamakin8 it is manual on man :)
12:49.31 hippieindamakin8 and brlcad i am unable to understand what do i put in the proposal
12:50.05 hippieindamakin8 as in apart from the idea
12:52.08 brlcad did you read the application guidelines?
12:52.22 brlcad that should give you a big range for how to get started
12:52.30 hippieindamakin8 yaya
12:57.52 hippieindamakin8 incase i start rewriting the entire libraries in OOP language even the applications and programs dependant on those have to be rewritten..
12:58.22 hippieindamakin8 or it has to be written in such a way that nothing else get disturbed ?
13:01.49 brlcad "rewriting" is most certainly not how I'd describe the task
13:02.03 brlcad refactoring and reorganizing existing code is the underlying idea
13:02.20 hippieindamakin8 ya rather porting it to the OOP form
13:02.39 brlcad creating a new layer that leverages what is written as much as possible, cleaning it portions while working on the OO layer
13:03.34 brlcad the jbrlcad interface was an "imported rewrite" simply because it's a different language -- for a C++ layer, it could utilize librt/libbn/libbu routines directly
13:03.52 hippieindamakin8 ya
13:10.49 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
13:11.04 brlcad g'morning d_rossberg
13:11.06 hippieindamakin8 wat exactly do u xpect the student to do in this project ?
13:11.14 hippieindamakin8 good morning d_rossberg
13:11.20 brlcad hippieindamakin8: I expect them to do what they propose ;)
13:11.30 hippieindamakin8 :))))
13:11.35 brlcad it's your job to propose something, not mine
13:11.45 brlcad i already provided the general ideas
13:11.54 d_rossberg waves from home
13:11.57 hippieindamakin8 i am in a mood to change everything rt from the libraries into java
13:11.57 brlcad you're supposed to refine those ideas
13:12.02 hippieindamakin8 :P
13:12.09 hippieindamakin8 ya
13:12.21 hippieindamakin8 i shall be coming up with a refined idea
13:13.01 brlcad d_rossberg: so I presume you've been watching the list -- the student rate is drastically lower this year for some reason (like 1/5th) probably due to the early easter, so there "may" be a student extension
13:13.28 hippieindamakin8 there are many friends of mine who are planning to apply on the last day :)
13:13.43 brlcad "Applications to PHP and Gentoo haven't been very encouraging so far - only 10 each" .. wow
13:13.52 hippieindamakin8 so there might be a sudden rise in the applications on 31st
13:13.58 brlcad gentoo in particular has more than a hundred by this time last year iirc
13:14.06 d_rossberg brlcad: yes, i've read the mails
13:14.32 brlcad debian guys reported something similar .. they're at about 20 and usually are 200-300 by now
13:16.03 brlcad i thought that through most of the week too as cad and bz have been nearly identical interest, and bz's is *much* lower than last year (about 1/5th)
13:16.12 brlcad turns out it's almost all orgs
13:16.43 d_rossberg hippieindamakin8: your application should show us that you know what your are talking about, that means BRL-CAD but object oriented design too
13:17.34 hippieindamakin8 ohk.. u mean i should specify my plan of action
13:17.39 d_rossberg how do you think should an oo interface to a database look like, how should the ray-trace interface be implemented
13:18.17 hippieindamakin8 ohk..
13:19.31 d_rossberg the database is a file, how would you handle multiple access to this file? (for example)
13:19.40 hippieindamakin8 ohk..
13:20.44 hippieindamakin8 .. i always have been a c++ and java programmer mainly but its taking me time to understand how the system works.. given a problem i can solve that..
13:21.03 hippieindamakin8 i have been understanding the system
13:27.04 d_rossberg has some guests today
14:14.12 hippieindamakin8 brlcad how many applications did u recieve so far
14:16.25 hippieindamakin8 brlcad and as far as multiply accessing the file is concerned how do u do it.. i have no idea,, i just read that u have to use some virtual base classes and stuff
15:13.18 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:15.22 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
17:09.45 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
17:14.10 *** join/#brlcad mib_niv7mz6n (i=3c342c9b@gateway/web/ajax/
17:14.16 mib_niv7mz6n Hello all
17:26.33 brlcad hum hum
17:26.46 brlcad hippieindamakin8: told you before, don't worry about the other apps, worry about yours...
18:27.58 pacman87 brlcad: is the src/librt/g_*.c code used for the CSG/BREP too?
18:32.24 brlcad pacman87: what do you mean?
