IRC log for #brlcad on 20080330

00:35.25 spike_ hey is anyone doing collada conversion for GSoC?
00:39.58 *** join/#brlcad Daytona (
00:50.57 brlcad spike_: nobody has mentioned it yet
00:59.47 *** part/#brlcad Daytona (
01:00.31 *** join/#brlcad Daytona (
01:08.08 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
01:21.38 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
01:22.28 mafm hallo
01:22.40 Daytona hi
01:24.13 mafm are there mentors for GSoC around?
01:25.03 Daytona I am a possible mentor, and brlcad is the organizer for brlcad
01:25.09 brlcad mafm: several, what's up?
01:25.34 mafm oh, I though that brlcad was a bot ;)
01:25.50 Daytona He is, kinda :-)
01:25.55 mafm I was thinking about submitting an application for the first idea
01:26.07 mafm I know, I know, it's a bit late :P
01:26.16 Daytona brlcad" meant that in a nice way :=)
01:26.18 brlcad dances the robot
01:26.51 brlcad mafm: it's not too late
01:26.57 Daytona What was the first idea? (refresh our memory)?
01:26.59 mafm should I discuss this in the mailing list instead?
01:27.32 mafm the 1st idea is: OpenGL GUI Framework
01:28.36 brlcad we can talk here, you can submit a summary or preview of your proposal to the ML if you like so the other mentors can see it (and/or to the wiki and of course eventually to google)
01:28.50 mafm the thing is that I don't know if the requirements (C++ and OO design) is enough
01:28.51 brlcad mafm: so what do you understand of that task?
01:29.01 brlcad or what are your ideas
01:29.23 mafm I'm also familiar with CrystalSpace, OpenSceneGraph and OGRE (in that order)
01:29.47 mafm since I was developing a 3D game with the first 2, and played a bit with the 3rd
01:30.29 mafm hmm, well, the thing is that I don't understand it very well -- let me try to explain it in my words
01:30.36 brlcad please do
01:31.08 spike_ bbl
01:31.51 mafm In there's the following idea under Visualization:
01:32.03 mafm Create a 3D geometry browser graphical interface using a common graphics engine (e.g. OGRE, Open Scene Graph, Crystal Space)
01:33.01 mafm that would be, I think, to feed one of those engines with BRL-CAD created models to see the results in real time?
01:33.25 brlcad sorta
01:33.42 brlcad have you ever used brl-cad yet? seen mged?
01:34.41 brlcad that 3D geometry browser graphical interface topic is pretty much the same as the first gsoc topic
01:34.45 mafm nope, I never used brl-cad, and that's my main question -- if it would be sensible to apply without it
01:35.19 brlcad sure, it's sensible -- but you'll have to of course tie the idea to brl-cad though .. so you'll have some learning to do
01:36.08 brlcad
01:36.09 ibot from memory, .pt is Portugal
01:36.11 brlcad nifty
01:36.17 mafm and about the OpenGL GUI Framework I understand to create a frontend in one of those engines, calling commands of brl-cad
01:36.37 mafm kind of what Unix CD burner frontends do
01:36.53 brlcad yeah, that's sort of the basic jist
01:37.15 mafm what about .pt? :D
01:37.46 brlcad much of the work would actually entail working on a network-based prootocol to call backend brl-cad commands
01:38.02 brlcad then displaying the results via the gui interface
01:39.09 mafm network-based being with sockets really, or just to describe the architecture of the tools collaborating?
01:39.36 brlcad so one command might be as simple as "get list of available geometries" .. "get handle for geometry X" .. "get a wireframe display list" .. then display that display list with the gui
01:40.21 brlcad mafm: yeah, some simple socket api -- you'd probably get details for the protocol and/or help develop some basic stubs
01:42.08 mafm actually the game that I was developing was a multiplayer one, I also coded the communication part :D
01:42.15 brlcad the focus would definitely be on the frontend gui side though -- setting up the pieces needed to display/manage geometry
01:42.26 mafm kind of "get available characters for the account" :)
01:42.32 brlcad maybe the start of a command/debug console for testing the API/commands
01:42.48 mafm and then displaying it in the GUI of the client, logging in, etc
01:43.02 brlcad exactly
01:43.36 mafm there's already support in the backend for that, or it would be part of the project?
