IRC log for #brlcad on 20080407

00:27.13 *** part/#brlcad sCOTTo (
01:36.10 *** join/#brlcad DaytonaJohn (
02:34.49 brlcad howdy DaytonaJohn
02:49.08 PrezKennedy howdy brlcad :)
03:01.08 DaytonaJohn hi, I was surfing
03:04.13 DaytonaJohn brlcad: Are you there?
03:11.43 *** join/#brlcad starseeker ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:36.01 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
03:53.59 brlcad oops, daytona be gone
03:54.05 PrezKennedy he ran away!
05:59.23 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
06:21.02 brlcad heya pacman87, how's the primitive going?
06:21.32 pacman87 still working on it
06:21.43 brlcad what kind of notification(s) do you get when your app is updated?
06:21.44 pacman87 i might not have time to do full integration
06:23.20 pacman87 email sent to my gmail account
06:23.33 pacman87 which i dont' check all that often
06:24.42 pacman87 the GSoC site still just says 'ranking in progress'
06:24.49 pacman87 no mention of the new comment
06:26.08 brlcad well, you have a question :)
06:26.21 pacman87 yeah, i'm reading/responding now
06:35.52 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30638 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Switch from attempt at derivative fixing to additional point measurement.
06:35.53 brlcad cool
06:36.04 brlcad heh
06:38.16 starseeker figures that's easier than figuring out the doggone derivative mess...
06:38.43 starseeker does it create the example for you brlcad?
06:39.07 starseeker should look a bit more like a tire should now
06:42.52 brlcad can't look at it atm
06:43.09 starseeker np
06:43.55 starseeker it's still just a shape tweak, no tread yet
06:44.19 starseeker really should sleep now...
06:53.49 *** join/#brlcad spike_ (i=[
06:54.14 spike_ quick Q, when exactly is the GSoC app due tomorrow? 5pm west coast time?
07:02.19 brlcad heh
07:02.43 brlcad have to check the timeline
07:03.15 brlcad it is a firm deadline unlike homework assigments, nothing we can do about it :P
07:03.30 spike_ haha, true
07:04.13 spike_ brlcad: could i ask you a quick question?
07:04.32 brlcad ~ask
07:04.33 ibot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
07:05.02 spike_ heh
07:05.34 *** join/#brlcad paulproteus (
07:05.40 paulproteus waves to spike_
07:06.16 spike_ kicks Asheesh
07:06.21 paulproteus Zing!
07:06.22 brlcad makehappy, not makesad
07:06.29 spike_ lol
07:06.55 spike_ so anyways, my question is about expat and the fcollada library
07:08.14 spike_ i *think* if i were to write a colldada converter, i would first use expat (and xml parser) to get a document tree, then i would use the fcollada utility to get the 'objects' out of the tree
07:08.33 spike_ but i'm not really sure how they are different
07:10.01 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:10.08 paulproteus brlcad, Nice to see you, too. (-;
07:10.10 brlcad i'm not familiar with fcollada
07:10.25 brlcad at least not beyond what it basically is and does
07:10.40 brlcad whether it includes its own parser or not, the license they use, etc
07:12.20 spike_ roger
07:12.38 paulproteus The license compatibility question is a big one.
07:13.27 clock_ paulproteus: problems with compatibility between a licence of brlcad and another program?
07:13.43 spike_ pretty sure expat is open source
07:14.00 spike_ not so sure about fcollada
07:14.40 paulproteus indicates it's under the MIT License, that's good news.
07:14.50 spike_ smiles
07:15.36 spike_ so i think im good to go
07:15.45 spike_ in the license department
07:15.52 brlcad mit is fine
07:16.01 paulproteus fcollada seems to use the libxml2 XML parser, so you won't need to separately use something like expat, it looks like.
07:16.22 brlcad wonders if paulproteus is going to write it for him too :)
07:17.02 spike_ shakes his head, no!
07:17.10 brlcad :)
07:17.14 paulproteus Nah, I'm just here for moral support and IRC chat.
07:17.31 paulproteus I'll have enough GSoC apps to read as mentor for CC.
07:18.32 brlcad good ol commons
07:19.52 paulproteus (-:
07:24.43 paulproteus Burly CAD
07:25.02 paulproteus /join #grlcad
07:25.48 brlcad heh
07:28.16 pacman87 girly CAD?
07:28.48 brlcad lolcads
07:29.36 pacman87 im in ur .g, sweepin ur primitives
07:30.44 spike_ laughs
07:31.29 brlcad hehe
07:31.41 paulproteus It's getting late, so I'm going to go and sweep.
07:31.48 brlcad cheers
07:32.06 spike_ cya paulproteus
07:32.25 pacman87 i read that as 'brlcad cheers', not 'brlcad: cheers'
07:35.10 brlcad cheers: pacman87
07:35.53 spike_ realizes this is probably what usually happens as it gets later and later
07:37.15 pacman87 i should go to bed, but i'm a page deep in vector calculations, and i don't want to start over to figure out where i was and where i was going tomorrow
07:38.04 brlcad spike_: nah, it's like this most of the time, just the topic changes or it's quiet ;)
07:38.34 brlcad grumbles at an applicant wasting his time being lazy
07:40.26 spike_ :-D
07:41.44 spike_ who ya grumblin at brlcad?
07:42.26 brlcad big hint: if I leave a comment asking for more detail .. it probably means you should provide more detail instead of giving me a mouthful about your "working principle" that amounts to blind faith
07:43.41 brlcad just grumbling at an applicant that isn't going to get slotted
07:43.46 paulproteus Heh.
07:44.27 paulproteus Other hint: If you don't know what more details should be given, ask!
07:44.55 brlcad he was told specific areas even
07:44.59 paulproteus It's amazing how people would rather just fill text in a form rather than actually talk to the people evaluating their applications.
07:45.04 paulproteus brlcad, Gack.
07:45.15 paulproteus Sounds like you give better feedback than we have been then. (-;
07:45.22 spike_ lol
07:45.23 brlcad i read them all in detail
07:45.33 brlcad and at least try to reply in detail
07:45.48 clock_ forms are a sign of bureaucratization of society
07:46.02 paulproteus clock_, People preferring forms to chat is the sign, really.
07:46.08 brlcad even for the "bad" ones, as everyone gets at least one get-out-of-jail card
07:46.16 paulproteus That's very friendly of you. (-:
07:46.25 clock_
07:46.37 spike_ hey brlcad
07:46.43 brlcad yeah, I'm always amazed by very detailed applications from people that I've never heard a single word from before their submission
07:46.55 spike_ if i submitted now would i perhaps see feedback before the deadline tomorrow?
