IRC log for #brlcad on 20080408

00:20.08 andrecastelo brlcad: question: how can i commit with brlcad (using svn) ?? i've found a typo i want to fix :)
00:22.36 brlcad andrecastelo: you make a couple patches first to engender trust that you understand and are following HACKING first :)
00:22.51 brlcad patches tracker is on sf
00:23.01 andrecastelo ok, if anything burns i'll call you
00:23.10 brlcad nods
00:32.28 andrecastelo brlcad: ok, i guess everything worked as expected
00:32.48 andrecastelo here's the patch : (i've submitted it already)
00:33.13 brlcad heh
00:33.18 brlcad coulda just said that one :)
00:33.47 andrecastelo i wanted to submit my first patch :)
00:34.03 andrecastelo (this is not the patch you want me to submit though)
00:34.07 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30644 10/brlcad/trunk/HACKING: it's apparently an int pointer, thanks andrecastelo
00:34.47 andrecastelo cheers
00:39.38 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30645 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/nsis/brlcad.nsi: apply sf patch 1936200 (Selecting the environmental variables in NSIS) so that PROGRAMFILES is properly set. kinda helps the windows installer work. thanks suryajith.
00:43.45 andrecastelo brlcad: that last patch was related to the problem i was having hehehe
00:43.50 andrecastelo compiling brlcad
00:46.04 brlcad really?
00:46.12 brlcad you're on windows?
00:46.25 andrecastelo yes
00:46.32 andrecastelo non english windows
00:46.33 brlcad marks down the application a few points
00:46.38 brlcad j/k :)
00:46.39 andrecastelo ;O
00:46.43 andrecastelo WAIT
00:46.49 andrecastelo i have debian installed!!!
00:46.50 andrecastelo :)
00:46.59 brlcad uh huh, suuure you do :)
00:47.13 andrecastelo hahaha
00:47.36 brlcad doesn't matter, if the mascot isn't a little daemon with a pitchfork, you're still getting marked down ;)
00:47.55 andrecastelo :(
00:48.23 brlcad our windows side actually needs lots of loving
00:48.56 brlcad almost all of the work put in to date has been by folks that really don't like windows on a very deep level :)
00:49.20 brlcad knowledgeable, but not liking working on windows does kinda affect what gets fixed/worked
00:49.41 brlcad it gets done out of sheer demand
00:49.56 andrecastelo i see.. i guess i'll try building the source on linux
00:50.18 andrecastelo and on debian i've heard i have to do some work arounds
00:52.20 brlcad finding a good work-around for default debian would be a very useful patch
00:53.02 andrecastelo but isn't the work-around debian sided ??
00:53.22 andrecastelo installing an unmodified certain library
00:53.42 brlcad well yeah, that works
00:53.47 brlcad but that's not a "work-around"
00:54.04 brlcad waiting for the devs to fix a problem they don't want to fix is also not a work-around
00:54.27 brlcad our build system accounts for lots of system configuration problems so things "just work" as best possible
00:55.25 brlcad macs have a poorly configured libtool that is useless by default, for example, but takes care of it
00:56.20 brlcad there are a slew of work-arounds in configure and some of the files
00:56.23 andrecastelo so, should detect that the system is debian and it has a flawed library, and taking care of the problem..
00:56.57 brlcad the failure happens during make -- so the fix could happen just about anywhere up the chain
00:57.35 brlcad we had a work-around in there before, which involved recursively declaring dependencies for all binaries (utterly massive duplicitive link lines)
00:58.16 brlcad that's a pretty bad work-around though, involves editing every single with a target
00:58.36 andrecastelo and i guess build times sky rocket ?
00:59.00 brlcad and had the massive link lines, slow build times, big logs, annoying link-line duplication
00:59.16 brlcad kinda a shot-gun approach
00:59.29 brlcad should be something that can happen during or configure
01:01.10 brlcad or who knows -- maybe things have changed since then and we have a bonefide build bug that needs fixed
01:01.26 andrecastelo i'll be afk for a minute and then i'll try compiling it with debian
01:01.54 andre|away just a sec, be right back
01:03.35 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Channel logs at || BRL-CAD is participating in the 2008 Google Summer of Code, see || GSoC applications are being reviewed throughout the week, final candidates will be required to provide a useful patch
02:00.49 andrecastelo brlcad: i've been looking at the viewarea.c and i'm clueless as to how to connect it to the standard center point idea (median of the points that form the area).. can you give me some pointers ?
02:02.46 brlcad do you see how those are callbacks called during rtarea?