01:43.43 brlcad the intent of the new system is a client/server interface, so that task revolves around the front-end thin client (emphasis on the thin)
01:44.02 brlcad there's not already support -- it's being developed in parallel
01:44.17 brlcad so pieces of it might be part of the project, but you could get away with just stubbing responses too
01:44.59 mafm ah OK, sounds fun :)
01:45.40 mafm and all that with C++ and [L]GPL license?
01:46.29 brlcad the language "shouldn't" really matter, I could see several allowed, but C/C++ are our predominant source base and it's nice to stay consistent
01:46.49 brlcad LGPL is ideal
01:47.05 brlcad s/ideal/required for gsoc/
01:48.00 mafm it's because I like C++ better than C or Java, and those 3 engines are best suited for C++ it seems
01:49.01 mafm and well, there are other licenses accepted for SoC, but I tend to use GPL for my projects too
01:49.02 brlcad C++ would be my personal preference, but as a thin client, the intention really is to make it easy to wrap clients
01:49.32 mafm :)
01:49.38 brlcad GPL is highly problematic for us in general
01:50.01 brlcad as we integrate and are embedded with lots of analysis codes
01:51.01 mafm LGPL is fine too
01:51.24 brlcad yeah, details at
01:52.38 mafm yep, I was reading that
01:53.06 mafm you can take a look to my CV in the meanwhile if you're interested:
01:53.57 mafm the website of the game that I've been developing with other ppl for a while is down due to hardware problems
01:53.59 brlcad thanks
01:54.26 mafm but here's a site with info that I discovered yesterday:
01:55.01 mafm (I didn't expect that we deserved an entry in such a place, being the project stalled, but well :) )
01:55.15 mafm it was initially in CrystalSpace and then in OpenSceneGraph
01:56.09 mafm the most beautiful screenshots are not there though, those are with testing models and terrain
01:57.42 brlcad so what are your thoughs on CS and OSG?
01:58.01 brlcad nice to see that you have experience with both, that's certainly helpful
02:01.36 mafm and OGRE too, but only playing with it for a few months
02:01.58 mafm well, I haven't been actively using them for more than a year, so not sure about the advances
02:02.41 mafm CS was more like a game engine, trying to integrate also sound, physics, GUI libraries and other things useful for most games
02:02.53 brlcad having used all three, OGRE is a really strong contender to me -- and steve really has a great focus on the project that fits with what is needed
02:03.31 mafm OSG was more like the state-of-the-art of open scene graphs, but other things for 3D applications had to be integrated
02:04.01 mafm there are things like Delta3D trying to make a self-contained game engine with OSG as the principal component
02:04.19 mafm and OGRE was something in between by the time, but also trying to get into the console market
02:04.24 brlcad yeah, I looked into integrating OSG into OGRE as a scene graph manager, to get the best of both .. but there's a lot of cleanup needed to maintain that sort of integration
02:04.57 brlcad yeah, we don't need/want a "game engine" really -- there are aspects of a CAD interface that are drasticly different
02:05.03 mafm I think that OGRE is more close in spirit to OSG, with also one or more "game engine" wrappers
02:05.21 mafm code-wise I think that OGRE and OSG are very good and better than CS
02:05.37 brlcad like you can't/don't want to run the graphics update loop as fast as possible, many cad models are how many seconds per frame
02:06.11 mafm :)
02:06.27 brlcad I love the CS devs, but really don't want to deal with a left-handed coordinate system
02:06.28 mafm but I don't know if they changed much lately
02:06.31 brlcad z is up, dammit ;)
02:06.57 mafm :D
02:07.58 mafm hmm, I cannot find this info in the FAQs or anything -- currently who's running your project? some company? interested individuals only? foundation?
02:08.28 mafm or still some army dept.?
02:08.42 brlcad developed predominantly by interested individuals via open source and development is still funded by ARL too
02:09.19 brlcad all as open source
02:09.23 mafm and is it your 1st year at SoC?
02:09.34 brlcad not my first year, but first year for brl-cad
02:11.03 mafm ah
02:11.22 mafm it's because the info is clear and very... explanatory?
02:11.35 brlcad hm?
