IRC log for #brlcad on 20080413

00:52.19 iraytrace It's quiet
00:52.47 iraytrace 5 hours of silence
00:53.31 pacman87 we're all playing idlerpg. i'm losign now
01:39.27 *** join/#brlcad vedge (
01:48.09 andrecastelo where's everyone :(
02:48.24 louipc raises a hand.
04:18.17 starseeker is alternating between going out and banging head with gvim
04:18.57 starseeker has the sense that he might REALLY start to like gvim, if he ever masters basic motion in it...
04:22.45 louipc well you can always fall back to basic arrow keys :P
04:22.54 louipc but hjkl is much better
04:23.02 louipc and such
04:42.57 starseeker :-)
04:52.51 *** part/#brlcad paulproteus (
05:14.03 brlcad tsks that jdoliner didn't stick around
06:59.02 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
07:36.15 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
09:08.52 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (i=Matthew@
09:30.27 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
10:36.20 brlcad mmm, time to nap
10:36.32 brlcad now that I've royally messed up my schedule
11:46.33 *** join/#brlcad cad87 (
12:30.12 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
13:52.10 ``Erik heh
13:53.45 ``Erik hjkl is only part, bBwW{}^f^b ... all important for good navigation :)
13:54.08 ``Erik and if you have the markup set correctly, % is invaluable (matching bracket/brace/paren/whatever)
14:37.18 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
14:42.19 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
15:29.23 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
15:51.17 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r30664 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/tire.c: Add a little extra clipping to sides to eliminate hairline floating material.
15:58.26 starseeker ``Erik: What do you do to set vim up to automatically do BRL-CAD style code formatting? (indents, etc.)
16:09.46 *** join/#brlcad andrecastelo (n=chatzill@
16:10.02 andrecastelo hi everyone
16:11.14 brlcad howdy andrecastelo
16:39.28 yukonbob morning cadheads
16:44.42 andrecastelo morning yukonbob
16:59.09 andrecastelo brlcad: i'm happy to say my patch is 80% ready hehehe
17:00.54 brlcad andrecastelo: heh, cool
17:09.48 andrecastelo brlcad:
17:10.11 andrecastelo i guess the only thing left is the output of the center point
17:14.53 brlcad looking good
17:21.00 yukonbob adds "/" and "?" to vi 'navigation'
17:40.30 andrecastelo brlcad: ok, finished.. feedback?? :)
17:58.39 *** join/#brlcad Elperion (
18:33.47 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
18:34.12 poolio yukonbob: don't forget 'n' and 'p'
18:38.36 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:42.44 brlcad andrecastelo: yeah, post it :)
18:42.58 brlcad it'll get reviewed in detail come time to patch
18:43.04 andrecastelo ok ok
18:43.07 brlcad but quick glance through looks good
18:44.43 andrecastelo hm ok thanks :D
18:49.38 andrecastelo brlcad: i still need to do some testing though
18:49.55 brlcad okay
18:52.03 andrecastelo brb
20:04.50 yukonbob poolio: re: n & p -- indeed
20:15.26 poolio yukonbob: are you switching over from emacs?
20:17.29 yukonbob poolio: no likely
20:17.32 yukonbob *not
20:17.33 yukonbob <PROTECTED>
20:17.36 yukonbob I use obth
20:17.38 yukonbob *both
20:17.50 yukonbob needs to learn to type :P
20:18.36 yukonbob is an emacs user who know vi -- which I believe is as it should be in *nix land -- know vi, or suffer, no matter what your favourite editor is...
20:19.07 yukonbob (if one is indeed using "unix", and is not just an end-user who doesn't happen to care what the OS is)
20:19.20 poolio yeah true
20:19.32 poolio I've always wanted to give emacs a go, but I've never gotten past the initial learning curve
20:19.40 poolio I just get frustrated and go back to vim
20:19.40 yukonbob has been saved by knowing basic "ed" before...
20:19.55 yukonbob poolio: start at the beginning, continue to the end, then stop...
20:20.13 yukonbob <PROTECTED>
20:20.52 yukonbob has been grooving on XEmacs for the last couple years, but Lucid or FSF are *basically* the same beast...
20:21.07 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
20:21.20 yukonbob recommends poolio installs an Emacs, and just uses it for a while w/o giving up on it...
20:21.25 yukonbob hey hippieindamakin8
20:21.30 hippieindamakin8 hey yukonbob
20:21.54 yukonbob hippieindamakin8: vi or emacs?