02:03.23 brlcad pre/during/post callbacks
02:04.04 andrecastelo i thought of using struct area, but i think this struct is a completely different concept
02:04.17 andrecastelo (seems to be)
02:04.24 brlcad right now it stores things as just a counter iirc -- but to compute center of presented area, it needs to also store the X,Y values -- and then average them at the end
02:05.24 andrecastelo yes, it counts the presented hits and the exposed hits
02:06.02 andrecastelo hm, i kind of understand now - struct area should have a list of points, is that it ?
02:06.58 brlcad yeah, it's too simple
02:07.24 brlcad it's also "wrong" w.r.t. presented hits if you want to fix that too ;)
02:07.47 brlcad almost everyone uses it for exposed areas
02:08.01 andrecastelo w. r. t. ?
02:08.58 andrecastelo but if i just add the points and the function, how would that connect to the whole thing ??
02:09.13 andrecastelo i mean, i need to make the connection, right ?
02:09.41 brlcad ~wrt
02:09.41 ibot hmm... wrt is with respect to, or with regards to, or the Linksys WRT54G on which some people have successfully installed Asterisk. More information at
02:10.05 brlcad connect? hm?
02:10.52 brlcad if you set the values in the hit callback, they'll be available during the output/final callback
02:10.55 andrecastelo to actually input the points
02:12.49 brlcad the x/y/z of the hitpoint is available in the hit callback
02:13.01 brlcad you could stash that into the struct
02:13.17 andrecastelo the rayhit function calls the application, so that where i could get the points, am i thinking right here ?
02:14.15 brlcad the application struct is a "ray-trace application" -- it contains details about the current ray that was fired
02:14.55 brlcad might want to read through quickly to understand the basic structures and callbacks
02:15.03 andrecastelo hm ok ok
02:15.11 andrecastelo but am i on the right track? :)
02:15.16 brlcad yeah
02:30.31 *** join/#brlcad spike1234124214 (
03:49.05 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30646 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Change variable naming conventions to match new measurements
04:17.36 andrecastelo good night everyone
04:17.38 andrecastelo cya tomorrow
04:33.09 brlcad that's quite a few patches
04:39.46 starseeker brlcad: Is there a quick clean way in C (or our utility libs) to concatenate strings? I would like to say "Shape-" + variablestring + ".s" as an argument to mk_* functions
04:40.36 starseeker 's memories of strings and C from college are not happy ones
04:40.56 pacman87 sprintf?
04:41.35 pacman87 newstring = sprintf("Shape-%s.s", variablestring);
04:42.33 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
04:42.35 pacman87 or try strcat
04:43.02 pacman87 but you need to make sure your string has enough room
04:43.35 brlcad snprintf ftw
04:43.49 pacman87 what's the 'n' do?
04:44.19 brlcad or bu_strlcat()
04:44.26 brlcad n is the buffer length
04:44.40 starseeker thanks guys
04:44.45 brlcad snprintf(buffer, size, "Shape-%s.s", variablestring);
04:44.46 starseeker ftw?
04:44.49 brlcad ~ftw
04:44.50 ibot extra, extra, read all about it, ftw is wtf backwards, or for the win, or for the win
04:45.06 starseeker heh
04:45.16 pacman87 for the win twice?
04:45.51 brlcad ~pacman87 is astute
04:45.51 ibot brlcad: okay
04:45.59 brlcad ~pacman87 is also here
04:46.00 ibot okay, brlcad
04:46.03 brlcad ~pacman87
04:46.04 ibot pacman87 is probably astute, or here
04:46.40 starseeker brlcad: is snprintf preferable to sprintf? (see both in the code)
04:46.43 pacman87 is that an xor?
04:46.46 brlcad starseeker: yes
04:47.00 pacman87 only astute when not here?
04:47.08 starseeker ugh
04:47.21 brlcad ~pacman87 is also the nick for someone on irc
04:47.22 ibot brlcad: okay
04:47.26 brlcad ~pacman87
04:47.27 ibot i guess pacman87 is astute, or here, or the nick for someone on irc
04:47.33 brlcad factoids
04:47.36 starseeker doesn't care what the length is, he just wants to use the concatentated string for a shape name...