02:12.17 mafm hmm, don't know how to say it
02:12.40 mafm it's like... a very good impression for the students to see your site
02:12.49 brlcad pues digalo en español :)
02:12.59 brlcad ah, thanks
02:13.12 mafm way better than many projects which already have been in past editions
02:13.26 mafm :D
02:13.49 mafm do you understand spanish?
02:14.50 brlcad yes
02:15.46 mafm are you from latin-america or something? :)
02:16.37 brlcad getting rusty as the years go by, se me ha olvidado bastante .. but I used to be perfectly fluent, crecí en panamá
02:18.25 mafm heh
02:18.32 mafm not bad at all
02:18.40 mafm you even put the accents
02:19.35 mafm so in which projects were you mentor last/past years?
02:19.51 brlcad i'm also the admin for bzflag
02:21.16 brlcad we do more group mentoring than 1-1 (same for BRL-CAD) so everyone shares mentoring responsibilities regardless of who is assigned
02:21.34 mafm ahm
02:22.51 mafm btw, I was confuded several times with bzflag and brlcad because of the similar name and favicons of the webpages.. I bet that you copied it :P
02:23.18 brlcad i share data between the two frequently :)
02:23.39 brlcad tanks and tanks
02:23.50 brlcad tanks for fun and tanks for real
02:25.01 mafm is there any direct relationship between the two projects? like bzflag using brlcad libraries or so
02:25.23 brlcad nope
02:25.32 brlcad only direct relationship is my status with both
02:26.30 mafm :)
02:26.47 brlcad the rest of the dev teams really don't overlap
02:27.20 mafm and as mentor of past years, do you notice some difference in the applications? I heard that there were less this year, I think that it was in #gsoc channel
02:28.37 brlcad yeah, there is a massive difference this year
02:29.18 brlcad which bodes well for those that get involved and submit before monday (especially if there's not an extension)
02:31.43 mafm there was something about an extension in the channel topic, but they didn't say exactly how much
02:32.19 mafm the only concrete fact that I saw was with, that by yesterday they only had 1 application :D
02:32.19 brlcad it entirely depends how many submissions there are by monday
02:32.40 mafm my last years organization was no accepted this year, so I can't really compare
02:33.01 mafm year's*, not*
02:33.12 brlcad ahh
02:34.17 brlcad that's a shame for aqsis
02:34.40 mafm yep
02:35.04 mafm and it's strange, considering that the two of us accepted finished successfully
02:35.28 mafm and I think that the other candidate got a job at Dreamworks or something like that :)
02:35.38 brlcad either the admins/mentors didn't do something well, outright made a major mistake, or simply just didn't make the cut
02:35.47 brlcad leslie had a hell of a time with the cuts
02:36.03 brlcad there were even more big-name orgs applying this year
02:36.56 mafm cut means... where to draw the line for the ones accepted?
02:38.31 mafm I think that my main mentor forgot to fill in necessary information in time at least once, and things like that
02:38.40 brlcad yeah
02:38.54 brlcad ah, yeah.. that's a huge no no
02:39.25 brlcad that's not only a failure of the mentor but of the org admin (and the org backup admin)
02:41.29 mafm also after the first two weeks or so I spent more time with the backup mentor than with the supposed mentor :D
02:42.05 mafm he said often that he was a disaster of a mentor
02:42.07 brlcad interesting -- aqsis wasn't/isn't multithreaded?
02:42.58 mafm wasn't and isn't, they didn't show much interest to integrate my branch after finishing
02:43.08 brlcad hum, why is that?
02:43.41 mafm I'm not really sure
02:44.02 brlcad did you not work with their devs?
02:44.39 mafm even when I was starting the project some of them (especially the leader) was already working in a branch which was supposed to tackle performance issues
02:45.15 mafm so if that branch was to be merged my branch would be mostly obsolete
02:45.32 mafm I think that they didn't get far with the branch after all
02:45.33 brlcad who is the lead?
02:45.40 mafm Paul Gregory
02:46.19 mafm and I offered myself to integrate at least the parts of cleanup necessary for my project
02:46.45 mafm eliminating unnecessary statics, globals and things like that
02:47.19 mafm but they weren't very supportive and I started to work in other things
02:48.00 mafm I'm still in their channel and in the mailing lists, but I don't follow the current activities very closely
02:49.28 brlcad weren't supportive because of the other branch? communication problems? something else?