07:47.15 spike_ ive been kind of holding out because ive been wanting to research and look up stuff more...
07:47.16 clock_ are they submissions for the GSoC?
07:47.23 spike_ wish i had known you gave feedback
07:47.27 spike_ yeah
07:47.42 clock_ it's heavily underpaid isn't it?
07:48.01 paulproteus clock_, You say that because you don't know how much CC pays our summer interns.
07:48.04 brlcad spike_: depends on the content
07:48.07 clock_ like a student summer job?
07:48.12 clock_ paulproteus: CC?
07:48.33 paulproteus; we have IRL tech interns as well as some GSoC people.
07:48.45 clock_ Do CC pay even less?
07:48.58 paulproteus Aye, there's the rub.
07:49.43 spike_ brlcad: ok, if you did reply though would it be through email
07:49.49 clock_ Aren't you worried that people who are willing to work for underpaid wage will not be the very good ones?
07:50.00 brlcad spike_: not likely
07:50.13 spike_ on chat then?
07:50.27 pacman87 spike_: comments on your app will send an email to your gmail account
07:50.30 brlcad if I have to e-mail, it's a last resort just in case the web app didn't send a notice
07:50.39 spike_ kk
07:50.55 brlcad the web app isn't entirely reliable at times
07:51.13 pacman87 unfortunately, they don't change the status to 'unread comments'
07:53.09 paulproteus clock_, It's a reasonable thing to worry about...
07:53.17 brlcad throws in the towel for the day after 16 hours of reading and commenting
07:54.07 pacman87 that's dedication
07:56.14 brlcad clock_: i wouldn't be -- there are plenty of high-demand CS jobs where applicants line up and are willing to be an intern for *free* for the chance to get noticed and become hired down the road
07:57.15 clock_ brlcad: then you have a different situation than here
07:57.22 brlcad there's also plenty of college jobs that pay both more and less -- I got paid less than GSoC my first couple years as a student
07:57.25 clock_ Here we are scarce and we select where we want to go
07:57.35 paulproteus I think the good ones are scarce.
07:57.45 paulproteus 6/8 of the CC intern applicants were pretty terrible.
07:57.51 clock_ and make goofy faces if the workplace doesn't have enough flowers, bad view etc.
07:57.54 paulproteus checks if this is publicly logged
07:57.58 brlcad then later got paid much much more, but had gsoc been around, I would have gladly been interested in participating -- the experience is rather unique
07:57.59 pacman87 brlcad: wouldn't that be for jobs with low demand?
07:58.05 paulproteus Okay, wow re: bad view, enough flowers.
07:58.24 paulproteus Luckily the other two applicants were actually pretty great.
07:58.44 spike_ submitted application
07:58.50 brlcad pacman87: er, I guess I meant from the employer's perspective -- they'll have just one or two internships a year, hundreds of applicants
07:59.16 clock_ do you have a high rate of unemployment in the US?
07:59.28 clock_ Because of the collapse of the subprime mortgages?
07:59.36 brlcad heh
08:00.04 paulproteus Not yet, at least.
08:00.28 clock_ Like there was an article in Czech news today or yesterday that it pays off for wealthier Czech citizens to buy off some cheap properties on Florida!
08:01.05 clock_ But some people in the discussion pointed out there are hurricanes
08:01.08 brlcad not really a high rate in the least
08:01.13 brlcad something like 5%
08:01.48 clock_ What an absurd idea - post-communist Czech would buy off properties in the always economically strong (discutably former) beacon of democracy!
08:01.50 brlcad czech is probably on par or higher if I had to guess
08:01.52 clock_ Our worlds are changing
08:02.08 paulproteus Our words are changing.
08:02.12 brlcad yeah, 6.6 per 2007
08:02.14 clock_ yes :)
08:02.46 clock_ or there was an article the most modern trains rolling around Zurich are actually built in Prague
08:03.01 clock_ shiny new silent doubledecker trains
08:04.03 pacman87 finished my vector calculations, it's 3am, goodnight
08:04.09 brlcad cya pacman87 !
08:04.31 pacman87 cheers
08:06.11 spike_ 4am here
08:06.17 spike_ /yawn
08:06.28 paulproteus Congrats pacman87, good night!
08:12.02 spike_ alright well, i'm ridiculously tired, i'll probably be around tomorrow after one of my tests. gnight all
08:12.11 paulproteus Okay, that's enough for this day for real.
08:12.15 paulproteus vanishes in a puff of smoke
08:15.01 brlcad :)
08:15.15 brlcad snickers
08:15.32 clock_ vanishes in a rain of anvils and pianoes
09:23.59 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:26.38 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:27.21 mafm hi
11:25.33 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
11:42.36 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
12:14.10 brlcad hey mafm d_rossberg
12:16.21 d_rossberg huhu
12:18.39 pacman87 d_rossberg: i replied to your comment
12:22.36 d_rossberg pacman87: i've read your answer and replied to it :)
12:25.47 pacman87 d_rossberg: thanks for the reply. i've got to run now, but i'll answer fully later
12:26.37 d_rossberg no problem, same to me
13:00.43 *** join/#brlcad MTee (n=MT@
13:00.57 MTee Hello
13:02.10 mafm yo
13:03.44 MTee I want to know something that's really confusing me .. am i required to know "all the stuff" before actually sending the application ?
13:04.30 *** join/#brlcad camcorder (n=draco@
13:04.51 camcorder hi
13:05.01 MTee or am i allowed to state in my application that there are some topics that i'm going to learn about ?
13:05.28 camcorder i'm postulating about web-based solid geometry model repository idea
13:05.51 camcorder it looks like late but I just finished my exams
13:06.12 camcorder my question is, I'm also thinking implementing 'ready object' importing from this repository
13:06.30 camcorder but that might be fairly overbloated from the initial idea
13:09.01 MTee are there any mentors here ?
13:13.34 MTee what are the "Hacking" rules ?
13:20.03 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
13:43.57 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
13:56.28 brlcad MTee: of course not, but that doesn't prevent any applicant from providing a lot of idea about the topic at hand, paths for implementation, and doing some basic homework to see how that fits in with BRL-CAD
13:57.07 brlcad camcorder: what is ready object importing?
13:57.47 camcorder brlcad, ie. importing a solid design from repository (as in you can do importing code snipplets)
14:00.49 ``Erik "hacking rules"?