04:47.55 brlcad starseeker: you have to put it into a buffer, so you have to care
04:47.59 brlcad else use bu_vls strings
04:48.28 pacman87 was wrong earlier
04:48.36 brlcad ~forget pacman87
04:48.36 ibot brlcad: i forgot pacman87
04:48.39 pacman87 int sprintf ( char * str, const char * format, ... )
04:48.46 pacman87 returns int, not new string
04:49.02 brlcad wasn't going to get all pedantic
04:49.03 pacman87 ~blame pacman87
04:49.04 ibot ACTION blames pacman87 (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
04:49.21 pacman87 well, if he tries to use what i said, it'd blow up on him
04:49.29 brlcad it's good for him
04:49.42 pacman87 doesnt like lying to people
04:49.42 starseeker mumbles under his breath about languages that can't abstract anything and starts in with snprintf...
04:49.53 brlcad shouldn't use any function on blind faith, that's why there are manpages and headers :)
04:50.37 pacman87 if i'm going to help, i feel obligated to help correctly
04:50.54 brlcad starseeker: you don't have to worry about the size with bu_vls strings -- that's why they're there
04:51.14 brlcad otherwise you're writing into a buffer of static or allocated memory and can have a corruption if you don't check/limit your length
04:51.20 starseeker OK.
04:51.29 brlcad you would just concat into a bu_vls
04:51.30 starseeker takes a look a bu_vls...
04:53.33 brlcad struct bu_vls str; bu_vls_init(&str); bu_vls_printf(&str, "Shape-%s.s", variablestring); .. then later bu_vls_free(&str); something like that, check the header for exact args
04:54.34 brlcad or see other examples throughout the code
04:55.23 starseeker Cool.
04:55.26 starseeker thanks
04:56.19 brlcad relatively high-performance heap-based string management
04:57.04 starseeker figured there was something in there somewhere :-)
05:01.39 starseeker is moderately bemused to note that there is no other use of any bu_vls function in proc_db according to grep
05:02.23 brlcad not surprising, tend to just find static arrays and fault intolerant code
05:04.42 starseeker Hmm - will mk_* functions accept a vls type?
05:04.58 brlcad bu_vls_addr(&str)
05:05.59 starseeker ah :-)
05:06.08 starseeker just figured out the grep that found it
05:06.08 brlcad (see bu.h and wdb.h)
05:06.13 starseeker righto
05:08.21 starseeker bingo - thanks brlcad! Sorry for such an elementary question...
05:09.05 brlcad the first ones are always free ;)
05:13.04 pacman87 is there a brlcad elementary question market?
05:18.59 starseeker is beginning to feel malloc stir like an ancient demon in the depths of his memories...
05:27.07 pacman87 balrog?
05:45.32 starseeker something like that :-)
05:46.28 starseeker has been lingering too long in the gentle forests of Lisplorien ;-)
05:46.57 starseeker woo-hoo: one step closer
05:47.07 starseeker
05:48.15 pacman87 impressive
05:48.38 pacman87 my revolve should make that a bit easier to do
05:48.47 starseeker indeed
05:50.30 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30647 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Add option to append text to all components of a tire shape - allows for multiple definitions in one g file, required for curved subtraction of tire solid.
05:51.07 starseeker should have said text to the shape names
05:51.10 starseeker crud
05:52.16 pacman87 you're writing C code to generate the tire?
05:52.26 starseeker Ah, well - once I figure out the equation to automatically calculate the cutout and do some robustness testing, I should be ready for the next stage
05:52.27 starseeker yep
05:52.33 starseeker proc-db
05:52.41 starseeker learning exercise
05:58.13 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
06:00.58 *** join/#brlcad camcorder (n=draco@
06:20.52 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
06:36.15 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
06:39.22 brlcad starseeker: eep, you should only ever init once -- you trunc it thereafter
06:40.14 brlcad very nice screenshot, though
06:48.50 *** join/#brlcad spike_ (i=[
06:50.33 brlcad late night, eh?
06:55.42 spike_ nods
07:32.17 brlcad burps, sips and wanders back to an editor
08:05.42 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
08:16.04 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, thanks for accepting the patch Sean
08:32.32 spike_ stumbles off to bed
08:32.34 spike_ night guys
09:21.28 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
10:05.34 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:08.21 mafm hi
11:39.16 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
11:41.12 d_rossberg pacman87: i've send you an e-mail to your gmail account
11:43.07 clock_ Is this GSoC somehow connected with gmail accounts?
11:43.20 clock_ I once wanted to open a gmail account and realized the terms and conditions are unacceptable for me
11:43.39 clock_ is like gmail account required to participate in the GSoC?