20:22.03 hippieindamakin8 vi and nano :P
20:22.18 brlcad tsk tsk
20:22.20 yukonbob hippieindamakin8: vi or nano?
20:22.25 hippieindamakin8 vi
20:22.46 yukonbob hippieindamakin8 redeems hisself, somewhat...
20:23.00 yukonbob ;)
20:23.11 hippieindamakin8 havebeen using Kate all along.. slowly moved to vi and gvim :)
20:23.23 hippieindamakin8 have to get used to emacs keyboard
20:23.51 yukonbob == nvi -- my philosophy w/ computing is "the dumber, the better" when it comes to tools...
20:24.32 hippieindamakin8 yukonbob, emacs is installed.. but takes time getting used to it :)
20:24.38 yukonbob *nvi, when using vi, versus vim, or the other kitchen-sink, creature-feature vi variants
20:25.12 yukonbob hippieindamakin8: re: time -- that's what we were talking about just before you arrived... but some people don't seem to like to devote that time...
20:25.37 hippieindamakin8 hehe .. started learning LISP so have to spend that time :)
20:25.52 hippieindamakin8 but after the endsems :(
20:26.23 poolio yukonbob: will do this summer. I've got a huge list of "Thing to learn" that has been building up this past year
20:26.47 yukonbob thinks that learning editing via both vi and emacs is as trancendental as learning Lisp is supposed to be in the realm of programming languages...
20:27.01 *** join/#brlcad clock_ (
20:27.05 yukonbob is complete neophyte in scheme
20:27.45 poolio yukonbob: I'm thinking of learning some scheme this summer... I used to know some Lisp, but I've heard great things about scheme
20:28.01 poolio The functional programming course at my school is in ML but yeah...
20:28.23 yukonbob poolio: /me thinks the scheme scene is confusing as hell... so saying "scheme" is really only a hint at what any one implementation is like...
20:28.36 poolio true
20:28.46 hippieindamakin8 says "Grab the force of the lambas "
20:28.55 poolio The whole million variants to any one functional programming language is quite confusing to a newbie like meself
20:29.19 yukonbob the grief over the recent r6rs ratification may only serve to further fragment scheme, despite the intention...
20:30.54 yukonbob has played w/ Guile a bit, but may end up moving to Chicken because he's got online friends who are into it...
20:31.41 yukonbob unfortunately, Chicken is one of the implementations that say "To hell with r6rs, r5rs is good enough for us"
20:52.15 *** join/#brlcad Twingy (n=justin@
22:01.07 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30665 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/image.c: duplicate headers
22:02.18 CIA-20 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r30666 10/brlcad/trunk/ (10 files in 10 dirs): recursive lib dependency fixes for the ubuntuneers. not done
22:53.37 hippieindamakin8 brlcad, there exists this code for editing the arbs in ~/librt/g_arb.c and also a similar version exists in ~/mged/edarb.c so..
22:54.09 hippieindamakin8 i have to implement this with OO behaviour..
22:55.22 *** join/#brlcad Axman6_ (
22:55.24 hippieindamakin8 k then i ll wait for u or Mr. d_rossberg to return or shall reply to the comment over there on GSoC student page
22:55.35 hippieindamakin8 hey Axman6
22:55.51 brlcad those two files do different things, one is representation and ray-tracing, the other editing
22:56.36 hippieindamakin8 ya but the part of the code which deals with the editing of the primitives is the same
22:56.58 hippieindamakin8 i aint talking about the entire code but that part at the end..
23:05.26 brlcad hippieindamakin8: yes, there are several places (in mged and libwdb) that need to be refactored back up into librt
23:05.47 brlcad the edit functions in mged are such functions
23:05.56 brlcad (not just arbedit)
23:06.08 hippieindamakin8 ya seen that
23:07.52 hippieindamakin8 ohk.. and the one is edarb.c is customised to deal with the arbs
23:08.44 brlcad nods
23:09.52 hippieindamakin8 is trying to put up an answer to the qstn
23:25.10 Axman6_ yo hippieindamakin8
23:28.29 hippieindamakin8 hey rt now all the models of arbs use all their 8 element space in an array meant for vertices ? smthing like say arb4 0=3; 4=5=6=7;
23:46.08 brlcad all arbs are arb8
23:46.45 brlcad at least when stored to disk, when read from disk, the duplicate vertices are recognized and the corresponding arb is instantiated
23:47.44 hippieindamakin8 ohk,,
23:47.46 hippieindamakin8 thanks

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