14:01.26 brlcad camcorder: for what it's worth -- there are more submissions for the web-based solid model repository than for any other idea, and most of them fail to impress -- I'd encourage considering other topics (or coming up with a really damn good proposal for that idea)
14:02.53 camcorder brlcad, well I'm actually studying computer engineering, and would like to specialize on CAD software
14:03.19 camcorder i've tried brlcad in past, and regular user of Autocad, Cad key for various other stuff
14:03.48 camcorder i've never coded for a CAD software before, however i think GSoC would be a good entry point for me
14:04.08 camcorder i wish I had my exams finished earlier and (I heard GSoC earlier) than we could discuss it even more
14:04.42 camcorder brlcad, is there any idea that you would suggest me? for an entry level CAD software developer
14:04.49 brlcad yeah, submitting this late is going to make it a lot harder to polish up the application -- it puts a lot more work into your hands without much time for feedback
14:05.05 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (n=psilva@
14:05.41 brlcad not really, there are ideas on the page that span from very basic to rather hard -- depends on your coding and math experience
14:05.46 brlcad howdy psilva
14:06.45 brlcad ~tickle prasad_
14:06.45 ibot ACTION jumps on prasad_, yelling "TICKLE FIGHT!!!!"
14:08.41 ``Erik <-- covers his innocent eyes
14:08.42 brlcad i just wouldn't recommend the web repository idea -- it's been proposed to death (probably because people "get it")
14:09.02 prasad_ hey hey
14:09.04 camcorder i'm afraid yeah
14:09.12 camcorder brlcad, what about dwg importer?
14:09.22 camcorder or converter
14:09.24 brlcad but they don't get what is involved or how to sell it or implement it (so far)
14:10.03 camcorder if you're here, can we discuss on my proposal?
14:10.05 brlcad camcorder: how would you propose doing that?
14:10.27 camcorder brlcad, dwg converter?
14:10.31 brlcad yep
14:10.45 camcorder (totally assumption)
14:10.50 camcorder dwg specs are open
14:10.59 camcorder (that's not an assumption)
14:11.03 brlcad 'orly'
14:11.18 camcorder orly?
14:12.23 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: may I propose a web repository idea? (I actually don't know what it is)
14:12.34 SongOfTheWaves I guess it's some kind of toolshed where you store webs?
14:12.41 SongOfTheWaves Spider web repository?
14:12.42 brlcad basically
14:13.03 brlcad more of a bike shed
14:13.34 ``Erik you can propose anything you want, the web repository one has several proposals already, though, so it'd be... competitive :)
14:14.54 MTee what about the geometry converter ?
14:15.41 brlcad what about it?
14:15.53 MTee are there many proposals ?
14:17.00 camcorder brlcad, isn't it possible to implement dwg specification?
14:17.25 camcorder brlcad, of course it would be very optimistic to expect 100% compatibility in 3 months
14:17.35 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
14:17.37 MTee I meant the "New geometry converter", specifically .dwg or .3ds
14:17.38 camcorder brlcad, but that would be a very beginning
14:17.44 brlcad MTee: not too many -- but it will be a bit tricky -- the ones that are most important are very hard, so the application would have to show strong competence and a good plan
14:18.18 mafm bike shed? I suggest blue!
14:18.26 brlcad camcorder: it's all just code, anything is possible - or at least anything can be faked with a good demo :)
14:18.30 ``Erik would hope all proposals indicate strong competence and have a good plan O.o
14:18.34 brlcad ~mafm++
14:18.35 ``Erik no way, paint it clear!
14:19.05 mafm what's that ~ thing? is to give me points for ibot? :D
14:19.37 MTee what are some of the basic project ideas ?
14:19.41 brlcad camcorder: at this late, I'm not going to go into the history of why there is no (osi) open source dwg library -- but you'd have to speak to that
14:20.01 camcorder license issues?
14:20.01 brlcad how it'd relate, where and how you're getting your information
14:20.21 camcorder or god damn patent issue?
14:20.49 ``Erik
14:21.26 MTee brlcad : what are the ideas that are considered basic and require familiarity with C ?
14:21.49 brlcad if you're not aware of that mired history, that'd probably be another one I'd say stay away from just because I can't see you formulating a strong proposal without that background knowledge (though it can be acquired just by a few quick searches)
14:22.00 brlcad MTee: ... did you read the page?
14:22.23 ``Erik ahummmm
14:23.45 brlcad damn, permissions on ~dirs is busted
14:23.59 brlcad bad sean, no donut for you
14:24.08 ``Erik yeah
14:24.12 ``Erik I was looking at that myself
14:24.20 ``Erik what'd ya do?
14:24.59 MTee brlcad : I've read it .. and thought the geometry converter was something good to learn on .. but you said it's tricky .. so what are the pojects that are considered to be basic ?
14:25.32 brlcad that's really wierd
14:25.48 ``Erik was the apache config modified?
14:26.03 ``Erik now it seems to work
14:26.10 ``Erik
14:26.23 brlcad ``Erik: the userdir directive .. I'd changed it to /usr/home/*/public_html .. that *doesn't* work .. but does when I change it back to what it was. /home/*/public_html
14:27.02 ``Erik huh, odd
14:27.05 ``Erik uhmmm
14:27.06 brlcad which makes no sense, I see no other directive for /usr/home that would prevent Indices
14:27.45 MTee <PROTECTED>
14:27.46 brlcad anyways, who cares, it's fixed
14:27.54 ``Erik wonder if it uses the systems concept of home? like if you put it back to /usr/home/*/public_html in the config and changed your home dir in passwd to /usr/home/xxx ?
14:28.22 brlcad MTee: it is something good to learn on -- that doesn't mean it's not a lot of work though (depending on the converter) :)
14:28.42 brlcad the most valued converters are rather hard
14:28.55 ``Erik I d'no
14:29.20 brlcad step, iges, dwg ..
14:29.22 ``Erik I think a pov converter or various video game formats would be nice
14:29.54 MTee brlcad : so what would you suggest for me to propose on ?
14:29.57 brlcad ``Erik: apache is all directory/file-based -- it should be a literal directory rule that makes /usr/home not work, or some other /home rule I'm not finding that makes it work
14:31.20 ``Erik mtee: only you know your ability and interest, we can answer specific questions about BRL-CAD, but we cannot think for you :(
14:31.23 brlcad MTee: I'd suggest reading through the ideas list in detail and seeing what strongly catches your attention :) ...
14:31.40 brlcad exactly -- I don't know you or your skills at this point to make a valid recommendation
14:31.55 brlcad the list already says what's important and what sorts of skills are required
14:39.03 brlcad hmm.. I need some tool that can watch several dozen httpd log files, make it really easy to provide ignore pattern exemptions, and report all non-200 non-spam queries
14:39.38 brlcad something I could run in screen with an interactive curses console would be cool
14:39.50 MTee brlcad, Erik : So if I have the skills required for a certain project .. what would probably lead to my proposal being refused ?