11:44.50 archivist gmail is good for list type mail
11:45.16 clock_ I didn't ask about features of gmail
11:46.16 d_rossberg yes, you need an gmail account to subscribe
11:46.40 d_rossberg but you don't need to use them for other things/communication
11:47.38 clock_ and if the gmail accounts terms and conditions are unacceptable for you then you cannot participate on GSoC?
11:48.47 d_rossberg as i said: you need the account to subscribe
11:49.01 archivist bend your principles a bit, it wont hurt
11:49.03 clock_ OK so the participation on GSoC is bound by the gmail terms and conditions
11:49.54 clock_ archivist: your kind request is ignored
11:50.08 d_rossberg but the gmail terms and conditions are not bound to all of your communication
11:50.47 clock_ whatever - I am not interested in GSoC anyway
11:50.58 clock_ I just wanted to know how Google behaves
11:51.55 d_rossberg i use may account for GSoC only
11:53.52 clock_ Global System of Censorship
11:59.45 starseeker brlcad: Ah, sorry
11:59.47 starseeker fixes
12:02.48 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30648 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Truncate the string to reset it correctly.
12:29.23 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
13:02.12 brlcad actually, you need a "google account" -- you can turn any e-mail into a google account
13:02.35 brlcad not just gmail
13:09.09 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
13:14.30 clock_ brlcad: in that case you don't actually need to agree with their non-GSoC conditions to participate in GSoC?
13:25.46 brlcad right
13:27.47 d_rossberg and why did i created my gmail account last year?
13:48.34 brlcad d_rossberg: my bad ..
13:48.40 brlcad it was a pretty prevalent misconception
13:48.50 brlcad only clarified this year
13:51.29 mafm GSoC: We received more than 7,000 applications, compared with last year's count of 6,179; we look forward to bringing you more updates on applicant demographics over the next few days.
13:51.47 mafm it seems that they got what they wanted, after all
13:51.54 brlcad sorta
13:52.06 brlcad this year fairs rather well for students
13:52.28 brlcad student applications only increased by about 13%
13:52.44 brlcad org/slots increased by about 30%
13:53.19 brlcad so chances of getting accepted are considerably higher (on average) this year than they were last year
13:54.38 mafm well, that depends mostly on the number of *students accepted*, not the number of orgs :)
13:57.56 brlcad yes, but it's already been said that the number of slots will correspond to the increase in slots
13:58.06 brlcad er increase in orgs
13:58.32 mafm so ~1200 students
15:04.47 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r30649 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/ (ged.c mged.bat): Removed hack that was used to have output from rt apps show up in mged's command window in gui mode.
15:39.11 ``Erik *yargn*
15:47.48 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
16:35.12 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
16:35.30 andrecastelo hey everyone
16:35.39 andrecastelo hey mafm, brlcad
16:52.05 mafm hi
16:52.52 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30650 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Redo the side subtractions, make tire input parameters variables
17:05.04 yukonbob starseeker: how is this project going? Fun? Difficult?
17:05.14 yukonbob waves in to the cadheads
17:34.59 pacman87 waves back
17:35.57 pacman87 yukonbob: give any more thought to your acoustic modelling?
17:53.35 yukonbob pacman87: hey
17:54.12 pacman87 hi
17:54.25 yukonbob pacman87: re: accoustic modelling -- no haven't thought more about it -- I _have_ had the idea for ~1yr, though, so the idea isn't only 1week old to me...
17:55.18 yukonbob what I need to do is start exploring the rt facilities and just "playing" -- then determining what "light models" map to what "sonic models" and sync-up parameters (I think) :)
17:55.58 *** join/#brlcad cad05 (
18:00.58 yukonbob wonders out loud: /me wonders if the best way to process a scene would be to map single-bounce waves, and order by distance to determine the time (of audio signal), and then map double-bounces, and process the same, then triple, etc., etc.
18:01.19 yukonbob s/waves/rasy
18:01.22 yukonbob *rays
18:03.10 yukonbob s/accoustic/acoustic/
18:03.13 pacman87 doing a breadth-first calculation?
18:03.35 pacman87 wide and shallow first, then deeper and narrower
18:04.27 yukonbob what do you mean by "wide" and "narrow"?
18:04.48 pacman87 a depth-first approach would be to start with a direction
18:04.56 pacman87 and trace it back to the sound source
18:05.10 pacman87 with as many reflections as you want
18:05.25 pacman87 then do the same with the next direction/ray
18:05.51 pacman87 what you're saying is to get the first bounce from every direction
18:06.00 pacman87 then get the second bounce from every direction
18:06.09 pacman87 and so on
18:06.57 yukonbob that's right -- seems most "intuitive" to me; but could just be naive?