02:49.55 mafm also there was a limitation to how many threads could take advantage of the available data
02:50.38 mafm because of the design of many core parts of the renderer, that even my mentor in the last days was failing to understand
02:51.48 mafm so the high-level design that he had in mind didn't fit with the way that the rendered worked
02:52.22 mafm but well, I think that most of my code was worth if only for the cleanup, elimination of globals, const safeness
02:52.49 mafm and the supportiveness that you ask, I'm not really sure, I never feel very comfortable in the channel
02:53.17 mafm maybe communication problems, they're mostly people from UK who even have presential meetings very often
02:54.39 mafm not that they were rude or anything, but I didn't feel as well as with other teammates and projects where I participate
02:55.04 brlcad fair enough
02:55.43 brlcad would be useful to hear abou the project from your mentor or the admin's perspective too, just to get a feel for what things might be like for us
02:55.45 mafm this year I didn't even bother to send proposals to some projects because of that
02:56.37 mafm hmm, well, they're often in #aqsis every day, or the working days at least
02:56.48 brlcad i mean, it is water under the bridge -- history, but interesting to see how others are operating
02:56.58 mafm the mentor was minty77 and the backup and leader prgregory
02:58.12 brlcad thanks!
02:58.13 mafm but minty77 is away most of the time and pgregory usually leaves at 16h UTC, so you might have to wake up early :)
02:58.32 mafm maybe they have other times during weekends...
02:59.19 brlcad not a big deal
02:59.55 brlcad more important is your application on its own compared to the others we get, number of slots, etc
02:59.58 mafm
03:00.12 mafm that's a summary and a detailed log at the bottom
03:00.51 brlcad now if you were interested in doing something loosely related -- we do parallel quite wonderfully already, but distributed has long been a weakness
03:01.41 brlcad we have a distributed rendering system, but it's all set up manually -- something like mpi would be interesting if made transparent
03:02.33 brlcad or even a non-mpi approach, but something that's been talked about in the past
03:03.48 mafm hmm
03:04.03 mafm I'm still reading your acceptance docs with all this chatting
03:04.10 mafm and it's 4am here :D
03:04.30 mafm are you going to be around tomorrow? because at this time I don't think very clearly
03:09.40 brlcad yep
03:09.48 brlcad is here every day
03:10.21 brlcad and barring meetings, food, and workouts, I'm almost on-line all day every day too
03:11.07 mafm at what time do you get up, with UTC difference? :D
03:11.27 mafm lives in UTC, very easy for him :P
03:14.32 brlcad i literally have a random schedule
03:15.05 mafm ok
03:15.50 mafm I'll be back in around 12 hours or so, and then we can discuss more about the distributed thing, or otherwither the first idea :)
03:16.11 brlcad just as common to find me at just about any time of day/night except maybe UTC 800-1200 .. being the closest to a sleeping window
03:16.30 mafm :D
03:16.45 mafm fine
03:16.58 mafm so see you tomorrow then
03:17.07 mafm good night all!
03:17.08 brlcad whichever one you do decide on, looking forward to seeing it ;)
03:17.11 brlcad cya
03:21.22 brlcad likes the log idea
03:36.47 yukonbob reads sb
03:40.07 brlcad goes to get some food
03:47.18 yukonbob good hunting
04:44.58 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (i=Matthew@
04:50.11 starseeker growls in frustration - the Rosin paper seems to have an equation for a and b that gives something related to the values I need but not the ACTUAL values I need
04:50.39 starseeker Maxima and the C code now agree, but they're both not giving what I know I need.
04:53.05 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30595 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Equations now calculating something other than nan, and answers agree with Maxima's evaluation of the formula, but still not returning the original parameters
08:59.03 *** join/#brlcad Jai_ (n=Jai@
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09:51.15 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
10:28.14 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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14:11.52 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
14:13.32 mafm hi
14:16.39 brlcad howdy
14:19.03 mafm up only for a brief while but already tired :)
14:19.23 mafm and you?
14:32.12 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
14:37.46 mafm hi Elperion
14:38.22 Elperion hi
14:48.29 mafm brlcad: did you talk with aqsis people already?