14:40.04 brlcad a piss poor proposal?
14:40.30 brlcad not agreeing to the development requirements
14:40.42 brlcad s/development/application/
14:41.12 SongOfTheWaves would like BRL-CAD not to suddenly render 210x times slower than normal in his headcut.g model
14:41.37 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: that task believe it or not is actually on the ideas list
14:41.48 SongOfTheWaves believes not
14:41.49 brlcad not a single submission for it yet, but it's there
14:42.07 ``Erik hehehe
14:42.10 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: what's the technical name of the cause of the problem?
14:42.10 ``Erik GOTOs don't kill applications- Programmers kill applications.
14:42.46 SongOfTheWaves Telling a good programmer not to use GOTO
14:42.53 SongOfTheWaves is like telling Jay Adams how he should skate.
14:43.12 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: it's hinted at in the csg optimizations
14:43.22 SongOfTheWaves We've 910 gotos in the links.
14:43.55 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: I appreciate you take the user feedback this seriously
14:44.52 brlcad feel the love
14:45.00 brlcad though it's not just for you of course :)
14:45.26 brlcad the point is to develop a CAD system that everyone loves
14:46.22 ``Erik mtee: bad proposal, lack of a realizable plan, having someone propose the same thing as you but better, ...
14:46.59 ``Erik imagines that if we have, say, 6 proposals for the same idea, like, say, the web repo... only one will be on the short list handed to google for slot allocation O.o
14:47.32 ``Erik even if the two best proposals are for that task
14:47.44 ``Erik brlcad?
14:47.58 ``Erik <-- never done this before, is mostly guessing :D
14:48.52 mafm Google allows redundancy, but probably people tends to avoid it -- unless there's no other choice, I guess
14:51.32 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: like the hippies in the 1969?
14:51.41 SongOfTheWaves BRL-CAD specified to *be* *loved*?
14:52.26 SongOfTheWaves That's an approach I approve!
14:53.09 SongOfTheWaves LSD - Love and Solid Decomposition
14:54.38 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, pretty much
14:55.16 brlcad so if you're doubling up with another proposal that is already submitted, you're not only competiting against the other submissions, you have to be "best of breed" for that idea
14:56.06 brlcad we're only asking for 2-4 slots at most, they're not going to be for the same idea no matter how good the proposals
14:56.56 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: I should be able to release the Ronja 3D models videos soon, I think I have even already fixed the final credits with the can-get-permission music
14:57.05 SongOfTheWaves videos -> video
14:57.26 brlcad cool
14:58.22 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
14:58.28 andrecastelo good morning everyone
14:58.45 andrecastelo hey hippieindamakin8 , brlcad , mafm
14:58.46 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: but it's not aliased because of the 210x slowdown on one or more models
14:58.52 ``Erik waits for a photon mapped perspective fly-through of a ronja scene :D
14:59.01 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: maybe it could be later possible to rerun it on your supercomputers to make it aliased and look great
14:59.08 SongOfTheWaves cause now you see the alias artifacts run around
14:59.23 SongOfTheWaves aliased -> antialiased
14:59.51 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: I bought a Core 2 Duo 2x2.2GHz (before had 1x1.5GHz Pentium M) and it didn't help much :)
14:59.56 SongOfTheWaves :) -> :(
15:00.23 SongOfTheWaves ``Erik: is photon mapping computationally expensive?
15:01.11 alex_joni I imagine the travel speed might be an issue
15:01.29 MTee Erick, brlcad : what if i decided that I need to work more on my skills .. should I still sendan application or just wait till next year ?
15:01.59 mafm hi andrecastelo
15:02.47 SongOfTheWaves If I don't specify anything and just rt, that's not photon mapping or is it, right?
15:04.56 camcorder brlcad, i've submitted my proposal from "Onur Topsakal"
15:06.15 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: you mean it's not anti-aliased? :)
15:06.20 brlcad not being aliased is a good thing :)
15:07.15 brlcad ah, you did correct yourself, hehe .. /me catches up
15:07.35 brlcad MTee: send it in, you never know
15:07.46 SongOfTheWaves rt by default doesn't do photon mapping, does it?
15:07.49 brlcad i'll let you know if the chances aren't good
15:08.22 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: photon mapping is very expensive and requires some model preparation (putting the model into a box with light sources)
15:08.38 brlcad but rt does have the option by default, lighting mode 7
15:08.56 SongOfTheWaves which lighting mode is the default?
15:09.20 brlcad 0 ?
15:09.36 brlcad or 1, don't remember
15:09.54 brlcad 0
15:10.08 SongOfTheWaves Which one has the highest realism?
15:11.16 brlcad photon mapping performs a global illumination simulation so IFF you set up your scene appropriately, it will generally look much better, much more realistic
15:12.03 brlcad (and take 100x longer to render, compared to path tracing which takes about 10000x times longer)
15:12.23 camcorder brlcad, thanks for guidance, hope my proposal is chosen and would work together
15:16.11 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: path tracing is even more realistic than photon mapping?
15:16.25 brlcad to give folks an idea of what an excellent proposal looks like, here's one received for BZFlag: None received for brl-cad are quite that good so you shouldn't be discouraged, but you are encouraged to put in a lot of detail about your idea.
15:16.57 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: usually, it's a brute force solution to the render equation
15:17.29 brlcad the image of stryker in a field of grass is a path-traced image
15:18.35 *** join/#brlcad spik1 (
15:18.36 brlcad i.e. and
15:18.57 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: writing a proposal like this which includes an analysis of a problem is already quite some work and there is a risk you take the analysis, reject his proposal and use the work he did to program according to his analysis and save your work on his behalf.
15:19.15 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: so I am not surprised people don't generally send such sophisticated proposals
15:20.06 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: but is path tracing more realistic than photon mapping? Or less? Or the same?
15:20.23 SongOfTheWaves All I understand from your reply is that path tracing is much slower than P. M.
15:23.24 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: heh, I'd call BS .. most core devs have thought through the idea being proposed many orders of magnitude more than the person submitting the proposal -- and the point isn't to get something done, it's to attract new *developers* to the project
15:23.56 brlcad what they actually propose is almost irrelevant beyond the applicant showing basic understanding and respect for the current priorities of the project
15:24.07 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03louipc * r30639 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/archlinux/PKGBUILD: Remove extra options from build()
15:24.15 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: I am already attracted and would develop for living, but it's not organizationally possible
15:24.19 brlcad otherwise, having a detailed application goes a really long ways towards showing that they are serious about working with the project and that they work hard
15:24.24 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: so do you expect to attract volunteers?