18:07.00 pacman87 ex: empty cubical room, with you and a sound source
18:07.44 pacman87 yukonbob: i'm pretty sure it's faster to do depth-first
18:08.25 pacman87 and you can keep track of the sound amplitude/volume too, and stop tracing the path back when its contribution gets too small
18:09.56 pacman87 depth-first can be done recursively, so you keep track of the previous hit pints
18:09.58 pacman87 points
18:10.04 yukonbob pacman87: the way I'm imagining the processing would be doing the breadth-first, then processing all those "same level" items for time/spatialization, so it's closer to producing "serial" output
18:10.34 yukonbob re: depth-first and too-small contributions -- that's a good point...
18:11.10 pacman87 i'm saying you'd be redoing a lot of the work finding the second level that was already done for the first level
18:11.16 yukonbob nods
18:12.01 yukonbob right -- I'd end up w/ some exponential Order
18:13.46 pacman87 for each hit, you'd need to check the direct path to the source, the reflected path (from the surface normal), and the transmitted path (through the object, direction depends on surface normal and speed of sound outside/inside the material, similar to index of refraction)
18:14.14 pacman87 and for each of those, you'd do the same thing again
18:15.49 pacman87 and stop when you get to your preset maximum path length to disregard the insignifigant parts
18:18.58 pacman87 of course, this all assumes that the objects are not affected by the sound waves. i'm not sure how you'd go about modelling the actual objects vibrating
18:20.44 brlcad yukonbob: have you looked at the brl-cad docs for writing a new ray-trace-based application?
18:20.59 brlcad what you suggest shouldn't be all that much work to do
18:23.40 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:28.07 ``Erik
18:33.43 brlcad :)
18:33.45 yukonbob brlcad: I've probably seen them, but haven't reviewed them critically with this application in mind..
18:34.08 ``Erik handling interference would be the hard part, I'd imagine
18:34.46 brlcad basically it's a fairly simple way to write apps that need to do energy/interaction simulations
18:35.53 brlcad
18:36.18 brlcad or the more detailed
18:37.06 mafm bye
18:37.25 yukonbob brlcad: cool
18:37.27 brlcad cya mafm
18:37.27 yukonbob reviews
18:37.34 yukonbob ciao mafm
18:38.19 brlcad basically it alll centers around calling rt_shootray() -- you shoot a ray and have it do this or that if you hit or miss
18:39.39 brlcad so creating an image is basically shooting a grid of rays with rt_shootray(), for every miss you have background color, for every hit you color the pixel based on what you hit
18:40.14 pacman87 brlcad: i just replied to d_rossberg's email, you're cc'd
18:40.15 brlcad doing a simulation might involve shooting a "burst cloud" or rays with rt_shootray() and for every hit, shoot another burst cloud, recursively
18:40.21 brlcad pacman87: okay
18:41.03 ``Erik we need the grid generation crap hoisted into librt :/
18:41.06 brlcad I've not read the initial exchange in detail myself, but it sounds like a lot of the discussion is about sweeping, not revolutions
18:41.34 brlcad thinks "solids of revolution" when he reads a revolve -- which are fairly well-defined
18:41.36 pacman87 well, the revolution is a special case of a sweep
18:42.01 brlcad sure, it's a subset, but the math behind that subset is a helluvalot simpler :)
18:42.28 brlcad particularly for implementing things like tess() and plot()
20:07.32 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
20:21.47 prasad_ what's the best yacc implementation these days
20:21.53 prasad_ bison or byacc?
20:24.18 ``Erik best for what? O.o bison is the gnu version, byacc is the bsd version... different philosophies
20:24.35 prasad_ ic
20:25.01 prasad_ best for getting a passing grade
20:25.02 prasad_ :o
20:25.44 yukonbob prasad_ what are you trying to do?
20:26.20 prasad_ modify the yacc spec of this compiler for my class
20:26.32 prasad_ dling bison for cygwin right now
20:26.37 ``Erik if the spec works with byacc, it's damn solid... bison is ... extended
20:26.40 prasad_ so hoping it'll be enough
20:27.31 prasad_ erik the defender of bsd
20:27.34 prasad_ ;)
20:44.31 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
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21:22.18 ``Erik defender of tools that "just work, damnit" :D
22:43.32 yukonbob in prasad_'s case, the answer for "which tool" is "whatever tool that grammar is for"
23:04.06 ``Erik I thought I'd alluded to that, but I guess I wasn't very clear :D

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