14:56.35 brlcad mafm: nope
14:57.47 brlcad like I said last night, not a priority or driving decision factor in the least (you're held to your own merits with us, not them), might talk to them at some point just for some perspective
14:58.06 brlcad not tired, been coding for hours :)
14:59.56 mafm huh
15:00.10 mafm I think that I need a coffee, too sleepy
15:00.22 mafm Google, you're stealing my sleep!
16:20.19 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
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17:55.25 *** join/#brlcad Jai (n=Jai@
18:31.00 *** join/#brlcad elite01 (
18:47.16 mafm quiet in here today :)
18:49.35 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:46.06 *** join/#brlcad spike_ (i=[
20:02.36 brlcad mafm: yeah, it comes and goes -- depends who all is busy
20:02.53 brlcad lot of the devs don't make it into irc, they lurk on the mailing list
20:03.36 alex_joni brlcad: does that work ok?
20:06.07 brlcad alex_joni: does what work ok?
20:06.18 alex_joni that devels lurk only on the mailing list
20:06.32 alex_joni I'm not sure I could do that..
20:07.14 brlcad you certainly don't have to :)
20:07.23 alex_joni I'm quite fond of IRC and discussing things with fellow developers in real-time
20:07.28 brlcad likewise
20:07.33 alex_joni it's way nicer to argue over IRC than on the mailing list :D
20:07.37 brlcad I tend to drag them into irc when I can
20:20.54 mafm you evil being! :)
20:21.32 mafm hmm, I have to go for a while (90 mins or so), but maybe when I'm back we can discuss about your distributed thing and I could make the proposal at last?
20:29.40 brlcad sure
20:33.28 mafm good
20:33.47 mafm another night without sleeping properly, sounds thrilling :)
20:35.49 brlcad excellent
20:36.00 brlcad there's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead :)
20:36.11 spike_ hey guys
20:36.27 yukonbob peeks in
20:36.38 spike_ so i was looking into the blender converter for GSoC, but it seems like Collada would be way more useful
20:36.49 spike_ that and blender is a very very weird app
20:37.27 mafm the bad thing is that if you don't sleep too much when alive, you're most likely to get to the dead-sleep phase sooner :D
20:38.14 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
20:40.20 spike_ does anyone know much about collada? like the collada dom or fcollada library?
20:41.20 brlcad a fair bit, what of it?
20:42.30 brlcad spike_: any converter (or sets of converters) would be a valid project
20:42.37 brlcad collada isn't already on the list?
20:42.45 spike_ well i'm fairly new to it, was just curious what would be involved in writing something to convert its data into data brlcad can use
20:43.30 brlcad it's a content format, not a solid modeling or CAD format so there are a variety of import issues, but it's not a hard converter to implement
20:43.35 spike_ i figure none of the structs are compatable, so my job would be basically to create some temporary structs to grab the data from collada into a format that brlcad could understand
20:43.47 spike_ yeah i didnt think so, since both or open source
20:43.55 spike_ x3d would be hell imo
20:44.22 brlcad nah, x3d is about the same
20:44.34 spike_ interesting...
20:44.41 brlcad x3d, vrml, collada -- all have a lot of overlap
20:45.30 spike_ well i was looking on the wiki and it seems there are already apps to put a .blend into the collada format
20:46.01 spike_ so i scratched the idea of a blender converter since this seemed more important
20:47.34 spike_ for a proposal how in depth would i need to get? i dont know what else to specify besides the fact that i'd be writing a converter
20:47.46 brlcad apps for blender?
20:47.53 brlcad nobody has proposed that as an idea
20:48.17 brlcad blender wouldn't be high on my list -- those are pretty much listed in order of priority
20:48.26 brlcad s/priority/general usefulness/
20:48.31 spike_ yeah i noticed
20:48.55 brlcad ah, collada is on the list
20:49.01 spike_ yes its at the top somewhere
20:49.22 brlcad yep, probably on par with x3d
20:49.43 spike_ im trying to figure out what i'd want to specify on the proposal though; i mean i dont know too much about the collada format as of now but i would know it like the back of my hand if i were to try to work with it
20:52.24 brlcad sure
20:53.43 spike_ guess i'll just write up that then
20:53.59 alex_joni brlcad: where's the list again?