15:25.20 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: or people who have more bureaucratically favourable constellation circumstances?
15:25.23 brlcad i entirely do hope to attract new long-term brl-cad developers, that is the PRIMARY goal of GSoC across the board
15:25.43 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: you need people who live in the US?
15:25.47 brlcad the money is just an incentive to give people that otherwise still need to pay bills a means to get started
15:25.53 brlcad but it is still just a getting started point
15:26.29 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: it sounds like you know very little to nothing about GSoC :) .. no you don't need to be in the US, most aren't in the US
15:26.48 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: I don't mean for the GSoC, I mean for BRL-CAD
15:27.35 brlcad spik1: comment preferred for any responses -- you should also be able to edit your proposal if you decide you want to add more detail
15:28.10 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: why would we need people who live in the US? it's an open source project, anyone can contribute whenever they like
15:28.19 brlcad from wherever
15:28.32 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: I can't contribute in my working hours
15:28.44 SongOfTheWaves so not quite whenever I like
15:28.56 spik1 yeah thanks i saw it
15:29.28 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: you "can", but there would be consequences for your situation perhaps
15:29.33 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: so you are looking for volunteers because for some organizational reasons you are unable to pay people fulltime?
15:30.04 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: yes there would be consequences for my ability to fill my fridge and to keep snow and rain off my head when sleeping
15:30.07 brlcad still, I put in more than 60-80 hours a week most weeks NOT during working hours, so I don't have much sympathy .. there are 24 hours in a day :)
15:30.28 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: yeah but your work doesn't suxx
15:30.36 SongOfTheWaves cause it's not proprietary
15:30.54 ``Erik *readreadread*
15:31.34 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: i'm looking for volunteers simply because I want to make BRL-CAD better, by whatever means available -- open source is the best means to make that happen, benefits everyone, and has exceptionally low barriers to participate
15:32.08 ``Erik y'know, I'm curious... we have the ability to render multiple frames in one run, so the prep time is just hit once... does photon mapping do its map generation in the prep phase? so a multi-frame render would only map once?
15:32.21 MTee !deadline
15:32.40 SongOfTheWaves ``Erik: is this valid also for the default rt lighting model?
15:32.47 SongOfTheWaves Because I call rt separately for every frame
15:33.01 SongOfTheWaves Would it speed up significantly if I somehow coerced rt into rendering all of them at once?
15:33.18 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, the photon mapping is view independent during prep -- theoretically you'd amortize that cost with multiple frames
15:33.43 ``Erik it does multiframe with the default model, but I doubt you have much prep overhead with the ronja models
15:34.12 brlcad yeah, depends how much of that time is prep, it's in the log file output
15:34.16 ``Erik 300 frame photon mapped flythrough, hummm :D
15:34.25 SongOfTheWaves only 300?
15:34.30 SongOfTheWaves That's 6 seconds with 50fps
15:34.34 SongOfTheWaves or 5 seconds with 60fps
15:34.39 ``Erik that's 20 seconds at 15fps
15:34.45 SongOfTheWaves 15fps is jerky
15:34.49 ``Erik 10 at 30fps
15:35.17 SongOfTheWaves I consider 30fps still jerky
15:35.24 SongOfTheWaves First 50fps I perceive as smooth
15:35.40 ``Erik notes that cinema is 24fps
15:36.12 SongOfTheWaves therefore cinema must be necessary jerky for me
15:36.26 ``Erik iirc, each cell is moved at 24fps, and each cell is flashed twice to reduce the strobing effect
15:36.49 SongOfTheWaves I heard even about flashing 3 times
15:38.29 SongOfTheWaves Isn't like LCD refreshed only 30 times per ssecond?
15:38.32 ``Erik could be, my cinema class was over a decade ago, and we still use ncst over here
15:38.46 SongOfTheWaves Cause if I play kate Ryan - Libertine music video on an LCD the movement is like "dirty", unclear
15:38.47 ``Erik depends on the lcd, some are around 50 or 60 I think
15:38.55 SongOfTheWaves On a CRT it's like if I was watching the dancer in real.
15:39.14 SongOfTheWaves Maybe it's because the LCD constructers chronically ignore the Shannon theorem
15:39.39 SongOfTheWaves When thy don't bother with proper sampling of the input signal, why should they bother with proper sampling of the frames?
15:39.53 spik1 has class, eep!
15:39.56 spik1 bbl guy
15:39.59 spik1 guys*
15:40.12 SongOfTheWaves Changing the frame rate requires massive filtering otherwise you get temporal aliasing
15:40.16 brlcad bbq spik
15:40.35 SongOfTheWaves The worst case is some movies in the TV which were obviously resampled this badly so they jerk every Nth frame
15:40.47 SongOfTheWaves so Superman is flying and I want to vomit seeing the picture
15:41.10 brlcad don't sit so close :)
15:41.13 brlcad take some dramamine
15:41.16 SongOfTheWaves They have whole development departments to be able to produce it with such horrible quality
15:42.05 SongOfTheWaves any geek would be able to stitch up a frame resampler in C in few hours
15:42.17 SongOfTheWaves Not them with their huge udgets
15:42.51 SongOfTheWaves On the other hand when they cannot even figure out the Y'CbCr right (cf. Hyperluma and Luminaplex), why would one expect them to figure out the frame resampling?
15:49.26 SongOfTheWaves no antialiasing helps when the details of the rendered video are damaged by the commonly used brainless rgb ->ycbcr conversion
15:49.31 yukonbob waves in
15:49.42 *** part/#brlcad louipc (
15:51.13 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: I think I should add a BRL-CAD URL into the cerdits shouldn't I?
15:51.25 brlcad surprising how many students don't realize they're being notified of submission updates at their gmail address that they rarely ever check ... set up a mail forward if you're not going to check it folks!
15:51.31 SongOfTheWaves into the final credits of the movie
15:51.56 brlcad SongOfTheWaves: that's entirely up to you, it would certainly be appreciated but far from necessary
15:52.11 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: cause look from the point of view of the viewer
15:52.29 SongOfTheWaves wohoo - a free 3D that can make pictures like this - I want to make too - but where do I download the darn thing ?!?
15:53.32 brlcad the name and a quick web search should be enough to answer that question
15:53.53 brlcad thinks SongOfTheWaves would like seeing some of the original brl-cad movies
15:54.16 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
15:54.45 prasad_ is gvar still in the distro?