18:32.42 brlcad the g_files are the definitions of each primitive
18:33.03 brlcad CSG is handled is a different layer above the primitives for ray-tracing
18:33.11 brlcad s/is a/in a/
18:33.46 pacman87 so the CSG uses the rt calls to do its evaluations?
18:34.08 brlcad when you have CSG operators regardless of the representation, you have evaluated and unevaluated CSG forms
18:35.07 brlcad ray-tracing causes the CSG expressions to get evaluated as the shot-line is traversed and primitives segments are encountered
18:35.20 brlcad what you're proposing has nothing to do (directly) with ray-tracing
18:35.41 brlcad you're evaluating CSG operators on BREP surfaces going from unevaluated BREP to evaluated BREP
18:36.35 brlcad CSG isn't a system that "does" anything -- they are simply combination operators (union, subtraction, difference) that describe how shapes interact spatially
18:37.09 brlcad does that make sense?
18:37.26 pacman87 mostly
18:38.21 brlcad so take a simple case of two overlapping spheres that are intersected
18:39.10 pacman87 an intersection would be where the ray has entered both spheres
18:39.20 brlcad with implicit geometry (i.e. what we use for ray-tracing), the CSG expression of "sphere1 intersected with sphere2" is evaluated during ray-trace
18:39.27 brlcad no
18:39.44 brlcad
18:40.25 pacman87 i meant the surface that's drawn is the second one the ray hits
18:40.47 pacman87 so it has to enter sph1 first, then the surface of sph2 that's inside sph1 is actually drawn
18:40.56 brlcad think of them independently
18:41.07 brlcad you compare a ray against sphere1 .. you end up with a segment
18:41.19 brlcad you compare a ray against sphere2 .. you end up with a different segment
18:41.54 brlcad with an intersection CSG operation, there is an evaluated result only where the two segments coexist
18:42.03 brlcad i.e. where they overlap and share space
18:42.17 pacman87 ah, now it's all clear, thanks
18:43.17 brlcad now with *brep* on brep csg evaluation, that's a totally different approach
18:43.42 brlcad there you have surfaces.. one surface for sphere1 .. one surface for sphere2
18:44.13 brlcad you actually compute the intersection of those two surfaces by performing pairwise trimming operations of the actual surfaces
18:45.45 brlcad so in the picture in the wikipedia link, the intersection result ends up with a brep that has 4 surfaces stiched together (created from the 6 + 2 surfaces for the box and sphere)
18:46.45 pacman87 sph has 2 surfaces?
18:49.36 brlcad yeah
18:50.21 brlcad could conceivably have just one, I don't know how the brep control points would be like for that, if it's numerically stable
18:50.43 pacman87 could you recommend a good reference book on the math behind csg/brep?
18:51.18 pacman87 i'm was planning to stop by the engr lib this afternoon
18:53.47 brlcad oof, there's a lot of material on the subject but maybe find a few papers
18:54.22 pacman87 right, i was wonder if there were any 'classic texts' in the field
18:54.24 brlcad is kinda one of the original canon papers on how to implement csg evaluation of polygonal brep models
18:54.50 brlcad i'm frankly not sure that will work for spline surface brep models
18:57.20 pacman87 allowing partial revolutions of 3D objects adds a *lot* of complexity
18:59.29 pacman87 i'm assuming i should set the revolve up to be usable with any primitive, combination, or region?
18:59.46 pacman87 keep it generalized
19:01.24 brlcad erm, I'm confused
19:01.31 brlcad what are you actually working on proposing? :)
19:01.41 brlcad csg evaluation of breps or a new primitive? :)
19:02.28 brlcad fully implementing a revolution and/or sweep primitive is in itself enough scope for a project
19:02.57 brlcad otherwise, yeah, revolve and sweep should be generalized to any primitive
19:04.14 pacman87 i'm proposing new primitive(s), and i was trying to find the point at which a new primitive was 'done', ie could be used by the rest of the system
19:06.02 pacman87 combs and regions aren't primitives, though (are they?)
19:13.41 brlcad ahhh
19:13.49 brlcad then you don't need to worry about csg evaluation of breps then :)
19:13.59 brlcad combs and regions are not primitives
19:14.49 brlcad a new primitive is done when all of the hook functions in g_*.c are implemented librt, it has creation routines in libwdb, and it has editing features implemented in mged
19:17.18 brlcad the big hook functions that take time are prep/shot, import (v5), export (v5), tess, plot, nurb(optional), and to a lesser extent norm, curve, and uv
19:17.22 brlcad the rest are trivial
19:17.51 brlcad prep/shot, tess, and nurb are usually the hard ones -- shot often being the hardest
19:18.04 pacman87 brlcad: right, i've been looking in-depth at the g_xxx.c and g_*.c files
19:20.06 pacman87 found rt_xxx_class() in g_xxx.c, does that just return whether the xxx is valid?