20:54.38 alex_joni n/m found it
20:54.44 spike_ bbl guys
20:55.43 alex_joni brlcad: oh, .u3d is even after blender :(
21:10.12 brlcad mafm: for what it's worth, things are exceptionally different here with regards to project management
21:10.59 mafm brlcad: sorry, I don't follow?
21:11.25 brlcad process overhead, formalities
21:11.53 mafm ah
21:12.06 mafm you mean for the meeting or the timing issue with the branches?
21:12.14 brlcad i mean in general
21:14.33 mafm :)
21:15.03 mafm the bureocracy isn't much in the project I think, but well
21:15.24 mafm I think that each main devel was busy in some other branch during winter
21:16.09 mafm so it's difficult to focus in the overall project if everybody is busy in their piece of terrain
21:16.22 mafm it feels that the developement is a bit slow, I think
21:18.48 brlcad well that can happen in any project
21:18.57 brlcad devs tend to focus on their niche
21:19.03 brlcad or a given interest
21:19.25 brlcad especially when there is so much to do and only so many devs/time to do it
21:27.42 pacman87 is there a general interface/container for access to primitive functions (the g_*.c files)
21:28.33 pacman87 so you can call rt_*_shot() without knowing what the * is?
21:29.32 mafm brlcad: :)
21:29.43 mafm ok, still heading home now, be back in 1h or so...
21:32.01 mafm later!
21:39.24 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (i=Matthew@
21:55.59 hippieindamakin8 hey guys
21:56.04 hippieindamakin8 hello brlcad
21:58.56 brlcad hello
22:00.16 hippieindamakin8 how many applications have you recieved so far ?
22:04.16 pacman87 add one to that number (just hit submit on mine) ;)
22:04.45 yukonbob 1 meeeellion applications
22:04.59 pacman87 brlcad: is there a general interface/container for access to primitive functions (the g_*.c files), so you can call rt_*_shot() without knowing what the * is?
22:06.05 pacman87 yukonbob: do you have an "off by .99999e6 error"?
22:06.43 brlcad hippieindamakin8: i've told you several times now to stop worrying about that
22:06.48 brlcad worry about your submission
22:06.58 brlcad pacman87: cool
22:07.00 brlcad looks
22:07.02 hippieindamakin8 :) i have 3 deadlines tommorow :(
22:07.42 hippieindamakin8 made a running dog robot as a term project
22:21.32 hippieindamakin8 hey brlcad i would also suggest another idea
22:22.01 brlcad competition is going to be pretty tough from the looks of things, even with low submission rates
22:22.02 hippieindamakin8 it would be better if u have one interface rather than having 2 of them ..
22:22.36 hippieindamakin8 smthing like kate or dolphin with kde 4.0
22:22.49 brlcad given I don't think we'll accept more than 2-4 students
22:23.05 hippieindamakin8 u have a drafting space in the upper frame and a terminal in the lower frame of the UI
22:23.29 hippieindamakin8 oh yeah u said that before..
22:24.08 hippieindamakin8 well i just returned from my lab :P and was worried about my grades a bit too :D and hence put that question.. nvm
22:30.49 *** join/#brlcad spike_ (i=[
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22:45.00 *** join/#brlcad Daytona (
22:53.13 hippieindamakin8 hey daytona
22:53.43 Daytona hi
22:54.18 brlcad howdy Daytona
22:54.34 brlcad happy super fun sunday to you
22:54.35 Daytona hello
22:54.54 Daytona super fun??
22:55.00 brlcad :)
22:58.06 Daytona brlcad: just to keep you informed, I have a week in Daytona Beach scheduled (leaving on April 11)
22:58.59 Daytona If there is no extension for GSoc applications, that should work fine
22:59.23 Daytona but if there is an extension, I think it might interfere a bit
23:01.03 brlcad no problem
23:01.26 brlcad the biggest step will be ranking the applications once that opens up
23:01.38 Daytona I think April 11 is the mentor assignment deadline
23:01.38 brlcad just to see what people are willing to mentor
23:01.50 brlcad as I cannot actually assign mentors, you have to say "I'm willing to mentor this"
23:02.11 brlcad and then the actual scoring to narrow down selections
23:02.30 Daytona OK, I can probably access the internet from the beach :-)
23:02.42 brlcad hopefully we can narrow down selections on monday regardless of any extension
23:03.15 Daytona Yes, I expect all serious applicants will be in by then
23:03.18 brlcad with only 2-4 slots, and the few on the mailing list that haven't submitted yet, there's probably 2-4 good candidates that could be chosen regardless of an extension
23:04.14 Daytona When do you find out how many slots we get?