15:54.59 brlcad prasad_: heh, yeah
15:55.11 brlcad hasn't required any maintenance to preserve
15:56.02 prasad_ need to change that to a new format
15:56.03 brlcad also would probably serve as a good starting point for a g-ogl converter
15:56.30 prasad_ add support to write out multiple varrs
15:56.32 brlcad you still have commit access, go for it
16:08.15 SongOfTheWaves brlcad: that's right people use web search today
16:39.19 PrezKennedy brlcad, did you pull an all-nighter or do you just wake up ridiculously early?
16:45.17 pacman87 why does the GSOC comment box have to be so tiny?
17:06.45 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
17:15.10 MTee I need help compiling BRL-CAD
17:15.31 MTee could anyone here help me please ?
17:15.40 pacman87 ~ask
17:15.40 ibot Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:17.20 MTee pacman : could ou help me compile brL-cad ?
17:18.36 pacman87 MTee: what specifically is going wrong?
17:19.26 MTee don't know where to start
17:20.40 pacman87 ~svn
17:20.41 ibot Subversion (aka SVN) is version control software that aims to be a better CVS than CVS. See
17:21.00 pacman87 not what i wanted :(
17:21.08 pacman87 MTee: download the source
17:21.16 MTee I did
17:21.21 pacman87 read the readme
17:21.36 MTee pacman : thanks .. forgot to do so :)
17:25.36 MTee pacman : isn't brl-cad supposed to be portable and run on either windows, mac or linux ?
17:25.57 brlcad PrezKennedy: I often only sleep a couple hours in a given night
17:26.31 brlcad pacman87: some (better) browsers let you resize those text boxes :)
17:26.47 pacman87 brlcad: which ones?
17:27.06 pacman87 lynx?
17:27.08 brlcad heh
17:27.13 brlcad probably not lynx
17:27.35 brlcad though I admit I haven't tried recent versions of lynx
17:27.37 pacman87 <3 lynx for helping me get X working on my first linux install
17:28.13 pacman87 MTee: i believe so, what OS are you running?
17:29.55 MTee pacman : now windows. .but looks like i'm going to reboot in ubuntu
17:30.09 pacman87 there's no need to compile for windows
17:30.59 MTee pacman : they said that it's required that i successfully compile and run the s/w, was this intended for linux/UNIX users only ??
17:31.31 pacman87 MTee: you're applying for GSoC?
17:31.42 MTee yep ..
17:32.04 MTee why ?
17:32.38 pacman87 so am i :)
17:33.09 pacman87 but yeah, i'd recommend compiling in linux
17:33.12 MTee :) .. I postulated that
17:33.14 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
17:33.25 pacman87 hi d_rossberg
17:33.49 MTee great .. thanks pacman :)
17:33.55 pacman87 just posted a response
17:36.14 brlcad MTee: README, INSTALL, HACKING <-- useful documentation ..
17:38.42 pacman87 brlcad: what browser were you refering to earlier?
17:38.59 d_rossberg pacman87: i just read it, thank you
17:39.48 pacman87 d_rossberg: any more questions that would benefit from realtime communication?
17:41.53 d_rossberg pacman87: questions: yes; however, i have to leave for today; i'll reply tomorrow
17:42.22 d_rossberg it's an interesting topic
17:43.10 pacman87 i've had quite a few different methods bouncing around my head since i started thinking about it
17:43.18 brlcad pacman87: safari does this
17:43.24 brlcad i believe there's an extension for firefox
17:43.34 pacman87 uses opera
17:43.35 brlcad
17:44.59 pacman87 right in the middle of me typing a question for d_rossberg
17:45.33 brlcad irc's really hard for some of the other devs :)
17:45.50 brlcad to stay on-line -- they tend to be e-mail junkies
17:46.02 brlcad mailing list of app comments are best
17:46.30 pacman87 i prefer irc
17:46.41 brlcad likewise
17:46.58 brlcad can't really "require" folks use it though, not with our current developer base
17:47.09 pacman87 much easier to ensure that your ideas are understood how you intend
17:47.17 pacman87 when you have immediate feedback
17:48.38 brlcad pacman87: have you looked at how the sketch+extrude primitives interact?
17:48.57 brlcad they're very closely related to what you're proposing
17:48.58 pacman87 no, that was my 'more research needed' line
17:49.33 brlcad as extrude is basically a simple linear sweep, sketches are just 2D outlines
17:50.36 pacman87 it would be trivial to add sketches to my method
17:50.41 brlcad thinks it would be cool/better to be able to "extrude" *any* primitive, not just sketches
17:50.52 pacman87 skip the 3D ->2D step
17:51.01 brlcad yeah, sketches should be easier, just a subset
17:53.03 pacman87 given his interest, i'm assuming d_rossberg could be my mentor?
17:53.41 brlcad tbd
17:53.57 pacman87 figured as much
17:57.22 pacman87 goes to class, back in 5.5 hours
18:03.32 brlcad cya
18:31.52 PrezKennedy brlcad, i wish i could do that
18:32.01 PrezKennedy im dead tired if i get less than 6 hours of sleep
18:47.30 *** join/#brlcad MTee (n=mt@
18:50.58 *** join/#brlcad mt__ (n=mt@
18:51.09 mt__ ~svn
18:51.10 ibot Subversion (aka SVN) is version control software that aims to be a better CVS than CVS. See
18:51.42 mt__ hello.. i'm having troubles compiling brlcad in ubuntu
18:53.10 brlcad either download the source tarball (instead of svn checkout), install an unmodified GNU libtool (debian devs modify libtool and break it), or feel free to provide a suitable workaround patch :)
18:55.30 mt__ I know I shouldn't have waited till the last minute .. but I won't be able to send the app except after 2 or 3 more hours .. big deal ?
18:57.53 brlcad the sooner the better
18:58.09 brlcad I have extra questions for the last-minute submitters
18:58.55 mt__ brlcad : such as ?
18:59.16 brlcad it'll be attached to your submission
18:59.40 brlcad tick tock
19:02.03 mafm bye
19:02.16 brlcad cya mafm
19:05.53 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
19:15.52 andrecastelo brlcad: hey, in struct mater_info (raytrace.h) it has ma_color[3] and ma_temperature declared as floats.. wouldn't it be better if they were fastf_f ?
19:17.16 clock_ brlcad: can it calculate also chromatic aberration - if yes what's the name of the appropriate lighting model?
19:17.20 clock_ multispectral library?