19:20.36 pacman87 rt_*_class() returns 0 for the real primitives i've checked
19:21.04 brlcad if you want to see all of the places a primitive is hooked, you can follow one of the existing primitives
19:21.09 brlcad you can ignore class
19:21.17 brlcad you'll see everyone just returns 0
19:21.41 pacman87 ok, just double checking
19:22.43 pacman87 should i include algroithms for those methods in my application?
19:24.09 brlcad example: find . \( -name \*.c -o -name \*.h \) -exec grep -I SUPERELL {} /dev/null \; | cut -f1 -d: | sort | uniq
19:24.29 brlcad <PROTECTED>
19:24.48 brlcad those are two relatively new primitives
19:25.01 brlcad that shows you all the files that are edited that involve them
19:25.21 brlcad with slight differences -- superell has mirror and v4 supported, metaballs don't
19:25.28 brlcad you'd need mirror, but not v4
19:26.08 brlcad you should instill confidence that you're aware of what's involved in the algorithms, regardless of whether you know the algorithm itself yet
19:26.16 pacman87 where is the generic interface for the rt_*_* methods? (assuming there is one)
19:26.39 pacman87 so a very high-level description of the steps
19:27.16 brlcad yeah, explain what you think you have to do, maybe include "why" (i.e. wth do those functions do)
19:28.08 pacman87 the revolve will probably be a lot more detailed than the sweep, as i've only been thinking about rev
19:28.21 brlcad what and how are more important than why, but can be high-level descriptions with maybe some technical references (who's algorithm/approach are you going to use? your own? some paper?)
19:28.29 brlcad that's fine
19:29.09 brlcad you could simply state that if you get enough done, you would then move on to the sweep
19:29.33 pacman87 s/enough// :)
19:29.44 brlcad it's entirely conceivable that you could hack out a new primitive in a matter of just two weeks .. or it could take months
19:30.22 pacman87 yeah, i was trying to get a clearer idea of scope earlier so i could figure how long it would take
19:30.27 brlcad and there's nothing wrong with either timeline
19:30.37 pacman87 i'm thinking the rev could take a few weeks, maybe a month
19:30.55 pacman87 then the sweep would probably take a bit longer
19:31.07 brlcad care more about having devs working on cool stuff for the project that we need, attracting new long-term guys excited about this stuff :)
19:31.35 brlcad s/guys/guys n' gals of course/
19:32.18 pacman87 yeah, working on primitives fits with my approach to problem solving
19:32.28 pacman87 i work as a tutor for the college of engineering
19:33.00 pacman87 and pretty much every problem/concept i teach, i start with the basic integral/derivative forms of the equations (i teach physics)
19:35.18 pacman87 heads off to the engr library, back later
19:43.31 brlcad cya!
20:59.19 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:32.24 *** join/#brlcad cad79 (
22:25.42 *** join/#brlcad spike_ (
22:26.15 spike_ hey, is anyone in here a mentor for the GSOC project?
22:26.28 brlcad hello spike_
22:26.35 spike_ hey :-D
22:26.40 brlcad several, best to just speak up :)
22:27.05 b0ef it would be nice if NURBS was put on the gsoc page
22:27.28 brlcad b0ef: it is in several ways
22:27.29 spike_ i don't know too much about BRL-CAD but it seemed like a cool project, just curious what projects need to get done
22:27.41 brlcad spike_: have you seen the ideas list?
22:27.48 spike_ yup
22:28.05 spike_ a lot of them look cool, i just figured i should talk to someone instead of just 'picking' one
22:28.13 brlcad then... those are the projects that need to get done ;)
22:28.23 brlcad actually you picking one is best
22:28.31 brlcad they're all great ideas, lots of possibilities
22:28.42 spike_ haha oh alright then
22:29.06 brlcad the ones that are "most important" are identified as high priority, but a really good proposal will trump that in just about any category
22:30.00 brlcad same goes for a project not even on the list if it fits with our goals
22:55.20 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30594 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: resolved ogl crash, removed duplicate context invalidate bug
23:44.32 brlcad woot, but fixed

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