23:05.03 brlcad april 14th
23:06.07 Daytona Oh.., so we score, select, assign mentors, then find out how many?
23:06.18 brlcad yes
23:06.35 brlcad we place an upper limit / desired count on the slots, then rank them all numerically
23:06.58 brlcad then we get something at or below our requested count
23:07.30 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
23:07.40 mafm hi
23:07.41 brlcad so depending how we rank and who all is willing to mentor what, I see requesting either 3 or 4, then we likely get anywhere from 2-4
23:07.51 brlcad hello mafm
23:07.55 Daytona OK
23:08.27 Daytona hi, mafm
23:09.45 brlcad nice to see a stronger submissions finally get added
23:10.51 yukonbob when is the ranked-list due to Google?
23:11.26 Daytona yes, I hadn't seen the latest till just now
23:12.29 brlcad by this time last year, we would have been looking at 15 like that .. that's what everyone is concerned about with the deadline :)
23:12.44 brlcad yukonbob: by the 11th
23:16.03 yukonbob is "negative object segment detection" that bug manifested in my hub rendering?
23:16.05 mafm concerned about the lack of applications?
23:16.42 brlcad not really
23:16.52 brlcad it's just drastically different
23:17.10 brlcad yukonbob: yeppers it sure is
23:17.30 brlcad nice that you keyed on it :)
23:17.54 yukonbob ;)
23:18.12 brlcad nobody proposing it so far though
23:18.24 yukonbob gah!!! I need to start a campaign!!
23:18.37 yukonbob (or do it myself out of the GSoC context)
23:18.42 Daytona brlcad: is that the bug that you and I have discussed several times, regarding boolweave?
23:18.45 brlcad yep
23:19.06 brlcad probably could be better-worded, but nobody would likely understand "fix boolweave" :)
23:19.38 yukonbob waves to Daytona
23:19.53 yukonbob I don't see you in #brlcad often (that I know of), but see your commit msgs :)
23:19.53 Daytona hi, yukonbob
23:20.32 Daytona I haven't been here much, but trying to be here a bit more to listen to GSoC discussions
23:21.08 brlcad thinks Daytona should try out screen :)
23:21.30 brlcad screen+irssi ftw
23:21.41 Daytona I thought you would be impressed that I moved up to irssi :-)
23:21.47 brlcad is :)
23:22.34 Daytona I'll give it a try during a quiet time
23:23.13 brlcad you basically run it on/from a machine that isn't powered off and it provides a persistent connection that you can detach from and reattach to easily
23:24.00 brlcad screen .. then run irssi -- ctrl-a d to detach, screen -r to reattach
23:24.24 Daytona What I would like is to get irssi to beep when my nick is used
23:24.45 brlcad does it already hilight at least?
23:24.50 Daytona I found someone's settings to do that, but it doesn't work
23:25.04 brlcad you can set hilights with /hilight keyword
23:25.05 Daytona Yeah, I changed the hilight color
23:25.37 brlcad then /last -hilight to see the last hilights
23:26.23 brlcad should work with /set bell_beeps ON
23:26.46 Daytona is on
23:26.53 yukonbob "beeps" are a function of irssi settings combined with screen settings combined with terminal settings -- not always easy to setup :P
23:27.02 brlcad then of course depending on your terminal allowing audible bell
23:27.49 brlcad what does /set beep_msg_level report?
23:28.12 Daytona <PROTECTED>
23:28.40 brlcad huh, it actually has an equal?