19:19.00 brlcad andrecastelo: these days probably -- most structs are intended to have fixed sizes for v4 serialization/format compatibility
19:19.18 brlcad not compilation-dependent sizes (and fastf_t can change)
19:19.37 brlcad would have to investigate how struct mater_info pertains to the v4 file format to change it
19:22.30 andrecastelo i see
19:37.52 hippieindamakin8 hey ppl
19:42.36 andrecastelo hey hippieindamakin8
19:43.11 andrecastelo does BRL-CAD use Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function ??
19:49.28 *** join/#brlcad spike1234124214 (
19:54.56 PrezKennedy if i was still into programming, brlcad would be a cool mentor
19:58.03 yukonbob PrezKennedy: get back into programming ;)
19:58.42 PrezKennedy the only way i could see myself programming was if i was learning PHP to do a webapp of some sort
20:00.51 andrecastelo PrezKennedy: why did you leave ?
20:01.13 yukonbob PrezKennedy: why do you say on PHP?
20:01.27 PrezKennedy andrecastelo, i think programming is incredibly boring ;)
20:01.28 yukonbob *say only PHP
20:01.42 andrecastelo PrezKennedy: :( it's awesome :(
20:01.55 PrezKennedy yukonbob, first thing that came to mind... have had a little experience with it... could do python or something like that I guess
20:01.57 andrecastelo but i won't argue :b
20:02.39 PrezKennedy andrecastelo, i know some people enjoy it... i used to... but i like what i do now instead
20:03.00 yukonbob PrezKennedy: ah -- and why do you say web-app, versus say, a desktop app or utility, or library code?
20:08.18 andrecastelo PrezKennedy: and what is it you do now ?
20:14.02 prasad_ programming is only fun if u like what u code
20:14.07 prasad_ like not xml
20:14.07 prasad_ ..
20:14.30 ``Erik xml is like violence, if it doesn't work, use more of it
20:14.31 ``Erik O.o
20:15.12 andrecastelo ``Erik: hahaha
20:16.47 prasad_ especially when implementing adobe's broken code
20:16.49 prasad_ sigh
20:23.44 paulproteus Jesus Christ, PHP?!
20:23.52 paulproteus Of *course* programming is boring if you live in PHPland.
20:24.14 spike1234124214 wave
20:24.15 ``Erik
20:24.16 ``Erik O.o
20:35.15 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30640 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Added inner solid fill for tire - next step is to provide proper 'cut out' shape.
20:36.56 brlcad jeebus!.. the annual jpr cad report is 5k
20:37.18 brlcad what a scam
20:37.23 ``Erik that's it? I thought it costed six digits just to get a quote in this industry O.o
20:37.37 brlcad
20:37.51 brlcad 6 billion dollar industry this year
20:39.21 clock_ brlcad: I have read that the worth of Linux kernel is 1 billion dollar
20:40.15 andrecastelo hey brlcad .. does BRL-CAD use any kind of Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function??
20:40.27 brlcad sounds a bit exaggerated to me, clock_
20:40.42 brlcad business-wise, perhaps -- but not necessarily the code itself
20:41.06 brlcad at least ohloh ranks them at under a 1/3 at a 100k salary
20:41.33 brlcad andrecastelo: the phong model
20:41.37 brlcad plastic shader
20:42.20 brlcad shaders represent a BRDF response, there are a variety of shaders available (phong being the most prevalent)
20:43.07 brlcad cook-torrence is also in there, but not well tested
20:43.21 brlcad I use it when I need really pretty shiny glass
20:43.48 andrecastelo hmm
20:44.17 brlcad src/liboptical/sh_plastic.c for phong if you're looking for source ref
20:44.28 brlcad the shaders are all in sh_*.c
20:44.41 andrecastelo thanks i'll take a look
20:44.51 andrecastelo i've updated my app though, hope i didn't miss anything
20:44.57 brlcad k
20:45.17 brlcad gets e-mails since he's commented on all of them
20:45.48 andrecastelo brlcad: oh lol, forgot about that :b
20:48.46 brlcad tis going to be a really tough selection -- there are at least six strong candidates (from my perspective, other mentors may vary)
20:49.06 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
20:49.23 andrecastelo brlcad: you should accept all six of them :b
20:49.27 andrecastelo hehe
20:49.37 ``Erik google won't give us 6 slots, not as a first year project
20:49.39 brlcad that wouldn't be a good experience for the students
20:49.58 brlcad takes time to coordinate amongst devs
20:50.11 ``Erik doubts we'd get 4, even if we asked for that many :)
20:50.44 andrecastelo well, i hope that i'm selected..
20:51.27 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (n=psilva@
20:51.28 andrecastelo i'm impressed at how serious BRL-CAD and BZFLAG treats GSoC
20:51.42 andrecastelo definetely a differential
20:51.56 spike1234124214 well, would you want to apply to one that was less serious?
20:52.35 spike1234124214 i wouldnt...better to be prepared than not
20:53.39 PrezKennedy yukonbob, because the web is where i have the most experience and most interest... however if i did a crappy accounting program for construction companies... i could make big $$$
20:53.46 brlcad maybe we could just make the deciding factor some mged modeling task (muahahaha) .. see who survives
20:54.04 PrezKennedy brlcad, did my brother get ahold of you finally?
20:54.06 andrecastelo mged doesn't like me
20:54.22 brlcad PrezKennedy: he got ahold of the right people eventually
20:54.30 brlcad andrecastelo: it doesn't like anyone
20:54.40 ``Erik mged doesn't particu... brlcad beat me to it
20:54.56 andrecastelo lol
20:55.02 PrezKennedy thats good... he hasnt quite learned yet that it takes some initiative to go somewhere...
20:55.08 brlcad powerful but very unforgiving .. and it's not going to help you
20:55.29 ``Erik do we have a write-up of the history of mged? mebbe that'd help people understand why it is like it is?
20:58.27 PrezKennedy and andrecastelo, im a system administrator and IT support
20:58.32 ``Erik *stretch* *yawn* that nap is done, time to go home :D later, kids
20:58.52 andrecastelo later ``Erik
20:59.00 PrezKennedy darn government workers!
20:59.35 brlcad volume 1 covers the history/philosophy a bit
21:08.49 yukonbob mged is user friendly; it's just particular about who it's friends are...