23:28.46 brlcad shouldn't
23:29.05 Daytona That is the setting that someone claimed would do the beeping I wanted
23:29.07 brlcad shouldn't matter I'd think, but maybe causing a problem
23:29.26 brlcad try just: /set beep_msg_level MSGS NOTICES DCC DCCMSGS HILIGHT
23:29.51 brlcad Daytona: then see if this hilights
23:29.52 mafm does your terminal beep really? :)
23:30.15 brlcad in screen, it'll generate a wuff wuff message by default
23:30.44 yukonbob ^A-g will toggle between visual/audible beep
23:30.53 Daytona LOL, ^G does not beep in my terminal :-)
23:31.10 yukonbob rather: ^A-^G will toggle between visual/audible beep
23:31.32 brlcad irssi probably captures it
23:31.39 brlcad yukonbob: heh, thx
23:32.01 yukonbob and in irssi "/beep" will send a beep to the channel
23:32.11 brlcad ah, good test
23:32.15 yukonbob (like I've been doing here a couple times... and one more for good measure)
23:32.29 Daytona no beeps heard here
23:32.40 yukonbob (I just sent 3)
23:32.53 brlcad maybe your terminal isn't doing anything with bells
23:33.29 Daytona looks like "terminal bell: is enabled
23:34.27 Daytona Oh well, no big deal
23:34.30 brlcad hum
23:34.39 brlcad which terminal?
23:35.04 yukonbob Daytona: are you on a Mac?
23:35.17 Daytona no, I dell laptop
23:35.22 Daytona running ubuntu
23:35.54 yukonbob xterm, or variant?
23:35.57 Daytona running gnome-terminal
23:36.43 yukonbob sends 3 more beeps, heads back to report writing for a bit
23:36.52 yukonbob (ciao, folks, chat later) :)
23:37.02 Daytona bye yukonbob
23:37.23 mafm gnome-terminal? uh, probably they won't let you to configure that
23:37.36 mafm it's too dangerous for users to mess with those things :)
23:37.51 mafm bye yukonbob
23:37.59 hippieindamakin8 u can configure gnome terminal
23:39.47 Daytona I see a profile editor, and "terminal bell" is enabled
23:41.21 hippieindamakin8 i love the terminal bell :D
23:43.15 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=pulse@
23:43.19 hippieindamakin8 ppl on Gnome use "Tilda" and the ppl on KDE use "yakuake" :)
23:43.34 andrecastelo hi
23:43.48 hippieindamakin8 hey andrecastelo
23:43.52 andrecastelo hey hippieindamakin8i
23:44.07 andrecastelo is photon mapping an option for gsoc ??
23:44.15 brlcad wonders if /etc/input has anything interesting for Daytona
23:44.26 Daytona I just checked, and there is a bug report titled "terminal bell does not beep" in ununtu :-)
23:44.41 brlcad andrecastelo: "global illumination" whether via photon mapping or otherwise is an option
23:44.43 mafm hey andrecastelo, I see that you're following my advice :)
23:44.56 andrecastelo hehehe hey mafm, yes indeed
23:45.12 brlcad we actually already have an implementation of photon mapping, but it's shoehorned in and really hard to use (and buggy)
23:45.30 mafm should get extra points for bringing more people to BRL-CAD :P
23:46.03 andrecastelo brlcad: is fixing it and making it more functional a gsoc apropriate project?? :)
23:46.23 andrecastelo (maybe it's almost functional, so wouldn't be 3 months thing)
23:47.00 brlcad sure would be, as would be enhancing it .. non-trivial
23:47.24 brlcad likewise, implementing a new global illumination renderer that does it's own path-tracing using our librt
23:48.10 brlcad would have to show competence in that area and come up with a good proposal
23:50.54 andrecastelo brlcad: well, i don't have experience in that area, perhaps i should look for another project
23:51.20 andrecastelo (but i do have some understanding about global illumination and photon mapping and the motivation to study it deeper)
23:52.38 brlcad andrecastelo: that would make things a lot harder -- there is definitely room to learn some of what is needed, but implementing either would take some time
23:53.43 brlcad a lot of the high-level background info about path tracing or photon mapping or radiosity, etc, can be picked up in an afternoon of reading
23:54.05 andrecastelo but the implementation is the problem, right ???
23:54.20 brlcad depends entirely on you and how quickly you learn :)
23:55.20 andrecastelo it's comforting to know that :)
23:55.50 andrecastelo the photon mapping implementation is written in C ?
23:56.57 brlcad *completing* the task isn't the driving factor for acceptance if you intended to work long-term on the project (beyond gsoc), but you would have to instill confidence that you can in fact complete the task and make good progress over the summer
23:57.04 brlcad yes, entirely in C
23:58.56 brlcad src/liboptical/photonmap.c and src/rt have most of it

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