21:11.21 brlcad :)
21:11.46 brlcad nice characterization :) pretty true
21:11.47 prasad_ was never a friend :(
21:13.09 brlcad wishes there were a decent resolution independent opengl gui library
21:13.38 prasad_ hmm no idea :o
21:14.16 prasad_ heh u know we 'phased' out gfc
21:14.26 prasad_ we only deal with rendering flash now
21:14.40 brlcad that's sad
21:14.46 prasad_ i dunno if they're open to releasing that codebase
21:14.56 brlcad liked the georgia forestry commission
21:15.23 prasad_ slash and burn cultivation
21:15.24 prasad_ what can u do
21:15.26 prasad_ :(
21:15.35 brlcad you should press for it, open source it for brl-cad ftw!
21:15.46 brlcad lgpl
21:15.57 prasad_ codebase is pretty huge
21:16.14 prasad_ maybe in 1-2 yrs
21:16.18 prasad_ heh
21:16.18 brlcad bah
21:18.57 andrecastelo brlcad: hey isn't there a proposal to an Open GL Gui Lib?
21:22.00 brlcad working on the GUI front-end, eys
21:22.20 brlcad that still doesn't resolve the fact that there's not a good toolkit available :)
21:22.52 prasad_ quite a pain to make one too
21:23.03 prasad_ not being sarcastic
21:23.06 prasad_ just takes a lot of man hours
21:23.26 prasad_ at least one that can be classes as a toolkit
21:23.29 prasad_ classed*
21:25.36 brlcad yep
21:25.45 brlcad that's why I want to use one, not write one ;)
21:27.03 andrecastelo hehehe i thought the other way hehehe
21:30.10 brlcad they could work on a toolkit all summer -- they might get a couple percent done
21:30.25 brlcad probably better to invest effort in making something like cegui resolution independent
21:38.20 *** join/#brlcad MTee (n=MT@
21:38.50 MTee brlcad
21:39.27 MTee brlcad : should I run BRL-CAD under linux .. or can i do it under windows ?
21:39.39 brlcad you can do whatever you like :)
21:40.13 MTee thanks :)
21:42.29 prasad_ is diva active?
21:42.35 prasad_ or has it been replaced
21:44.07 MTee brlcad : should I work on a specific version ?
21:45.15 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30641 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/mged.bat: For the moment, put back the old START command. Without the "2>&1 nul" we lose the output from forked apps like rt.
21:49.21 ``Erik um, diva/adrt/isst/rise/etc is all being reworked
21:49.42 ``Erik needs to buy new tires
21:50.17 brlcad MTee: depends what you're trying to do
21:50.49 brlcad devs are expected to use latest svn and be competent at building for their platform
21:51.23 MTee i see
21:51.54 ``Erik and those who decide to use debian/ubuntu should understand how to work around their broken libtool
21:51.55 ``Erik :D
21:52.47 prasad_ reworked?
21:52.53 prasad_ by mal?
21:53.00 ``Erik no
21:53.25 ``Erik I'm on the "isst" task, which involves folding the various forks back together and making it more robust/unified/easy
21:54.21 prasad_ ah
21:55.22 brlcad MTee: new devs can always get up to speed -- really depends what you're trying to do for the next couple weeks
22:05.09 MTee brlcad : I know this sounds crazy .. but I'm really having troubles .. I'm trying but I don't know if i'll be able to patch the program and eventually send the app !!!
22:05.53 brlcad MTee: send the app in first
22:05.59 brlcad the patch can happen later
22:06.24 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30642 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/nsis/brlcad.nsi: Add shortcuts for RtWizard.
22:06.25 brlcad better to have detail and effort in the app itself
22:06.40 brlcad especially since the submission deadline is pretty firm for the initial revision
22:07.20 MTee ok so I'll work on the application now and send it within an hour .. good ?
22:08.36 andrecastelo hurry :b
22:08.52 andrecastelo brlcad: about the app, did you have the time to take another look at it ?
22:09.08 brlcad andrecastelo: hah
22:09.12 brlcad no, not really :)
22:09.28 brlcad is in like 10 discussions at the moment with the deadline approaching
22:10.10 andrecastelo hehehe
22:10.37 andrecastelo do you think you'll be able to take a look before the deadline ?? :B
22:11.14 brlcad probably not, why?
22:11.28 andrecastelo nah, i just wanted to refine it a bit more
22:11.33 brlcad feel free to
22:11.34 andrecastelo but no problem
22:11.38 brlcad please do refine
22:11.47 brlcad refine, detail, etc
22:11.56 brlcad that doesn't stop with the deadline
22:12.06 brlcad the deadline is for the initial submission
22:12.11 andrecastelo really ?
22:12.26 *** join/#brlcad cad07 (
22:12.32 brlcad we have another week to poke and prod for additional information if needed, to clean up the submissions, agree on the scope/focus/plan/etc
22:12.58 brlcad we'll likely have our finalist by the end of this week
22:13.07 brlcad but technically we have a week and a half
22:14.05 andrecastelo hmm ok..
22:14.53 andrecastelo brlcad: one thing - in the feedback you said the first step of the timeline was a little doosie.. i've added some detail but what exactly is doosie ?? :)
22:16.02 brlcad the scope of that effort, amount of work involved
22:16.07 brlcad compared to the other steps
22:17.11 brlcad sort of like "step 1: make it work .. step 2: chill with a beer" :-) big difference in what is involved for each step :)
22:17.25 andrecastelo ah ok, i understand :b
22:17.46 andrecastelo well, i've added some "sub" milestones and more detail, i hope it is better now
22:18.40 brlcad okay
22:19.26 MTee brlcad : what's the most important points to be included in the app ?
22:23.59 brlcad anything and everything that you think the mentors should know
22:24.05 brlcad detail
22:24.33 brlcad especially about your proposal idea -- not just what was mentioned on the ideas page, it needs to go into detail on the idea
22:25.08 brlcad details about yourself, execution timeline, how it relates to brl-cad features and code, etc
22:25.44 brlcad notes this is all on the wiki,
22:45.39 PrezKennedy ok this typo is ironic :P
22:45.50 PrezKennedy "Bugs, typos, and compilation errors are to be expected as part of
22:45.50 PrezKennedy the process of active software development and documentation, but it
22:45.50 PrezKennedy is ultimately unacceptible to allow them to persist.."
22:46.07 PrezKennedy unacceptable is spelled incorrectly
22:46.19 brlcad tick tock, 75 minutes till deadline
22:46.43 brlcad PrezKennedy: hehe ;)
22:47.06 brlcad so now that it's been pointed out, someone (tm) should fix it
22:50.35 PrezKennedy indeed!
23:16.22 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30643 10/brlcad/trunk/HACKING: not acceptable!
23:39.51 poolio hacking is not acceptable?
23:43.29 brlcad twas quite acceptible :)
23:48.20 poolio ah

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